HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-20, Page 5• r • • r • • EAST WAWANOSH COU.b1CIL East Wawanosh Township "Council held its inou,gural meeting When memb'e a4iiteient< were Reeve Snell a o oil• ., , , �n...� ,ilii .., fors Roy Pattison,. Mason Roh- inson and William Gow. Nor- man Coultes was absent on tic:• count of illness,. Captain Ferris, of the Salva• tionArmy, Wingham;' address ed the council and officials and asked .:Divine guidance during the year 1966. Reeve Snell thanked Captain Ferris for at- tending the council meeting, and asked the 'council for their co-operation during the year 1966. Motions approved included. By Gow-Robinson: That coun- cil order eight copies of the Municipal World. By Robinson -Pattison: That council refund William Empey his membership fee of $10 in the Ontario Farm Union- and pay the Ontario Farm Union $40 membership fees and the. Huron County; Federation of Agriculture $519.32, 1965 mem- bership fees-, ` A resolution having been' re- ceived `front the Town of Mount Forest asking council to join in forming a designated area, it was moved by Gow-Robinson that council take no action at present. By . Pattison-Gow: That the road,and general accounts pre-_, sented 'be passed and paid. By Robinson -Pattison: That the officials sign the applica- tion for .Subsidy pn the • 1965 read expenditure. Pattison-Gow: That Mason Robinson be the township 1966 representative on the Maitlan4 Valley Conservation Authority., -By_ Rnbi sri on-Snell;That Roy Pattison and Norman ° CoultEs be- appointed on the Wingham Fire Committee, and William Gow and Ernest Snell on the Blyth Fire Committee. By • Pattison-ftlibinson: That William Gow be appointed on the Blyth . Union Cemetery Board. By Gow-Robinson: That Roy Pattison, Norman Coultes and Hugh Blair be ° appointed on the, Belgrave Arena Board. By Gow-Robinson: That Roy Pattison be appointed on the Wingham and District Plan- ning Board. By Pattison -Robinson.: That Elmer Ireland be appointed ,on the Wingham and District Hos- pital Board. By Gr -Pattison: That coun- cil receive $7.00 for special Meetings caned by', the reeve, and $5.00 for meetings of plan- ning 'heard ,arid the Blyth and Wingham-Fire Committees, By Robinson -Pattison: That the road superintendent's sal- aY* 'be, ,$225.00 per- month, he to providehis own transpar0 4 tion' subject to approval by the„ Departfiteitt of Highways, By ,Gow-Pattison: That the. griider operator's wages be $1.50 anhour, to start Jan. 1, 1966. By Robinson-Pattisgqnn: That council approve the 4debenture issue .an .the vocational addi- tion and alterations to the pre- sent Wingham District High School. Payments approved included: Roads—C. W. Hanna„ salary, $198.35; Alan 1VIe$urney, wag- es, $137.24; Jack Marks, wages, $24.62; Edwin Smith, cutting tree, ,$2.00; Belgrave Co -Op, 500 lbs. salt, . $5.25; George Rad ford, gravel, etc„ $85.25; Harry Williams, 200 gals. fuel, $81.8.0; Ross Jamieson, gravel, $70.00; Wingham Tire Service, tire re- pair, $9; Hanna & Hamilton, rent df tools, $24; Receiver Gen- eral of. Canada, $18.90; cash, U. I. stamps, $5.08. General Cheques — Belgrave Community Centre, rent, $1.00;' Town Qf; Clinton; D.C.I. deben- tures, $277.80; County of Hur- on, tax collection charges, $339.83; Blyth Municipal Tele- phone! System, ratesand tolls, 14;685.82; Huron ,County Feder- ation of Agriculture, member- ship, $519.32; Ontario Farmers' Union, membership, $40; Town of Paris, welfare charge -back, $11.78; Town of Wingham, wel- fare charge -back, $17.90; Blyth District Fire Area, fire.. call, $30; direct welfare, $35; sup- plementary aid, $20; F. McK. Patterson, refund dog tax er- ror, $2; Wm. L. Empey, refund Ontario Farmers' Union fee§, $10;, Municipal' World, 8 sub- scriptions, $40.15; cash; officiat- ing clergyman, . $10. GREY COUNCIL , The inaugural meeting of Grey Township council was held when Reeve Clifford R. Dunbar and Councillors Ken- neth Bray, Lawson Ward, .Chas.. Thomas and Melville L. La- mont took the oath of office efore the -clerk. - Rev. 1-1, L. Jennings, of Brus- sels Anglican ' Church, opened the meeting with .a devotional •period. He was 'thanked on be- half of the .council -:-by Reeve Dunbar -and by the 'following resolution: Moved by Melville L. Lamont, seconded by Chas. Thomas, that the appreciation of the Grey Township council be extended to Rev. Jennings for "his services at the inau- gural rireetingof council. In, his address to council,. Reeve Dunbar extended ,a wel- come to -the two new members. Motions approved included: By Lawson Ward -and Charles DE [t DORIS advice from Doris Clark A Harmless Tryst? DEAR DORIS—I expect to retiresoon and that ,is• hat I am afraid of. I,, have "r ised a 'family =- all married n w. My marriage. is particular) joyles Recently I met the girl I should have married many years ago. I feel we have tra- velled parallel paths and oitr recent communication proved that we have never forgotten those few weeks when we were single. What harm would a day or two with this old' girt friend do, from a yearly vacation? . - Don't _you` think the rejuvena- tion from such a ; e'iimmunica- tion could be a,shot in the arm when we are back to work in our own communities? 'Sad Grand -Dad DEAR SAD — Exciting pros- pect -but wouldn't it be like rubbing salt in an old wound? Even assuming -the contact -would be merely that of a friend with mutual interests, -could it stay that way? Much as I sympathize, I sim- ply can't give you a go-ahead on this.. ,DEAR DORIS — Our 'math teacher is impatient with those who are a bit slow, Mid. he rushe's through each -chapter as if it were a race. When we ask for extra help we are politely refused. I have failed this exam, for I wasn't able to finish. (along with many others). I am riot as fortunate as one of my friends 'who. llas d math teacher living nearby Who helps her tor • one hour a night. Doris, is there anywhere I can• get help? One Pius One Equals Three MAR' ONE—If your teacher ear}'„t,,give extra help, go to the principal. Ask for a suggestion about someone • who would coach you. Or see whether the teacher who helps your friend ” a would• tutor ydu, for a,fee, for a time. If the teacher is not adequate this will become obvious: But even the most brilliant . of stu- dents occasionally needy victual help. DEAR DO1ttS—Por4 the past two year 1 hake run very iwild arid -got an exireiaeiy bad reed, Cation as make -out girl. The. boys used to take me out for only on eason. Now 1'>Je met this Wonderful boy. He knows about what I''ve done from' other people, He still says heloves me; but also: says he can't believe me when I tell him I love him. He 'wants me to go out with other boys but to behave.to show I've real- ly changed:' • i. He says only when I've prov- ed that I have, will he believe me. Every time' I see him we seem to fight. He !doesn't like me to swear; I never really did (just "d— and like that); but now I'm not even supposed to say that. , Whenever he gets mad, I'm not suppdsed to lose my temper at all. ,Right now I'm so mixed up' I ont know what to do.' I really have chang- ed, but no one believes. it, Changed But DEAR. CHANGED Hang on- to the lifeline. At lasi some- one cares about the real you and is ready to be convinced. The'"'rbad to Perdition; is still paved with good intentions, and you really need to prove to yourself that you've changed. Not by going out, on a chaste date With, a member of the old gang; but by learning to re- spect your body and yourself 'in any company. Your new boy friend -is no exception. Keep him at arm's length. No need for solo dates with other boys. But you can socialize with others at parties in such a way as to show your- self and him that you are a changed woman. "'' DEAR DORIS—Should your escort pin on the corsage or should you. yourself.? it's Rot very 'often that boys here • buy corsages , and they may not know. Josie 'SEAR, 'JOSIE—Either way. The corsage may arrive ahead of . Jme, from the florist. When Johnnie arrives and you an- swer the doer, your flowers are already perched on your''shoul- der, with Steins down the, way a flower grows,- ,lie rows;,.tie noddy bring it along. 'diem he ` comes, You ,open and admire it; then ydu, your meth- eir or O ur bey friend'p'n it on. Thomas That claw No. ], of 1966 be finally passed,. author- izing th the e and as e t y et e er R borrow $100,000 from the Can. adian. Imperial' Bank of, Cowmerce, Brussels_, for the year 1966, until the taxes "'are col- lided. ollected. `$y Lawson Ward and Ken- neth Bray: That the printiflg contract of the Post Publishing. House be adjusted to $285.00 per annum. By Melville Lamont and Chas. Thomas: That Bylaw No, 3 of 1966, to adjust the road super: intendent'-s salary to $1.50 per hour, be passed, effective Jan. 1, 1966, subject to the approval of the Minister of Highways. 'By "Kenneth Bray and . Law- son Ward: That the hoifrly rate of the grader operators be ad- justed djusted to $1.5.0 per hour, effec- tive Jan. 1, 1966. By Charles Thomas and Ken- neth Bray:.. That we appoint Alex Pearson, Bruce Speiran, Robert' Cunningham from Ethel, Mrs. Thomas MacFarlane and Mrs. Cecil Raymond represent- ing Ethel Women's --,Institute, and Lawson Ward and Clifford Dunbar representing Grey Twp, council, to the Ethel Commun- ity Centre Board. By Kenneth- Bray and Lawson Ward: That George Pearson and Chester Earl be appointed to the Ethel Cemetery Board for a three-year term. By Lawson Ward' and Mel- ville Lamont: That Kenneth Bray and Charles Thomas • be appointed to the Cranbrook Community Centre Board. By Melville Lamont and Chas. Thomas: That we give the Sal- vation Army a grant, .of ' $50,, and St. John Ambulance a grant of $10. By Lawson Ward Nand-- Mel ville Lamont: That member- ship fees be paid to the As- sociation` of Rural Municipali= ties, $15; Ontario Good Roads Association, $15, and Associa- tion of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, $10. By Charles.. Thomas and Mel- ville Lamont: That this council adopts the aequii;jng and reno- vation of Union School No. 4 for a community centre finder Bylaw No. 26 of. 1965, as a Cen- tennial project, and the muni-. ciiial contribution in the amount of $1,750.00 will be included in the budget of the 1966 esti- mates. By Charles Thomas and Ken- neth Bray: That this council approves the erection of a pre- dominantly' vocational addition and alterations to the present Wingham District High School building to accommodate an additional 320 pupils and the issuance of debentures on the assessment of the Wingham District High School Area, in payment of approximately 25% of the total cost of the said ad- ditionand alterations. By Kenneth Bray and Law- son Ward: That we endorse the resolution from the Town of Mount Forest that -the area ex- tending , from Goderioik to Orangevil a -lying, north of P ro- _yiricial grower 'NO. 9' ,and ex- d. endin to Georgians Bay, ., be .. •:, as.' .r a " slow � >:� an ag of growth'" d`that Clifford-Difu- a ax and Charles Tbbtilas* ap- pbinted as representative to Mena the meeting in MouForest on Fe`b. 9th.. The following accounts Were paid: Association Rural Muni- cipalities, membership fee, $.15; Good Roads Associattion, mem- bership fee, $l(5 ; Association of Mayors and Reeves, member- ship fee, $10; The Salvation Army, grant, $*0; St. John Am- b1Flance, grant, $10; Rev. H. L. Jennings, attendance at meet- ing, $5; County of Huron, tax collection charges, $335.74; Co. of Huron, leafy spurge "acct., $45.45;. . The Franklin... Press, printing school debentur s, $148.18; The MMnicipal World, subscriptions, $40; Molesworth street lights, $2$.13; Hiemstra Nursing Home, December acct., $122.25; Queensway Nursing Home, December acct., $122.25; Humphries & Co., December re- lief acct., $118.20; 'Lloyd Jack - lin, fox bounty, $4; O. M. Stev- enson, fox bounty, $20; Nelson Hanna, fox bounty, $20; Stan- ley Alexander,tile, bulldozing and labor, • 6th tiCon. Drain, $46.50; Robt. L. Cunningham, furnace oil, '$35.34; J. C. Con- ley, sump pump' arid plastic pipe, $80.09; E. M. Cardiff, Di- vision Registrar, 1965, 75c; Jim Dobson, garbage collection, Eth- el Village, $14; J. C. Conley, bulbs, Ethel Village, $4.02; El- wood McTaggart, maintenance, fire dept'., $8; roads and bridg- es, $1,088.06. Total,. $2,360.96. • S Tim: "You say you sold your bird-dog because he had bad manners? How come?" Jim: "I couldn't teach him not to point." „. For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE J,OtI17 A. CARbNO Insufance Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth Office DirectlyOpposite • Seaforth Motors to.cets he Huron :county og. PO- ducers' Association, and the Ex- tension, xtension Branch; Ontario Helfart- inent of Agriculture, Clinton, plan to study the effects, of type Of boar on grade of market hogs under field condition"s.' in the near fgtul e.' . Under 'the guidance of :Professor R. P., Forshaw, Animal Husbandry Department, University o f Guelph, this study is designed to augment the Huron County Boar survey Project of 1965. The results of this study may assist in providing information to increase the percentage of Grade A hogs marketed from Huron County. Until tested, a boar is to varying degrees an 'unknown° .quantity. R.O.P. ancestry ,and breeders'. records are aids to improvement.. Just what dif- ferences exist and to what ex- tent they occur finally show up as differences' in performance. A fair indication of these dif- ferences' can be, obtained by following the progeny of select- ed boars to -market. In thls project, boars will be selected -at random from the list of boar owners compiled from the 1965 Huron,County Boar Survey. The idetity of owners will not be ,made pub- lic. This will insure- that those with boars of unknown ances- try, and therefore, not at pres- ent recommended, are not sub- ject to perhaps unfair compari- son with others. Three, litters *ow eaelL of 10 boars In five categories (ave: cat go?rim .o# riaality according to. the' ,11uro t County, Boar Sur vey, 1965) shall be tested rigs, are to be ear notched' for tden- tification purposes by a repres- entative of the 'Ontario Depart meat of Agriculture before tlhe litter is three weeks of; age. The first time litter's, born af- ter Feb. 1, 1966, and . sired by selected boars, are to be test- ed. When a producer sells wean- ers, the., litter of ear notched pigs shall be sold intact but may go to different feeders. In this case, the number of litters may be increased up 'to three per , finisher. All pigs are to be marketed through the normal channels but with separate tattoo mark- ings..,..Co-operators will be sup- plying information re weight, grade and market date. After all the test litters have been marketed, the various boars will be evaluated accord- ing to the grade of their mar- ket hog progeny. Results from the project will by completed by this fall. Wife:, "I have a surprise for you. I baked two kinds of , bis- cuits today. Would you like to take a pick?" Husband: "It may not be nec- essary:- I'll just use the ham- mer." ;THE -HURbH -1KPO ITO*, $11AFOR ST. At ,the Par(tr.PartY 44414 the hall hereen. iday', the: winnerswere: ; Mrs...James ,Mc- Qua;d, d M iehael. Murray. OR Sunday Wight cards Were Pla ect inthe hall, while teen-ager& .enjoyed. skating on the ,e ee rin, Winners at, thecards were Mrs. Dorninie Murray and Thomas Kale.. Following' s1at- 1ng,- the young people returned to the hall for lunch and danc- ing. The .door prize, a bed- spread,' was wen by Dominic Murray, • A. draw for a blanket tool' place, the winner being: Michael Eckert. Another party with cards, skating and dance, will be held very soon. Every week more people" dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost' 1x, positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. HUARD SERVICE STATION Ate. a Ainc "20' rEr, orar 1100 GODERICII ST. SEAFORTH DID YOU KNOW ,., that Sun Life of Caiiaa_ ie Imo of -the world's ' co 1 i bran E titan throughout North Amaro'l u s the Si.' Mfg ;, rfem"•, • ative - iii gory pD»mi.rritE, +tug' rhe of service? M1 'JOHN Phone 271-3000 — 48 Rebecca St., STRA'TFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada WANT ADS•BRING QUICIERESULTS: Dial 527-0240 SEAFORTH MOTORS - Seaforth tWe Can Now TELEVISE ,Your Car's Performance- in Minutes ! Have, your engine, checked and adjusted for easy starting, smooth- er running, greater gas., economy. That's why we've installed the very latest in electronic equipment., Our Allen-tronic Engine �'Analyz- er gives a quick, clear picture. If your. car's ° not performing 'up to snuff' it's easy to tell what's wrong and why. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PAYS FOR ITSELF IN PERFORM= .•AfNCE AND GASOLINE ECONOMY Electronically Checks .60- Possible Trouble Spots in Only 5 Minutes! See Engine PERFORM ON TV Reg, $4.50 SPEC1AL. ONLY Connie in and see how it works! SEAF0RTH MOTORS Dial 527-1750 Seaforth SAVE ; IS NOW UNDER WAY — NOW IS THE TIME, TO SAVE ON FOOTWEAR 'FOR , THE WHOLE FAMILY SAV E 20%"OFF ALL LEATHER SNOW.BOOTS & STACK HEELS 20%off our large stoek of BAtJ'ER KATES -- except with trade -lit — VI%OMEN'S Dress Overshoes Reg. 8.95 SALE 418S .. Phone 527;0690 -Men's 4 & 5' BUCKLE OVERSHOES Reg. to 8.50 Canadian Made SALE 5.88 Children's Slippers assorted" colors, and Sizes SASE off all rubber boots, overshoes, thernio ` and insulated boots and ,plastics for , the whole family COCKTAIL BOOTS Reg. to $15.98 NOW i088 ONLY - SPECIAL! small sizes in women's SNOWBOOTS 1.88 & 3.88 TERMS CASH all clearance- sales final Shoes and , Luggage ' Whei a"Gusto rier Satisfaction Is a Must" Seaforth ..5