HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-20, Page 6•TH, HURON. EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTHr•QNT., • [`� EMT PRESDYT ER.4N CuURCH REVV, DOUGLAS 0. CRY Minister Sunday, January -"3rd WORSHIP 11:00 • A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 10 A.M. SUCH Friday, Jan. 21st 8:30 p.m. C.O,F. Hall KINBURN ADMISSION 50 CENTS Ladies, please bring • lunch EUCHRE Auspices Walton W.I. Community Hall WALTON Friday, Jan. 21st at 8:30 p.m. GOOD PRIZE$ - EVERYONE WELCOME - EUCH in I.O.O.F. Hall Mon., Jan. 24th - 8:30 p.m: LONCH - GOOD PRIZES Sponsored by Edelweiss Rebekah -Lodge • ADMISSION 50 CENTS BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH (Services at Orange Hall) Sunday, - January 23rd 9:46 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages 11:00 A.M. and 7;30 P.M. GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: Pastor. Christian Knetch • "If my people, "which:'are call- ed by my name, shall humble themselves, and ' pray, and seek ' 'ny, face; and turn front.- their wiated ways: then will I hear from heaven, and ,will forgive their sin,•, and will heal their land." • 2 Chronicles: 7, 14 • AN. 20, 1941 ESS OF WALTON :. _ , • eA►rea.. Cburch Groups Announce -1 (Continued from Page 1) speech during the last session of the House, it is appropriate, I believe, for me to present certain views, because in the Riding of Huron, which I am proud and privileged to re- present- and which comprises the southern two-thirds of Hur- on County, the productionof white beans constitutes one of the principal cash crops in this farming area of Ontario." Mr. MacNaughton went on to say that Huron is now the largest producing area for this important cash crop in Ontario, indeed in all Canada. While production is spreading both north and east, the southern portion of Huron would still account for the major volume of production. It seems obvious that the present and forsee- able future holds promise for greatly increased production po- tential, "It occurs to. -me that -with more aggressive pursuit of our endeavours in this direction With some special field testing and subsequent selection and plant breeding, using our own facilities as, a measure of fur- ther collabration in this field, much could be done to develop the Potential of the industry,'%. he said, and added: "With to- day's announcement by the Min- ister of -Agriculture, we now appear to be on the threshold of exciting possibilities in terms of expanding , our pro- duction." • CASH BINGO Friday, Jan. 21st 8:15 p.m. Legion Hall, Seaforth 15 Regular Games tor • $10.00 Three $25.00 Specials One- $50.00 Jackpot (Children under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION $1:00 Extra • Cards 25c, or 7 for $1.00_ Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian Legion PROCEEDS • FOR WELFARE WORK. honour Bride, Elect Friends and neighbors - of - Miss Joan Bach gathered at the home of Mrs. John Turn- bull on Tuesday evening in honor of her forthcoming 'we'd - ding. Games were played and Joan received many lovely and useful gifts. Mrs. William Hof(, read a poem . to .J1)1111; composed by Mrs. Barbara Sykes, which stat- , that everyone likedher friendly manner. • Ladies assisting were Mrs. Isaac Hudson,' Mrs. Enos Bosh - art, Mrs. Tena Dick, Mrs. John Kerr, Mrs... John Lansink and Mrs. Ed. Fischer. Schoolmates Entertain A miscellaneous shower for Joan Bach, given 'by Ellen Gor- will' and Betty Beuttenmiller; washeld' at the Gorwill home Thursday evening. The bride - elect received a number of lovely gifts and assured every- one they would be very useful to I her when she sets up house- keeping. The:, girls ' renewed acquaint- ances with folks _they hadn't seen foras many, as four years. During lunch, school days were reminisced. - Those present joined in wish- ing Joan all the best and much happiness in her married life. "But when you married me, you promised to bye, honor and cherish me," they -newlywed bride sobbed. "Yeah," he said, "but I didn't want to start an argument in front of all those people." ANNUM. MEETING & BANQUET Seaforth. Agricultural Society THURSDAY, FEB. 3rd 7:00 p.m. ORANGE HALL, SEAFORTH Speaker - D. H. MILES Agricultural Representative for Huron County TAKE NOTICE: That the Annual Meeting of Producer Members of the Huron County Hog Producers' Association ,_w;ill 'be convened at the hour of 1:30 p.m., E.S.T., on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1966 at the Legion Hall in the Town of Clinton for the purpose of the proper business of the annual meet- ing, the election of officers, the election of voting repres- entatives. ROBT. McALLISTER, President ELMER IRELAND, Sec. s ATTENTION, BEAN GROWERS There will be a Panel Discussion•in Exeter LeiO1t-Hadi Tuesday,, Jan: 25th — 8:30 p.m. 'Panel members will be: . - Robert P. Allan, Brucefield chairnari of .Bean Growers Marketing Board GOECIP11- t i'11; aii'na recently resigned Member of Farm Products Marketing Bd. I , 'VEFRYONIr,WRLCGMEI Sit'oNsORED" iv IItJItdN •C0VNTY PAl1MERS' UNION Have Active Program The January meeting of the eigth and 1.6th unit. was held at the home of Mrs. William Turnhpll, Wednesday after-, noon. The meeting opened by singing 5.52, "Hail Gladden- ing. Light of His Pure Glorrc-• Poured" with Mr's. Wilbur Turnbull at the. piano-. Mrs. Ray :Houston led in prayer and read the scripture from Matthew, 17:14-20. The topic, "Old year out, New year. in" was' taken by Mrs. Kenneth 1VIcDonald. She also read a poem "Minutes of Gold". Hymn 662 "O God Our Help In Ages Past" was followed. with prayer by Mrs. Ray Houston. The business was conduct- ed by Mrs. Harold Bolger. The UCW membership fees were taken. A letter from Mrs. Walton Tong, Horig Kong, mentioned the need of cotton and plastic parts up to six years old; also safety pins. Next month the roll call is to be ansW ?red by, donating these articles. -The Annual Congregational meeting will be held Tues., at 8:30 p.m., the 8th to take tarts and 16th sandwiches. The Wuhan S World .Day of Prayer is to be Feb. 25, ,and the Easter Thankoffering on March 27_ Mrs. James McDonald and Mrs. -Clarence Mprtin were appointed to a visiting com- mittee. It was decided to have Mrs. Donald McDonald send for -flannelette. The collection was • taken and roll call was answered _eleven --lades - arid" -there was one guest.- The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. George McCall. Grace was sung and lunch served by Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, ,Mrs. Jan Van Vliet and.- the hostess. Walt'orn- Unit. The January meeting of the Walton Unit was held Wed., evening, in the Sunday School room with 25 members and one guest present. Mrs. How- ard Hackwell and Mrs. Ian. Wilbee were in charge• of the devotional period. Mrs. H. Hackwell introduced the meeting with the call to wor- ship and hyinn 196, "God Reveals His Presence". Mrs. Ray was accompanist on the piano. The scripture was tak- en from Proverbs 16:20-32. Meditation, "He saw, red; de- noting anger" .was 'taken ..by Mrs. Ian W ilbee followed with prayer. •.Mrs. Gerald Watson gave the topic entitled - "What Prayer Can Do"..Take a look at ourselves. and see what prayer can do for. us. Most prayers are °-n.ot honest to God. One .must be rid of mal- ice,, jealousy, etc., before prayers can be answered by ,God. Others may fail but God never, Hymn • 388, "Oh Master Let 'Me Walk •With Thee" ' was sung and Mrs. William .......,.•Coutts president. took over the meeting. A poem, "Begin To -day" . was read. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Jim Clark and treasurer's re- port, also ` a financial state- ment of -the year was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Tor- rence Dundas. Walton members will take ttaarts ,and country, sandwiches tb the annual meeting, Walton Unit to tidy up. Each unit is responsible for membership fees of the UCW. The monthly UCW meeting, will be held, Wednes- day afternoon at 2 p.m., in- stead of Thursday. The quilt committee, Mrs. Ernest Stevens, gave a re- pgrt of work done during the est, year. It waa decided to charge $8.00 for plain and $10 for fancy quilts for quilting, with thread supplied by ow- ner. The annual bazaar of the unit will be . held April 13, with the regular nit meeting the follgwing Wednesday ev- ening. Committee in charge of bazaar, • Mrs: -Allan McCall, Mrs. Howard Hackwell, Mrs. Mac • Slioldice, Mrs Edward Miller, Mrs. Nelson Marks and Mrs. Herbert Traviss. The meeting closed with hymn 550, "Abide With Me" followed by a social half- hour. Lunch committee . in• charge; -Mrs. W-illiam CoutfTs, Mrs. James Clark, •'wlrs. Tor- rance- orrance- Dundas Mr. Malcolm Fraser who underwent surgery last Tues. in Seaforth Community Hos- pital, has been moved to St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar- shall, Susan and Sandra, of North Bay visited with Mrs. Luella Marshal over the weekend; also with Mr. Mal- colm Fraser, London. Mrs. 'William Boyd and Caroline of Stratford, were Saturday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Small - don. ' : • Miss Ruth Ritchie, of St. Mary's.. Hospital, Kitchener, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Clifford Ritchie. Mr. Percy Taylor is, at pre- sent confined to Seaforth Community HospitaL Guests.., at. the -1 onie.oL Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger over the weekend were:' Mr. and Mrs. William McDowell and Joan of Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Claire Arthur of Pres- ton; Mr. and Mrs: Jack Mc- Dowell, London; Mrs. Robert North and Gorden " of- Oak- ville; Mr. and -Mrs. Trevor Quinn of Kincardine. Women's Institute . The January meeting of the Walton Women's. Institute will be held Wednesday evening, in the Communiho Hall, with Mrs. Clarence Martin and Mrs George McCall as co -conven- ers. Roll call, . bring and give, your favourite- recipe. Hos- tesses...,.will be Mrs. Wilbur Humphries, Mrs. George Hib- bert, Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Mrs. Herbert Traviss and - Mrs. Margaret 'Humphries. Conveners for 'the ptogres=, sive euchre party- Friday ev- ening, vening, Jan. 21, ire: Mrs. Jan, Van Vliet, Jr,; Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Sr.; Mrs. Wilbur Thin - bull; Mrs. Earl Watson. - The community was shock- ed Tuesday morning, to hear of the sudden death of Gor- don Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan. Sympathy is extended to the parents and family. Set Plans For March - Of Dimes Mrs. James Rose, chief marching mother for the March of times `Blitz" canvass, sat for the evening of Jan. 31st, said' the plans are afoot,, to expand the worshop in Kite - ener that serves this • branch, and because of the -,cost and. scarcity of the highly specializ- ed stair needed to operate Such facilities, these centres can only be developed on a district basis. However, any pa- tient from Seaforth who needs such training will be taken to Kitchener for it. It costs • approximately $10,000 a- year to operates such a cen- tre, and there are eight of thein in Ontario. The, Marching Mothers of Seaforth are out to see that every' disabled person in this district will get a pro- per chapce at life and they hope citizens will silpport their efforts. • The blitz locally is being sponsored by Edelweiss Re- bekah Lodge. Mrs. James Rose is chairman and Chief March- ing Mother. Others' fn charge are: publicity, Mrs. Joseph Grummett ; recruiting, _Mrs. Peter Malcolm; supply, Mrs. Mae fiablrnrk, finance, Mrs, Wil: mer -anthill. •, Captains are MSS Jean Scott, Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mrs. Roy 1VleGonigle, Mrs. Mae Halle brecht, Mrs. P. Maleolni and Mra. Adin Forbe$: • NEWS OE HENSAiI. _,,.,,... rte....», � 1 nstitu a Mernhers .Hear Talk an Trtndad r• Bill: "Why don't you play golf with Jack anymore?" Will: -"Would you play golf with a man who moves the ball and puts dawn the wrong score when you're not looking?" Bill: ,"I most certainly would not." •..... Will: "Well, neither will Jack." Hensall WQmen'S Institute met in the Legion Hall Wed- nesday evening for their citi- zenship and education meeting and had as their guest speak- er D. Solemn, of Exeter, of the staff, of , South Huron Dis- trict High' School, who gave a colorful talk on "Trindid - Its People and Customs." The speaker was introduced by Miss I,Viattie Ellis and thanked by Mrs. Walker Carlile. The chair was taken by president Mrs. Beverly • Beaton, who ex- tended a welcome to members and guests. Roll call was an- swered by "As Canadian zens, what do we take for granted?" During the business period plans were outlined for marathon teas to be held dur- ing the winter months. Mrs. John ,Corbett presided for a program which consisted of the motto, "book back and give thanks; look forward and take courage," given by Mrs. R. M. Peck; piano duets, Billy and Joey Bengough; solos, Dor- othy Skea; accompanist, Miss a---Lammie; accordion selec- tions by Mrs. -Bob. Haugh, of Exeter (the former Audrey Walsh, of Hensall). Prizes were Awarded to Miss Amy Lammie for . , •having- • a birthday closest to date of meeting; and Mrs. Joe._Fergu- son for bringing the most peo- ple to theJ.-meeting in her car. Prognaprircenveners were .Mrs. John Corbett, Mrs. E. Funk; 'hostesses, Mrs. J. Ferguson and Mrs.- V. M. Pyetter - - Hold Dessert Euchre Members of Amber Rebekah Lodge sponsored a dessert' euchre in' the lodge hall Wed- nesday afternoon, with . mine tables in play. Winners were: high, Mrs, Jack Taylor, Bruce= field; low, Mrs:""Clarence Vol - land; lone hands; Mrs. E. R. Willert; .lucky cup, Mrs. Hil- liard Lawrence; oldest lady present, Mrs. Toni Kyle, Sr. bake sale was held foil$wing the euchre. Mrs. Baker Wins Hensall Kinettes met Wed- nesday evening at the home of. Mrs. Robert Baker, when it was announced that the. March of Dimes campaign will be 'held Monday°, Jan. 31, from 7 to 8 p.m., when the village will be canassed. Marching Mother is Mrs fait . -McGregor; general chairman, Mrs. William' Fuss; finance, Mrs. John Baker; re- cruiting, Mrs. Bob Caldwell; supply and publicity,' Mrs. Har- old Caldwell. The raffle was wolu by Mrs. John Baker. • L"---. Successful Euch ""The CP &,T committee of the IOOF and Amber Rebekah Lodges held a euchre party in the Lodge Hall Friday evening with several tables in play. Winners were: ladies', first, Mrs. Ed. Minn; consolation, Mrs. Jack Brintnell; men's first, Percy Campbell; • consr latio n Ed. Munn; lone hands, Ray Consitt. In the draw, Mrs. A. J. Fester wen: the basket of groceries and Mrs. Glenn Bell, the box of chocolates.' Tasty NEWS OF HENSALL Long ' Time Organist Designs Church Post Robert Cameron, organist of Trivitt 'M e m,o r i al Anglican Church, Exeter, has tendered his resignation. Mr. Cameron hasbeen organist of the church for the past 18 years. During this time he was also respons- ible for the maintenance Of the instrument. In 1964 he in - tailed four ranks of new pipes to the • organ and these were dedicated in memory of Miss Catherine McFalls,,who was organist for. 30 - yearprior to Mr,' Cameron. David Elston, RR 1, Centralia, has accepted the position of organist to re- place Mr. Cameron. Combine Meeting and Supper Chiselhurst United Church Women combined a pot -luck dinner and quilting with their January meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. R. Taylor, president, pre-' sided' for the meeting, which opened with the _theme prayer and theme song. The worship service was led by Mrs. Harold Parker, the theme being, "God commands and we pledge al- legiance." Mrs. Russell Brock gave the missionary prayer. - Mrs. Ben Stoneffian present- ed resented the study on `Brazil." Mrs. Roy 'McDonald • contributed two poems, "Johnny Entertains" and "Live and Help Live." Plan Jan. 31. Canvass Hensall Kinette Club will be' canvassing -Hensel, Monday, Jan. 31, from -"i to 8 p.m. for the March of Dimes' campaign. Thosewishing to be a March- ing Mother are asked to con- tact Mrs..; •Robert Caldwell, 262.20$11-"° 4",a .. Pee Wees Win Hensall Pee Wees, In a WOAA hockey game, at l~lensall Satur- day' night, defeated ,Brussels Pee Woes 7-2. The score in the firstperiod was all tied up at 2.2, but 4 ie local team then went ahead to win the game. Goal -getters for 1Tnsall *ere Brian Campbell (3), Larry Fer. refreshiuents were served. WMS Plans Events The -Women's Missionary So- ciety of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their first meet- ing of the new year "Thursday afternoon. President Mrs, F,ar1 Campbell, who presided for the meeting, opened with a short meditation. Mrs. Harvey Hyde took 'te devotion, which was Bible study, assisted by,. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. Prayer by the president closed the meeting, after which the Ladies' Aid met for A brief session to discuss projects for 1966, which in- clude The Ontario Hydro Show Time, on April 12; bazaar and bake 'sale, -Saturday, Nov. 5, as well as a spring bake sale. - Arnold Circle Meets • President"- Mrs. Bob Bell op- ened 1966 for the Arnold Cir- cle on Monday in the church auditorium. Mrs. Harold Bon- thron and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm: in charge of the worship per- iod, used the theme, "Self -Seek- ing." Reports of 1965 were given from- the executive, and the president gave her report of the Presbyterial held recent- ly in Clinton.. Valentine boxes to the local nursing home will be delivered by Mrs. Bob Bell, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and Mrs -Stewart Bell. An order bake sale was :p1an- ned 'or April 2. ' _ The evening' closed with lunch served by Mrs. Al Hog- garth and Mrs.• Trevor Wilson, with Mrs. Don .Mousseau giving the benediction. guson, Ricky Parker, Gordon' Pryde, Al Corbett had, singles. Brussels goal -getters were R. McDonald and Philip Blake. Brussels .will meet Hensall this Saturday night . at Hensall Arena. • Mrs. A. R. Orr was admitted as a patient 'to Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday. • Wins. Bahamas .Trip Mr. and -Mrs. Maurice Heist, RR 2, Centralia, were winners of a trip to the' Bahamas. Mr: and Mrs. Heist will take the trip. Mrs: 'Heist is the former Rutif Ann Jarrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Jarrott, of Brudefield,-formerly of Kippen. The draw held Saturday night was sponsored by Exeter mer- chants. Mrs. Wilbert billing is a -•pg., tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman leave this Sunday by plane for a 10 -day vacation and visit with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Deloge, at Puerto Rico. Mrs. John Soldan -is a °Tra- tient in St.. Joseph's Hospital, London, having been admitted to the hospital ,last Saturday. ^ Hi -C, Youth>* a ldwship met Sunday evening In the United Church with 12 present. The highlight of the evening was a report- and. discussion on the recent Toe -Alpha Conference, held in Niagara Falls with a report on the conference pre- sented by Robert McNaughton, who with Miss Ann Miekle, at tended as delegates. A discus- sion on the factors- involving alcoholism was carried on. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elder left Wednesday by plane for a tour of the Grand Canyon, Cali- fornia; Tucson, Ariz., where they 'will meet other planes, from there to go on- a conduct^ ed tour through Mexico. They expect to be away 'three ' weelzs. First McKi I lop (Continued from- Page 1) office. Ex -warden Glenn Webb, - of Stephen Township,' escorted the warden to the chair and presented him with the chain. of office and gavel. Six new members took the, oath -of ,- office with those return,., Hen - ed. Th former included Mrs. Minnie 1 oakes, reeve of Hen sail; the others being deputy, reeve E. Hendrick, Stephen; Reeve H. Jefferson, West Wa- wanosh; deputy reeve Joseph Moody, Goderich, and • Reeve Frank McFadden; Bayfield. The first ballot for' warden-• resulted as follows: STEWART - Alexander, Boyle, Cuthill, Dalton, Gandon, Kerr, McFadden, Mcllwain, Smith, 'Stewart, Thiel, Duff Thompson, Wonch-13. .PROCTER -Boyd, Cook; Dun- bar, Gibson, Jewell- (2), Kreu- ter, McKenzie, Procter, Robin- son, Snell -11. TALBOT -Corbett, Geiger, E. Hayter, J. Hayter,. Hendrick, Moody (2), Noakes, Talbot =L.. LE1PER-Ethetii on, Hardy, Jefferson, Leiper, Stirling, El- gin Thompson -6. • Second Ballot • STEWART-Alexander, Boyle,_ Dalton, Dunbar, Gandon, 'Gei- ger, Hardy, Jefferson, Kerr, Mc- Ilwain, Robinson, Stewart, Thiel, Duff Thompson, Wonch-15.' PROCTER -Boyd, Cook, Cuth- ill, Etherington, Gibson, Sewell (2), Krauter, Leiper, McKenzie, Moody (2), Noakes, Procter, Smith, Sne11-16. TALBOT -Corbett, E: Hayter, J. Hayter, Hendrick, McFadden,' Stirling, ' Talbot, Thompson -8. Third Ballot STEWART-Alexander, Boyle, Corbett, Cuthill, Dalton, Gan - don, Gibson, Hardy, Hendrick, Kerr, McFadden,• Mcllwain; Moody (2), Noakes, Smith, Stew- art, Talhot, Thiel, Duff Thomp son, Wonch-21... PROCTER -Boyd, Cook, Dun- bar, Etherington, Gibson, E. Hayter; J. Hayter, Jefferson, Jewell (2), Kreuter, Leiper, Mc- Kenzie, Procter, Robinson, Snell, Stirling, Elgin Thompson -18. Reeve .tames Hayter, of $teph-. eh, was elected. to the roads committee for a five-year term. The ' other' members are Reeve Grant Stirling, Goderich Town- ship; Reeve D. McKenzie, Ash- field; Deputy Reeve. Delbert Gei- ger, May; land• Reeve - Robert Gibson, Howick- Deputy Reeve Jack Alexan- der, Wingham, and Reeve Reg Jewell, Goderich, were elected to the Huronview board for 'three-year terms, and Reeve El- gin Thompson, Tuckersmith, for two years. Othe-r members are Reeve E. Snell, -East Wawanosh, and Reeve A. D. Smith, Turn- berry. . Named to the striking , coni mittee to bring in recommenda- tions'for other committees were Reeve Archie Etherington, Us - borne Township;; Reeve Carl Dalton, Seaforth; Reeve Grant Stirling, Goderich Township ; Reeve Calvin ltrauter, Brussels, and Deputy -Reeve Elmer Hay- ter, Stanley Township. .N.D.P._Meeting. Jan. 26, 1966 8:30 p.m. McKay Hall GOD•1R.ICIt. Guest Speaker; MRS, PAI CHEF:URKA, M.S. (Candidate Middlesex West) SEAFORTHTEEN - MEN ADDJ•NS' Saturday, January 2nd _ -COMMUNITY -CENTRE ADMISSION -- 75 Cents Press - Semi -formal Dancing 9:30 - 12:30 OFFICE SUPP LIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 Q,H.A. INTERMEDIATE CKEY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26th PETROLIA.. at -- SEAFORTH SEAFORTH ARENA. Time: 8 :30 p.m. ADMISSION 50c and 25c ••' - First Run Films in Air -Conditioned . Com fort!' Entertainment is Our Business 1 Wednesday. -' Thursday Friday o JANUARY' 19-20-21 'AT LATA ROLE FOR OMAR SHARIF EQUAL TO )H$ ACCLAIMED PERFORMANCE IN 'LAWRENCE 8F AMMO -Earl %Isoa raJM8lAPIC111KSmatt ' PANAVISION° TECHNICQLOR' GENGHIS 'KHAN >ISTPHEN BOY0 • JAMES MASON N EC! EACH • FRANCOISE BORIC •TEI1Y SAYAUS ROBERT MORLEY. YVONNE MITCHEu'a OMAR SHAMES GENGHIS KHAN Shows at 7:15 p.m. and 9125 'p.m. ADULT -ENTERTAINMENT — Please not change of Programe - SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY =- JAN. 22-24-25 JERRY LEWIS in "THE FAMILY JEWELS" Replacing "Boeing Boeing" SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd ONLY 2 SHOWINGS • At 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. TIIE MAGIC -WORLD OF TOPO GIGIO•... Plus the 3 Stoogesand°Extra Cartoons ALL SEATS 1=OR THIS ENGAGEMENT - 50c Remember, It's. Playing 'Saturday Matinee Only -Jan. 22nd ALL SEATS 50c WED., 'THURS., FRI. ,-- .MINUARY 26-27-28 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL . .• FRANKIE AYAIAN DWAYNE HICKMAN DEBORAH WALLEY -.,PATFIECOLOR,N,PARAVISION, IAMES BROWNAND THE'FAMOUS ft/pits ON THE SAME PROGRAM A Science Fiction Thriller AMERICAN INTERNATIONALpre,conn, COLORSCOPE �•r A TOl O CO,; Ltd, production Ski (laity at 7:15 and .10115 t 9i45 Ont I• ,o r a � a