HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-06, Page 4rH.rV J1 , • )4 4.4 4-,,,Ttik HURON .EX,PO$ITORs SEAFORTH. ONT,,, JAN, 6, 1466 Refer Petitions To Huron (Contipued from Page 1). quired to pay the sane rate as - the people of the town in the event a joint school was •ar rive& at. We 'were led to believe the existing arrangements could not be altered, he said, and. agreed with Mr. Haney that from the point of view of the people concerned in the Sea - forth area, the Seaforth ar- rangement would be mgre,.con- venient. ?� Referring to. a suggestion that arrangements • could be entered into with Seaforth on a year-to- year basis, Councillor Forrest. said that he had never under- stood this before. Clerk McIntosh said that,on a p ipil basis, a rural pupil ays more thai a pupil in the town, but Councillor Sillery pointed out that on the other hand a portion of the urban costs jp- eludes that of transportation which benefits only the, rural students. • Reeve Thompson pointed out while it was not the "council's problem, at the Same time jig wondered what would happen to • the remainder of the stu- dents in the township if ' a number • were released to come to Seaforth. • - Replying, Mr. Hulley empha- sized there was no objection to the new school, but in the opin= ion of the people, in this area it was foolish to build a 16 - to 20 -room school when the population is going down; and he asked who was going tofill th rooms when the population oe's drop. Continuing on 'the same sub- .ject, Mr..Haney said that he had•; been endeavoring to obtain a projection of the school popu- 'lation for the next four to five years, but 'despite repeated ef- forts nobody had been able to tell him. He said in discus- sions With a- representative of the Department of Education, e_had_ been- told the depart- ment; epart -men - generally prefers. that school buildings be erected in or near a town where the , fa- cilities can be used'� by the population, as a whole Stressing the `fact th the township was divided as •t the . G�' proper course .to take, oun- cillor Forrest said he felt that what was being proposed- in connection with the central 'school was wrong. Councillor would happen in theevent the proposal ,for the ,central school went ahead and later on Eg- mandville and Harpurhey were annexed td'Seaforth. ' Discussion) revealed that the assessment' in, Egmondville is $238,350,and in Harpurhey, • $115,000. • Councilors said there was .a lack of direction :from on top. Reeve Thompson wondered why 1114 BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH (Services at' Orange Hall) Sunday; January 9th 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all: ages 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M . . GOSPEL SERVICE Mr. Christian Knefsch "Therefore being justified by faith, we have •peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." —Romans 5:1 the department did "not• lock at the requirements across ..tlie board and make suggestion's 'as to what should be,done, and Councillor Forrest agreed. "We are not blaming the council or the board, but cer- tainly we are not getting pro- per dti•ection.-from higher -,up," he said. Reeve Coombs wonder- ed whether council eould not advise the board to suspend ac- tion until answers were given to the many questions outstand- ing, and Mr. Dick suggested in the event that ' RCAF Station Clinton was to be closed, ade- quate ' accommodation would be available in surplus buildings at that point. Plan'"fax Sale Council ' agreed the clerk-. treasurer should prepare a by- law to. provide for a •tax sale so that, it could _be considered at the February meeting. Clerk 'McIntosh said while it is not -possible to increase 'the- pen- alty on tax arrears, the inter- est could be increased to 8%. Council appointed Mrs. Alice Boyes, as truant officer , ansl named Reeve Elgin Thompson ,to the Auxable Valley River Authority. Grants were••made to the Canadian Mental Health As- sociation of $10, to the Salva- tion Army of $25, and to Bruce{ field -Library of $20. A grant to Seaforth Community Hospi- tal will be forwarded later when e extent of the usage of the 'hospital is determined. The grant reflects the number of patients frorp Tuckersmith. Because of 111 Health�� It Has Beers Neces- sary To Sell My Busi- ness Effective January 17th, the business will be operated by Harvey Dale, and I ask for him the same co-operation 1 have received' during the years 1 was in business, and for which 1 am grateful. Persons owing accounts are asked to co-operate and pay them in full at my residence. OSCAR TEBBUTT Council:Sets' (Continued from Page 1) lice wages and working ,'agree- mer}t, which Mayor Flannery said he felt were 'needed, • Ne- gotiations. had dragged on all year and still ' were not com- pleted. Negotiations Continued over salaries, but had been de- layed by lack of classification. Council now was awaiting the arbitratibn report.. Challenges' In '66 • - Turning to, the challenges facing the new council, the mayor listed five matters that required early attention. These were: .—Liason with the Plowing .Match and perhaps a special committee. —Co-operation With the SDHS in its Building program. — Action with the OWRC on carrying on with the town's sanitary sewer program. —Exterior repairs to the Town Hall. —And a._ start on implementing the MaeLaren Report on storm drainage. Names Committee Referring to the committee structure, Mayor Flannery said it was his : problem "to shift them around or keep them where they were." ,11,e had spent a lot of time consider- ing the matter and had conclud- ed there were benefits in mem- bers being shifted between committees, thus providing add- ed information concerning all phases of municipal work. He proposed the • following committee appointments: Standing Committees " Finance and General Govern- ment -Reeve C. Dalton, B. Cardno, Deputy Reeve W. Cuth- ill and R Dinsmore. Public Works and Sanitation, — J. Kelly, Dephty Reeve W. Cuthill, H. Donaldson, 'G. Hil- debrand. Welfare, Recreation and In- dustry, -B. Cardno, J. Kelly, B. Flannigan, R. Dinsmore. Court . of 'Revision—Reeve C. Dalton, B. Cardno,. Mayor J. F. Flannery, H. Donaldson -and Jr Kelly. Reeve C. Dalton welcomed the new members and .referred to decisions that would face coun- ty council. These included ap- pointment of a safety inspec-, tor, over-all courity assessing; - and work on the Seaforth-Bay- field development road. Emphasizing that "our town is only what we make it;-' Reeve Dalton said he was disturbed about the school situation, par- ticularly plans that provided for children on the edge of ,Seaforth being taken to a pro- posed school oh No. 4 highway. He favored. students inEgmond- ville and -Harpurhey being ac- commodated in Seaforth. Reeve Thompson' was named welfare officer and Councillor Ervin Sillery will again be tile drainage inspector. A- letter from J. G. Burrows, area in- spector, said' that he -liar's been named by the minister as a re- feree to set out procedures nec- essary to bring together Tuck- ersmith and Stanley School Area- Boards in the new Huron No. 1 Area. He indicated Tuck- ersmith should cash. in the clergy reserve fund which had been held for school purposes fez' •many years, and council queried the wisdom of this since it would mean sacrificing,bonds at 90c on the dollar. Councillor' Forrest asked who had the, authority to say that the reserve fund was to be liq- uidated, and the clerk said he didn't , know definitely but; it was understand the fund was the property of the school board. "Is he not exceeding his authority to tell us to sell them? Councillor Forrest ask- ed. This has been held for a long time and each generation has benefitted from income from it; now we. aye -told to liquidate it and all the benefit goes to one generation." Council named as fenceview- ers A. Broadfoot, Russell Dal- las and Wm. Kyle. Petitions 'for the repairs to the Smillie drain, presented by Morley Cooper, .. John. ,Deeves and Robert Elgie, were accept- ed,,,as also was a petition pre- sented 'by 'Pearson Charters, Don Dayman and Ross Chapman for repairs to a drain in that. area. g Councillor Coombs told count cil about an investigation he had carried out in connection with.the need of an additional light in Egmondville. - Council agreed. He also raised the plat- ter of lights in Harpurhey,land said he had been asked by resi dents, but Reeve Thompson re- called the matter had been in- vestigated earlier and at that e residents had hesitated. when faced.with the additional cost" ;t - He said, the„ township, absorbs one-half the cost of the instal- latiop and that now that more people, are located in Harpur- hey, perhaps the results -would be different. Council would en- tertain any petition concerning the matter. There is no priority insofar as usage of either the rural or town truck, Councillor Coombs was told when he asked for an explanation ,as to the set-up concerning the fire area♦• Reeve Thompson 'said that the rural truck is owned jointly by five municipalities and it ,.was.the responsibility of the Seaforth Fire' Brigade to operate it, as it saw best. - - r,q BRODHAOEN NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Heiman Leon; berth, Richard{ and. Care with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leonhardt, Jr., Thamesford. _.. "- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuernian; Michelle, Michael and .Scott with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim . Shbrtreed, of Walton, for ,New 'Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ellig- sen and sons, and Mr. and Mrs, . Earl Trutter and family with Mends,. in Baden ' for New Year's. Michael Beuerman, one and a half year old son of -Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Beuermann, had the. misfortune to fall andbreak his collarbone while at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben .Buuck with Mr. • and Mrs. -Martin Buuck, Milverton. Roger and Gary Eickmeier, of Farmington, Mich., and Robert McGill, Mitchell, with their grandparents. Mr. and - Mrs. George Eickmeier, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and 'son, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Wolfe and Steven, of London, with their._.parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe, for New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. itof Stratford, and family, were at the same Name: ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sinyth and Mr. and Mrs. -Ford Dickison and Glenda with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb, Glencoe, for New Year's. Mrs, Toledo Beuerman and Pete -Miller, of Waterloo; Mr. and. Mrs. John Moore, Connie ai d Mark, RR 2, Dublin; Leon- a d --Miller, Kitchener, and Miss Be Horn '"Monkton, with Mr. d Mrordon Miller. • Mr. and -Mrs. Sam Clark and Mr. • and Mrs. John Clark and family, of Mitchell, •with Mr. and Mrs:'Gary Sholdice on Sun- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shol- dice and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scholdice and'"'sons and Mrs. Elizabeth Querengesser with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser for New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leonhardt and Donna with Mr. and, Mrs,. Hannon, Mitchell, and Mrs. Geo. Leonhardt, RR 2, Walton, for Christmas. 'Miss Shirley-Voch_entertain- ed a number of friends to a party during the Christmas. holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer- man, London, with hi} parents, Mr. and Mrs, Manuel - Beuer- man, on Sunday. A large crowdattey�ded the New Year's danced at the Community Hall "here. Mr. and Mrs. • Ross Leonhardt and family with Mr-, and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt. Mrs. Jean Nichols and Rob- ert; David, Marks, of Brussels, and Miss •Alice Verbeck, Blue - vale, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer, on New.Year's Day. Mr. and, Mrs. ' Leslie Wieter- sen, of Bornholm spent New Year's Day' with her mother, Mrs. Auguslt Hillebrecht. .Install Church Board - The newly - elected church STORES IN SEAFORTH Will, ;Close at 6► o'clock FRIDAY EVENINGS during the winter months MERCHANTS" COMMITTEE Commerce Chamber �of C�►rminrte. Beavers Win N Over .Lucan.. Seaforth Beavers,.defeated`.0 can-Ilderten Combines 8 -6 -ire .their first OHA Intermediate 'B' game here Tuesday even- ing. Lucan opened a 1-0 first per- iod lead And the score was tied 3-3 at the end, of the second before the Beavers opened it up in the last period._ - Jack McLlwain paced the winners with three goals,. while Bob Doig added two. Singles went to Bill McLaughlin, bon Merton and Tom Dick.• Barry Hearn.scored"twice for Lucan, with Bill Neal, ' Jack Gousineau, Vern Moble "and Dusty Aldis getting singles. hoard was installed by ftev,: Kap les ,at St. Peter's Lutheran Church 'on Sunday, They " are: Boyd Driscoll, Mervin Wurdell, and Donald Rose, fornierr board members, along with Edward Scherbarth, Jr.,• Ken Siemon, George Rock. and Glen Mogk. The retiring members are Harold Mogk, Orval Beuerman and Fred Juing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuerman and children spent Christmas with°her family at the home of her sister and '-brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, in Mount Forest. -, Master Scott Colbourne, of Toronto, and Miss Debbie Chambers, of Preston, accom- panied their grandmother, Mrs. Toledo Beuerman, of • Waterloo, to spend New Year's with Mr. and • .111rs_-...,Gordon Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer and sons, of. Seaforth, werejilt the same home. ✓ Mr. and Mrs, Louie Benne- wies spent New Yeats with their daughter, Mrs. Ted. Naw- ach and Mr, Mowach at Brun- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Don McLaugh- lin and family, •of Kincardine, with her father, Wm, Diegel. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Adams and sons, of Mitchell, with her paren"ts, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoeg -y with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kle- ber, .Kitchener, Word has been received by relatives here of the death of Mrs. Donald Rolph (Shirley Die - gel), 30, of .Logan Twp. She was a former resident here, -the' daughter . of ti the late "lr. and —lis, Henry'"•R:' Diegel (Idora Ritz). Bombers Best ki Against Teachers Seaforth Bombers defeated the Central Huron Secondary School teaching staff to the tune of 16-5, in' an exhibition game Wednesday night at the arena. The score - didn't indi- cate the pay of the two teams, as it was a good display of fast and well executed hockey throughout the Bight. The team was well supported by local fans. - Line-up was: Rick Fortune, Joe Dick, Tom Phillips, Murdo MacLean, Adrian de Coo, Rob- ert Cosford, Francis Hagan, Earl Gray, Jim McLlwain, Ken McLlwain, Harve Dale. The next home game will be a rematch 'against a stronger teachers' team next Wednesday -evening. • RED CROSS TO MEET The- regular meeting of the Red• Cross will be held Friday', Jan. 7, at 3 p.m. at Carnegie Library._ A salesman took `'an evening cif ' to sell tickets for a church benefit. At one house a tight - pocketed prospect apologized, "I'in sorry, I have an important,, engagement that evening .so I won't be able, to attend. , But I'll be there wth you in spirit." "That's fine," 'said the sales- man.. "Would yOur sp'ii'it like to sit in the $5 or $10 section?" RECEPTION for Mr. and. Mr's. Gordon Pryce (nee Irma Bernard) WALTON COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, JAN. 14th lan Wllbee', 'Orchestra ' Ladies please bring sandwiches — EVERYONE , �R'YON� '1'V�LCOM WOODHAM (Intended for last week) Christmas visitors in the com- munity during the weekend were:, - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tomlinson and family, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. ,John Tomlinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McGleish, of Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Mooulden and .family, of Dundas; Mr, and . Mrs. Llfiyd Brintnell and family, of Mother- well; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert -Bib- by and Mr. Howard McCurdy, of Farquhar; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son Brintnell and Barry, of Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and family.. . Mr. and Mrs: • Fred Rodger, of Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dobson and Mrs. Arthur Hopkins with Miss Ada Hopkins. M. and Mrs: Wray Sweitter and Barbara, of Shipka; Mr and Mrs. Ron Sweitzer"; Grand Bend; Mr. Frank Levy and daughters, of Transval; Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and family, of Lakeside; Mr. and Mrs: Jack Smith and .Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and family - with Mr. and Mrs. William Rundle and Larry. - Mr.'and Mrs. Glenn Lambert and family, of Davison, -Mich., and_ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and family -with Mrs. J. Jaq'tfes. Rev. and Mrs. John Cooke Cooke arld John, of Thamesford,- and Mrs. John Butters with Mr. and, Mrs. George Wheeler and David. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Stephens and 'family, of Anderson; . Mrs. Myrtle Brine and Nancy, of St. Marys; Mr. an Mrs. Ross Rob- inson and fanilly, of Fourth Line; Mr. Willard1Schaeffe, Mr. Lloyd Brine, Base\ Litre; Miss Mary Switzer, of 'Grosse Point, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs, Don Brine and, Cheryl, with Mr. add Mrs. Osd'ar Brine. 112r. and Mrs, Don Wilson anis family) of Lakeside, with Mr. • and Yilfrr. 3aek Smith d „Mrs. Mary. 444 WALTON 4. Seaforth Saws Door Open For r. (Continued from Page 1) these repprts would be prepar- .Man of the Finance and Gener- ed. • ie suggested, too, that ,a i .. Government Committee, - chairii4en of standing commit. 19 a and 9 lax arrears tees should keep members of in1im 1964 'totalled ap proximately .$16,000, and 1965 their committees informed as about _$24,000. ' It was the low- to the action being taken or est figure reported 'at ,a year larging on tax arrears,, Clerk proposed, so that a greater in end'in at least five. years. En" -retest in the 'work of the coun- eil could result. R D It id `t Ernie Williams told ,, council that a substantial pert 'Of ,,,the arrears represented business"Eax and that active collection pro- cedures' were . being followed to clear these arrears. Councillor Harry Donaldson, now chairman of the Protection rto Persons and Property Com- mittee, referring to instructions which. his previous cominjttee had' had to -investigate the avail- ability of lots suitable for. in- dustry, said he had, discovered a report of the Mid -Western Ontario Development Associa- tion, of -1963 _wherein this par- ticular groundwork had 'b'ee'n" carried out. Council agreed the study would be continued un- der the Parks and Industrial Committee, with Councillor B, Flannigan in charge. Councillor: James Kelly, the new chairman of Public Works and Sanitation Committee, said he had been approached by members of the town staff for ins eases, in salaries. He indi- cated rates --here, were lower than in Mitchell ...or Clinton. Council took no action, refer- ring.the matter to the commit- tee dor a recommendation. 'Reeve Dalton, reviewing earl- ier.., action by the committee, said the se'wer pump at Gode-. rich and Coleman Streets,. • had been replaced ' by the OWRC. Necessity to replace the pump had been indicated to . council more than a year ago. He said study _was..being given to the` possibility o.t -a drainage scheme being entered into whereby Mc- Killop, Seaforth and Tucker - smith would join in 'clearing •flood conditions that exist in the east end of town. Differences of opinion, be- tween,. council and the 171C concerning an-audit'report on PUC shortages, had arisen be- cause, the .PUC was under the impression council already had seen 'a copy of the particular report, Mayor Flannery said. Mayor-Flannery••'said_ a report. dated May 31, 1964, prepared by the auditors, had just recent,, , a ly come to the attention-•of,the council. In' his discussions he had been thinking that the.. ref- erence had been to a subse- quent or Final report. • - Clerk 'Williams Aold :council full study of the 1964 'report suggested that further work by' . the auditors would reveal little more. The position now was that a decision had tobe taken whether to' accept the losses ,and write them off, ,:or take further - action;' In any event, he sug- gested the action should be of •a formal nature initiated by the PUC, wjth a recommenda- tion, ecommenda tion, to council far approval. Councillor Cardno, referring -to a recent letter in The Expositor, said that in her opinion; 'em- phasis should be placed on the fact that the mayor, as a mem- ber of the Public Utility Coni - mission, occupied .a position comparable in every respect to that of an elected commission- er. Answering further queries in connection with .PUC matters, Mayor Flannery said there was little•„hope there would be any- thing recovered from the bond- ing company. He said that the cost of :the hydro audit was': $1,575A1(1, but understood that the municipal auditors would not present an account. The hydro, account reflected the fact hydro personnel .had been brought in for varying periods as office assistants. He 'd that insurance carried on. a PUC vehicle, had not covered damage following an accident some ,iiio,ithn ago., The lois,• he said, as about' $2,4Q0. ° It wa uggested by Council- lor Cardno that perhaps a com- mission of five members would be preferable to the present PUC Commission bf three mem- bers. Reeve Dalton wondered whether a more efficient opera -- tion would result by the town becoming again responsible for water- and sewer functions, but Councillor Hildebrand pointed out this would necessitate a separate staff. T • Referring to. discussions *hicli' Council and PUC had had over many months regarding a sewer billing charge, Mayor Flnnery suggested the town contact the. town auditors and ask for a re- commendation concerning ., the cots. Council completed appoint- ments to various miinieipal bodies. These are: Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Reeve Carl Dalton; Mid -West- ern Ontario Development Asso- ciation, Councillor Brian Flanni- gan; Carnegie Library Board, J. R. 'Spittal;, '„,Seaforth District High School "Board, 'J.. A. Card - no; Seaforth-- Community Hos- pital, Rev: -Dr' -fl: -'.Ery; Seaforth Community Centre Board, Wm: Smith, Leonard Ford and Frank Kling, together with. Mayor FIannery', Councillors „ Briar) Flannigan and 1.'Do,n� �tdson and Reeve Carl Dalton Ward De- puty Reeve Wilnler Cuthill. •A.4 the meeting caneluded, Mayor Flannery warned coup - oil that 'lie would insist that, committees dente in with . writ ten reports as'. e ani arta• f ie �,x Wilting business, 'Thought Was being given, h0 said, to deveie. 00 a edtni taa 'Prat oi' *Malt Mr. and Mrs. Earle 'Coutts and family, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Edward +McCreath, Clin- ton, and Mr. Carl Coutts, Gode- rich, spent New Year's Day with Mr.- ,and • Mrs. Andrew Coutts. Carl ' spent the Christ- mas -.-season with hi's parents. Mr.• and Mrs. Frank Walters and Larry spent Christmas at Kitchener at the home ..ef Mr. and Mrs. Donald Delion. Mrs, Joseph” Bewley,` Clinton, visited with Mr'. and Mrs. Wal- ter Bewley for several days. • Mr. and Mrs. John. Hutton and Marilyn, of Byron, visited. Thursday of. last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke. Mrs. W. C. Hackwell spent New Year's. Day with Mr. and Mrs. David Hackwell, -Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mc- Michael and Sharon, of Pres- ton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMich- ael • Mr. Joseph Ryan was confin- ed to Clinton Public Hospital last . week., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby and Mark, of • Wood.stock, 'spent New Year's with the former's father, Mr. Frank Kirkby. -- Miss Geraldine Dennis, of Kingston, ' spent New Year's weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mr's. William Dennis. Mr. Dill Hamilton, of London, spent New Year's .weekend -with Mr: and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen. Mrs. 'Johli Higginbotham, .' of Sheffield, ' is -at , present visiting at the "manse with Rev. and -Mrs. Arthur Higginbotham . Misses Ruth and June Hig- ginbotham, London, also .Spent Christmas and 'New Year'g with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Steven and Leanne,: of Toronto, visited over New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Paul 'Kirkby, baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kirkby, confined .to Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital with pneumonia. Mr. Frank Kirby is also a Mr. l'dr• and and Mrs. Nelson MarkMrs,. Missal s, ' Sharon „and Brian; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Traviss and Linda were New Year's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marks, Exeter. Mr.' and Mrs. Horace Rut- ledge and family, London, were New Year's guests" with the Humphries and Bennett fam- ilies. Mrs. Edward Miller spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. William McTaggart, Gode- rieh. Mrs. John Campbell, Seaforth, visited last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and ]tis. William... Thamer. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Law- less, Dianne and • Murray, of Burlington, have returned home after vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull for the Christmas season. • Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence --Mar, tin were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pryce and family, Winthrop, and Mr. -and Mrs. Floyd Jen- kins and Jeffrey, Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs, William Dins- more and Bruce, of Brampton, spent New Years Day With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin: -Mr.-ami Mrs..Oliver Riley and faniiIy,' of Wroxeter, were New. Year's„ guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCut- cheon. Mr. Floyd Porter received word on New Year's Day -that his brother, Elgin, had passed away in Winnipeg in his '61itir jrear. Mr, Porter was a former" resident 6f Walton. -• Mrti and Mrs. Sanies Sander - don;. df6Wroxeter, 'visited; New Y'ear's Oat''. with Mr, and Mr& g ►r1 WMtson. FIRST PRESBYTE UAN CHURCH_ REV. DOUGLAS FRY Minister Sunday; January 9th WORSHIP -- 11:00A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL '--- 10 A.M. SEAI:ORTH 'I EEN - TWENTY THE ALADDINS COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, January 8th ADMISSION —= 75.Cents Dress — Semi -formal Dancing 9:30 - 12:30 SERVICE OF •RECEPTION BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH (Meeting yin Orange Hall) On this occasion Bethel Bible Church will become a congregation in the ranks of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada. • The Associated Gospel Churches is a fully accredit- ed and recognized -denomination numbering About one hundred member .churches in the Dominion of Canada . . fundamental . evangelical and dedicated to proclaiming the whole counsel of ' God without fear or favour. Thursday, January 13, _ 1966 $ p.m. ORANGE HALL N. Main St. at Side, St. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. _ SPECIAL SPEAKERS AND MUSIC The. Public1 •s Cordially Invited To This Momentous Service B,efreshments Will Be Served At the Close • WELCOME --- MI Thea#i* Goderich First 'Run '"Fijms in Air. -Conditioned' Com fort! Entertainment is Our .Business 1 ' WED., THURS., FRI d JANUARY,5-6-7 "THE SONS OF KATIE ELDER" In Color • Johp Wayne '— Dean Martin • Martha i•lyer . Shows at 7:15 p.m. and 9:20 p.m ALL " CARTOON KIDDIE SHOW O ° •SAT. MATINEE ONLY - JAN. 8th No Advance In Prices' Remember, It's A Special -All Cartoon Matinee Starts At 2:15 SAT., MON., TUES. — JANUARY 8-10-11 "LORD; JIM" In Color Peter O'Toole — James Mason Curt .lurgens It's a Big Adventure Drama Shows at 7:15 pini. and 9:25 p.m. SPECIAL MATINEE — SAT.,'JANUARY 8th WED., THURS., FRI. — JANUARY 12-13-14 Dean••'Mtffi•in• and Jerry Lewis in "LIVING -IT UP" Plus Jet'ry Lewis in „. ' . THS DISORDERLY ORDERLY , ?', ORO ERLY,it' Al,. 7 :,15 and 1015 " "LIVING. ['I' Clip",Ai• 814$.,0ltiiir