HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-20, Page 2° Since 1860, Serving the Community First Published at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by McLEAN BROS., Publishers Ltd. ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Editor Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Audit Bureau of Circulation Subscription Rates: � Ho fz Canada (in advance) $4.00 a Year - !` o Outside Canada (in advance) $5.50 a Year C4 pt SINGLE COPIES = 10 CENTS EACH Authorized as Second Claris Mail, Post Office Department, i -0 Sgar and Spice -- By Bill Smiley -- �� tn?'` i A Winter Weekend ing.We^.. been spending the ght Winter is a delight to the4, weekend with, the grandparents, L_ 1 "� n_ .1, 4 J 0 young, a bit of a Horror for the patt tern. has followed ,,, .y_ „nw..�� �• the old and a blasted nuisance 1 s n "� for the rest of us. we arrived, it blew and it spew. r " c�-Y^-----�� Yet eve- for me, one of the In the morning it was still most violent winter -haters in snowing, with a wild gusting to the last category, there are 40 miles an hour, piling. up the moments when it has a mys- drifts, filling the driveway. terious charm that cannot be Late in the day, the -snow duplicated at any . other sea- stopped, the wind dropped, 'and son.. so did the temperature, to a Today is one of them. Nope, nice round figure—zero. Typi- it's not one of those sparkling, cal visiting winter weekend :. ___ crunchy, sky-blue winter days But we care nowt. Flames which no one but a complete dance in the fireplace, fairies misanthrope could 'fail to en- on the television. Tomorrow' is joy. It's just the opposite; time enough to dig out the car, It's - one of those brooding pray that it will start, and hope winter days when the 'shadow. the snowplow will get through, of the great monster of the the side -road. north hangs low over the While the monster prowls shrinking earth, and his icy outside, all is serene within. paw feels about the walls of Grandad reminisces' about win - the . house; seeking a weak spot ters 30 years ago, when he where he may enter and strap- drove a rural mail route, with Ottawa SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, 'JANUARY Industrial Deveiopme nt Development of industry at the local community level is possible but only by .a concerted and a consistent effort on the part , of the Council and Chamber of Commerce. That was the challenge handed members of the Chamber of Commerce at their annual meeting this week. The speaker was Richard Lapalme, a representative of the Department of Trade and Industry of the Ontario De- partment of Economics and Develop- - ment. His message emphasized again *what has been said before. It was that industry—new industry -doesn't just happen, and there is no 'shortcut to increased industrial assessment. Industry comes to the community that has created a receptive atmosphere -byvthe provision of adequate services, by adoption of long-term planning, and the protection of zoning; to the com- munity that provides the facts that Legion. Acts To° Announcement this week of the par- ticipation of Seaforth Branch -,156 of the Royal Canadian..., Legion in the Legion $1,000,000 Centennial Fund, points up- again the responsible role which the Legion adopts in the com- ' munity.• �- .:. �. Established as a Centennial project, the fund is to be a "perpetual memorial to those who have fallen in Canada's service by continuing- the, 'activities of the : Royal Canadian—Legion, including the promotion of education,. sports, Commonwealth unity,- and . all other. Up To . Us permit an objective appraisal of the economic advantages it offers, and by a consistent year -in and year -out indica- tion that it is interested in industry, in growth. What is equally important to the in- dustrial health of a community is the encouragement given existing Indus -.°- try. Growth of industry already in a, community may have even greater ben- efits .than the introduction of a now Maeduff Ottawa Report industry,' welcome as that may ,be. Mr. Lapaime set out the steps that must be taken as a preliminary to any �a � .:..... .gle. team and sleigh. Bundled to His cold, blue breath raises the ears. Buffalo robes. Snow snow -ghosts that sift- . silently piled to the top of snake fences, among the naked, shivering Stopping for lunch in the still *CLIP THE SERIES'A' BOND COUPONS, TAKE FANG FOR HIS SHAMPOO, AND DEPOSIT MY (ADAGE PENSION CHEQUE: trees. His very presence makes shelter of deep spruce wooda3. the blue-green , spruce huddle "Lonely as the 'Ancient Mariner, closely, like frightened cattle in on a white, white sea. And a storm. The water of the bay home, darkness deepening, to reflects fearfully the slate -gray cosy lamplight, snug , farm 4 - of his sightless eyes. then, hot food, and anxious Don't be frightened, children. wife. While he talks quietly, Gran- ny, produces endless pots of tea, cake, sandwiches, ' chocolates.' The kids sprawl 'en the floor; strumming guitars or dreaming. The Old Battleaxe dozes, silent. for once. And even yours truly, lulled by the fire and Stunned by a , huge dinner,. admits that there ' are times when- winter- can be - - wonderful. Crime College New Weapon _..-. . . • industrial • development. It is' up to us OTTAWA The long slimy 'an efficient and well organized The• Conference set the stage long, that is, " as the 'snow to take them.. tentacles of the Mafia are administrative system, Their for several criminal code doesn't block the roads, and we It is . unfortunate that while there reaching into Canada from the, organization has the directors, amendments at the new session; don't run out of fuel, United States. the administrators' (often called The Justice Department at Ot- and there isn't 'a power f wn. was a reasonable representation of The leaders seldom conform lieutenants) and the laborers or tawa and other Federal Depart- It's a day for sitting by the Seaforth businessmen at the meeting, to the usual concept of the the common. --criminals: "The ments concerned will give close fire with a hot noggin, dream - common criminal. Many pose leaders pose behind', pseudo- study to the suggested amend- ing, shivering deliciously once there were many absent who could and are accepted as members legitimate business fronts, such ments. , ° in, a while, as the monster out - make a contribution to a better coin- • of the business world, or as. 'as construction firms, pleat Probably one of 'the most side gives ' a snort of frustra munity through participation in the members of reputable profes markets, real estate, export=im-" otentl...w.eapons to ""fight the tion that rattles the windows. The old spook won't get us. As sional fields. Many have never port businesses; steel brokerag- new organized and sophisticated And that's exactly` what I'm do- activities of the Chainber of Commerce. been charged with a criminal. es, labor consultants, law firms criminal activity will be the offence. and so on. These men evoke police • college. It will be an Continue Service forms pf national and community ser- vice which in the light of changing conditions' the trustees may deem con- sistent with the aims and objects of the Royal Canadian. Legion." The Seaforth quota of $900 is fel- atively small as quotas go today. -- But by achieving it the Legieh here will give notice . that it has played a . part in ensuring that those services to veterans, vertai s' dependents, and to the community generally which it has adopted 'as its responsibility ' will be c The authority for these start- , an , air : of • respectability—they expansion of the RCMP school ling disclosures: the Royal Can- reside in the 'best neighbor- at Ottawa and will be admini- TO THE EDITOR' adian Mounted Police. The -fain- hoods — they contribute to stered by that force, • ed 'Canadian force presented ch rches and charities, live The curriculum is expected A Forward Look background papers to the Fed- qu etly and are• affable to the to include a variety of- subjects eral Provincial conference on general public. The internal suchas: mayor criminal consp>r- organized crime in Ottawa ear- organization ,of the group al- acies fraudulent. financial trans At Education •Plans ly in January. These disclos- lows the leader to operate be- actions under the Criminal ures were made public the day hind several layers of insula- Code, collection and dissemina- Dear Sir: ' I am enclosing a compared with our great Indus after the conference was tom- tion m. the -form of his sub:tion of criminal intelligence in- short article which may be time- trial competitors. • pleted " ordinates, formation, income tax law, aud- ly in the area:of your reader We might speculate why Can - Commissioner Geor a B. c- The directives of -the leader, icing and accounting proce- .coverage. adians are so backward in edu- the are transmitted. to the lieuten-, dures, practices, stock Much ' as I •would like to cation. We are only now•=tak- the conference that the record ants. They carry them mta. ac- frauds, bankruptcy legislation, speak further :on the petitions- mg, steps in Ontario that should in the „ U.S,. indicated -that if tion through the labor segment gaming legislation, arson in- submitted to the ;Councils or have ,been taken in the twee- Canada • does not take strong Thus the leader seldom actively vestigation, i burglary, and safe Bayfield, Stapley ,and Tucker- 'ties. Quebec for 'the first time measures " ziow :to prevent'the participates in commission of blowing investigation, collet- smith, I am perhaps too parti- is providing .free education at growth ofd"'organized crime, it the overt crime. • He is seldom tion and protection sad assess- san to the issue, being a mem- the secondary level: Yet,,•for ., •may.. be too, late to do, so once connected to. an offence, or ment of evidence, 'information ber of the school'board. years we have been' botnbtirded- it . becomes well imbedded m ' even - operating behind the sources and interrogations' and It might be appropriate- for with the -sad stati.Stics of our our, country." .. 'scenes. His purpose i5 to sup- advanced "Cmilial Code In - ..you to look at the immediate shortages in the professions, of American• law enforcement ply the brains and administra- structibii. continued through future years: officials agreed,he said, "that tion of the syndicate while his . problem, and perhaps consider skilled tradesmen, and of well The college would be _open my proposal..for.a Huron Conn- qualified teachers. When the • •- a few million dollars spent',on subordinates provide.the brawn to members of all police forces ty School Area. papers • are full of advertise • better prevention a number of and muscle. in Canada who are able by ments for skilled employment, Clellan, of the d s, P , In the Years A.gone • From The Huron Eiipositor Campbell. The price realized January 24; 1941 was $9,300. William Koehler, well known Mr. William R. Somerville, farmer .of the 8th concession of formerly of McKillop, writing McKillop, suffered serious in- from -Brenn, 'Sask.,. says: "We jury at .his farm, when he was are enjoying (?) all the comforts crushed against a well , by a of real western weather, . with cow. He, was removed to Scott the thermometer 52 below zero Memorial Hospital, where it • and a slight breeze blowing, al - was reported he is somewhat most as fatalto the face as the improved. ' -• German artillery." While sleigh riding at ` the The municipal election held farm. of her parents, Mr. and in Hensall -for the election of Mrs. • Hugh Chesney, Tucker- four councillors .created consid- spiith, Marilyn, their daughter, erable interest. The following • suffered a fracturedarm. were elected, and with the reeve James Leiper, veteran reeve will form the council for the of Hullett, was- elected warden current' year: G. C. Petty 138, of Huron County at the county George Hudson 135, Alex Smith council's • opening • session, in 87and ''W. E: Pfaff 95: i' •A highly r spected resident ' Murdo Young McLean, for nearly fifty years the edit Goderich. ' stroyed by fire, together with a large• quantity of farming implements, hay, straw and grain. Mr. Adam Hays, collector of taxes for McKillop, has com- pleted his work. • Out of a sum he has collected ev of els,ra'*, ery cent except $1.00.., Mr. S: Reid, ' of Hariock, Who had his leg so severely injur- ed a short time ago, was in town Thursday. Fire broke •out in the tan- nery of Mr.- Hugh Moore, of Clinton, and the building was completely'' destroyed, ' together with some $800 worth of hides. 141r. John Shepherd, of Chis- elhurst, cut his knee very bad- ly with 'a draw knife while making kindling the other day. years ago might have saved In order to combat this new their experience, educational Yours truly, our governments explain that them the multi -billion dollar super deluxe type of criminal qualification and ability, to G. L. MORGAN SMITH our unemployment is due to crime bill they pay today." organization the police forces qualify. Commissioner McClel- the uneducated, O ne RCMP background -pa: across Canada have got to Ian said he could think' of no Bayfield. •l:lndoubtedfj, we must all ac - per. said the expansion of or- modernize and streamline their' single progressive• step- in i1ipo- : a New Trustee cept a .large part of the blame g• ganized crime ...Canada began operations. The FedThoughts of eral-Pro- lice work in this country that due to our insistan'ceon our during the. early:, °'1950 period.' vincial conference was sum- would • do more ,to raise and On • 1st January this year the own rights to local government, Itg main base of operations was mored in order to ..launch . an standardize the levels of "po- first Huron County School- Area and' our own petty autonomy. in Montreal, intensified, co-aperative. war lice efficiency and. training'ria- was formed. This amalgamation This Mafia or Cosa N `tra against the new type of or, tionall 'of the public' school -administra Canada is one of the most over- ld organization was beaten back, ganized criminal. A central in- prime Minister Pearson is tion of the. Townships of Tuck- _governed.countries in -the won We have wanted to keep gov- ernment- close to the people, so that every township and vil- lage, town and county, is jea- lous of its own rights and priv- ileges. Even our provinces dis- pute 'the right of Ottawa to de- termine. national policies. but there were signs that since telligence crime bureau—whichkeenly " interested in speeding ersmith• and 'Stanley and the that time there has been a may be labelled Interprov—is up and making much• more ef- Village of Bayfield was a for steady increase in the develop- ,expected to be established. ficient the war .ort organized 'ward looking step on the part ' ment of organized criminal Solicitor General .Lawrence crime in this country: It was of the three. municipalities, and groups. • . Pennell told the delegates that 'the Prinie Minister who first was designed to . speed the for- .. From Canada these groups the -Federal;''Government will placed that item on the Fed mation of larger schools., This aintain a close working Tela- spend $15,000,000 over the,next eral-Provincial conference iteld Procedure was made possible tionship and personal tie with five years in more 'modern earlier this "year. And it was by a recent act of the Ontario many• US-. • based syndicates. RCMP facilities and training. out of the discussions with 'the' Legislature that abolished the It',.is -significant .that _ many of.:A '$4,310,000 Canadian bilingual premiers . of the provinces at township. schodi section with these U.S. ' groups have bee 'y police college will be establish -'that conference that the deci- its three trustees, and made recently labelled as "Mafia"by ed at Ottawa to give specializ slop came to call a special..Fed- Permissive still, larger adniini- the.._ U.S. senate and sub-com- ed training for Federal, Pro. eral-Provincial conference dedi- strative units by the joining of mittee on organized crime. vincial and Municipal police Gatedto combatting the growth municipalities, The . Canadian groups also personnel: of crime in Canada. The •gov ._.. The building of the one -porn, of McR,llop. Tpwnship, in the d t f Th Huron ur Mr Harry Humphries Wal maintain connections with crim- There will be expended tele: ernments are . out to break up schoolhouse in the last -century her home, hwhenlsshe ecerved ly at oneeo'clock on Wednes- shop at present occupied by and. Sicily, which ,e, . Ian networks -to cos an come too well established and education. ion. ranspor ion was $ annual maintenance. much mote' difficult to eiadi- poor; and education would oth- American standard. congratulations from"~ elatives day morning'Mr. Reuben Grimoldby. 'with rcriminals in aother'�urban There will .be more emphasis- tate.,._, erwise have been denied marry To return to our local scene, Most Canadians distrust big government, big business, and big labor unions.•.•,•:Yet we all try .to emulate the progressive- ness and prosperity of our big neighbor. We want. their wage scales, profits and consumer goods, brit are not willing" to person of Mrs. Michael Walsh, an proprietor o e final elements in southern Italy communications and wi a hoto was a great step forward in'p Y the costs of trainingour'''. Expositor, passed away sudden- ton, has purchased the wagon p the syndicates before they • be a birthday at d 5• •i h' h tile Ital't $1690 000 d d t' T tat' managers and workers to the Walton's honor roll up to the On Thursday night,:.of last ,and friends. areas of Canada where the on bilingualism in the RCMP's - 'children whose parents could this part of Huron is taking a.-• A serious fire was prevented -present is as follows: -Bert Den- week burglars entered the Post commercial development and data processing systems and ' !� not have sent them greater dis- close look at education. We by timely action at the home nison 'and Richard Cunningham; 'Office at . Zuriehr.: and blew .up high population density offers closer __co-operation with the - . . ' ° • tances. Yet good roads and the have belatedly. realized that the. of Mr. William Hoegy when the both now fighting in Belgium .the safe.' The big ddor of >the potentially' fertile "grounds for Iritmigration nepartnient to Smile of the Week internal combustion engine rev- small school section- can not stovepipes took fire. The wall with the 18th Battalion; Alex safe was blown off and the • development of lucrative crime, keep out undesirable" aliens, olutionized , transportation'"' de- possibly supply the demands of in the upstairs had started to McLeod and Cleve McDonald, small vault inside carried away. said the .RCMP- -Their criminal There is to be greater co -opera When Dudley, the slow-mov- cedes ago. In Canada there is the space age. Yet we are try - burn before it was checked, of the 33rd Battalion; Hugh The Hensall mammoth skit- activities fluctuate into nearly tion on the increasing problem Ing clerk in a small store, was a great deal of nostalgia about Ing to solve our problems still Misses Ursula Krauskopf, Campbell, Wilfred. Clark, Geo. ing and curling rink, under all fields of crime. They are of fraudulent bankruptcies. , not around one meriting, a Gus-• the "little red schoolhouse", on too narrow a basis. Although Monica Byrne Marie Krauskopf add Mr. and Thamer, . Clarence Bennett and- the management of Mr. James active in such operations as The.: provincial attorneys-gen• tomer asked, "Where's Dudley? mostly on the part of the city the number of trustees in the Mrs. James Shea Joseph Rowland. • . ... Coxworth, proprietor, is being extortion rackets, stock frauds, eral generally favored' retention . He ain't sick, is he?" dw`ellers whose children have first School Area was halved of Dublin spent the weekend • - * * * ' well, patronized this 'season and gambling, labor racketeering, .of the death penalty. The con, "Nope, he ain't workin' here all the advantages, possible un this yearn and considerably in Toronto, and attended' theis certainly • one of the best in narcotics, counterfeiting, bank- ference rejected a Quebec sug- no snore," der 'the. management of popu- more reduced the previous ye0, Boston Bruins -Maple 'Leaf hoc- From The Huron Expositor.the county. ruptcy fraud, illicit liquor, ar- gestion of a national referen- ".That se," said the Customer. lotus communities. Perhaps this we are still too small, to pro - January 23, 1891, - key game Saturday night at Mr. - George E. Henderson son, fraud, busess manipula- duon abolition of the death "Got 'anybody in mind for -the. nostalgia, this Iooking back- duce the economies of a lar,.;ger Maple 'Leaf Gardens The large barn of Mr. Sam- shipped four carloads of pota- tion' and otherinm forms of rack- penalty which question is to' be vacancy74'2 • Wards.to the good old, days, • is administration, and cap not 4- •A rink of Seaforth curlers, ' uel Essery, of the third cones- toes to the. States. From. 45 to eteering. decided by a free vote in the "Nope, Dudley didn't leave responsible for the lagging in ford the expense of_ a full-time W:`` A. Wright, C. M. Smith, C. slop, Usborne, totally de 50 'cents bushel was paid. These have developed Commons this session. vacancy." progress in Canadian educe"tion staff to work out proper 'plan A. Barber' and J. Beattie, skip, and carry out the daily adppiini- was in London attending a bon- stration. Indeed' it is doubtful 'Spiel. - "'��"' - if we can even afford a type - The many friends Of Mr. Rob - writer for the board. ,,, ert Jarrott will be sorry to learn he is confined to his . � Appeals haves been mode to '` R` .4 their local •councils by' groups room with an attack of.--influ- T t, , - G' �/0 �� of dissident ratepayers. These enza. �'r.� wilt: be" difficult to solve' in a Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drys- \ . k dale, Hensall, have returned % ` - near area our, size - n encs -- - -- - �. • � ��h.• �j e � / � neon Hensall Seaforth and Bay- " ° from Mount Clemens, Mien.; �� �, g 5 � ( rtt, � 1 ,%-. •-�/ ►•`�'� field are Hensel', at!' wider where Mr: Drysdale went inya f 1.r� 1 !� "'r I + �► -/`I/.` „ boundaries to answer their the interests of his health, and , r `i� i�!' ' .. .�-s, } o ti' abonit our present iii* ' we are pleased . to state that ®,. .-� s , Powis on 'the location " of • the Mr. Drysdale has returned : ' gg rY k - � � j,, ✓j ) --.� school. We are disregarding home Much improved and Dutch a ','� ' "' , 1 ' e''} , the only con i� g benefited by the . treatments. '"l i" r ..� dren, and theepattern ofatravel * . �> i, ri " `~ n +° M as if we were n island, in the ' h• s_ a. �r � Pacific. Out 'solution will never From Te Huron Expositor fit into the next stage or our Jlnury 21, 1916 administratiyea bXutiQ , a;s e • Miss Bertha ltobb, daughter that willundeOtedly come was per. groups at no THE 1 OME, 'TVA of Mr.' John. Eobb, Seaforth, has resigned' her position with the Vreterian Order of Nurses in Tot'bi'io,' Kingston preparing to leave for. Mire, gy}iti. to join the Queen's'That, veralty Hospital, ' Onrn ;Sunday` the attendance at First , ?resbytteriart Sabbath School, was tato, whieh is the "largest on record. Robert A'Do'dds has sold, 1:50 -acre tarot on the oth cotieeSsion cit •Meltiltop. Part ,et it has been sold to -Melvin Blai, n and and ,Biot to -John " d news. Mr, ileseoe has moved MS hay pile!" "I'm` glad to see you respect' a w.hife ..fla„." GtJi,Q. "The nilly s Tarp; thing about him it his skates!" within five Years froom, oyr benevolent masters in Toronto,• These appeals, will no doubt be dealt with by our Cone*. fiveCommittee and by. County •! Council. I do not envy them their task, and it would be inappropriate for me to suggest a solution. I do suggest, how- 1 ever, that now is the time for them to study the establish, menu of a county school area. This would be as wise',a changer as the building of the first 00 - roam schools,, by our- Pioneer ancestors:- ° M. 1 6