The Huron Expositor, 1966-02-10, Page 1}
Whole No. 5111
107th Year
Single Coples,, 10 Cents ,
$4'0EIp .a Year }n Advance
"were guests ef. honor at a gathering of McKillop residents
- -and friends at the legion Hall Tuesday evening. Here, Mrs.
Harold Dodds (left) presents a gift to Mrs. Stewart on -behalf
John A. Frost, a fourth-year
engineering student at the Uni-
versity of Waterloo, has been
awarded, an ' Athlone Fellow-
The fellowship award, which
covers. travel, living- and tuition
costsrfor up to two years of
experience in England, are' •va-
lued at about $5,000.00. •
Mr. Frost was born in Sarnia
and is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Frost. He is a grandson
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Reu-
ben Frost, of Seaforth. Mar-
ried with two children, he has
held first class honors through-
out his course in mechanical
engineering. He went to the U.
of W. as an adult student af-
ter several yearq Pzperience in
industry. A versatile musician,
he plays in the Waterloo Musi-
cal Society' band, and is also a
woodworking and electronics -
enthusiast: He has been work-
ing •with the Crowe Foundry
Ltd., Hespeler, on his work
terms and plans to spend a year
with the •British Cast Iron Re-
search Association, Birming-
ham, to further his experience'
in foundry techniques.
of the gathering, while (right) Councillor Harold Dodds does
the same for Warden Stewart. The evening, arranged byo
members of McKillop Council, included a short program and
dancing: (Expositor- photo by Phillips}
McKillop Resident, friends
Honor Warden Ken Stewart
McKillop residents, friends
and visitors from neighboring
municipalities crowded Seaforth.
Legion Hall Tuesday evening.
to, honor McKillop reeve," Ken
Stewart, on' his election as war-
den of Huron County.
Councillor William - Dennis
was , chairman for a short pro-
gram, which included numpers
by -Wanda. Storey, Donna Herr
derson,. Evelyn Storey, Bob,
Donna and Donnie Henderson
and Dianne Henderson.
Guests at the event include&
some 25 Huron County reeves,
as well as' countyofficials, and
these were introduced by ,War-
den Stewart.
Also introduced were former
wardens of the county: ' J.
Eckert, 1937; John Armstrong,
1949; Arthur Nicholson', 1951;
William J. Dale, 1954; Ralph
Jewell, 1964; and Glenn Webb,
Warded Stewart and Mrs.
Stewart were escorted to the
stage by Councillor Ralph Mc-
Nichol and Mrs. McNichol,.
when an address was read by
Mrs. M. Murray, and a presen-
tation made by Councillor Har-
old Dodds and Mrs. Dodds.
In expressing his apprecia-
tion, Warden Stewart said that
•his election as warden, could not
have been possible had it ,not
been for the . wonderful co-op=
eration of the people of Mc-
"-It's going to be a busy year,
particularly with the plowing.
match here. I will do my best
and do -everything in my power
-to-promote-Huron--£rounty dur-
ing my term," he said.
Warden Stewart recalled that
when he had been elected in
McKillop he had said he would
shrive to improve the township.
Now that he had been elected
warden, his efforts ,,would be
directed towards improving the
Mrs. Stewart in thanking the
gathering for her gift, said the
event was a "memorable occa-
sion"., •
The event was arranged by
Councillors Allan. Campbell,
William Dennis, Ralph McNichol
and Harold Dodds and their
The address, read by ' Mrs.
Murray, was as follows:
"January 12, 1966, will al-
ways be rememberedby your
selves and by the residents of
McKillop Township. And the
- Members of the Seaforth
Agricultural Sociey reviewed a
successful year Thursday eve-
ning. Speakers, described the
1965 fair as the most success-
ful in the history of the so-
ciety. .._-
Earl McSpadden,. RR 1, Sea -
forth, was elected president. He
succeeds Harold Pryce. •
Prize money paid out totalled
$6,289.85, according to secre-
tary -treasurer Mrs. Beth. Pryce.
A highlight of the fair was •the
cattle show, with prizes paid
out totalling $2,550,00. This in-
cluded the Shorthorn. Regional
show, largest in Ontario, $521;
Hereford Region show, $456.00,
and the Black and White show.
carri'ed-'Out under the Hays'
• plan,... $1,125.00. Prizes hi the
best udder class were' $163.00.
Prizes paid In' other depart-
ments were: Horses, $1,041.00;
sheep, $292.50; pigs, $348.00;
ptoUItt ,'< $144:00; ens,, $28.00;
grain, $165.00; field crops, $305;
Junior Fair, $632.00; horticul-
ture, $36.00; roots and vege-
tables, $84.25; Public School,
$277.20; canned fruits and vege-
tables, $31.20; home economics,
$76.85; sewing, $137.25; • arts
Ail " crafts, $45.75; flowers,
ARL iVic$PADDEN .. ,
Other officers are: vice-presi-
dent, Arthur Bolton, RR 1; Dub-
lin; John, Murphy, RR 4, Sea-
forth; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. -
Beth Pryce; .women's section
president, Mrs. Jam'esT.M. Scott.
Directors elected are:• Earl
McSpadden, ,Robert Gemmell„
J. W. Crich, Joseph 'Devereaux;
Earl Dick, Kenneth Moore,
William Strong, Oliver Ander-
son,Oliver Wright, Kenneth
Stewart, Arthur Bolton, Allister.
Broadfoot, John Murphy, Geo.
Townsend, Allan Campbell, Dave
Mclean, Robert Fotheringham,
Eric Anderson, Elgin Thomp-
Honorary -directors are. Rus-
sell T. Bolton, Robert W. Camp-
bell, Gordan Papple, Robert E.
McMillan, Arthur Nicholson and
Harold Pryce. They are all past
presidents of the association.
An agricultural service dip-
loma was presented to Oliver
Anderson; of RR 1, Londesboro,
for service to the society: Har-
old Pryce, retiring president,
made the presentation.
Three Seaforth 4-H Calf Club
members received awards. They
were: George Townsend; of RR
3, Seaforth, Staffa Creamery
award for highest aggregate
dairy calf club score; Bob Me -
Naughton, RR 2, Kippen, Top-
notch Feeds Ltd. award for 4-11
champion " steer; Bill Hender-
eo mit---rr, *Seaforth,'' Seaforth
Farmers' Co-operative award
for champion junior heifer calf.
The Perth - Huron Shorthorn
Breed show, held at the fair,
was ;the largest in Ontario.
Mrs. James M. Scott, presi-
dent of the women's section,
said added interest was created
by the junior and senior home-
making competitions. She said
better lighting is needed in the
women's exhibition hall.
Earl, Dick, -reporting! for. Dis-
trict 8 (Huron -Perth), con rg
lilted the , (air on its success.
He saki last year's, annual dis-
t$iot me ng had 100 per cent
attendance. Most district fairs
report higher receipts, he said.
Guest •speaker was D. H.
Miles, Huron. County, agricul-
tural representative, who com-
plimented the Society for its
promotion,' of agriculture.
Delegates na'me'd -to- the ag-
ricultural association conven-
tion later this month were Earl
McSpadden, Arthur Bolton, Mrs.
J. M. Scott, Mrs. Gordon McKen-
zie and Mrs. Gordan Popple.,
Mrs. Joseph Grummett, im-
mediate past president, is to be
panel ntoderatbr for a discus-
sion on junior contributions to
the fair. Mrs. Grummett is also
compiling a history of the Sea -
forth fair as part of the` On-
tario Association's centennial
While there was a substantial
increase in the circulation of
adult non-fiction during 1965,
over-all circulation was dawn
slightly, members of the Sea -
forth Carnegie Library Board
learned Monday evening.
',. During the year adult fiction
}ncreased to 10,577 from 10,362;
adult nonction from 2,056 to
2,790, but t juvenile dropped
;from 10,994 to 9;746. The total.
,circulation was 23,113, compar-
ed to 23,412 in 1965. There are.
1,305' members. '
During the year a total of
244 new books were added,
bringing the total on hand to
8,405 volumes, including adult
fiction 3,185, adult non-fiction
3,063, juvenile 2,056, paper
backs 101.
On behalf of the council,.
Mayor J. F Flannery thanked
the board members for the work.
done during the. year. He spoke.
of preparations for 'the plow-
ng--rnateh and the_ centennial_
Suggestions were-.mtade-•,con-
cerning help the library might
be able to give.
The officers for this year are
as follows: Honorary ,chairman,
Miss Mabel Turnbull; chairman,
Mrs. Joseph lfeConnell; secre-
tary, Mrs. Mary Van. Rengeri;
treasurer, Mrs„, William Hart;
librarian, Mrs. Leslie Beattie;
chairman of 'book committee,
Mrs. James A. Munn; chairman
of property committee, Hugh
Thompson; press reporter, Miss
Rena Fennell.
reason? It was on that day
that his fellow members on the,
County Council in Goderich-
elected Mr. Kenneth Stewart
as Warden of Huron County.
This is- indeed a great honor,
not only to yourselves, Ken and
Clarissa, and to the' memli-
of your family, .hut also tr
the citizens of McKillop Town-
ship, Sowe are taking this -op-
portunity. to offer you our sin-
cere congratulations- and our
good wishes.
"We have watched Ken go
-up the' ladder of Success -frail-
frontschool trustee, warble fly in-
spector, -director of the Fair
•Board, president of the. Federa-
tion of Agriculture, president
of the Seaforth Farrrners'. Co-
operative, councillor on the lyI•-
Ki]lop council, and later reeve.
, And now we have this latest
recognition of • his untiring ef-
forts and abilities -Warden of
HIuron County.
."We know, Ken, you are a
man well equipped to give this i
new positibn your, greatest ef-
forts. You are 'quite capable,
and • we are prepared to back
you all the way. ' Of course,
Clarissa too, will be called up -1
on to make sacrifices and to
assist Ken' in many ways,
will the other members of the
"And as we proceed along
into 1966,. an international gath-
ering will be converging on
Huron County and on McKillop
Township, Weare referring
ca . the International Plowing
Match. During (and even be-
fore and after) this event, War-
den Stewart will be called upon
many times for advice and as-
sistance. But in this undertak-
ing and in all your work as
Warden of a very progressive
county, and as reeve of an im=
portant township, we extend to
you the fullest co-operation of
the citizens of the township, the
councillors, and of your friends,
relatives and neighbors. -
"We wish you both continued
success, good health, and the
greatest enjoyment and, satis-
faction in the fulfilling of your
many and varied duties.
"On behalf of those here
present, and of all your friends,
we would ask you, Ken and
Clarissa, to accept these gifts
as a small token of our heart-
iest congratulations, end our
sincere good wishes.'
eek Is
Dublin - Seaf9rth
Tolis Be Removed
Long distance char es may be
removed from telephone calls
placed from Seaforth to Dublin
when dial telephone service is
introduced in Dublin.
Discussions concerning direct
connection with subscribers stf.
the McKillop, Logan :& Hibbert
Telephone System arose about
18 months ago, prior to the dial
conversion in Seaforth.
At that time representions
were made to Bell by area
organizations and municipali-
ties to provide toll-free connec-
tions. It was pointed out other-
wise the Seaforth community
would be - divided east from
west. Bell officials agreed that
before any firm decision was
taken, full consideration would
,given the needs of the S -ea -
forth -Dublin - area, which in-
cludes many subscribers in Sea -
forth, McKillop,I Dublin, Hibbert
and Tuckersmith.
The matter came to a head
in November, when the _Strat-
ford division of Bell advised
Dublin subscribers that coinci-
dent with conversion to dial of
the Dublin exchange, toll charg-
In observance of. Christian.
Youth Week, a pot -luck sup-
and hootenany was held
in .First Presbyterian Church.
hall Wednesday ,evening..'
The •event was, sponsored •by
the CGIT leaders of the host
church and Northside ,United
Young people were present
from Turner's Ch'irch (Tucker -
smith Township), Winthrop,
Zion, Cromarty, Egmondville
and all the -town's churches -
148 in all.
In charge were Mrs. John •
Carnochan, Mrs. Marlyn Lee,
Mrs. Gar Baker and Mrs. Keith
Ricky Fortune was chairman
for a variety program in which
those taking part were Bill
Rowat, Ken Cardno,Fred
Knetsch, Bob Brady, Ken Dev-
ereaux, Linda and Joan Hoover,
Sharon Strong, 'Joan' Sinclair,
Liz Smale, Christine Pryce, Jo-
anne and Marilyn Sedley and
Lorraine and Helene • Huard.
Dawn Stephenson was pianist.
The - program included a
comedy skit by the Highland
Lads in appropriate costume.
Taking part. were Hank Scott,
Murray Hulley, Gary Nicholson
and Bill Carnochan.
A film strip entitled "The
Plan," specially prepared for
teenagers, was shown, stress-
ing stewardship and challeng-
ing young people to make pro-
per use of , their time and tal-
Smile of the Week
"Another bite like that", a
father told his young' son, "and
you'll leave the table.", .
"Another bite like that and
I'll be finished," said the boy
with his mouth full. -
Walton,' News of Week •
District: Orgaiiizations
Mrs. Roy Williamson presid-
ed over the devotional period
for the . UCW meeting, held in
the school room of Duff's Unit-
ed Church last Wednesday af-
ternoon. Hymn 288, "0 Mas-
ter, Let IVle Walk With Thee, i
was sung with Mrs. Martin
Baan at the piano.
Mrs. Harvey Craig chose for
her scripture reading, Isaiah 6:
1-8. Meditation was given by
Mrs. Williamson, followed by
prayer. The offering was re-
ceived by Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Donald. -
The program was based on
Citizenship. Mrs, Herbert Wil-
liamson read an Item • on "Im-
migrant To Citizenship," ,ex-
plaining what a person Ilam to
do to prepare ,for citizenship.
"When is a Citizen Not a Citi-
zen" was given .by Mrs. Har-
vey Graig, and Mrs. Roy Wil-
liamson read an item on "Un-
employed," followed with a
poem by Mrs. Martir4 • Baan.
Hymn 384, "Go,Labor 00:
Spend and Be Spent," was sung.
Mrs. Albert McDonald was in
charge of the business and took
her theme from Romans 12:5.
The minutes were read by Mrs.
Ronald Bennett. The finances
and the allocation -for -this year
were discussed. The World Day
of Prayer will be held, Feb. 25,
at 3 p.m., with the regular
meeting at 2 p.m. An invita-
tion is extended to the Angli-
can ladies, The speaker will
be left in charge of Miss Ethel
Dennis. i
Interesting reports were giv-
en, of the Presbytery held in
es would be removed between
Dublin and- Mitchell. The only
reference at the time to the
agreement concerning a siini-
lar arrangement with Seaforth
was in Bell's letter t9 Dublin
subscribers " . . . there was
some interest in toll-free call-
ing between Dublin and Sea.
forth. If a sufficient number
of subscribers continue to show
interest in this arrangement,
long distance charges could be
removed in a few years."
Since then 'municipalities in
the district have confirmed their
concern that the "same arrange-
ments, as Bell had announced
for Mitchell be provided for
Seaforth area subscribers, and
Bell' offi.cials•set out to -reach a
satisfactory solution.
The result has been release
of a letter to area subscribers
indicating the steps that --'are
W. W. Haysom, Bell_ Canada
manager for, this area, said that
the proposal depends on public
acceptance of the plat.
"We have made a careful
(Continued on Page 4)
Speak -offs *w
The secend speak off for the,, -
Junior Grade 4 to G Was bez4•
Monday evening'_ ,at Widthrol.,
Church- John Moylan was etiatr-
man for the evening.
Top contestants for tta• eve:.`
ning were: Brian •Varlet
No: 4, Hibbert,-. Teresa • Kian i•'
gan, Gr. 5, NO. 3, McKillop anc ,l
Hibbert; Sandra Coleman,: QV.'
6, No. 4, McKillop; Anne • Stew
art, Gr. 5, No. 4, -McKillop;
Cathy Murray, Gr. 4, No. 4, $ib-'
bert; Patsy Murray, Gr. 6, 1114,
3, McKillop and Hibbert.
Other contestants were Jean
Devereaux, Gr. 6, St. James',
Seaforth; Brian Godkin, Gr. 4,
Not 6, McKillop; John Elligsen,
Gr. 5, No. 8, McKillop.
Judges were 'Rev: A: Scott,
Rev. Elford and Don Stewart
Final speak -off will be held i " _
Seaforth District High School
on Monday evening, Feb. 24th.
The first public speaking con-
test, sponsored, by the McKil-
lop Federation of Agriculture
for. public school children of
McKillop Township, was held
inthe basement --of Winthrop
Church on Monday, Jan. 31st.
John Moylan was chairman for
the evening.
Six . finalists were Janneke
Van Rooijen, Gr. 8, No. 4, Me-
Killop; Larry "Ryan, Gr. 7, No.
8; Neil, Murray, Gr. 7, No. 1;
Danny O'Rourke, Gr. 8;' No. 1;
Margaret Elligsen, .Gr; 8, No.
8; Starr Fischer, Gr. 8, No.- 9.
Judges were Rev. D. 0. Fry,
Rev.,,,H. Donaldson and Father
J. T. Saigeon.
Other contestants taking part
were Janet Rugg', Gr. 8, No,
2; Donna Storey, Gr. '7, No. 2;
Maureen Hoegy, Gr. 8, No. 6;
Tom Rapson, Gr. '7, No. 6; Mark
Wallace, Gr. 7, No. 7; Mary
Leeming, Gr. 8, No. 7; .Joan_,
Dennis, Gr. 8, No. 9.
' SNOW, which plagued the area last •week, brought fond
recollections to "Mrs. Elena Van Hasselt, when...she and --Miss
Guillermina Disselkoen, both' of Chile, visited their sister,
Mrs, harry. D.onal&on, et St. Thomas' rectory. The sisters
ere last together five years ago.
Guest From . Pie
Likes Area Snow
The heavy snow 'and zero
weather, which raised so much
complaint last week, couldn't
have been • improved on as far
as a Seaforth visitor was con-
-She was Mrs. Elena Van
Hasselt, of Valdivia, South
Chile, and on her • first visit to
North America she was seeing
snow she hadn't seen, in years
and which she could barely re-
member. ,
Mrs. Van Hasselt, with her
sister, Miss Guillermina Dis-
selkoen, were guests at St.
Thomas' rectory, where they
visited their sister, Mrs. Don-
aldson and Rev. Harry. Donald-
son. The Last time the sisters
had been together was five years
here the visitors left for Chi-
cago and Texas, and will return
to Chile later this month.
is Manager
At Sudbury
Harry Cuming, who has been
accountant at the Toronto -
Dominion Bank here since 1962,
has been appointed 'Manager of
the Falconbridge Shopping Pia--
za Branch at Sudbury. He left
for Sudbury this week. ' -'
During • the years he has
been in Seaforth, he has taken
ago when • Mrs. Donaldson was an active part in - the affairs of
in Chile. I the community. An entl?usias-
Miss Disselkoen conducts a tic athlete, he was a member
private school in Valporiso, ' of the Ontario Champion Beav-
Chile. The school of 450 pupils ers last year when they won
teaches classes• through to the Intermediate 'B' OHA. He
grade 11. Mrs. Van Hasselt's also has been active in Scouts
husband, prior to his death, had and in the work of First Pres -
been, the Dutch consul in Chile,. byterian Church,
as well as holding similar ap- ' Mr. Cuming' is succeeded by
pointments to Per and Bolivia. Earl Ritchie, who came here
Following a two-week stay from Harrow.
Winthrop last fall by Mrs. • Wm.
Roe and Mrs• Walter Bewley.
The annual Presbyterial will be
held in 'Clinton . at Wesley -Wil-
lis Church, March 15, and the
annual conference on March 29
aid 30 at Wingham.
Any Unit wishing 1 program
Material can get in touch with
Mrs. W. Bewley. Htisty notes
and. Christmas . cards left over
front. the Centennial may be
purchased at reduced rates.
Mrs. Nelson Reid told of a
meeting that had been held for
plowing - match arrangements.
The following committee was
appointed: chairman, Mrs. Har-
vey Craig; co-chairman, Mrs.
Emerson Mitchell; treasurer,
Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull; buying
convener, Mrs. William Dennis.
Hold Reception
A large crowd attended the
The Huron 'Presbytery of the
United Church of Canada met
at St. Andrew's Church, Kip-
pen, Wednesday ez:ening_-for the
purpose of inducting the Rev.
E. Donald Stuart, CD., M.A.,
B.D., into the pastoral charge
of Brucefi•eld-Il ippen. '
The service ,was conducted by
the chairman of the Presby-
tery, the Rev. Arthur Higgan-
botham, of Walton, . and the
charge to the minister and con-
gregation was delivered by the
Rev. G. L. Mills, of Ontario St,
- (Continued on Page 4)
Busy Programs
reception Friday evening in the
Community Hall for Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Dennis, of Toronto.
Ian Wilbee's orchestra supplied
the music. Bert is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dennis, of
Turing the evening the cou-
ple were called to the platform
and an address was read by
Mr. Neil McGavin, after which
they were presented with a
purse of money, Mr. Dennis"•r`e:
plied very fittingly, thanking all
those who had helped to make
the evening a success.
Those presentfrom a distance
included: �Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Elder, Tonto; Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Gibbings, London; Miss
Joy Vchiyorna, London; Miss
Heather Albion, London• Mr.
and 'Mrs. Grant Dennis, Toren -
to: Mr. Terry Ford, Toronto; Mr.
Mervyn Pepper, Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. William Dinsmore,
Brampton; Mr. Ronald Little,'
Brampton; Mr: and Mrs. John
Irvine; Stratford; Mr. 'Paul 1Gfc-
Cluskie, Hamilton, and Miss
Margaret Hillen; Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Traviss,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether
left last week by motor for
Florida, where they will spend
the next few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLen-
non and family, who have re-
sided in the village for several
years, have moved to Wing -
Mrs. John Higginbotham has
returned to .her home ,ln Shef
Old after visiting with her son,
Rev. A. Higginbot'hhltid Mrsri
Mrs. Wolfolig Stitt4', i1 W
t -'-loo visited with her' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas,
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turvey, of
Brussels, were Sunday gue,ats_
at the home of Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs, Murray Mills
-and family, Brantford, spent
the "week -end with Mr. Earl
Misses Ruth and June Hig-
ginbotham, of London, " were
weekend .guests with .their par -
ents, Rev. and Mrs. Arthur 'Hig= Hig-
Mrs. Fern Patterson and
Ivy Henderson, Seaforth, visit;
ed last Sundhy with, the, fotrrn.\
er's • sister, Mrs. Walter "Brdatt-,
foot: '
Miss Ethel -Dennis ie.:tIPAik4
tient .tri. Seaforth Otutimutuii
` 101pttaL