HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-13, Page 8TB crcpu Miss Jean Robertson, Super- intendent of the Church of Scotland Mission Hospital in- Tlugela Ferry, South Africa, visited the--Huron-Perth Tuber- culosis. Association office dur- ing her Vsit in Stratford. ' Of the 170 patients (natives) in the hospital, 86 are tuber- culous, Miss Robertson states. A lot of the tuberculous pa- tients are children. They are kept separate, of course, and a separate Sunday School is held for the children. - Miss Robertson teaches the student nurses and will take, back from Huron -Perth Associa- tions, posters, pamphlets and educational serviettes 'to use in this' liespital there. BARN -CLEANER -..SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER • YOU'LL GET BETTER -PER= PORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES — SERVICE Ilione Collect: 482-9250 - , Clinton • Pay them with an HFC, Bill Payer Loan Are bilis, instalment contracts, other money obfigations getting out of hand? Get 'an HFC Bill Payer Loan .: ; 'tip to $5000. Then take up to 60 months to repay Household with one payment each month •that's,lower than the monthly total you're' now paying 1 Also, ask about our lower rates on loans over $1500 AMOUNT LOAN- MONTHLY 60 months 48 months PAYMENT 35 months $..,.. ... 901 108.22' 144.30 160.37 JO months $ 23.73 41.45 :8 , " �� PLANS. 20 months $6.12 18.35 32.86 58.11 ,...- ..... ..... ' 12 months $9.46 28.37 51.24 91.56 $ 100 300 550 1000 2600 3000 4000 5000 $ - 101.01 126.26 $ ...,, ' ii 88.02 117.37 146.71 • Above p yowls Include cleat and Interest end aro busee on prom trepayment, but not Include the costot Melanins* Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates. HOUSEHOLD FINANC Ask about -our evening hours GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) • STRATFORD ' 119 Ontario Street=Telephone 271-9441) • (next to Simpsons -Sears) • ,a,klutt®N EXPOSITOR, SEA.FORTkfe ONT,, JAN. 13 1966 ACROSS 1=1;t1:10,ktng veeeeld • 5. Manner "'-' 8 -Female horse 1?, -Ox of Celebes• 13 -'Unit 14 -Toward the p. • sheltered side 15 -Distinctive tone 17 -Standard 19 -Vapid 20 -Musical instruments 21 -Beloved 23 -Girl's nickname 24 -Prefix: before 26 -Anon 28 -Afternoon party 31 -Faroe islands whirlwind 32 -Alcoholic beverage 33 -Hebrew month 34 -Wooden pin 36 -Travels 38 -Exist 39. Want 41 -Float in air 43 -Tally 45 -.Kind of bean (pl.) 48- W a nderere 50 -Fruit 51 -Native metal (p1.) 52 -Poem • 54 -Paradise '55 -Foundation 56 -Article of furniture 57 -.Euphemism DOWN 1 -Household pets 2 -Single item 3 -Perfumed ointment 4 -Kind of fur 5 -sorrow • 6 -Indefinite article 7 -Yearning 8-N. Y. Yankees outfielder 9 -Nearly 10 -Actual 11 -Lampreys 16,Actual 18 -Above 22- Ranted 23 -Cares for 24-Exptesive noise 25:Perna.le ruff 27 -Metal 29 -Organ of hearing 30 -Man's nickname 35- Dwarfs 36 -Unwanted plant 37 -Perform alone QOM 0E0 MOO ®MCI© MGIC] ©©M EUMUW 00080 U000 MOM ©ria 1 0©M© mon ou • CJ©® MBOM1 J i UOM® MEMO OWOMM MOO DaC76r7rn i 2001171u5 ©©0k €!®C) DOMO ©MUM Mal ©GIDE 38 -Fleet of, ships 40.Wipe out 42 -Pointed' at target 43 -Supercilious person SOLUTION 44-Gfrl's name 46 -Solar disk 47 -Melody 49 -Cry 60 -Man's nickname 53-Preflx: down 1 2 WAXT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read' the Advertisements — It's ,a -Profitable Pastime! Arnold Stinnissen GROUP - LIFE ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of C'ariada:'". TELEPHONE 527-0410.,, Goderich St. East = Seaforth I rir COW 3\7 1964 CLASSIC AUTOMATIC 1964 '660' CLASSIC AUTOMATIC 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961 CHEV..BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 1957 CHEV. • See the New 1966 Models Now on ,Display MILLER MOTORS • Phone 527-1.410 " - : Seafot''tli•'•• BRUCEFID The January meeting of the ,_Rrucefield UCW was held .in. the school room 'Tuesday with 20 ladies present. Mrs; Robert Allan and Mrs. Ken Scott con- ducted the worship service, us- ing the Book March of Days. ' "Standing At the Portal" was the opening hymn. Mrs. Allan led in prayer. Mrs. Roulsten inducted the . new officers for 1966. The... new president, Mrs. Taylor, took the chair for the business, and the new secre- tary, Mrs, Betty St. Louis, read the minutes of the December meeting. The treasurer's report stated $2,453.00 had been rais- ed, in 1965, balance , on hand, $1,035,--eurrent bills to be paid, Kippen to share $60.40. The flower committee was allocat- ed $30, program ,$15, and the Cradle Roll $5.00. Mrs. Hargraves reported for the Stewards. The UCW will give the Stewards 0 $5 O tomeet year-end expenses. A bale for Bella Cools will be packed- in February. . Thank - you , notes were read from those Oho had received boxes at Christmas- time; also a note from Miss Redmond, of the Ontario Hos- pital, Goderich, thanking the UCW for clothing. Nylons for Korea are to be gathered again. The nominating committee appointed Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs. R. Dal- rymple. There will be no UCW general meeting in February. A pot -luck supper will be held at the annual meeting Jan. 21, and the induction of the new minister will be held the first week in ' February: Mrs. Taylor closed' the meet- ing by reading the UCW Pur- pose,!- The executive committee served'•- a lunch of Christmas cake and - cookies, Complete 4-H Project Four - H Homemaking Club Girls in Huron County have completed their 1965 fall pro- ject, "Sleeping Garments,". and are now preparing for their Achievement Days.' These will be held on Jan. 15th in Exeter" at the South Huron District High School; Jan. 22nd in Wing - ham at the Wingham District High School; Jan.. 29th 313 Sea - forth at the Seaforth District High School, and on Feb. 5th" at the Howick Central School. An afternoon ,program has been planned with the . girls participating in skits, demon- strations and exhibits. A dis- play of their garments and `rec- ord books will be on view in the auditoriums for - friends, relatives and visitors. Classified ads pay dividends. - NOTICE - For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. .SEAFORTH. Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability ' • Employer's Liability • Accident. and Sickness • Fire,. Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & • Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance Call 52Z-0240 T IF ANYONE- •HAS .died • . . been born . . . married . . . absconded • • .. ' had q fire •3 . been promoted . . . been fired . . . made goadµ -� . . . returned home • . . sod his farm . . been sick . . . received an award "Since 1860, Serving the Community first" • SEAPORTH, ONTARIO, CANADA DeaR D advice from Doris Clark IF PAT>;FNTS ARE` DIVORCED . DEAR DORIS -- My parents ere divorced and. my father has since married. The time has come when I'm considering marriage, 'and I am faced with a .-problem. I know that my father would like. very much to give 'me away. I - would . like both of them to attend• the wedding but my mother still gets upset whenever she sees my father, and I do- not want to cause any lasting hard feelings over this. Weddings are supposed to be happy occasions and I certainly want mine to be haptiy. I haven't spoken to my moth- er about this as 1 don't want to upset her, but I'm sure she is thinking about .this too. , Only- Child DEAR CHILD -So much de- pends on the individual situa- tion!,One divorced couple meetfor lunch sometimes, chiefly to consult about their children—a -satisfaction to both; of them. - In another case, so great has been the schism between the two who parted company, each will resort to all means cos=' sible to• avoid coming within miles of the. other. • On a girl's Wedding day it is surely wisdom for parents to bury the hatchet—to all out- ward appearances — for the sake of the Child - they••,•bo•th• care about. Ask your mother if she can possibly manage -this. And bespeak your father's most thoughtful conduct,. • ..* * -DEAR- - DORMS—My husband has just recently. been appoint- ed to a very responsible posi- tion. . We are living just . 20 miles from our previous home. Our friends back there have in the_ past given farewell • parties and have made quite a thing of anyone going away. We have always contributed wholeheart- edly to every occasion., But when we left, there wasn't one of them to say, Con- gratulations, 'etc. My husband was deeply hurt. Now we have received another invitation to a farewell party for a very dear - friend (-a member of the same group) and my husband . refus- es to go. 1 am 'put in the petty position of refusing -this invita- tion, .or telling a lie. Why, are we „ women always trying to `pacify everyone, es- pecially irate.husbands? I'll be waiting for your advice. Peacemaker DEAR PEACEMAKER -' Be- cause as a rule women 'have a more finely developed socjal sense, that's why! ' Has it not occurred to you that there was no party, simply, because - your move was so nearly local? The fact that you are close enough -to be includ- ed in the up -corning celebra- tioJnt bears this out. Look, 'a "dear friend" is be- ing honored. Don't let your husband lower himself to the sulky attitude of a child. Go! You need your friends. In all probability it will 'eventually Come out just why they didn't think of a party in your case. DEAR DORIS — Our house looks the worst on the street. The"' yard is torn up and a gar- age started but left. My hus- band drives 50 miles on a week end to work on a hem/e4416Fals father for no pay. My husband is,a carpenter, and'a good one. 1' -have gone along with this for years but am tired. My husband thinks the world of us, but I seem to be the only one he can say "no" to. Ready To Walk Out DEAR READY — If you haven't walked out yet, don't. It isn't worth it. - Hire someone to clean up the yard •and present him with the bill. When he gets over his. shock,• get a line on a carpen- ter who would finish the gar- age. Then tell, him about it. Saying "no" won't 'be • so easy when you are so effectively say- ing "yes". But be firm. DEAR DORIS--My parents' For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME; BUSINESS, FARM, - CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY FOR LIFE SEE' JOHN Al CLA tDNO Insurance Agelticy Phone 50-0490: Seaforth Office Directly Oppotlte Seaforth Motors fortieth wedding anniversary is coming up, next month, but my father passed away two months ago. What is the pr¢lier thing to do about remembering this ev- ent? We don't like to just for- get all about it, yet a W.A. card does not seen appropri- ate. Bob DEAR BOB—No, indeed. You ol}ly remember a wedding an- niversary with a gift or card when both parties are alive., Perhaps a warm, thoughtful letter to her, recalling some of thei happy times you all had .together when your father was with you; would be the very nicest thing you could do. ST. THOMAS' WA St, Thomas' Church Women's. Auxiliary met at the home Qf-• Mrs. W. D. Boulton on Tues- day. The president, Mrs. Boul- ton, opened the meeting with the service from the January. "Living Message. Mrs: G. Mc - Gavin read the scripture. Many thank -you- notes were read front those who had re- ceived, boxes at Christmas. Af- ter all reports, had been given, 1bIrs. Boulton closed the meet- ing with prayer. A social hour was spent, lunch being served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. Donaldson and Mrs. • Elsie Dinsmore. `,Following 'is the list of of- ficers,"for, .1966: president, Mrs. W. D. Boulton; vice-president, Mrs. Cleave Coombs; secretary, Mrs. George , McGavin; treasur- er, Miss' Dorothy Parke; ' Social Service, Mrs. -Robert Dinsmore; Dorcas , secretary, Mrs. Bruce McLean; Living' Message, Mrs. Dave....Netzke; Educational sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs. William - O'Shea; Little Helpers secre- tary; Mrs. Elsie Dinsmore.... 'blue coal' Champion Stove and. Furnace Ooil- , wILLIS.;DUNDAS Office 527-0150 ---'Res.-27-,1053 T AIN- TO TORONTO Askabout convenient deg' rture. and return times For information, phone the local . CN Passenger Sales. Office a r CANADIAN NATIONAL 3'qo Nay e a .e�ue RFQRefa4o e one beer 50 goodit!s made anada famous for ber throughout the world! In Ireland and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in .the balanced beet • • r Irish folk singers at The CARLINQ B � R S Unified iced ttblin's popular Abbey Inn. I1LN 66-9 • r i3, r Yr'elilrlriw 3 yX044 ••• 5 • 6 7 M 8 Ell 10 11 ' gill Kt:* ■'i'i'i i 4' ■■ . o. 1511116 .•:•!•� t7' 18 ■■�� 19 4 ;, :.'ei P: a` 20 ■ 1. mow: iii i:;i 21 22 sae*. 23 , •:�:•iiOtiy 24 X0 26 •,❖s•: 28 29 30 31 ■'iii iii ;$: i 34 ■ 40: 'i i•i iii i i 33 ■ 34 35 ' Wire 36 37 Ki: 38 - ■S .+=.. 0.1X4. X4. 39 40 IM ea* i 41 42 AV •Ittha: KV 43 44 I.MIki ::WM 45 ■■ 46 47 48 ■1■ 49.'1" $° ®111! 51 Rti5253U,,54■■. 55 K056 iXi; 57 WAXT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read' the Advertisements — It's ,a -Profitable Pastime! Arnold Stinnissen GROUP - LIFE ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of C'ariada:'". TELEPHONE 527-0410.,, Goderich St. East = Seaforth I rir COW 3\7 1964 CLASSIC AUTOMATIC 1964 '660' CLASSIC AUTOMATIC 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961 CHEV..BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 1957 CHEV. • See the New 1966 Models Now on ,Display MILLER MOTORS • Phone 527-1.410 " - : Seafot''tli•'•• BRUCEFID The January meeting of the ,_Rrucefield UCW was held .in. the school room 'Tuesday with 20 ladies present. Mrs; Robert Allan and Mrs. Ken Scott con- ducted the worship service, us- ing the Book March of Days. ' "Standing At the Portal" was the opening hymn. Mrs. Allan led in prayer. Mrs. Roulsten inducted the . new officers for 1966. The... new president, Mrs. Taylor, took the chair for the business, and the new secre- tary, Mrs, Betty St. Louis, read the minutes of the December meeting. The treasurer's report stated $2,453.00 had been rais- ed, in 1965, balance , on hand, $1,035,--eurrent bills to be paid, Kippen to share $60.40. The flower committee was allocat- ed $30, program ,$15, and the Cradle Roll $5.00. Mrs. Hargraves reported for the Stewards. The UCW will give the Stewards 0 $5 O tomeet year-end expenses. A bale for Bella Cools will be packed- in February. . Thank - you , notes were read from those Oho had received boxes at Christmas- time; also a note from Miss Redmond, of the Ontario Hos- pital, Goderich, thanking the UCW for clothing. Nylons for Korea are to be gathered again. The nominating committee appointed Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs. R. Dal- rymple. There will be no UCW general meeting in February. A pot -luck supper will be held at the annual meeting Jan. 21, and the induction of the new minister will be held the first week in ' February: Mrs. Taylor closed' the meet- ing by reading the UCW Pur- pose,!- The executive committee served'•- a lunch of Christmas cake and - cookies, Complete 4-H Project Four - H Homemaking Club Girls in Huron County have completed their 1965 fall pro- ject, "Sleeping Garments,". and are now preparing for their Achievement Days.' These will be held on Jan. 15th in Exeter" at the South Huron District High School; Jan. 22nd in Wing - ham at the Wingham District High School; Jan.. 29th 313 Sea - forth at the Seaforth District High School, and on Feb. 5th" at the Howick Central School. An afternoon ,program has been planned with the . girls participating in skits, demon- strations and exhibits. A dis- play of their garments and `rec- ord books will be on view in the auditoriums for - friends, relatives and visitors. Classified ads pay dividends. - NOTICE - For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. .SEAFORTH. Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability ' • Employer's Liability • Accident. and Sickness • Fire,. Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & • Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance Call 52Z-0240 T IF ANYONE- •HAS .died • . . been born . . . married . . . absconded • • .. ' had q fire •3 . been promoted . . . been fired . . . made goadµ -� . . . returned home • . . sod his farm . . been sick . . . received an award "Since 1860, Serving the Community first" • SEAPORTH, ONTARIO, CANADA DeaR D advice from Doris Clark IF PAT>;FNTS ARE` DIVORCED . DEAR DORIS -- My parents ere divorced and. my father has since married. The time has come when I'm considering marriage, 'and I am faced with a .-problem. I know that my father would like. very much to give 'me away. I - would . like both of them to attend• the wedding but my mother still gets upset whenever she sees my father, and I do- not want to cause any lasting hard feelings over this. Weddings are supposed to be happy occasions and I certainly want mine to be haptiy. I haven't spoken to my moth- er about this as 1 don't want to upset her, but I'm sure she is thinking about .this too. , Only- Child DEAR CHILD -So much de- pends on the individual situa- tion!,One divorced couple meetfor lunch sometimes, chiefly to consult about their children—a -satisfaction to both; of them. - In another case, so great has been the schism between the two who parted company, each will resort to all means cos=' sible to• avoid coming within miles of the. other. • On a girl's Wedding day it is surely wisdom for parents to bury the hatchet—to all out- ward appearances — for the sake of the Child - they••,•bo•th• care about. Ask your mother if she can possibly manage -this. And bespeak your father's most thoughtful conduct,. • ..* * -DEAR- - DORMS—My husband has just recently. been appoint- ed to a very responsible posi- tion. . We are living just . 20 miles from our previous home. Our friends back there have in the_ past given farewell • parties and have made quite a thing of anyone going away. We have always contributed wholeheart- edly to every occasion., But when we left, there wasn't one of them to say, Con- gratulations, 'etc. My husband was deeply hurt. Now we have received another invitation to a farewell party for a very dear - friend (-a member of the same group) and my husband . refus- es to go. 1 am 'put in the petty position of refusing -this invita- tion, .or telling a lie. Why, are we „ women always trying to `pacify everyone, es- pecially irate.husbands? I'll be waiting for your advice. Peacemaker DEAR PEACEMAKER -' Be- cause as a rule women 'have a more finely developed socjal sense, that's why! ' Has it not occurred to you that there was no party, simply, because - your move was so nearly local? The fact that you are close enough -to be includ- ed in the up -corning celebra- tioJnt bears this out. Look, 'a "dear friend" is be- ing honored. Don't let your husband lower himself to the sulky attitude of a child. Go! You need your friends. In all probability it will 'eventually Come out just why they didn't think of a party in your case. DEAR DORIS — Our house looks the worst on the street. The"' yard is torn up and a gar- age started but left. My hus- band drives 50 miles on a week end to work on a hem/e4416Fals father for no pay. My husband is,a carpenter, and'a good one. 1' -have gone along with this for years but am tired. My husband thinks the world of us, but I seem to be the only one he can say "no" to. Ready To Walk Out DEAR READY — If you haven't walked out yet, don't. It isn't worth it. - Hire someone to clean up the yard •and present him with the bill. When he gets over his. shock,• get a line on a carpen- ter who would finish the gar- age. Then tell, him about it. Saying "no" won't 'be • so easy when you are so effectively say- ing "yes". But be firm. DEAR DORIS--My parents' For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME; BUSINESS, FARM, - CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY FOR LIFE SEE' JOHN Al CLA tDNO Insurance Agelticy Phone 50-0490: Seaforth Office Directly Oppotlte Seaforth Motors fortieth wedding anniversary is coming up, next month, but my father passed away two months ago. What is the pr¢lier thing to do about remembering this ev- ent? We don't like to just for- get all about it, yet a W.A. card does not seen appropri- ate. Bob DEAR BOB—No, indeed. You ol}ly remember a wedding an- niversary with a gift or card when both parties are alive., Perhaps a warm, thoughtful letter to her, recalling some of thei happy times you all had .together when your father was with you; would be the very nicest thing you could do. ST. THOMAS' WA St, Thomas' Church Women's. Auxiliary met at the home Qf-• Mrs. W. D. Boulton on Tues- day. The president, Mrs. Boul- ton, opened the meeting with the service from the January. "Living Message. Mrs: G. Mc - Gavin read the scripture. Many thank -you- notes were read front those who had re- ceived, boxes at Christmas. Af- ter all reports, had been given, 1bIrs. Boulton closed the meet- ing with prayer. A social hour was spent, lunch being served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. Donaldson and Mrs. • Elsie Dinsmore. `,Following 'is the list of of- ficers,"for, .1966: president, Mrs. W. D. Boulton; vice-president, Mrs. Cleave Coombs; secretary, Mrs. George , McGavin; treasur- er, Miss' Dorothy Parke; ' Social Service, Mrs. -Robert Dinsmore; Dorcas , secretary, Mrs. Bruce McLean; Living' Message, Mrs. Dave....Netzke; Educational sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs. William - O'Shea; Little Helpers secre- tary; Mrs. Elsie Dinsmore.... 'blue coal' Champion Stove and. Furnace Ooil- , wILLIS.;DUNDAS Office 527-0150 ---'Res.-27-,1053 T AIN- TO TORONTO Askabout convenient deg' rture. and return times For information, phone the local . CN Passenger Sales. Office a r CANADIAN NATIONAL 3'qo Nay e a .e�ue RFQRefa4o e one beer 50 goodit!s made anada famous for ber throughout the world! In Ireland and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in .the balanced beet • • r Irish folk singers at The CARLINQ B � R S Unified iced ttblin's popular Abbey Inn. I1LN 66-9 • r i3, r Yr'elilrlriw