HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-31, Page 35•
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05.10 r ruing
More Than Century Ago
The Huron Expositor is
belieVed b,ave had its begin--
ning in 1860 as "The Ocpress"
with C. H. Cull as publisher.
An item in Belden's Perth Atlas
indicates that Alexander Camp-
bell, son. of Rev, James Camp-
bell, a Baptist minister of 'Logan
township in 1862 commenced
issuing a paper which was then
called "The Huron Express"but
he died soon after„ The •1863
Gazetteer showed C. H. Cull
publisher of the Huron Express
and J. W. Graham, foreman in
the Huron Express office.
.The Express continued on
an irregular basis until in Nov-
ember 1867 Penton and Col -
bourne carried out a reorganiz-
ation and introduced thel-Expos-
itor. Shortly after Ceorge W.
Ross and W F Luxton purch-
ased the business. which was _
'managed by Murtio Young Mc-
Lean who came to Seaforth
from Cornwall and Ayr.
The Ross of the firm went
on to become Sir George W.
Ross, Preniier of Ontario, while
Mr Luxton moved West and a
few years later founded the _
Winnipeg Free Press
Iri December 1870 the bus-
iness was purehAsed by Mr ,tNic-
Lean and his brother, Alan Mc-
•Le_an„.ind the name was chahg-
-ed to The Huron Depositor, ,
• Within two years. Alan McLean.
because of 111 health, was fon--
ed to resign and the husiness
was carried on by M.. Y Mc-
Lean who continued as editor
'until his death in 1916 Mr
McLean represented FilltC)11 Lu
the Provincial Legislature and
the House'of Commons for sev-
eral terms.
• Ott the death of M ,Mc-
Lean in 1016, Vith M, McLean,
who had been 'associated with
his father for:many years, he -
came' editor, Mr, IvIcLea» von,
tinned as editor until his death
in 1948, when the management
was assumed in turn hy his son.
Andrew Y. McLean, tfie third
generation of the McLean fam-
ily to publish the paper A. Y
McLean, like his grandfather,
is Iforhaer member of the
House of Commons when lie
represented Huron Perth Riding
He is a pat president of the
Ontario Weekly NewspapdeS-
Seaforth's 100th birthday
year marks the 108th year of
publication in Seaford), the
101st anniversary 'of the estah-
lishment of The Expositor and
the 98th year during which Me-.
Lean Bros, has appeared on the
masthead as publishers anct diir-
ing which three generatiov of
the McLean familyhave edit •
ed the Paper. '
During these years many
members of the staff have con-
tributed to the,paper for long
periods, •Ineluded aniong these ,
Copies of Many of the
Appearing in tkis Issue
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are'rnembers of the Weitand
family several of whom were
employed here a! also were
the Purcell brothers, Joseph and
Basil. The late George Love '
began his career at The Exposit-
or and Alex Lowry had comple-
ted 60 years on the staff wIlen
he died in lupe 1949
John Maloney 11.04 operated:
a linotypte.for more ihan forty
years when he retired in 1966 "
and NIrs R K. NIcFarlane, the
'former M. 0 Parte, kni had
served for 34 years when she re-
tired to be. married in 1954, In
recent years she seres on a
part:time basis each week pre-
• paring the "In 'K=s Ago.ne"
With the Oeeption of la
short period in the thirty Leo
Hagan has been on the staff -
sinee 19'30. Others of die pres-
ent'staff include: Tom Haley,
11 years; Mrs. Betii Pryce, 8
.years; Rohert-Dinsmore, 6 years;
R. lames Scott. 5 years; Mrs.
Wrn f;rown4 years; Frid.
Knetsch. 1 y ear; Gordon Pringle.
1 year: Christine Pryce, 2 years
and Way ne Scott, 2 years which
with A. Y. McLean, 37 years
adds up -to a combined total of
11.'l years.
WM, 9147,4
Nhirdo McLean Oeft) was editor of...The Huron'
Ixpostror from Deck.nnber 1870 until his death in 1916
‘, I
0e.0 IL' V. a:, succeeded hy• his son, Keith NI McLean,
Nit NIcLeaii diL.‘il in .1948
ool Children Tour Expositor
Thre Moves lin 100 Years,
During its 100 year history
The Depositor has occupied
three different locations.
C. H. Cull, in 1863, had
his printing office where Tay-
lor's store is to -day. By 1869,
Penton and- Cotborne were prin-
ting their,paPer on the third
floor of what is now Smith's
Grocery Store and it was also
" here Charles Penton lived.
Ross and Lnxton continued
•to•publish at the same site as
alsci•did McLean Bros. until
1872,. On1Dec. 13th of that
year, the plant as moved to
the frame building on John S.
now occupied lay, L. Oosterbosh
This Centennial Issue of The Huron Expositor has
--Neen made possible only as the result of the co-operat-
ion of Seaforth residents and former residents who have
made valuable suggestions and loaned material„ to a -
vertisers who have contributed copy and others who
have sent articles and pictures; and to members of the
staff for long hours of overtime and to the staff of the
Godcrich: Signal Star who printed the issue, .
' There will be omissions and errors for which we
The Publishers
' Most of the pictures for this Centennial edition
were taken by Torn Haley of The Expositor staff. Others
were ,loa,ned.by Gordon McGavin, Wm. Trapnell, F. J.
c sills and F Phillips
In°1881 The Expositor
moved to its presis&ocation
on Main Street,
Miss S. 1.. McLean, 'daughter of.
Murdo Y. McLean taught kinder-
garten:in Seaford) Public School
for ,41 years prior toher retire-
ment in 1951, Prior to teaching
school' she was on .the staff of the
Expositor for a number of years.
She died in 1959 in her 87th
Hensel! United 'Church waS-
the setting for a lovely autumn
wedding Saturday, October 26th,
at 2:30 p.m. when Rev. Harold
F. Currie united in marriare,'
Patricia Lorraine Harris- and
William Leonard Noakes in a
double ring ceremony amid -a
floral background of candelabra
with baskets of .white mums ed-
ged in blue. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. Percy Harris
and the late Mr. Percy Harris
of RR 1, -_,cromarty and', the
groom's parents are Mr, and
Mrs. Leonard Noakes, Hensel!.
Mrs. John Turkheim provid-
ed traditional, wedding music
and accompanied the soloist, Mr.
Gary Scholl of Hensel] who
sang "The Wedding Prayer" and
"0 Perfect Love".
'Given in marriage by her bro-
ther, Mr. Beverlyt Harris, the'
bride was lovely in a floor -
length wedding gown of chan-
tilly lace and ligoda on empire
lines. The bodice fashioned lily
ppint sleeves_ and scalloped
neckline. A. semi -A-line, skirt
featuring a 'front panel of ligo-
da swept to a chapel train,' a
dainty headpiece of rosettes and
petals held a four tier veil of
ll'rench illusion and she carri-ed
a cascade of red sweetheart
roses and trailing ivy.
Bridal attendants, matron • of
honor, Mrs. Susan Riley of Hen -
sail, bridesmaids, Miss Brenda
Noakes, Hensall,' sister of the
groom and Mrs. Gail Moss, RR
1. Auburn. were gowned iden-
tically in floor length gowns of
periwinkle blue silk crepe com-
plimented by the deep illusion
blue velvet bodice, Delicate dai-
sy mi of the same velvet ac-
ce ed t e empire waist line,
«the back vas caught by a soft
crept" bo . They carried match-
ing blue velvet muffs with red
roses and white mums and they
wore two tier blue short net
veils with a velvet bow.
Mr. Gary Lawrence of Hensall
was groomsman and Mr. Lesli€'
Riley of Hensel! ar,1 Mr. Tom
Dalrymple of RR 2, Kippen, ush-
ered guests.
Pot receiving 'at the recption
and dinner held in the Fellow-
ship Hall, the bride's mother
was gowned in French crepe in
celery shade with matching itn-
ported lace, a beaver. It in
shades of Celery, she wore it" fur
stele and red roses and gold
murng on a •ehampaigne beige
Atitttc:bag_Aiiitoletot-iter Atv
sernble. The groom's mother as -
sited wearing a blossom pink
sheath with matching Coat with
brown accessories and a cham-
-paign beige and rust hat, with
which She wore a corsage of
pink roses and brown 'Intinit.
For travelling to Ottawa for
their wedding trip, the bride
changed'toan imported wool
-ensemble in a mosiac pattern of
moss green ,."band burnt orange,
moss green hat and accessories
in brown. Her cbrsage was or -
tinge roses anti bronze mums.
The young couple will reside
in Hensall.
Prior to her marriage, the
bride was feted at several func-
tions, her mother entertained
at a trousseau tea, afternoon and
evening in honor, of .her daugh-
ter. Receiving guests were Mrs.
Harris and her daughter, assist-
ed by the groom's mother, Mrs.
Leonard Noakes, HenYall The
tea table covered with a lace
cloth centred a bouquet of white
mums and pink carnations, flan-
ked ,by pink tapers. In charge
of the register were Kathy Wil-
lard, afternoon, Bonnie Sangst-
er, evening. Pouring tea in the
afternoon was the groom's
grandmother, Mrs. Archie Noa-
kes, Hensall, a,nd Mrs. Ernest
Willard, RR 1, Centralia, aunt
of the bride. Displavipg the
trousseau was Mrs. Leslie Riley, '
shower gifts, Miss Brenda
Noakes. wedding gifts, Mrs. -
,Gary Lawrence.
A Pouring ten in the"-eiveping
were Mrs. Pearl PassmorVAirs.
Vic Stan, trousseau, Mrs. Riley,
Miss Brenda Noakes and Miss
Sharon Lavery. Serving were
Misses Janice Wright, Karen
Sararas. Ruth Coleman, Linda
Sangster and Mrs. Donald Dear -
Mrs. Leonard Noakes enter-
tained at a -shower for relatives,
a community shower was held
' at Chiselhurst United Church,
arranged by Mrs, Jack Brintnell,
Mrs Beatrice, 'Munn 'end Mrs.
. Ted Roberts.
Mrs. Stella Tailor, Exeter,'en-
tertained the bride and ,,groom
elect to a family dinner party.
The bride was the recipient
of many lovely and costly gifts.
A reeeption was held in the
evening in the Hensel' Alva,
wellattended • with music for
the dance provided by the Blue -
water playboys.
q,..p Plai _
tiThey tw,.ere ppt;e7nted with a
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