HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-31, Page 44'11 014...THE HURON: EXPOSITOR, FORTH, ONT., (Ic!'. 31, -196,1f 23, Business Directory 4. Bt. ZARPER .:Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7082 Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and eanable In selling all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Minefield Phone 482-3384 R• S• BOX FUNERAL HOME Prompt land careful attention Ambulance Service • Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 UNITED WHO?? Yes, "United Breeders" is what the man, said, Arabella. The familiar voice at the familiar number didn't say "Centr@l Ontario Cattle Breeders" or "Waterloo Cattle Breeders" or "Lambton Cattle Breeders" You see, we're all'one now. We've united to provide an • artificial insemination service that will give you not only a better calf next year, but even better ones in years to come. So don't worry about being a two-timer, Arabella. You wilt get the sane sires as always, by caning the offices listed in your nevv phone book under — Alt Ubreeders inc. N ITED a FIED ADS 23. Business Directory Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE • SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTAFt10 Office; Rattenbury St., phone 482-9877. Res; Rattentrury St:, phone 482-7313 24. Cards. of Thanks wish to thank my friends or tlue cards and flowers sent to me while in Exeter Hospital: It was very Much appreciated. — Mrs. Eck McKay 24-50%1 While I was: a patient in Vict- oria Hosital, I wish to thank all my friend's and neighbors for cards, letters: flowers, vis- its and treats. Special thanks, to Dr's Vlailikus, Hudson and Gill - bin, the nurses and staff .on floor 5 north and floor 3M, Dr. Cameron and his staff in physo- - Greta Becker. 24-51-1 I wish to thank ,all my relat- ives, neighbors and friends who sent cards, treats and made visits during my stay in Sea forth Comm,unity Hospital: Thanks to Ir. Brady, Dr. MalL kus, Father Lanagh and nurses and staff .of hospital. — Mts. Agnes McQuaid. 24-51x1 I wouid like to express my sin- ceme thanks to, friends, neigh- bours and relatives who sent cards arid triegs while a patz. ientin the Stratford llospital, also thanats,ta those that help- ed after coming ,hoime. — Mrs. Gordon Elliott. 24-5t1oc1 to thank all Who sent cards, treats and visited me while I was. in the Hospital Special thanks to Dn. Brady arnst Dr. Malleus and all the nur- sing staff for their kindness. —Mrs. 'Alex MacDonald. 24-51x1 24. Cards..of Thanks I wish to thank my friends rel- atives and neighbors for cards, gifts andvisits while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Dr.. Mo and nurses and staff of the hospital. — Darvid,-VReilly 24-514 We wish to express OUT sincere thanks to our relatives, neigh- bours and friends who chid so much for us when we IthSt OUT barn. A special thanks to Blyth Fireman for their work alio. Clinton who aided them. Alis'. we would like to `than,k those who went, to so much work and time to put on a benefit dance. — Larry and Helen Johnston 24-51-1 We wish to express our sincere thanks to friends, relatives, and neighbors who gave their sym- pathy and services in any way during our recent sad bereave- ment. Our _thanks also to Dr. Newland, nurses of Clinton Hos- pital. Rev. Stuart, Clinton ladies Auxiliary, to Branch 140, Bon- throns Funeral Home, and those sending cards, floral tributes, and donations to the Heart Fund.— The family of the late Reta Aikenhead. 24-51x1 Personals Mrs. Elizabeth Pryce announ- ces the engagement of her dau- ghter, Christine to, Mr. David Tremeer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Tremeer of Seaforth. The wedding will take place in Northside United Church, Sea - forth on.November the sixteenth at three thirty o'clock. 26-51x1 Too Late • FOR SALE A Durh:am cow due 'IP freshen middle of Nov- ember. Ehner and Wilfned. Den- nis 5274)888,1Watlton. TL -51-1 CARBARET dance, • Brodhagen Community Hall, Saturday -Nov- ember 2nd, music by thie Roy- \rive's. • " 1-51-1 50th Anniversary Mi. and. Mrs. Dan I urns who celehratecl.their 50th Wedding Anniversary at their home here Saturday, CONGRATULATIONS SEAFORTH • On 100 Years of Progress and Prosperity ^.1 These are our drivers of bur modern fleet of buses w hh each school day transpert 375 SDHS students over routes totalling over 600 miles. Shown here are -Keith McLean, John Sinnamon, Mrs. M, McGrath, William 'Hogert, Jackie Melanson, Ron Dale, Mrs. K. McLean, Les Habkirk, Arnold S cott, Michael Eckert, A. Hildebrand, Eldon Hulley, Bob Watson We have grown along with the town * School Bus Service * Taxi Service * Yamaha Snowmobile Sales & Service * Independent Retail Gasoline and now Arve you with * Luxury Charter Coaches Skov Lobo Dune Buggy Xits *- Heavy Duty Towing Service, HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE Phone 527-1222 Since 1946 graa Limited At Wilkinson's !GA - We are pleased and proud to be a part of the business community during Seaforth's 100th Birthday. Our Sixth Anniversary - Is this week, having purchased the,business Nov. 1, 1962, from J. J. Cleary, who had operated a successful retail store on the Main Street here for over, 40 years. As Comparative Newcomers We wish to salute all those of earlier generations.— the original community builders — who were so instrumental in making Seaforth the very pleasant self-sufficient Town it is hi this year 1968. JOE AND [REN E WILKINSON, AND STAFF "Our Store Is Often Too Small — So We ,Try Harder!" _ LOCAL E$R1EF5 Miss AYme Lgve 9f Toronto spent the weekend with her sis, ters, Mrs. Wm. Leeming and MIs. Ferne Patterson. Mrs- Harold Treffrey pf St. Joseph's Island, was here last week attending the Haswell -- Townsend wedding. • Mr. and Mrs. Sandy More, Chicago, are spending a week with his sister, Mrs. Helen Glew. Mrs. Mary Bradshaw, and dau- ghter Tracey Lynn have re- _ turned to England after spend- ing six weeks -vacation with her mother, Mrs. Winifred McPhail, Jarvis Street. Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart are spending the weekend with friends at Windmere and Mag- netawan in the Muskoka and Parry Sound areas. On Sunday evening they attended a meet- ing of the Toronto Conference of the United Church at North ' Bay when Mr. Stewart assisted in the ordination service of Mr. Clarence McClenaghan, one of the 'three ordinants ordained at that service. The latter, whose birthplace was White Church, was a member of one of the con- gregations served by Mr. Stew- art. Mrs. Helen Glew and Mr. James Glew returned from Chicago where they attended ' the funeral of her brother An- gus More, who passed away suddenly. Miss Joan Coleman has re- turned from California where she spent two weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Powell and Pam. Mrs. Howard Burgess, Flint, Michigan, visited Mrs. J. Dill, Dublin. Miss Erma Broadfoot of run- dridge, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Townsend. Mrs. W. C. Bennett was Cooksville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Piggott. Mr .and Mrs.. -Robert Watson, • Mr. and Mrs. James Watson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. James Watson and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Wat- son and family, spent Sunday with Miss Bella and Peter Wat- son of Galt. C9NTINUES 4,0,04„ -e. , THE OLD MILL 4-4110 ABAINTON LIMITED) 11,4. 44.6 Annual FACfl STOARYLITLET OCTOBER 24 TO NOVEMBER 30 ' The Same Spectacular ,Values You Have Come To Expect Of Us BLYTH, ONTARIO Open Daily Monday to Frnray , 9 a.m. to 6 p.m: Saturdays to 10 p m. ONGRATULATIONS to the Town of Seaforth and the Huron Expositor on the occasion . of their 100th Birthday Donald G. Eaton Insurance Agency Limited Hallowe'en Sale CONTINUES UNTIL SAT NIGHT 41111111MIIMEN BEATTY SPACE SAVERS Demonstrator Pair (Has Been Sold) , But we have two sets of WASHERS and DRYERS Colonial Push Button Top of the Line Regular Value $'729 t For the Pair, ONLY .. 549. AT $39 EACH (Are All Sold Out) We still have a few priced at $45 Each 1111111•111111111011••"k FLEETWOOD STEREO Special Prices on Three Models Drop in and see them! WESTINGHOUSE DEMONSTRATOR 23" TV SET LIST PRICE — $289 $ 1 9 9 • FOR ONLY Color Television Sets Available at Terrific Savings We Need Used Refrigerators SeeOur B EA T TY 1.1141,1' Make a' Deal Now You Won't Be Sorry - ND Reasonable Offer Ignored! BEDROOM SUITES One Set of Dresser Lamps ABSOLUTELY FREE With Each Suite Sold ' SPECIAL FREE—FREE—FREE—FREE KITCHEN CHROME STOOL FREE WITH EACH 5- or 7 -Piece Kitchen Suite E1—FREE—FREE--FREE rommiNwor LIVING ROOM SUITES 2 -PIECE CAPE COD SUITE Cordova Brown $• .2 39 - op4Ly 61111111111=11111111111.11111.11.1111111,1111 2 -PIECE RELIABLE SUITE 011IY $1 6 9 .2 -PIECE SKLAAR SUITE Blue Color $ 2 4 9 ONLY -.4 a "2 -PIECE COLONIAT, SUITE r, TERRIFIC BUY AT 279 Gold Color GINGERICH'S. 'FURNITURE and APPLIANCES, Clinton Seaforth riaistimausitatiosaarmarmatimptioarlaillwal