The Huron Expositor, 1966-02-03, Page 12HURON EXPOSITOR, 'SR4QRTH, ONT., FEB. 3, 1966.
-The January meeting of the.
Messengers was held in the
church basement on Sunday
morning with Graham Roklinson
in charge. A candle lighting
service was given by the 'gra-
' duating class and members.
Murray Insley read a poem en-
titled, "January." Mrs. Ted Ins-
ley presented graduation cer-
tificates to Ailene Johns, Shir-
ley Timms, Jeanette Hooper,
Linda, Tomlinson, Janis Thom-
son, Carl Langford, David Stra-
han, Joy Thacker. ,
The offering was taken by
Bobby Strahan and Janet Tom-
linson. Mrs. La Verne Rodd con-
ducted the business. Tthe birth-
day song was sung to Julie
• Webb, Ailene Johns and Mary
Lou Thomson, who have birth-
days in January. ,
A" skating party was held af-
ter school for the members of
the Messengers. A lunch was
served of wieners, hot choco-
late and a cup cake.
School buses for St. Marys
Collegiate were cancelled Fri-
day and Monday when visibility
was nil.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rundle
and Larry were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brint-
nell, Terri and Scott.
ori Sunday, when the following,
babies were baptized: Patricia
Anne, daughter of MrJ and Mrs.
Lloyd Cowdrey, Barbara Anne,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Jaques; Stephen Norman, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spence;
Gerald Scott, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Brintnell; Robert
James, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Rohde, of Mitchell.
• Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Lawson and Eddie
were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rohde
and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. James
Rohde and Robert, of Mitchell;
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lawson and
Michael, of St. Marys, and Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott Clarke, of Exe-
Mrs. T. Doube is a patient in
St. Marys Memorial Hospital
with pneumonia. We wish her
a speedy recovery.
,Mr. Jim Rundle and Miss Bar-
bara Skinner, of Exeter, visited
Sunday with Mrs. Robert Run-
dle and Jack. They all visited
in the afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter' Whitelock,, of Wood-
Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker
and Mrs. Barry Ford, of Well -
burn, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. William Dickey and
family. •
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, 4-H Club -Elects Officers
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Smith and - The 4-H Club girls of Kirkton
Verla, and Mr. Jim Russell, of Group' No. 3 met at• the home
Exeter, were Saturday evening 'ef Mrs. Jack Thomson, their
guests with • Mr. and Mrs. jack assistant leader, for the first
Smith and Mrs. Mary Smith. meeting of "Accent on Acces-
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson, sories." The meeting opened
Warren, Sandra and Perry, . of with 11 members repeating the
Lakeside, were Sunday guests 4-H Pledge.
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. An election of officers was
Mr. and Mrs,. Carl Mills and held with the results as fol -
family, of Kirkton, were Sun- lows: President, Helen Harlton;
day guests with Mr. and Mrs. vice-president, Susan Tomlin -
Lloyd Jaques and family. son; secretary, Linda Johns; as -
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Witteveen, sistant secretary, Cathy Thaclt-
of Elora, were recent guests er; press reporter, Brenda Park -
with Mr. and Mrs.John Witt- inson.
eveen, Sharon and Brian. Record books and achieve-
. Mrs. Roy kirk is visiting with ment day Were discussed. Notes
her daughter, Mrs. Bryce Skin were given . out and discussed.
ner, Bryce. -and family, of Mun- It was decided that the name
ro. • of the group would be "Dressy
Sacrament of Baptism was Doreens." The meeting was ad -
held during the church service journed by Arlene, Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Dodds
were guests at the Wettlaufer-
Dohnage wedding in Northside
United Church, Seaforth, Fri-
day.. -They . also attended the
wedding reception` which was
---.- held -in Brodhagere-Community
Centre on Friday evening.
Mr.. -:and Mrs. 'Alex Gardiner
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Eggert, of Rostock.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'Wallace,
Carlingford,' and Mrs. Verna
Brooks, of 'Stratford, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs;
George Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Rehert Wilds nR
and family, of London. spent
thkd with Mrs. Wilds'
Miller presided and opened the
meeting with a poem. The
scripture. lesson from Psalm 11,
was read by Mrs. Norman Har-
burn, and Mrs. Miller Ied in
prayer. Mrs. Robert Laing pre-
-sided at the piano -for -the sing-
ing of hymns. Twelve members
answered the roll call with a
New Year's resolution. The
topic, `,`Our Theme For 1966,"
was -given by Mrs. Chas. Doug-
las. .Mrs. Eldon Allen gave a
reading on "Forgiveness."
e weeen
Award Sentence
In Motor Fatality•
Robert Broome,, 16, of Wing -
ham, was given a two-year sus-
pended sentence on a criminal
negligence charge laid after the
death of a Seaforth area girl
Dec. 9th.
Broome was the driver of a
car which struck Anne Marie
Devereaux, 13, of RR 4, Sea -
forth, as she crossed H.igh*ay 8
to her home. She had just got
off a school bus.
Mr. Justice John D. Wilson,
of the Ontario Supreme Court,
placed; the youth on probation
for the two-year period, and
suspended his driver's license
for the , same period. A jury
returned a guilty verdict Jan.
14th, but recommended len-
iency. •
Huron County probation offi-
cer William Craven said Broome
had the alternative of resum-
ing his Grade 10 studies or tak-
ing ' a provincial institute of
trades course.
After consulting the youth's
parents, Mr. - and Mrs. James
Broome, and defence counsel,
C. C. Misener,- of Stratford, Mr.
Craven said it was likely Broome
would continue his high school
"You have been convicted of
a very serious offence. You are
not what is called a bad lad;
your associations and activities,
seem to indicate an approxi-
mately normal person, with
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Howe, and Carol.
Mr, Hugh Scott, of. Guelph,
and Mr. John Scott, from Dor-
set, spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.. T.
L. Scott.
Many local high school stu-
dents and friends attended, the
formal dance at Mitchell Dis-
trict High School Friday night.
Mr. Arnold Westlake has re-
turned home after a three-
month visit overseas with his
Son, LAC James Westlake, and
Mrs. Westlake, who are station-
ed in France for a four-year
Mr.,' and Mrs. Gary Q'uance,
and family, Staffa, were...S.unday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nel-
son Howe and Carol.
Mr. and M. Don Riehl and
family, .RR 5, Stratford, visited
Sunda' with Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Jefferson.
• Evening Auxliery Meets
The January meeting of the
Marian Ritchie Evening Auxil-
iary was •held at the home of Mrs. Frank Hamilton. John
Miss Susan McLean, of Mc-
Gill University, Montreal, spent
the weekend at her home here.
Mr. John Bruce underwent
surgery at Seaforth Commun-
ity Hospital on Monday.
A birthday party was given
in honor of Mr. Walter Marriott
at his home in Dublin. Two
tables of euchre were played.
The winners were Mrs. Peter
Maloney and Mr. Lou Rowland.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Moser and
children, of Kitchener, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Maloney, Sea -
forth;. "with lMr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Maloney.
some unaccountable lapse in
operation of a motor vehicle,
Mr. Justice Wilson said.
"From the information I have
received from Mr. Craven, you
should be able to make a good
living and become a good citi-
zen of the community. In'your
case, you are fortunate to have
had the jury's -recommendation
of leniency,"
- Miss Mary Connolly, formerly
of Logan Township, died in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, on
Sunday. Born in Logan, she was
a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Connolly. For the
past three years she had lived
with her sister, Mrs. Jessie
Johnson, London -
A member of St. Brigid's Ro-
man Catholic Church, Kenni-
cott, she is survived by one
brother, Michael, RR 5, Mit-
chell; three sisters, Mrs. Wil-
fred (Helen) Krauskopf, Logan;
Mrs. Johnson, and Miss Zita,
The body is at the Heath -
Leslie funeral home, Mitchell,
until Thursday morning, when
removal will be made to St.
Brigid's Roman Catholic
Church, Kennicott, for funeral
service at 10 a.m. Rev. Stephen
Toth will officiate. Temporary
entombment will follow in the
Elizabeth Ritz Memorial Chapel
with burial later in St. Vincent
de Paul -cemetery, Mitchell...
Representatives from church-
es ' in Seaforth and district -met
at the home of Mi's. W. B. Boul-•
ton to make plans for the World
Day of Prayer. The service this
year will be held in St. Thomas'
Angliean Church on Friday;
Feb. 25,' at 3 p.m. The thence
for this service will be "Ye
Are My Witnesses".
' The Stewarts of the Chris- flake Frolic. Mr. Larry Kist-
tian Home met on Tuesday ner from here is head boy•
evening. with 19 members Members of the Luther
present. The losing atten- "League are busily practising
dance team of the year cap- for a talent night in February
tains, Mr. and. Mrs. Ronald to be held at the community
'Hinz, along with Mr. and Hall. -
Mrs. Reuben Buuck, Mr. and 4 H Groups Meet
Mrs. Robert Beuerman, Mr,'
and Mrs. Mervyn Hodgert and The first • meeting of the
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shot- Brodhagen 4-H. Homemaking
dice were in charge and serv- Club was held at the home of
ed a delicious dinner and al- Mrs. Ken Elligsen Monday.
so recreation. The annual The following officers were
meeting was conducted by elected: president, Joanne El -
president, Jack Gloor ,and a ligsen; vice-president, Donna
motion was made and`;second- Pushelberg; secretary, Mar -
ed that the.execitive remain garet Elligsen; treasurer, Lin -
the same, nem:0v Mr.a•s mda, Miller; press reporter,
Mrs. Jack Gloor, presidents; Wendy Trutter; phone girls,
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck, Janet Scherbarth and Janice
vice-nresidentsi; Mr. and Mrs. Dietz; leaders, Mrs. Don
Russell , Sholdice,, secretaries; Brown and Mrs, Ken Ellig-.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beuer- seq. -
man, treasurers, and the oth- The ;girls were given the
er committees will be arrang- outline of Accent on Acces-
ed by the executive. sories and the requirements
It was decided to continue of club members. The discus -
this organization and ' all, sion concerned the• "Finished
members are '?'geed to attend Look" and . accessories to
regularly and all try and complement a costume.
bring more members. Baby The following girls are
sitting was also discussed to members of the club: Janice.
make it easier•for couples to Sharon and Sheila Dietz,
attend our meetings. A letter Mary Beuerman, Joanne and
of thanks was read frdm Mr. Margaret Elligsen, Donna
Taylor of the Children's J id Leonhardt, Linda Miller, Don -
Society of Perth County. The na Pushelberg, Janet Scher -
"minutes of thelast meeting barth and Wendy Trutter.
and also last year's minutes Word was received that
were read by the secretary. Roy. 'S"'teiss, 73, of Mt. Clem -
Comical gifts were present- ens, Mich.,' a former resident
,ed to the men of the winning here, passed away suddenly
attendance team. - Progressive on Saturday.
crockinole was played with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ah -
prizes going to Pastor and rens and fancily, Pf Burling„ -
Mrs. , .Kappes (High) and ton with MrS. Charl'e's Ah-
Grace Hodgert and Reuben rens..1
Buuck, (Low). Mr. Don Wolfe and Steven
Mr. and Mrs. August Scher- of London with Mr. and Mrs.
berth spent the weekend with Lavern Wolfe on,,Seturday.
their daughter and son -In- Mr. and Mrs. V1fnrren,Shol-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Ca1Vin ,dice, Peterborough. Mr. Rog -•0
Glick, "Desboro. Mrs. Scher- er Sholdice, Orillia, with
barth remaining for the week. (heir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Dick Brink under- R. Sholdice.
went' an operation at Stret-, The funeral of the late Ed -
ford General Hospital, this ward Prueter had to be post -
week. poned from Monday to Tues -
The sympathy , of the com- day on account of the heavy
munity is extended to Mrs. snow storm.
Ed Prueter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
fred Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. Beuerman were home from
Lloyd Prueter, Mr. and Mrs. London on Sunday.
Gordon Bach and Mr. and Schools were closed on
Mrs. Norman Rode in ' the Monday en account of the
-death of Edward Prueter 'wise -heavy snow sterni.
passed away in a Detroit Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eick-
pital while visiting their meier. and Mr. and Mrs.
daughter and son-in-law, Floyd Wessman visited in
Mr. and Mrs: N. Rode, 13e- Fort Erie recently.,
troit. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, French and ,family attended
Seaforth, spent a few days the baptism `of their grand -
With her father George Dieg- daughter,Lori Hillebrecht at
el who was ill for a few Grace Lutheran Church, Mit,,
days, chell, on. Sunday and after-
Aufte a number from here wards were guests at the
attended the 1VIitdheil and home of her parents, Mr. and
Distrldt nigh School At- Mrs 'Neil Hillebrecht.- Miss
ttoine Ori Priday night. The June. .'lilllebrecht and Allan
MuniCIpaI-ltIes In Bid
To Keep- Fassenger Service
Huron County municipal and
business, officials want a change•
in schedule for Canadian Na-
tional Railways passenger serv-
ice from Stratford to Goderich.
They plan to ask the Board
of Transport Commissioners to
establish, for a one-year trial
period, a daily early morning
run allowing passengers to ar-
rive and return from Toronto
the same day.
It was pointed out at a meet-
ing in Clinton on Monday eve-
ning, that at present a passen-
ger leaving Huron must spend
two nights in Toronto before
being able to return home on
the third day.
money - losing proposition and
there has been a decreasing
population with no promise of
Seaforth mayor, John Flan-
nery, said the freight service in
the area is great enough to
subsidize the passenger service.
Kenneth Hunter, Goderich law
Yen who attended the meeting,
said the Kincardine passenger
line is beinj retained - even
though it loses money in both
freight and .passenger service.
Mayor Donald Symmons, of
Clinton, said that the area for-
merly had four trains a day in
and` out of the area ... ".a milk
train, which picked up passen-
gers, freight and mail. But it
took hours to reach Toronto.
What we want is service."
Representatives of Goderich,
Clinton and Seaforth councils
attended the meeting.
Late last _year the CNR an-
nounced -plane to drop the pres-
ent six-day service between
Stratford and 'Goderich. Last
week the municipalities propos-..
ed to boycott CNR freight in
the area unless the plans for
ending the service were re-
The resolution will be sent
to area Chamber of Commerce
groups and businessmen's as-
sociations which, in turn, will
offer the Board of Transport
Commissioners the boycott ul-
Accompanying the resolution.
will be an official brief passed
unanimously by Huron County
Council th's year objecting to
the suspension of'service.
The CNR contends -passenger`
service in the area has been a
Reg • Jewell, Goderich council-
lor, said there is not a chance
in the world of increasing pas-
senger service on the present
afternoon train to Toronto.
B. R. Robinson, Goderich busi-
nessman, said the people have
been all too indifferent regard-
ing. the train service. "The
trains have not been patroniz-
ed as.much as they should have
been, he said. He felt the muni-
cipal council and business peo-
ple should negotiate with the
CNR••to come up with' soiree an-
swer to stimulate business.
Since last week's meeting, he
said, he has had many calls
from people asking officials to
sustain the 'service.
All officials at the meeting
-disagreed with -the figures pre-
sented by the CNR regarding
revenue and operating costs.
The CNR did ,not break down
the figures to show how they
arrived at operating expenses
on the Goderich:Stratford run.
Mitchell and Dublin Chambers
of Comnterce, while invited,
were unable to be present. In-
specting Trustee John Nagle,
Dublin, .sent word through Sea -
forth Mayor Flannery that the
police village wase agreeable to
whatever action Monday night's'
meeting.. took.
TURKHEIM—At South Hur-
on Hospital, Exeter, oil Jan.
25, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Turkheim, Zurich, a daugh-
ter, Lori Joanne.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Mor-
ris, Seaforth, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter Mary Margar-
et Anne, to Mr. Larry En-
wright, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Enwright, Windsor,
marriage to take place Feb.
19, at 12 o'clock noon, in St.
Columbian Church. 10x1
Too Late
FOR SALE — Hay, 1,000
bales mixed clover. William,
Livingston, phone 527-0365.
FOR SALE — 26 weaner
pigs.- Ted Van Dyke, RR 3,
Seaforth, phone 527-1435.
The odds are
about 10,000 to
1 against your
mastering ven-
triloquism. .
The odds are probably. about
the same against a company
not validating its product
The proof of our circulation
product is in ABC's independ-
ent audit and fact -filled, report.
When advertising, insist on.
circulation proof. Be ABC
Every week more people dis-
cover what mighty jobs are
accomplished by low cost Ex-
positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240.
Mrs. Mabel Higgerson spent
Wednesday with her aunt, MrS.
Mary Malcolm.
Mr. and Mrs. • James Brough-
ton, Atwood, and grandson,
John Broughton, visited Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lan-
nin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney,
Mrs. Leslie Williams and Mrs.
"Nelson Heal visited Mr. and
Mrs. David Williams in St.
Marys on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon
and Barry were dinner guests
of Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Sun-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Fergus Lannin
and Carolyn were dinner guests
' of Mr. and Mrs. James Brough-
"' ' ton, Atwood, on Sunday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Irvin Aikens
-• e spent Tuesday and Wednesday
with their son, Mr. Gordon Aik-
ens and Mrs. Aikens.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney
visited -. with _ Mr. and Mrs. - Jack
Malcolm recently.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm
spent the weekend in Torpnto
with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Gra-
ham, and also visited their aunt,
Mrs. A. Ii. Veo, in Port Credit
Rest Home.
,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gill and
Jack,' of Monkton; 'Miss Linda
ray, of Lonidon, and Miss Sue
iteminifigton, Gddetich,...,. Were
dinner guests of Mr, Arid Mrs.
• Vaildetice a r k e r Saturday,
tight, decorating theme was SOW- Preneh were the sponsors..
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