HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-06, Page 2Since 1860, Serving the Community First
Published- at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every. Thursday' morning by McLEAN BROS., Publishers
° ANDREW Y.-MoLEAN, Editor
Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association
Ontario Weekly 13ewsp*pers Associatie
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Audit Bureau of Circulation
' ,Subscription Rates: Y00
Canada (in advance) $d,a ear
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Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office -Department, Ottawa
Challenges Face Council In j966
Coi}pletion of the challenging pro- sure that improvements o the Com -
gram 'outlined Monday as Seaforth munity Centre end Arena, about which
Council held its inaugural meeting will will be centred much of the Plowing
Match activity, are completed before
bev,a• major contribution to the well -
next fall.
Then too there is the need to attract •
new industry by provision. of sites, and
Council already has this in hand. But
before this can be effective there must
be a firm move to' provide for town
planning and zoning. Until the protec-
tion' which zoning provides is avail-
ab.Ie, there can be no assessment as to
benefits or otherwise of a ' particular
being of the town in the years ,ahead.
-- . In his , inaugural address, Mayor
Flannery plaided emphasison the In-
ternational Plowing Match and the Co-
opetion which Seaforth must extend.
Since a match, with its accompany-
ing thou ands of visitors is scheduled
for next ; ctpber, there must be , a pri-
ority given to.. Seaforth's role. , •
Hedrew attention "to the SDHS
building program and the need of co-
operating, with the SDHS Board in
furthering the project.
• Other ;natters of equal importance
and to .which early attention must be
directed,,' he said, involve consideration
of the completion• of the sanitary' sewer .,
Program, in co-operation with QWRC ;
repairs to the 'exterior of the Town
Hall, and a beginning on the storm
sewer program outlined in the Mac -
•Laren report'"of last November.
Other" and equally important mat-
ters Which had been on the agenda for
last year and, which ,continue to re-
quire attention acre the preparations
for Seaforth's part in the' 1967 Cen-
tennial program. Coupled with this is
the need to press Seaforth's Centen-
nial project to completioii:r, and to en -
industrial site.
"• .••• ••..•
•• 2.. �;•..f .
1. -• sions, expressed his concern to
Ontario Minister of Agriculture me with the distressing situa-
Toronto 5, Ont. tion which has been • eif such
Dear Mrs. Govenlock:. disappointment and discourage-
ment to many farmers, not on -
The I•ioiiourable C. S. Mac: ly in Huron County, -but
Naughton,? "1Vlinister ' of High- throughout the Province, with
ways and ,Member ;for Duron, the adverse weather that has
has very. kindly .given me the been experienced,
brief which you presented to yours very truly,
him on a recent visit of his., to wwm• A, Stewart '
Huron County. :
I have read with interest your ' '
letter of December 1st with at- "
taehed 1lrief, and while as a
...farmer I can sympathize . with
F(� ,� r the farmers of Huron County
•' Who have sustained losses
through weather damage to
IR •���� , 8 , crops, I ---find it extremely. cid-
11115 9...im 1,.131111 ri a,• ••i..• .,,.�1..... �U� ',rficuit, in vieW of the fact that
Mrs.- Thos. B...G'ovenlocli ,
Crop Assistance
RR fi, Seaforth, ernreent's position, as well as
January 3, 1966 that of the farmers of Ontario,
Sir: The • following conies was developed.I am taking the 'liberty of
pondence has been received forwarding a copy of this letter w
and we ar .,-Laking this means to the Honourable, Mr. Mac -
to convey the information to. all Naughton, .who has maintained• •
farrriers in the area. a constant interest in the wel-
Your "sincerely, • fare of his constituents in Hur-
County as well as in the
• agricultural 'situation"
in the Province. Mr, Mac -p •
COPY Naughton. has, on i sany occa- .
'And ,as' became apparent from coun-
cil discussions Monday night, active
consideration, too, must be given Sea-
for-th's Public Schpol facilities... -.
These matters, -particularly those
dealingiwith' schools and sewers,. are
important in terms • of the kind of Sea-
foi.th....'. are to enjoy, not especially
next year, "nut, in five°years from now.
view 'of`the"time necessary to plan
and bring into being major projects;
'what is important.is that n, positive;.,,
start' be made at the earliest' moment.
' These all are projects which are well
within' the capabilities of'Seaforth.
With the, leadership which council can
provide, and 'with the wholehearted
support of the community, to which
'council is entitled they can become
,Ii ani, PRi:P�' P, ,� 1' ,. ,
.there; is .Po .erop insurance pro -
.A Macduff 'Otta-wa Report ,gram as •such, in the Province
• c of -Ontario, to justify accepting
Transformation of f N.E.S. your request for, acreage pay-
meets, nor that Huron County„,.
should be declared a disaster„
OTTAWACanada's Civil the National Employment Serv- :That there was lack. of co area.
' House of Commone,
Dear Mrs. Goven4ack:
I wish to advise you that I
have placed the brief presented
to me at Winthrop_ the farm-
ers in the Seaforth and sur-
rounding district, jntarthe• hands
of the Deputy Minister of Agri- .
culture. •
I feel this - . is the prope
place to seek action ox tis
situation in the . absence of a
Federal Minister of Agriculture,
I expect he will be advising
you that he, has received the ,
copy of your brief. I have also
ask -ed- - him to keep me up-to-
date as to any action- that will.
be taken in this matter, and I
will write you.. accordingly.
Kindest personal regards.
Sincerely, '
_, "Bob'
R. E. McKinley,
' , M.P. Huron.”'
Service Commission has' just ice and registration with the ordsnationjbetween programs. The criteria On which ,the
conducted the largest examine- National Employment Service is, That the National Employ- drought assistance and adverse
tiow-in'its, history Three thou- required. Out of a total 220,000` ment Service was badly staffed weather assistance. program was
sand of those who wrote are unemployed (Nov: 13) those in and not ..doing the -job. , . based; was established to as -
already on the staff of the Na- training courses numbered on- That -programs were misdr sure ,feed supplies for farmers
tional Employment Service. An; ly about '60,000. These courses rected, whb%ar}y livestock through the
other 1,000 hope to be, in,posi- last six months to a year. . ' If recognition of the faults winter which might otherwise
tions that • will pay $4,860 and In spite of the healthy in- -and gaps is a step forward the be disposed of. I .am sure you
• $6,180 to start and increase to crease, it is this field of un- Department has taken that step, would agree that, in many cos
$6,060 and $7,320. emi6Lyed training, that needs It is recognized, for example, es, farmers • had_. taken , many
For those already with the 'and ill get a very hard look. that in previous efforts to get --years• to build up herds of
t' will The `Man, y p
NES the examinations
ower Consultative men back to work crash pro- dair cattle' in articular, and
decide their future. They may .. ervice was organized . in May grams have beep set on ._foot, to sacrifice these -"herds'because
be promoted, stay on the sa a 1964. It now. has .10 projelts'.that were' totally inadequate. o£._the• severity of the drought
level or be downgraded. Some for joint planning with solus- Today, with 'less unemplay woul
might be advised tottransfer try and workers under consid- ment a longer term view is be-ship.d cause very great hard -
to other jobs., There ul
are sew enation. About 25,000 workers ing taken, I would assure ypu that
crop_ fanners as such
eral hundred new posts await- are involved. -The M C,S. invites ° Curricaono cash
and teaching talent anywhere in Ontario, to our
ing, thea successful candidates, industry, workers or both to is being reviewed in the tech -knowledge are getting any as-
•t seek its help in planning ahead ,nica"1 and vocational schools • srstance.
all of them requiring university
. and '
graduation :and. post graduate for' adjustments which' are goy training programs for -specific Witb,regard to a moratorium
' studies. Quite obviously
is no either ma agement or the un- inces are being revised. There the onl form of financial es-
capable of helping jobless ap-n k reds has been no reuses for five y k T wish to advise that Mr. R. R.
,intents fill out forms an In spite of this generally ears.:
sending them for er Loans -Act, r the Junior Farm-
arm re�. to me._ the copy of -your
healthy look the manpower pro y,The Department"is now d assess er s nndare being consid- brief to
November 26, to the
with -•prospective employers. rams have been' under heavy considerable research to -'
gfired on an individual bas
Dept. of Agriculture
Ottawa ,4, Ont.
the ing to bring lay offs. It has not" trades....whxch the Federal Gov- being declared on•Junior.-.Farrar
en only'""Yet• sold., itself.. completely to ernment supplies to the Prov- er -loans; which of course; is Dear M. Govenlock:
N.E.S.i t after m
d ions but it is making prog,
on sistanee other than ban guar E. McKinley; M.P., has ._ re er-
This is the
first step in a fire, some of it justified. It future needs as well as present Junior harmer holding a loan
realities. major transformation of the r of High- w.
----. ] has been charged: "' effectiveness.' g ways
consider . tion eing g ekiri ton, Ontario Minister
High -
In the Years Agone
N Year's Da • Quite a games.
January 10, 1941 number of people gathered to
National Emplr�y�ri,,erlt . Service„ ._-khat the Labor Departmelit The. charge of complacency s who - has experienced"" severe 'The federal government ,this
which was tran`sfer'red from the failed to recognize. the urgency if once justified, now appears croplosses this year. 'The Ong
n and had become complacent. to be outdated. iyear agreed to share • 50,per
Unemployment Iris ranee Com- . tarso Ceayernment does not pro cent of the -cost of this year's
mission to" the Labour Depart-
Ment, last Spring. The next -
-step may be a,.ochange to- a
more appropriate name, perhaps
National Manpower Com -
The N.E.S. is destin-
From The Huron Expositor on New Y the
While walking along No. 8 see the -boys shoot. • The 8th From The Huron Expositor. dery Flay. a major role in a By. B111 Smiley -- - fQx such bank guarantees. the province With the program
Highway, two miles east of and 9th concessions won out January 9, 1891 -' ``in thematter a cropi - a
dmini>stered by Ontario. •
Mitchell about . 10 o'clock Sat- by nine birds. - • •' While- , going to Zurich with reorganized and upgraded man-
suranee 'program, I woulad
TRE YOUNG 5PX'N,TERS don't follow the":Yogic, .but ITwo paints in the brief do urday night Robert Powell, The second January thaw seta horse, and buggy the other power program. always , vise that this, has been under
refer, -`however, to the federal
well..knoin Egmondville real- -in on Tuesday night.' The rain day, Mr. Jack Karcher, of, the With unemployment down to Dad, we should be glad you Y was .a little dense about active consideration for the,last program and I --till comment on
dent, dropped dead. Acconipan and south wind gave the sleigh- Bronson Line, had the misfoi+ about -three • per cent of the• and r. Glad that we ,got a mate feminine thinking,�
1 he was in a . severe shock and the tune to have his horse run Canadian labor force Canada is . Gir I can show yogi women_.:tov ork o tta proem• 4tr�y�ron these. •
led by two companions, g when_ we did, 20 or .30 years Farm Credit Corp
battling the heavy blizzard roads are a: glare of ice, mak- away. The horse shied at a cow, obviously no, longer facing an of 30, career girls, who can ti insurance that will bends to Loans ate the responsibility• of
which' was --raging at the time. ing it necessary for ligth roan upsetting the buggy and Mr. unemployment problem as it ago. Wed never id man up cook a TV dinner,' don't know the livestock and cash "crop the Minister of ' .Agriculture,
to what the, girls demand to .one end of a baby from. the
Mr. 'Torii' Nash„ the well dig-' and horse. ' to be well shod to Karcher fell beneath. He . vas has been known. It is facing farmers of the Province. It is Earlier
he year he account
' had a Darrow escape while enable—there to keep their considerably cut about the head an employment problem. which dad • discovered,a this •the other other unless "it's crying, aid relatively simple• to.: work out ed the Farm Credit Cor -
cur, and shoulders., is a very different thing and couldn't handle the budget of
Cor -
curbing a well for Harvey suit- equ�'}ibrium. a 'cash, crop insurance program, ,oration was prepared to' con
well cavingin and Mr. James Dorrance, of- Mc- The sawmill.owned by Mr, subject to quite. different treat day, during a panel• discussion a $uitday School class without but much •more• difircult to pro aider 8n their' merits requests
Llwain, the , g g of my Grade 12 gasses. utti it on the rocks.
pinning himself and Mr •;,Mc- Killoi, is' wearin a rin made T. H. Taylor, of East Wawan- meet. The objective here is to in ane. , p rig° vide satisfactory crop insurance from farmers for 'loan eaten-
about six feet down in from a German ,bullet which osh, on the 5th concession, .was use limited .manpower resourc Topic t'was Early -Marriages.' other' serious suggestion for livestock farmers,, as there signs. .. .
the well. By . good .luck Mr." was sent bleat as a Christmas burned to the ground .Christ .es in the most productive man Participants of 17re uorb18.ht, '�a�=Yt�hat marriage should be haft been no, crop insuraree pro Similiarly, under' the terms
Janes Murray was passing and present by his son, Harvey Dor Inas night. The fire is suppos- nen. The ..make work program attractive g • delated° until both parties have grim developed to -date whiche Farr►i. Itttsovernent Loans
d` the calling, and he,hur-"ranee. ed .to have originated front a,has gone out the window except Well, they really "opened my has a chance to travel and see is designed to cover forage, Act, there' is nothing...which
• :Thd the two'merle Messrs. 'Frank and Bruce spark from the engine. • for those:'like winter housing _eyes. Li fact, I was shocked and the world. The im ication was .crops;-- when one realizes
incl and assistedpl p , would _prevent any 'bank. which
.' out Scott, .formerly of Seaforth; and Miss Mary Govenlock,.daugh- building, that° are designed to dismayed by the herd -boiled, that after you're married aria. that approximately 70% of the Provides .loans 'under its terms
ties. J. E. Henderson has in-- the sons of Mrs. Robert Scott, ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert move oemplayment from the materialistic attitude of these had kids, you never do more, agricultural income of Ontario'from modifying the''terrn's of
-^-w°°Mier`-lbnle^--en--John . Street, a have rIh�oth joined the colors and Govenlock, of McKillop, who summer • peak to the winter young ladies, Generally, they than take a Sunday drive. comes' from livestock arid. Five the loans• it has extended, w
geranium plant that measures are Wow training for overseas has been a successful and Poen- trough. - had the right idea—that teen Hell, I have..a nephew of 17 stock products, it is important The Federal Crop Ided, nee-'-•
5 feet 4 inches from the earth service, lar teacher in Seaforth vicinity Manpower programs are not" age marriages are'a mistake— who was born in Yellowknife, that consideratiee be given to Act provides assistance t� the
to the top .of, the -:plant. Mr: Harry Triebner, of Steph- for the past five years, left se-,. new •$o. the Federal Department but.for all the wrong reasons. Northwest Territories, 'and has trying to bring in soMe type _province with ,crop insurance
i Jordan 'the, oldest en, who has been teaching in cantly for Virden, Northwest of 'Labour: .In then present I used`to;thuik=th t marriage grown up: in South. -.America; of such program. programs paying 50._ per a t,
William ,
resident of Dublin, t' Slid-. the Union School at' Solom, has Territory,® where she • has ac- .form they can be said to go was based on mutual respect, the West Indies, Holland and I know you will be interest of the ,administrative costs �, f
dent in his' 97th year: ' had resigned and .will take a posi- cepted a. goon situation as back to 1961. In general their physical attraction, shared in- Newfoundland. I have a --niece, ed in knowing that thhe•Ontario programs and -20 per cdit--
been in __declining health for tion as teacher in the Commer- teacher. objectives were and still are: • terestsa Iove. That shows you 19, who, has lived in England, Farmers' Union,Executivh had theseof the farmers'' premiums. The
--several weeks, but was in pos tial College at Cornwall. Mr.• Alexander Ross, of Lead 1. To determine the fut,uure 'how old-fashioned I am, ' Prance and Germany. Those . a meeting with` me and my Minister of. Agriculture has on
session of all hisfaculties. The following have joined bury, has been engaged draw,. needs of industry in the labor It seems that these days a kids didn't slow their parents Deputy Minister oWednesday, more than..,.�one occasion' stated
' Mrs. Annie Love, Toronto, the 161st or Huron Battalion, fng stone. He intends building market and us that future en successful marriage is a' tom down, Dec. 15th, in niroffice. We lis- his' interest in traving crop' in-
epent Christmas with her at' Seaforth since the fast list: a large bank barn in the near tries into the" labor force will 'nation of economic; ,casco dine. of .the girls said boys of cussed ..many of the rnatter5 .suranGe extended to all prov-
th d sister, Mrs Wm 'Thomas Henry Dick Bernard future. creel the, shortage tials and psychological clap- 19`"ar .20 are not ready to as -which you have'brought,to my •inces and. hie intention to make
Sugar an
vide bank - guarantees for euuch crop, loss program 4n Ontario.
purposes as requested in, • your`a-
brief, and I regret. to advise your subhussion to Mr.--Mac-
YOU appreciate in-- view of
d . Spice that w.e''. will not be able t'0" Naughton the- details of the pro- "
aceelit , ypur recommendation grans -are the responsibility of
mo er an sum�r .t ..
Leeming. Brown, William Hart, Frank New Years I)ay was a die- p \ any desirable mod fiG t` i in
•Mrs. James Hogg had the Lee and Charles Wood:. appointment to a great many, 2. To retrain displaced work- trap.'- � he responsibilities of attention • in your brief. A
� th first There was a'ste'ady downpour ers "to fit new needs of solus- First of all, you have to have marriage. Some aren't. But though I couldn't agree to all the program' which would stimu-
This 1 early some men of 3p aren't and nev- of the prSposals as presented late such expansion
i a ions
misfortune of fracturing her Seaforth playede •tcy security. rules out
ankle. game of hockey inthe North; of rain from early morning un-
People of Con ern League in Sarnia on 1`ires til late at night, and the sleigh • ust for adjustments clue must a'e • enough money 'for or 20 m r charge of a 'million a most useful and' worthwhile Yours very truly,'
3.• To -plan in advance with marriages.- It means the couple er do. T ve seen ,bo s of 19 bythe' executive, I fe t it was
The Young p
stance put on a play, "Windy day night. of last week,• but ing, was destroyed. Since then,
,todnew technologies. at least -'down' payments on the dollars worth ,of aircraft, and meeting, in which I trust a bet a' • S. C, Barry,
Willows," in the Community were defeated by a score of however, the weather has been 4 To provide opportunity for house, furniture, ,appliances. tit -a hundred lives. ter understanding of the Gov- Deputy Minister.
ill in aid of the Red Cross, 7=3 after a fast clean game. On delightful and although, there those in employment to up- follows that the girl must fin- I could scarcely refrain from .
We wish to congrat• rate•Miss Wednesday .and Thursday nights is` no snow, the wheeling is grade their skis ge •isTi school and take a to an '
11 and know1 cl
b d tellingthese complacent .pre-
Evelyn Grainger, who has- re- the team played exhibition good, the leading -roads being or to get further basic educe save. The boy must get through matrons that their grandmoth
ceiyed her Reg.N, degree. Ev- -games in Detroit, lost both as smooth as a pavemant.l1l1� t� tion. law school or medicine. (no ers were inarried et 16 or 17, -.IN.FORM LS
eI ndw'•- on the staff` of i' '1�,�1��°�rlt� Three of the four objectives plumbers for these kids). Again their grandfathers at 20, cop-
enGioelerich Hospital .,raiveual to , .
Mr, Aldir Edker�' RC.�,F, who 'dealing witti education and it follows that he's aboYit . 30, -ing with • a life they couldn't
iii af" B:Fan- , Provincial effort. The Federal can think of marriage_ Not
been .in training
don, Regina • and, Vancouver,
B.C., and who was recently
transferred to Sky ` Harbor,
spent Sunday with. his- parents,
Mr". • and' Mrs. J. M. Eckert.
- - •;From The Huron Expositor
January 1, X916
i rs. 'Jaibea Lawrence met
with a painful accident. She
was down cellar and as she
was walking through the fur-
nace room, tripped on a stick,
causing her to -fall, striking her
• shoulder agafnst,he door jamb,
thus breaking a bone in her
atm near.the shoulder.
One day this week Mr. Har-
ry .?IVlSQn, oir the 1Kippen dis-
, britt, had ` a very unpleasant.
experiefce. Ile was Handling a
bull. when the animal .turned. "
on Ilius and knocked him down
atte.mpteil to gore himm.
Fortunately,: the animal was
.hornless " br, the - consequences
to Mr. Ivis'o°! might, have been
flute$ More serious. As it lues,.;
in; the 'tuisael Ile ' li'ad title leg
fractured ' -before the animal -.._ ...„ .
was beaten `ot, '
A,: shouting salt betweet �.
., a 'ssi nt; o .• ,► :., a nil Merino. i verythieg gots into
Mrd find f�tif . tuft e o �e d fake ter���
Hallett . and tlx Co n taixc,s"_ ii> its • nett"
training involve joint Federal- she's at least 25, before they even imagtriel.
i N t that I'm in favor of teen -
Government has contributed a - I -could have 'reminded them, age marriages. .Heaven forbid.
share of the capital cost of new but didn't, that most of them Our societ has ,' ail • the cards '
technical and-vocatiopal schools ,but
never have been born if stacked st the young lov-
on the secondary and post -see -'their parents had waited for ers. But t ere's something sad
ondary school level, a building security' liefore marrying. about their attitude.
program which is now nearing • Second, they said, teen-agers
$1. billion.'The schools have\a ale not "emotionally ,nature"
capacity for 97,000 _.studentys enough for marriage, I don't
and enrolments't March was quite ,know what that means: -
200,327, .an increase of • 166 per Eight out of 10 of the marriedSmi
l . • •
dent since 1962. About 20,000 adults I know have\ tantrums
sttilenf`s are being trained as or. dri rfk too much, flare with Teacher: "Iceland is about
technicians - in :.post -secondary jealousy, fight over trifles, fall the same_ size as Siam."
school institutions. Before 1970 love, hate bitterly._ • Iii short, Student (writing in notebook):
ted�imeal training facilities in they are normal human beings. "Iceland is about " the Same
Canhda will have to be, quad- But they're* not emotionally -size as`"'rf ly teacher."
ruplcd to meet the exliected -mature.-'
labor force needs. Another point the kids(
Apprentice, training, one' of. brought up was. that teen-age At a -woman's social gather -
the most important in firing girls are not prepared to face ing, the discussion of the boss
new labor-fnarket needs yet the up to the complexities of mar of the house became the train
slowest moving, had an enrol- ria life; they can't cook; they subject. Suddenly one woman
ment at September 30, of 28, 1, know not ing about raising said,,"Well,. my husband' is
an increase of 51 per cent frons children; t can't manage a boss When he's home, but he's
1962, 'Other "in plant" training budget, Apparently the an, gone 99 per cent of the bine."
is being given to about 8;000. swer to;this is for the giii to
• This'' represents serious' • fete her education 'and
. , ... lag in •comp
work forfew years, This A golfer hit a new ball fxito
a major adult training pro- prepares her for. marriage. the. lake, another new ball out
gram is, the training of anent- Thus, if she has studied type ofbounds onto a highway, and
played..- whose number have ing/or philosophy or Iiairdtcss- -a third neva; ball into the woods.
jumped' about 20 per Cent in- ing or, embalming,. and made a "i hk diens t , you use an old
t year in spite. of the. cut• living for 8 . year or two, she.s hall? asked the --caddy..:
baek In unem to eut. These ,11 set for' cooking,eh#Yd-bear. hall?"'
the golfe call/,
rs iv .: ev • r.:liliid ,. an old liall.y►
Distinctively. Personal for
Invitations, Thank -Yoe and
Notes. Perfect for Gifts
The name in raised buck printing on fine clual4y
white Vellum paper with matdhing plain envelopes.
Order item 2260., • - ..
tr�� Choose front Chess Fou: Type Styles • -"•
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The It + ositor, ,.. ,
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