HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-12-05, Page 11i" - IJSE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1, Corning Events 2. ..Lost, Strayed $ Found 4 Help Wanted • 5. Business Opportunities 6 Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8 Farm Stock For Sale 9 Poultry For Sale 10 Used Cars For Sale 11 Articles For Sale 12 Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14 Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales, ,21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. BUS i ness Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals V. Births Deaths Marriages , 2.8 29. tif 'HURONIXr i. OA 11. ,Articies for 'Sale SCOTCH 'Pine fq.litanas T,re—e-Cs. Available at piettlakrs Supentest, Omer of Main end 'Go.deeiche 11-53-3 NICULY 'perked (bawdier Collie puppies, Ken Thor -visors 527-1915 RR 1 Londesboro. 11-56-2 ELECTRAHOME wa•higer Awash- . erin working conditioni and „reasonable. Phone 5 2 7-1 4 2 4 Seafortili. • .. 11-56x1 CHILD'S broWn snow boots, size 8, in good condition. Phone 5274813. 11-56x2 ELECTRIC "giiiitar,- white hal- I•ow body, 'two ,piekupseevibra- to arm, year old, kke new. $45. Tont Melody, phone 345-2783. 11-56-1 ONIE Amninster-rog:" 9 x with pad. One 5 x 7'. Phone 345-2064. 11-56x1 COLOUR TV from $495 up with !your, working 4ziadekin by ?Ro- l*" and Phnico and if you are brave enough to buy a used OM, a 2. year old Westinghouse for $446 with. a reasonable trade. See it at Statenah tile TV man, Sperling at John In Setaforth. • 11-56-1 Clissified ads are instered at a rate of 3 cents per word? Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- * ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 min- imum 65e. Classifications 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2e per word, minimum $1.15.' All other clas- sifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- • quest. 1. Coming Events ' Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Diegel, are celebrating their sliver wedding anniversary at Brodlhagen Qom - triunity Centre on Friday Dec. ▪ 13th. Friends, neighbors and rel- atives weleome. Ladies please bring lunch. • . 1-56x2 Tim Happy Citizens will IIOkI their meeting Dec.9 at 2 o'clock in the Legion Hall. Everyone welcome. Ladies (bring lunch and , Christmas cake if coalmen- * lent. 1-564 4. Kelp Wanted MIDDLE aged or older IT*" houtsekeepee foe email modern home. Light work, close to up- town: Apply 527-0104. 4-56x1 —Earn up to $50 a week or more full, or part time selling Raw- leigh Procilucts. Good opportuni- ty for retired men. Write Davy- leigh, Dept. L-363-6; 4005 Rich- elieu St, St. Henry, MontreaL 4-56-1 — • . FREE COOK BOOK Get your Rawleigh Coek now and information how to make money selling Rawleigh Prod- ucts, full dr part time.. Write Rawleigh, Dept. L -363 -FC, 4005 Richelieu St, St. Henry, Mont- real. 4-56-1 Sell Real Estate Join Ontario's lareect or specializing in Rural; Town and Vacation Properties. No experience necessary, we will train you. Excellent commis.s- • ion arrangement. For further information, call or write Rob- ert MeMimi, Rpral and Slimmer . Prop. Dept, H. Keith Limited Realtor, 181 Eglinton Avenue East, Torcmto ,12, telephone 487-3333. 4-53-4 HOW TO EARN MORE ! I peed a full oe part time Man to help meet the demand for a much needed servie,s for mot- orist, Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience nee- eSsary but a car is. For full in- formation contact Alvin, Rau, R. R. 2, Zurich. Phoy 236-4877 after 5:p.m. 4-55-2 8. Farm Stock for Sale • ''T WENTY -TWO pigs von weeks old. John O'Leary, 346- 2309, Staffs. T -Ek weaner pigs. David-Piesz- attar. RR. 1 Clintomphone 1936. 8-56x1 FOURTEEN pigs, eight weeks old. FAiank Murray, phone 345- 1O8. 8-56-1 TWO Holsibein buil calves, C. • HeConte. hone 527-1623 8-56-1 SEVERAL- -Holstein-b-ull calves, Gerald Van Den Henget, phone 527-0968, AR 5, Seaforth 8.564 CATTLE beast strayed) to lot 4, concession 4, Tuelbersanith. Ap- ply JOhn VanDoornik, 'phone opo, RR4, Searforth. 8-56-1 A kumber oif third. litter sows due -9tIRM, also 6 Hampshire boom servicable age. Guaran- teed breeders.: Cor Donssters 527- 0656, RR4, Seeforth . 8-56-1 9. Poultry for Sile GEESE -taking orders now,..1V0ary Kinsman, phone 262-5470. 9z6-1 K11V1. HER IEGHORM MAY' Old and Started Pullets -((ITT POT TT,TRY FARMS LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 0 4'7-t f 10. Used ars for Sale -7 1964 Vielkswageiti DeLtuti-f-with • custom radio. CompletelY ree0n- cliticined. Phone 52/7-1406. 8-56-2 ONE 011.1 soodlioatete Otiti tolik ditriOned. Phone 572/4406: lb•56.2 TOY Boston Buil, 2 months aldi, male. Peter Simpsin, phone 527. 0277. 11-56x1 GflLc1b21 pleated skirts, size 10 to 12 and several pullovers and sweatees in good coardition, Very •cheap. Phone 527-0656.. 11-56x1 1965 Snow Cruiser, completely reconditioned?, new track Phone 527-0829 after six. 11-56x1 ABOUT 1500 hales of choice Mixed 'hay. This hay did not get any rain. Ernie -,Cnich. Phone 482-750'7. 11-56x2 RADIO'S MANTEL radios from $24.95 and clock radiios from $29.96 by Zen- ith. For Zenith you 15(ay a little more now, -for (cheaper Makes you could maybe pay a lot more later, Starmah the Radio Man, Sperling at Jolm in Seaforth. • 11-56-1 A new set Of Child-a-naft,--ixcell- ent. el:wisterias gift foe family. Phone 5274986. 11-56x1 64 Chev InTialit-4-door hard P.S. Power seats, tat steer- ing wheel, positractibm 4 track sterila498J-,yer. L. T. Bolger, 498J trueu 14 Is. 11-56ir1 TWO Hiring room chairs, newly upholstered in Narghalde with slip , coVers, also 2 platform rockets. Coville, Dublin, .,345- 2382. • 11-55x2 SME0 as little 'as $49.95 wBI get you a brand new stereo port- ahle ree.ord player and $244.00 buys a iiew Pirtle° full size ster- eo AIM -07V1 combinatiotn. See it at Stanneh's, Sperling at Jebel in Sealforth. 7 otfhee models on dkplary no to $459. 11-56-1 "TREE -DI"' -cut your own, $1.00. Turin east off ,Itighway 4, three concessions meth of Clinton(con. 6-7), 'Sundays, Decemfber 8, 15. Trees on right, I% concessions.: 11-56x1 CHERRY Burrell hulk Milk tank, 32 e•rits; 2 unit Surge Milker, pipes and pump; stable cleaner, winch type $5000.00, J. Kelly, RR1, Horthy, phone 416-878- 6047. • „ 11-56x1• used Westinghouse TV con- solette good pieture tube, wailld maybe get 50 bucks at an suet - ion), see it at Stannah's Sperling at John tin) Seaforth. Open evenings exeent Wednesday and Sunday. 11-56-1 - • , TIMEX WATCHES SOLD ANT) SERVICED ' THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS 1 D. 7-tf COPIES e Copies of your important pa- pers 'or doctunents While you wait. Letter size, 25e each. • The Huron Expositor 11-29-tf FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systems and farm line needs. , PHONE 482-9561 17 Rattenbury Stmeet, CLINTON 'Proudly "We Service Canadian' what we sell" RTI,SS ARCHER, Manager , The Whatisit Shop Antiques and Unusal Gifts and small. furnitune., 11-54-tf We buy old china, glass, books • 84 Wellington Street Clinton 482-7682. PIANOS and organs, new, and reeonditioned, largest variety to choose from. We servite' what we sell for our customers to the highest degree of accuracy. See your. Sherlock - Manning dealer for thiS area and gat a truly fine instrument. IVIany makes and models at Garnet 1'arriet4 shOwroonas at Vitite- church. Phone 357-2068. or. at Whitney rtg!ittit' ttre, Seatorth. • ; 44 • 11. .4rtie1ef3Jor Sale claw- sking heifers% 0-00d skes and 91-ItatY, Al.tm W. ,Smith‘ one 482-9803. 11-5W NEED COPIES?? We will. make copies Of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25e each. THE HURON - EXPOSITOR 11-294f WHAT would be nicer than a singing canary or a young male budgie? Staffene Flowers. 11-55-2 -ORDER yOur'Christmas flowers early, Poinsettias, Mums; and Mixed Pots, Glomnea bulbs and Amerylis bulbs ready to flower, Staffen's Flowers. 11-55-2 12. Wanted to Buy SERVICEABLE age, grade71iog. Phone 346-2017.12-56-1 •GIRL,S 'good) Used skates' size 7 or 8. Phane 52/74435. 12-56-1 13.-Wanted- KIND- home for a 14 boy on a farm. Please app ylniew to box 1790 Huron Expositor. 13-56-1 14. Property for Sale FOR, sale' in Harperhey earner lot, well treed, water supplied, on 'main -road. Call evenings. 527 1663. 14-54-3- 125 acres cash crop farm on Highway 4, Clinton; 'across from Alrbase. 110 acres workable, 70 acres wheat, remainder plowed. 3 bedroom house, berm drive - shed, garage $37,000. cash. Con- tact Maurice Orney, R.R. 3, Kip- Vailahorte 262-5020. 14-56x2 REDUCED TO SELL Bargain priced small home in) Egmondville. Ovvner wishes to move. Open for officiate. • WILLIAM M. HART Salesmen — Seaforth GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL 'ES TE LTD. IP; .14-54-1 15. Property for ---,Rent TWO bedrooms, heated apart- ment, available now, Gordon Noble. Phone 527-0840. 15-56-1 HEATED a p art me n t, above Kling's store. Phone 527-1320. •o 15-56-1 HOUSE,. apply to Harry Arts, RR4, Seaforth,phortie 527-1795. 15-56-1 17. Wanted. to Rent TWO or • three bedream- no children. Apply to Box 1792 Huron Expositan 17-56-1 48, Property Wanted WANTED '200 acre • farm ire Tucker smith. WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN SEAFORTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON ' REAL F,STATE LTD BROKER 18-56-1 19. Notices 10, Notices. DEAD STOCK Please Call Prpmptly MA.RLATT BROS. phoos.A.33 Brussels, Ont. . 24 hour setivice-7 days a -week LICENSE NO. 390-C-65 19,474f SEPTIC TANKS - CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Write or call Har- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527 - Jewellery' Repair We do all types of jewellery repairs. Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 19-47-tf BEFORE you consider are type of security or Investment, investigate the advantage's ate eluding tax savings) of5ered by ownership of Canada's most dynamic mutual fund. Contact, Fred (Ted) Savaege, 527-1522 for further details (no ohligW Ion) 19-5241 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized • dealer Alvin , Riley. 153 Light- house St, Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19'4741 AGRICULTURAL ventiletion service, fans, controls, timers, layout installation. Sharp's Main: 'tenance Service, Seaf-orth, 527- 1746. 19-55x4 WINTER lawn mower service and storage, shaepeneng service, chain saws, shears, edged tools, ern,all engine regales. Sharp's Mairthenance Service, Seaforth 527-1746: • 19-55x4 NOTICE " We are shipping gable every Monday to United, Co -Operatives' of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at ycour farm, phone by Sat- , urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE • phone' Seaforth 527-4)635 or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, I . Phone 345-2549 Dublin cal•I lect. f9-47-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SEgricE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-47-tf HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL , Clinton,. Ontario, 1 • We pay $5 tb 03.:for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses We pick up calves and small pigs as, a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 after 8 p.m. eall 356-2404. License No. 169-C-68 19-55-tf . . milteg • Vacuum dearer Wes. and service for all makes. R. K. Peek, Varna. Phone Heiman 262- ' 5830. ft-54-tf 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, fanin Equip: meet and household effects for Estate of late HARRY FABER lot 1, ears 1, Tuckersimith Twp. On No. 4 higherey, 1 mile south of Illearsell, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th at 1.0 am. — 'Ford Ferg.. tractor with leader; David Brown 990 tractor, 200 hrs., power steie- ring, heat houser, live PTO; Al- lis Chalmers standard F14 trac- tor; JEW tractor A with corn cult and bean puller; RIC forage havester with h a y and earn h e a d; Dion 18 - ft. self unloading wagon, an 4 heavy duty J. D. wagon; IHC blower with pipes; 26 SP Mass- ey combine and pickup; IHC 4 furrow plow on rubber; IHC stiff tooth cultivator; IHC man- ure spreader No. 1555 like new; JD double disc; IHC 4 bar side rake; Dittmondi Harrows roller; Wagon, and reek...Pert spreader 10 ft.; IHC 13 run felt. drill; IHC 10 ft, swather; JD_ 7 ft, mower; extension ladder; 142 hp elec., motor; grain auger, 4 in. and - other pieces. • GRAIN and FEED — Approx. 1500 bushels Herta barley; Ap- proximately 75 ton cut hay. AUTOMOBILES — 1966 Cad- illac, 4 drive hard top, 16,700 miles1967 Jeep; 6,000 miles; 1949 Ford 2 ton stake trlick. ' HOUSEHOLD — STARTING At 10 A.M. Frigidaire refrigerator, new; -Frigidaire 4 burner range: Fri- gidaire automatic washer; Bron- zetone kitchen table and 6 chairs, Lazyboy and stool; China cabinet, rest rocker and stool; 2 Wardrobes; radio and record player; cedar chest; Admiral 21" TV; Antique phontageeph; Blonde bedroom suite; Chester- field lannie; Rocking theirs; Hall tree; Sevetral tables; Odds chairs; Heaters; Chest of silver; Pillows,- - bedding; mats; dishes; pictures; mirrors and numerous, other art- icles. Terms on all chattels CASH with no reserve. REAL ESTATE AT APPRO. . 2 PM. • . There will be offered for sale, subject to a reasonable reserve bid, 2 parcels of excellent farm land. • PARCEL : 100 acres more or less let 1, eon „1, Tucker, &with, on highWay 4, 1 mile south of Hensall on which is "situated a large brick house with modern facilities, large barn, drive Shed, a trout spring creek runs near the buildings. All seeded down with approx. 85 acres Workable. PARCEL 2 : 80 'acres more or - less, lot parts 1 and 2 LRS, con. 2, Tuckeremith Twp., next farm met of 'Parcel on which 19 eituated ah L been, silo and house, good well. Approximately 15 epees, seeded down and bal- ance plowed. , es. 10 percent down and terms readt•''knowte day' 'Ofsitile. Any- one wishing to see the house rented Cornelius Faber, Exeter 235-0569 before day of Sae, HECTOR MeNElL o Auctioneer - Ph. 898-5330,41vinstan 21. Tenders WAnted TRUCK TENDER Tenders will be rieceiVed on 'a new 800 Series Iruelc, (eab and. chassis) suitable for 1800 gallon p:e bole um truck, • Those wishing to tender, write or phone Hensall Cd -oper- ative foe specifleations, filie• Board of •H•msall District Co-operative reserve the tight to reject any or all tenders. Tenders to lee in net later than Deeember 11, 1968, 21-54-2 TENDERS SNOW REMOVAL Huron. Centennial. Scbool, Brucefield Require snow blower and front end loader on one tractor. &OW' tO he cleared by 8 am. MondaY to Friday, °thee times as required. Time is actuail time spent at the school, not teavele ing time. Seed particulara .and price: per hour to J.E. Se ere:betty-Treasurer, Hu r on County School Area No...1 by noon December lfith • 21-56-2 .).2. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS TN the estate of MARY -AME- LIA SHANNON, deceased. ALL'persans having claims ag- ainst the estate of the above men- ioned, late of the • town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about Ole fourteenth clay of October„ 1968, are required to file proof of same with undensigned on or be- fore the 9th day ,of December, 1968, after which date ilk, extee eutors will proceed' to distrib- eete the estate having regard only to those claims whie.h shall them, have been received. DATED at Brussels this 7th. day of November, 1968. " CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD and MILL Brussels; Ontario Solicitors for the Executers 22-84-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the. Estate of Jabez Broome (also knotvn as Jake 'Broome). All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of Jabez Broome (also known as Jake Broome) late of the TOWni af Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Rural Mail Courier, deceased who died on the 2§th day of July,' 1968, ane hereby notified, to send in full particulars of their claims to the PROPRIETOR is not resporne- lige for accideitte. Lunch Available 20-56-1 , • 2V, Tenders Wanted lincleraigned on or liefore 19th tia3t of December, 1963, of, ter which date the assets will be •distributed having regard only to *Mims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 25th day of Nowenher 1966. Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL oTE STEWART Solicitors for the Executor 22-55-3 NOTICE - TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MABEL LAWSON All persons having claims against'the Estate of Mabel Law- son, late of the Town of Sea - forth, in the County of , Huron, Housewife, deceased, who died on the 14th day of October, 1968, are hereby notified, to send in full , particulars of tiler claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th of December, 1968„ af- ter which date the assets will be • distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 27th day of November, 1968. McCONNELL & STEWART SEAFORTH, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-55-3 23. Business Directory. R. S. BOX - FUNERAL HOME Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service . Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 G. A. WHITNEY • FUNERAL HOME ' Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Sliforth A. M .HARPER Chartered Accountant 55.57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-75e Auctioneer FARM and FURNFIERE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON. ONTARIO Office; Rattenbury St., Rhone 482-9677.. Res; Rattenbury St., phone 482-7313 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECI OR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 2. Business 'Direet017 - - JOHN -'.14()NOSTAFF ' OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: rues,' MUM, Fri., 9 to 5:30 Am. Sat. to 12noon Mon„ Wed. Clinton Office kor AppolutmeAt Phone 527-1-20 — or 482-7010 SEAFORTI-1 VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull; "D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Breans, D.V.1VI., V.S. W..11.. Patterson, 'D.V.M., V.S. P. J. Pwyer, • M.R.C.V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth ROY N. BENTLEY Public Acountant 4 BrittaniaSead Godettich— Phone 524-9521 23-56-26 24; Cards Of Tha vvo:*44**0 trApiik :0;vat. top, flyfor thO, tuairo/ 000.01 'A* orgl ow* T000lvogs, lalgo w4101 gOlod -ow 10 0,4* ?c.c.410tho lollr..401401%: toatA —s4r00444 toic, 4 - 140x1 25, In emoriam- DP/ERNA-7- One Marie Derrotroaux 3019, po* sed awal5n Ooe. eth 3.90. way• rememrbeed IMoirt ,--Watson.•25:6*1 DEVEREAUX---7. In) lciling mem- ory of a dear claughtereaPOI•eil* er Anne 'matte who died socl- del* on• Dee. 9011 VII on Y(A1 for alittle Owe a child of mine," lie said, "For you to loam Oa while he lives and mown for 'when he's dead, It may be six or seven vent Ow twenty-two or ethree, But will you, till I call him back, bake care of lain for Me? He'll bring his ehatnIs -to gladden you, and sbould his stay be brief, Yo•u'll haye his 1orelY1 mem- ories as solace for yelir giber. 1 cannot promise he will slay; singe all from earth ratiph, at there are leisoons taught down theme I want this eltild to learn. I've looked the wide world over in My search for tea- chers true And from the throngs that crowd, life's lanes, I have se- lected you. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the la- bor vain, Nor hate Me when I come to call to take hian back again?" I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done. For all the joy Thy child shell bring, the risk of grief we'll rum" — Lovingly temerabered by father, mother," sisters and brothers and grandfather. 25-56x1 24. Cards of Thanks Sincleme thanks to my 7 frieidri who sent cards .and extended good wishes while I -was a pat- ient in the hospital Special thanks to Dr. Mayo, hospital eletaff and muses. ,Jessie Fteser. •24-564 TO -all who wet* so kind to mother during her illness we extend our sincere thanks. We are aloe deeply grateful to the .many who sent floral tributes and messages, made donations to vramious fun& or called at the Funeral Home. For the wonclee- ful help we received during mother's illness and at the time of „the funeral we are truly thankful. e- George and Ria Smith. 24-68e1 I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all my friends, neighbors' and relatives for all the eards, •gitfits and) flowers which I received while a patieint in Stratford General Hospital, - 'also ea everyone who came to visit me. Special, thanks to Dr. Maims, Dr. Quinlan, and nurses on the 2nd floor. It was very muth appreciated. L. Margaret Scott. 24-56x1 The-faTm-ily of-thT-late. Mrs. Alice Parsons wish to express their sineere appreciaton to their relatives, friends and neighboas for the floral tributes, donations to the Heart and Cancer Funds, me:ssages of 'sympathy, .and many acts- of kindness extended to us in the laces of a loving wife and mother.. Special thanks to Dr. C. Wallace.' nursing staff of South 'Huron Hospital, Rev, D. Stuart, Bentlirori Funeral Home, pan - bearers and flowerbearers, ladies of Kippe•n, United 'Ohrurch and Amber Rebekah Lodge, your kindness -will always be remerre — Amite Pawns and 24,56-1 26. Personals Mr. and Mk -s.- Miriam Kenneth Fiebig, 304 Cobourg Street, Sirattford a.nnoustee the forth- coming =Triage of Oar dan- ghber, Dorothy Kareacto Harold Lloyd; Pethick, son ,htif Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pethiek, Seaferth. The Wedding will take place on Saturday, Decembee .28, at 4 o'cleck at Centex& United Church Stratford. 26-56x1 27. Births NIGH — In Seafooth Commute ity Hospital, on -November 30th, to Mr. and • Mrs. Paul Nigh, Seaforth, a daughter. Additional Classified 'SEE PAGE 12 . • .' •---ee-eee Lao ---- r -at .,-..-.. 1,1, { -..c-N• ee ee -...„ -I ' eMt. • o e :''' v4i%Ir.. .,..., C.. .....- _.,---3 o c•-, ---=•-• o - - ..... .. i' - .. ''• '''' e • , „.. rit SoutOS WO M1 FATHER • , ,Eir1146 UP INIII•lt MoReitel6 C44,CINTHIA....HA4EN'T 'IOU NOTICED? A SMOKER'S CotIGH IS A STATOS S4M130L To ,' ; , 1". Tj • 111E1 1141NK e ' iii.•444,•,-- pri WANT EVEoNE To 'THEY'RE RICA AND DePP.A\IEDI . ' • -1--z.. . ( , : 0 fp 4 r0V' v 'N'04` 4 IN14 -,-''''' 't. ' Wr, - , • ...41 A t.CrC Of Bc•IS ( „ •;•,, -...., •-, 47.4rit tt0e*Ot reep444-4,0, gitdr.viz, .‘ 0 :'. C- iert,Oop ge„,,,f,,t P3-54.44 grozot -iik,'•-, iii A., 11 • 81 DA1UGHT,Yotri.i... 8E 400 MILES AVilk/ ...At -4b I'LL STILL EIg STOCK HERE N THIS CQOMM‘t biNSR. HAW! Sy DAYLIGHT I'LL PRoBABLY BE PULLED OFF o41E SkioQL•Dea., HAL.RMAY UP MooSE Moi,NTAN . • v4A1ini6 'Focz TliE SNOW PlAticAS AID THE SANDNG QEIN q 11;111 Mt I,,Iil 7H1:11kiii"-'' illi rilli 1, 'NM Ilir"TO liTTITY , ,1 gjj