HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-02-17, Page 7A
on One,
Winthrop Warriorn •-nem e
within two seconds of pulling
the upset. of the season as they
tied the St. Clements Saints 9D
in a WOAA 1tnterniedlt)te game
played in Seaforth on' Monday
night, a, Clement tted the
score at 19:58 of the third per-
iod after they had pulled the
goal -tender in favor of an ex-
tra forward. In 11 previous
• games, St. Clements had 11.
Winthrop opened the scor-
ing ,at the 35 -second mark of
the first period on a goal by
Art Murray; from. Ken Dev-
ereaux and Frank Malone. W.
Bender tied the score at 1:46.
The Warriors then got goals by
Ray Horan, from George Love
and Ken Murray at 7:20, and
by Art Murray from Ken Dev-
ereaux at 10:44. St, Clemente
came back with goals by W.
Bender at 14:55; R. Mades at
16:14, and B. Futher at 18:30,
to take a 4-3 lead.
In the second period it 'was
Art Murray from Ken Devereaux
and John Varley at 1:27 for
Winthrop, and R. Mader at 2:44'
for SL Clements. Winthrop then
counted goals by Ken Dev-
ereaux from Art Murray and
• Frank Malone at 5:20; Ray
• Powell from Winston Powell
and John VarIey at 6:20; Win-
ston Powell at 10:30, and Don
Moylan from Frank Malone and
Ken Devereaux at 13:54. W.
Bender scored for St. Clements
at 17:45 and Ken Murray. from
John Varley at 19:47, to give
Winthrop a 9-6 lead.
In the third period, SL Clem
ents scored goals' by M. Lorentz
• at 8:35 and W. Bender at 13:16,
setting the stage for the tying
goal by R. Beaupre at 19:58, to
make the final score 9-9.
• Winthrop 9, 'Hprrist'on
Winthrop edged Harristorl'9-8
in a, game played in Harriston
Friday night. The Warrior- led
2-1 at the end ofthe first per-
iod and 7-6 after the second.
Winthrop opened the scor-
ing at the 30 -second mark on
a goal" by Frank Malone. Mc-
Dougaid tied the score at 13:00
. and Winston Powell gave -Win-
throp the lead at 15:37.
In the second period it was
Frank Malone from. Art `Mur-
- ray at 1:05; Newman for Har-
--riston..-_at . 5:02;. Frank Malone
for Winthrop at 6:30; Harriston
then got goals by Manderson at
9:53, and Newman at 10:25. Ken
Devereaux from Art Murray
and Art Strong at 10:45, and
Ken Devereaux from Art Strong
and Frank Malone at 11:35 for
Winthrop. Harron scored for
Harriston at 12:00, and Frank
Malone from Ken Devereaux
and John Varley at ,15:00 for
-Winthrop. Newman scored at
19:15 for Harriston.
In the third period it was
Manderson - for Harriston at
4:20; Ken Devereaux from Win-
ston Powell at 7:12 for Win-
throp. McDougald tied the
'score' .for ,13arriston at 12:40,
and Art Milrray from Ken Dev=
ereaux and Winston. Powell at
14:50 scored what proved to be
the winning goal, to give Win -
Wins $250
On TV Show
Mr, •and Mrs. Hugh McPher-
son were in Toronto where they
• took part in the Mr. and Mrs.
TV •Show on 'Channel 13, and,
won $250. Also on the prbgram
were Mr. and Mrs. .Elgin Mc-
Nair, formerly of Seaforth and
• now of Exeter, who won $12.
• Remember! It takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just Dial
Seaforth 527-0240.
_ ....: y_•Ilegaift led 0. 100.4,_ °-
Tier One
tbrop a 9$ victory.
Standings as of Feb. 14
Clements 12 11 0 1.124 50 23
Winthrop 14 8 5 1 111 85 17
Ellice ' 12 5 5 2 88 84 12
Monkton 11 5 5 2 88 84 12
Marden 12 4.5 1 65 78 11
Atwood 12 5 7 0 68 78 10
Blyth 11 e3 7 1 67 87 7
Harriston 12 2 9 1 60 109 5
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice
and Mr. and Mra. Trevor Wil-
son leave this weekend by ear
for a three weeks' vacation in
Cub Corner
Monday night, live boys were
invested at the
,;_weekly Cub
Meeting. 'roe Mcean,
Lallsi>ttk, Ross Gbvier, Dwayne
Cornish and Gordon Carnoehan
all been ,mine members of the.
world - wide organization of
Also there wee a presentation
of proficiency badges. Keith
Robertson, Joe McLean Terry
Dale and Lee Bell received toy -
makers' badges; Stephen South-
gate Allan Carnelian Ross
Gooier, Terry Dale, Bobby
Shank and Bill O'Shea receiv-
ed collectors' badges, and Ernie
Putman received his house or-
derly badge...._
At a special meeting Wednes-
day night, Lee Bell, Terry Dale;
Jphn Lansink, Keith, Robertson,
and Ken Swan went up into
the Septet troop from Cubs.
The date has been changed
for this year's•• father -an -son
bangpet, and it is now on Feb.
Seaforth 15, Port Elgin 5
Jim Dick scored six goals
and brother 'Tom got two, as
the Beavers romped to a 15-5
victory over Port Elgin Sun-
ocos in a game at the arena,
on Tuesday night. Bob Beut-'
tenmiller, Bill McLaughlin,
Larry Dale, with two each
and Wayne Rau with one fin-
ished out the scoring.
The first period ended by
a score of 3 to 2, -in favor of
the locals. Seaforth opened
the scoring at 2:23, on a goal
by_Tom Dick, assisted ley his
brother Jim. At 5:14 and
14:07 Port Elgin scored' two
goals to take the lead, but it
was only for three minutes,
as the Beavers scored at 17:43.
That goal was credited to
Bill McLaughlin assisted by
A. Dolmage. The last '''S'ea-
forth goal of the period was.
put in the net by W. Rau,
assisted by Ray Henderson
and Jim Sills -
The locals were the first to
score in the second period:
Jim Dick, assiisted by Peter
Dale and Tom Dick, made a.
real picture play which gave
the lead :at 3:43. Then Port
Elgin scored one goal at the
7:00. minute mark and got
two._other ....at _7:43 and 11:36.
From this point of the game;
Seaforth never -faltered. At
12:48, Peter Dale scored on
passes from Jim - and Tom.
Dick, The line of Dale, J.
Dick. and. T. • Dick scored
again at 13:25. This time
Tom did the honors. Bill Mc-
LaughIin scored his second
of the night at 14:45. He was
assisted by Ken Doig. The
last two tallies of this period
went to Jim Dick. The first
of this series came at 17:35
and the other at 18:59. He
was assisted by his brother,
Tom and flay Anstett. ,
M▪ r. R. Stevens quietly cele-
brated his 80th birthday anni-
versary pn Friday, Feb., llth.
Mr. Stevens came here from
Kitchener some years ago and
has since beenmaking his home
with his daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mac-
Mrs, Frank Kenny and daugh-
ter, Jean,. and Mr. Elliott, of
London, were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. R. Dalrymple and
Charlie.- , .
Mr. Jo Varley„ Mr. Dave
McNally, Mi dofine Chappel
and Mrs. Matthew Haney ex-
pect to leave Toronto Airport
by plane for Scotland . and
points in England on Monday,
Feb. 21st.
The third period was Sea -
forth all the way. They scor-
ed at 4:15 and 8:56. Jim Dick
had those two, and was assist-
ed again by ,his brother, Bill
Teal and Peter Dale.
At 11:28 and 14:06, Bob
Beuttenmiller assisted by D.
Morton, added two goals on
beautiful plays. Peter Dale
scored .at 19:14, on passes by
the Dick boys. The last goal
came from J. Dick, on .a .pass
from Peter Dale.
The referees gave a total
-of to penalties in fhe game.
`Each- team got an even
.amount.uaf..five, of which two
were majors.
Seaforth 8, Luean 3
Seaforth downed Luean 8
to 3, in a game here, Thurs-
day. 1VtcLlwain led the Beav-
erreattdck with 3 goals and
singles going to Tom Diek,
Jim 'Dick,- Larry. Dale, Bill
McLaughlin and Bob Beutten-
One Week Away
There is only one week left
in the schedule, so come out
and support the Beavers.
Following is a list of the four
remaining games:
Thurs., Feb. 17, ' Owen
Sound at Seaforth; Friday,
Feb. 18th, Seaforth et L'ucan;
Sunday, Feb. 20th, Seaforth.
at-- Owen -Sound;- Tuesday,
Feb. •22, Petrolia at Seaforth.
Hibbert Township school pu-
pils and their teachers enjoyed
a skating party • at Mitchell
Arena on --Friday afternoon.
Miss Cheryl Hoph, Carling-
ford, was a Thursday night
guest .of Miss Joanne Temple -
Mr... and Mrs-- James Norris,
-Judy, • Gary and Douglas, of
Bramptpn,' visited on Saturday
with Mis. Sam Norris and Mr.
and . Mrs. B. Norris and fam-
ily. • ,
Misses Janet and Edna Mil-
ler, London; spent the weekend
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie. Miller.
The third meeting of the Staf-
fa No. 1 4-H Homemaking Club.
was held at the home of Mrs.
Robert Laing on Wednesday and
opened with the 4-H Pledge.
Roll call waa answered by the
kind of accessories the girls
had chosen to make. The col-
ors for the club record book
covers were chosen. Mrs, Rus-
sell Taylor gave notes on, the
aceessor-•ies,.:• Each girl was
taught how to hand -roll a hent
by the leaders, arid they prac-
ticed dyeing cotton, making
patterns- in the material by tie-
ing first. The next meeting will
be at- Mrs. Taylor's home.
"Not se rough George, and 'scratch 'd wrt a little lower!"
"Eve got to cut
own on TY....• now my llrewns have„
Commercials i"
NE'W OI " ?'. ;: ,t ioN
Mrs. Mac Sholdice 'and Vire.,
Allan McCall were -'i;h charge o
the worship serilee at the Fehr
ruary , meeting of the Walton
UCW unit held in the school,'
room of Duff's United- Church.
Hymn 436, .."Led Kindly Light"
was sung with kMrs, Edna Hack-
well at the piano. ,
Mrs, A. McCall read the scrip-
ture passage from I Kings 19:
1-14, folloowing...with the medi-
tation entitled, ."The Causes
and Cures of Depression.".,,Fray
er was offered by Mrs. Sholdice.
Mrs. Emerson Mitchell and
Mrs. A. McCall presented a skit,
"How Long is Ever After," af-
ter which lairs. Mitchell gave
the .topic,,'The Light and Wit-
ness":- (1) Witness by word; (2)
Witness by faithfulness; (3)
Witness by fellowship; (4) Wit-
ness by growth;' (5) Sunday wit-
ness; (6) Week -day witness; (7)
Our Protestant witness. Hypan
399, "Faith Of Our Fathers"
was sung in closing this por-
tion of the meeting.
Mrs. William Coutts, the
president, -was in charge of the
business 'period. The secretary,
Mrs. Jim Clarke, read the min-
utes and called the roll, which
was. answered with "a favorite
hymn." Mrs. Torrance Dundas
gave the treasurer's report. The
quilt committee reported two
quilts had been completed for
the bazaar.
Mrs: Allen McTaggart, Mon-
crieff, will be guest_ speaker at
the=World Day of Prayer, Feb.
25th. Rev. Allan Johnston, of
Brussels United Church, will
be guest speaker at th:e_.EaSter
thankoffering, Sunday evening,
March 27th.
Three mats were on
and later offered for sale. A
donationof dress material was
also received for the bazaar.
It was decided to invite
Blyth, Burns, Winthr'op and
ch Wo-
United Chug -
men. to the bazaar and each
member invite two- ladies,- as
well as the congregation, for-• the
Names were chosen .,
copper contest with Mr
McCall and Mrs. Emer
chell as leaders. A Bi
was conducted by M
Sholdice. Refreshment
served by Mrs. Jack ,
Mrs„ iic1. Hymn ell56
Day Thou Gayest, Lord,
ed," was sung,
8th and 16th Groups
McKiIlop Unit Mee
s. Allan
son Mit
ble quiz
rs. Mac
s were
and- Mrs
68, "The
is End
Meet "
held at
mn 483
read by
d -Today
Of 'Our
as sung,
ed out
oe was
rued by
The , McKillop Unit meeting
was held at the home of Mrs.
Andrew Coutts. last Thursday
afternoon with 17 members.p're-
sent. Mrs. Neil 1VtcGaVin pre-
sided for the devotional period,
taking as,her theme, "Quiet
The meeting .opened with
Hymn 182, "0 Word of God In,
carnate," after. which Mrs. Geo.
Love led in prayer. Mrs. An-
drew• Coutts read 'a poem, fo
towed with meditation by Mrs.
Neil McGavin entitled, "Bible
Tells Us ''of the Influence of
Mrs. Charles McCuteheon con-
ducted a Bible quiz on Genesis.
Next month the quiz will be on
the Book of Exodus. Mrs. Mc -
Gavin closed, the meeting by
reading another verse of "Quiet
Mrs. Roy Wildfong gave the
topic on "Brazil." Mrs, ,John
Burch presided for the' busi-
ness. Reports were given and
the roll call was answered by
quoting a verse of "Winter" in
the Bible. A collection was tak-
en for the March of Dimes.
Hymn 502, "What a Friend
We, Have in Jesus," was sung,
and the benediction was repeat-
ed in Unison. Lunch was serv-
ed by Mrs. William •Roe, Mrs.
Donald Dennis, Mrs.John Burch
and the hostess,
Mrs. Edward Smith, S,aUdra
and Monica • Anne, of London,
are guests at the home of Mrs.
Wesley Hackwell this week.
Mr. Larry Bolger, of Strat-
ford, spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Bolger, - •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Herbert Traviss
The February ,meeting of the
8th and 16th Unit was
the. home of Mrs. Wilbur Turn-
bull Wednesday afternoon and
opened by singing Hy, ,
"He Leadeth Me, 0 Blessed
Thought," • with Mrs.
Turnbull at the "piano. Mrs. Don-
ald McDonald' read the scrip-
51ture from Matthew 13.•
52, followed with prayer. Two
poems, "Inspiration" and "Com-
pensation" were , .also '
Mrs. McDonald.
The topic, "I Walke
Where Jesus Walked," was tak-
en by Mrs. Douglas Fraser.
Hymn 399, "Faith
Fathers, Living Still,"' w
followed by repeating the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
The business part of the meet-
ing was .turned. over to Mrs.
Harold Bolger. --The minutes
were read by the secretary,
Mrs. George McCall. 'The• roll
call, articles to be sent to "1`
Walton Tong, Hong Kong, was
answered by 14 ladies and three
Flannelette was hand
for, crib quilts and pyjamas.
The collection was taken by
Mrs. D. McDonald. Gra
sung and lunch was ss
Mrs. Jiro McDonald, Mrs. Har-
old Bolger and the hostess.
Euchre ty
Ani Mr. and Mrs, Ray Iluether
haye returned home after
speeding the past two weeks, :in
Mr• and Mrs. William Uhler,
of Burlington, visited over the
weekend with Mr. Ernest Uhler.
Miss Corrie Ruyter, of Strat-
ford, was a guest at the home.
of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet,
Sr., last' weekend.
Miss Audrey McMichael of
Waterloo, spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McMichael.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hackwell,.
of Exeter, visited over the
weekend with the former's
mother, Mrs. Edna Hackwell-
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ott
and Kimberley and Mr. and Mrs.
Donk)!• Delion,• Kitchener, visit-
ed over the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Walters.
Mrs. Hilda Sellers has return-
ed home to Seaforth after
spending the past two weeks
at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Herbert Traviss.
Lynne and Brian Taylor, of
Staffa, spent a few days this
week with their grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Roily Achilles.
Neil McGavin left Sunday by
plane from Mahon for England,
Scotland and a week's tour of
the Mediterranean area. °
Mrs, Neil, *Gavin, Brian and
Cathy. are spending two weeks
With Mr. and Mrs.:William Dins-
more at Burlington.
Mrs. Merton Hackwell is at
present 'confined to Seaforth
Community 'Hospital.
WE Sponsors Euchre
Fourteen tables were at ,play
at the Women's -Institute pro-
gressive euchre party Friday
evening in the Community Hall:
The 'prizes . were won by: ladies'
high, Mrs. Alvin - McDonald;
gents' high, Mr. Torrance Dun-
das; ladies' low, Mrs. Alex Den-
nis; gents' low, Bruce Clark;
lucky cup, Mrs. Everett Bauer -
The following committee was
in charge: Mrs, Peter McDon-
ald, Mrs. Edward. Miller, Mrs,
Luella Marshall; Mrs. Roy Ben-
nett and Mrs, Nelson Reid.
There will be another progres-
sive euchre party 'Feb. 25th.
Mrs. Stanley Bride, of nerd-
wich, will be guest speaker for
the February Women's Institute
meeting next Wednesday eve-
ning. Co -conveners will be Mrs.
William Humphries and Mrs.
Donald Buchanan; roll call, each
member bring a tea towel; hos-
tesses, Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs.
Ray Huether, Mrs. Mac Shot=
dice and Mrs. Frank Walters.
Appoint Constable
To Town Force
. ra
At a special meeting of Sea -
forth council. Thursday, John
English, 20, of Stratford, was
appointed a constable of the
town police force. '
Recommended by the Police
Committee, he was one of five
applicants interviewed. He will
receive $3,200 per annum.
- Galled to consider adoption
of a resolutipn protesting pro-
posed elimination by the CNR
of passenger service, Mayor
Flannery said it was felt de-
sirable. to also consider other
matters, particularly the police
Councillors commented •favor-
ably--•on---action-• Bell-Telepho
was taking in connection with
a `proposed- elimination of tolls
between Dublin and Seaforth
1. That the area served by
the Canadian National'Railways
Stratford-Goderich line has. no
alternative rail -passenger set -
2. That although,.., the s&id
Stratford - Goderich passenger
line may be a money losing
service, that the freight service
over the said line is extremely
profitable-- as' about five t iou-
sand (5,000),cazes of freight are•
shipped out of Goderich alone
each year, as well as additiona
cars shipped from -intermedi
ate points between Goderic
and Stratford to various point
on the line.
ne 3. -Discontinuance •-of•=the- -pas
senger service cannot . amoun
to the savingenestimated by th
_ Canadian National Railway i
its ,brief to the Board as . cer
tain fixed expenses,: namely
maintenance • of right-of-way
structures, pensions, communi
cations and general will have
to be continued.
4. Since the introduction o
the dayliner service''i-n-dune.
1959, the area served by the
Stratford-Goderich line has not
had a proper passenger service
due to improper scheduling of
passenger trains and because of
the excessive time required to
make the journey from Gode-
rich and intermediate points to
5. It is submitted that, the
major portion of the passenger
traffic on this line is destined
for Toronto and that the'sche-
dule as presently in effect fav -
4 ors passengers who originate in
6, At the present time, the dee
' passenger Siring to go to. TS),.;
rolitu• from Goderich or' any
ether points between Goderich
and Stratford,•, arrives in Toron-
to too late in the evening to
conduct any business on the day
of departure. The early train
from Toronto leaves early in
the morning of the following
day with the result that pas
sengers can ,do no business on
the second day. In order to
conduct any business whatso-
ever in Toronto• it is r.•e^es, ar •
for a passenger .from Goderich
and other points on the i'
between Goderlch and Stratfer l
to remain a' third day in Toron •
tq.:.This necessitates obtaini'i
hotel accommodation for 1„,,
nights and meals for en add
tional day, making a very hew
expense to the passenger with
the consequent result that pas-
sengers who desire. to remain
in Toronto for only a few •hours
are unable 'to • aN ail themselves
of the train service.
7. It is the submission of the
Council that if the passenger
ervice between Goderich and
Stratford were re -scheduled to
provide for a fast train leav-
ing Goderich early in the morn-
ing so"as to make connections
in Stratford with the fast train
from Stratford to Toronto, and
that the return trip from Strat-
ford to Goderich be re -schedul-
ed to allow connections with the
Toronto-Stratfijrd fast passen-
ger service in the evening with
a subsequent increase in pas-
senger revenue to Canadian
National Railways, which should
permit them to approach a
break-even point on this line.
8. It is submitted,, ,that no
further action be taken on the
application of the Canadian
National Railways for discon-
tinuance of the passenger ser-
vice Stratford-floderich until a
new service is inaugurated per-
mitting passengers to travel
from Goderich and intermedi-
ate points to Stratford to To-
ronto via Stratford, returning
by the same route on the Same
day, with provision of a stop-
over in Toronto of at least five
(5) hours, and is in operation
for at least one year.
Agreeing that this was an
agricultural. area and that there
should be co-operation with any-
thing that will assist those em-
ployed in that industry, council
approved a grant of $25.00 to
the Huron Soil and Crop Im-
provement Association.
May Flannery reviewed ac-
tion taken at -meetings of area
groups in connection with the
CNR proposal, and council' en-
dorsed a resolution which had
been prephred,
The resolution as •'adopted
Ladies' Auxiliary Sports
Team standings: Spark Plugs,
87; Chevelles, 82; Busy Bees,
80;, Deadeye Dicks, 55; Queen-
ettes, 48; Eager Beavers, 26.
High singles, Norah Brown,
236; Ina McGrath, 221; high
triples, Norah Brown, 6c6; Nei.
lie Barry, 560.
St. James' Church League
Team standings: Sweepers,
89; Blowers, 71; Misfits, 69;
Hustlers, 67; Cowboys, 63; Al-
ley Cats, 61.
Ladies' high, single, triples
and average, Martha Van Gef-
fen, 272, 586 and 196;• men's
high,' single, triple and aver-
age, Gord Noble, 290, 7l1 • and
Egrnondville -Church League
Team standings: Turtles, 81;
Snappers, 79; Weasels, 72; Ram-
blers, 68; Lucky Strikes, 62; Bo -
Hunks, 38.
Ladies' high, single and tri-
pfe, Beth Read, 256 and 577;
men's high, single, Don Eaton,
310; triple, Howard James, 662.
Seaforth Legion League
Team standings: Go-Gos, 97;
Gophers, 70; Birdies, 60; Spit-
fires, 54; Polecats, 51; Ram-
blers, 46.
Ladies' high, single, - Helen
Nicholson, 289; triple, Joan Ea-
ton, 646; then's high Single, Al-
vin Smele, 263; Gord Scott, 263;
triple, Alvin Seattle, 745.
"*Seaforth Mixed League
Team standings; Petunias,
82; Sunflowers, 69; Daisies, 66;
Sweet Peas, 65; Daffodils, 61;
Marigolds; 35.
Ladies' high, single, Joyce
Miller, 233; triple, Leona An-
stett, 565; .men's high, single
and triple, Art Finlayson, 314
and 757.
Start Yo i 1;priolg
Slylop Ilere
Imported Polished Cottons
• 36" wide, assorted floral prints
Dan River "Ship Ahoy"
A 40" washable fabric in plains and
,,tripes -a linen effect material.
Fine Stripe "Seersucker"
Pink, Blue, Brown
Plain Shade "Linen" ---
10 colorful shades to choose from.... Yd.
1.95 Yd.
1.95 ,
"_IYIagic: Crepes"
• Floral prints, 45" wide; excellent
color range. -
Dacron "Batiste"
, Drip dry;_ attractive floral patterns
• .
- 4.95-' Yd.
2.25 Yd.
New "Cotton Knit Fabric" - 1,95 and
Ain open mesh fabrie in�u ire, tar- z
2.25 Yd,
two different weights 1111., 1111 .........
quoise, blue and pink;
This Week's
Final Clearance
Regularly priced,,,
16.95, 19.95, 22:50
Terylene, Nylon,
Corduroy, Wool
quilted or pile
lined. "'Size's' 36
tg 44 only.
While they last!
Sunday visitors with Mr. and eis in Woodstock,
Mrs. Gordon Scott and dau'zh-
ters' were: 'Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Finlayson- and Michael. 'Staffa:
Mrs. Sadie Scott and Mr. land
Mai- McKellar, Miss Agnes Scott.
London; Miss Dorothy Scott. St.
Marys, They were celebrating
Gordon's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Meikle.
of Exeter, were weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle •Mei-
kle and family.
Recent . visitors •with Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Corey and Mrs.
Taylor were Mr, and Mrs. Don
Taylor' and family, of Weston.
j firs. John Wallace is spend-
ing a couple Of weeks With her
I daughter, Mrs• Shirley- Elliott,`
and family, of Essex.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKel-
lar visited on Sunday with Mr.
Lindsay McKellar.,
Mrs. Alex Gardiner is a pa-
tient in Stratford General- Hos-
. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sillery and
Mrs. Jean Morgan, of Exeter,
visited' on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. K. McKellar and other
relatives in this vicinity.
Sunday 'visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Walker and Alice
were Mr. and Mrs. H. R,' Currie
and daughters, of Dorchester;
Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack McGhee and
family, London; Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Walker, London; ' Mr.
and Mrs. Robert HulIey and
family, Winthrop; Mr. Garnet
Cockwell, Dashwood; Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Cockwell and son,
Jim, of Exeter, and Mr. Larry
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar,
of Seaforth, :and Mr. and Mks.
Gordon McKellar, Brampton,
'Visited Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam M@Curdy.
Mr. and Mrs. I, McKellar,
accompanied by Mrs.Ili. Bin,
ning, Mitchell, visited�Tirsteday
with Mr. and' Mrs. 0: 1t, Frait-
Senior Citizens Meet
/ The Senior Citizens met in
Staffa Hall when President Dar-
reIl Parker presided.' Commun-
ity singing ;followed with Mrs.
McCaughey at the piano. It was
decided to invite the Russel -
dale. group to by guests at'+ the
next meeting. The,, remainder
of the afternoon was,spent play-
ing euchre.
Complete Quilts
The February meeting of the
Ladies' Aid of Cromarty Church
was held at the home of Mrs.
T L. Scott with Mrs. Gerald
Carey presiding and opened
with a hymn, followed with de-
votions led by Mrs. Laverne
.Wallace and Mrs, Jim Miller.
The roll call was answered with
the payment of fees. Mrs.,Robt.
Laing read the minutes.
It was decided that the La-
dies' Aid would be responsible
for the camp allocation each
year. An article for the Uni-
tarian Services will be contri-
buted by each member in an
swer to the roll call at the .
next meeting. The work com-
mittee reported several quilts
have been quilted since the
New Year.
Mrs. T. L. Scott gave . the
treasurer's report, Ten dollars
was delegated to each of the
CGIT, Explorers and COC, to
help pay their expenses. Mrs.
T. L. Scott favored with a musi-
cal number and Mrs. J.izn -Mil-
ler gave a humorous reading.
The travelling salesman walk-
ed into the roadside restaurant
and ordered.
"Bring the two eggs," he said
to the waitress. "Fry them 'so
hard they're edged hr fi'laek.
Also ttv6 slices of buurnt toast
and a cttp of cold coltee Then
sit down and flag. I'm hoi4ie
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