HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-14, Page 6- • . Lam. EVC�RE .- Orange ifall - Mon., Nov. 18th 8:30 psis Lends Served Everyone war.ome, Adenhanon 50c ONT., PDX 14 Iva Keen Interest (Continned ire". raze 2) Copies of the ber-Lew when passed by council, will he far - warded to eaen ratepayer and obieedons may be filed within 14 days: These otetectious, if any, accompany •the by -taw to the Ontario MnnicipaL litonrcl and will be eonsidered by the board at the same time as the byeaw .s censidered Saturday Night The Harburnm Hot Turkey Sandwich HURON ,HOTEL Dublin Seaforth Lions Chib -- STAG Friday, November 22, at 8 p.m. SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE DOSen Prizes Lunch TICKETS g1.00 EACH -ANNUM-DUBLIN PTA TURKEY BINGO at St. Yatrick's Parish Hall, Dublin - FRIDAY: NOVEMBER .22nd 8:30 p.m. 15 Regill'a' r Games 3 Sp'exial Games BONANZA - BAZAAR and TEA -A\ F. THOMAS' PARISH HALL Wednesday, November 20th 3 o'clock Will be opened by Bishop Appleyard Featuring Christmas "Cakes and Puddings, Mincetheat, Candy, Home Baking, Knitted .Wear, Aprons, Christmas Deco -rations, Var- iety Booth, Produce and Children's Treats. VP•04.441.00#4,4141,40000•44,0•00•4,0004.0.•••••••••••00044.44,0 • THEATRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE a IIPIPM44PM4PM4M*"PdPMAIPMIPMONP•dNPMAP4NNPMIOWWI THURS., FRI., SAT. -- Nov. 11-1S-16 Show Tinine 7:20 and 930 pen. ' ENNIMMI1.1111111111.r, THE ALL-NEVV AND MIDST EXCITING lfRUIE.UFE ElYstflatullYeld -GORDON 4 A•'/V svgaressontesent easassesse ss s anew nserseal ear bilkk . Ilk 1.111111111.111"VAr=insaValkimr" SATURDAY (Noy»16) MATINEE at 2430 p.m. Starting MON., NOV. le — For Six Days Neiouir* e hor4e, aff ar.r. And f4g3-4:0' CZadg rag! SatV:40 tQl bmzer them' en the aces•mon of then:, =is wedding =enemy ary. Pnnnnnes.rse- Egenin was plane • wit 4 the fe4ovit4;4 an wirzers.. LacEes kiiO4 �e en =ate? Lew, nfrn. ,paz, er= Vitet eel-. ugt,A, Harvey Cranes and nine Regis Satineem. Ars andre. Was rcit by Roy Wnlamesseet after winch eness were presented! by Bert Wii. arresen ant Harry Eneter. Lana was served bn the 1 fard with tus smare a 4 'daughter S.-alatz, Mr. ,e.nd Mrs. Glen Fran- er hir and 11en. David Freetins •ef Taranto vnetied caper the weekerd with Mr. and Mr. Dangles. Er.ITISS• Mr and lire: William IteCal- ltim of &ernes over the week- ereb with 3th- and Mrs. Sames Clark. - Miss Carrie Ruiyter of St:ate- ford sper.t a few dein with Mr. and Mrs, Ian an. Wei Little Darlene Gulutteu has retunted 'Itrene after being crest:reed to Seadoeth OstIMMIti- ty Hospital for a few weeka. - The -sight meeting of the Watito-e Cotton Cubes; was held - at the home of Met. Roy Win News of STAFFA Sundeny visitari with Mr. and Mrs. nehn Drake and Murray were Mr. and Mire Jen Marten and Douglas Wenewarth. Mrs. J. Drake, Mrs, J. McKee 'ear and Bin visited over the weekend witli Mrs, Peter led- ge:ors, Kiternerier. Carrnrow, Snewsn, Art •Sinine. ern) Bruee Armerenng • epet 'sleet weak Weenie no the French Rev ereessi Reiatwee friends and neigh - Wire led farwell to Hr. are Mns.. Gorden, Harearette, former rac;:idElles?.•• of • the cominmenen who non reside m Eneter at Skaffa 1fa n Friday everseres. Dancing was ereored went minew peer:de/I, br 'Mrs. Den .frb Hugb Noma Neon Howie and Fret Harburn W3dt Earl: DICIC fever ITEM1.04er. Rev. Bert Dayhard expreesed the• feelin., of rill with replies from 36-. and Mite. Heergerni. Miss Heather Daynard, West- ern LAtiversity and Mrs.. Teerry Dayetard, Kentucky U.S.A. visit- ed aver the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Dnyuard. lfr. •Frank Miller was- home fram Westminister Haspited for the weekend 'with his Bab Templeman, Guelph Uni- vereity spent the weekend with his family. Seaforth 14.00.0i0P, gr4. wooled' witP. ate, 4fC pl.."..0;‘-"t pot 01:49.14t, Ittp* Pie= read the mo- cetaus rerdart.We..T.-ve members =were :therntl aa with thn nwis neaderne linces Ger- tnnfninn andlnihn. Joy via - Nit • --4•4 Ren4 wap,.berd Stub - day ruorr. .with fifty one Members pent Cathy Meth - =aid cp..ened the r=ing and hymn 598 was eung. The: E.Crip- etEre and preen were twerp by Fleeter MeDoreld ant See. Bennett. • A etene "The White Gift • Legend' was told by Mrs. Mertens Haekweln. The white gifts were then larcuat for. word. Secretary's and treasurers reports were read by Clayton. Fraser and Janice Inonewton. 'late boxes ire to be brought to the DecemberseeUtnig. Hymn 603 was suing wnn Peggy Dennis playing the Mann Clasees were taken meter the leadership of Mtn. Mlan. Sholdice. Karen Comas, linm wur=1. Rne and Mrs. Merton Elackwett (Centinued front Page I) eer, Archibald. , Reeve Dalten, reporting for the public works emmittee, 02- tedett a "no mit" sign is be- ing placed- on West William:. Street„ also 'no parking' signs are to be ereetei on the went side- of ,West Williera Street. „. Reeve Dalton also informed COUTICil that the cest of repair- ing the grader was STan.92. Councillor Betty Capin° voic- ed an abjeetion to the• nomina- tion meeting for 1107011 County School Board being held during the afternoon, wleen it is im- possible for many people to attend because they are work- ing, She felt many people interest- ed in peeking the people run- ning for 'office are dew -lined of this opportunity beemise of the time element 010nuoallowillftemmilinftwoomir.0010100.....owaron.ft BAKE SALE EGMONDVILLE Mn Don 'Gentirtski of Flint Mich., was a weekend Visitor with Mr. and. Mrs. Isms Carter and family. • Mrs.. Robert Dalrymple, cele - rated her Inith birthday on Saturday, November nth. with members of her family. On Sun- day her granddaughter. Mrs. David Melnally entertained with other members of her family having birthdays in Noveniner who were: Mrs. Adeline, Skin - ally. Mrs. Jack Chappel and Miss Ruth Chappet. News of Crorna '0 LOCAL 5faeDon4d: and r(Pee Garneit.I124 *nein- ea word this week that they have passed their Reg. Nurses exams. Both girls are -gedakate5 of WoOditaelt School of nntraing, and anenrandIliatinhtere of Melei Z1(054 49iebre Yob= St, -Seas forth. Lt. Commander and Mrs. Rod Lenderi have returned to Sari Diego, Cale after vacationing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam 3nelfillan. Mr ad Mrs. 13111 McMillan of Detroit. 'visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan. Rev. in Ure and Mrs. Stewart attended the Workinan-Creek ss An C. 11.: Wilson Of Derron sesiMei an Saturiey with Mr- - Inecre. ' • Mew S. R. Jefferson spent a week wittt rein/sires-at node -en and Auburn. Mr. Ned Mime af. Limisar and Alec Scott, students at Guelph Unieennty. spent -lee week end ssetir nin snit Mrs. L Scott and 3.1rs• a Moore.sn Mien Sonew Scott; London end Mr. and Mei Daug Eyre and baby. St Thomni spent lie weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Gornart &nte and Frannoe Mrs. -T.. L Scott wag hostess for the November truseig at the Womemo Wes:name; .Somety af Crammer Insbyteries. se &re: - ch. Nth. • Sent !madded auk opeeed :he meeting arinn a Re.- rrienibr-Mim as'y pleiTt Ewen" the Glad Tidings. The swienufferg :ESSM1• nem the Study., Book. 'DeapWerisr' wren presented by Mrs. Sferene Dow, wenn Maw. Calder Ifelndig. Mrs Greee SST ri 3fies• Stissr sn- eering.. Mee T.L. Scat nd. isa • etev104115; Agtating' ri•13,4r1V were. given by the werretere and the thrresinsnt The roil ean 4eee tans stwered with a Bane •serse en "Venom." Mire. Inegents reports AA, 22 mrde and 4 ewes go sick. - The nsene was fly Nfre. Deefine ands eanti nuerther gawe current ever. The meeting nosed wen neinte erne enSve Pesee Clincienns4praner Suarkey• or?favirif.,r :T.i:A-,tqs with. Mr. 'and Ws. Gordon Scott end .Freneee Were. Sfir reel Mrs. Carter Kern -eke Brenda an Craig.Mir. anel Mira nen, leyeon (tired Miens* end 1.+Orn Sedie Scent • Name ,Eudire Winners Mrs. jean 'Henderson was hos- • Itess Friday night to the Bowlers euchre ,and bridge witherniees goIng to Mrs: Ida Close for • bridge and Mrs. Thelma Dale and • .for 'euchre, The president Miss ' Dorothy Parke read a letter of thank you from the men's club for the donation Oven them by the ladies? club, . The next party will be held \at Mrs, Jean Henderson's hota RUMMAGE SALE Seaforth Legion Hall Sat., Nov. 16th at 2 p.m. Under the auspices of the SEAFORTH .•LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY Everyone Welcome lollirsimitamooftwooftoomairoW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, iliittorIth ihis p.m. - Friday,. Nov. 15th 15 Rotolo, Clarnes-for 00.00 Thar* 62540 Pathos $75.00 Jackpot to go vonto wer lidos . (ChIldrsh undo*. 16 net parmlitsd) ADIUSIIM $1.00 bars Car& Zto or for $1.00 Rips% Cortorkors Won At!spices loafer* Brands UM Praesirds for Wolter* Work , , •• • WEDDING News of 110N Mr. and Mrs. August Elr.k- ElleYer, Mr:Nand We. Dove Eick- meyer, NM Charles Brook,. vieited with their sis- ter, urn re S. Xilepns and Mr. Aikens on. Sunday. Mr. Grant Pepper, Miss An- gi. De Luca, Bowmanville spent the weekend with Mr. and Lawrence Pacfrpr. andeaLsa had/ dinner with Mn and Mrs. Geon 'rge Pepper on Monday. Mn and Mrs. Harold &inn, Snillarton visited Sunday even- ing with Mrs. MMer N.B.ss Caroline P•grnir Vikted Thursday with her friend Patty Harris. . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ham- mon, Mr. and Mrs. .Norman Bushfield, Mrs. Rhea Jeffery were m zurich ens Sursdesy enebrated Mr. hannennine birth, clay. Mrs. Mabel. ,iniggersote Mr. Harry Proctor spent Saturday in Goderich criniting Mr. and . Nies. George Proctor. kiss R. Raney visited Time.. sday night with Miss Susan Ham, non. Mia. Bruce Gaul:knee Exeter ,".sited Saturday with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. James Station. Mr,. and Miss. Glen Pepper e -So have spent the past 12 de with their deuenter, Inns Cern. Carpenter and Mr. Carpenter ard bane. ennecoueer B.C. flew home to London on Thursday, event men ware met by nle. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and Wen - sir Mr. Howard Wright. Mitchell visited an Taesday with Mr. men Mrs, Ross Pepper., A loVely double ring wecidgng ceremony took place isaFimt .Presbyterian church Seaforth on Friday evening Nov,.. 1 1963 uniting in marriage Margaret Anne Fry slaughter of itv. D. 0, Fry and Mu. Fry Seaforth. and Peter Douglas Wilbee son of Mr. and Mrs. Timm Wilboe Seaforth, with the Rev. Cliff Britton, Seaforth officiating. The bride given in marriage by her parents, was attended bY 1r aster, WS May Jean Pry, and Miss Anne Wilbee sister of the groom "was brides- maid. Mr, Etude Wilbee wea,„ his brother,s groomsman. ' Fdlowing a reception at the honm of 'the bride, the ample 1,eft slit a abort honeyelooriv. They vat. rested.at 60 Shabley Street Kitebener, Rehabbed It take* but a monied to plate an Expositor Want Ad arid be money,,,tu poeket. To adverthe, just DW Seaforth 527-0/40. WINCHELSFA Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mrs. Ma- bel GUMMI and Barbara of Ew- er& visited on Monday wilir Wnt • Waiters and Mrs. Joint Coward. Yfrs Gearge Frayue..o,f q?Ais•- shine Line- and Mrs. Wm. Wal- ters visited fit Eketer an' Thur- sday witni Men Rey Cottle. Wm Wayne Prnnce heist -a Tupperwate dlluortatration, at her hnme an Wednesday even- ing put au by Mrs. Tompson of wedding fp New Lowell United Church On SaturdaY, Nov. 2:itd au st spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. A. Enggieboth.aus of Creemore Mir, and Mrs. Arnett Chanfe.Tn Goderieh spent last week with Ur, and Mrs. EarqI Jackneoe Mew, Alex Wright and firs. Rita Orr spent a,' few dayisa Mos.sTeY and SPrinnfierd- Mr. and Mrs. Edirizi J. Haw- kins af. London: spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. MacDonald: \Innate -nt Mr. and Mrs -Peter Kitchener, visited their parents - last weekend_ Mr. Leo, Hagan and family. at- tenned the funeral -of his broth- er-in-law, Daniel Dwyer of Kit- chener, on Monday. Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Williams of Mount Clements, Mich., were guests of Ur, and Mrs. M. Mc- Kellar, Goderieti St. West' forne few days. Mr. and Mrs. McKen lar and. Mrs. Margaret Taylor returneci with them for a week. They returned home ou Sander n night Mr. Armand Becioar af Gode- rich spent a week at the home eft Mrs. Theresa Maloney, recup- erating after a serious operation in Vide -win Easpital, Landon. Mrs. Arnold Westestt of Tor- onto, caned an Mr. Nelson West - (tett an Saturday. Legion Auxiliary Has Meeting The Seaforth Legion Ladies' Siiixiliary held their November meeting in the Legion Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 6, with the president, Raehael Walters pre- siding. There were 16 members present A turkey bingo win] be held on December 3rd in the Legion Hall, convened by Rachael Wal- ters and Caroline Muir. Also, a bake sale and a rummage sale ifl be held on Nov. 16 ill the • Legion nail The mystery prizes were won by Leona Huisser and Mary Chapple. It was decided to' pane/ the south • wall of the hall isa the near future and also to purchase juice glasses. Edith Jessome tdok the chair for the nomination and election of officers which are as follows: President, -Liz Brawn; first vice, Edith Jessome; second vice Olive Little; secretary, Mary Chapple; treasurer, Thelma Ctrombs; executive: Charlotte Wood, Caroline Muir, Edith Dun- lop, Barb Scott; Sgt. at arms, Ina MeGrath. The committees will be elected at the December meeting, Remember! It c.-ialFesfi‘..but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad gird be money in pOdr.et. Th advertise, just Dial Seaforth 42'7•0240. 3fitchelL , The Eliniville UCW was held, z RECEPTION on Wednesday evening at the The.progeame was con- vened by Mrs Phil Johns. Mrs Witt Routly. Guests for the afternoon were the ladies from Bra.emare Manor, Exeter. Mrs. Allen Johns spoke and s• • -ed pictures of the trip that she and Mrs. Verna dans of St. THomas enjoyed this past summer to the Maritime Provinces. Mrs.. Ross Skinner acqhmp- artied by Mac. Freeman Hoene fed in a sing song di:Hymns Arm Call was a Thanksgiving mesisage. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patter- son, Tensile and Linda.visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Geo- rge Froyne of Sunshine Line. Mrs. Tom Campbell is a pat- ient in St Joseph's Ilespftal, London. Nr. ad Mrs. David Hutton and boys of Listowel vfsited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Senfnrd Hutton, Dennis and Dianne. Mrs. Carl Payne and Mrs. Gery lideritt, Gregory of Hen- son visited on Tuesday with Mrs, John Coward. RECEPTION - ler Mr • and Mrs. Marvin Popper , Walton ' Community Hall Friday, Nov. i5th • Ian Wilbee's ,Ortheatra Everyone Welcome Ladles Please Bring ,Lunch ,for Mr, and Mrs, Donald M& Kercher eaforth Legion Hall Sat., Nov. 23rd :Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome RECEPTION for,Mr. 'and Mrs. Keith Steph- iinson, (nee. Joan Roney) :in the Zurich Community Centre Friday, Nov. 15th, Musk by Blow/tater Playboys Lunch will be provided Everyone Welcome 0""hoo'holl""`"1"10`1111 EUCHRE and Pot -Luck Supper St. Colnmban Parish -Tues., Nov. 19th 830 p.m. Sponsored by the CWL Admission 75e Coleman — Moylan Vansteelandt BENEFIT • DANCE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15th SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE everyone Welton's* , LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH Sponsored. by Seafortli Junior Farmers WANT, ADS WANT BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dip 527-0240 ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY pras•nts THE YOUNGER GENERATION At SEAFORTH ARENA ,! ' SATURDAY, NOV. 16th DRESS — CASUAL 9:00 — 1200 ADMISSION $1.00 ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY— "COUNTRY BOYS" SATURDAY — "Elgin Fisher" In this 1..sclies' and Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing -A -Long with PE -ARL at the Hammond Organ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COLORED TV BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS Tasty ClfiCkeni Wingic • 'SMORGASBORD SATURDAY, NOV., 16th 6 - 9 p.m. — $2.25 per. person --COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth, 00. 00 00.0 00 N•00, .410. 0.00 • .00 0. o Pa.", 401.000.1. SEAFORTH MINOR HOCKEY , D,ue to lack of interest in the last meet- ing called, .the minor, hockey organization in Beaforth has not re9rganized. As. a result, Seaforth teams are 'not entered as yet in the 0.M.H.A. If parents wish their boys to partici- pate in competition with other towns, it is imperative that as many as possible attend the next meeting. The meeting will be „held Monday, Nov- ember 18, at the Arena at 7:30 p.m. All per- sons interested in minor, hockey are asked to attend.. • HARRY scow, Chairman. FARM 'MANAGEMENT COURSE , 1968 - 69 "Principles of Decision Making" , Clinton, Board Room, Department of Agriculture and Food Commencing Monday, Nov. 25th, 1968 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 12 SESSION — 2 HOURS EACII Registrations should be mailed to Ontario De- partment of Agriculture and Food accompan- ied by a $5.00 registration fee by November ' 18th, 1968 — Farm wives are invited. This is not a/course on f`How to Farm". This course is conducted by Extension Branch, Ontarii.) Department of Agritulture and Food, Clinton — further details on inquiry. , Everett Biggs, Hon, W. A. Stewart, Deputy Minister Minister • „