HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-13, Page 9. . .. .. ,• THE. HuROW yp¢ Sr�*R# CCA FplirTt1 OWN' I sts,, .' 1 Winter Items Sell tike Hot'$.k.'s In Wir'f AdT"sr USE THESE CL.AS$IFICATIQNS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE . 1. Coming. Events - • • 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found • 4. Help -Wanted • -. 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted • 8. Farm Stock For ,Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14,,. -Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17.. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Mertioriam • 26. Personals Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2. 3, 8, '9; 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 4Qe an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifleati ns, mini- mum ,65 cents per' rrisertion,_ except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21); and Legal Notices (22), rates on applies. • • tion. For -cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following,last inner. Hon, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms,. Trades- men, etc:): Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per -,advertisement. • • 1. Coming Events' KEEP this date open. North- side Turkey Valentine . Sup -- per, February 16th. 1-07-4 NATIONAL Hockey League hockey, Chicago •. at Detrgit, Saturday; Feb. 26. For';tickets •and information, phone..52.i 1.410,, Miller Motors ,.1-06.8' ICE Capades, at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium,. Thurs- day, Feb. 17. Tickets and in- - formation at Miller Motors, ,k{r, phone 527-1410,- , 1-07-6 r-, • • v 4. Help Wanted WILL pay reliable woman $25.00 a week to baby sit in my home. Phone 527-0082. 4-07x1 FEMALE typist, bookkeeper, full time employment, in Seaforth office. Apply to Box 1530, Huron Expositor. - 4-07-1 EXPERIENCED help wanted for I -H Farm Equip. Dealer- ship. Contact John. Bach, P.O.: Box 118, Seaforth, Ont., phone 527-0120. . 4-07-3 ORGANIST and choir leader required for Cavan United Church, Winthrop. Apply in writing,.. stating salary expect- ed, by- Feb. 1, 1966, to Ernest Toll, RR 1, Blyth, Ont.; chairman of committee. 4-07-3 4. Help Wanted Applications to be consid- ered On Jan. 17, 1966. JAMES I. McINTOSPL, Clerk - Treasurer, RR 3, Seaforth, Ont.• 4-06-2 5. Bus. Opportunities HOUSEWIVES Turn a few spare hours. •.. a week into $$$$ AVON territories are Profit- ,WANTED._._.. Applications , will; be : aeL Cepted for the .position .of Secretary-- Treasurer of Sea - forth District High School. Please state 'qualifications and salary expected. All ap- plications to be in 'the handst of the undersigned by .6 o'- clock p.m., Monday, Jan. 17. JOHN A. CARDNO Seaforth 4-06-2 POLICE CONSTABLE For Town' of Seaforth Applications in writing ' will be received by the under- signed until January 24, 1966, for the above position. Application must state age, education and qualifications. All appii,;cations must be clearly marked '''Application" on the envelope. ERNEST M. WILTIAMS, Clerk, Town of Seaforth. 4-07-2 APPLICATIONS The Board of . Huron County School Area No. 1, are invit- e ing Applications for the posi- tion of: SECRETARY - TREASURER Applicants , must be bond- able. State qualifications and salary expected. Lowest or any application not neces- sarily • accepted. Applications in sealed envelopes, clearly marked "Applications" are to be in ,the hands of the chairman by January 15, 1966. MR. VERNE ALDERDICE, Chairman, of Huron County School Area No. 1, • RR 2, Kippen. 4-06-2 able and now available in the Kippen - Egmondville - Win- throp - Brodhagen areas. For information, no obligation, phone collect London, 451- 0541 evenings, or writ•el�M rS. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave. 5-06-4 7. Situations Wanted WOULD like a job baby sitt- ing and housekeeping. 'Would like to board in, Phone 527- 0146. 7-07-3 RELIABLE school girl wants baby sitting jobs anytime after school or on holidays. Phone 527-0777. 7-07-1 8. Farm Stock For Sale YORK hog. James Keys, phone 527-0467, 8-07x1 TWO •nanny goats. For fur- ther information phone 527- 1205.. •1 8-07-2 WHITE faced heifer. Theo Van Bakel, St. Columban, phone 125 R 13, Dublin. 8-07-1 9. Poultry For Sale K.IMBER LEGIORN_ Day Old and Started Pullets Red x '=S x Red Pullets Mixed--Ohicks and Cockerels. Available now. - Book your or- ders , early. SCOTT' POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-06-tf • �. Cards of Thanks • 14. Property For Sale den. Located near dowri town, churches, schools. A double garage IS on the prop- erty. Donald Gordon, phone 527-1580. 14-06-3 FOR SALE MITCHELL ' Commercial block,_, in Town of Mitchell. Stores, ' offices and apartments. Price $38,000 '5 • bedropm home "on No. 8 Highway. Gas. heat, 2 extra lots, ' $4,000. DORCHESTER ' Vad•iety Grocery store, lunch counter,gas pumps and Hy- ing quarters, $32,000. TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP CLOSE TO BRUCEFIELD. 100 acre farm ideal for cash crops. HOUSES IN SEAFORTH AND EGMONDVILLE priced from $2,500, to $25,000 FARMS IN MORRIS, GREY, McKILLOP, HIBBERT, HAY, STANLEY and HULLETT TOWNSHIPS Further information on any of these properties ort request. Jose 5'hMcConnell Realtor Victoria Street Seaforth, Ontario. 14-07-1 111Used Cars 'For Sale 1950 Ford car good. nmotor, good ' •-tires. pply Arnold Campbell., 10-07x1,. 1959 Chev., Bel -Air, 4 -door; A.T:, 6 -cylinder, good motor. Ron Driscoll, phone 527-0235. 10-07x1' -1964 Rambler- American, 4 - door sedan, around 6,000 miles, in• good condition. Phone Dublin, 69 R 4. • 10-07-1 11. Articles For Sale DRIED, shelled corn, will de- liver. Merelea Farms, phone 482-7.159: - 11-06x2 FIFTEEN . tons • mixed feed grain. 'Apply Arnold Camp- bell. 11-07x1 UNDERWOOD portable tyke writer, in a brown., carr ng case, in good condition. Phone 527-0817. 11-07-1 HIND quarter • of beef. Stan Jackson, phone 527-1927. 11-07X1 SPECIAL Friday and Satur- day only, 2 doz. cookies, mix or match, 49c, reg. 60c.' Save llc. Crich's Bakery 11-07-1 BABY 'buggy • and play peh. 'Mist Don Stewart, phone 5274888. 11-07-2 ONE thousands bales hay., Sam McClure, RR 2, Seaforth; Phone 527-1668. 11-07x1 PHILISHAVE special ; bonus. Free preshave and' aftershave lotion, (value $3.00) with any ,model Philishave at our special low prices. Savauge Jewellers, (opposite the. Post Office), 1 T-06-tf SET? of unfinished kitchen cupboards, 9 -ft. 'long, includes white enamel sink with new taps and arborite' table top. Will sell cheap as a ,unit or sink and baps seperately. Ap- ply Box 1531, Htiron Exposi- tor. 11-07x1 APPLICATIONS Twp. ofTuckersmith••• ' . For a Road Superintendent. Full yearly employment of- fered. The applicant to state qualifications, experience and salary expected. Applicatiot)s to be in, the Clerk's hands by 12 o'clock noon, 0n Monday, January •17, 1966 clearly marked, "Application, Road Supierin-' tendent". " 12. Wanted To Buy. BROWNIE uniform, size 8 or 10, dark brown preferred. Phone 527.0255. 12-07-1 ASVTIQUE furniture, picture frames, cupboards, Iannps, and dishes, etc.. •Will buy individual pieces , or complete Phone ' 271-15 7 8. 12-0 6-tf 14. Property For Sale SILVER dollars dated ,1958 or earlier wanted, also other old coins, tokens, medals stamps, old post ' cards, old •documtnts, etc. Will pay top prices for desirable items. List. what you have and mail to: Hobbies. Box 28, Clinton, Ont., or phone, 524-6526. 12-07-1 15. Property For Rent UPSTAIRS apartment, behind Clinic; in the former McMas- ter Apartments. Apply Har- vey Dale, phone 527-1406. 15.-07x2 FOR ,RENT — Apartment, available Jan. lst. Private -entrance, close to uptown. For further information call 527-1352, after 5 duringthe week. 15-06-tf' SELF contained duplex, with gas furnace. Phone 527-1490. 15-06-tf MODERN 2 -bedroom ,' apart ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15-06-tf. SELF. --contained • apartment, hated, large living room, kitchen, i'bathroona •Goderich Street East. A. Y. McLean. D..OWNSTAIRS 2 -bedroom apartment, - heated. Gordon Noble, „hone 527-0840. NEW 2 -storey home, with all hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, and full bath upstairs, din- ing room, living room, kit- chen as well as lz bath and utility room downstairs, gas furnace, attached garage and asphalt' drive. Immediate pos- session. Apply in writing to P.O. Box 202, Seaforth. 14-06-2 • ,',t' ILACTIVE 2 -storey home on Goderich Street West, Sea - forth. Thorough remod- elling from cellar to roof, in' - side and out juat completed. All new- wiring, new plumb- ing, new exterior siding.- This fine family home includes.4 bedroorns and bath upstairs and , ining area, modern kit- thetti utility room, double living •room, also rooms suit- abie, fit' Wale WoxiK. shop Or 15-06-2 BUNGALOW on Ord Street, 2, bedrooms, 3 -piece, bath- room, modern kitchen, hot water heating. Apply. Thomas Flynn, Goderich `St:,1 phone 527-0822. 15-06-3. FOR RENT-- Small heated apartments, newly --decorated, close to uptown. Apply Har- vey Dale, phone 527-1406. 15-05x4 FOR - RENT — Large lower apartment, South Main Street, gas, furnace, bathroom, also basement; stove and . frig., if desired. Apply, Carl Dal- ton,. phone 527-0702. I5-(16-tf 19. Notices 22. Legal Notices • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the, Estate of MARGARET JANE "MILLER All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Jane Miller, late, of the Town of Seaforth, in- the County of Huron, Retired Housekeeper, deceased, who • died on the 31st day of October, 1965, are hereby notified to send in full particulars ' oftheir claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th of January, 1966, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day of December, 1965. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario;.. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-06-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In 'the Estate of • AGNES DOLMAGE All 'persons having claims against the Estate of Agnes Dolmage, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow„ deceased, who. died on the 29th day of Oc- tober, 1965, are hereby noti-, fied to send in full particulars of their ,claims to the under- signed on or before ..the 27th day of January, 1966, after which dater the assets will ,be distributed having regard on- ly to claims then received. DATED at. Seaforth, this 22nd day of December, 1965. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario; Solicitors for the Executors. .,22-06-3 • , NOTICE TO CREDITORS In. the Estate of • MARY JANE SHOLDICE against All persons having claims against the Estate of ,Mary Jane Sholdice, late of • the Town of Seaforth, in, ,the County of Huron,' Housekeep- er, deceased, who died on the 16th day of November, 1965, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims, to_ the undersigned on or before the 27th day of January, 1966, after which date the assets will be distri- buted having regard only to. claims then received. DATED at Seaforth,- this 30th day of December, 1965. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors: 22-06-3 PICTURE FRAMING . AT Beattie 'Furniture CLINTON • • -• 19-07-1 FARMERS.: Now is' the ti�iie to have your bean knives hammered for this year. Basil O'Rourke, __Blacksmith and welding Shop, Brucefield. 19-07-2 VACUUM Cleaner Salev & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5350: Hensall. 19-06-tf • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS • BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442 w6, Bruss-' els- or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-63x25 ELECTROLUX Cana d -a •Ltd.,. Sales and . Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. __............. _ 19-0644 ATWOOD PET FOOD -SUPPLIES Highest Cash prices paid for dead and disabled cows and horses. Call Collect, 356-2622 License No. 401-C-65 19 -06 -if SINGER, - Sales andService, sewing machines vacuum clean- ers, floor polishers, and type- writers. Calk" Jim McGlie'ger, phone 527-1486. 1,9-06-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed • ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-06-tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals • CALL COLLECT Darling & Company' of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No, 350-C-65 19-06-tf NOTICE - We are shipPing cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of ontariorTo arrange for pick- up at you .farm, phone by Sat- urday night. • 'FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 5274948 or MICHAEL J. • DOYLE', Phone 114 li 16', Duklin. Call Collect . .. 19.66-tf Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sim' wish to thank their many friends for a very enjoyable evening, o celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary, 24-07x1 W E would like to express our sincere gratitude to our friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their kind expres- sions of sympathy shown us in the bereavement of my mother. — John and Elaine Kinsman. 24-07x1 WE would like- -to_ thank our friends and neighbors for the lovely party they had for us on our Silver Wedding Anniversary; also to ' our family and relatives who had a surprise, party for us and all the lovely gifts and cards we received. We thank you all very much. — Gertrude and Arthur Henderson. 24-07x1. t 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFI+i OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri.,. 9.. to. 5;30 p.m. Sat., 9 to. 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint••• anent only Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon„ . Wed. - Clinton Office. A. W. 'SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth . - Ontario A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich ` : " 524-7562 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0: Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S:• P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. • Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 Deaths .... GORDON — In Seaforth, on Jan. 6th, 1966, Annie Suth- erland Gordon, in her 78th year. GI:VLIN — At Wellesley, on 'Jan. 8th. 1966, James A. Givlin,, in his 39th year. MALONE — In McKillop, on Jan. 9th, 1966, John•L. Mal- one, in his 66th year. • SINCLAIR — In Seaforth, on Jan. 10th, 1966, Mary Mar- garet Sinclair, in her 64th year. BMC FUNERALSERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527=0885 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich Si. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital' betas for rent. -" FLOWERS POR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Anthony-' Van Loon, RR:2, Kippen, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Hel- ma Maria, to Mr. Kenneth Beverly ,Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. OliVer Wright, RR 2, Seaforth. The marriage will take place February 5th, in St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth. 07-1. :Births BENNETT — 'At Seaforth Community Hospital, on Jan. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett, Seaforth, a daughter. MILLER i At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Jan. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller, Staffa, a son. PEARN ` At'Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Jan. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearn, RR. 3, Mitchell, a son. • WORKMAN — 4lt Seaforth Community Hospital, on Jan. 9, to Mr. and Mrs Harold Workman, Egmond- ville, a son. 24. Cards of Tli iks I wish to, thank my friends and neighbors for all kind- nesses received; also the CWL of Dublin and special thanks to Dr, Malkus and Dr. Frady, nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital. Every- thing was deeply appreciated. —Leo Feeney. '24-07-1 SINCERE tanks to friends for flowers, cards and visits.. Special thanks to Seaforth Legion Auxiliary for the lovely rose, I.TCW and CGIT girls for their boxes at Christ_ man, Dr. Malkus and Rev. Rotilston and the nursing staff,. of Seaforth Community 1-iospital.—Mrs. Fred Eurdge, Srucefield. • 24.071' OUR TOWN SES t Demands Ate Up - l;* Employment in Goderich and throughout most of Huron County generally remained good during the month of December, following a trend set -earlier in the year. Figures released by C. M. Jutras, manager of the Nation- al. Employment Service at Goderich, reveal that at the end of December, 1965, there Were 389 applicants registered for employment against 494 at the end of the same period in 1964. This substantial decrease of 105 persons or 21,5% in appli- cants registered for employ- ment with the Goderich NES over the previous year is indi- cative of the continued stabil- ity in the manufacturing indus- try and also of the marked in- crease in construction projects in the area over previous years. As anticipated, normal sea- sonal lay-offs in road construc- tion, commercial fishing and Great Lakes shipping, occasion- ed" a noticeable rise in unem- ployment- from November to December, 1965. The employ- ment outlook for the beginning of 1966; however, remains very good, with numerous job op- portunities beinglisted, with the Goderich NES 'In service. > rnanufacturirig and construction occupations. Despite the season 'of the year; a total of 104 persons were placed' in nployment by the Goderich NES. during De- cember. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Du- charme were in Stratford at- tending . the • funeral of their granddaughter, Jean' Marie Marcy. - • Tom Ducharme, Dryden; Mr. and Mrs. Iden Ducharme, Wing - ham, and Miss --Hilda Kennedy, London, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme. Miss Mary, E. Doyle, London; with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle. Miss Luella Moylan, ,Kitch- ener, and Miss Jean Moylan, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. John Mo-ilan. . Classified ads. pay dividends. YES. JUST CARRY ON PAST pURC�,,ATORY SWAMP, -TURN R(GHT WHEN YOU CROSS 'SEEPAGE REEK... . NEWS OF ZION UW Sets Plan For Quilting Bees The December Red Cross meeting ,took the form of a Christmas party at U.S.S. No. 1, Hibbert. The room was bright with decorated windows and a lighted Christmas tree. As usual, the committees in charge had an interesting ,pro- gram. The meeting was in charge of the president, Elean- or Lannin. Routine business was taken care of, and the stu- dents discussed a daily paper to be delivered -to the school every school morning..lt was decided to try ,this for the month. of, January, • and then review the subject again. ' After business ,a fine Christ- mas progrsam • was presented. The highlight was a pageant of the Nativity, with the follow- ing cast: Mary, Elizabeth Brown; Joseph, Melba • Jean Friend; 'Wisemen, - Ruby Bal- four, Bonnie Marriott, Beth Roney; Shepherds, Bryan Ed- wards, Stephen Marriott, Cath- erine Brown,. and. narrator, Eleanor Lannin. After the program lunch was served and gifts distributed, along with treats for all from the school board, and for good measure„ the bus driver, Earl Roney, arrived also with treats for everyone. Mr. and Mrs'. Charles Roney spent New::Year''s-Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pinder. Mrs. Rena Stacey and Mowet were New Year's guests Qf••••Mr..:. and Mrs. Lionel Strathdee. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and Ray, Terry spent New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon. Miss Joan Britton left on Sun- day for her school in Toronto, and Nancy Lannin to Wood- stock. Mr. Billie Balfour was home for the holiday weekend ..with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Balfour. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Burchill entertained a few friends New, Year's -'Eve. Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. William Proc- tor, Goderich, "and Mr. and Mrs. KennethrElligsg,, ' Terry and Warren were New Year's guests of Mrs. Mabel••Higgerson and Mr. Harry Proctor. Mr. and•• •Mraa, Ivan Speiran, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Balfour, for New Year's. Misses Mary and Eleanor GO PAST THE AUTO SUNKYARD UNTIL YOIl R _ C14 Di1MP. BEACH - AND YOU'RE" rHFi2E. ' • Lannin and ]karion and Shirley',, Doelt:ing spent Friday in Strat- ford. Mr. and . Mrs. Ross Pej,j er, , , Dennis and Nancy and Mr. and Mrs, George Henderson and . family -were dinner guests• of Mr. and Mrs". Ross: Gordop and Barry, Seaforth, on- Saturday niglxt. - Dinner guestsat e`home of •Mr. and MrsJoli Diehl for .. Christmas were: Mr and: Mrs. Donald Diehl, Se Orth; Mr: and Mrs. Les Seiler, of Pem• broke; Mr. and. Mrs. Ivan Tor- • , •' ranee and family, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Seiler and -Carolyn • Dl a few at hr homevisited at for at his homedays in Monkton.iehe- To Make Crib Quilt Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and Mrs. . Mary Malcolm were hostesses' for the January meeting of , Zion UCW, held Wednesday of -- ternoon, Jan. 5, with 18 mem- bers•• present an" many visitors. Mrs. Lawrence Hannon had charge of the' devotions and read a poem on the New Year. Scripture and- comments were read by . Mrs. Glenn Pepper; prayer by Mrs. Lawrence Han- • non; a New Year's reading by Mrs. Norman Bushfield; read- • ing" Days . and Customs of All . Faith,'" by Mrs. Lorne Aikens; "`Grandmothers Had It So Easy , and Grandpa's Wood 'Stove," , read by Mrs. R. S. Aikens. - Mrs. Lloyd Barker read a . chapter on Education in Trini,,, dad,' and Mrs. Gordon' Aikens, _. the president, led the business. session. Mrs. Lawrence Barker read the minutes and the roll call was answered by paying the membership fees to Mrs. Glean Pepper, the- treasurer. " Plans were made to do two crib quilt's for a •mission hospi- tal at Bella Bella, where Gloria Alin Pepper is now nursing. Plans were also made to have a bazaar in the fall. 'Thank -you netts were read from the shut- ins who '.were remembered at y Christmas time. ; Mrs. Lorne -McKinnon will be hostess for the February meet- ing, to be held in the church basement. Mrs. Lawrence 'Han- non closed the meeting with prayer. A quilt was quilted during the afternoon.• Lunch was served by, the hostess and Mrs. Charles Roney and Mrs. Dalton Smale. SMALL WORLD F DAO -SAYS WEVE GONE PAST DEMOCRACY RNMENT.54 OH! WHAT t ERNmENT DOWE HAW? A "'SPHEtEOCRAdY!" YES THE AVERAGE PERSON IS GOVERNED BY THE VARIES OF THE GOLF BALL BAS T PING POGNBALL'13 4W. C, YOUTH 1 Y ON FROM FLUN.KO CYNTHIA WOW: THAT WA5 THE BEST JAMES BOND MOVIE YET! H Y!...WHA1S THAT NOISE? • tniui �0, d�1 BR -kW -,- 4ND ►✓E CALL. viekt tN6 Wi�fK$R •SEX.