HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-28, Page 7USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS " • TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1, Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed • • 3. Fonnd 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Ponlily For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wan ted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. "Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Wee 21:. Tenders Wanted 22. tegt4 NOtines ' 23. Bniiinesa Directory g*. Carle of Thinkit a ha *tontornun 2. 4tiraOtuas 47, Births • 28. Deatha 29. Marriages ClaOffied ads aro Anstered at a rate Of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial, and ab- breviation counts as One Word. Ads are subject to the fallow- ing Minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 41,, 12 and 13 min- imum 65c. Classifications 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, ininhnum $1.15. All other clas- sifications minimum '4$1.15 per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- • quest. \---/ • 1. Coming Events MARK Thursday, December 5 NOW. Th .best turkey bingo in the area. Seaforth Legion Hall at 8:30 p.m. 15 regular game'S; five share-thewealth; two door priz- es.Admission $1.00. Extra cards 25e each, 3 for 50 cents or 7 for $1.00. Sponsored by the Seaforth and district ICnights of Colurn- buls. 1,-54.1 PERTH Federation of Agricult- ure annual meeting Legion Hall, Mitchell, Wednesday, December. 4th, .1:30 p.m. Theme, One Gen- eral Farm Organization. Sneak- er Jim Jacklin, Elmwood. 1-55;4 DUCK dinner at Tiger Dunlop Intl, highway 21, two miles north of Go erich, Sun. Dec. ist from Zifth • Decereber lat roin ▪ 3 to 6:30 p.m Make reservations early. G. Keith/1g, phone 534- 8601. 1-55-1 2. Lost, Strayed FROM-let-26-uclFer- smith Township, 4 cattle, 1 Hol- stein heifer, one red steer and • two black ones with white faces. Approximateweight 650 lbs. and have a blue ear tag. A re- ward. Phone 527-0096. ' 2-55-1 FROM lot 1 con. 3 Tuckersmith, 2 ' yearlings. Anyone knowing whereabouts.please 'Contact Mer- ton Keys 527-1567. 2-55x1 3. Found STRAYED to lot 4 con. 4 Tuck- • ersmith, cattle beaSt, owner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. john Van Doorink. Phone 527-1377. • 3-55x1 4. Help Wanted SHEET metal Mechanic with oil burner license. Highest wages,. good working conditions. Reply to box No. 1789 the Huron Ex- positor stating experience, age, etc. . 4-54-2 • Sell Real Estate - Join Ontario's largest Realt- or specializing in Rural, Town and Vac.," ei Properties. No exp,erience misery,. we will train yo -u. -cellent corinn ion errangeonent. For further information, call or write Rob- ert MelVfirvie Rural and Sununu Prop. Dept. H. Eeith Limited Realtor, 181 F./Anton Aventie East, Toronto 12,. telentlione 487-3333. ' 4-53-4 4 INCREASE your Inenme. The quickest way * bLk ,4.0 to leek after the sale ordur TOliet•Prelp- orations in year Distriet: Very good profit. MVOtiy. There is still rolaan for 4.2 Rowlett, Dertit v474,, Richelieu, St, "St. Wary," trodt- , Teat .4-55-1 HOW TO EARN?MORE 1ZONEY • I need a full or part time Man, to help meet the demand for a 4 much needed service for mot - °lists, Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience nee - Wary but A oar is. For full im formation contact Alvin Rau, R. R.' 2, urich. Phone 36-4877 after 5:p.m. 4-55-2 • 7. Situations Wanted SITUA-TIONS - Winter storage available for cars, Carl Millen. TL -54-2 8. Farm Stock for Sale TWELVE pigs efght Weeks old, also three usexl Water bowls. Lewis Coyne,. phone 345-2616. 8-65-1 PUREBRED Lacombe hogs Ser- viceable age, guaranteed breed- ers. George Townaend, phont 527-0098. 8-55-1 TWO Axminster rugs, one 41/2x 7 and one. 0 x 101/2 with under - pad., Apply to Box 1791, Huron Expositor. 8-55x1 0. Poultry for Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started i'tilleta SCOTT pouuntY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-47-tf 10. Used Cars for Sale 1956 Chevrolet 4 dool----'.7.1Z Phone 527-0854. 10-55x1 11. Articles for Sale CRUSHED gravel, delivered - at the pit. john ThomPsOn. Phone 527-0238. 1147-tf FOR SALE The Clinto`n DiStrict Collegiate Institute Board offers 35 Stacking Desks 4 Wooden Chairs 1 Brooder Articles may be viewed at Cen- tral 'Huron Secondary School, Clinton. Please see Mr. L. R. Maloney, at School Board Office. 11-55-1 STEREO - If your Christmas stocking is to be big enough to hold a new Stereo -FM combinat- ion you owe it to yourself to see and hear Zenith because there is nothing like a Zenith for the rare liveliness of it's re- production of music or the true beauty of it's cabinets. • It may be that a Zenith will cost ,you less than you thought. Open most evenings. 527-0703,,, Stan- nah the Radio man. 11-55-1 TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED nutouou ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-47-tf COPIES copitts of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each, The Huron AzPosa* FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressune systems and farm line needs. .PHONE 4824561 17 Rktonlitiry Street CLINTON "Proudly "We Service Canadian" what we sell" RUSS ARCHER, Manager USED TV'S - nationally adver- tised brands from $29,95 guar- anteed to workandsomp even work good. We would sell even. more than we do but the boss insists on telling the truth ab- out everything we sell. Where 'else but Stannali's where that beautiful colored TV is still pin- ing away. 11-55-1 Metier and Hustler SNOWMOBILES Special new on Deltas Hustbler ' from $750.00 Engel's Garage CRANBROOK Phone 452 J 5 Brussels 1,1-54-2 The What'sit Shop Antiques and Unusal Gifts • We buy old china, glass, books and small furniture. 11-544 84 Wellington Street Clinton. 4827682. PIANOS and organs, new and reconditioned, largest variety to chopse from. We service what we sell for our customers to the highest degree of accuracy. See your 'Sherlock - Manning dealer for this area and get a truly fine instrument Many makes .ancl 'models at Garnet Fairier's showrooms at White- church. Phone 357-2068. or at - Whitney Furniture, Seaforth. 11-474f BORDER Collie pups, 3 months 1:)pri McKinnon, Brussels, 01t.,pone 168W. 11-55x1 DOUBLE bed (painted white) good clean mattress and springs; five bulb, living room light fix- ture; hall fixture (wall); 3 wall fixtUret (set); bathtub taps (al - mod new). No reasonable offer refused, Phone 527-0232. 11-55-1 , 48 inch box spring and mattress. Box spring never used. Phone evenings 527-0046. 11-55-1 11. Articles for Sale ONE snow. tire, one passenger tire 7-75x15. Phone 345-2469, 11-55x/ WO hying room chairs, nevv15,- upholstered in Narghaide with slip covers, also 2 platform rockers. Coville, Dublin, 345- 2382. 11-55x2 NEED COPIES?? We will make copies of youir important papers or documents wNle you 'wad. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR'. tmy lOaide Of ,iiimitbre suitable for gardens. Wilfred *quell', North Main •Street. 0-88x1 SNOW blower, gited condition. Gerrit WAjO„It. R. 4 Seaforth. Phone 5274765 11-55X1 A complete line of 'ski tOnfP- ment at IVIcAdam's Home Hard- ware, Clinton, Phone 482-7023. 11-554 PAIR of snow the 800x14. Ph- one 527-6892. 11-55-1 SPECIAL -This week only, brand new Philco Stereo FM -AM consoles at $259, automatic re- cord changers with diamond stylus and scratch -guard tone arm regular $329 value. At Stan- nah's where honesty and truth are ingredients of every sale. 11-55-1 WHAT would be nicer than a singing canary or a young male budgie? Staffens Flowers. 11-55-2 SNOWMOBILE Oils from -Cast- rol, chain oil, 2 cycle oil, motor oil. Sharp's Maintenance Service your authorized Castrol Oil deal- er, Staforth. 527-1746. 11-55x1 TWO chests of drawers, new. Phone 527-0772.. 11-55x1 ORDER' your Christmas flowers early, 'Poinsettias, Mums, and Mixed Pots, Gloxinea bulbs and Anaerylis bulbs ready to flower, . Station's Flowers. 11-55-2 RECORD players -monaural rec- PaYers With antottiatic chat(' rt from $ .05 and'iteire-o recdrd N er r $59.95, na- tionally a ised brands. This week only at Stantrat's where cash shout's. 'Sperling Street at John Street 527-0703. 1:1-55-1 • LARGE sturdyitest ef drawers, size ,47"x47"x20", $15. Phone 5270078 11;55-1 12. Wanted to Buy USED pianos in any condition. State price and name. Box 1784. - 1251x5 OLD' 'beinkS, dodtiftients, Post cards, china, glass, phone 482- 9193. 12-514 HOGS wanted slattghtc-7, bosiis for export. Contact Joe Corey, ClintonCorninunity Sales, phone 482-9656. 1244.1(6 TWO Hundred gallon oilr tank, phone 527-1901. 10-65-1 A pulley of a 35 or 65 Massey, Doug Fraser, R. R. 2, Blyth, Phone 498w6 Brussels,- 12-55-1 13. Wanted WANTI1D e good home tor a quiet white Gentnan Shepherd, Haugh Bros. Phome ..,5270927, Brumfield. 13-55-k, 14. Property for Sale FOR sale"'in Horperhey corner lot, .well treed, water, .supplied, on main road. Call pyenings. 527. 1663. 14-54-3 REDUCED TO SELL Bargain priced small borne in Egmendiilille. Owner *gives to move. Open for officers. WILLIAM M. HART . Salesman - Se:eh:411i GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker 11544 FARM land for sale. 64 acres In Tuekersinith. Fred Kleinhaar, phone 527-0216. 14-55-1 15. Property for Rent . , , MODERN tivo bedroem inert- ment, 'heated, close to uptown tin the Sproat Apartments. Phone 482-7545. 15-55-1 19. Notices NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United. Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. • WILLIAM J. DALE phone Seatent 527-0835 or \ MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin call col- lect. 19-474f WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth 19474 THE 1 tiRON ExPosToR slift Rtoi, 19. 'Notices 2t•tegel Notices DEAD- STOCK PiPase C8,LJ.PrbMptly MARLATT BROS. . Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24 hour service -7 days Nei* LICENSE NO, 390-C-65 19-4741 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Writeor call Her- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone • 521 - NOTICE - Voeunin cleaner tacei and service' few' all makes. R. K. Peek, Varna. Phone Hansen 262- 5350. TL54-11 Jewellery .We ill Opt* d 'jeatellerY repairs. - • Ring SI1n Retip',ClirWe Rebuild Shanks fiencht RestritIghtg Rein* ,coattnite 'jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd.19-4-tf BEFORE on doriiiltior'Hiti* ft.04of ecurity or *Wm' b',* i1vestigate tile avintOS cludliig tooc by eiriikii46 of cftedeo 10* dyntunic mutual faith. tkatta Fred (Ted). Savauge, 527-1522 for .further details (1)0 X0 -524f. ELECTROLUX' Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, •authorized dealer Alvin Riley, • 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-474f Every week more, people &s- ewer what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost positor want Ads. Dial 527-05 RUGS and earpets dry cleaned in your home, contact Ronald Broome, phone 527-1822 after 6 p.m. , 19-554 AGRICULTURAL ventilation service, fans, controls, timers, layout installation. Sharp's Main- tenance Service, Seaforth, 527- 1746. 19-55x4 4-WINTE1 lawn mower .servi-e-e and' storage, sharpening service, Chain Wm,' steam eidged tools, small engine repairs. Sharp's Mahnenanee Servie' Seaferth 52771746. 19-55x4 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario. We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 atter 8 piro, call 356-2404. License No. 169-C-68 19-554f 21. Tenders Wanted TRUCK TENDER Tenders' will be received on a new 800 Series truck, (rob and chassis) suitable for 1800 gallon petroleum truck. . Those wishing to tender, write or phone Hensall Co-oper- ative far specifications. The Board of Hensall District reserve the right to reject any or all tenders. Tenders to be in not later than December 11, 1968. 21-54-2 n. Legal Notices \ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN the estate of MARY AME- LIA SHANNON, deceased. ALL persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of the above men - Lotted, labs of the town of Seafanth in the Countyof Huron, widlow, who died en or about the fourteenth day of October, 1968, are reqiiirea 1. file proof of same with undersigned on or be- fareTh eti day of December, 1968, after which date the pxe,. eutocrs will proeeed to distrib- ate the estate having regard only to those claims which shall then hive been received'. . DATED at Brussels this 7th day of November, 1968. CitAWFORD, SHEPHERD and MILI; , Brutdels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22454-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ,Tabez 13roottne All persons having claims (also known as Jake Broome). ag- ainst the estate of Jabez Brooane (also known as•Jake Broome) late of the Pawn of Sedforth, in the County of. Huron, Rural Mail Courier., deceased who died on the 251Ih dory of July, 1968, are hereby notified to send in fuli particulors of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of December, 1968, af- ter -which date the assets will be - distributed 'having • regard- only to claims then received DATED at Seaforth, this 25th day of November 1969. Senforth. Ontario' lureCIONNELL & STEWART Solicitors for the Executor 22-55-3 241:441.14441o,i, THE CORPORATION OF tam TOIVNSIIIP OF • ° . HIBI3ERT- Byul.aw No. 29,1968 for tile drainage A By -Law to raise $150;000.00 to aid in the con- • struction of tile, stone or timber drains. ' - The Council of The TOWNSIBP OF HIBBERT, pursuant to the Tile Drainage Act, enacts as 'fellows; (1) That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the pro- visions of this By -Law, borrow on the credit of the Corpora- tion of the Municipality such turn not exceeding the s 0,000.00 as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue VebetitUrps of the Corpor- ation in s.ucli- snips as the Council May deem proper for the. amount so borrowed, with coupons attached as provided in Section 4 of the said Act. (2) That subject to Seetien 10 of the Tile Drainage Act, WheiCthe Council is Of the Opinion that the applieationS Of any person to borrow money for the 'impose of Constructing a Tile, Stone or Timber Drain should be granted in whole or 411 'Park the emu - ell may, by •resolution 'dire -et the Reeve to issue •debetitirreb as aforesaid and to home* a sum not exceeding the atatount ap- plied for, endplay lend the seine to the applicant on the com- pletion of the drainage works. (8) 4 special annual rate 'Shall be iiiinetefl, 1000 and collected over and above 611 Other rates 'upon the iina 40 respect of Which the MotieY is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest at provided by the Act. (4) That this By -Law supersede By -Law No. 11-1956 for $50,000.00,, and any outstanding balance of the said By -Law be cancelled upon and after the passing of -this new By -Law 29-1968 for $150,- 000.00 and subject to Section 2 (2) of the The Drainage Act. Read a First and Second time this 16 day of September, 1968. Finally passed this 4 day of November, 1968. * Corporate Ross McPhail, Reeve . Seal Anne Burchill, Clerk FORM 4 (Section 2 (2)) - NOTICE Corporation of the TOWNSHIP of HIBBERT Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By-law passed by the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT on the 4 day of NOVEMBER, 1968, and all persons. are required to take notice that any one who desires to apply to have the by-law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this municipality within 20 days after ;the date of the last publication of this •notice, and must, make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario within one month after the said date. This notice was first published on the 14th day of November, 1968, and the last publication will be on the 28th day of November, 1968. Anne Burchill, Clerk 22-53-3 23.---BusineSS 1)i:rectory R. BOX FUNE AL HOME Prompt and eardul ilitentidn Anihniatice Serviee Day 527-0680- Night S27-0885 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Gederich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0CCA.S.1401 Phone 527-1390 Seaforth KAY -I BOUGHT WINTER GARDEN 23: 13usitle88- Direttoft JOHN E. LONWI'AFIe 0,1, • 'rum., -ilitlikP4141:iii 011. Skt-e td 19 int& Mon„ •4`.'ithtwi (Ake Vor XPOSinighi Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. o. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., W. H. Patterson, D.V.M., V.S. P. J. Dwyer, M.V.B., M.R.C.V.S. Ph o r e 527-1760 - Seaforth EVERYBODY ELSE PUTS GNOMES, FAWNS FLAMINGOES AND 10A DST° 01.S ON TREIR LAWNS IN SUMMER'. 22. TAgai Notiges' „ M chartered Accountant • 55-57 SOutit Street Telephone Goderieh • .524-7562 , „ • Auctioneer FARM andFURNUME MIES CoNiEKT.ND R. G. GETHKE • Phone 847-2405, li:to?tr70,9 4RONALD McCANN Public 'Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Office; Rattenbuty St., phone 482-9977. Res; Rattenbury St., phone 4824015 , W. 4. CLEARY S�ith LICENSED Branum and FUNERAL- ramecrou slight or Day Calls - 527-0510 24; Cards of Thanks - Many thanks for all the kindness shown us during our reeent bereavement and while mother was in the heSpitel. Thanks to those who made her stay in London and Wingham hospitals a little easier with their cards, visits, and flowers. Your Kind- ness and thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. - Bill and Marjory Humphries. 24-55-1 I wish to express appreciation for the many acts of kindness, visits, treats and cards from my friends and neighbors while 11. was a patient in Seaforth Cenci-% xnunity Hospital, with special thanks to my Drs. Brady and Dr. Malkus and my dear nurses, also the staff the hospital. - Mrs. George Armstrong 24-55x1 I wish to thank all those who visited me, sent cards, treats, etc. and inquired ahout me while I was a patient in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Sincere thanks to Dr. MOT- nd the ntusing staff. - Peter cCowan, 24-55-1 a 0 CloONO100$' Hoept ialithga,zo MGY0 41.WW:4101.tp0 iat t , 001 'Mop ,74:85,!)ti - l*Arko- 41:4.1*:rekrtweo and frOTh Ivbe• santgeo cards mid visite me Vaidla was e !qttp4LAm 14* .04910.4 Ommuraty nosstoiL, pe.4-40 hanks to Fr. teregla Dr, Noy°, andVilming Mat ofli,roWfiat • - MOD Pagilter* 4400 .:‘ C4eor,T1 Carter a44.„01* wish.tio vcpTio§s• thieqr ' thanks to friends, rolatevesiond ..0_2thbors• who vole their “eYnit.5 Idatbr and oarvioas 401)1Y • 4 the kline di:04ealtbj. .,orotog„ rgrolie Matkorgie. .Our maim 40tliosie oblie kardk 0#5,vit,64 birtIti§ialbd.b 004141110M. to the no* Fund, the MEWS Stititt47:,40.- Pte4Wij0-44) WATS- ''.1‘440,44 I Void& like to %Ova* oloOo thanik reatitiVek Wel* and 'neighbors fair the bealAtifol* Sowers, cards and visits, while a patient at Victoria likkepital add' Oentral l'•1:ark Lodge, Lon- don. Also 10a* 'to Rev: J. C. Britton, Dr. Brady and Nurses at Seger* llostftCal 'MO R.S., fax It was an. greatly. appre~- -,Edith Boyd. 2404 --The-fattillY- of Mrs. Sarah Biyshart With, to empties:0 their- appreciapea to her friends.neighbers and relatives for the kindness shown to her While a patient in the hospitaL We would also like to acknow- ledge the many expression' of sympathy received since her pas- sing on Sunday. Nov. 17. A epee - jail thanks :to Dr. Mallrus, the (iurses and staff of Seaforth • Community Hospital. Also at this. time we would: like to express our :gratitude to all those who befriendedher during the years she lived in Seaforth. 24-55x1 Many thanks to everyone for the kind gestures shown us while I was a patient in St. Mary's Hos- pital in Kitchener and since I returned hemp. Special thanks to Dr. Sellers ana Dr. McFatilliii and the nursing staff of the 'het - FRO. Your thoughtfulness will long be remembered. -- Hower Haekwell., 2054 The family of the late Athert C. Belzer wish to thank each. And every one for their klndness while he Was a patient in hospit- a Also for floral tributes and contributions to the Lutheran Hour, the Ont. Heart Foundation and the Pioneer Memorial Maus- oleum, also many thonks to Rev. J. C. Britton, Rev. D. L. Patter- son and the Whitney Funeral Home. 24-55-1 I would like to thank my relat- ives, frhends and neighbors who sent me cards, letters:anti. vis,ted me whi!e I was a patient at Seal WE HERE IN 114E PADDOCK Wl11-1 STEAMBok 6PRIN6S1 STEAMBOAT, CAN Noll DESIZISE :$66t ciV4-0i0 VEXTORES `10‘A Fba Us?. I- Wigisauvugumr 411, .. STO EY BROKE:RACING L7:0 11 1.- 1 1 I Y. _ KLII II . ' D 11411- . 4:4........,. .1 11,1 ' 1... .....- • ......-ztZL:-••::.. - - • :.,.....-- 2.7-•.. - - YA-,4tv, •xk ;v2,11,1,1111 114EYVE ALI. &DT RANCoATs AND Tliek/la Too LAT.:1 To Blzsl& -mem To scHoot.! 176' NT 14204Ess, Det.taetIAT6 ARAN P. MAYHEM MEMORIAL EVAYIA,1 L.. 1 I 1 1 11 1 • ' I I We would tike at this time to say thank you to. all ”our friends and neighbours .for giving -US a very pleasant evening 'and to say thank you to all who helped to put it on., a very special thank ' you for all the lovely gifts we received. - Roy a-nd Geode El- liott, Florence, Bruce and Ross ERiott. .24-55x31 25. In Memeriam snotro - Tint ymg mem* of Robert John. Streit of Seer nal Mih ay thr4e,_ years ago Novendler..47th 1965. Though he suffx3r.e4 Mitch in ill„ " His spirit Aid AO; MOO the Pallt courage Vika Ole Very 4rill Goa put yoni• Minis iund thiM Keep him in your care Make up 102 all be suffered And all that seemed unfair. - Sadly Missed by his Pal Marie Bostart. '5r85i/ ,Additional Classified . SEE PAGE 12 - - Is VVISH A,PPET1TE 1t -IAD AN LIKE THAT} Be LPD1b, Rob. AR DECIDED To MAKP 11-tE AIR SPoll.ER Sb BIG TRE GOY 8E1-k1t0 CAN'T SEE PAST Mg, Ah -t4 TkRES SO WIDE Vie AIN'T GaoN1 -to Go .13•1" As Al.r4mAy! .asSEcTING 1145 AFFLueNT SocisTi. No ONE 01 THE .gcrs 114AT CoMEll HMS SVER atVkRs AN UNDEISHIPT AN Mom tE'T11-IFIVE6•0T DRA‘NeRs PJLL 05 'EM AT HOME! &NES -MEM AN It.t.OsioN OF iNbE5gN0ENce • FROM PAC2E4TAL CoobLING1 Do 1 Ttzt •Tolf.Acki YoUP1415. ED 114614 PLEASG DC)141 &NE ME 'MS OsYniot.obisT BIT!