HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-12-05, Page 10;1110 HURON 12-Airrpapale' *COO IPA PI 041 Of *Pi 44./A8P,WP 104104 vOIrP 45"•CoPpoPplet '14•SloPPPIPI • 2841ppetelos South America 20•Lease 21-No1a et Scale 22•Prntlecnt 23-rsirdic 274idsehoOd 29-Dewn goddess 30 -Instruct 31-Prepositien 33 -Chicken 34 -Note of scale 35 -Gravestone 37 -Shallow vessel 38 -Spread for drying 394Rail bird 40 -Everybody's uncle 41 -Three -toed sloth 42 -Rage 44 -Bury 47 -Pervades 51 -Cravat 52 -Century plant .53 -Paper measure 54-81tter vetch 55 -Winter vehicle 56 -Is mistaken 57 -Soak • DOWN 1 -Brazilian estuary • EXPOSITOR. SEAFORTH. ONT. DEC. 54 l968S ilifigOt.1 43-W31k Oki. - duck 4-Idountollni EMMA 0411fundit 6 -Cubic Mete! 7•Chemleal compound 8 -Lamp 9 -Aged 20 -Devoured 11 -Bow 17 -Printer's measure 19.Babylonian deity 22 -Torrid 24 -Sun god 25 -Location 26 -Wife of Geraint 27 -Defeat 28 -Preposition 29 -Before 30 -Number 01111E11111111111111111111 1161111§§4411111111:A11111111111111 11111R51111111110,41111111M1111111 ii1111111111E" 11111M11111ggsifi MUM 11111111111fillialliallIS11111 0111M ggEW MEC 011D0 MOM 00Win 0101DI MOMOOMEM fEIHMID BMW DO 12100 ODOM OMB MOO MOHO BS MEM EIMO WO MOM MOW DIM 1110110 UMM AJ MOM MOM commumon SUMO MOW INOU MUOW MED MOO SOLUTION 32 -Roused to • vigilance 33 -Cut of meat 36-Teutonle deity 37 -Idle talk 38 -Snicker 40 -Trap' 41-Indelinfte article 43-Diphth0ng 44 -Doctrines 45 -Ireland 46-Remairtder 47 -Dance step 48 -Cloth memo 49 -Fish eggs 50 -Organ ot hearing Reflection Groups Discuss Many Topics "Much pf televsion is a big waste of time!tz..was one of the remarks made by a Reflection Group member in Renewal '69 now underway in 90 RC con- gregations and 20 Protestant churches through Southwestern Ontario. Thousands of persons •are meeting weekly, between Nov. 17 to December 15, and genera- ting feedback for the parish clergy and preachers who are scheduled •to speak next Lent in the third and final phase of the spiritual renewal project. The leadership of the diocesan - wide program is headed by Rev, J. Claude Primeau, and Rev. W. Anthony who operate out of the Renewal Centre in Lon- don.4 • "We are obtaining interesting reactions and observations from the group discussions going on," rather Priraeau said. "For in- stance, we are dlicovering .that some people spend as much as seven hours daily watching tele- vision. In regard to the pro- grams people view it varies. Some enjoy sport events, others go for Rowan and Martin. or Lucille Ball or Johnny Carson. He added, "Some of the com- ments made were these: 'My ha- bit of reading books • has not been as good as it was in pre - TV days'. 'Television programs should be monitored by par- ents'. `TV helps me to unwind'. 'I feel TV makes me more a spectator that participant'." In the fourth meeting, sched- uled for the week of December 8, among the questions to ,be discussed are: Do you think most people like the idea of shared responsibility ' within the Church? •What is my idea of "Church"? Who Eike members? Who speaks- for the members? What is the responsibility of church members to the general community? Why do members resist changes? Should women have greater roles in Church worship, leadership?? What does renewal mean for you? What is "authority" in the Church for you? How do I form, - my conscience? What is, °be& ience for me? Do I obey? NEWS of WOODHAM • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett visited on Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs. John Kenney' and" family, Lucan. Weekend visitors with Mr. •• and Mrs:- Norris Webb ' and family Were Mr. and MrS. Ralph Wareham and Jeffrey of Blyth, Mr. Douglas Webb of Toronto and Mr. Dennis Webb of Lon- don. Mrs. Don Atkinson was hos- • tess at a l'uperWare, party on Thursday evening. Mrs. Marie Mills of London, visited on Sunday with Misses Blanche °and Rhea Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. The cGrr girls sang three numbers at the chUrch service on Sunday.: ' Mr. and Mrs. Laivrence Beck- ett arid Jacqueline visited with Mr. and` Mrs. Wm. Holiday of Rannoch on. Saturday evening. Miss. Yvonne Jaques .of Zion spent' the -weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Arthur Hopkin. • Mr. M. Copeland and Jean visited Sunday afternoon ,with • Investlecurely in a 1/4%• • ''GUARANTEED TRUST Cer 'icate 1 to 5 tears Contact John A. Cardno - SEAFORTH Representing: Huron & Erie Sterling Trusts Guaranty Trusts Crown Trust Co. of Canada Victoria and Grey Trust Co. • .,:••••••,••••adl. Mrs. S. Mountain of St. Marys. • Mr. and Mrs. Phil Black of • Key West, Floxida, visited Mon-, day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy and Margaret. The Messengers met in the church basement on Sunday • morning during the church ser- vice with twenty-one members present. The theme of the medf:- ing was "Kindness to one an- other". The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. W. Dipkey and the story on the leasbn giv- en by Pamela Rodd. Karen ins - ley and Michelle Robinson each read a poem. Mrs. L. Jaques .gave the chapter on the study book and Mrs. Dickey rad story. Kippen • Native Promoted a .. A former Kippen native, W. S. McBride, has been named profitability manager of Brit- ish -American Ail Company of Canada. W. S. McBride, born and rais- ed in Kippen, Ontario, graduat- ed from the Urliversity of web - tern Ontario in 1950, with an honors B.A. degree in Econo- mics. He joined the company in 1952, and held supervisory and managerial ppsitions in the Product Supply and Transporta- tion Departments. In 1966, he was appointed co-ordinatbr — forecasts and planning in the Corporate Planning and Econ- omics Department, and in 1967 he became advisor to the Cor- porate 'Marketing Committee prior to being appointed co-or- dinator of the company's corpor- ate conversion program. During the past year Mr. Mc- Bride has been co-ordinating corporate planning ' for B-A*s "forthcoming conversion to Gulf 011 Canada Ltd.. Despite the cessation of sug- ar beet planting in Ontario, last year's Canadian acreage was 81,200, only 2,100 less than in 1967. Eleven countries have receiv- ed dried beats W1121 Callada• through the World "rood Pro- gram; ,st•el • PRE CHRISTMAS Doys Only ',1'• • , " 4 4.5,AITQW 311 RIGHT' OFF THE TRUCK SAVINGS AYS 0 FRIDAY, DEC. 6 SATU AY, DEC. 7 ITRUCKLOAD OF FIRST QUALITY BROADLOOM CARPETING Manufacturers' Clearance. A whole truckload of mill ends. Great Selection! Great Savings! 40 to 50 ROLLS 30 to 50% off ManS7 Sizes, many colors, all first -quality (6 x 9, 9 x 12 and 12 x 15). Shop early for the best of our sensational offer. ••••MISC. Flooring •Bargains ARMSTRONG 'DECALON VINYL RUGS Popular,. 9' x 12', size. Decalon rugs_ in a wide selection of patterns and colors. Dur- ing truckload 4ie Only ' QUAKERTONE LINOLEUM Want a wall-to-wall flooring„at a reasonable price? During. truckload Sale Only 41 .95 EACH $1.39 SQUARE YARD $2.49 SQUARE YARD ARMSTRONG CUSHION -FLOOR Save $1.30 a square yard. Easy to clean, beautiful cushion flooring. VINYL CORLONS Factory Seconds - Montina Corlon,' Reg. •$11.50 Sale Price Tessera Corlon, Reg. $7:75 Sale Price $7.09 SQ. YD. $4.7,9 SQ. YD. ARMSTRONG FLOOR TILE j • Vinyl asbestos. During truckload sale with every carto'n of floor 'tile, purchaser will receive one. quart of tile cement ''FREE 11 1 It's like getting a 13% DISCOUNT. iliadtkiki;dg 1414 FREE STRAPPING With Every Carton of Ceiling Tile Purchased Dur- ing Sale The Purchaser Re- ceives , 60 feet „of 1 x 2 Strapping oo ABSOLUTELY FRES - t 1100 wanowtaigo KR 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. US CARPETS ,Bevver Lumber throughout Ontario has decided to get into the carpet business in a BIG -WAY and Beaver Lumber Exeter . is no exception. By' stockiag the famous KRAUS line of CARPETS we will be able to fill all your needs and our quantity buying will mean QUANTITY SAVINGS for our customers. We're featuring KRAUS CARPETS in clur Truckload Sale and we can gu:rantee installation on any of the following b argains before Christmas by Beaver's PROFESSIONAL IN- STALLERS. • u.ati FREE DRAW ON A BEAUTIFUL 9' x 12' Golden Bamboo Carpet Nothing to Buy, Just come in and look around. ,HAVE A COFFEE AA verfonolliiiw PING. PONG TABLES • An ideal Christmas gift. 'Reg. $21.88 POOL TABLES Brunswick. Guaranteed delivery before Christ- mas if order placed at sale. • . ALUMINUM DOORS $19-95 10%off • 11/4" Self Storing. Ful- ly • Weatherstripped. $24•95 2/8 c 6/8 and 2/10 x • 6/10. Reg. $29.88 LEISURE TURF MEADOW GRASS Famous guaranteed, wearproof, stain - proof carpet for Indoor or Outdoor. (Ideal for any room in the house). In order of 12 or more square yards. INSTALLED WITH PAD BARBADOS GOLDEN BAMBOO Tri -level loop, randbm sheared Her- culon Carpet. Sensational truckload , $9..25 •Offer. • • ' INSTALLED WITH PAD SQUARE $8.95 SQUARE YARD FASHIONETTE 501 NYLON Dense velvet, antique green. Double jute back. A .terrific bargain;* $3.00 $ 11.95 per yard saving. ••••.:SYQURADR E •• INStALLEDIWITH PAD A ESQUIRE mscurr This beautiful Kraus carpet is a pure virgin wool which speaks fm- Men $10.57 in carpeting. 1 SQUARE .INSTALLED WITH PAD YARD GREEN TRACK BOARDS Tough, rigid and solid. Holds track and acces- sories securely. Ideal for train sets and car sets. Reg. $6.39. CORK BOARDS 24" x 36". Cork two sides. Nothing to build or frame. All you do is hang it up. Reg.. $5.79 PANELLING PREFINISHED BEAUTIfUL ABITIBI PANELS 3 Wonderful Panels' to Choose From HALF PRIC $5.39 • ••:.i:* -1„„,,„„ When You Buy One Panel , At Regular Price You Get The Second Panel at 1/2 Price weils DI ing Sale Only do 3.84 aioi. 4r#*atimonOT MAIN' STREET iwilkuiv4e EXTRA SPECIAL Pioneer Hickory Panelling Any Quantity LUMBER STORES EXETE ,••• km. wwwwwwwwwwwweeerearmenterilaullawleswerweer4winwes