HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-06, Page 9TH,E: HURON Pikposrro*, S1 AF r USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1, Coming Events • 2, Lost, Strayed _ 3. Found. ' 4.11elp Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations 'Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10, Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale' i2. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property F'or Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales I . 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25: "1n Memoriam 26, Personals Classified ads are inserted at a, rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- ` breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum '40c an i�nserti®n. Classification 25, minimum p5c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. _All other classifications,•, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion,. except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders, Wanted (21), and Legal Notices- (22); rates ---en Applica- tion. 'For cash payment, or if paid by 10 -days ,following last inser. ' tion, -15 CENTS, deducted from above rates.• COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED. ^ ' RATES' (For Business. Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. L. Coming Events EGMONDVILLE Scout bot- tle drive, Sat. morning,.' Jan. 8. Door to door canvas in Eg- mondville. •. 1-05-2. ANNUAL Meeting of South Huron _ .) gt'ictiltural Society will be held in the IOOF Hall Hensall, on Friday, January 14th, at 2 p.m. All interested persons are urged to attend. James Doign.President; P. L. McNaughton, Sec,. Treas. 1-06-1 4. Help Wanted - .able. State qualifications and salary expected. Lowest or any application not neces- sarily., .accepted. Applications int, sealed h enrelopesx clearly marked "Applications are to be in the hands of the chairrinan by January 15..., 1966. MR. VERNE Aa,,DERDICE, Chairman, of Huron County School Area No. .1, RR 2, Kippen. 4-06-2 APPLICATIONS... Twp. of Tuckersmith ' For a Road Superintendent. Full yearly employment of- fered, The applicant to state qualifications, experience and salary expected. Applications to be in the Clerk's hands by 12 o'clock neon, on Monday, January 17; 1966, clearly. marked, "Application, Road. $ttperin- :tendent'{, Applications to 'be consid- ered.'on Jan. 17, 1966. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk - Treasurer, RR 3, Seaforth,,Ont. 4-06-2 2. Lost,' Strayed TAIL gate for box of truck. ..Phone 37 R 16, Dublin. 2-06x1 FAMILY pet, small, brown, male Collie. Anyone knowing whereabouts, phone 482-7494. -06-1 3. Found BETWEEN Rowcliffe's Gar- age and the Queen's Hotel, a -'•••• Timex watch, on Friday. it' can be "seen al Dave Netzke's, on Jarvis St. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. 3-06-1 4. Help Wanted ' BABY Sitter, 5 days a week, - in my home, from 8:30 tb 4 o'clock, one child. Phone 527- 0186. 4-06x1 5. Bus. Opportunities.. HOUSEWIVES ' Turn a few spare hours- a - week. into MSS AVON territories are Profit- able and now available in the Kippen - Egmondville - Win- throp - Brodhagen areas. For information, no obligation, phone-ollect London,' 451- 0541 evenings, or Write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave. 5-06-4 MAN for work in feed mill. Steady - eimploy ent. Usual benefits: Se rth Farmers Co-Operati . 4-06=1 BABY Sitter for two pre -`I school children, Tuesday to - Friday, from ' 9:00 a.m., to 5:30 p.m., in my -home.. Mrs. Larry rDale, phone 527-0750. 4-06-1 WANTED, ` Apnp ications will be ac- cepted' .. for the position of Secretary' - Treasurer of Sea-, - •forth District 'High School. Please state qualifications and salary expected. All ap- plications to be in the hands of the undersigned by 6„ o'- clock p.m., Monday, Jan. 17. JOHN A. CAR NO,. ea'.rth 4-06-2 prPPLICATIO S are invited for a janitor for Walton Un- ited Church for 1966, Duties , to commence on Feb. lst, 1966. State "salary expected. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. Applica- tions to be in by,jalri, 15, 1966. For further particulars apply to William Dennis, Walton, Ont.,• Secretark' of Board of Stewards. 4-06-1 CANADIA--N- CORPS OF COMMISSIONERS • Requires sober and depen- dable , Vele-fain for, steady emplOyinientw in - the Clinton area. ,Excellent Working ton- - ditions. 40 hour.. week. Acci- dent liability coverage. —"Apply "Apply to your National Employnient,' Office Goderich 4-06-1 APPLICATIONS The Board of Huron County. School Area No, 1, are invit- ing Applicati'o'ns) for the posi, • 'Boil of ', „• S8,'CRE`T'AIi°'St - TRE,,A,.StltEtt Applidants nnt; t b born - 8. Farm Stock For Sale WHITE faced biblt calf, three• days old. Apply, Johin Wil- lems; RR 4, 'Seaforth. 8-06x1 TWENTY -five pigs, 7 .weeks old. Don Carter, ,phone 527- 1166. 8-06-1 REGIS T..E.RED X'.orkshir hogs, serviceable' age. Robert Regele, phone 527-071-&. 8-06-1 FOUR Holstein Heifer calves; 3 months old. Herman . Van Bakel, _ RR2, •Dublin; phone 55 R 12. 8-06x1, TWENTY Holstein cows, bred Hereford: Some due soon. Apply Lorne, Tyndall, RR 2, Clinton. • 8-06-11 9. Poultry For Sale 14. Property For Sale SCHOQIr' `'hibuse, SS Ito. 6, T:uckersxnith, brief building, 'illi hydro and oil furnace and • one acreof land. Phone 482-3888. , I4 -06x1 16; Property For Rent' FOR RENT Apartment, available Jan. 1st. Private entrance, close to uptown. For further information call 527.1352, after 5 during the week. 15-06-tf SELF contained ` duplex, with• gas furnace. Phone 527-1490. 15-06-tf MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 527-0812., or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15-06-tf SELF - contained apartment, heated, , large ' living room, kitchen, ' bathroom, Gaderich -Street East. A. Y. McLean. D}OWNSTAIRS. 2-15ednoom apartment, heated. Gordon Noble, phone 527,0840. 15-06-2 BUNGALOW on Ord Street, 2 - bedrooms, 3 -piece bath- room, modern kitchen, hot water heating. Apply Thomas Flynn, Goderich St., phone 527-0822. - 15-06-3 FOR RENT — Small heated apartments, newly decorated, close to uptown. Apply Har- vey Dale, phone 5274406: 15-05x4 FOR RENT Large lower apartment, South Main Street, gas furnace, bathroom, also basement; ,stove and frig., if desired. Apply Carl Dal- ton, phone 527-0702. 15-06-tf 19. Notices NATIONAL Hockey League hockey; Chicago at Detroit, Sunday, Jan; 30. For tickets and 'information, phone '527- 1410, Miller Motors. 19-06-4 PERSONS living in apart- ments formerly owned by Dr. McMas'ter,' will pay Hent at the same places as before. Make all cheques payable to Harnvey Dale. ~. 19-06x1 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & ,Ser- ice-for er- iccef or all-riskes. Fitter-Queen- Sales, itter-QueenS les, Varna. Phone 262-5350, .Hensall. .19-06-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed: Write or phone ' LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Bruns- phone 442 w 6. B.russ'- contact HAROLD MAL- •NEY, phone 527-1424. 19-63x25 ELECTROLUX. 'Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 5242 6514. 19-06-tf ATW OOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES Highest cash prices paid for dead, and disabled cows and horses. ,Call 'Collect356-2622 License No., 401-C-65 ` i.9-•06-tf KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and ,Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- ders min. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847. Box 160 9-06-tf 11. Articles For Sale SPECIAL Friday and Satur- day only, butter tarts, 49c a doz., save 11c. Crich's. Bak- ery, phone .527-Q340. 11-06-1 FOUR Border Collie pups: Phone Kirktan, 229-8808. 11-06x1• DRIED, shelled corn, will de- liver. Merelea Farms, phone 482-7159., ``• 11-06x2 TWO :'street length dresses, S'atipeau material, 1 blue, 1 green; size 8, teen, for brides- maid or party. Phdne 347- 2651. 11-06-1 PRESSURE system pump 11/2 years old. Alfred Malone,. phone Dublin, 34 R 20. 1,1-06x1 TWENTY chicken feeders, hanging and floor type. Bart Postma, RR 2, Dublin; "phone 34.,.,}i„21. ,..11-05-2 PHILISHAVE special bonus. Free preshave and aftershave lotion; (value $3.00) with any model Philishave” at our special low prices. Savauge Jewellers, (-opposite the Post Office). 11=064f 12. Wanted To Buy FRONT -end loader, - to' fit Ford tractor. George McIl- wain, phone 527-1910. 12-06-1 ANTIQUE furniture, ,pie uric frames, cupboards, fnnpas,. and dishes, etbe. Will buy individual pieces or ca►nipletbe iilbil hold. Phone 2714578. 12-06-tf.: 1.4. Property For Sale • NEW 2 -storey home, with all hardwood floors, . 3 bedrooms, and• full bathupstairs,. din- ing room, living room, kit- chen as well as IA bath ,and utility room downstairs, gas furnace, attached garage and asphalt drive. Immediate pos. session. Apply ` in writing to P.O. Box 202, Seaforth. 14-06-2 ATTRACTIVE 2 -storey home on Goderich Street West, Sea - forth. Thorough remod- elling from cellar -to roof, in- s de `and out just completed. All new wiring, new plumb- ing, new exterior siding; This fine family home includes 4 bedroome ' and bath .upstairs and dining area, modern\ kit- chen, it then, utility room, double living room, alSd room suit• able for home work shop den. Located near daft town, town, ehtaches, , SellOola. A double garage Is on the prop- erty. Donald Gordon, tlhone 027-1680x •.. 14.08 0, 22..- ga.otices -vf their claims to the under- ,jsigned on or before the 27th day.. of January, 1966,.after which "date the assets Willbe .distributed having regarc'i' On- ly to claims then received, DATED at Seaforth,; this 22nd day of December, 1965. McCONNELL STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the •Executors. 22-06-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY JANE SHQLDICE • All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Jane Sholdicel, late of the Town of Seaforth, in. the County, of• Union, •Housekeep- er, deceased, who died on the 16th day of NoveMber, 1965; are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of January, 1966, after which date the assets. will. be distri- buted having regard only to. claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 30th day pf pecernber, 1965. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, ' Solicitors for the Executors. 22-06-3 SINGER Sales and Service, sewing machines' vacuum clean- ers, floor polishens., and type- writers.. Call 'Jim . McGregor, phone 527-1486. 1,9-064f WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE ,All work guaranteed . ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720' -- Seaforth • -' 1 -06-t€ DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead' or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling &i Company of Canada 'Ltd. Phone ' Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 • 19-06-tf NOTICE' We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of 9ntario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night, , FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or &MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R•-16, Dptblin..... Call Collect 19-05-tf 22. Legal' Notices NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET JANE MILLER All persons having elairhs against the Estate of Margaret Jane Miller, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Housekeeper, deceased, ,who died oil the 31st day et' October, 1965 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to, the ,undersigned on or before the 27th of January, 1966, after which date the assets will be' distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 20t11 day,,of December, .1.965. McCONNELL •& STEWART,. Seaforth, Ornatriti, Solicitors for th Executors. 22-06-3 NOTICE . TO . CREDITORS In the Estate 'of AGNES DOLMAGE All persons having claims against the Estate of Agnes Dolinage, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, *hi) died on the 29th day of Oc- tober, 1.955, are hereby roti- fied,to send to full, particulars 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 'noo'n Thursday . evening by appoint- ment only Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon„ Wed. = Clinton,.,Office A. W. SILLERY Barrister; Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. 5274643 Seaforth -• Ontario A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55.57 South Street:.. Telephone God'erich • -5247562 McCONNELL 8i—STEWART Barristers; : Solicitors; "Etc: _ • P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 u`•SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., VS. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M.; V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth J. A. BURKE Funeral Director . and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - .ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 .R 10 24. Curds ,of Thanks 1THE members of- the Post Office staff wish to express their than;lt ,to,, the merchants and ' other patrons who re- membered them with gifts during the. holiday season. 24-06x1 THE family of the late Mrs, Muriel M. Shortreed wishes 'to exrpress our sincere and heartfelt thanksto our rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the floral tributes, mes- sages of sympathy and other acts of, kindness shown us during out recent bereave- ment, in the loss of a dear wife, mother; .- daughter and sister. A special 'thanks'to those who visited her during her ,rllhess, and to the Many kind friends who sent baking and helped. at the . house the day;' of the funeral, Your kind- ness'shall always be"reniern- bered. 24-06x1 25. In Memoriam WALMSLEY _ In loving memory of Mrs. Ada Walin- sley, who passed away one year° ago, Jan. 2, 1965. Her memory is• a- keepsake, With which we will never part, Though God has her in His keeping, We still have her in our hearts. • —Lovingly remembered by her Family.'- 25-06x1 Births 'CHESNEY — At Seaforth Community Hospital, on Jan. 1, to Mr. and Mrs: William Chesney, RR 5, Seaforth, a daughter: • DIEHL — At Seaforth Coin- Munity Hospital,' on Dec. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Diehl, Seaforth, a daughter OOSTERBOSCH — At Sea - forth Community• Hospital, on Dec. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oosterbosch, • Sea - forth, a son. SEGEREN — At Seaforth . Community Hospital, on Dec 29, to Mr. and ,Mrs: John,..,_Seggren, Seaforth, a daughter. WHITE =-• At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Jan.. -4, to Mr. ° and Mrs. Merlin White, Brussels, a daughter FUNERAL .SERVICE Promptand careful attention . Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones:, Day 527-0680' --.Night 527-0885- • W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario • 'LICENSED EMBALMER • and FUNERAL DIRECTOR' Night or Day .Calls — 527-0510 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth, AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. • FLOWERS 'FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth 24. Cards of Thanks I would like to extend my Sincere, thanks and apprecia- tion to Miss Drope;- ..Miss 'Mc- Donald- and all members on staff of Seaforth Hospital; al- soRev. D. Fry, Rev: Britton, Dr. Stapleton. To my neigh- bors, friends and church groups for cards, letters and treats and my family for looking after my interests at home while I was in hospital. —Vera McMillan. 24-06x1 WE wish to thank our many friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their visits, cards and gifts which we received on our 50th Wedding Anfii- rietsary on Dec. 29th. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Fry, the- .... .girls who worked so hard' and Mrs. Miller for the delicious dinner. It really made a very happy anniver- sary for us:—Charles and Date MacKay. 24-067c1 SINCERE thanks to neigh- bors, relatives and . friend§ for cards, flow,ers and visits, also • to nurses: and staff of Seaforth Community Hospit- al, Rev. J. C. Britton, Dr. J. Gorwill,' -Miss Margaret len and Whitney Furl ral- Home and all those that asn- sisted us during our •sad ber- eavement of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. It was•all "very much appreciat- ed: -- Oliver Anderson and Famil^v. 24-064 I .wish to thanemy relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely cards, ,letters, gifts arid treat's sent Me while I was in St. Joseph's Hospit- al, London and The Seaforth ,Community Hospftal, Snecial. thanks to Dr. J. X. Wyatt, London, Dr. Malku§; Dr. Brady; also Rev. C. Britton" and all those who ,visited me end Miss Drope, ,,tile nursing staffand the nurses on the 4th floor in St. Joseph's Hos- pital for their kindness to rile It whs'all deeply aplsreeiated,' Bruce. 24.06*1. Engagements Mr.' and Mrs. John Bach, of Seaforth, wish to announce the engagement of their daugther, Elizabeth • Joan; tpp Mr. Robert Paul Grunewald, son of Mr. ' and Mrs. Paul Grunewald; RR . , 5, Clinton, the marriage to take place latter part of January. 06x1 ioll�ax Vjsil Mts. MaudeHoiden is spend- ing Christ:gas and New Year's with 1dr. and Mrs..WW`liarr, ,Kerr, Roy, and Carol, at '"Callander, and Mr. and, Mrs.. George Lefebvre and fami,'at ,North Bay. w Mr. Wand Mrs. S}m Roobol spent Christmas Day with their daughter and son -id --law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds, Seaforth, and their granddaiighter, Lynne. Mrs. W, J, Horney, of Exeter, had the . Misfortune to fracture her wrist while visiting relatives in Hensall• Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol spent Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. • Tony Gelderland, -of Ridgetown. Lynne Dodds, Seaforth, has returned home after visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Sirn...,Roobol. 'Christmas draw winners at Hensall'were: Money doll, spon- sored •by Legio'h Auxiliary of Hensall, won by Catherine Munn, RR 1, Exeter; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon -Munn; Wilson's Drug Store: Shaggy dog, won' by Mrs. Irene Finlay- son; Hensall, and a road racing set wen by Albert Hovius, Hen- sall; Wes Richardson's Garage; electric blanket, won by Mrs. Harold Willert,..Hensall, and the pyjama dog, Frankie Mousseau, Hensall, son of Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau; Beaton's Bak- ery: chocolates, won by Bev. Corneil, • Hensall. LyIin and Mrs. Gordon I,,ove spent Christmas week in Lind- say with Mr. and Mrs. J. Rath - well and family. SMALL WORLD you've GOT TO GET THE FEEL OF IT. IF. IS TOO �WOOZE.T- Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lewis and Shelley, of Sarnia, and Mr. Greg Spencer, . • London, spent the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer. ' Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Pyette, David 'and Jane were Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Child and daughters, 'of Mid- land. - Mr. Charles Mickle; Hamil- ton,, and Mr. Robert Mickle, U.W.O., London, are spending, their Christmas vacation ,with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mr. and Mrs. Clendon Chris- tie and Catharin' Ani spent Christmas with • 1's. Christie's mother, Mrs. Loi+r he Webster, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan, Pat and Mike, visited Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman 'and, family, Dashwood. Miss Ann Mickle and Robert McNaught@n attended Alpha Tec Convention held in Niagara Fal days: They' are •°delei?atefr •.pf the Hi -C 'Youth Fellowsbiti of Hensall Milled Church. Mrs, Stanley Mitchell has. turned home from '4jietoria Hos- London,.-and is staying with `hen datighter-.and son -ins law, Mr. and Mrs: Elgin Hen - deft and family, near grand Rend. Mr. and . Mrs; George Hess' spenty, , the Christmas holiday With their daughter aiid son-in- law, Mr. and, Mrs. J, L. McCoy, and4family at,,;,pon Mills, .-- Mrs. Lou timpSon is -spending Christmas olid New Watt Withmembers of her family in Bixin ingham and Royal Oak, Mich; Mr: And Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Robert and Ann and Mrs. Florence Joint spent Christmas with, Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle and family.." Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. •E, Kook were Mr. and Mrs: Gary Corlett and fam- ily, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Cook and family and Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Cook, and Car, olyn, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Terry North, St. "Thomas;•..Mr. and Mrs. Don Rig- by, Blenheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen spent Boxuig Day with. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Flowers in the United Church Sanctuary Sunday" morning last were in loving memoryof the late Mrs. E. Haberer, , mother of Mrs. John Turkheim, church organist. Rev. Il. Currie ex- pressed sympathy in the pass- ing of the late Mrs. Haberer. Miss Greta Laramie.. presided at the organ console. , Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, of Blenheim, spent New Year's weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Citizenship and Educational meeting of Hensall WI - will be held Wednesday ' in. the Legion Hall,' when the guest ' speaker will be Mr. D. Solomon, of Trinidad, a teacher at South Huron District High • School. Roll call is, "As Canadian citi- zens, . what do we . take for granted?" and the motto will be .taken' -by. Mrs. R'M, Peck: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Exeter,. spent Christmas with, Mr. and Mrs. David Blackwell and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. L, Hill, of Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs. • Ivan Stephenson and family, Cooks- ville; 'Mr., and Mrs. Donald Burt an family, St. Catharines; Mr., and gMrs. ggRalph Stephenson and ,\T 11�'1�;1r ahB\i 1�UUhI s during the -.Christmas boli• IT'S GOT 'TO HAVE STICKINESS,SQUASHINESS, SMEARINESS AND SHOULD DRY THICKLY. family, 'of Varna,. end. Piss Elaine Keys, Of • London, spent" Christmas ,pay -With Mr...and Mrs Harvey Keys -and dough-„ Mrs. Harry .Caldwell, of 'fem.:,, sail, and Mrs,. Stirling .Crrahan2•, of ,Cromarty,, leave y plane oro . 4144.1 Tuesday for a vno'a on.to ',. tralia, NOV' Zealand,Hong Kong and Japan, They will; return.,'in mid-February. • Mrs. Edna Smiths.' London, and Mr. • and. Mrs. Lloyd Coo , and Adam, Toronto, 'visited Tuesday; •,,: with Mr, and lvlxis Stewart- Blackwell and family and Mr. and "Mrs. David Black- well and family: Holiday visitors , with lira, •, , Hugh McMurtrie„`were Mr, a)zd Mrs. J. C. Cochrane,; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cameron, Seaforth,; Mr. and Mrs. Ian Dick, LondonL Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dick and, -_ family', and Mrs., Ross Dick, .of Hensall; Mr. and,Mrs., A, McMurtrie, Kippen; Mrs. R. S. Hopkins, Greencastle; Indiana, u „< and Mr. William E. Cochrane, Hinsdale," 111. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Moir and Debbie, Brampton, and Mrs.' Bertha . Mason, London,, spent. the Christmas holiday with Elsie s- Elsie Case and 'Wendy. Christmas visitors with the Misses Amy and Greta Laramie were Mr. and Mrs, Ray Laminie, Robert and Jean,. of Centralia. Mrs. Manley Jinks...and:Susan • and Mrs. C. L: Jinks spent the Yuletide holiday with Mr. and, Mrs. Ross Jinks, Gail and Billy, London. • Christmas guests With Mrs.:, Alice Joynt were Dr. and Mrs. Harry; Joynt and Judith, "Toron to, and Dr. W. T. Joynt, Lon- don. Mr. and ,Mrs. E. R. Davis, Kay and Michael spent the Christ - Mas holiday with. Mr. and Mrs. Drew ..Fowler and family, Lon- don. A Christmas celebration was held in the Legion -Halt Christ mas Day when some 70 mem- bers of the Smale clan and their - families gathered for an enjoyable day, with a turkey -supper with all thetrimmingo highlighting the event. Mem- • bers were present from London, Grand Bend, Seaforth, Summer- - side, P.E.I., Zurich and Hen- sall... Christmas visitors with Mrs. Emma Farquhar were Miss Dor- othy ' Farquhar, -Mr. Ron l'arqu- bar, Mr. and Mrs.. Ed, Knox , and •family, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Farquhar and ,fam- ily, Exeter. " � . • w,i +W.ii1t � e RiO l MUD;, FIUNKO CYNTH;1 rr' (NraEQAWN'S EARLY "iI6111' IN TILE PEACEF1/L. mg/wow.. ryi FAIR MAIDEN WOKE UP eY TUE . LAZY MEAIVDEk1W6 S'ooe,• • OUR TOWN HERE VIS GO AGAIN! OUT CON% THE TRAV5t. F0LDERs AND BUNFIu.fD ' DREAMS. - ;y hili ;\ . IIIAIli1;,,10 ^• , Il�ratitladlt„ • IpxiC t C0Uib MiK4Itet litigHt4 :M `CRU 'NEM Wt U1.b St: miff bt RTI;D Vili/t8 AND CHILDAEN'AT liltsoF• TTHES