HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-14, Page 10HOnOn ExPosriroPi, 01.1091004. 4414 ii40. 2-Cempersliel l00110.4 3.0011011 443111/4 ' X , 22M,vs IPIISX4 X3f44 *IN +13.01d664' ' Padifikl 104-14XletitT 37-10010, , 2,-E4lahl fish , 20 -At nutt piece . 31 -Detest • 33:Teuto01CfblilY . 30 -Mere recent 37 -Army of Um United States (abbr.) 38 -Bound 30-A qualm• ! • 31-Cyprinold fish 32 -Forces *0 0* tracks 34 -Physician (abbr.) 35 -Falsifier 37 -Slave 38 -Toll 39 -Shoe botkuns 41 -Faroe Islands whirlwind 42 -German titki 13 -Conductor. stick 05 -Title id respect 06 -Earthquake /1!,§-Tinl. % knit!, I 1 -Ventilate . 16 2 -Lowest pike4 -Ordinance 5 -Likely -Choice pan 7 -Compass whit ROM itUPPonneet pet +IWO' 6-PreoulS 6 -Pahl edict 7 -Pulverize 11-Gld's imme 9-Tendous 10 -Torrid 1444204 beteg 11-Eneiny , illaRegioes° 20 -Treachery 21-nalle 22-Pertelniog to hearing 234reland 26 -Sea duck 26 -More unusual 28 -Symbol for tellurium • Ji J!3tJI]J UMO taw ominz MUO ECAUMM r..t'AIVJEA • MUN MEW mita m MEM SMO MOUE LID mum -man' MUEjD MUU Ni10 MP -MEM MP QUM 7GLIMU Enmowe EUMEMM MSU EOMOM MUN OW M MOMS 0100. 29 -Ent 32 -Fantasy 33 -French &Mc! 36 -Man's nar 38 -Ruler 40 -Rock 42 -Strike 44 -Spoken SOLUTION 45 -Certain 45 -Chinese pagoda 47 -Tear 48-Sultahle 49 -Ethiopian tWa 50 -Female sheep 53 -Roman gods 11111111F:Iii al al10 II 111 1111 IMMO 111 111 III 1111 Ilia NEM V;* :g• • • • 0411111114V /111.11 •ON!.. Xt..: *NU =Nom= I I ;.:1.411, t;:it;t: IIIIII WWI Mal IN M 1111 111gia IliiIillii11111111111116111111g 1111 ElMI '••••• UN MN IBM •:.:*; X::: MIN MI III MI iiiiilli111111M411111111116150 6111MM II II ill II 6111111Eg 6111111111111 NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of Separate School supporters for representation on the Huron County Board of Education will be held in the • Hay Township Hall ZURICH, ONTARIO *MONDAY, NOV. 18, 1968 between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. (E.S.T.) Nominees must be a Separate School supporter.and may be from any municipality within the County of Huron. (One Representative to be elected) W. C. HORNER, Clerk, Hay Township y- e4inas. M htter st co..r.schbroftor Bethegla Missionarr. Temple was the settjux ekooseg 10, 1968, at 1 pap., when Beth tar, en Schroeder, daughter Of Xr,. Karl Schroeder 'and the late Mrs. Marvory Schroder, finch - ester, Michigan, became the bride of Gayle Wayne Cooper,• Kipper% son of Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper, Kippen. The Rev. James L. Beall officiated at the ceremony. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. She chose a sheath cage styled gown of sat- in under crocheted lace, accen- ted With daisies. At the back, it fell into a cathedral train. She carried a white orchid and white sweetheart roses with touches of purple star flowers and baby's breath 'letting strea- mers of love knots. Faith Dikin, Detroit, Michigan was maid of. honor. The brides- maids were Pamela Jacota, De- troit, Michigan and Naomi Hawn of Monroeville, Pennsyl- vania. They wore empire waist- ed gowns of deep purple velvet with scooped neckjine and puf- fed sleeves. Violet colored flow- ers and pearls adorned the sleeves. Floor -length veils for- med the headpieCes. Anne Lind- sy, Detroit, was the flowergirl. Garry Ivan Cooper of Wind- sor was best man and -the guests were ushered by Clayton Mur- • tay C.000r ,'MPPern- Pa*- froxa ,A,.04).19V40 111/r°42141t11:17:11111410Pr":.Mieci.9:441014.irolti:zoo: onr. .P544 - 44ttet!.. *t:Yer re4Pg$1,', 090 4LJ,W. 41 bre fen, y 144lebigeni. Waa the viogbeerer: Igneb,e04 lomoetl- lately following the/ „ceremony _Pertnies. -PintOMOD1,- For a YwodkliXW trilk to Cape Code, the • bride woke a coat rlreOs 9.f Rale pink. silk peau de soie pear grey .neessories. +tin ;their return. they will re- side in. Clinton. Guests were present from. • Seaforth, KiPPen, Ailsa Craig, Parkhill and. London. Stephenson -Roney Autumn colored gladioli and mums, with- fern were the set- ting for the marriage -ceremony of iss 'Joan Dianne Roney and Keith Douglas 'Stephenson Maio Street United Church, Mit- chell. Rev. D. T. Sloan. 'officiat- ed. „ Miss Mary Anne Fisher, Lis- tmvel, was soloist accompanied by the organist' Mr. - • Charles Roney, BE' 2, Dublin'. The bride is a- daughter- of Mr. and Pos.. RUssell'O. 'Roney, RR 3, Mitchell. mot. the- bride- groom is a son of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Stephenson, RR, 1, Varna. . • The bride was given away by her father. Her 4.-line,gewn .was of hand cut Chantilly lace styl- ed with a chapel train falling DEAR DORIS advice from Doris Clark NUDES IN MATH CLASS DEAR DORIS — I sit in thei study' .hail and , as soon As a, girl walks, :in the boys stare and smirk and make little nei marks. The boys in our section!! were drawing nude women hi math class and I said, "Yon dirty pigs!". I fat like sreadil Mg them. If a girl) ever gots in tasouble .t. they suffer — not , the —4 boys. 4. girl gets g bad repute - tion but a boy is then thought of as a lover, real mans, ete.r Disgusting. Pm not going to let any, old! boy touch me until rut married: . . I occasionally get a• crush on a boy and then suddenly .I hatel him, and it makes me ill! , Manhater4 DEAR MANHATER — Be lieve it or not, moat beys and men are quite nice, when yon get to know them; And that'd the secret: you have te get to know them! Teen years help you sort 'things -out;-- and - while you are geing threugh fits about pigs) and b ! ., the boys are cow adls ping with soaneipmetty. strong feelings a out girls. The trick. is to take it easy; read what you can, notice, what you can about the. opposite sex: II 'Old onto your feelings,/ whether desperate or delicious and learn to be a 6ociablet) • 'poised butterfly; giving smiles; friendliness, .ibuit° never letting! youriself become cheap. There's a man in your future. Gave him a chance to discover You, DEAR DORIS IL' I had the shock of mx. life viten, my daughter told!. me not to drop in on them any more. After all; I am her father antd we have been very .elose. I even helped her husband to get through college when they first man riled. . She says when they are so busy and tired 'they just can't stand the idea of unexpected company, even me. al do .any• thing. for her and her kids and she knows it. I oan come when they ask me, she says. But that'S not the point I guess' I'm just not needed any more, I am a widower and live alone. Cut To The Quick DEAR CUT — I'm sorry. It ti not easy- to take a back seat. You ate used to being the guy at the wheel. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Notice of First Posting Voters' List' 1968 Notice is hereby given. that -I have com- plied with Section 9. of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up -in my Office at Lot 27, Concession 10,- in the Township of Hullett, on the 31st day a October, 1968, the list of all • persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list re- mains there for inspection. • I hereby call on all Voters to take imme- diate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to Law; The last day for a,ppeal being the'14th Day of Novem- ber, 1968. CLARE VINCENT, Clerk -Treasurer, Box 293, Londesboro,'Ontario D SW6iiii Ts Clearance of Summer Tires. Snow Tire Specials We'll Cusionv Stydy Your SnOw _ Tires Wide Ovals • " •Set Regular & Winter • Tread Re -Treads -Here. Speduis On Sports Red Eines WE REPRESENT 10 MAJOR TIRE COMPANIES, TO GET ,TM BRAND YOU WANT AT DISCOUNT PRICES jult "GRE:ArSAVING ON ANTI -FREEZE AND BATTERIES • !HAUGH BROS. . on. Milo East of BrOcefloki EIRILICEFIELO, ONTARIO - - Phone .527-0927 Phone $11-0921 . ,...• - • Seaforth Better :lie glad your young people are paddling their own canoe. ' And start to paddle yours — it some new exciting waters. I'll wager a dollar there's a second career for • you some- where, once you look for it. Your .daughter WarYtis you for a visitor; but she has a right to call the tune. Don't 'nurse your „hurt. Do icimething. To Odd -Time Workirr — Canada Manpower telLs me jobs are often ,availiable for women and men who sire Willing to work part time at odd hours. Thane is sales work in even- ings and on weekends; tes- tament work in kitchen or waiting on tables aver busy 'lunch hours and ton- evening .shifita. Office workers who can type shOuld register with a irm whieh supplies emengerucy 'office hap. And if you don't get any- where with theme' Ideas, write in -for atty 1O -cent leaflet `Tart Time Work ab Roane or in Community". Anyone , with Tour zip eon work something out to find the trtOney fOr few frills to, Holing. Confidential to Sister-in-law Better 'bring your husband %to Ibis- Cousins get IMMO- on able privileges arid Wheat thiey aren't well-balanced, &is, .0.1Ster mot threaten: 1113 at 16, is ,boo immature to :han- dle this enscru,pulons relative of 20 yentrs. I'm betting slhe is afraid of the situation herself and will hes relieved if someone steps Teeinagens often, ,erY out for discipline while • seeming to sewn it, so stiek to your gam. To Church Drama, Group — You can get Wonderful ideas for plays by writing to • the Re- ligion a n.d Theatre Council 1104 Bay, Street, Toronto 5 Canada'. For a membership of $5 a year you are also entitled - to borrow any of their plays, either" singly or in sets, for , She Parried bong*, of vuhit 11 01 /IS:407444d lb"raggedy17$ The bride's,' attendants wore autumn gowns ..of burnt orange chiffon over taffeta. Embroid- ery trimming emphasised the edged the long awuafitatrsilneee sleeve. They carried arm baskets of large yellow and bronze mums accented by autumn leaves and a large brandy bow. The maid of honor was Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson, Clinton, sister-in-law Of the bridegroom. 13ridesmaids were Miss Faye Roney, RR 3, Mitchell, sister of the bride, Miss Ann Stephenson, Landoll, sister of the bridegroom and Miss Marjorie Anne Bartja, RR 3, Monkton. • Tl p ring bearer was Paul Stephenson, Clinton. Best man was Kenneth Stephenson, Clin- ton, brother of the bridegroom and ushers were Leroy- Mork - Turner. malii James ConsM Hobert A honeymoon was Spent in the 'United States and Western provinces. The couple are residing at RR 1, Varna, HIBBERT COUNCIL ' By -Law, Which has been ap- proved by the Municipal Board, for raising the 'sum $150,000, to aid in the construction of tile, stone or tiniber drains, was passed by Hibbert Township Council at their November meet- ing and the Clerk authorized to proceed with the advertising of the B31 --Law according to the Tile Drainage Act. The report on the Hamilton Drainage Works was.,read and adopted and the Murphy Drain- age Works was referred back to the Engineer for further chang- es. The treasurer reported that the final instalment of the 1968 unconditional grant had been received in the amount of $4042.50, making a total receiv- ed of $8085.00 for the year. Hibbert Township Council will attend -the Perth Municipal An- nual meeting to be held in Mit- chell, November 20th. Road accounts of $6298.70 and general accounts of $7453.96, in- cluding two tile drainage loans, were ordered Paid. , • At,OO)5....PUL,S.4,04 .and Mrs. Allan Schneider. • IV4t. fnd Mrs. Voi4aW. WOUO b4niod.)40rYaSni'ttic;:,444.0.. 47e:4'iti!li!xiterg Wtaitirh:. ern Wolfe. Questa • of Mr. Mrs. ROb- ert Gilbert following tita bap- tismal servlOO: of their daughter Colleen Gloria,. worp.. Rev.' and Mrs. Harold mrill, Conestoga, Mr. and Mrs,Keith Gilbert, Brit- ton, Mr- and Mrs. !John Gilbert; Milverton, Mr. and Mrs.- Waiter lquegge and Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klebe.r, Brodhagen, Ken Gilbert, -.Linda McCreitht, Atwood and*Rev. II. Loosing. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Benne- wies visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cart Mikel, RR 2, Mitchell, on Sunday. - Mr. and „ ..X.r& Murray Arm- strong andi fathily, Grand Bend visited Sunday with Mr, and, Mrs., WM. Brawn, Mr.. Clifford Marks and Mrs. Betty Pennington called on Mrs. LloyikPfelfern IVLondaY after, neon; , • , . 1NNI5SE1.. GROUP 111 ,okiciloato Amid sjcanam • PaXtolt•PANDscAC' PENsIONv RePreSentina- un Life Asauvance Company • of.,(111.404 TELEPHONE 5A74:1410 117 40pERICH ST, EAST SEAOORTH • SEAR:MTH MONUMENT WORKS Ali Types of • CEMETERY • IVIEMORIAI4 OPEN,' DAILY T. EXPEriritili21)31112cian4S4?Tillel'_-__13P11°.• C'LlileN'TN.QuillN'berS4111;,"9421 ',SRAF0t1-711: C•iii•*1 W1111•1:100;11• orroftwolowarrewayerar,aworonsmomreaorarekeiwwrrillerrolereirwoorreieee • MAIN STREET — SEAFORTH THE FORMER TAYLOR SHOE STORE SPECIALS STILL ON MEN'S OR LADIES' — SUITS laIRTS AND TROUSERS SDRESSE Reg. 1.35 • Reg. 145 $ 1E00 Citeg.OAL25 TS • SOO Rea, diETS ONE DAY SERVICE CASH and CARRY here Are Dividends Every Week In Expo -sitar Classified Ads a aforth Ontario See e great new cars from,Ford and Mercury for 1g69 right here. It's the best car show in tovvnl From Mercury, there' S Meteor, Marquis, , Marauder, Cougar, Montego and Cortina. • And there's,a full Choice of Ford cars, with Ford, Torino, Fairlsne, Mustang, Falcon and Thun,derbird, pltis a complete iin6.of Ford built trucks. Phone 5274140 This is the right'place to come for service, tbo. The staff of factory trained - registered service technicians are eager to Serve your needs. So Whether you're looking for a new, or used, car or truck, dependable service, • or convenient financing, visit thid dealer. He'll try a lot harder to make you" a little happier.