HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-31, Page 434 LISE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming XMAS 2. Lest, Strayed 3. Found 4, lieb Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale , Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11, Articles For Sale 12. Wanted Buy 13. . Wanted 14. _Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16, For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Prpperty Wanted 19. Notices \-- 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Bustness Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages U. Articles for Sale GOOD used upright piano. Phone 527.1937: 11-514 mou'roN fur coat, size 1.0, Ph- one 527-0606, 11-51x1 MeCORMICK PTO spreader, like new. Wilfred McQuaid', North Main St. 11-51x1 • FALL Special on wheelbarrows, $29.95, Vincent Farm Equip- ment, phone 527-0120, Seaforth. 11-51-1 CAMEL Hair coat, size 12, only worn five or six times, like new. Phond 527-0922. Evenings. 11-51x1 MOBILE Home, 2.bedrooins, 45' x 10', fully furnished, Gordon Pryce, RR 1, Dublin, phone 527- 0917. 11-51-1 PERMANENT Anti -Freeze $2.49 a gallon. Vincent Farm Equip- ment, phone 527-0120, Seaforth. 11-51-1 PARTS for 1961 chev-. less mot- . or, 1960 ohev radio, portable record player, phone 262-5272. 11-2 Classified ads are instered at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number,• initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 1142 and 13 min- imum 05c. Classifications 24, ,25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. All ether clas- sifications minimum $1.15" per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted ,(21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- quest. 1. Coining Events RECEPTION foe, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKercher, Seaforth Legion, Hall, Saturday Nevem,- her 23rd. . 1-51-1 DON'T forget the annual St. Columban PTA Turkey Bingo in Parish Hall, Wednesday, Dec- ember 11th, 1968 at 9 o'clock. RESERVED seats now avail- able for Royal Horse Show, Royal Winter Fair. Sun -idly Matinee Noy, 17th and Satur- day evening November 23Indi Miller Motors 527-1410. 1-49-6 DANCE Friday November 84h, Bru;siaIs Legion. Ha11, Desjar- Ones Orchestra, sponsored by the Walton Recreation Commit- tee restricted to 21 years and, over,. $2,00 per couple 1-51-1 4. Help Wanted LADY to look after 4 children while mother is in hospital, phone 527-1559. 4-51-1 SALES clerk and T. waitress vvantedefull time, must be clean neat'and good workers. Apply Crichs. bakery: — 4-50-2 SOM'EONE .to baby sib in, my wneelereme, 'Trent 7:38, %3:30," tours days a week. Phone" 527- 1636, after 4 • 4-51-1t. RNA or CNA for half days, also doinestic help for evenings. Sea - forth Manor. Phone 527-0030; for appointment. . 4-51x1. RAWLEIGH business now open in part of Huron Co. Trade well established, excellent opporttin- ity, full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. J-363-189, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. . LAD—Y. to care for 3 school age.. children: vvhile mother works in exehange tier .room and beard. Apply to Box 1780 Huron Ex- posit:: r. 4-50-2 A Rawle.igh man needed at once for part of Huron Coe good in- COMe. Wnite today. Rawleighs, Dept, J-363-1352, 4095 Ric•hel- ieu St., St, Henry, Montreal. IMMEDIATE opening for Re- % gistered Nurse's Assistants, also Nurse's Helpers, for full em- ployment. If you have, had no graining or experience as , a Nur.se's helper, we will cor sider training • you. Apply nr person to Blu;e Water Resit Home, Zurich, Ontario 4-50-2 5. Bus. Opportunities SNO-JET Snowmobile, Dealer- ships available. Contact Vanden- Busshe Irrigation at Delhi, Ont- ario, area distributers. Phone 582-2380. 5-51-2 8. Farm Stock for Sale TWENTY, six week old pigs, and 1/4/ one pure bred Landrace boar, Phone 527-1012. 8-51x1 HEREFC51D bull, 2 years old. Hugh Benninger, Dublin. Phone 345-2001. 8-51x 1 THIRTY-FIVE ('hunks. — Roy Williamson, phone 392w6 Brus- $els. 8-51-1 19.pigs, 8 weeks old and 7 pigs 10 weeks old. Phone 482-7262, Don'Lawson, RR 4, Clinton. , 8-51-1 REGISTERED holstein bull 10 months old from a darn with 2487 lbs. of milk and 933 lbs. , of fat. Sire is Dividend Clipper. Douglas Farquher 482-9241 Clin ton. • 8-51-1 STOCKERS ALL classes replacement cattle calves, yearlings, available all week Call Ken Ram.ore, Strat- ford Liyeestock Exchange. 271; 3181, after if p.m 271-3965. 8.48x4 9. Poultry for Sale .CIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SC Mit POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 947-tf ROCK Elm timber, 33 feet long, would square 12 inches or, more. Torrance Dundas Wal - tori, phone 470J5 BrusseTs. • 11-51-1 IRISH (red) Setter puppies re- gitered, all shots, 2 male's, 9 weeks old. Champienship blood lines. Mrs, Florence Pullen 169 Church St., Clinton, 482-7896. 11.51.1 MARY •Maxim handkpit, med- ium blue size12, girl's sweater;. C.G.I.T. 'Middy size 14, worn one season; Young man's navy blue raincoat, S.cotchigard treat- ed size 38 worn few times, very reasonable, Phone 527-1991. '11-51k1 CRUSHED gravel, deliveredor at the pit. John Thompson, phone 52'7-02,30. 11-47-tf ENGLISH DINNERWARE 50 piece sets of 8 Only $29.95 At Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Over 40 patterns •to choose from 11-47-11 PIANOS and organs, new and reconditioned, largest variety to chease from. We service, what" we sell for our customers to the highest degree of accuracy. Siee your Sherloek - Manning dealer. for this area and get a truly fine instrumeint. Many makes and models at 'Garnet Farrier's showrooms at White- church. Phone 357-2068. or at . Whitney FuuJture, Seaforth. 11 -414f - NEED COPIES?? , We will make copies of Your important papers or documents while you waft. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR: 11-29-tf CRYSTAL We hive open stock of the :following, crystal patterns: _ Cross and Olive $1.00 each Pinwheel $1.00 each Flair $1.5tY each Exquisite $2.25 each Cornflower at Regular Prices Er Discount on Complete Sets Anstett Jewellers, Ltd. • 11-4'74f -HARDWOOD slabs, '6 cord lots, $240ti Delivered to your dodr. Phone Craig's Saw Mill. 526- ,72'20. 11.49-3 FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure, systems and farm line needs. PHONE 482-9561 17 Raittenbury Street CLINTON "Proudly "We Service Caeadian" what. s'fie 1,1 RUSS.ARCHER. Manager TIMEX/WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-47-tf FOR SALE - Pioneer clearancr sale of model 14-20 and 14-50. Perfect farm sized, lightweighi saws at 'terrific savings., Call Robert Glen Chain Saws. 482- 9292, Clinton. TL -47x4 COPIES. Copies et your important pa- pers or dectimentt while you Wait Letter size, 25cAwl?. The Huron Expositor 11 -29 -ti 11, Articles for Sale .Q011' coiln, will deliver. H. I3ov- en, Phrale 027-0916. 11-50x3 1966 250 Suzuki, $350 pr best offer. Phone 0274550. 11-50-2 FRINIC snowplow, with wing and attachments. William Cald- uell, Brumfield. phone 482- 9807. . 11-50x2 TWO unit Surge milker with 3-4 unit new Surge pump and new 134" vacuum line for 26 cows. Phone 527-0658. 11-59-2 NEED COPIES?? We will. make copies of Your important papers or doctunents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-29-tf STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWARE Sets of 6 from $10.95 up Sets of 8 from $13.95 up 'At . Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-474f 12. Wanted to Buy MIXED grain, preferably heavy in oats.. Phone '527-1012. 12-51x1 USED pianos in any condition. State price and name. Box 1784. _ 12-51x5 OLD books, documents, post cards, china, glass, phone 482- 9193. 12-51-4 • 13. Wanted THIRTY head of cattle to feed for the winter. Phone 527-0107. James Axtmann. '13-51-2 HOGS wanted. Slaughter boars' for export. Contact Joe Corey, Clinton Community Sales, Ph- one 482-9656. 13-47x5 WINTER feeding required for twenty five to • fifty 700 lb. Steers by pound gain. Box 1779 Huron Expositor. 13-50-2 TWO ,beetiourn duplex. in Eg- moindNille, gas heated, private entrance. Phone 5270.1529. after 4 pin. . 15-51-1 110 yearling steers to feed by the gain. Phone 523-9208. 13-51-1 14. Property for Sale LOTS for sale an Market St.. in good, loco lion near public sehool. Mrs. Helen. Glees 527- 14-51-2, ATTENTION PLEASE Have you a need for a small hotel closie to Seaforth? Brick, 9 bedrooms slate roof, 2 baths, good basement. Suitable for an apartment '.builtbing, store, dine and dance snackbar,office space, display Purposes or stor- age. Priced right. • WILLIAM M. HART Salesman — Seaforth GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE' LTD. Broker 14-49-tf ESTATE SALE — • CORNER FARM 190 acres, level, well "drain- ed, in excellent farming anea 35 mi, north of London in Hur- on County. Large brick house, oil heat. all conveniences. Large barn, woodshed and honey house. Building& • sire:rounded by tall evergreen trees. .$35000 Apply in writing to Box 1781 Nitro n EXPOSiitCYr• 14-50-2 CHOICE FARMS HUNDRED and FIFTY acres on paved road in Seaforth area, feed lot for beef cattle, new pole barn. 2 silos. silo unload. er -and hunk feeders.. Modern 3 bedroom brick house, .new oil furnace, doUble- garage, Dril- • led well. Terms available Apply to Box 1783 Huron • Expositor, 14-51-3 .CHOICE Hundred and Fifty acres of level dark clay loam. House has 3 piece' bath upstairs and 2 piece down. Barns in tip top condition. Drilled imell feeds in- to controlled bowls, A real pict- ure of a farm. Priced right too. WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN SEAFORTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 14-474 15:Piopeity for Rent SMALL apartment, self cad - tai ed, . heated, Su-itable for ng married couple, avail- able December lst. John Smith Railway Street. Phone 527-0544. 15-51x1 15, PropertY for Rent SELF eontalned basted siart-g raent on Onderich Street WOW Apply to Box 1782. Reference re- quired. 15-514 APARTMENT for rent 'in El- Montiville, apply to Harold'Jack- ,,son, Seaforth Ontario, Phene 527,0640. Available Nov. lst. 15-51-2 19: Notices NOTICE.- Clem -tens fall ploughed, reasonable rates. Phone Cole- man's, John Street. 527-1274.. TL -49x3 • Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs. • • Ring Sizing Retip Claws • Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing ' Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd, 19-47-tf BEFORE you consider Only type of security OT investment, investigate the advantages (in- cluding tax savings) •offered by ownership of Canada's most dYnamie mutual fund. Contact Fred (Ted) Savauge, 527-1522 for further details (no obllget- _ion). 19-47-tf ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St, Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-474f SEPTTANKS it CLEANED Write or phone' LOUIS BLAKE, RR2, Brussels, phone 442-W-6 or HAROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1424. , 19-474f NOTICE • • We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. e WILLIAMk J. DP.TeE phone Sealforth 527-0,35 Or MICHAEL J. DOYLE Phone 345.2549 Dublin call col- I•ect. 19.-,474f HURON - DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario. We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses We pick up calves and small pigsas a service to you. Call colle•et 482-98111 after 6 p.m. call 356-2404. License • No. -169-C-63 19-50x3 WATCH REPAIITV. F-AST"SEINICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT ; JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 52'7-1720 — Seaforth 19-47-tf DEAD STOCK Please Call Promptly MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 — Brtesels, Oet, 24 hour service -7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C65 19-474f SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Write or call Har- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- 1406. • 19-47-tf 20. Auction Sales ESTATE . AUCTION SALE Of household effects in the town of Seaforth, James Street on: • MONDAY, NOVEMBER- 11,th at 1 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; bas- ket chair with upholstery (new); Swivel rocker (like new); occas- ional chairs; rocking chairs; kitchen' set; drop leaf table; 2 chairs (new)'; Rogers' Majestic 21 inch television (new); hall tree; 3 furnished bedrooms; bed springs; mattresses; dressers; wash stands; single bed bex springs, mattress, Kelvinator re- frigerator; 4 burner electric stove: end tables; • twilight lamps; table lamps; mirrors; glass wall cupboardnfoot stool; chrome step up table; electric broom (new); Glass China cab- inet; 9x10 carpet and pad; •run- ners; scatter mats; Ironing board; garden hose; vacuum cleaner:. General Electric floor polisher: 1 drop head sewing machine; quantity bed linen; blankets; table linen; dishes; ornaments; kitchen utensils; electric clock; all furniturejike Ile w. TERMS — CASH Estate of late, Mrs. Mary Shannon HAROLI) JACKSON A u et i oneer MEL GRAHAM Clerk 20-51-2 AUCTION SALE 20. Auction Sales o C ea s io net .ehaira; roeitin$ eherti; 'Morris ehair; living. 'rocun 'WARS; Ceffee table; electric tab. le,laniPS; floor laum$.; 1)41 rpek; pedestals; It.c.A. Victor; 21 Inch 'television; radio; Hooked mats; rug 19)(20 (like new); couch; chairs; Morris •chair;•living room table, chairs;, buffet; mirrors.; 3 furnished bedrooms; mattes. - es, dressers; wash stand; chrome kitchen set; kelvinator; Westinghouse electric st o v, e re new); electric clock; 2-8 clocks; antique calender clock; washing machine; Gener- al Electric vacuum cleaner (like new); 2 coal oil lamps; copper boiler anditubs; drop head sew- ing machine; 2 electric heaters; trunks; bedding; pi'l-Avs;; radio; kitchen utensils; electrical ap- pliances; kitchen tool; crocks; toilet set; Jardineer; flower pots; dishes; ornaments; garden tools; other articles too numer, ous to mention. TERMS — CASH , • ' MRS. JOHN 'CUIVIMINGS proprietor HAROLD; JACKSON , Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM Clerk 20-51-2 .• Property consists of approx- . . imately 130 foot frontage and 250 foot depth on which is loc- ated a 21/2 storey brick church with stone foUndation, full base- ment and furnace. The church is 36 ft. wide by 65 ft. depth. Also on this property is a frame shed 30 ft. x 20 ft. (moveable). ,CHURCH FURNISHINGS — 9 °entre' church pews 14 ft. long; 80 side church pews 71e1t. lona; Bell piano and bench; 5 church banquet tables, 14 ft. long; 90 church chairs, (solid seat); 2 'upholstered arm chairs; 2- ped- estal stands; arm chair; knee ',hele desk; extension table; 11 .children chairs; children small tables and benches; Findlay gas range (propane);' electric range- ette; electric clock; 2 rubber aisle runners 3ft. x 50f.t.; Wiltou rug 6 ft. x 9 ft quanity of wood. Sale under cover TERMS — CASH DONALD BUCHANAN /for the United Church Board AUCTION SALE Auction sale of Church Prop- erty and church furnishings from the United Church at Kin - burn on: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9th at'1:30 p.m. 0 I g EDWARD W. EieLIOTT -Lase .ea.e_eAuotioneen ee.„.• • Auction sale of household ef- fects in th town of Seaforth 68 James Street on: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th at 1 p.m. • Chesterfield and two chairs; >?2. Legal Notices NOTICE • CREDITORS In the Estate of EVERETT J. THE !VON :Iwo's** $000107/44 ONT. Oct.0-,1111(4,43 24. Legal Notices g2„ Legal Notice's. 22,, Legal. Notice* :1.:gmotAn Au S,.. baving.clalrtm,ag, ainst the Wag of.HVHIMIT HtligliKAN, We of the, Town, shth ip, of MeHillOp, in e County ef Farmer, deceased, who died on the zoth day of Ante, 1968, OTO tlereby notified to fend in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the. 1st day of November, 1968, after which date the assets Will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then reteiv- ed. Dated at Seaforth, this 25th day of October, 1968. MCCONNELL & STN.:WART Seaforth, Ontario , Solicitors for the Executors 22-51-3 C .POrglin VOTERS' LIST 1968 Township of Hibbert NOTICE is hereby given •that Jedtwoemplied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my of- fice in the Police Village of Dublin, on the 25th day of Oct- ober, 1968 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Mun- icipality at the Municipal Elect- ions, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I herebyeall upon all vot- ers to take immediate proceed- ings to have any errors or omis- sions corrected according to law, the last day for, appeal being the 9th day of November, 1968. ANNE BURCHILL • • Clerk Dublin, Ontario. 22-51-1 Clerk's Notice of The First Posting of Voters' List 1968 Town of Seaforth NOTICE is -hereby given that that I have com-plied with Sec- tion 9 of the Voters List Act ' and. that'I 'have' noshed up in my office at S.eaftietti On the thirty-first,day of October, 1968, the list of all persons entitled to vote in 'the inunicipalitye at municipal elections and that such list remains there for in- spection: I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceed - 'legs -to haee -any- errere • f.,r cm miee io ne. correct ed acc n ree ing to law, the last d -ay foe ap- peal being the fourteenth day ef November. 1968. • .E. M. WILLIAMS. (21.erk, Town of Seaforth 22 I s N or ice 0 The First Posting of ilpters', List TownshiP—d NOTICE is - by here Oven that I have owned suUb Seaton 9, of the Vetere/ List Act and that I havo posted 'up sr the Township office, Win- hrop Cittl the „Ma day of Oct- ober, 1968 the* list of -ail per- sons entitled to vote 1nn the said Municipality at iVitinicipal Elections, and that sueh list remains there for Mspection. • And I hereby call upon. ail voters to take immediate - pro- ceedirngs to have any errN'S. or omissions • Coccreaed amording to law, the last day for- appeals • being the 14th day of Novem- ber, 1968. . DATED this 31st day of' Ootober, 1968. WILSON LITTLE Clerk of McKillop Tovsmship 22-51-2 • TREASURER'S SALE, OF LAND FPR TAXES' ' TOWN OF SEAFORTH COUNTY OF HURON TO 'WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the. Mayor of the Town of . Seaforth under his hand and seal of . the said corporation bearing date the 2nd day of January, 1968, sale of land in arrears of taxes in the town of Seaforth will be held in the Council Chambers at the hour of- 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday the 6th da Y of November,- 1968,, unless; the tax- es and cost are sooner paid. , Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for. arrears of taxes was ...publ•isthed in the. Ontario Gazette on the 6th dee; of July 1968 and that Copies oif the said list may be at -my of, - face.. Treasurer's .offide, this 20,th day of June 1966. Ernest Williams,, Clerk. • 2238-13 Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List 1968 ,-TONSTliallIk,, .0 .:STA:NLET . ,Qovistrg' ,010 M•410,N MUM with , P. of tVoteiV Lk* ot Am) that ,haVg.410$0. up' . pp at nWr. vittioe at 4.0400010 en thet ath dar o Dctol4en, tbw Vet 4 a11p.. en, tt04. ,to 'ilvte tiv- Pstumfoc* aiity • at Aluniolpal *P14000 and that sou* roma* les!: infspNtiOn And 1 bern* gag API* PA: 'voters, to take inatniOdiato Pocr ceedia*--tO' JIM Onr :ertrOM er 0111dg001•4' Penraeted seeettO,, hbg to 1,11wt %tile diOr fag ' peals -hpIng the daY Of November, 1968- DA.TEO, __this 24th daY of • October, 1363, MEL GRAHAM Clerk-Tneasuner Brucefield .Ontario 2Z50-2 23. Business Directory G. A. WHITNEY' FUNERAL Eon, Godericb St W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY r Phone 5271390°°CASK-N Seaforth W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR night or Day Calls — 5274510 MCCONNELL ` & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. , D. L STEWART -Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0860 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. H. Patterson, D.V.M., V.S. P. J. Dwyer, 3I.V.B., M.R.C.V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFT OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs„ Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 to 12 noon Mon., Wed. • — Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Classified Additional Ti -EYE RUINING 74- i4A,LLpw E'EN v4rri4 Tl -4E lk AIR SHOW ACROBATICS; •-•Zeeeser•eeeee • HOLD IT! yOu , REED A SouPC-ON OF THIS NEW MUMMIFIED BATWING) DUST! at NO.) HAVEN'T et) ANYTHING, Eeef DIDN'T yo1/4) NOTtCE "(OliR FA2I-50.'s BEN NOIN liVs aDME HeMa NTH 1 P., WHOLE NEVNI eeTFiT — ON APPQCJAI.. 9. 1)0 . . Q\!_!L L.!) • , 7 1 v r..i:f . IN I cl. ...'A S ' ii ... , \ 5 ee -.., I .. , ..., . . . . 1 rae•REEI rEE-wi.iti , , e. 3. 41 • s -- v . , , , ..- ee - ,. ,, ig 511>EBORNS Dowr 1 :, KEEPING THE -----flHEY CeeST ANYTHING', - / i ft ' .,...., ..., ;Pkowlit,'z His SiDESURNs? /. . . • Tqel Tef3E i NICE s.'"` -.....____-"N'- 0", ..., V • • • • • 4 •>1 ,..., al. ') ,''''*---e.—.- 1:',.`,••• • ,,, 0, ••,ve ::° . P Yee SPEND A PreANIte DAY HERDIN& 1.0 TONt O "S5oQiED NUTS AND Bot -TS azoas PoiNT A To yottaT B.... fro AND `lot) PICK OP AtsloTHER IRAILEOW—t) SORE 14oPE To &O BACK AND INIt S 7•0•TONs 9. DIFFES:ENT O .e- kCS°C11.61) NOTS AND Elot-Ts! AssOR.TmENT? , • r . • • .st,srs.; re 111 7;>C0'4,0 \ " ...4,.e,leeeeteeeee, xe\e'l'!,s '7,,1k''Cliri,o%Trr:1W4o?W;. -7 y M7-alli.r40211-4130rr0rNrrm.11'e;,'i'see,e, t r li. 1 'If h.ti 1C le 11 ... ' ttiot;1. otrii ,, smytiTr: _ ' , __ — ."-- — " • '''.."-- .- — . ' ..-- "."... ...' " .. ,