HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-21, Page 21\
AII-Ontario ChamplactnE5 of I%67 Season
as., our carfollovir....theie- rules
by the Ontario Department of Transport
On pcked snow or Ice, stari land
shift car gently, in second gear. Turn
',wheels Straight ahead to ease starting.
When you are stick in snow, shut in
lei gear and move slowly forward as
tales possible and then shift to reverse.
Repeat rocking action until your car is
fret "
Keep windows and windshield clear of
snow, ice and slush. Lower back windows
sightly toventilate and to keep the inside
Oassfrom foggingmitern on headlights
" *deg daytime slow storms to help
digs see Ps. Falling now reduces
• wisiRity sag snowbanks cas conceal
Naiveties, intersections. pedestrians
Keep a check on the slipperiness of ice
end stiovond adjust yourspeed accord.'
Ingly. Test the surface of the road
regularly with a single brake or acceler-
ator applidation, to find olit how easill
Rh eels ilido "or spia.
Keep well hack of the vehicle ahead so
that you will have plenty of room to stop.
Drive at slower than normal spaids. It
bkes three to twelve times more dist
tali° to stop on snow and ice than ea
dry pavement.
Anticipate braking situations and start
slowing down well before you reach a
bun, an intersection oethe crest'of a
idIL Slowdown to a safe speed to avoid
a front end skid it, a biles rear end skit
en a curter slidingint0 an Intersect's',
or tobogganing dovm a kill oat of rani&
Pump your brakes to prevent the -wheels
from locking and skidding on ice or
slippery snow. Pumping is a quick appli-
cation of the brakes followed IMMO-
diately by full.release. This gives
alternate intervals of maximum braking
effect and steering control While the
wheels are rolling.
Contributed in the interests 0 Pithlic SafetY
....For- New-
SeafOrth three -time Ontario
Champion Beavers are under -
on another. promising sea-
son in the OHA Intermediate
"A" hockey league.
-Most of last years players have
returned with the exCePhon of
Ray Henderson: Only one new
'player has been added, Jerry
CeePer, who is OlaYint goal -
Ole new exp,anded 011A, lgag,
ife, contains ten teltAIA ,tige Yen
divided into to diviSiona-
tlie Western DiVision are: Sea -
faith, Elmira, Durham, Lucan
and Port Elgin. • Georgetown,
Acton, Fergus, Hespeler and
Cheltenham coMprise the East-
ern Division.
The Beavers play an inter-
locking schedule, playing each
team in the Eastern Division in
a home and home series.
Old Rivals Back
The Durham Huskies "are back
this year ,with the same power-
ful team that ousted the Beav-
ers in the Group Final's last
year. Bob Hetherington, who
played for Durham in the play-
offs last year has joined that
squad permanently this year. He
was with the Hespler Mic Macs
k. previously.
The Lucan-Ilderton Combines,
a strong contender for the lea-
gue title t couple of years ago
4 are ,also back into the league. A
number :of former Junior B
players from St. Marys and a
, couple of Senior A players from
the Woodstock Athletics have
added a lot of power to their
They have been practising
and playing exhibition games
for six weeks, so they'll be tough
Port Elgin remains in the
league as a 'C' team and does*
enter the league playoffs.
Elmira is a new entry in the
league and could be a strong
Eastern Division
Hespler, Acton and Fergus
should all benefit by picking up
a few Senior 'A' players from
the Guelph team which folded
this year. Cheltenham is play-
.ing Intermediate 'B' this year
after several successful seasons
in 'C' grouping. They played in
this league la4st year but only as
a 'C' team. Georgetown is a new
entry this year but should be
strong. Junior hockey has been
popular there for a few years.
Seaforth Line Up
This years line up- includes:
Gar Baker and Jerry Cooper in
goal; Ray Anstett, Don Morton,
Ed Dolmage and Jim Dick on
defense, and forwards, Ken
Doig, Jack McILwain, Bill M.cI-
aughlin, Tom Dick, Bob Beutten-
miller, Larry Dale, Wayne Rau,
Paul Rau, Bob Doig, Jim Sills,
Frank Hagan and Jim Collins,
Jim Dick is this y6ars coach
and Ron Erriscoll returns as
Seaforth Beavers won their
t hi rd Ontario' Intermediate
Hockey championship in three.
Years in 1967 when they de-
feated Uxbridge. Beginning of
the 1968-69 season recalls events
of that night when ft didn't take
long, finee the team arrived
back in town, to let the pUblic
Wow what had happened.
The arrival of the Beavers
shortly before 3 a.m. set in mo-.
tion a long line Of dug which
paraded along Seaforth Streets
with horns blowirii. A fire
truck Provided transportation
for the players and led_the pro-
cessia. The din of car horns
was punctuated at intenials by
the fire siren which emphasiz-
ed the victory.
The win meant that Seaforth's
naink was inscribed on the trop-
hy for ,a record fourth time. In
1941 the Beavers captured their
first Ontario championship, fol-
lowed by the first of the present
series in 1965,
Smile of the Week
"Well, Doc" asked the appli-
cant for an instrance. policy,
"how do I stand?"
"I don't know," replied the
Doctor, "It's a miracle,"
• One expectant mother to an-
other While discussing doctors'
pet answers, "Well, at least in
our case, they cant'say 'It's ail
in your mind.."
n a Row Meant Celebration'
Nov. 28—Acton at Seaforth
29—Hespeler at Fergus.
Dec. 1—Durham at Hespeler
3—Lucan at Cheltenham
4—Seaforth at Lucan
4—Elmira at port 'Elgin
4—Acton at Georgetown
5—Fergus at Seaforth
6—Cheltenham at Fergus
6--Hespeler at Acton
6. -Port Elgin at'Georgetown
(I—Luean a,t Durham
10—Acton at Cheltenham
11—Acton at Lucan —
11—Seaforth at Port Elgin
12—Ge'orgetown at Seaforth -
13—Hespeler at Georgetown
13—Lucan at Fergus
, 13—Port Elgin at Durham
13—Acton at Elmira
14—Elmira at Acton
14—Port Elgin at Hespeler
15.—Hespe1er at Durham
17—Seaforth at Cheltenham
17—Fergus at Lucan
18—Acton at Port Elgin
19—Port Elgin at Seaforth
20—Cheltenham at Georgetown
20—Durham at Acton
20—Fergus at Elmira ,
22—Elmira at Hespeler
23—Lucan at Seaforth
23—Elmira at Port Elgin
27—Durham at Fergus
27—Port Elgin at Elmira'
30-=Che1tenham at Fergus
30—Seaforth at Laan
Jan: 3—Port Elgin at Acton
3—Hespeler at Fergus
3—Georgetown at Elmria
• 3—Seaforth at Durham
5—Acton at Hespeler
7—Hespeler at Cheltenham
7—Elmira at Fergus
7—Durham at Linen
8—Georgetown at Port Elgin
9—Hespeler at Seaforth •
10—Hespeler at Elmira
10—Fergus at Georgetown
10—Cheltenham at Acton
11--Lucan at Hespeler
12—Georgetown at Durham
14—Hespeler at Lucan •
14—Fergus at Cheltenham
14—t1nira at Durham
15—Hespeler at Port Elgin
16—Cheltenham at Seaforth
17—Seaforth at Georgetown -
17—Durham at Elmira
18—Seaforth at Hespeler
19-1Cheltenham at Durham
19—Lucan at Elmira
22—Cheltenham at Lucan
22—Fergus at Port Elgin
23—Durham at Seaforth
2.4—Cheltenham at Port Elgin
2.1---C-wonetown at Acton
25—Che1tenhalnat Hespeler
26—Lucan at Elmira
28—Acton at Cheltenham
9—Durham at Lucan
30--E1rnira at Seaforth
-31—Fergus at Georgetown
31—Pert Elgin at Durham
Feb. 1—Fergus at Acton
4—Fergus at Cheltenham
4—Elmira at Luvn
5'—Lucan at Port Elgin
*7—Hespeler at Georgetown
7—Lucan at Durham
7.--,Seaforth at Elmira
7—Fergus at Acton
9—Georgetown at Hespeler
11—Port Elgin at 1..4uean
II—Durham at Seaforth
11—Georgetown at Cheltenham
12—Durham at Port Elgin
14—Cheltenham at Georgetown
14—Fergus at Durham
14—Se4orth at Acton
15—Fergus at Hespeler
18—Hespeler at Cheltenham
19—Seaforth at Port Elgin
19—Acton at Georgetown
21—Seaforth at Durham
21—Elmira at Georgetown
22—Cheltenham at Acton
22—Sdaforth at Elmira.,
22—Georgetown at Hespeler
.25—Elmira at Cheltenham
25—Port Elgin at Seaforth
25—Georgetown at Lucan
26—Lucan at Seaforth
26—Georgetown at Fergus
27—Fergus at Hespeler
28—Lucan at Georgetown •
28—Cheltenham at Elmira
28—Durham at Port Elgin
28—Seaforth at Fergus
28—Hespelef a Acton