HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-07, Page 6' XPostroa, saiwoartio, ONT NOV: 7, 1%$ seat rth- Merchant ION $01t W.; and MTS. Mervin Pepper Walton Community Hall friday, Nov. 15th i�fl Wilbee's Orchestra " 'Everyone Welcome todies Please Bring Lunch ii;leuilimiemseThm***0•51.25m5ftwomomeoftwoom RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glew, (nee Glenyce Jewitt) Friday, Nov. 8th Londesboro Hall Ladies Please Bring Lunch Classified Mb pay dividends Tony DeCoo Passes A Seaforth businessman for the past four years, AntherlY Peter DeCoo, 52, died Friday at Seaforth Community Hospital after a brief illness He had op- erated Main Street Variety since coming to Seaforth from Clin- ton. Born and educated in Hol- land where he worked as a bar- ber, he came to Canada in 1954 and for ten years was a barber / DANCE Friday, Nov. 8th LEGION HALL BRUSSELS 9:30 to 1:30 a.m. ' Desjardine's Orchestra $2.00 per couple Sponsored by Walton Recrea- tion Committee* Restricted to 21 years and over ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY QUEEN'S HOTEL , — ,Seaforth ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONESTOGA COLLEGE - of Applied Arts and Technology will be holding , OPENHOUSE this Saturday, November 9, 1968 from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. All interested -persons are warmly in- vited to visit the College and become familiar with its personnel, functions and new facilities. The Doon-Campus in Kitchener, is located at Interchange No, 34 of Highway 401 and the Doon Blair Road. (Homer Watson Boulevard) We would enjoy meeting YOU. iiiTHEATRE - GODERICH ON.THE SQUARE THURS., FRI., SAT. Nov. 7-8-9 EVENINGS at 7.30 and 9.20 p.m. — SATURDAY MATINEE a 2.30 p.m. • JULIE GEOPGEC. CI-APISTIE • SCOTT IN A RICHARD BRER-WiliOISMER PRODUGIGH ...the urcommon movie. MONDAY and TUESDAY November 11 and 12 (Aciu It Entertainment) SHOW TIMES: 7.30 and 9.20 p.m. « * * • • * * * FIRST RUN FILMS IN * AIR CONDITIONED COMF "' Entertainment Is Our Bud • .Is * • (in TEDIAICGIA* FAN MG $103..SEV1 AIRS* STARTING WED., NOV. 13—For 4 Days SHOW elM$51, 7.30 and 9.20 p.m. THE ALL-NEW AND MOST EXCITING TRUIE,LIFIEN SIIIMINT1111122 •GORDON EASTMAN' 11111 $0111giiiINIO I lit0Weittp MOON e, • at C.F.B. Clinton. He was married to the former Adrienne Gabriel, April 26, 1943, at Moarsen,. Holland, who survives. Besides his wife he is Stir- vived by three sons, Anthony P., St. Thomas e Adrian, Post Master at Ailsa Craig; aed Pet- er J , Seaforth and one grand- child. -There are also seven brothers and two sisters in Hol - and. The body was at the R. S. Bi funeral home here. Funer- al ervice was held Monday to St. James' Roman Catholic Churc or requiem high mass at lea. Buri was in St James' cemet y. Pall earers were Frank Al- tena, 1 or Treffers, Joseph De Groot, Martin Heynsbergen, Riche • Styvers, and Arnold Stinniss BRODH/siGEN The LOW of St. Peter' S Luth- eran Church were guests of the Ladies' Aid at the First Luth- eran Church, Logan Township Wednesday evening. They were hostesses for a Hallowe'en par- ty. The Royalaires supplied the music for dancing at a shower at the Community Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Gary Capling (I3etty Engel). Mrs Howard Femme read the address and the newly- . married couple were presented with a gift of money. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt were. Mr. George Jacob and Mrs. Ir- ma Murtagh, Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fearenbacher, Corvallis, Oregon. Pastor Luther Eberhardt of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Milverton, was guest speaker at the, Sunday morning service here. Rev. H. Lossing had the service at Milverton. Flowers were placed On the altar in lov- ing memory of the late Edwin Mogk who passed away ' ten years ago. They were placed there bP. his wife and family. Harold Mogk is a patient at the Seaforth Community_ Hospi- tal. Linda Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller was also a patient at th Stratford General Hospital last week for ..two days. • EUCHRE In I.O.O.F. Hall Mon., Nov. llth 8:30 p.m. Admission 50 cents Lunch Provided • Sponsored by Edelweiss Rebe- kah Lodge Chur NOW.4 The Seaifortt14 WI wilt meet Tuesday Naviember 122tie # 8:30 at the home of ;IWfm LAW - son when variOns Ilan reports will be heard The roll Gall. will be "Why I (iidnit go t the Area convention". Lunch eammiittee, Ate. Lome Carter, Mrs. Herold Hugill, Mrs. •Erlin Whitmore, Mns. Rota Ors. • lb BURNS UCW IVIMETING • Burns' UCW net at the home of Mrs. Rice on Thursday after- noon with 14 members and two visitors present. Mrs. Jim Scott opened the meeting with a reading, and .reati the Scripture taken from Psalm 8, Mrs. Ed Bell conducted the .business ses,sien. The treeseir- er's report was given ?by Miss Jean Leiner Members obsee ved a minete's silence for the late Mrs. George Carter. Thank you notes were received from the family of the late Mrs. Carter The UCW gave a donation to the Bible SOciety. ST. JAMES OWL St. James OWL met Tuesday 'evening with the presideintb Mrs. John Flannery pnesiding. Rev. Fr. H. Laxagh opened the meeting with the -League Prayer and Mrs. Ken Vincent read minutes. The Visiting Committee for November is Mrs. James Nash, Mrs.Joe Lane. Gifts this month are to the Reserve Fund and Veterans Christmas .Fund. Meinbers ,are asked to help With the Chrfstmas Barzaar and to contact Mrs. Harry 'Hak, Mrs. Jack Bedard in connection with tickets. Gifts of winter clothing suit Council (Continued from Page I) a grant, of 1250 to the Farmers' Union was approved. In anticipation of municipal elections council set pay for DRO at $15 and polling clerks at $13 Sitting as a court of revision, ceencil took action on a series of appeals against assessment as follows: —Disallowed an appeal for re- duction by Wm. J. Storey, lot E% 16, con. 5. ' —Lowered the. assessment $800 representing a house removed from lot W% 18, and 19, con. S13, owned by Laverne Godkin. —Reduced .by $225 assessment of John Sootiens, lot 15, con. 4, for drive shed and colony house removed. —.Reduced assessment of Gor: don Pryce by $1,000^ for house trailer removed from lot W1/2 18 and E1/2 19, coil 9. —Allowed reduction of $200 to J. M. Scott, lot N28 and N'Vs, lot 29, for shed removed. —Allowed reduction of $325 to R. M. Scott, lot 18, con. 4, for barn' removed. .ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY — RON WEIR TRIO SATURDAY "Elgin Fisher" In the Ladies' and Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing -A -Long with PEARL at the Hajnmond Organ FRIDAY AND 'SATURDAY , COLORED TV BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS Tasty Chicken Wings COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth SERVICE STATION Goderich Street Seaforth •NOW • OPEN Bdi McLaughlin °up* s Hot y - able foa,Ii1s, ofe Psk ire.* are being auawnoeci and may be Left at mtg. 11emoa4 uauvezs, Mrs. Art Devereaux gave •a report of‘the .deabg* meeting in Dashwood said she vvtas thanked by 1V1Ins. John Flom 4. LOCAL George W. Kruse of Wes- ton has has successfully com- pleted his M. U. R. A. tech- nical, program at Centemllal College in Toronto. He is ene- nloYed fat Dominion Freight- ways alcAnnlly Ltd.) Etobi- coke. Mrs. Wm. M. Hart i a,. pat- ient at St. Joseph,s Hospital, London. Miss Bernadette Chittle and Theresa Devereaux* of St. Jos- eph's Academy, London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs,. Joe Devereaux. / Mr. and Mrs. Ray MeGeoch of Egniondrville recently visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cud-, more of Wallaceburg. Mrs, Ross McGregor is spend- ing a few dzys in Clifford. • CROMARTY Rev: Pr. H. Loh*, ed ,th dosgi• gar to Rollwtiot, GrPtvq: Mk% PePa101 Ca‘qotbilla 1"41) the reysteror BRIffiS Mr and Mrs. Donald Wallace of Carlingford, Mr. George Brooks, Stratford, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. George Wal- lace and Mrs. Verna Brooks. Sunday evening guests with Mr. and 'Mrs. Larry Gardiner - were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gar- diner, Barbara, Ronnie and Rob- by, Mr and Mrs. Ken Bearrs, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner. Mr. Alec. Scott, student at Guelph University, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hulley and family and Mrs. Alex Ramsey visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey of Rothsay. Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Alex Gardiner and Mr. Henry Eggert Were Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ratz of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eggert, Ros- tock. Mr. and Mrs Alex Gardiner visited on Thursday with„,Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Redhead, Kit- chener: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Linda and Joanne of Dorchester were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker _ Mr. and Mrs. Elson Allen, Janet; Nancy and Frank, visited relatives at Brantford on Sun- day. Miss Barbara Gardiner, of Guelph, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner. Mr. Lisle Worden and Mrs Penelope Fell, Staffa, visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. The baptismal service at Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Sunday was conducted by the minister, Rev. J. C. Boyne Children presented for baptism by their parents were Garnet Wayne, son of Mr. and Mw Bev Taylor, Grant Carlyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie McKellar and Steven Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs Larry Gardiner. Tuckersmith (Continued from Page 1) treasurer James McIntosh $316. Council reported Hay, Tuck- ersmith and • Hensall councils had met in Hensall on October 30 to -renew a' fire- agreement for six months coverage for fire protection 'from_ October 30. A committee of three members from each municipality will make a study of the eossibility of purchasing new fire equip- ment. The meeting adjourned at 12:40 a m. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth 8:15 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8th 15 Ragular Gams* for $10.00 Thrso $25.00 GUMS $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prins • (Childran under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION 41.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 Royal Canadian Legion Auspices Ssaforth Branch 156 Proceeds for Welfare Work Mr. and agnst - James Ellie - ridge, left, for their home in Synnintore, Hants, England, aft- er spending the past two mon- ths visiting relations in Ont- ario. A dinner in their honor was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Andrews, Harpute ,hey with guests present, from Norwich, Wcorletoek, Tillson- hoeg and &Mardi% Mrs. Ethe- ridge is a sister of Mr. And- rews. Mr. and Mns. Joseph Carpen- ter of Chatham were guests of Mr. ard Mins. J. E. °rich dur- ing the vveekettici. Mr. and Md. Kenneth Ament of Kitchener were guests of Mrs. Edwin P. Chesney on Sat. ueday, - Mr. John Van Rooijen who has been on the Staff of the Termite Dominion Bank in Chat. ham has been transferred to Windsor where he is now assist- ant Manager at the Riverside 13ranch. Mr. and Mrs. John E.' Pat- terson and Dianne, enjoyed the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. John D Patterson in AYliner. Mrs. Louise Eckert pnd son Michael, of Dublin, and sister Mary and Sister Margaret Rose visited their cousin, Mrs. Dan Burns of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morton spent a few days in Richmond Hill visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mortin. Mrs M. Seeder and Grant Sander of Thorald spent the weeloend with ,Mr. and Mks. •Clarence Martin. Mother Agatha, Ursuline Convent, EsSex,' and Mother Jerome at Ursuline Mather- house,''Chatham, spent the week end with Mrs. Jean Fortune. Mrs. Jean Fortune is a pat- ient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Lt. Commanider and Mrs• . R H. LaVdal of San Diego, Oa& ifornia are visiting her parents Mr andi Mrs. William MCA/Al- lan. Mrs. A. W. Mooney (nee Win- nie Savage) of Massey, Ontario and a former teacher of Art at Seaforth Public School has been invited to lecture at the Uni- vertity of Mass, at New Eng- land's Weaving Seminar. Mrs. Mooney is a former teaeher otf weaving at the Banff School of Fine Arts and has alio Stud- ied design, in SrwedtFire RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Steph- enson, (nee Joan Roney) in the Zurich Community Centre Friday, Nov. 15th Music by Bluewater Playboys Luhch will be provided Everyone Welcome MOVIE NIGHTS Huron Centennial School' NOVEMBER • Thurs., Fri., Sat. 14th, 15th, and 16th MARY POPPINS DECEMBER Thurs., Fri., Sat. 5th, 6th and 7th JUNGLE BOOK Admission, adults 50c children 10c Time 8 p.m. Sponsored by Students' Council Annual TURKEY DRAW' AND CASH BINGO at Brodhagen and District Community Centre FRIDAY, NOVEMBER- 15th 8:30 p.m, DOOR PRIZES Saturday Night Mr; and Mrs. Rock. Ryan Pigtails and Sauerkr#ut HURON HOTEL Dublin .00••••••••■50***1151***%.***0**,00.••••********.******.**************1****. SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY presents PINKERTON COLOURS At SEAFORTH ARENA SAT., NOV. 9th 9:00 — 12:00 DRESS — CASUAL ADMISSION $1.00 Notice of Nomination Mektfpg Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the Township of Hullett, Township of McKillop, Village of Blyth, Town of Clin- ton, that a nomination meeting will be held - in the Londesboro Community - Hall 011 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th 1968, at the our of 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., for the purpcise of nominating two representatives to the Huron County Board of Education for - two year terms, 1969 and 1970, If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices are nominated and make the declarations, an election will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER ,2, 1968 Polls will be open in all above mentioned municipali- ties from 10 a.m to 8 p.m. Polling places to be advertised at a later date. Please note that when a proposed candidate is not present at the nomination meeting, his nomination will not be valid unless there is satisfactory evidence that the pro- posed candidate consents to be so nominated. Dated at Lon- desboro this fifth day of November, 1968. CLARE VINCENT,' Clerk, Township of Hullett, Returning Officer. Remembrance Day Seaforth Branch -of the Royal Canadian Legion will observe Remembrance Day with a Service at the CENOTAPH, VICTORIA PARK on Monday, November 11th at 10:45_a.m. The Legion extends a cordial welcome to all School Children, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Cubs, Councils of Sea - forth, Tuckersmith and McKillop, all other organizations, and the general public, to join in the Service. Representatives of Organizations who are pre- senting WSeaths are asked to be at the Legion Hall at 10:30 to pick up wreaths. The parade, in which all Veterans are invited to take part, will leave the Legion Hall at 19:45, headed by the Sea - forth District High School Girls' Trumpet Band, arriving at the Cenotaph at 10:50. Order of Service At the Cenotaph 10:45—Parade to Cenotaph, led by STAIS Band 10:50—"0 Canada" 10:55—Hymn: "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past" 11:00—Last Post Two Minutes' Silence Reveille Scripture—Rev. D. Steven • Prayer—Rev. J. C. Britton Address—Rev. D. 0. Fry Dedication, of Wreaths—Rev. H. J. Laren Placing of Wreaths "God Save the Queen"--SDHS Band March Past — Following the Service, the Parade will proceed via Victoria Street and Goderich Street to Main Street and south past the Post Office. Church Parade All Veterans are invited to take part in a Church Par- ade on Sunday, November 10th,, to St. Thomas' Anglican Church. Veterans will fall in at the Legion Hall at 11 a.m. for service beginning at 11:30 a.m. • SEAFORTH BRANCH 156 • ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION CHARLES, WOOD PreSident • CLEAVE COOMBS Parade Marshal GEORGE HAYS Special Events BILL WTI.33tE Color Sergeant