The Huron Expositor, 1966-02-03, Page 7• re .c • .* 4 0 • • • 0 NEWS . QE, WALTON• Vongregation Review's Successful Year at Duff's The annual meeting of Duff's United • .Church Wins—held Tues- day evening in the schoolroom with a good attendance.. Rev. Arthur Higginbotham presided over the meeting, op- ening with Hymn 41, "Ye Serv- ants of the Lord," and the scripture reading followed by prayer. Mrs. Harvey Craig was appointed secretary for the eve- ning and read the minutes of last year's annual meeting. Dur- ing 1965 there were 15 bap - tiros, three marriages . and two burials. The different phases of the reports were reviewed by Rev. Higginbotham and explained. Particular credit was given to the Board of Stewards in the interest they took during the time the furnace and other equipment were installed. Great praise was given to . the United Church Women for the work accomplished during the year, with Mrs. Emerson Mitchell as president. The sec- retary, Mrs. Campbell Wey, gave an encouraging report. The Sunday School report showed a successful , year, un- der the leadership of Mr. Mar- ---tftt"Baan: Mrs. Neil McGavin, • on behalf of the..CGIT, explain- ed the work being done. Rev. Higginbotham thanked Mrs. Mc - Gavin and Miss Shirley Bolger and girls for the many things accomplished• during the year. The Mission and work was reported by Mrs. Walter Bew- ley, stating that money was giv- en' to the Presbytery project and to Missions from the mite boxes. • Messrs. William Turnbull, Emerson Mitchell, Frank. Kirk- by and Stewart"'1VIcCafl were aappointed to the committee of Stewards for three years; audi- tors, Douglas Fraser and James Smith to be the same as last year. .... - Representatives to United Church Men were Mr. Alvin Mc- Donald and Mr. Allen Searle. Lay representative to Presby- tery is Mr. Torrance .Dundas, with alternate Mr. Douglas Fras- er. Mrs. Ray Huether was ap pointed assistant organist. Mr. Clarence Martin read a letter from Presbytery. It . was decided to accept'" this budget as• -it is finalized by the Board of Stewards. Envelopes will be used as in years -for the Presbytery projects. Rev. Hig- ginbotham explained what hap- pens when we give our money te'the M and M fund, and why a unified budget. An M and M committee was formed as follows: Mr. Douglas Fraser, Mrs. Walter Bewley, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, Mr. James Smith, Mrs. David. Wat- son, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Ewing, Miss Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Donald" Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wey. A special vote of thanks was given by Rev. Higginbotham 'to Mrs. Harvey Craig . and Mrs. Ronald Bennett for their heIt. during the .alteration in the church basement; to the care- taker, -James Clark; • the choir; and organist, Mrs, Harvey Brown; Board of Stewards with Mr. Murray Dennis as 'chair. man, for the efficient way they 'carried on; also the Sunday School superintendent, Martin Baan, and stated they are in need 'of teachers for this work; CGIT, Mrs. Neil McGavin and • Miss Shirley: Bolger; Scout and Cub Leaders, Mission Band Mrs. Walter Bewley, and the unfail- ing energy of the UCW, and any others who took part. The min- ' ister also thanked the congre- gation as a .family and minister for the kindness and co-opera- tion shown during the year. • Mr. Clarence Martin thanked Rev. Higginbotham and Mrs. Higginbotham and family ler their ,great interest and leader- ship throughout the year. The meeting closed with the singing of the Doxology and prayer offered by the minister. Lunch was served and an hour of fellowship enjoyed. Women's Institute Mrs. Roy Williamson' opened the January meeting of the Wo- men's Institute, held in the Community Hall, with the In- stitute Ode, Mary Stewart Col- lect and, "0 Canada." The min- utes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. George Hibbert, followed by the treasurer's re- port and correspondence. " , There will be a 4-H Girls' Home Economic course given, with Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and Mrs. Gerald Watson as leaders. Any girl, 12 years of age by March lst, interested, in taking this course, contact Mrs. Roy Williamson. The course will be "to assist girls to give them a well-dressed. look, stressing the accessories, hand bags, scarfs and hat." The dates for the leaders' course are: Wing - ham, Feb. 16th and .17th; in Clinton, Feb. 21st and 22nd. An invitation was read from the Seaforth Institute, inviting Walton Institute to attend their euchre, to be held in the Sea -- forth District High School, Feb. 18th: Ladies are to bring their husbands. Cook books were of- fered for sale from the Sea - forth Women's Institute. The•"next progressive euchre of the institute will, be held on Feb. 11th, with the following committee in charge: Mrs. Peter McDonald, Mrs. Edward Miller, Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Luel- la Marshall and Mrs. Roy Ben- nett; Feb. 25th euchre:; Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. James Nolan, Mrs. 'James Clark and Mrs. Allan McCall. The Institute will visit Hur- onview, Clinton, March• 16, coin- mencing at 2 p.m., to celebrate the March birthdays. Mrs. Jan van Vliet, Jr., will look after the -program; -committee in charge of gifts and lunch, Mrs. - Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Her- bert Traviss, Mrs. Nelson Marks and Mrs. Roy Williamson. A fashion show, will be -spon- sored by the Institute Thursday evening, March 31, with the Dommittee: Mrs. Kenneth Mc- onald, Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs. Herbert Traviss, Mrs. Stewart Humphries and Mrs. Roy. Williamson. - Mrs. Harvey Craig read a let- ter from the Goderich Children's Aid Society to help in the Chil- dren's Aid pyjama blitz. I> was decided to buy material "and'cut out -different sizes of, pyjamas. Mrs. Harvey Craig and Mrs. Harold Bolger were . appointed to look after this. It was decid- ed to give •a donation of $5.00 to the Gift Coupon Jo aid in the starting -of new ` institutes in Northern Ontario, this -to, be sent inpwith the, • annual fees. The' roll call •''was answered lay giving your favorite recipe. Mrs., Clarence Martin and Mrs. George McCall were conveners for Home Economics. Mrs. Mc- Call gave the motto, "Gelatine and its uses," giving the history of vgelatine and different ways it can be used. such as dietetic values, kinds of gelatine, weight control,' gelatine as a diet, re- cipe for a substitute butter,, us- es in jam; also heats in wash- ing blankets, care of stockings and hair setting lotion.' A num- ber of booklets were distribut- ed. NOTICE To Public Utility Commission Customers CHANGES IN BILLING tind DISCOUNT ,DATES To facilitate accounting -procedures and to conform with accepted monthly billing ' dates and a new billing practise introduced by the HEPC COMMENCING WITH MARCH BILLING All Hydro, Water and Sewer bills will go out on the first of the month, rather than_ the 10th,.. as previously, and will be due on or before the 15th, rather than the 23rd, as has been the case. ' Commencing with. March. „Billings Discount Date will be 15tii of Each Month •i SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION R. S. BOX, Chairman R. J. EOUSSEY, Manager Colored slides were shown by Mrs. Torrance Dundas on places of interest in the British Isles and surrounding district. Mrs. Martin Baan read a number of poems. Lunch was served by - Mrs.. William., Humphries, Mrs. George Hibbert, Mrs. Torrance Dundas and Mrs. Herbert Tra- viss. Mrs, Margaret Humphries has returned home after visiting for the past month with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Horace Rutledge, and Mr. Rutledge and family, Lon- don. Mr. Frank Kirkby has return- ed home from Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Mrs. Hilda Sellers; of Sea - forth, is visiting, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tra- viss, Miss Brenda Houston and friend, of London, were week- end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs:, Rae Houston. Mrs. Gordon McGavin has re- turned hQltte after being con- fined to Seaforth Community Hospital for the pasttwo weeks. The 4-H girls and their lead- ers, Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Nelson Marks, attended Achieve- ment Day at Seaforth District High School` last''"Saturday. Mr. Bob Humphries, of Lon- don, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin and Brian visited over the week end with -Mr. and Mrs. William Dinsmore, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, - Hi• • . Creek, and other friends in the area. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger, Mrs. James Bolger and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Engel, of Cran- brook, visited Sunday in Lon- don with James Bolger, who is a patient in 'Victoria Hospital. A, number of men from this vicinity attended theiimplement show at Toronto last Thursday. The trip was made by bus, leav- ing from Gordon McGavin's Farm Equipment Shop. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIAR-Y • DOWN AT.THE LANES BY LEE HEE COF Bowling League - • Team standings: .Thunder, 44; Lightning, 68. High single, Loreen Regele, 186; high triple, Marilyn Riley, 534. • Ladies' Auxiliery Team standings: Spark Plugs, 78; Chevelles, 70; Busy Bees, 68; Ijead Eye Dicks, 48; Queen- ettes, 48; Eager Beavers, 24. High singles, Judy Falser, 278, and Norah Brown, 277; high triples, Judy Praiser 596, and Norah Brown, 558. Seaforth Mixed League Team standings: Petunias, •75; Sunflowers, 62; Sweet Peas, 61; Daisies, 56; Daffodils, 54; Mari- golds, 28. Ladies' high, single, June Boussey, 262; high triple, Mary Marshall, 68'7; men's high, sin- gle and triple, Eric Matzold, 292 and 811. Egmondville Church League Team standings: Turtles, 74; Snippers, 72; Ramblers, 63; Weasels, 63; Lucky Strikes, 50; Bo -Hunks, 36. • Ladies' high, single, Marj. Papple,.321; high triple, Helen Nott, 628; men's high, singles, Mel ,Marriam, 275; Don Wood (spare), 367; high triples, Mel erriatn;-606, Don Wood 792. The vanishing parties for the Hospital Auxiliary have been continuing, with a dessert euchre party held at the Home of Mrs. William O'Shea on Jan. 20, with the following guests: Mrs. J. C. Cornish, Mrs. Frank Lamont, Mrs. R. Nott, Mrs. J. Smith, MiSs IT ....Parke, Mrs. H. Thompson, Mrs. L. Radio, Mrs. G. Hildebrand and' Mrs. W. R. Smith. At a party at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gray, theguests • were: Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mrs. Harvey Leslie, Mrs: A. Wright, Mrs. J. McCowan, Mrs. A. Fin- layson, Mrs. E. Durst, Mrs. John Watson, Mrs. Jean Cairns, . Mrs. A. Routledge, Mrs. J. Hay, Mrs. H.• Wilson and Mrs. N. Garrett. A dessert euchre was held at the home of Mrs. E. Durst with the following guests: Mrs. John Modeland, Mrs. Alex Boyes, Mrs. J. Gruinmett, Mrs. Jim Rose, Mrs. • Alex Chesney, Mrs. Ed. Boyes, Mrs. Milton Deitz and Mrs. Allister Bre: adfoot. Mrs. Ross Savauge entertain- ed the following ladies at a bridge party: • Mrs. P. B. Moffat, Mrs. 'B. F. Christie, Mrs, R. Kerslake, Miss W. Seip and Miss A. Seip. The hostess for a dessert bridge on Jan. 17th ,was Miss Annette B. Sinclair, With' guests: Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mrs. Willis Dundas, Mrs. Alton Johnston, Mrs. Clarence Walden, Mrs. Alex Wright, Mrs. J. Cairns, Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot and Mrs. Andrew Moore. At a luncheon Mrs. Richard Box entertained: Mrs. William Hart, Mrs. Cannon Rowcliffe, Mrs. rad Smith, Mrs. Frank Kling, Mrs. John Longstaff, Mrs. Grant Chesney and Mrs. Gor- don Beuttenmiller. The February meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. in the Hospital, when plans will be discussed for the regional meet- ing being held here in May. PROTECT YOUR PROFITS! VICTOR Full Protection. Cush Register Naw Ooh s199. * * as Seaforth Legion League Team standings: Go-Gos, 87; Gophers, 61; Birdies, 53; I Spit- fires; 52; Polecats, 46; Ramblers, 37. Ladies' high, single and tri- ple, Ann Wood, 241 and 628; men's high, single and triple, Don Wodd, 1199 and 786. S. James' Church" League . Team standings: Sweepers, 80; - Hustlers, 65; Blowers, 63;. Misfits; 60; Alley Cats, 56; Cow- boys, 54. Ladies' high, single, triple and average, Martha Van Gef- fen., 251_, 672_ and 224; men's high, single, tile arida aver= age, Gordon Noble, 298, 807 and. 269. A SMILE OR TWO The lawyer, was summoned to the beside of. an octogenarian who had only a few days to live and wanted to make his will. "To. my -son, •Jim, in fatherly love," the old man began, "I bequeath $10,000. To my son, John, the same, and to each of my eight grandchildren , . " The lawyer interrupted. "Hold on there. • Your estate isn't worth more than $300. -Just how do you suppose your bene- ficiaries are going to get this money?" • The old man reared up -indig- nantly on his bed. "Get it?" he Wheezed. ' "Let .'em work for it, same as I had to!" '1 acne .Over EUIiceSianipers °. ° Winthrop Warriors skated to a a6 victory 'over theme Ellice Swampers in a WOAA Inter- mediate 'D' game 'lived in Seaforth on Monday ght. The score was tied -3 at the end of the first period, with Winthrop taking a 6-6 lead in the secondperiod. -The Warriors opened the scoring at the .18 second mark of the first ;period,. on a goal by Ray Horan from Geo. Love. K. Cook counted for Ellice at 1:00. Ken Murray from Geo, Love and ft.ay Horan at 6:25 put the Warriors ahead again, but Campleton replied for El- lice at 7:21. Ray Horan scored on a breakaway at 12:18, but Zi er tied the score once.. again ri his goal at 15:10. In the second period the Warriors opened; up a 6-3 lead with goals by' `George.. Love, from Ray Horan and Wayne Dolinage at the 25 second mark; Ray Powell from Jim Strong and Leon Maloney at 2:31, and Ken Devereaux from Frank Ma-. lone and Art Murray at 7:19. In the third period it was Ken' Devereaux from Ray Horan and John Varley at 1:18, and Frank Malone from Jim Carter and Art Murray at 4:17. Ellice got goals by K. Cook at 10:26 and Campleton at 10:55. Jim Strong scored from 1Vinsten ow 11 jt• 13:34 for Wintthrop,_ with Ellice ending the scoring with a • goal by Campleton ,at 19:03, making the final score 9-6 for Winthrop, Atwood 10, Winthrop 7 Winthrop was defeated by At- wood by a 10-7 score in a game played in Milverton on Friday night. The Warrior goals were scor- ed by Ray Powell, from Wins- ton Powell and Leon Maloney; Frank Malone from Art Mur- ray and ' Don Moylan; Ray Hor- an from George Love and Ken Murray; Ray Horan from Ken Murray; Ken Devereaux; Ray Horan front George Love, and Ken Murray from George Love and Leon Maloney.• Atwood Here Monday The Warriors will play Ellice in Listowel on Friday, Feb. 4, and the next home game will be Monday, Feb 7fh, when Ate wood will be the opposition, Standings As of Jan. 31 GPWLTFA P St. Clements 8 8 0 0 87 31 16 Winthrop 10 6 41 0 81 54 12 Monkton 10 5 4.1 60 68 11 Ellice - 9432686110 Marden 10 3 4 3 55 71 9 Atwood 9 4 5 0 49 60 8 Blyth 10 2 7 1 59 80 5 Harriston 10 2 7 1 51 86 5 NEWS OF THE WEEK IN. STAFFA W1 .Meets Mrs. Carter Kerslake was hos- tess for the . home economics and health meeting or Staffa Women's Institutes held in her ,home on• Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 26, Mrs. Kerslake presided and opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect.. Mrs. Cameron Vivian presented a paper on the "motto; "It takes •64 muscles„ to frown and only 13 muscles to smile, so smile." Fifteen members -and one vis- itor were present, and the roll call was answered by "The newspaper column I most 'en- joy." Mrs. Robert McCaughey favored everyone with a mel- ody of popular numbers on the piano. •••• ' Final arrangements were spade for the township officials' banquet, to be held Jan. 27, also plans were completed for the progressive euchre party to be held in the Township Hall on Feb. 4. An invitation' was received from -Seafortli-'Wo=- men's Institute for the Staffa members and their husbands to attend "a progressive euchre in Seaforth on Feb. 18. Mrs. Tom Laing had the spe- cial feature and showed pictures which had, been worked in the petti point. Mrs. Bert •Daynard was guest speaker for the af- ternoon and chose ,as her sub- ject, "Nature Study." She gave an interesting talk on "birds, telling about their migrating habits, and showing pictures of the most common birds. Mrs. Daynard had many Bird calls on tape which she played. It was' interesting to note how many of the members had bird feeding stations. She was thank- ed and presented with a re- membrance, -,by Mrs Cameron Vivian. •4-H Club Elects Officers The first meeting- of Staffa No. 1 4-H Homemaking Club; "Accent on Accessories," - was. held Wednesday afternoon at the. home of the leader, Mrs. Robert Laing, ,..with Mrs. Rus- sell Taylor assisting her. Seven girls answered" the roll call. officers elected at the' ing were: President, Gail Agar; vice:president, Carol Ann Viv- ian; secretary=treasurer, Mary Barnesi press reporter, Mts. Lorne Pell. Mrs: Laing led a discussion outlining the new project and commented on an ,exhibit of clothing and accessories dis- played. Notes were given on the finished book by Mrs. Laing and accessories to compliment your costume by Mrs. Taylor: The next.. meeting will be held' in one week at the home -of Mrs. Laing. No. 2 4-H Group Meets Staffa No. 2 4-H Homemaking Club, "Accents on Accessories," held their first meeting at the home of their leader, Mrs. John Wallace, on Wednesday evening, Jan:�26 `•Mrs `Dougia5--is--assts ant leader. There was a dis- cussion on hew accessories can be worn with different costumes. The election of officers was held: President, Carol Ann Dow; vice-president, Linda Feeney; secretary, treasurer, Margaret Worden; press. reporter, Judy Jeffery; convener, Bonnie Mil- ler. The next meeting is to be at the home of Carol Ann Dow. Miss Susan Eidt,'RR 5, Strat- ford, was a Thursday" evening guest of (Miss Fay Templeiiiaii. ,- A woman- visited a psychia- trist and pleaded, "You've got to help my husband., He thinks he's an' elevator!" "You send him in to see me," replied the psychiatrist, "and. I'll tri to straighten him out." - "Oh, I can't do that," moan - i xolg HURON EXPOsJTOI MAF RTH, ONTY ,F FOR THURSDAY Y TO SAT ROAY •o Send in Your Purchase Slips to HOT SPOT, CKNX W INGR AM FOR CASH PRIZES `• • ' And a Chance on a Color 'IW This Week's HOTT SPOT SPECIAL SpCCOCii siery Sauings First Quality $1.00.•. 400 Needle Seam -Free WHISPER NYLONS.. ALL, NEW STOCK 5 SHADES ALL LENGTHS HOT SPOT SPECIAL..,. "660 Pair .LIMIT OF TWO PAIRS PER CUSTOMER HOT SPOT SPECIAL IN OUR MEN'S DEPT. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only ! Famous • W. G. • CA HARTT • HAUGH'S SLIM COTTON CASUAL SLACKS Regular 5.95 - 6.50 - 6.95 incompleterange in Black, Bone, Powder -and Olive. Sizes 30 to'38 only: Iiot Spot Special S3. Pair OTHER WINTER SPECIALS Men's and Boys' Dress Gloves 20% off Men's and Boys' Mitts 'and Gloves –20% 20% off Men's S:arves 20% off Men's Winter Caps 20% . off Men's and Boys'.. Winter Jack-ets • • 20% off STEWARTBROS. SEAFORTH ed the wife: "He's an express H; rhr Adrrrtisrtnrnts and doesn't stop at your floor." • — It's a Profitable Pastime! WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL BE PRACTICAL USE; EXPOSITOR WANT -ADS For F -A -S -T, LOW - COST Resu Its ! I It's just plain good horse sense to get rid of these useable items that your family no longer needs — for cash! And it makes. equally good sense to.. advertise your wares where MORE PEOPLE,. who are looking for a bargain, will see what you have to offer. The thousands of people who, every week, read The Huron Expositor Want Ad Page are in a buying frame of mind. They're reading the Want Ad Page because they're looking for what you• have to offer. KEEP YOUR EYE OUT FOR "DON'T WANTS" AROUND THE HOME :. . THE FARM :. . Just check around your home and farm for things that have value but aren't being used. Make a list of them and PHONE 527-0240 An Experienced Ad Taker Will Help Word Your Message A Cosh Register—and an adding mad'tiine. Enforced registration. designation keys, locked -In In. formation. Totals 9999.99. Tv3o machines for the price of one. The 'Huron Expositor Seaforth