HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-02-17, Page 12PI 1 7,f;,Titig HURON EXPOSITOR! SaAF0t1TH, 9NTe FEB. 01490A • 40 OBITUARIES, ,• ROGER MeCLURE George Roger McClure, 73•, Seaforth, died Sunday in West - rein_ Ster Hospital, London. He bad been ill for three years. A carpenter by trade, he served for four years in the First War. Born and educated in MailloP, he farmed there before going to Manitoba in 1938. He re- turned here in 1960. He. was married in 1920- in -McKillop to Rosena Mae Alli- son, who predeceased him in 1938. Survivors include a son, George, London; two brothers, Robert, and James, McKillop; four sisters, - Mrs. Dorothy .Broadfoot, Haney, B.C.; Mrs. John (Elizabeth) Simpson, Ed- monton,. Alta.; Mrs.. Garnet (Gertrude) Taylor, Staffa; Miss Ethel McClure, Seaforth. The body was at the R. S. Box funeral home here, where a funeral service was held Wed- nesday at 2 p.m, conducted by Rev. J. C. Britton, of Northside United Church. Temporary en- tombment was in -Pioneer Mem- orial Mausoleum, Seaforth. Bur- ial will follow in Maitlandbank cemetery. Pallbearers were John Ad- ams, Art McClure, Ross Mc- Clure, Glenn McClure, Don Mc- Clure and Clarence Taylor. Flowerbearers were Bex Taylor, Rus Taylor, Ken McClure and Ron McClure. LLOYD ELLIOTT Lloyd Elliott, of the Staffa area, died in Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital Tuesday. For the past five months he had been in poor health. Born -in---Fullarton Township, August 9, 1895, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott. On June 21, 1921, he married Verna Chessell, who died Sept. 15, 1963. For 47 years he had been employed with the McKillop, Logan & Hibbert Tel- ephone Company. Surviving are one son, Reg- inald,Staffa; two daughters, Mrs. Donald (Mildred) Tixidall, London; Mrs. Harold (Audrey) Fischer, Fullerton; four broth- ers, Durwtad, Hamilton; Nor - yell and Lorne, Hibbert; 'Earl, Dublin; three sisters, Mrs. How- ard (Clara) Fletcher, Lambeth; Mrs. Harry (Ada) Schellenber- ger, Clinton; Mrs. Homer (Eth- el) Jeffery, Detroit, Mich.; nine grandchildren and one great- grandchild. The body is at the Lockhart funeral home, Mitchell, ,Where a funeral service will be held Thursday at 2 pen. Rev, A. H. Daynard, Staffa United Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Staffa cemetery. MRS. RODERICK MacLEAN The death occured in Sea - forth Community Hospital, on Monday, of Mrs. Roderick MacLean, 84. ,The former Mary Ann Morrison, she was bornL in the Isle of Lewis, Scotland. Married in Scot- land 4n 1905, she came to Can- ada. in 1924. Her husband predeceased her April 1, 1965. She is survived by a 'daugh- ter, Mrs. Tony, (_Catherine) Phillips, Seaforth. and sons, Roderick W., Kitchener; An- gus, Seaforth; Norman, and Donald' J., Egmondville and by seven grandchildren arid one great grand child. Two sons predeceased. her. Serv- ice 2 p.m. Thursday, at the R. S. Box funeral home, Sea - forth, will be 'conducted by her minister, Rev. Alan Scdtt of Egmondville 'United Church. Temporary entomb- ment, Pioneer Memorial mausoleum, Seaforth. GEORGE PERCIVAL TAY- - LOR , George Percival Taylor, of RR 1, Walton, died Tuesday morning in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, aged 81 years. He was born in Hul- lett Township, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Taylor. His wife, the former Jessie Louise BeU, predeceased him in 1916. For the past number of years he has farmed in McKillop Township, with his son George, who survives. He was a member of Duff's United Church; Walton. Funeral services will be held from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, on Goderich St. West, Seaforth, on Thurs- day, Feb. 17th, at 2 p.m., with Rev. A. \ Higginbotham officiating: Temporary en- tombment will follow in the Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum BRUCEFIELD Unit Three Meets Unit three cif the Brucefield UCW held their February meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Ken Scott with 17 members pres- ent. The meeting was opened by singing "Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen In' Me." A film was enjoyed on "Brazil and Its People." A discussion on the film wa-led by Mrs. Anna Aide winkle. The worship service was led by Mrs. J. Mustard, Mrs. B. Walker and Mrs. Ald- -winkle. Mrs. Ken Scott led the business. Mrs. J. Aikenhead gave the secretary's report. Members were' reminded of the entertaining to be done by the next meeting, and 'pennies to be collected are to include 1960 and 1961, A travelling bake sale will be started in aid of the Messen- gers. The draw prize was. won by MrseMerGraham. The next meeting will bp' held at the. home of Mrs. Fred MeGregor, The entertainment was in charge of Mrs. Roy Leppington, and lunch was seryeed, by Mrs. Robert Delteinple 17r7 her as- sistants. Unit One, Tuckersmith The February meeting of the UCW Brucefield United Church, Tuckersmith Unit No. One, was held at the home of Mrs. Wil- son McCartney on Tuesday af- ternoon. Mrs. J. Henderson opened the meeting with a poem, at the request of Mrs. Stackhonse; al- so read the scripture. The of- fering was received by Mrs. N. Sillery •and, dedicated by Mrs. J. Henderson. Mrs. Mac Wil- son read from the scripture, John 16:1 to 10.; also gave the topic, "Abiding In Christ," which was used by her mother 60 years ago, which was .much appreciated by all. Hymn 286 was sung and Mrs, Wilson clos ed this part of the meeting with prayer. Mrs. John Broadfoot, the lead- er, then took the.chair for the business part. Mrs. Broadfoot• welcomed the new minister's wife, Mrs. Stuart, to ehe unit. In the absence of Mrs. E. Thom- son, Mrs. Ross Scott gave the secretary's report, and the roll call was. "Love." •Mrs. Ham read thank -you notes from the Turner family, .Mrs -gebrge Henderson and Mrs. M. Cald- well. " The March meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. B, Walters. The meeting closed with • prayer., ,and lunch was served by Mrs. McCartney and her committee. •\• Euchre Winners The Order of the Eastern Star held a euchre in the IOOF Mall on Wednesday afternoon. The travelling prize was won by Mrs. Harold Pethick; high prize was won by Miss Mae Smith, with •Mrs. Evelyn Appleby win- ning the consolation. The near- est birthday was Mrs. Pearl Mc- Farlane. A delicious lunch was enjoyed, LOL. Gives Gift to Horne District of Hullett Loyal Orange Lodge, which consists of Goderich 182, Goderich Town- ship 145, Clinton 710, Seaforth 792, and Winthrop 813, met in Winthrop Hall on Wednesday night. Charles Ruffle, Gotieriele was in the chair. Visitors from 219 Greenway attended the meeting. Ten dollars was donated to the- True Blue and Orange Home. Wor. Bro. Pat Page, from Greenway Lodge, conduct- ed the election of officers, which resu}ted as follows: Wore Mas- ter, Wayne Smith, Seaforth; Deputy Master, Mervyn Falcon- er, Clinton; chaplain, John W. Henderson, Clinton; recording secretary, Norman Colclough, Goderich; financial secretary,_ Lavern Godkin, Winthrop; treas- urer, Frank Falconer, Clinton; lecturers, Roy Elliott and Mel- vin Hulley, Winthrop; marshal, Orval Beuerman, Winthrop; auditors, Ken Betties, Winthrop, and Charles Ruffell, Goderich. South Huron LOL will hold their annual meeting in Sea - forth next Wednesday. The I2th of Juiy celebration will be held in Harriston this year. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Murray, of. Exeter, motored to St. Pet- ersburg, Florida, for a few weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson and family recently visited Mr.* and Mrs. Sam Storey, of Sea - forth. , Mr. and Mrs. Don McIntyre, of Ailsa Craig, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Mellis. The UCW held a pot -luck dinner and quilting bee at the church on Thursdey, tw6' quilts being completed. Unit two was in charge of the dinner. Dur- ing the afternoon a short busi- ness meeting was held:, Mr. Norman Dickert was ad- mitted ' fdr surgery Friday in Clinton Public Hospital, Mr. Robert Thomson and Mr. Bert Thomson- attended the John Deere show held in Exe- ter laerweele. • Mr. Robert. Brown, Q.C., and Mrs. lBrown, of Detroit, , Mrs. Marguerite Ulch, Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little, of Hensall, visited Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Long. . Rebekahs Losers A euchre party is planned to follow the Feb. 28th meeting of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge. Ten- tative plans were made for a dessert. .euchre the end' of March. Members of the Rebekah Lodge were losers to the Odd- tellows-iff 'a penny contest in aid qf the CPT fund, so will he providing .a banquet td the winners. The .CPT committee will be making the arrange- ments. It was 4.eported that.Mrs. George Campbell is a patient in a London hospital. Mrs. Jas. Rose announced that receipts from the 'March of Dimes can- vass totalled $641.48. Members agreed that an expense account totalling $25.00, ,wotild be paid by the lodge as their elonaticui to the fund. • Mrs. -Tillie Dunn won the mystery prize. "See Us FIRST" WARE • YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR MOORE BUSINESS FORMS LTD. CALL US TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION .110. ACCURATE 'AND:EFFICIEN`r% -131rSINESS FORM RE&O'ROS CAN INCREASE '101111,:'' PROFITS 1 'SPEEDISET.S SALESBOOKS RESISTERS AND FORMS CHEST CHECKS REDIFORM BOOKS z , "Shice 186Q, Serviqg the Community First" I Phone 527-0240 Seaforth ',.,dodded,444.eidd• WO1WEN'S. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The vanishing parties con - thine. Mrs. John Langstaff was hostess at a bridge party on Feb. 9th to Mrs. Donald Mor- ton, Mrs. Donald Brightrall, Mrs. Donald Stewart, Mrs. Don- ald Kunder, Mrs. Glen Chesney, Mrs. R. J. Boussey and Mrs. Gar Baker. Mrs. Harold Wilson enter- tained Mrs. A. • Houston, Mrs. A. Horner, Mrs. A. Wright and Mrs. M. Clugston. Mrs. Alton Johnston, Mrs. Raymond Nott and Mrs. Alex Wright gave a donation of $4.00 each. Mrs. Joseph Smith had as guests: Mrs. John Oldfield, Mrs. William Oldfield, Mrs. Junior Storey, Mrs. Bessie Davids, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Ross Savauge and Mrs. Harvey Dolmage. Mrs. P. B. Moffat and Miss Annette Sinclair were co -hos- tesses at a supper party on Feb. 11th for: Mrs. J. C. Britton, Mrs, Wm. Bill; Mies M. -Starlett, Miss G. •Hoggarth, Mrs. James Scott, Miss Gladys , Thompson, Mrs. George McCartney, Mrs. Neil Bell and Mrs. Tom. Wilbee. Mrs. W. R. Smith entertain- ed at a euchre party on Feb. 7th: Mrs. David Schnek, Mrs. Joe Kelly, Mrs. Clarence Mal- one, Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. Charles Geddes, Mrs. Frank Nigh, Mrs. Mack MacLean, Mrs. Robert Upshall, Mrs. Bill O'Shea and Mrs. Maxwell Carter. Classified ads pay dividends. C OF C DISCUSSES (Continued from_Fge cent years street sins had been placed on every street, as well as signs on No. 8 High- way, Total cost of these pro- jects had been ever $2-,000, of which $750 had been received by way of a grant from the town. The balance, or $1250, had been raised by the C of C. Liter in the meeting Mayor Flannery asked council whe- ther it was the feeling that the work would be done by the C •of C, or if council would do it. He said he understood the C of C was to have called a meet- ing and discussed the matter with other interested groups, and then indicate to council a suggested course of action. He added he understood that -in Mitchell the job had rbeen one locally for a cost of perhaps $700 or $800. Clerk Williams said that it didn't look like too large a job to him, and that he would be willing to undertake to allot the numbers. He added it would be in the power of code - St. James' Euchre Winners - A successful euchre party, under the auspices of the CWL, was held in St. Jarffes' School recently, with 19 tablet' in play. Winners were: Ladies, first, Mrs. Dan Burns; consolation, Mrs. Joe Lane, RR 5,, Seaforth; enen's first, Lewis Coyne; con- solation, John Lansink. Lone hand prizes were won by .Mrs. Stanley Garnham and .Albert O'Reilly. Mrs. Mike Murray won the lucky cup prize. ; ell to pass a beehive which, would make necessary the, umbering of all property. Council agreed the proposal be referred to the general gov- ernment committee for study and a decision that could be indicated to the C of C at a meeting on February 23rd. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Keyes, Kitchener, visited 'at the home of his brother, Mr. Wither, Keyes and Mrs. Keyes on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rennie, of Toronto, were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudindrie, of Wallaeeburg, spent a few days with Miss Hazel Reid last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cough- lin, of London, were guests of Miss Alice Reid over the week- end. Mrs. George A. Love; Gode- rich, was aeguest of her broth- er -Mr. James F. Scott and Mrs. Scott on Sunday. -Mr.--and Mrs. A. J. Mote, of Riverside, spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. A. W. Corby. Mr. James Crich, of Mark- ham, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crich. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mode - land left Sunday for St. Peters- burg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Forsyth, of Tuckersmith, left last week for a holiday in Florida. Mrs, Mae Stack,. of Squamish, B.C., was a recent visitor at the home of the Misses Grey. Couple Celebrate 50th' Anniversari Former bank manager in Hensall and Listowel, L. 11. Coles and his wife celebrated their 50th. anniversary with a receptien. The couple was also enter- tained at a family dinner at the Blue Barn Restaurant, Lis- towel. A native of Wheatley, ffr. Wes had started his 43 -year honking career there with the Merchents' Bank, which was later taken over • by the Bank of Montreal. Both he and his wife were employed at the Merchants' Bank in Calgary, Alta., when they- met. Mrs. Coles is the former Jane Curry Daniel, of Avondale, N. S. The couple was serving with the Medical Corps in Calgary.. Following his discharge from the armee' Mr. Coles became bank manager at Three 'Hills, Alberta, and later at Viking. Returning to Ontario in 1927, he worked for a short time in Toronto before being transfer- red- to- -Hensel. In 1934, Mr. Coles was appointed manager in Listowel wherehe remain- ed for six years before moving to Smith Falls. On his retire- ment in 1950, the couple re- turned to Listowel. Both are members of Lis- towel United Church and Lis- towel i Golf and Country Club. Congratulatory messages were- recefved from Governor-Gener- al Vanier and Mrs. Vanier; Prime Minister Pearson; Hon. John Diefenbaker; J. Waldo Monteith, MP, Stratford, and Mrs. Monteith. A cable was al- so received from their son, WU- liam, who is In Port Harcourt, They have two other chil- dren: Flt.Lt. Jack Coles, Ot- tawa, and Mrs. David (Ruth) Hay, Listowel. There are eight grandchildren. Too Late FOR SALE e•—•' 43. pigs,. seven weeks, old. Don Carter, phone 527-1166. • 8-12x1 FOR *ALE — 2,000 bales of hay, oto cents a• bale. Marshall Yanlanduyt, RR 1, Cromarty, phone 44 R 4, Dublin. 11-12-1 FOR SALE — Big Holstein bull calf, one week old. Ap- ply Roy Swart, St. Columban. 8-12x1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR --ALL. PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY. 16-19 INCLUSIVE. WE TOP VALU UNSWEETENED -APPLE JUICE SAVE ,40c, /® 4I -oz, $1 00 - • TOP VALU ASSORTED • . CANNED DRINKS ; 13'1-'itu•1.00 PANCAKE MIX, SAVE • 311.-01:;11,00 HO POWDERS Pkgs• 9.00 8 lolls -9.00 TOMATO• KETCHUP SAVE 6 11-O7. .00 DUNCAN HINES ASSORTED 2 : 89° AUNT J.EMIMA (Reg. or Buttermilk) ASSORTED FACELLE MODERNE ASSORTED BATHROOM TISSUE sAZE, TOP YALU. , • CAKE MIX St:1E SCHIVEIDERS PICNIC HAM AMIE SHIRLEY GAY CHERRY PIE Sft:IleE FRASERVALE FROZEN GREEN PEAS SOLO COLOURED MARGARINE TOP VALU CHEESE, SPREAD SPECIAL PACK p '2' $1 49 Tin • 24 -oz. Family 490 Size Pie a 2 -21. 890 Poly Bags ,)AVE 4,1 1 -Ib, coo 5c Ai Pkgs. -07 16 -oz. Jar RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. FLORIDA NO. 1 WHITE OR PINK ize ' GRAPEFRUIT.4 9S6'i 39° U.S.iDNO. 1 LETTUCE Large 39, Heads TABLERITE BLADE ROAST' (BONE IN) LKIN SIEAFORTH 2. • ONTARIO SEE THIS WEEKS JGA HANDBILL FOR- MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES! 0' 4, • • di -,e 4 4' 4. )' 1 A;