HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-28, Page 84 . I 24*,:r.Ttli HURON ,EXPOSITOR# SEAFORTH;ONT NOV 2!)., 1908 CLASSIFIED A 27, Births 'WILLIAMSON — At Seaforth Community Hospital, on Nov. 28th, to Mand -Mrs. Ronald Williamson, 'RR 1, Walton, a daughter. PEARN — At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Nov. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs Roy Pearn, RR 3, Mitchell, a son. 0, Too Late COMING EVENT — Cabaret Dance at Beodhagen Communi- ty Centre, Saturday, Nov. 30, with music by Ian Wilbee,Or- chestra. _ 55-1 FOR -SALE — Coal and wood furnace in good condition, in- cluding controls, blower and motor. Ed. Andrews, 527-1978. 55-1 FOR SALE — A large -PI -Oil table in perfect condition. Phone 521-0845.' 55-17 FOR RENT — House, apply to Harry Arts, RR 4, Seaforth, phone 527-1795. 55-1 Too Lite - FOR SALE — Baby crib, $10; play pen, $5; in good coudition. Mrs. .Jim McNairn, phone $27- 0428. 55-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MABEL LAWSON All persons having claims against the Estate of Mabel Law- son, late of the Town of Sea - forth, in the County of Huron, Housewife, de.ceased; who died on the 14th day of October, 1968, are hereby notified to send in - full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th of December, 1968, af- ter 'which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. • DATED at Seaforth, this 27th day -of November, 1968. McCONNELL & STEWART SEAFORTH, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-55-3 -0- OBITUARIES MRS. GEORGE HILLS Mrs. George Hills, 87, RR 4 Walton, died Monday in Seaforth Community Hespital. She had been the former 'Agnes Jane Kyle, and was a native of Wroxeter. She married Mr. Hills in Eginondville in 1905 and re- sided there until after the death of her husband in 1940. In re- cent yeOes she had been living at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. L. Smith, RR AtWalton. Mrs. Hills was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth and a life member of the WMS of the church. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. George L. (Ria) Smith, RR 4 Walton; onesister, Mrs. G. M. (Nell) Cram, Edmonton, Alta. The body was at the R. S. Box funeral home, Seaforth, Rememberi it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in ...pocket. To advertise. just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. where the service was held Wed- nesday at 2 p.m. conducted by her minister Rev. D. 0. Fry. Burial was in Egmondville cem- etery. Pallbearers were John Cald- well, Ron McClure, Ross Mc- Clure; Ken Beattie; George Case, Harold Dodds. Flowerbearers were Robert Smith and James Neilans. ALBERT BAKER Funeral services for the late Albert Baker were held at the G. A. Whitney funeral home on Thursday afternoon conducted by his minister Rev. J. C. Brit- ton, assisted by Rev. D. L. Pat- terson. Mr. Raker died November 18 following a lengthy illness. In- terment followed in Maitland - bank cemetery, pallbearers be- ing Norman Scoins,'D. Sills, Bev Thomson, Walter McCluee, Gor- dan Papple and Clarence •Mal- one. Flowerbearers were John Baker, Ross Baker, Wayne Kin - pear and Paul Kinnear. Choosing And Stuffing The Holliday Poultry Some like a turkey, seme like a duck or a goose, but whatever your choice for Christmas din- ner, make it a feast to remember - Plump turkeys and chickens of various weights vie with duck and goose for the place of honor at the festive table. Once the be cision has been naade, the shopper wants the assurance that she is purchasing a whole- eome product. When, ehe sees the round. "Canada Approved" stamp, she knows the poultry - has bean examined by a federal veterinary inspector in an in- spected plant and that it has been declared healthy. This round .stainp is found) only -on whole "eviscerated", ready -to - cook poultry. The informed shopper usually buns a graded bird. In the grad- ing of Canadian poultry there is one national standard for each grade. The best quality common_ ly available on the retell, market is "Canada Grade A". The grade mark is on, a metal tag on the breast or is printed on a trans- parent hag Or insert inside the bag. HOW MUCH TO BUY Mist shoppers when choosing poultry buy more than they want for one meal. Since poultry is PoPolor and economial, leftovers are a real delight to prepare and serve. Cheek the weight of the var- ious classes of birds to estimate the number of servings. Hoene economists provide some useful information foe holiday shoppers. For dinner a large famillo of twenty Or so persons you will Awed a mature turnkey of 16 to, 20 pounds. This should provide from 20 to 30 servings, Remeenfb- er some of your guests will want . a secured helping! For the smaller family with a few guests, a young turkey or goose of 7:10 12 pounds can be connted on to Iprovide 8 to 16 servings. Whene the family con. sists of four persons more thole - es are possible. A turlpe.y broiler of less ,than, 10 ,pounds or a 5 to 8 pound chieken capon will pra.. vide 6 to 10 eervings- Young docks weighing 4 to crpounds will give 4 to 6 servings If you are planning on "a ...dinner for Iwo, a roasting Chicken, a van ter turkey Or a Young :duck will Provide • enougb for one meal and allow- fqr leftovers. For more information on roa. sting the holiday turrkey and, using the leftovers send for your copy of the leaflet "Turk,* for everyoneelt is available on nequest from the Information Canada_ Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. • SAVORY STUFFINGS . Most homemakers -make their own favorite stuffing, others may prefer a prepackaged variety. The bags of most drawings is soft bread crumbs', from bread easy way to make crumbs is to which is several days old. An remove the crusts, place part at the loaf in a clean teia towel and rub the bread .vigoroUsly bet- ween your hands. From a 24 - ounce loaf you will get 7 to 8 cups of crumbs. One cup (Calif - Eng is usu:ally stiffieient for each poonel of eviscerate.d poult- rY- If You wish a really special stuffing for the 1968' turkey, home economists invite you to try "Mushroom and Net Stuff- img". This is delicately seasoned With savrory herbs so the musle room flavor prevails. If your choice is duck ar.,goose, try the "Sage and Onion Stuffing". POULTRY POINTERS — Select a bird large enough to allow for after-Ohristmas sneks and casseroles — Allow time for the bird to thaw in the referigerator, 5 hrs. for every pound — Buy the bread early, and pre. Pare the stuffing ingredients the flay before roasting. — Do' not stuff the bird till cooking time.. —Sharpen the carving knife. ;— Select p platter large enough to enhance the festive bird. Provide a second sanaller SATIN ihR MARGARINE 19c lb. or 61i$1.00 3 -Ib. PACKAGE STACY'S VIM FACELLE ROYALLE — Reg. 2 rolls 59c TOWELS 200'sOR 300's KLEENEX TISSUES FACEOLE ROYALLE qte TOILET TISSUE 99c 4 rolls, 89. 61s1.00 rolls $ 1 .00 RED & WHITE — 10 -oz. tins . AMA TOMATO, SOUP 1U for $-1.00 COLGATE — keg. $1.15 DENTAL CREML BEST QUALITY CFHQUITA BRAND BANANAS SUNKIST 180's ORANGES 10c per Ib. 3 doz. 99c A LARGE SELECTION OF First Line Rubber Footwear AT LOW, LOW PRICES Children's — youths' Boys' — Men's RED' St\, y GO. ETT LE' 1311110NE- 345. WMTE WItOttls MA 2420 - DUBLIN r.r• MARKET r.rn'r" r" R 89 BY THE PIECE Red & White or .„ Lewis BREAD 24 -oz. loaves 4 for_ 89c SWIFTNING SHORTENING 3-1b. tin 77c BEEF BOLOGNA - 3 lbs. $1.06 DEVON 1-1b. Pkg. BACON - SAUSAGE - MAPLE LEAF WIENERS -4- - 6-01. pkgs. LUNCHEON MEATS • - 69c pe Ib. 49c per lb. 49c 2 for 49c HAUGH'S LINED — Reg. 8.98 JACKETS $7.9 platter to hold the White and dark slices, — Time the roasting process so that it will be continuous and complete in one session. — Remove the stuffing front the bird after the meal and refirg- erate it — Refrigerate leftover poultry as soon as it has cooled. MUSHROOM AND NUT STUFFING 10 cups soft stale bread crumbs (one and a half 21- oz. loaves) 1 teaspoon' salt 14 teaspoon PePPer 1 teaspoon sage 1 teaspoon savory Ili cup chopped parsley 1/41 cup chopped cashew nuts 1 cup butter, melted 2/3 cup chopped o,nion pound m-uslfrokms, chopped rooms, drained and chopped. OR 1 can (10 - ouxice) mush- rooms, drained and chopped Mix' bread crumbs, season- ings, parsley and nuts. Saute the onions and mushrooms in butter and add to the crumbs. Toss lightly but thoroUghl Makes 10 cups stuffing - enough for a 12 10 20 pound turkey. SAGE AND ONION STUFFING FOR DUCK AND GOOSE UL cup buttear 1% cups chopped onion 1 finely chopped duck or goose liver (optional) 4 cups soft stale :bnead crumbs teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon pepper . 2 teaspoons crushed fnesla sage or powdered sage 1 beaten egg - , Melt butter in a fryipg pan and saute the onions until trans- parent but not 'brown, about 4 minutes. Add the ehopped liver 'arid cook about a minute long- er. In the meantime mkt bread crumbs, 'salt, pepper and sage then combine sauteed liver and onions with the seasoned bread crumbs. Addt he benten eggg; toss lightly, but thoroughly. Makes 5 cuPt diletssing. NOTE: 4 cups dressing were -used to stuff a4 ponmd 11 ounce duck. ee. • " er "r"r ^r'"r"^r r' er"r-'r` r -"r 1 but they still believed him when he talked about the ser- vice he found at VINCENT'S. -,After seeing for themselves, they.always trust him. SEE THE ALL NEW 69 otioto-ski LINE NOW 1 11 MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE How Thls Newspaper Helps Advertisers. With a defined. audience J ..w.-- 11116- 1: IF., -7-,-..., _ -.4,.::‘,.. 17 ir ir Ay in--* ti WI ' P41114' 4., Ow um.02318-ili''" filpi; " 4 . -,- UV 7 , -1 --• 0*. I' 1.•:... , re re'r r7 • • alb Any speaker knows that in order for him to get his message to his audience with grea' tmst effectiveness, he must at boo familiar with that audience. That's why ws maks every effort to define our circulatfoi T Jaudience with absolute accuracy and clarity — with -facia verified by 1 ABC* Audit. W. *ant you to know the size of your tudiano4 where mem-here of that audience live, what they fair, and °this, information designed to help you prepare more effective sales messages. Mk to see this information thki wed. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Since 1860, Serving the Community First SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, CANADA *This newspaper is a member of the. Audit Bureau of Circulations, a non- profit, cooperative association of pub- lishers, advertisers, and advertising agencies,. Our circulation is audited at regular intervals by experienced ABC circulation auditors and their reports are made availabIe to our advertiser* without Obligation. MIEASURE OF SERVICE'...1111ARK OP INTEGRITY