HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-28, Page 4•.1 t!AP110114-11XPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT." NO 28 28, 1868: .4. A.. ST. COLUMBAN P.T.A. TURKEY BINGO Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 9 o'cclock ST. COLUMBAN HALL 15 Regular Games 1Y Three $20 Specials 10 Door Prizes Extra Cards 25c r•-• 7 for $1.00 WANT ADS BRINC'QUICH RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 1,4 fo, TUESDAY DECEMBER 3 LiEGiaN HALL, SEAFORTH 8:30 o'clock 15 Regular Games 3 Specials Sponsored by Legion Ladies' Auxiliary 4.40 ; , • .4' • CHRISTMAS BAZAAR and POINSETTIA TEA St. James' C.W.L. Saturday, November 30, 1968 from 3 to 5 p.m. AT ST. 'JAMES' AUDITORIUM Draw for Cash Prizes, Christmas Cake Homebaking, Candy, Sewing, Mystery Prize, White Elephant EVERYONE WELCOME PA TtlEATRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE ..... ..._ First Run Movies In Air -Conditioned Comfort Entertainment Is Our Business 1111.0110MPOLICSfords Wafter and , itil II are The 1 I i 1 i 1 THREE MORE DAYS THURS., FRI., SAT. November 28-29-30 . Shows at 7.30 and 9.20 p.m. 1 SATURDAY, NOV. 30 MATINEE 0, if• . hi There,. II Yogi Bear - A and ' "Man Called Flintstone11 Showtime: 2.00 p.m. Admission. 35c mor !7.0.07 WM. .7 0 'new 9 ,./. i..., ...1.; • . .4 4 -, , ,., , . - 7 .1! • f; ,.. v ......„:„.....,...., ..„..,,,,,,,,,,,, tottearnatt:ear-tateteutatete MON.. TUES. December 2 and 3 4 BIG DAYS ••••• Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sot. December 4-5-6-7 'he 'Paper Lisa . is about ta get.Creamed! 1.9,1 . , , A A , , „:.:„.• Je' 411"1 ..,, • Stuart Millarrmesente PAUPER LION" Alger Aida TeChnieolOrabilmladArliste Shenara at IA end 920 P.tei. PARENTS: BECAUSE OF CERTAIN REVEALING SCENES...WE SUGGEST LY YOU SEE "HELGA" FIRST! Fl"Th"--c-6"1-ga .Copoffit.. • , iill pliewmAtimgre„7--.,,i,, (Adult igntertainment) I Shout .at 7.30 Mtd 9.20 p.m; 4L, ssess Western Ontario dairymen were advised Tuesday night to re -assess their feeding programs to ensure they are obtaining the potential milk production bred into their animals. , James MacDonald, director of the Centralia College of Agri- cultural Technology, told a meeting of the Huron County Holstein Breeders Association at Blyth that 12 -month stored feeding systems will gradually take over as quality grazing land becomes scarce in the re- gion. He a1d it will become a lux- ury 4r farmers to allow their cattle o graze, but added the year-round stored feeding pro- gram would have the advantage of more uniform quality feed- ing throughout the year. McKillop Federation of Agriculture , Annual Meeting and Turkey Banquet Cavan Church Winthrop Tues., Dec. 3rd Arthur Bolton will show slides of his recent overseas trip Please contact your line direct- or for tickets. Gordon Blanchard, President Alvin Dodds, Secretary CASH - BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth 8:15 p.m. Friday, Nov. 29th 15 Regular GOITMIS for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prises (Children under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 Rcrod Canadian Legion Auspices Sealer* Branch 156 Proceeds for Welfare Wort din &Maid Watson Of RR 4, Clin- ton, was elected president of the group, succeeding Allister Broadfoot of lilt 8, Seaforth. Other officers: Vice-presidents, Widliani Clutton, RR 5, Goile- rich and Fred Vodden, RR 1, Clinton; secretary -treasurer Ross Trewartha, RR 4, Clinton. Hume Clutton of RR 5, Gode- rich, was presented with a cer- tificate pf recognition for 25 years' service as association sec- retary. The presentation was made by Ross Marshall of Kirk - ton, an association member and director of the national organ- ization. The shapely stenographer shocked the office staff one morning by passing out cigars to the men and candy to the. girls. Flashing a huge diamond ring she said: ."It's a boy, six feet tall, 26 years old, and 185 pounds!" Housewife to a neighbor: "I have the most marvelous recipe for goulash — all I have to do is mention it to my husband and he says, 'Let's eat out.' " RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor . (nee Dale Beuerman) Seaforth Community Centre Friday, Nov. 29th Everyone Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch Music by the Royalaires Stratford Anglican Theatre Guild Presents The Christmas Story in the Festival Theatre - Stratford on Sun., Dec. 1st 1968 at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. No tickets needed Collection Don't mis syour opportunity to hear the popular Final Week for THONIPSON TRIO Starting Monday—The Burney Early Show at QUEEN'S, HOTEL Seaforth .44•11140.4•10/4...../(01141.6414111.4.444......../.1ft./.11.44.4W SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY presents "THE MOVEMENT" At SEAFORTH ARENA SATURDAY NOV. 30th 4 9:00 — 12:00 DRESS — CASUAL ADMISSION $1.00 • • J. ••••1 •-•1 • -4 - • 4 ••-.4 .4 ,4 1•4 t 't ING0 A uRS FRIENDSLTO MEET . . . t:enny, who is from Kitchener, Ontario, spent three months at THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN this year undergoing tests and treat- nent. Doctors discovered he has steatorrhea, difficulty in absorbing lats. The three yepr-old returns to the Hospital for out-patient visits und sees some of the many friebds he made while in Hospital — like Sealy Packham of the Physiotherapy Department. The Hospital gives almost 118,000 out-patient treatments a year. YOU can help the Hospi- tal and the children who come there for help. Support the annual Christmas campaign by sending your donation to: THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, 555 UNIVERSITY AVE., TORONTO 2, ONTARIO. tor 641 NI know I 'turned out all the lights and locked the doors . . but I think I kft the tooth brush running!" , SHOWER for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garrett (nee Shirley Vock) Friday, Nov. 29th Brodhagen Community Centre Ladies Please Bring Lunch ....r......•••••••••••••••••••••••.;. EUCHRE C.O.F. Hall, Constance Friday, Nov. 29th ADMISSION: 50 CENTS Ladies please bring lunch ao00.4savememolaverova.•evovs..444,0vavvaromviami Huron County Junior Farmers' Dance November 30th Seaforth, Legion gall' The Ranch Boys Tickets available from any Junior Farmer Member ' taaroormvomo............assowaveadomova.....11...."•• SPONSORED BY K of C SEAFORTH and DISTRICT • • th SEAFORTFI LEGION HALL 8:30 P.M. — 15 GAMES — 5SPECIALS 4 ADMISSION: $1.00 Bk. Cards 25c, 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00 • t •••. ?v.:4 •?;.?"rr- , ` VVILLIAN), (T'oraii) BOW- DIDGE who recently receiv- ed _a $200 scholarship it Mohawk College, Hamilton. He is a great-grandson of the ; late..Mr. and Mrs. John Pink- ney, Goderich St., Seaforth. First hunter: "It's getting awfully late and we hayen't hit a thing yet." Second hunter: "Let's miss two more apiece and then go home." `and DANCE .RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. James Smith (nee Gail Wellington) Zuricli Community Centre Sat, Nov. 30th Everyone Welcome • • RECEPTION DUBLIN CWL „_ DAIICE for Mr. d Mrs Jack Dearing (nee Mauritian GrOule) Friday, Dec. 6th Staffainall 9:oo Carl Hohner's Orchestre Ladies Maio Bring Lunch 100•441•00.4.44,404,44.4.14r.arRosfs/".1..44A.A..04/ ,•„, Fridayr Nov. 29th 9 to St. Patrick? Parish Hall Lunch -- Tickets 51.25 each Door prizes — Dance prizes Music by Royce Rhell orchestra ‘:&.4 ,4•,..4 7".4 •••• , NEW YEAR'S 'EVE k, k, t ; t 7, t t . „ •• THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL PARTY With Elgin Fischer and his Trio ' playing for your enjoyment FROM 9 TO ?? Noisemakers — Hats — Balloons Tasty Chicken Wing Snacks ALL TABLES RESERVED To'Reserve Your Table CALL 527-0980 5: , r-: r- r- r r- r • - • • 'ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY — The Lamplighters SATURDAY — "Elgin Fisher" In the Ladies' and Escorts'- Room Enjoy a Sing -A -Long with PEARL at the Hammond Organ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COLORED TV BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS Tasty Chicken Wings COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth SEAFORTH AREN THURSDAY — Hockey„ Seaforth Beavers vs. Acton, 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY — Skating, 8 to 10 SATURDAY — Morning, Midget, Bantam and Peewee Practice; Afternoon, Skating 24:30 p.m.; Night, Skating, 8 to 10 p.m. OHA INTERMEDIATE "B" HOCKEY First Opening Game THURS., NOV. 28 ACTON AT SEAFORTH SEAFORTH ARENA 8:30 p.m. Admission: Adults 75c Students 50c Children 25c J" ; 1‘. 4 g. r1,7 Two Dozen r:t• A WHITE ELEPHANTS - - - - Absolutely Free We put them in First Church , a long time ago hoping they would be used. But they sit there week after week, lonely and unattended'. We were wondering if you would like the use of one? You'd be more than welcome to do s�. . By the way . . . these White Elephants are unused, unoccupied • pews. They are for your use Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. .••• '0. • •••• 4 4. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CH.URCH SE/WORTH ' -• 7v. "41? ^v, t r •"/' 4. "of ",4 •••• 4 "4,1 , 71 '4 mr_Nmv.