HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-11-07, Page 14t(
Whole No. 5252
109th Year
Sngiar4vieth Cent*
PA A Yearin Mr*nee
Delegation Protests
Car Wrecking Yard
The proposed establishment
of a car Wrecking yard in Es-
meildVille was protested Tiles-
daj,' evening when a delegation
of village residents 'met with
,Tu,Ckersmith Council, ,meeting
in Centennial School at Bruce-
' Discussion revealed, it had
been, „,interic.led to locate. the
yard At the school property on
the setond concession and a
Pennit had been isshed by
council, cOveringthis location,
• When the site preyed too malt
an alternative site Was pur,
chased in Egmondville and the
permit amended to coyer the
new location The Egmondville
site west of the qemetery and
adjacent to residential proPer-
ties had been sold by the Town-
ship to the highest hfdder.
The delegation was concern-
ed with the depreciation in,
area. property values,that would
follow in the event atieh an op- •
'eration was permitted.
• Council assured the delega-
tion which included John Mode
land, Norman MacLean, Grant
Finnigan, Kenneth Moore and
James Racho of its concern and
agreed to seek legal advise con-
cerning prohibiting or regulat-
ing the use of land for storing
Mark 40th
- Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turn-
bull of Seaforth were .guests of
honor at the home of their,
daughter and son-in-law, •Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Hesk of Goder-
ich on Sunday 6n the occasion
of their fortieth wedding an-
nivergary. Other •guests attend-
ing included Mr. and Mrs Wil-
ber Turnbull of • Brussels, • Mr.
and Mrs. James Turnbull of
New Market, Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald Buchanan of Goderich and
Mrs. Graham Campbell, Blue -
Mr. and Mrs Turnbull farm-
ed in Grey Township until ,re-
' tiring to Seaforth -five years ago.
, They have one daughter, Flora,
Mrs. Hess and a son, Charles, of •
or wrecking motorvehicles. The
delegation will be advised of
action taken,
Council met as a court of re-
vision on assessment roll and
considered an appeal froth
Andrew Berg, RR 4, Clinton,
protesting valuation of flat
land where heavy damages
were caused by flooding, Coun-
ty Assessor. Alex Alexander of,
Goderich was Present.
Council disallowed Mr. Berg's '
claim on the grounds the assess-
ment Was in keeping with that
of sibrilar properties.
Council granted tax refunds
of 1968 taxes to Alex McGreg-
or, RR 2, Kippen, demolished
barn;. Dr. Paul Brady, Harpur-
hey; house demolished; Frank
Reynolds, Harpurhey, house re-
A. Y. 'MLean and Frank Kling
of.the Seaforth Lions Park com-
mittee discussed the agreement
whereby a new dam had been
• erected at the Lions Park
through the co-operation of
Tuckersmith and the Depart-
ment of Energy and Resources.
Council agreed to request the
Departme,nt of Energy and Re-
sources management to consid-
er an application by the town-
ship for financing of 'the bal- .
ance of the construction costs
of the Seaforth dam and reser-
vow over a ten year period as
suggested in the original pro-
Council passed a by-law set-
ting the date of first meeting
of council in 1969 for 8 p.m.
On the first Tuesday in the new
year — January 7, at Hurdif
Centennial School, Brucefield.
Four building applications for
houses Were received from Mal-
oney Brothers, Dublin, one house
-to cost $17,00 and three houses
'to cost $10,000 each. The houses
are being erected in Egmond-
ville •
The Department of Highways
pay road subsidy of $36,-
265.09, an interim. payment of
$1Z000 haiing already been
Council approved payment .of
vacation pay to the clerk -trea-
surer and to assessor as deter-
mined by the Department of
Labour'', — to cover last two
years. Assessor Ivan Forsyth
will receive $84.00 and Clerk-
In MckilIop
A seileA_ barn fire
An the SeatertIvOretiVibleit'P
gen eberilY•befere:'4401ght en
• Tuesday, keeAltaili-OPPONleC.
'OFF,:iGe#441)10.-. Rd!' Pfinteelt:
of- the Beafe#1146teellinent.1.0aitt.
Wednesday an ‘.4Q
investigation underway to as
determine the cause Of the fires.
• The barrr*Of Wilfred' Cole-,
man, RR 4, SeElforth,' George
McKillop Coencil on Monday,
named Reeve Ken Stewart as
road superintendent. The op-
.....-pointment is effective on Dec-
ember 16.
One of three applicants for
the position, which became va-
cant following the death of
Clerk J. M. Eckert last July
when'L•the. then superintendent
. Wilson Little was appointed
clerk, Reeve Stewart had ten-
.dered his resignation as a 'Mem-
ber of council and this was ac-
cepted also -effective December
16 The a pointment is subject
ti cl on Page 6)
• Regina. (Con nue
to Department of Highways ap-
The new superintendent has
served on McKillop council
since 1960. He was elected
reeve four years later and in
1966, the year in which McKil-
lonyvas host for the Internation-
al Plowing Match, he was war-
den of -Huron County.
Council fn outer business, ap
proved road vouchers totalling
$1,572.92 and clerk vouchers of
$9,429.62. The petition o
Orville Beuerman, lot 12, con
• 13, to repair and improve the
Crozicr drain was accepted and
• (Continued on Page 6)
called to the Mylan farm.
Loss Exceeds $30,000
he Coleman barn, a large L-
ed barn, 41)' x 50'. and 36'
'„was completely destroyed
the blaze,. Remnants of the
k foundation were all that
`ained amid the -smoldering
he ,barn was filed to cepa-
with the season's crop of
in and hay,' as well as 1,250
Vansteelandt, RR 2, Dublin and re dy to lay pulletts and a num-
Donald Moylan, RR 5, Segforth be of small itaplements. Fire
went up in flames within one ef J. F. Scott estimated the
hour. All three barns are with-
in five miles of each other.
,The Coleman fire was discov-
ered first by a neighbor, Elmer
Cameron, who immediately con-
tacted Mr. Coleman. At the
same time Bruce Coleman,' a
son, living in the second house
on the farm, spotted the flames
and called the Seaforth Fire
Shortly after arriving at the
Coleman fire before 1 a.m
- men spotted a fire to the east..
Constable Primeau, who was on
the scene accompanied a detach-
ment of the Seaforth brigade to
the farm of George Vansteelandt
3 miles to the east. Constable
Primeau -woke the sleeping
family using his ear siren.
Within minutes a third fire
was spotted to the mirth and
the Mitchell Fire Department
• Planning Nteeting
A public meeting at which de-
tails of a proposed zoning by-
law for the Town of Seaforth
will be discussed is being held
tonight, Thursday, at 8 p.m. in
the Town Hall.
Short of Objective
- While the CNIB campaign has
been underway for some time,
contributions are less than us -
f ual area chairman E. C. Bos-
- well -said this week. He urged
those who had not yet participa-
-ted- to- 161Wairr their contribu-
tions. -
Honor Graduates At SDHS
Honor graduates at SDHS included (left, seated) Joan
Gorwill, Susan Leonhardt, -Ann Shea, Vida Malkus, Monica
McCurdy, Mary Ann Phillips, Julianna Rau, Sherrill Craig,
Catherine Flannigan, Karen Kale, Laura Ryan; (Standing)
Sharyn Burke, Joanne Elligsen, Della AWallace, Joyce Roe,
Agnes Poland,. Karen McNab, Catherine Phillips, Elaine Oke,
Mary Sills, Gerda Willems, Carol Wilbee; (Rear) Gordon Moy-
lan, Stephen Brady, Jack Van den Hengel, Larry Walters,
Hank Scott, Kenneth Whitmore, Leonard Ryan, Michael Still-
nissen, Douglas Dalrymple, William Morris, Tom Papple and
Leonard Jamieson; (Absent) Graeme • Craig,. Joan -loover,
Nancy Scott, Madelyn Campbell, Mary Anne Snowden
Four Year Arts and Science
(Pront), Moria ' Sarah Hussey, Janice Wright,
Helen .Landtborough, Marilyn. Sidle, Yvonne Peeney, Mar-
ian Roberts, Jean Poe, Sharon Strong; (Standing) 1Vlatijaati
, **fleet*, Deborah MIi1e oharall Miltetiburg, Joanne Sed.
ley; (rear) Gerald Barmy Paul Hi debrand, Ted Wilbee, Gary
Bannon, Baur (Melly, Paul Hoff, ancis Brugger, Paul Hag -
ail, Rennie Atinstrong, Paul Step enson; (Absent) William
McGrath, Margaret Pry.
hree ar
ted at $70,000
loss, which„ was part• y cov-
ered by insurance, to be in ex-
cess of $36,000.
Bruce Coleman said that while
there had been no thne to brake
plans, he expected to rebuild.
$20,000 Loss
The barn of George Van_steel-
andt is situated In Hibbert,
acroas the road from the farm
house and nothing was noticed
by the family until OPP Ray
Primeau woke them with his
Lost in the fire were i com-
bine, scuffler, swather, seed,
drill, forage harvester, 1,000
bales of straw and a series, of
smaller implements.
Loss was at least $20,000 ac-
cording to Fire Chief-. Scott. It
was partly insured.
The Vansteelandt family mov-
ed to the area three years ago
when they purchased the farm
formerly owned by Leonard
Strong, 21/2 miles south and
$11,000 In Awards, At .SDHS
SDHS commencement program notes bring smiles to Miss Jean McIntyre and Ontario
Scholarship winners following the annual graduation ceremonies 'Friday evening Miss Me,
Intyre. addressed the students while Ontario Scholarships valued at $150 each were presented
to (seated) Monica McCurdy and Vida, Malkus and to Joanne Elligsen and Sharyn Burke. Miss
Elligsen and Miss Malkus tied for the C. M. Smith Memoriartrophy as well as the R. S. Box
award having had the highest marks ih the school. In all more than $11,000 in awards and
bursaries ,were presented. (Exporitor photos b y phillips).
Tea-heris Off r to Help
New Area School Bo rd
Teachers representing Perth
and Huron Counties School Di-
vision of the Ontario English
Catholic Teachers' Assdciation
premised assistance iii ensuring
success gf the new county
board when they met Huron -
Perth Separate School Interim
Organization committee in St
'James' School, Seaforth, Mon-
day evening.
The S9 delegates represented
teachers from separate schools
in the new area.
Sister Anne McGuggan, prin-
cipal Of Immaculate Conception
School, Stratford, presented a
brief, a paragraph of which in-
dicated: "We are deeply inter-
ested in the success of the new
County Board of,Education. We
feel we Can be of service to its
members during the transition-
al stage and continue our ser-
vice as an advisory committee
after' the board is funetioning.
As interested teachers we
sire to work as closely as pos-
sible.with the new board." '
Vincent Young, chairman, ,as-
sured the teachers that while
the Interim Committee could
not,deal with the brief since it
concerned the new board, the
data the committee would be
Presented to the • board at its
inaugural meeting to be held in
St. James' School, Seaforth, at
8 p.m. on December 9
A discussion on voting regu-
. r.' ....
21/2 miles east orSeafiVtli.
Fire in MACHIPP.
Mitehell firemen Almwered
.the call to the Moylan :PAM. on
the forper, John IL Lane form,
Zq miles east and 1y4 mileS
north of Seafertli. •
This barn also- was complete, -
ly destroyed by the flaraes Con!. ,.
tents. of the barn included 1,500
bushels Of barley and 600 bales
of straw. The barn had aAnew
roof put on it less thaefour
months ago. -
Flames spread to a driving
shed near the barn and destroy-
ed a disc, weed sprayer, snow
blower and a number of small-
er implements before firemen
got the blaze under control.
Mr. Moylan set the loss at •
$15,000 which was partially cov—
ered with insurance. The blaze
is believed to have started about
1:30 a.m.
Areafarmers gathered at the
scenes Wednesday morning were
concerned about the events of
the night before. Some suggest-
ed that farmers may soon find
it necessary to stay up all night
to guard their property
Signs Knocked Down
A number of highway signa
were broken off Tuesday night
on Highway 8 east of Seaforth
'arid hi 'Egmondville on County
Road 12 according to police who •
are working on the fire investi-
lations followed as Interim com-
mittee members asked questions
of the township clerks who
were present.
The meeting concluded with
the release of reports on trans-
portation and teachers in the
schools. These indicated that
there are 1,757 pupils transpor-
ted by 44 routes at a cost of
$15,416.30. Goderich and Luck -
now are the only two schools
which' do not provide transpor-
For the twenty schools in
the two counties there are 129'
teachers, of these 114 are full
Wile, the other 15 are part
Teachers from Ontario and
Quebec toured Windsor schools
Friday and studied methods at
the annual study conference of
the Council for Childhood Edu-
Mrs. Guelda Holmes, Mrs. Eula
Kellar, Mrs. Florence Kay and
Mrs June Boussey of Seaforth
Public School attended the two-
day conference.
They watched regular classeS,
sex-segragated primary 'classes
at Northwood School; continu-
ous progress classes in the new
Bellewood School; vecial edu-
cation classes and oral French.,
They toured the new Board of
Education building and the Re-
source Centre which is filled
with audio-visual aids f9r tea-
chers and students.
The Seaforth teacheu,
pperceptually handicapped chil-
"dg aur et aengi ei rnxe pmeg iodeui nape, reading, lan-
eprograms, art.,
diPassions on
science, mathematics and music.
Guest .speaker at the Saturday
luncheon was C. R. MacLeod,
Director of Education for the'
city of Windsor. Mr. MacLeod,.
a native of Kincardine. recent-
ly served as chairman of a spee.
ial committee to prepare a re-
port on the Training of Ele-
mentary School Teachers in
Four Year Businese and Commerce
(Seated) Cheryl Scott, Nancy Buehanan, Ann Rivers, Bet- 'Muegge, Linda.. Dietz; (-Absent) Allan Carter, Lia Wong,
ty Hoggart, Mary Price, Donna Whitehouse; (Standing) Lynn , Wendy Pry. (Expositor photos by Philips).
Nixon, Christine Pryce, Bonnie Stewart, Atze Zwep, Linda