HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-02-17, Page 11•• THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTli ONT FIL II 1904-41 • USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS • TO -YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities ' 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted • . 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Foultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale IL Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. 1�r Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wattled 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted ;2- Legal 'Notices 23. Business .Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word., Eachnumher, initial and ab- breviation eounts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Claasifications • 2, 3,.8, 9, 10; 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, iminimum 40c an insertion. Clatisification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4-liee verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents • per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal • Notices (22), rates on applica- tion.. , For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following 10 Inser- • tion, 15 CENTS deducted from . above rates. COMMERCIAL. CLASSIFIED RATES (For •Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cent)/ per insertiort Billing charge,:15 cents Per advertisement. e • 1. Coming 'Eirents DANCING, Brod/lager/ Com- mutity, -, Hall, Ericla3r, Feb. . 18th, music by .the Concords. Admission $1.00e•-each.e4-12-1 CABARET Dance, 13todnagen Community' Hall, '.;SattirclaY, Feb. 19th. Free. lunch. 1424 MARCH 20th, NHL Hockey, Toronto .in Detroit. Tickets and information, call Miller Motors, phone 527,1410. •'1-12-4 THERE will be a meeting of Local 264 O.F.U., in the Town Hall, on Sat., Feb. 19. at 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. 1-12x1 SEAFORTH Farmers Co -Op- • erative. Annual Meeting to be held March" leth, at 7 p.m., Egmondville United Church. • 1-12-1 HURON County Egg Produt- ers are urged to attend their Annual' Meeting, in the Ag- ricultural Board Rooms, Clin- ton, Thursday,eMarch 3rd, at 8:00 p.m. Purpose to elect twelve committeemen as County representatives to the Ontario Egg and Fowl Pro- ducers Marketing Board. Guest speaker, .Tim Huctwith, Forest Ont., • Zone Director, for Essex, Kent and Lambton Counties. 1-12-2 11. Articles For Sale QUANTITY of Clfmai Tim- othy: Robert Dalton, phone 527-1366. 11424 PORTABLE air compressor. Apply Ar,Vneale, Stella, phone 11 3, Dublin. • F • 11-12x1 rsid., buffet, 3/4 -bed, roll- away bed, small table, arm chair, dresser and chest of drawers. Phene 527-0458. ONE youth bed, with plastic mattress, 5% feet x 3 feet, in good condition. phone Seaforth, 527-1204,- -or Brus- sels, 497 J 4. 1142,1 PUREBRED Pekingese pups, With champion bleed line, male or female. Mervin Nott, Seaforth, phone' • 527-1420, nights 527-0167. 11-12-1 HAVE your ' diamond ring cleaned and checked now, free of charge at • Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 114141 NEED a second watch for work? Buy a Timex, Remem- ber Sell and service all -Timex modes,—pricedrom $7.95 up. Anstett Jevvellers Ltd, 11-11-tf CUPBARDS, 8' 3" long, including white enamel deep sink, top good condition. Rea sonble offer accepted. Ap- ply Box 1539, Huron Exposi- tor. • 11-12-1 SILVERWARE speci', 3 only 58 -piece sets, regular $79.95, now only $69.95, chest includ- ed. 2 only 78 -piece sets, ser- vice for 12, with chest for on- ly $59..95. Anstett Jewellers Ltd.. 11-11-tf SEED • • 4.. g lp Wanted NO CAPITAL; REQUIRED Men or women, here is a business you could start en- tirely on a credit basis. Full or part time: Write promptly • without obligation for com- plete information. Rawleigh, Dept. -B363-0S, 4005 Reh- elieu; St. Henry, Montreal. 4-12-1 POPULAR AVON COSMETICS Has opening for one ambi- tious lady in the EGMOND- VILLE-KIPPEN area Act -at once while territory available. Phone collect evenings, Mrs. Millson, London, 451-0541 for appointment. 440-4 • 8. Farm Stock For Sale THIRTY -three pigs... Henry Klaver, RR 4, Clinton, Ohne 482-9156. 8-12x1 TWO grade Holstein 'OeWS, due the first part of March. Lou McIver. .8-12x1 TWELVE pigs, 7 to 8 weeks old. Robert Regele, RR 1, Dublin, phone 527-0715. 8-12-1 TWELVE sows, ready to breed: Dan O'Connor, Lot 20, Con. 2, Hibbert, phonei.Dub- lin, 17 R 9. 8-12x1 TWO , Jerse3k cows, bred •• Sherthorn, due the first of March. Apply Oliver Wright, phone 527-1727. 8-12-1 ABERDEEN Angus calves, make good bulls Or 4-11-Valf prospects; also a feW older feniales. R. .T. Doig, Seaforth, fhone 527-0763. 8-11-tf • 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Mats Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed ,Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or - dem early. • SCOTT. POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Ssforth Phone 527-0847 Box 180 • 10. Used Cars For Sale 1964 Rambler American, 4 - doer sedan, in good condition. Very low mileage: This is an Estate car. Mrs: J. Jordan, Dublin, 13horie 69R 4. 1(112x1: FOR SALE Garry Oats certified Russell Oats, registered. Keystone Barley, certified. Red Clover, cleaned and test- ed Mixtures available with or without spring wheat. 'RUSSELL BOLTON, phone • 52'7-1428 ART BOLTON, phone 537=0455 Early order discount until March 11, 1966. 11-124f 14, Propgrty For Sale • HOUSE for sale in EgmOnd- ville. 3 bedrooms, gas fur- nace, bathroom, new roof, and extra lot. House needs some repair. Phone 527-0458. 14-11-tf 15. Property For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 52'1-081,0 or Ex- eter, 235-1510, • 15-10-tf APARTMENTS, $16 to $60. Apply Harvey Dale, phone 6274406. 15-10/x8 APARTMENT, heated,. 3 or 4 room, , private entrance. Phone527-Q722. 15-12-tf ROOM, breakfast served if desired. 1 block from 49'1M/ - town. Call 527-016$. 1642-1 APARTMENT, orr Main St., heated • with gas ( furnace, available shortly., Box •1540, Hureif-Expositer. 15-12xtf FOR' RENT Apartment, available now, with • private entrance,• .elese •to uptown. For further information call 5274352. • 1#1O-tf FOR -RENT — Large lower apartment; South Main Street, gas furnace, bathroom, also bas•ernent; stove and frig., if (leaked. Apply Carl Dal- ton, phone 527-0702. 15),�-tf SELF contained, attractive apartment, one bedroom, a large living room, full bath- room, ' kitchen. Box 1541, Huron Expositor. 1542xtf TWO hundred acres of good crop land for rent. Owner is purchasing other business. Apply •George Stone, RR 1, Seaforth, phone 527-0136. •• 15-12x1 THREE-bedroomhonk, ih the Village of Dublin, with immediate possession. Coe - tact Peter E. Maloney, Dub- lin or phone Sebringville, 393-6589. 15-12-tf SEED GRAIN FOR SALE Grown from Registered Seed. Canada No. 1, Herta Barley Canada No. 1, Russell Oats Canada No. 1, Clintland 60 Oats' Canada No. 1, Selkirk Spring Wheat Mixed Grain available from' the above seed: • Save money and order be- fore March 15. LORNE FELL, Staffa, phone 116 R 11, Dublin. • 11-12x5 12. Wanted •To Buy BOY Scout shirt and hat, size 14. Phone 262-5257. 12-12-1 USED furniture, highest cash prices paid. ,CaIl Mike Cum- mings, Auctioneer, 66 Hain ilton St., Goderich, phone 524-9064. 12-12x2 ANTIQUE figuiture, Picture ames, -elipboards, lanips, and dishes, etc. Will buy individual pieces or complete household. Phone 271-1578. 12-1041 LATE' model riding tractor, garden, preferably with full attachmerits, ne toy, capable of handling all conventional attachments. Must be in •tep codition.. Cash, Gerald Hl - land, Dublin, phone 3. - 12-12-1 14. Property For Sale. BRIC1 hous3, must be de- itiolihed, $100.00. Robert Dalton, phone 527-1366. • 14-12x1 FOR SALE — Dwelling house with all modern conveniences situated on 10% acre lot of land, with barn, driving shed and pig pen, on Lot 91 Con. 3, Tuckersmith. Write 22 Norman Street, Stratford, phone 527-1034. 14-11-2 ATTRACTIVE Modern 2 -bed- room home, well, landsaped, on Franklin Street, elope to buainess section. Oil furnace, new kitchen cupboards, gar- age. May be seen by apoint- ment. Phone 527-1532. 14-11x2 PRICED for sale, in Blyth, ten acVes of, land, with seven room shingle siding house;. bare for 0 cattle; double garage; colony house; village water on tap; water bowls in barn; plowed road in winter and graded in summer; hydro; school and churche; also falen, 80• acres, 1 enile from 131yth. Running Water and hardwood bush. Call 523-4271 Blyth. 1441E3 WANTED A perSon who is looking for a beautiful home, wall -to wall broadloom; prize winn- ing kitchen; bathrooms up- stairs and down; new 2 -car garage. Neat, tidy and com- plete in every detail. Open for inspection. See this ,one' before you consider another. 150 acre farm on No. 8 Highway, between , Clinton and Seaforth. Houses, farms, lots, stores, at reatonable prices. WILLIAM M. HART Salesman • GEO. R. JOHNSTON Real Estate 14-124 . • 17. Wanted To Rent HOUSE or duplex, with at least three bedreoms,bY iness Man vidth four children. Phone 527-1460. • •• 17-10x3 • , 19. Notices WANT HIGHER INTEREST RATES? •• Now 6%. Contact Ken Bur- chill, phone -itchell, 348- 8037. Official Canada Trust, Huron and Erie and Victoria and Grey Trust Co, repre- sentative. 19-11-4 Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs the accomplished by low cost Ex- positor WantAds. Dial 527-040. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment•used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442 w 6. Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY. phone 527-1424. 19-63x25 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Serice, authorized dealer Alvin Riley453- Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-10 -tf MASONRY service —Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; basements repaired, water- proofed . and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ra Y Squire phone 5274332, Box 335, Seaforth. • 194041 • • ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES Highest cash prices paid for dead anddisabled cows and horses. • • Call Collect, 356-2622 .License No. 401-C-65 19-10-tf • NOTICE Any person interested in having an Auction Sale from March lst on, contact George Powell, Clerk, Auburn, RR 1, phone Blyth 523-4210. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 1941-2 REMODELLING, renovations roofing •and floor laying, ex- pertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone j482-7676, Ken MeNairn. • 19-11-3 SINGER Sales and Service, sewing machines vacuum clean- ers, floor polishers, and type- writers. Can Jim McGregor, phone 5271486. '19-104f WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work gparanteed - ANSTETT • JEWELLERS Ltd.: - Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth .19-104f Attention, Farmers CONCRETE SILOS This year will be a • big year in construction. Farmers interested in having a silo built shoukl contact us im- mediately. The average farm- er has two to three silos on his frm. Do you need another silo? Call WES HIIGILL, Zurich, Phone 236-4928,19-10-3 DEAD ANIMALS R,MOVED Por Dead or Disabled Animal- CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7289 Licence No, 850-0-65 191044 • 19, Notices VIOLIN lessons from a quali- fied teacher. Bill lylacLeati, Phone 527-0032. 19-09-4 VACUUM Cleaner Sales 8; Ser: vice for alt makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5350. Hensall.- 19.10-te NOTICE 2i. Tenders Wanted MAITLAND VALLY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY GORRIE DAM SEALED TENDERS, clear- ly =marked as. to centents will he received by the Seeretarl- Treasurer, Maitland ValleY copeervation Autherity, las Ielterman Street West, Box 76i Listowel, Ontario, until, o'Clock noon 06 Wednesday, March 2nd 1966 23. BusinesS, DireetOrY 74 11AF1ER Chartered AcCoentant .55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 5247562 MCCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, , D. McCONNELL, Q.C. ' D. L STEWART • . Seaforth, Ont. Rhone 527-0850 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUl3L1N - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls - Phone 42 R JO. 'BX FUNERAL SERVICE. Prompt.and careful attention Atribulanee,Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones:, Day 527-0680 — Night 5274885 '••Mr. J. CLEABY Seaforth, Ontario zacwszto EMBALMER and FUNERAL •DIRECTOR Night or•Day Calls -,0527-0510 'WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth •AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth We are 'Shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operative of Ontario. To arrange foe -pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night FRANCIS mmrr, Phone Seaforth,'5274946, or gicufikEr... J. DOYLE, Phone /14 It 16, Dublin. Call Collect • • 19-10-tf 21. Tenders Wanted Tendrs' in writing and Marked "Tenders' for Oil", will be received by the und- ersigned until 6 p.m. Tues- day, ‘eury 22, 196 lp6, .fer the %delivery at Seaforth Community Hospital, of No. 5 fuel oil in ; tank quantities as • required from . time, ..to time. Lowest or any tender not necessarily .accepted. LLOYD HOGG.ARTH, Sec„ Seaforth Community Hospital 21-12-1 TENDERS WANTED - - Tenders will be received by the undersigned on or be- fore Satrday, March 5, 1966, for decorating the interior; (2 floors) o Seaforth Car- negie Library. Tenders. are provide for necessary vverk and provi- sion of all materials required. Additional information , may be obtained from the under- signed. '• — HUGH THOMPSON, ChaErman, Property Commit- tee, P.O. Box 582; Seaforth. • 21-12-2 TENDERS WARBLE FLY PROGRAIVI FOR 1966 Twp. of Tuckersmith • Separate tenders for the following will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'- clock noon, on Tuesday, Mar. 1, 1966. Lowest or and ten- der not 'necessarily accepted. 1. WAABICIDE: For the supply of approximately 600 lbs. of warbicide for Spraying Cattle for Warble Fly. Tender to state price per 15 lb. bag- delivered to the Township Shed in the hamlet of Egmondville. Tender to State Chemical Supplier and to be clearly marked "Tender - Warbi- cde". 2. SPRAYING. For Spray- ing Cattle for ,Warble Fly. Tender to state prite per head per spray. Work to be done under the direction of the Inspector in accord- ance with the regtilations of the Warble Fly Act. Tender to be clearly mark- ed "Tender - Warble Fly Spraying". 3. APPLICATIONS: For the Position of Warble Fly -Inspector. The Inspect& will be paid mileage at the rate of 10c per mile while on duty. Applicants to state qualifications and hourly rated salary expcted. Ap- plications to be clearly marked "Application -War- ble Fly Inspector". JAMES I. McNTOSH, Clerk - Treasurer, RR 3, Seaforth. 21-11-2 GRAVEL TENDERS Twp, of Tuckersmith For the crushing and haul- ing of approximately 20,000 cu. yards of 'gravel to Town- ship Roads in 1966: %" screen to be used and the crusher to be shovel fed.„ Contractor to Simply an' re- quirements and to obtain and supplY all gravel. Tender to state pit locations .and the approximate yardage to be delivered from eaOh. • Work to be cdriaplethd by June 19, 1966, under the sup- ervision of the. Read Super- intendent and subject to the approval of the Dept. of High- ways of Ontario-. Tenders to be clearly marked "Tender - Gravel" and inust be in the Rod Sep- erintendent's hands by 12 o'oloek noon, on March 1, 1966, and will be opened and considered on March 1, 1966, at 1:30 p.m. 'Tenders to be accompanied bv a marked cheque' for $.0oo.00. LoWeat or any tender net necesaarily accepted. ALLAN NICHOLSON, • Road Snperintendent, Egmoridville, Ontario. 21-11-2 for the reconstruction of the Gorrie Dam on the Maitland River. Plans, specifications and Tender Documents may he obtained from rysler,. Davis • ,Jorgensen, Limted, Con- sulting Engineers, 503 Yorige Street Willowdale Ontario, tf);Von payment of a $16.00 de- imit., The deposit shall be in the form of a certified cheque payable to .the Maitland Val- 1eV1 Conservation Authority. The proposed work consists of excavation and grading, reinforced concrete, structur, al steel and miscellaneous as- sociated work necessary to reconstruct the Gerrie Dam. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted: C. W.- BAMFORD, Secretary - Treasurer, Maitland Valley Conserve- , tion Authority, Listowel, Ontario. Crysler, Davis ' & Jorgensen, Ltd., Consulting Eneineers. 21-12-1 3. Business Directory OHN E_LONGSTAFF • OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri, 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat.; 9 to 12 noon Thursday -evening by appoint- ment only Phone 5274240 — or 462-7010 Mon., Wed.' — Clinton Office A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res, 527-1643 Seaforth - Ontario SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC - J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, DV.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S. D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth SMALL WORLD e ' 24. Caribof Thal -Ifs , 1 wish to thank all 'ItY neighs bers," relatives and friends fOr their '-cards 4rx4 *"*Igiis while- I was a patient at the Seaforth Community al. Special thanks is given to rather Durand, ' Or, Brady. the nursing staff lan440-141 my neighborawho'asslated at my home. — AlcLapg lin. 2442-1 I wish to express thanks to all those who were Se kind to xne while I was a. patient in the,' .Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Stapleton and Gorwill, Rev. .Britton. and; Rev.. Scott, Miss Drop, and stiff. Every- thing was deeply,,appreeiated. —Mary Boyce. ,24-12x1 I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors' for the lovely cards, -letters and treatasent me while I was in the Seaforth Community Hos- pital. Special thanks to Drs. Malkus and ,Brady, Miss Drope and the nursing staff; also Rev. C. Britton and the W. ___Northside United urch and all those ,,who visited me. It was all deeply appreciated. — Jack Bruce. 24-12x1 MAY we take this opportun- ity to express our sincere thanks to the McKillop Council for organizing the party held on our behalf in the Legion Hall. We would also like to thank all rate-, flayers, friends and members of the County Council who attended and helped to make it a success, also for the gifts presented to us. We are sure it is an event that will long be remembered. •— Kenneth and Clariisa Stewart. 24-12x1 24. Cards of Thtinks A thank you to all who re- membered us ori our Golden Wedding Anniversary. Thanks again. — Rey and Ethel Con- sitt. 24-12-1 WE would like to thank our. many friends 1or card -gifts and visits received while Jim was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. — Jim and . Grace Drummond. 24-121 I wish to express my sincere thanks te relatives, friends and neighbors who sent cards, flowers and treats and those who visited me while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital; also the nursing staff, Dr. Oakes and Rev. Britton, of Seaforth. It was all deeply appreciated. — Mrs. Margaret Taylor. • • 24-12x1 I wish to express my thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors who remembered me with flowers, cards, visits and treats while I was a pat- ient in Seaforth Community Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Father Coughlin, Father Sai- geon, Dr. Malkus and Dr. Brady, Miss Drope and the nursing staff of the hospital. —Mrs. James O'Connor. 24-12-1 25. Inlieirolthun UHLER - In lovingintnit'' • igr5r; of ou- dear znother, Mel* passed away rob,10,-1004 ;AltOrxonlelphOre4 Argt: „ • • lr missecl 1*L•ho,.__17 • 04.AI. tctor and • 25-12x1 In ;P:tv'ilait, nm- ory ot.a dear moth- er,witeAnd:_ Martha .1C14111110r,:"1,110110 passed away Feb. 19, 4004,' BealitiInVF4fteries. -ore .44) we .:have Ieft; Of her we'•'',1ovt03. 'dearly, and will ,ineverrOrgetp -44,- 1-ler loving. annle'lMd, bappy. • face; A brolgetrlink we can never replace; • —Always .Joved and rerdCW"' berecr by hesband..ErnSti.entf Family 254#1 Births DUNGEY 4- AtSt. Joseph's Hospital, London, ere: Feb. 13; to. Mr. and IVIrs.ggny Dungey, Hyde. ,Park, dere•a son, e. JOHNSTON- General Hospital, on_o 9, to Mr. and IVIrs.ry Johnston, VeltillOp,'' a daughter, Joanne Marie.'''' MeNAIRN Kincardine Genera/ Hospital, on Feb. 10; to Mr. and Mrs. lifn McNair/el a daughter, Mo- en Elizabeth. RYAN Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Yell. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Join Ryan RR 5, Seafort-fea son. Deaths TAYLOR — InSeafortli, on F'15 5flrT966 -ore Percival ,.(Pero) Tay14rof McKWop Tue/Pshil)e.11t • 82nd 25. In Memoriam ROGERSON — In loving memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Rogerson, who passed away Feb. 18, 1965. A year has passed since that sad day, The one we love was called away, God took her home it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. .—Ever remembered by the Family. 25-12x1 UHLER — In loving mem- ory of a dear mother, who passed away two years ago, Feb. 19, 1964. No longer with us, Our lives to share, But in our hearts and home, Your memory is kept. God Bless you mother, We will never forget. --Son Rou, farion and Patti. 25-12x1 • 1. Boxholders' Names Not 'Given 'DAC kt is not possible for us to divulge • the -name or addess- of any advertiSer Wing p :Huron Expositor • box numbr. Please domot ask for this infortnatitin. .•••••••••Wr•vrrorrrawr. See.Page 12 For Additional • Classified THE'? 'APE. BRINGING MORE AND MOE. DEADLy DEN ICES AGAINST US, C' -1L, -/ cyES - THERE IA \ • COTINUED' ESCALATION\ \ OF MASS- DSTRuCTIoN WAPONRY; FANCS -AND C?l,_P ONLY REPLY CAN BE GUERRILLA TACTICS. IvIuST SAY ENVY SPENCES sOPHiSTIcATED WEAPONS SYSTEMI dYNTEIP%, OYD/4 ROY ! • ^1. HOPE /T TURNS OUr AS EXPECTED - - ! •-• • - • OUR TOWN IT'S FOR THE BEER•DRINKING, TV WATCHINGNON-GARDSNING SUBURSAN HOUSt OWNER, WITH KIDS AND DOGS latie-r-Fe;141",,T4 111 ILUNKO • 4