HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-31, Page 39Still Available The Seaforth Women's Institute Souvenir COOK BOOK .issued originally in 1966, the Cook Boak is in ready demand. A lindted Me: From Members At Hardware or The Huron Expositor 4.,:t•r4M*14" A • • • a ; 4 MTs, itOne GrimoldbY retijpi ad, hope' ,aftien sPeedire pa ell Nook with wt. mad mrf, wawa reining of Seaforth Mr. and M. Fasatk Riley Writ the weekend with Mr, sod and Mrs. Bob. Woods, Deb* d Michele of ,Garianioque. Mr. Theron Battles of Win- ehrep and Miss Ethel Mellevain of Godertch visited with Mr, find/ Ws- George Melilwain. e Biln- and Maks. Russell Flan - Wig Seaforth and Mks. Irene CiatreihlbY Vont . the weekend • in Allisters and attended the • 25th v6I'o-ox41ng anitiknasany of to. and Mrs. .Roy Mending. Jlim Thompson spent the Weeleend, 'with' his grandpareabs Mr. and KM Terrence Hunter Of Colborne 'township. M. and Mrs, Ken Tneszeator, Afr. a d Mrs. Jihn Preszcator the '25th wadding an- niviensary of Mr. and 7Ifirs. Ted Wright held at the home of Mr. and M. Allan Pfaff and, faintly of Crediton. MT. and M. Fred, Buchanan STANCE • • a eind fee* 004 oe 'BIM*" with Itina. Aline Roam= ort Clintau POW. *Oil, vv. and Ws, Joe Hart of Hozwovitle with figit. MO MP. Charles IfoiTt of Godeplich, Mr. and Mrs. Willtem Dale and Cheryl spent Sunday vd:th W. mkt M. HAMM,' SP;e3 At the tint e el writing Ms% Wilfred. Seat Is a patient an St, JeLeeph's Hospital, London We hope he Will' now be feel - nig hotter. Ur, and Mrs. Ken Pnearnator - and girls spent Sunday witCh and Mrs. David. Preszeaton and Christine. The COF ladies held theta! "Ladies Night:" on • Tu.es,diaty. The evening was spent Ple{v- ing euehre• with the following winners: Ladies high, Mrs. Bob Storey.; lone —hand, Mrs, Bill McClure; -law M. ~John Jew - 1h 10 tattles pliating. Mrs. Annie Medd is spending a Ssw ds with her sister 'Mrs. Arnold. Miller of Gotiferioh. BPs 'CANADA: LTD. Has 'Pleasure In Announcing That Their SEAFORTH Service Station Will Re -Open Shortly tinder the Management - of 'BILL McskAUGHLIN 0 0 The Acquisition,of the FORD and MERCURY Franchises from e Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd. is ,also announced. McLAUGHLIN MOTORS will be the exclusive dealer for the SEAFORTH-MITCHELL AREA! NEWS OF WALTON r 's Institute Hosi to Three District Groups Guests were entertaineeWed- nesday evening from Blyth, Lcodesboro and Seaforth Insti- tutes in the Walton Community ,-, Mrs. Jan Van Viiet preside4 and contributed a poem "How to Bake a Cake". Minutes Were read by Mrs. Wm. Humphries and roll call was answered by "giving your maiden name., in full". - 'MV3., Allan McCall, Mrs. Mar- garet Humphries and Mrs. Tor- rance Amides attended the aux- iliary meeting at Huronview, Monday and Mrs. Dundas gave a report of the 'afternoon. Mrs. Jan Van Vliet and Mrs. Harold Bolger will attend the meeting November 25. Mrs. Margaret Humphries will layathe Remembrance Day wreath at Brussels, Nev. 11- and llfrs. Kenneth McDonald will at- tend the area convention at Guelph. . ° The sewing class will hold the meeting next Tuesday exe- ping in the -Public School with Mrs. Jim Axtmann as leader and Mrs. Donald Achilles as as- sistant leasler. „ A donation of five dollars will be sent to Care. Mrs. David Watson and Mrs, Gordon McGavin will be con- veners for,Agriculture and Can- adian Industries next month with hostesses Mrs. Frank Wal- ters, Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Earl Watson and Mrs. Allan Mc- Call. was the guest speaker for the evening discussing driftwood. The first thing that is necesSary Is to locate something approp- riate in pine or cedar In the hush, It is then eieaned with a steel 'brush an, plastic var- nish is used to finish the wood. Dark colored, finishes Usually go better with room colors. A good quality of washable flow- ers are twined, in and around the driftwood, She demonstrat- ed the actual making of a sam- ple. Mrs. G. Sholdice thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift. Prizes won were nearest wed- ding anniversary, Mrs. Gerald Ryan; most pennies in 'purse, Mrs. Mac Scott, Seaforth; per- son wearing her birthstone, Mrs. Torn MeFarlatie, Ethel; mother dressed up on Hallowe'en last year and went out with_ her" children, Mrs. Eric Anderson, Londesboro; birthday nearest Hallowe'en, Mrs. Harold Hugill, Seaforth. A penny auctioe was well • patronized and lunch was served by Mrs. David Watson, Mrs. Laverne Godkin, Mrs. James Axtmann, Mk, Ed Godkin, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Jr., Mrs. Jim Fritz, Mrs. Donald McDonald and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Miss "Ruth Ritchie, London, spent a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Ritchie after vacationing in New • It was decided to leave Ladies' Night until the first of the year. Mrs. Wm. Humphries gave an interesting report pf the coun- ty rally held in'CrAnbrook rec- ently. The conveners, Mrs: Herb Travis and Mrs. Graham .Shol- dice took over the meeting for Historical Research and Current Events. Mrs. Traviss reada poem "Waste Not, Want Not". A dance 'of the Roaring Twen- ties was gracefully done by JoanBennett, Joyce Blake and CathY McDonald, accompanied , at the piano by Mrs. Ray Hueth- er. Mrs. Graham 'Sholdice con- ducted a true and false contest. Mrs. Leo Dietner of Ethel News -of DUBLIN Harold Pethiek was host- ess for a meeting of the Dublin WL Presidient Mrs, 'Herb Brit- ton presided and minutes were read by Mrs. James Straton. Treasurer Mrs. Wilfred Annis gave the financial report. The roll 'call waiS answered by showing school pictures of . each member taken years gone by. A contest followed by pas- gng around baby pictures and guessing whom the pictures Were, with Mrs. George Coy- ille hedng the winner. Mrs. 3. &urchin read letter from Mrs. L. L. Vear of the -N. W. Ter- ritories 'branch giving a report �f the progress being done in farming branches of the WI. A pimp of 25 Eskimo women have formed a branch at Cop- , permine N.W.T. Mrs, Vear said much work has been done to- ward play ground.? and swine Ming pools for children, also health conditions, -have improv- ed. there are now 12 beariches in the N.W.T. three of them arte in the, Yukon. Mrs,'.-Iterb Britton gave a full history of their farm- for the Tweedsmuir book also showed pictures of the different mem- bers of the:family . and various improvements made. %Lunch was scived by Mils. J. Burchill and Mrs. G. Coville. =Dix J410 ID WIT' MONS • MINOUNCVAINTS • Accasspins 00/All 14 MD MK rat mutt No 11111DAL Off 100.11111f The Huron Expositor Seaforth Phone 527-0240 "'• ' York reoently, Little Darlene dulutzeti, daughter a Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander Gulutzen, is confined to Seaforth Community Hospital, Mr. and 'Mrs. Nelson Reid vis- ited over the weekend in Strat- ford with Mr. and 1VIrs. Alvin StiMore. M. and Mrs. David'4erley and baby son of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. W. R: Broad, foot. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett left on Friday to spend a few day- at Orillia. Miss Susan Bell and friend of Waterloo were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bennett. Mrs. Fred H. Miller is a -pat- ient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dennis of North f3ay spent the _week- • end at his home. s • Mrs. Thomas Leeming has been confined to Clinton Public Hospital for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews' and Mrs. Neil Read of Toronto; spent the weekend with Mrs. Gedrge Dundas.. Cotton Cuties Walton Cotton Cuties met. at the home of Gail Searle and dis- cussed hems and achievement dajt Which will be held in Sea - forth, Nov. 30. Lunch was serv- ecLat the next meeting by Mar '• ian _McCallum, Heather McDon- ald and Jean. Bennett. ool Tlevrs ThLs Week At the Seatorth Meld MCI% gehooll by Faye Munro and Sharon Dietz Golden Bears Defeat Northwes- tern • The Golden Bears regained their cry of victory last Wednes- day When they won over Strat- ford Northwestern by a Score of 46-6. Gary Bennett led, the' ,Jtears to v' tom by coring 111W4 tou flz", ick - ed" a single on -eceiv- ed a pass for a two-point con- version. Gary Nicholson made two touchdowns and he also had a two-point conversion. Jim Dalrymple and Jim Hender- son each scored a touchdown. Congratulations team! The third home game will be played on Thursdays when the Bears con- front Wingham. As this is the, last genie of the season. we hope our team can win over Wing - ham to end the season in vic- tory. Girls' Volleyball momaireniesossisourriarmariarommor_ An exhibition tournament was held last Wednesday in Goder- ich. The, Participation teams in- cluded voderich, Clinton, Exe- ter, Wingham and Seaforth. Even though our tearns did not win any matches they found 'the) tournament useful for practice purposes. • • On Saturday the teams play- ed in a tournament in Goderich to determine who goes to • WOSSA. Our teams defeated Mitchell but both lose against ' Goderich. T -he Senior team won the first .game of the match against Goderich, lost the sec- ond and were leading the last game by a 'score of 13-8. How- ever, "Goderich defeated them 15-13. The Junior team lost to G'Oderich, by a score of 15-7; This Saturday the Juniors play in the Huron -Perth tournament in Exeter and next Saturday the Seniors play their Huron -Perth tournament in Clinton. Soccer .• The boys' soccer team played two games last week but they did not manage to bring home' a win. On Monday t. :y lost to Mitchell 2-0 and on Friday they were defeated by Clinton 4-0. The ---boys,•Inade a, , fine—effort, and tied two out Of a' total Of seven. tvri though they didn't alwaYA,Ayjnigtitey- had fttn r and we're proud.of them. Magazine Campbign The students made one last effort in the campaign which took our sales over our quota. The grand total of Curtis sales were $2,439.69 and Exposi- tor nearly as much. The top grade was 9A who sold $11.13 per student which came to $300.51. The students who sold $10.00 or more are now choosing their individual prizes'. The stu- dent body will watch a feature length- film -on Wednesday, a • reward for reaching their quota. Hallowe'en Dance , The first school dance was held last Friday in the form of a Hallowe'en party. The 'New Set provided the music and the dance was sponsored 13y. the • GAA, The dance was a great suc- cess and most who attended wore costumes. _ Christine Turnbull and Don Murray were judged the best dressed couple; Mary Anne Knuz won the'prize for the most original costume; Jane Sills was the best. dressed girl and John -McGrath was the best dressed boy. Boys' Volleyball Seaforth played Mitchell in an exhibition volleyball game on Thursday. Our boys won two out of the three matches. They play in Clinton on Wednesday and their tournament is on Sat- urday. Good luck, team! THE HOME .TEAM Akc GI LLICUDDY (gIN{ERRECNDOg ,1.1 1 10-1 1 1. c1,71eff >es4 itoo edi'grirt" Stewart Bros, store as it appeared shortly after the business was establish-. • ed and before a fire in 1905.which desqoyed. the third floor of the adjoining building occupied by W. R. Smith, In the upper windows of the Stewart ,Stores are members of the tailoring and dressmaldng departments of•the firm. Congratulations. Seaforth! on your Hundredth Birthday . When Seaforth was -just a mere 35 years old, Stewart Bros. was founded by Charles and Harry Stewart and so we justly feel proud of the fact that our firm has growti up w-ith Seafort4. It has been'our policy and pleasure to be a part of, and contribute to so many worthy causes, deserving charities, and ther good works. To lend our talents, time and effort, throughout these 65 years to every worthy cause, with -out thought of reward,. has afforded us, at Stewart Bros., a deep feeling of satisfaction, that in some small way„ 'we. could help make Seaforth a good town to live in. The fact that we have survived through two wars, business recessions, the great depression, and our own, oft times, difficult financial trials, can _he attributed in no small way to the generous, year after year patronage and loyalty, the good people of Seaforth have generously given us. The present partners' of Stewart Bros. trained under the original founders and dedicated to their determination to sell quality merch4dise at fair prices, to give the best possible service to customers and to keep abreast of the changing times and trends, are determined to continue these policies — that have built this business. _ We look forward to the future of Seaforth, and our own bUginess', with the confidence and faith that even better things will be ours in the new century that we now are embarked on. STEWART BROS. J. A. STEWART Men's Wear Established 1905 D. R. STEWART Ladies' Wear • CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th Birthday SEAFORTH • WALDEN & BROADFOOT TEXACO DISTRIBUTORS PIIONE 527-1224 SEAPORT!!