HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-01-06, Page 1.0 SEAFORTH,. ONTARIO, T URSDA,Y,:JANUARY 6, 1966 — 10 PAGES Ready For a Seafc`rth Council gathered for the first regular meeting Mondaya evening. Follo in ipaugural ceremonies, in the Morning,• members and Following ':rl 'th their wives, attendeid a dinner in the Queen's Hote@ j V t wn here are (left), Coun- New"'Year ' cillors H. Donaldson, G. Hildebrand, Reeve C. Dalton, Coun- chor; Betty Cardno, Mayor J. E. Flannery, Clerk E. -Wil- liams, Deputy Reeve W. Cuthill, Councillors James -Kelly, Brian Flannigan and Robert .Dinsmore. forth strict • Single. Copies, ,1Q Cents „.$4.00, a Year in Advance -= en efer. ktl� fls uron • The' Miran''County"Censulta• Live Committee will be asked to consider petitions .received 'by 'Tuckersmitb council Mon- is day afternoon and'• originating with ratepayers in Egmondville, Harpdrhey and In areas east of Seaforth and adjacent to Hen- sall, asking for the creation of union school areas with the ad-. joining municipalities of, Sea - forth and Hensall. The petitions bearing signa- tures of ratepayers it the, areas concerned followed the propos- al of Huron County School Area No. 1, which includes Stanley' and Tuckersmith, and which came into being on Jan: lst, to build a largecentral school between, Truceeeld and Kip= pen, in.` Stanley. This would re- sult in pupils adjacent to Sea- forth having to travel a much further distance than would be the case if. they were accom- modated illi Seaforth. The petitions were - presented byc;a, delegation including Doug Dick, Of •Hensall; Gordon Hui- -ley, of: Harpurhey,' and Warden Haney, of ,Egmondville. Speak- ing for the delegation; Mr.. Haney said copidr'of the peti- titins had gone forward to the .school board,' to Stanley Town- -sliip coli i 1l; to the Minister of Edueatian,,:.a d. others who .were interested. The group, 'had -.re- tained. retained. a London-•• legal firm.. to advise them in- the steps which should be taken. He said ar- rangements had been made to meet with' the • Minister of edu-. •(j. 'i Toronto within a few' Reeve -Elgin Thompson said that there was not much coun- cil.could do, other than forkard the petitions to the Huron Con- sultative Comnettee; since it was that committee that was concerned with school boun- daries. Clerk J. 1. McIntosh added that; when- -the petitions had been received he had check- ed , with, the area inspecUir, J. G. Burrows --.who advised the petitions• -•should -go forward to - the committee. ;Mr. Haney said it had been realized that council' :'dfd not have . a great deal ' of authority. in matters • of this kind any more than the ' school • board would have on township matters, but since the council represented all the ratepayers 'across' the town- , ship it would see fit to.do 'some- thing • to getacross the feelings of the ratepayers concerned. He emphasized there was ria opposition ,to the proposed cen- tre- school, but 'the opposition centred .abo'Ut the -moving of 'the majority of children a dis- tance df 10 miles, when school. facilities were available next door • at Seaforth. He suggested a sincere approach to the prob- lem could result .in a more workable arrangement than that propdsed by the board, Councillor 'Ervin Sillery re- called the decision taken” last spring came about because it had been explained to counci.i• °that the township'would be re - (Continued on liege 4) Tucke'r.sinith Organizes Work .Tuckersmith. £euneii got under way, Monday afternoon Coombs, Clerk J. I. McIntosh, Reeve Elgin Thompson, Coun- .: following an opening'ceremony conducted by-`fiev. I. Boden- cillors Alex McGregor and .Ervin Sillery and' road superintend - ham. From the left are, Councillors,Ross Forrest and Cleave - ant "Andrew Houston. ', Proud In Their .New Township Office ' "',.. McKillop Council gathered for the first time::in, the 'new' art and assessor James McQuaid. Councillors standing are townshi offices at Winthrop. Seated are (left) .road super- Harold Dodds, William Dennis, Ralph McNichol and Allan ° inte'nde.4fWilson Little, Clerk J. ,M. Eckert, Reeve Ken Stew- . Campbell. (Expositor photos by Phillips). Acc-epts. Resignation of ucketisriiith Road He d a 3inith council accept- ed' with. regret the resignation Tuc of road superintendent Andrew Houston at its meeting Monday afternoon. Ire had held/ the --• position 12_ years., ` ; - - The resignation ,-fs effective now, • told .council initrueted the clerk' t6 'advertise he position. • As. the'• meethig opened,.,. . Ivor•-odenhatn, of ,Kippen, ask- ed Jdr Dij 110,; r tlriciance bl1 OW- oyeats- delibettitions,- rC :N� h . �. Seaforth ato es, " be' int>tin this We k, Wilt .close each r ' �:da✓' evening fs P The' ,arratla. enientWill . eon • � 5` tinne throughout 'the winter 'too tit*until' the etrd. of Aprils He pointed out that we must be prepared to meet adversity. en odds are against us is the timeto stick by our guns. When 1 seem against- you, don't give up, for just• around the corner may be victory. Mr.' Bodenhain .referred tb the tonden . and cy today to disregard s g -authority. It was :a Christian responsibility to stand behind those who goVe'rn.:,.foul will ,be- come better leaders-.if..tliose..of Christian beliefs stand: ;behind you with their prayer he, told ,uo y' theL''blftteif. r x.« •.•. „Jo' teeve titer i son referred to eotlx e t madethe Horn a- m ii s at b in t on tweeting in connection with the -slim inaiority lid' which'tlhe County . Ratite `'' addition 10 13' it decided.• a `c e Tho tem v' c a 1 .Gblift i�rr G Week as, the 'session i iyed, Councillor Alex McGregor said he felt that proposals for -the County Home were the best, and that the -county as a whole couldn't be served any better. He -fejt that after the school problem was settled, everyone Would be .satisfied. • • Councillor Irvin ,Sillery said it Was necessary to understand what is Tieing attempted, what is being done, and that deci- 'sions be taken and the public advised. , - ' " '^ ' • Councillor Ross Forrest ques- tioned whether matters -were hutirled through • without en4 ough -discussion+ Councillor Cleave Coor.bs,' u'e- gin 'lin „his;.,.rst term, said he .would haveto' learn cote ey tw fireeedure. If arguiritnta°ca e", lie Weald like have: his• 40, Named Vice Seaforth • is, quite prepared to down. and talk "With any . in- terested groups about combin- ing in such a fashion ,as to pro- vide -,school accommodation for students. of Egmondville and .Tuckerainith it became appar- ent as representatives of the Seaforth Public School Board and council discussed the mat- ter Monday evening. Mayor Flannery said ques- tions had arisen as a result of petitions which had been 'pre- pared by residents of-.Egmond- ville and Harpnrhey, as well as a third petition froni residents at the northeast corner of Tuck- ersmith: The petitions asked that a. •school area be organiz- ed, tp include t)iese areas . to- gether with the Town of Sea forth. While„ copies of the peti- Pre.sident: Aldie J. Eckert,— of •Fort; Wayne, Ind„ has been promot- ed recently tq vice;president in charge of administration of the Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. of ' Port Wayne. Ie had been manager of, the security investment department of the company, Mr. Eckert, a graduate ' of Seafforili "'Collegiate, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. -M.. ]E;0kert. „of lVieKillop, . Senile of . Week • y .Lady n phone) h .ire. tb her lgaic:- ageotat4....r °vc :run out oft,gaa. Witt it' hurt' the clr' to drive it e'with-tlic'• ashen bit/9 Relive Wedding Day tions had not been received by the town, the , mayor said he, felt it was necessary acid desir- able to investigate the". matter so : that those involved would have an indication :of" what gea- forth's feeling was. With this In mind, he . had asked retres- entatives of the Public - School Board to attend the council meeting. ' • • School Trustees William Hod - Bert• and Been ° Moggach• were present, but, said they were not in a position to speak officially for - the board - since•, there had not. been time to,have. a Meet- ing. They .reviewed, discussions held previously and said. about a year ago, the 'l'uckersmith School Area 'Board had ap- proached the. Seaforth' Board When it, hadbeen indicated' Sea- SEAFORTH'S' FIRST 1966 BABY,a girl, was born -New -Year's Day at 6:20 p.m. to Mr. ' and Mrs.: Williasi Chesney,, of RR 5, Seaforth, in. Seaforth 'Community Hospital. The baby, not yet named; weighed 71h- pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Chesney . also have a son, two years- old: Cotmcii Sets, Sights n-1966 Program Calling on members to "try to.•fulfill the Word of -Gc,d,"' Rev. .-Harry Donaldson, beginning his second year as a member of Seaforth coencil, opened the 1966• 'council' proceedings 'Mon- day morning. • We all have .,church associa- tions and we are Christians and guided by the Word- of God, he said. ' There w)ll'Ire times when, we may .be torn -between con - Science' . and popularity, but - if we are guided by the Word 'of God this cannot help but be an outstanding year in the life of Seafirth: . --Ie recalled • that on an earl- ier occasion when he .had been called on to (pen council, he had been new 'in the commun- ity and he didn't know anybody and in turn wasn't knowfl. ,him self. That was difficult, but to- day having served with you makes it more difficult, he said; and suggested a verse to serve as a guide for th0 year's 'work: "Study' to show 'yourselves- ap- proved unto God, A workman that needeth- not • ' Mr. and Mrs, Charles • Mac- en Kay, Seafdrth, celebrated their' ' fiftieth ' wedding- • anniversary Wednesday. During.the after- �/ noon and evening oyer 150 rel- J attpes and friends called to eon- gratulate them '_. - �' I'buring; tea for the occasion were Mrs. Macklan, London, and Mrs. Alf. Johnston, Sea - forth, sisters of Mrs. "MacKay; • Miss Margaret MacKay, sister of„Mr. MacKay, and Mrs. Aria our Dundas,, -,of Strathroy. A fatuity dinner ' was, held' to mark the .occasion. - Tv� •rit r SN aM11ed To t Ion ., le . has firs"� . , Mary, l�a`�yni.p been . ppoihted a s ar ttii e slated—irr-thePVC ofllce,• She .-ase of nitir5lieanta - :.. A• large: crowd was on hand, Saturday ni'gbt—for the annual Teen;=Twenty' selection. Wit h 'members casting in the neigh- borhood, of, 200 ballots, two -of the former executive were - re elected for -another one-year term to their respective • posf- tions. Jim Scott was returned -asr 'dent and Ken Cardno p est , was re -6 a ted as treasare r+ Ne faces .o the executive includ Doug.Yls, who was elect t vied -pre Went, and'`. Eleanor-'.: Wright,who won nor bid for secretary, c• • Thecewexeeutive• ��� eern- plete charge of" the group%.ad; tivities tntt otiia i• , .' �y.. .to be ashamed." He stressed the necessity of study so as to be infor ed „on problems facing council 'and to determine action to be taken. Mayor Flannery in ,open• the meeting, welcomed the new members, George Hildebrand, a Seaforth native and one II• al- ways - -interested ire ••the rOm- munity; he said, and Robert' Dinsitore, the son of a former mayor, who at 22 represented youth. He spoke of the con- tribution which retiring coun- cillors, Frank Kling: and Wal- ter Murray, had made to the proceedings. • a More Experience This year ther-e are seven ex- perienced 'members- on council, he --said,, whereas last year but four had had experience. ;t le referred' to the passing of'Reeve. Cardno, the retirement. of Clerk Lyle Hammond, and to the' work being. done • by • the pres- ent . clerk, Ernest Williams... The lack -'ef gixestions at; the nomiination • meeting lia4 been disappointing ' sine e,• Mayor Flannery said,, he regarded the, meeting as a source of direc- tion to council. ferth was ggite, ,prepar",ed: to discuss possible" arrangements. However, nothing 'further had beep heard about the matter. until 'view days age,, when a' further query had ori'ginatod • from- a, Croup in Egmondville At that time reference had been to a possible °three-room adds- • tion, and it had been the feel- ing, eel-ing, of members that a six' to eight -room addition would be r. of 'more benefit,, •since"'the• unit, cost would be substantially low- er: Both Mr. Hodgert and Mr. ° Moggach emphasized -that' the board was interested in discuss= ing the provision of faZlities and that' by no means was the ,door closed td negotiations. Mr. Moggach said that he has had disccussions . with a 'Druce - field resident who was clbsely . in tduch with the Tuckersmith Central School,proposal and had li n told hat as .,fat- as 'that 'school was concerned it would 'make no, difference whe- ther Or not the"Seafort area • - ••- students went to Seafortte All that would happen -would . be that the Br-ucefield school would- be ori ;a.1 somewhat •smaller scale. 'This reflected 'a lack of in- terest on the part of the pub- lic, and he suggested this might be increased by making min- utes and'eommittee lists avail-, able to school children. Connell business,, could lie speeded up i, members come ut More definitely. •on matters': being. discussed. It was neces- sary to arrive,, at a 'decision, afid let that decision *be known. The past ear had, been, suc- cessful, with buildfng permits totalling $42,475.00, being r is- sued, and with an assessment increase of 340,000,00. Notes outstanding at the ' end of the , ,totalled 'X5 year, $ ,0 05,40 • and I965. tax arrears amounted to $24000100, down fromprevious years: The sewer lateral to sere the new hospital had been a -Cos 20 .. completed a t bf $ ,04,0, T yea.:, . ifs epastad . o erded� �' p Ng With dis0110101s caricerrilig.--pay. (Co tltitied on roo.:4' Mayor Flannery, who pointed. but'. that he was : not involved irr the public school, said a sim- ilar arrangement to that. sug- gested . for Seaforth was work- ing out very 'satisfactorily at Seaforth Separate School.• Discussion revealed that about 125,; pupils-iueltersmithr--ad- jacent to -Seaforth, could be in- volved,` including 28 ;who. al- ready are attending the Sea- forth ea forth school:- - Door is Open Summing up the discussions, Mayor Flannery emphasized that while no -firm steps had been taken, in his opinidn dis- • cussion, had ;revealed that eoun- cit would ' suppov , 'any action ' which the Seaforth school board • might . take to co-operate with ' Ttickersmith- in the provision ' ,� of jo bnt • sch0' 1 accommodation in Seaforth to. serve student9.,• in Seaforth land the areas ad- jacent to: the town.; . , Carrying on educational-�ili t- ters, council endorsed a Huron County hove to . encoura e: the' establishment of a com unity' college: in the county,. A range- s !tents Will •be•,,•completed tq, have Stewart Forbes,..EMO co- ordinator, sPeak to council and bring, . council up to date on EMO matters.• - An early meeting of the Citi- ' „zees' committee, established by council 'earl'y - last summer • to - develop;- and - carry out a Cen- tennial project, will be held, council agreed. This arose when Councillor-.- --Harry Donaldson, who had chaired -that commit-. . tee, said thathe no longer could continue in that position. No meetings of the committee lead -been - held for several. rponths, and a request from Toronto fordetails of the pro- posed project in the arena area had not been filled. • Reversing a previous stand whereby all request's 'for grants and assistance were referred to the Finance and Administration Committee for con ideration co- incident with budget study, council spent nearly half an how reviewing requests.. of the Ca adian 'Mental Health Asso- eia 'on and of the Salvation Ar for -a grant. Mayor' titan- nery said council's attitude in the past had. been that it was not considered a municipal re-- - sponsibility to contribute to an organization whet that organ- ization solicited gifts within°the town. Grants of $25.00 were approved to each organization: . Arrears Are Less In his new position as chair - (Continued on Page 4)) r . $prinqt Cofer »...... o% rea • Weather during the °holiday \ season this year has included •every kind -L. -from a `short lived - snowst rm !on Christmas Day the springlike tem r ay to pe aturo of Wednesday. • 'With no snow and the teila- perature in the„mid forties, the Weather Wednesday was a re- minder of a pleasant spring • • Clay. _ John 'Treineer ,pieke'd a bop nuet of ; pansies•::the day heforte ., Christmas,and over, NeW ,, there ins ho :discomfort, ac= cor in . ;we* d tob .r'., , . ora o gs ndv p. 5. when,. atop' wasbod, their• ' ears, x$, tiie shlrrt slioyeih: :r.