HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-02-17, Page 101Mi-m+THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., FEB, •17, 1966 • ACRQSS 1 -Simian 4 -Exclamation 8 -Faint 11 •Missive 13 -Ached 15 -Postscript (abbr.) 16 -Prayers 13•Conjunction 19 -Symbol for. tantalum ?l .College official 22 -Dines 24 -Escaped 26 -Speech im- pediment 28• aeverage 29 -Eagles nest 31 -Weaving . - machine 33 -Man's nick• name 34 -Units 36- Space 38 -Sun god 40 -Allowance for waste 42 -Burdens 45 -New Deal agency (abbr.) 47 -Distance measure 49 -Cook slowly 50 -Part of •church 52- Father 54 -Printer's measure 55 -Note of scale 56 -Platitude •. 59 -Faroe Is. lands whirl- wind 61. -Tavern 63 -Makes into law 66-A continent (abbr.) 67-Footlike part DOWN 1 -High mountain 2 -Pounding instrument 3 -Latin con- junction 4 -Flock 5 -Fairy in "The. Tempest" 6- P.atro n. 7 -Pate 8 -River in Franca 9 -Preposition 10'-Fendle 12 -Preposition 14 -Gave medi- cine to 17 -Go by water 20• Danish is- land 23 -Cooled lava 24 -Note of scale 25- Force 27 -Body of water 30 -Weird 32 -Cries like cow _ 35 -Periods of year 37 -Partner 38 -Bellows 39 -Come into view MEI UM MOM MIEKUMEI MODEM Ea© Eel UMCIE•IO ©M Me moo ©©EES MOO 000M ri EL no 0000M BEM UM 0E 1 MOOM EIEME A EIMO MEM 00MM EIHOE1 MEM OH CM MMOMEI1Et"•]M EE IM MOWNii1ri ENEMA] MC+7C1G'11E1I OM MEED SOLUTION 41. Decorate 43 -Lower in - rank 44 -Compass point (abbr.) 46 -Conjunction 48 -Evaporates 51. Black 53 -Girl's name 57 -Staff 58 -Babylonian fleitY 60 -Worm 62 French article 64- Com rnun,st Party (abbr.) 1 2 3 4 5 "5,6 7 8 9 10 11 12 iC 13 14 15 V+. 16 17 ' +y* 18 •41. 19 20 •S• 21 •••• 22 23 24 25 .4.: 26 27 •O. •.O 28 29 , • 30 •••• 31 32 ,...•33 •::* 4 O 34 35 24, 36 37• + «��•�• 38-- • •-+- 42 - _ 4) +s,: 4243 44 45 46 +.••• .. 47 48 :.. .. 49 50 51 ..+52 53 •'•• 54 X* 44. 55. s••• 56 57 58 :::;59 60 61 62 •.4► 63 64 :4,0;,* 65 ti \66 :+.• 67 INCOME TAX6% Most people by now have received their tax return forms with their- own name printed thereon. If you have not, forms may be secured at the Post Office. I suggest completing the return early . because of ....,the Canada Pension Plan requirements. If you need help, tele- phone for appointment. . PHONE 527-1250 H. G. ME,I`R Report Monthly Meetings of Church Groups S.T. THOMAS' WA MEETING The 'WA of St. Thomas' Church met at the rectory, when the president, Mrs. Boul- ton, opened the meeting with the order of service from the February "Living Message," Mrs. Dinsmore read the scrip- ture, St. Matthew 20:1-16. After reports were given and the thank -you notes read, Mr. Donaldson spoke on the work of the WA and its meaning. Mr. Donaldson closed the meet- ing with the Benediction, after which a social hour was spent. Mrs. Donaldson, assisted by Mrs.- Case..,and-,Mrs. D. Netzke, served lunch. NORTHSIDE HI -C MEETS The regular Hi -C meeting was held on Sunday evening in Northside United Church with 23 present. Christine Pryce, the president, opened the meeting with business and the roll call was answered by "your favor- ite Bible story or verse." The Hi -C was invited to Lon- desboro to a toboggan party on Saturday and will hold a erok- inole party.. on. Friday at Cavan Church. - Joanne and Marilyn Sedley had the worship service. The topic was, "Dg We. Need Wor- ship Service At Our Hi -C Meet- ings?" A discussion followed with everyone taking part. NORTHSIDE UCW UNIT ONE Unit one of Northside UCW met at the home of Mrs. A. Turnbull. President Mrs. Don Wood opened the meeting with a poem entitled, "The • Path." ,The minutes were read by Miss R. Fennell and roll call answer- ed by "My Favorite Recipe" showed -27 present. During the business Vali' 'the penny aprons were handed out 0 ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonie Block • Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seaforth TRAIN TO R -ONTO q FORTp Ask about convenient departure and return times- - -- For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office wM,rE P One . UAbed Pair PARS $3.90 CANADIAN NATIONAL if you're filled with, the spirit of adventure, You're Go -Ahead people.. If you want to en'oy all of life's good things You're Go-Ahegd peopla if you are .bound to make a dream come true You're" Go -Ahead people. • and ladies appointed -to wel- come church folks. Arrange- ments were made for the Val- entine supper. Mrs. Williams reported 35 calls on sick and shut-ins. Mrs. K. Stewart had charge of the devotional part. Scrip- ture reading was given by Mrs. H. Connell, followed with pray- er by Mrs. Williams and read- ing by Miss Fennell. The fourth chapter of the. study book was given by Mrs_ K. Stewart, and Mrs. E. H. Close gave courtesy remarks. - •CAVAN UCW MEETING Cavan UCW met in the church when Hymn 376 was sung and Mrs. Little led in prayer. Mrs. George Campbell presented the mission study on Brazil, called Alliance For Pro- gress. The business part of the meeting began with the min- utes of the previous meeting. Roll call was answered by 20 members. Some correspond- ence was also read. Mrs. Wm. Little gave the report of the M a n s e Committee meeting, which she attended in Seaforth. Some new items .are to be pur- chased for the manse. A gas stove is to be bought for the kitchen at Cavan Church. The UCW ladies are invited to a Valentine social in the church basement, put on -by the CGIT girls and leaders, on Monday evening. Mrs. G. Campbell presided for the Bible study period. Mrs. A. Scott read the scripture les- son from Matthew 18:1-6. Mrs. G. Wheatley took the first part of the -,chapter on the Gospel of the New Life, which dealt with the telling of... the Good News by the first Christians. The second part was telling the story of one fisher of men, namely, Dr. Richard Grenfell, of Labrador. "Take Up Thy Cross" was sung and Mrs. Little pronounc- ed the Benediction. EGMONDVILLE UCW The February meeting of Eg- No Crocodile Tears DEAR DORIS—My husband and I have a horror of funerals and the insincere remarks pass- ed by people who do notknow the deceased, also the' white lies a minister must utter to make--- the „family left ----behind feel better. We would both like ' to be cremated, without fuss. No mourners, no flowers, no ser- mon, no cortege. Our children consider us eccentric; perhaps we . are. But why should they shed crocodile tears at __our_ death, when during our life they only. get in , touch with us when they want something? Browned Off DEAR -BROWNED OFF—Your long letter 'sounds depressed, disillusioned, bitter. T don't like white lies or any other kind, _ nor unjustified eulogies at a funeral. And it's your busi- ness how your remains are dis- posed of. But are you ready reject all claims " to .a loving farewell? Death has' a way 'of bringing folks up short—the survivors I mean. And the comfortof a° clergyman's blessing may mean more to your young people than you think. If you have taught them to prize your material gifts to there, it's a little late now to stage a hate -sparking rebellion. Surely a heart-to-heart talk, with a little, love injected— comes .first! • • DEAR DORIS—When '1 receiv- ed your second letter I thought to myself: What . a very won- derful person Miss Clark must be, to take time out from her bsy schedule to write to me' again -about my problem! As a very small token of ,my appreciation I am enclosing copies of two of my, Iatest writ- ing': I took the picture of our little country church with my little box camera which I re- ceived as a birthday gift 40 years ago. It cost one dollar new and has given • me many hours of pleasure as well as earning me cash with the..pic- tures I take to - illustrate spzpe of my writings. Anne DEAR ANNE — Your news- paper story was delightful and the enlarged illustration unbe- lievably good from a box -cam- era snapshot. Goes to' prove that with in-faginat-ion a n d gumption you can often turn something insignificant a n d cheap into a productive hobby. An, up-and-coming gal I know started a large catering business with the sale of one jar' of heav- enly jam! ing your mind at this late date, it would be better; first, to confess to a trained counsellor, minister, or trusted friend. Be- tween' you, you may decide whether - to saye your husband this heartbreak, or whether it would be better for both of you tf .you •square with him: -- - DEAR DORIS—My husband, when meeting someone new, always invites them to call on us, then wants me, to write a• letter expressing this again. Al- so often sends telegrams of thanks to people or firms afier some visit of their premises or enjoying their hospitality. I do not hold with this as I believe it Ts''''-1Tot-" the correct procedure, and so we wondered if you'd kindly express your opinion. Who's Right? DEAR WHO'S—Cheers fOr a husband with good social im- ulses! Not only are his adeas good public relations; some of his requests are simply a must for a gal who knows her man- ners. As hostess, you are bound to follow through on your 'mate's invitations; and follow-up thank- you's after hospitality are in- deed correct procedure. 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil - ' r WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 NOTICE DAVE'S BARBER SHOP will .be CLOSED Feb. 21 26 m;ondville UCW was -held in6 the Sunday school room of the church with a good attendance. Mrs. Harold Wilson opened the meeting' with words of welcome and a poem, Devotional period was taken by Mrs. I;l. McGorf- •igle. Hymn 376 was sung and Scripture lesson by Mrs. A. Forbes, followed" with prayer by McGonigle. Hymn 388 was then sung. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. J. C. McIntosh. It was proposed by Mrs. R. Mc- Gonigle and Mrs. K. McLean, that charges for banquets be $1.75. Visits are to be made to the Ontario Hospital at Goderich. Thanks was given to Rev. Scott for printing pro- grams, Passages of Scripture. were given by Mrs. (Rev.) Scott on youth, and each group had to look them up and read. The offering wa§ received by Mrs. A. Forbes and Mrs, R. Me- Gonigle. i17i's:•"S;. Wilson called op Mrs. K. McLean, who dis- cussed work of the Girl Guides. She said the Girl Guides are the second largest organization and the UCW is the largest in the .,church, and that to-do things - that they are not taught at home, and can get many badg- es. The one hardest to get is Religion and Life. The Sea - forth trio, Sharon Strong, Eliza- beth Smale and Joan Sinclair, accompanied by Jo -Anne Ellig- sen, sang. Jane Shannon con- tributed a•- piano instrumental. Mrs. L. Strong thanked all who took part. The meeting closed with Hymn 434 and prayer by Mrs. H. Wilson. Group Three serv- ed lunch, with Mrs, M. Dietz as hostess. BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR -Arnord Stinnis; en GROUP t LIFE ACCIDENT and SICKNESS` - MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS ANNUITIES Representing - Sun Life Assurance Company Goderich St. East - Seaforth of Canada - TELEPHONE 527-041Q 6 WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 SEAFO.RTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Piyde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 2354620 CLINTON '482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas T 4 HIGHER INTEREST RATES GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES on amounts of $100 to $100,000 or more for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 _ years. Larger amounts sub- ject to negotiation. - , An -ideal -investment for securityand high return. The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company ESTABLISHED 1889'. i OFFICES: Forest - Sarnia -- .Petrolia HE'ATIN'G OIL Walden & Broad f oot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth Strathroy Contact our Representative: W. E. SOUTHGATE , Phone 527-0400 Seaforth 1 DEAR DORIS—In 1964 I -gave birth to a baby boy. This baby was not my husband's although he does not know this. We lost the baby in November. I want trey, husband to know now and would" like to know if it is pos sible for him to legally adopt him (the baby). The birth certificate papers state that the baby is my hus- band's. Will this complicate things? . Confessing DEAR CONFESSING --- Any child born to a married woman is legally her husband's to start with, regardless of whether he is actually the natural father. Even if your baby were still living, measures to adopt would not be indicated. If your unfaithful act is pt'ey- GoaAhead people bank on tORONTO -DOMINION The- dank where people make the difference. e •''� I3. SP'pI'El.�i`SON, Manager - Seafo'tlt • Saiauge Jeweilers For Complete INSURANCE On your HOME, BUSINESS, : FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE • • JOHN A.. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth " Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors The most complete Farm -Tailored Fertilizer program available Q 4 ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Road East - Goderich Phone 524-9521 With expanded warehouse facilities, C -I -L Fertilizer Dealers are now geared to give you even bet- ter service. An experienced team of technical advisors ii "on hand to, help you with yiur-iridividual farm require- CANADtAN INDUSTRIES -LIMITED ments. Take advantage of this ex- pert advice. Find out how' Super Flow Fertilizers and C -I -L improved service can lead you to higher yields and increas- ed' profits. See your C -I -L Fertilizer Dealer today! SUPER FLOW FERTILIZERS 4