HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-07, Page 7• • s, 4 • • : I • 1 • • • 1 • 4 *PER -16k • SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Safeda Orange Palcoe TEA BAGS, pkgs. of 60 zurrEHIgiVIgi:t d - 750 (deluxe) 2 19 -oz. pkgs. 750 Stokaley's Fancy Cream Stile GOLDEN .oRN Robin HOod Quick or INSTANT OATS 'Champion — Regular, Chicken DOG FOOD $t. mows Assorted JAMS, 9 -oz. jars Minnettes Best Choice Quality TOMATOES' Liquid JOY, 24 -oz. bottle 2 14 -oz. tins 370 lge. bag 730 Or Llier 3_15 -oz. tins •390 5 tor $ 5 19 -oz. tins $1 only 390 •• • PRODUCE Floirida • ORANGES, 125's Size 163's TANGELLOS 3 -lb. Bag- ' CARROTS I doz. 490 doz: 390 bag 19� FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON TREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone .527-0990 _ Free Delivery WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 f,ibeinOng `hafit2SP• tin** .00(at, gEF44.-P Eu1)40 •Iltfog,,14ogiiiab. 04404 Of...tet‘ fgidge ozta .PreseiSt *44 e '4,1hher V.ieree 'INtIS. Edi *-akrct.."Naezi; anclUrs. W. *az, of Wet- or.104;k *tat th we4g00 with Mr. and Mrs. *TorranceDim- des. • Mt Edwin C. Mier. of Detb- hiddito, Alhente -vdsitimg with Met end Mrnt, DoliglaS Ennis and his. 1n0t0er avits. F. H. Mier who it Confined Ito Seem% Communit' Heslaal. M. Howard Hadowell is at Present a patient in St. Mary's HospitaL Kt/tamer- 'after un- dergoing knee sunny. Mr. end Mrs, Roy William- son visited With Mr. and Mira George Hilbert and family, Ki&tott hit Saturday. A large crowd attended the reception n Waltmi Commun- ity Hall last Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mn. Mr. and Mrs.. David Murray end family of Melburne visiped on Sundey with Mrs. George Dundas. Mit mid Mrs. Way Weepier, Mrs. 3, H. Willow, T-4001clon -Were Sunday guests at the on of Mr. and Mrrs. Allan McCall. Recent visitors at; the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis included Mr. and Mrs. James Mawart and Miss Pauline Zoe - ea., Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald -Email% Steven and Lea- nne 04 Whitby. KIPPEN Ma.. Emerson kyle; returned home Sunday after being hos- pitalised 1 Sckuth Huron Hos- pital', Exeter. Miss Mary Thomson under- went surgery Tuesday in the Sick Children's Memorial Bois- ,Lendlon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneld-' •er and family of 'Stratford were recent visitors with Mr. linbext Ilhoanson. - Mrs. -Mani Hosts entbertadned Mrs. '` Gerdon ScrhwohntlIVIrs. Mrs. John Mckwen, Mrs. Gladys Coleman. of Hansen and Mins. N. Long Sunday at her Hess - 'Haven Cottage in the Pinery. Mr. Boehm Faber went to Throat° 1Vtondas1 with a load of Cattle. • 1VIr. F. W. Rowntree, Pene- tang returned home Saturday since spending a week with his sister Mrs. Long. "prok "olispory. • WI -YAM 01,4 -Cif 'Renter ..1:saidd. Chesney. 08, " Wildern Alatic 02, clied, Mont, olkft l'igozday, Istoveniher Wu in dap. 00tober'Xith jo.litootweg• SeafPrtii b.Cpnimindbf k1OPOltalo Hee** tellaVieg a ahertilleesa• mr"Elent Taelciennllt.h Born In Toekezsniiiii, TIP viPf *hip, he was the p041 of the • the son of the. late IlearY elle* 3C1‘;sasbd we. oosirpo,Blaek, and 11eY and. One Boyd. raz many .4tencrkir Trailways sr.hoo$ and years •iie had been assoe1ated Stlifortit colleglartg lostitute. with the ttkix in4nsirr in Sea- Surviving ape hos wit° end pm * • james of Antikaken, 040444 A veteran of the Eiret World Fitraerat .Selvices were held War, he served overseas for in Woodstock on Thursday. several -years. Ile was, a mem- ber of the Branch 156, Royal Canadian 'Legion and the branch conducted a service Wednesslay evening. He was g Member of Eginondville United Chureli. - Surviving aye two sisters, Eva, Mrs Williafn Kerr and Alice, Harald Harris', Chatham, died Mrs, H. -Gilchrist, both of Sea - Rev. D Steven officiating. In ed Mitchell for =MI Years PitaliniuradtalY, lphathillamSb. jmelPthrs Hchs" forth. • Funeral services will be held He was born in " Hibbert an Thursday at. -2 p.m. from the Towissblip, a son of phe late Mr. R.• S. Box funeral home with and IVIrs. Edwin Harris—He liv- ferment will follow in Maitland- and moved to Ohatham 12 bank cemetery. . .yeers ago. Pallbearem will be Rei Mc- Surviving ti one sister, Mrs q•regori Paid Doig, Tom Jorgen, Caxl Holmes, Seaforth. son, Don McKaig, Allan Nichol- The body was at the Heath - sine and Glen Smith. Flowerbear-Leslae funeral home, mite's/al, ers w11 be Robert Smith, Bertwitere service 'was' held Satin"- • -McClure, Bill Trapnell and Jackday at 2 p.m. with burial in • Taylor, Munro, Oemetemyt. Those attending from this .tlyAriet were Mr. and Km ,A1- eiloadno and Ols% and William' Dalrymple. 4, HAROLD' HARRIS CENTENNIAL ISSUE EXTRA COPIES -1— 20c EACH Add 20c per copy for mailing (in Canada) Please Type or Print Plainly TO STREET CITY - PROV. ‘, Seaforth Entertain The Brownieof Second Sea - forth Pack entertained •their parents Monday • at a family ' night meeting The hall was dec- orated with corn stalks and sprays of fall leaves and milk weed, gathered by the Brownies on a hike they took last Satur- day. .The evening started with the introduction of the leaders, all new to the pack, Mrs. Gwen Maidens, Brown Owl, Mrs. Joyce Patterson, Tawny Owl and Mrs. Judy 'McMichael, Snowy Owl. Through the medium of poe- try, the parents were taken through the life of q Brownie ' After the opening songs, the Tweeriies, Joan Racho, Jayne Baker, Kim Campbell and Deb- bie Dupee were -enrolled aS. Brownies. They then saw tine of the leaders, Mrs. McMichael enrolled into the sisterhood of Guiding. The Brownies then showed that a Brownie's life is not all work — they turned into black oats and played a game with Hallowe'en 'candies as a reward. The first badge a Brownie earns is the Golden Bar. The pack glade a golden arch with their scarves for the Golden Bar Brownies to go through to re- ceive. their badge. The Brownies who stood on golden ground to receive their badges were Siob- han Kennedy, Lori Kennedy, Barbara Doig and Varlerie Sin- namon. The next verse gave them • a chance to show their talent at handicraft — they made a cor- sage for Mother. • The following verse took them irito Pow -Wow, here they sang "Now you know that I'm a Brownie" Under the toadstool they have a frog that guardg all the treasures and this is usual- ly the time they are presented. Carol Steffen earned her Cook badge and Tina Maidens, the Athlete. At this point of the meeting the Brownies and par- ents hyd the opportunity, _to meet and thank one of the test- ers, Mrs. Ball. The Golden Hand is the high- est badge a Brownie. can earn, badge she can "fly -up" to Guides and wear Brownie wings on her Guide uniform, the only Brownie badge to-be...carried on to Guides. ,Tina Maidens work - 'ed hard and •received her Gol- den Hand. Service Stars are another thing , that Brownies are .proud to wear — those.receiving first. years stars were: Lois Dalton, Brownies Parents Linda Heard, Siobhan Kennedy, Susan Scott, Valerie Sinnamon, 'and Lori Kennedy. The second year Brownies are Barbara Chesney, Jane Muir and Carol Steffen. Susan Coombs and Bar- bara Doig received three year stem , There -was also a farewell 4o say, Lori Kennedy is moving to Centralia so the pack presented her wfth a small gift. The parents helped to make the evening a success by• join- ing their daughter in the Brow- nie ring to say the Brownie prayer and sing taps. ST. COLUIYIBAN' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday with a high mass of Thanksgiving in St. Coltimban Church at 2 p.m. In the evening dinner was served at BroWn's in Dublin, af- ter which a reception was held in the hall at Staffa. Their friends and relatives were pre- sent to wiqii them many happy returns of the day. They re- ceived niany gifts, among them ta colonial table and chaid, from their neighbors. Mrs Doyle is the former Catharine Cooke, only daughter of the late ,Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Cooke of Oakville. Mr. Doyle is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle. They have two daughters and one son, Mrs. John Williamson, (Mary Ellen), London;- Rose, Cedar Springs; Jack, Toronto; anj two grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray spent the weekend in Peterbor- ough and X0cefield. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and children, Acton, visited Mr. and Mrs Albert Cronin. Attending the 25th wedding anniversary of -Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle on Saturday were Mr, and Mrs. John Williamson and children, London; Miss Rose Doyle, Cedar Springs; Jack Doyle, Toronto; Rev. Sister M. Theodore, Chatham; Mrs. John Smith, Mr. . and Mrs) Martin Smith and children, Detroit; Miss Nellie -Doyle, London; Mr. and Mit. Frank Doyle, Toronto; Mrs. Mildred Cooke and daugh- ter, Marie, Toronto. Mrs. Don Brady and children, London, vislted Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan azaar ou1I Shop At •Fer:V. AT Fa1POUS Make CO* that yah eaMPare. vothere,in all *eel. 'BIlnelahe, Porde,Mecca worated, novel -tweed; and camel hair.ouZSlmt.that you save at SteWarta The40 coats, 0.re uhtrImmed ex. lavhdllY tarred wjtb Fez Rune; Milt or Koli,nahy and the size xenge i$ from 7 U•22. cheese .yours today at A bazaar spomagell' by, 4he Wiles' Aid end rfienaship Mole at P'St PreshYterlan Church Saturday attracted a large attendanee The Friendship Circle Presen- ted a Parade of hats with Mrs. Don Morton as narrator. Mrs. Harold Agar, Mrs. Rob- ert McMillan, Mrs. Themes AP- pleby and Mrs. .fohn Thompson were in charge Of the ititchen, while Mrs. F. Kling convened the tea table Serving were Mrs. Van Ropijen, Mrs, James Mae - Donald, Mrs.. Harold Whyte, Mrs. R. R. McKindsey, Betty Thompson and Mrs. Keith' Sharp. Candyand produce booth, was in charge of Mrs. Lorne Law- son, Mrs Mae Dorrance, Mrs. J. D. Cairns, and Mrs. W. A. Wright. Baking, Mrs. Ed* An- drews, Mm. J A. Munn, Mrs. C. E. Smith, Mrs. W. Ross, Mrs. James Keyes, Mrs A, Y. McLean, Mrs Harold Nicholson. Serving Mrs. R. S. Habkirk Mrs 3. W. Thompson, Mrs. Ada Dale and Mrs. Jas Murray Miscellaneous Mrs. Francis Coleman, Mrs. M. Messenger and,Sandra Coleman. Mystery table, Mrs. R. K. Mc- Farlane, Mrs James F. Scott - and Miss Janet Cluff were at the door. The Friendship Circle booth was convened by Mrs. Wil- son Me.Nab, Mrs. Wm. Hodgert and Mrs. Wayne Scott was the cashier. " ZION Mr. • and Mrs. Ross Gordon, and Barry, Mr. Ross Murdie, Mrs. E. Mills, visited Mrs. Mary ,.Malcolm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Han- non t'ere dinner guests of Mr. '..and Mrs. Damid Watson, Walton on Monday. 11, Miss Lillian Goetz, Mrs. El- don Bair, Plattsville,- visited Mrs. Mary Malcolm. Miss Gayle Lannin, London, spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Morley Lanniri. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm were in London on Sunday to visit Keith at Western Univer- sity: Friends Honor - Bride - Elect Miss Ermar-Townsend, bride - elect of last week, was ,honare at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. William Rod- gers and Mrs. Bob Bothwell of Guelph entertained her class- mates at a linen shower at her home in Guelph Mrs. Emmer- son Coleman had as her guests, friends and neighbors at a mis- cellaneous shower. Mrs. Haswell entertained the bridal party af- ter rehearsal at the home of Dr, and Mrs. M. Glugston. HENSALL Mrs. Luella Willert is a pat- ient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. HOSPITAL AUXILARY NOTE The regular mectinl of the W onuen,'s • Hospital Auxiliary will be IyAd in the ,r..3,:!')rth OommunlitY H.op:t.a.'. on, TueF- day evening, November 12th at ,g OUR ist 49.95 to. 145.00 CHOOSE FROM OUR HUGE STOCK OF NEW CAR COATS Fashion fabrics .of Wools, Mohairs, plaids, meltons, Reek suedes and Borgs feature our new line of car coats, with or without fug collars. Feature colors are Moss, Blue ,Grass, Brown, Beige, Navy, Rust, Gold and White. 29.'5 to 49.95 CHOOSE A WARM FALL HAT In addition to our reg- ular new range of Fall Felt, Velour and Fab- ric hats, we are show- ing leathers and mock fur hats and berets. Drop in and try'on a few, today. Priced at 4.50 ,to 12.95 GREAT CLEARANCE OF Women's Half -Size Dresses Twenty-five only, one and two-piece styles in popular crepes, double knits and Brocades. Popular shades of red, navy, ginger, black, blue and brown. Reg. 16.95 & 19.95 DRESSES, SALE $10 Reg. 24.95 & 29.95 DRESSES,. -SALE $15 BE MORE GENEROUS THIS YEAR WHEN YOU'RE ASKED TO BUYA POPPY "You Help The Legion To Help Others" • STEWART BROS. WILL BE CLOSED REMEMBRANCE PAY from 9 to 1 p.m. STEWART • BROS. PERSONALIZED - GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTE'S Phone 527-0240 : Seaforth• TO STREET CITY • PROV. TO STREET CITY PROV. TO STREET .. C I TY TO, STREET, , CITY PROV. PROV. Nitite of Nomination Meeting Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the ToWnship of Stanley, Township of Tuckersmith, Village of Bayfield, Town of Seaforth,. that a nomination meeting will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, , VARNA on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th 1968, at the hour of 1 p.m. to 2- p.m.'for the purpose of nominating two representatives to the Huron County School Board for two year ,terms, 1969 and 1970. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said Of- fices are nominated and make the required declarations, an election will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1968 • Attach your reinittance and mail to . TEE HURON EXPOSITOR, P.O. BOX 69, SEAFORTI/, ONT • Polls will be open in all above mentioned municipali- ties from 10 a m. to 8.p.m.. Polling places to be advertised at a later date. Please note that when a proposed candidate is not present at the nomination meeting, -his nomination will not be valid unless there is satisfactory evidence that the pro- posed candidate consents to be so nominated Dated at Varna this fifth day of?Iomber, 1968. MEL GRAHAM, Returning Officer SUITS 99c SUBURBAN COATS DRESSES 99c SLACKS TROUSERS 4a SKIRTS PLAIN 49c BLUE RIBBON CLEANERS 6 Main Street, Seaforth — Mrs. Edith Jess'ome, Store Manager Phone 527-1510 •Free Pick -Up anti beiivery