HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-12-05, Page 411SISURANCE
Auto, Fire, Life,
Donald G. Eaton
Ineorance Agency Limited
Office In Massonic Block
Main Street
Mama 5274610 : Seaforth
Select Scotch Pine
Egmondville Rovers at
Ken Smith's
(Beside Egmendville Store)
SAFORTIFia ONT., DEC. 5, 1968
T. W. Clapp has been ap-
pointed Associa*e. Agricultural
Representative for Huron Coun-
ty, succeeding D. S. Pullen, who
was recently appointed Agricult-
A•al Representative for Huron
'County, Mr. Clapp has served
as Assistant and Associate Ag-
ricultural Representative i 11
Lanark County since 1965. His
aPlAintment is effective on Dec-
ember 9th.
Canada grows 53,000 acre a of
peas for soup.
Two-thirds of chicken aid tur-
ifleattatalraMai key Production in Canada takes
place in Ontario and Quebec.
Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastinus I
r".4 r•-.4 ,
Presents Awards
The junior attendance awa
for district one was present
Hensall Kinsmen by Depu
Governor Dave Beattie of C
ton. The presentation was ma
to past president Bob Caldw
at a meeting in charge of pre
dent Wayne Reid.
The Boake Wficiency Awar
was also presentet to the pa
president along with his pa
president's plaque. This w
Bring -A -Buddy night and seve
al guests were present alo
with guest speaker OPP offic
John Wright from Exeter d
tachment who showed films o
traffic accidents and spoke' o
safe driving practises.
The Hensall Kinsmen an
Kinettes made theis regul
visit to the Goderich Hospi
on Wednesday to entertain th
patients 'there. --
Members of • Hensall Kinett
club visited sick and shut -Ms
in St. Joseph's Hospital Londo
South Huron Hospital. Exete
Blue Water Rest Home, Huron
view, Queensway Nursing Hom
Hensall and villagers, Sunda
and presented them with par
cels of Christmas goodies. Fift
parcels were given out. This
an annual project for the shut-
Miss Amy Lanunie waft pre-
sented with a service award at
F a recent CND3 Board of Gov-
3 ernors Dinner in London. As
this is the 50th anniversary of
the, founding of the Canadian
National Institute for the Blind,
staff members with long ser-
vice records ara receiving rec-
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen
a- ..eataalealitzAlgt.0
rd celelirated their 40th wedding,
ed anniversary at the Bluewater
ty Rest Home on Saturday where,
lin- me. MeEwen is a patient Atbeav-
de ding were Mr. and Mrs. Ross
ell Love, Clinton; Mrs. A. E. Keys,
si- Exeter; Mrs. John McMurtrie,
Henna Mr. and Mrs. McEwen
d were presented with an electric
st clock.
st Mr. and Mrs. Love and Mrs.
as Keys arranged the party.
r- Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and
ng Stewart Knights of Blenheim,
er were weekend guests with Mr.
e- and Mrs. Harry Snell.
n J. F. W. Paterson of Toronto,
n formerly of Hensall, will cele-
brate his 96th birthday Tues -
d day, December 24th.
ar Mr. Stewart McQueen is vis-
tal iting this week with Mr. and
e, Mrs. Dan Rigby in Blenheim.
Jun Veneer who has been a
patient in South Huron Hospi-
tal and St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, for the past six weeks,
has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bozzato
and Delia, Port Colborne, were
weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. William Kyle. (
Burns UCW •
Has Meeting
, at 2 p.m.
Free movies and treats at the Town Hall
Free chocolate milk from Hurondale Dairy
Free skating Saturday afternoons during
December and January.
Stores are open Monday through
Saturday until Christmas, every Fri-
day evening and the evening of Dec-
ember 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 23rd.
13,3 Stores will be closed Friday evenings
a during January, February & March.
pi, a Sponsored by the Hensall Men's Business
A Association.
'blue coal'
Champion Stove and
Furnace Oil
Office 527-0150 — Res, 527-1053
Burns' UCW met at the home
of Mrs. Jim McEwing on Tues-
day afternoon with 15 members
and three visitors present
Mns. Bell, president, opened
the meeting. A reading "Kind
Words" was read by Mrs. Leslie
-Reid and Miss Jean Leiner gave
a reading "What Art has Con-
tributed to Religion". Mrs. Wat-
son Redd read "The Legend of
the Christmas Tree", followed
by prayer. Members observed a
minute's silence for the late
Mrs. Agnes Hills.
Mrs, Bell conducted businetss.
The treasurer's report *was
given by Miss Jean Leiper.
vacemezvem, Can Aid
TREE'S Gains
Scotch Pine
Nicely Trimmed s
Phone 527-0840
— We Deliver —
(4- 44444
agEZICEL7 PAT, 527-1750 • SEAFORTH
Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m.
"Serving Seaforth and District for 28
This Week's A-1 Used Car Buys
1965 PONTIAC Sedan,
V-8 Auto. and Radio Only 1800 Miles
1967 CHEV. Lic. I158-875.
1966 CREV. "8" Impala A.T., R. — 1165-951
1966 PONTIAC Sedan, A.T. E39-932, low
1965 CHEV. "8" Station Wagon, 99-204X
1965 OLDS. — Lic. 1158-314.
1965 cHEV. V-8, auto., Radio—Lic. 1156-168
1964 CHEV. Sedan, 6-cyl., auto. — Lic.
1159-427. ,
1964 VOLKS Coach — 1167-032
1964 OLDS. — Lic. 1159-096.
1963 PONTIAC — Lic. 1158-198.
1963 RAMBLER, A.T. Lic. 1159-332.
1462 PONTIAC, A.T.
WEEDY BILL.44,1311.L.
YOtiflYkAntl Warr naanuY
'TOO sat>.
How DID 17'
watt.srA<YDeita taleK,
News of
Mrs. Lloyd Petersen and baby
spent a few days last week with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson spent
the week end at Mrs. Peterson's
Master Sandy Broadfoot is a
patient in Seaforth Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith,
Bluevale, visited on Sunday with
Mrs. 11. Berry.
We are sorry to report the
serious illness of Mr. Chas Snel-
ling in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
Mrs. Wm. Tompkis and Mnst
John A. McEwen are patients
in Clinton Hospital.
...a CANADIAN mutual fund
Investing In the dynamic
,growth through research
dustries of thi United States.
A.G.F. Management
Area Representative
Fred (Ted) Savauge
77 John Si. — 527-1522
Adding trace amounts of cop-
per salts to hog feed prompted
hogs to gain weight faster on
less feed in experiments at the
Canada Department of Agricult-
ure's Melfort, Saskatchewan, Re-
search Station.
Dr. A. S. Castell, a nutrition
specialist, added a pound of cop-
per sulfate per ton of feed and
improved daily gains in gilts in Th,
the 50 to 200 pound range by
nine per cent a day. Feed con-
sumption droPped from 3.75 to
3.42 pounds of feed' to put on a
pound of gain.
The federal researcher warns
that farmers and feed manu-
facturers must await approval
from Food and Drug Director-
ate before these high levels of
copper can be added to feed.
Farm Credit Changes
Parliament recently passed
important amendments to the
Farm Credit Act.
The $40,000 ceiling on stand-
ard loans for individual farm-
ers is unchanged but now loans -
rimy be made up to $30,000 for '
two farmers working in a part-
nership and up to $100,000 for
three or more owner -operators
working together.
Similarly, under the super-
vised loans; the rnaximu or
an individual remains al $ 5, /1 0
but two or more owner -opera
ors may qualify for a loan up t
A new provision permits I ans
'up to 90 per cent of the apprai-
sed value of land, livestock, and
equipment to young farmers.
No Snow, Lots of Rain
If you hate snow but love rain,
maybe the place for you is the
Queen Charlotte Islands in Brit-
ish Columbia.
Take Tasu Sound on the west
side -1, Or instance. The weather
station there, in its first 60
months of operation has meas-
ured nearly 800 inches of rain
- that more than 150 inches a
Comare that with Vancouver
w ich gets 57 inches. Total moi-
stu for other Canadian cities
- Calgary, 17 inches; Swift Cur-
rent, 15; Winnipeg,20; Tol'onto,
31; Ottawa, 35; Quebec City, 45;
Saint John, New Brunswick, 47;
Charlottetown, 43; and Halifax,
54 inches.
HEAD OFFICE - exerEn, Ont.
Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin
Clayton Calquhoun RR. 1,
Vice -President Science Hill
Wm 11. Chaffe ;S.& 4, Mitchell
Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucan
Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1,
Kirk -ton
Robert Gardiner. RR. 1,
Hugh Benninger • Dublin
Harry Coates - • Exeter
Clayton Harris • Mitchell
Hugh' Patterson - • Bxetiez
Priced efor Christmas Giving
STOP in at your Co-op Store- and browse through
the display of Christmas Gifts.
Phone -527-0770 Seaforth
Classified Ads i! ring Results
Notice to
Employers &Employees
At 12.01 a.m. onjanuary isto969, the new
Ontario Employment Standards Act
becomes law
The New Employment
Standards Act provides
minimum standards for
overtinHte pay, holiday pay
and vacation pay; pro-
tects againstlong hours;
ensures equal pay for
equal work for women,
workers; sets higher rates
rad mi nim um wages.
Ontario's employment
standards program is con-
cerned with the economic
well-being of the Province's
manpower resources. The
new Aet up -dates and broad-
ens the minimum standards
for wages and working con-
ditions to safeguard workers
against exploitation and to
protect employers against
unfair competition based on
lower standards.
hours 'of work
The working hours of an
employee shall not exceed
eight m the day and 48 in
tbs week. However, =der
certain conditions a permit
tv work overtime may be
obtained •from the depart-
nient. Employees whose only
work is supervisory or man-
agerial are exempted from
the 'hours provisions of the
Act. A girl under 18 years
shall not be required to work
more than, six hours over-
time each week.
!overtime pay
eraployee will receive a min- '
The Act provides that en equal
imuni of one and one-balf
times his regular wage -rate
for any work in excess of the
maximum 48 hoursper week
In addition toproviding pre-
miumpay, this requirement
isdesigned to curb the use
of excessive overtime.
Special overtime provi-
sions have been established
for the following industries
and may be Obtained by
writing the Employment
Standards Branch of the
Department: Sewer and
Watermain Construction;
Interurban and Municipal
Transport; Local Cartage;
Tourist Resort; Restaurant
and Tavern; Fruit and Veg-
etable Processing; Taxi;
Ambulance Service; High-
way Transport and Road
statutory holida ys
A regular, full-time employee
and certain categories of
part-time employees who
work on a statutory holiday
must receive a minhnurn of
one and onelhalf times their
regular Wage rate. The holi-
days are Christmas Day,
New Year's Day, Good
Friday, Victoria Day,
Dominion Day, Labour Day
stitute holidays may be
arranged with the approval
of the Director.
Minimum Wage Increase
Rate Effective
Jan. I, 1969
Rate Effective
Oct. 1, 1969
General Minimum ;1.00/hr 4 1,30/hr
General learner Rate 3 (4 months max) .90/hr 1.20/hr
Construction Rate 1.25/hr 1.55/hr
Student Rate; General .80/hr /.00/hr
First Month Summer 30/hr .90/hr
Hotels, Tourist Resorts,
Restaurants & Taverns
LearnerS in this Indusby
(1 month mat)
(Deductible allowance for
room and beard)
Taxis -35% of proceeds, or
Delivery & Shoe Shine Boys
Ambulance Driver a Helper
LOO/hr L15/hr
.90/br 1.00/fir 1.15/hr
15.00/wk 17.00/wk
.75/hr 1.15/hr 1.30/hr
.00/hr .90/hr
fit work la less than 48 hours per week *Hat Warman, film. exceed 48 ?.% no records kept
Pay for
In order to protect the grow-
ingsegment of women in the
labour force the existing
legislation covering equal
pay for equal work kinder
a, the Human Rights Code has
been strengthened and trans-
ferred to the Employment
Standards Act. This provi-
sion ensures that a woman
who does the same job as a
man in the same establish -
mentis entitled to the same
pay. The question a what
Is equal work will be deter-
mined on the basis of skill,
effort, responsibility and
working conditions.
No girl under 18 years
shall work in an establish-
ment between midnightiMd
6 a.m.
a woman works on a
' that begins or, ends
between 1,2:00 xnidnight and
6 a.m. her employer must
provide transportaticin. from,
Iter residence to the job or
from the job to her haute.
vacations with pay
The Act provides that every
employee shall be given an
annual paid vacation of at
least one week after one year
of employment. The' vaca-
tion pay must not be less
than 2% of the total pay
received in the year in which
the acation is given. When
an employee works for a
period less than one year he
is entitled _to 2% vacation
pay for the period worked.
After three years of employ-
ment, the minimum is two
weeks paid vacation and the
pay must not be less than
4% of the annual earnings.
The Vacation with Pay
stamp book system for con-
struction workers will be
phased out between January
1, 1970 and June 30, 1970.
protection for
Any person doing homework
as defined in the new Act
is now considered to b,e an
employee and is protected
by the legislation.
Employers are required to
provide a statement of wages
and deductions to each em-
ployee at the time wages are
paid. It must show: pay
period, rate of wages,
amount of wages, all deduc-
tions and the purpose of
each, allowances and the net
amount being paid the em-
ployee. Deductions include
those authorized by the
employee and such usual
deductions as Unemploy-
ment Insurance, Income
Tax, Canada Pension,
Company'Pension Plan and
collection of
unpaid wages
The department may now
collect unpaid wages for an
employee including the
amount of wages due, over-
time pay and vacation pay
pp to a maximum of $1,000.
Formerly collection could be
made for wages only up to
the level of the minimum
There are some industries in
the province under the juris-
dictum of the Federal Govern-
ment such as banks airlines
railways etc. These industries
are covered by the Canada
Labour Standards Code and
are hot.under the jurisdiction
of this Act. If you are in doubt
wbich legislation applies to
you, call the Employment
Standards Branch (Telephone:
365-5251), for information.
The above is only a
general summary of the
Act. For more specific in-
formation regarding the
Act and its regulations
concerning overtime per,
mats, exemption.s for
special occupations, etc.,
Employment Standards
74 Victoria Street
Toronto 1A, Ontario
Ontario Department of Labour
Hon. Daltonl3ales, Q.C,, Minister