HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-31, Page 34. oa through the year D. J. McCall- um moved from Seaforth and W. E. Kerslake filled out h i s term as chairman and, quite properly, the vacant plade of commissioner was filled by. that early enthusiast J. F. Daly. In 1913 Mr. Daly became chai r - man of the commission and held this office continuously until 1929. His son, Edmund Daly served on the cormnission, as mayor of Seaforth, 1961 a n d 1962. Two other father and s Q teams have served the Seaforth Public Utility Commission since its inception. E. L. Box was on the commission for thirteen years, twelve of them as chair- man and nine of them as man- ager too. The first secretary - treasurer .of the Commission was J. A. Wilson who served f o r twenty -four years. Subsequent- ly his son D. H. Wilson, acted for thirteen years. The son of E. L. Box, R. S. Box is the present chairman of the cdtn- mission and previously served for four years as commissioner. Over its fifty-seven year his- tory the commission has had re- markably few changes of per- sonnel because of the many - years which certain individuals in Seaforth devoted to it and its work. Among these was J. J. Cluff who served on the com- mission for a total of twenty- two years as chairman, as com- missioner and as ma yor of t h e 'town. Similarly Senator W. H. Golding served twelve years in all capacities. D'Orlean Sills . has served sixteen years a s chairman alid corhmissioner and . is presently on the commission. Others who have spent many years in the work of the Public Utility Commission in Seaforth are A. Y. McLean - eleven years as both chairman a n d commissioner; Frank Kling - twelve years as chairman, commissioner and now as • Mayor; and W. E. Kerslake - nine years as•chairman and commissioner. • The commission has also • beep fortunate in that there have been few changes in its management. First superinten- dent Ed. Mole acted for four- teen years and he was succeed- ed by E. L. Box. 4. J. Calder, W. V. Brown, W.. R. Thuel and J. R. Mason Served briefly in this4attiabitlyT:). B.1416111*Od served for seven years and R. J. Boussey was superintend- ent and manager for eight years., •rhe present manager is Walter Scott. • UndeF,Oli slcillful, dedicated, adminiitratipn the •13.'1,..1. C. of Seaforth has maintained a rate of steady growth. In 1911 there were 203'custor3ers and the tota.1 load was approximate- Walter Scott P.11. C. Manager ly 180 kilowatts. The cost to the commission was 54. 63¢ per kilowatt and net cost tolhe consumer was 8. 6¢ per kilow- att hour. In 1921 there were 423 consumers and the com- mission Was buying its power at the rate of 50¢ per kilowatt, the net cost.to the consumer had been reduced to 5.8¢ o kilowatt hour. In 1931 there were 605 consumers and the cost from the Hydro Electric • Power Commission had been reduced to 46. 3¢ per hour; the - domestic rate was 2. 5¢, 1.25¢ and the commercial rate per hundred hours 2. 5¢, and . 750. In 1941consumers had risen to ,679 and the cost.of power re- duced to 40. 6¢ per kilowatt; domestic rates were 2.9, 1.1 and commercial rates 2.2, 7. In 1951 there were 754 sub- scribers And hydro was now costing the P. U. C. 39. 81¢ per kilowatt; the domestic rate was 1.2, .83 and the comMercial ' , , rlars4arc'aelkmqje'llhPigiirEP3. W reached of 876 consumers and the cost per kilowatt hour h a d been reduced to 35.50; the rates"Were for domesd.e,n s e were 3.0, 1. 5, • 8, 1.2 a n ases commercial rates were 2. 3, . .5. These represent one of the lowest rates in aU Southwestern Ontario. All this was a far cry from the first statement from t h e Hydro Electric Power Comrniss- iodof Ontario to the municipal- ity of Seaforth, dated January 5, 1912, and covering power used during the month o f December, 1911. The total charge was $382. 62. Over the years the offices have changed considerably sirce the town decided to rent Gillespie's store., 4t t h e present time the'commission operates out of an efficient suite of offices which were in- corporated into the re- modell- ed town hall of Seaforth in 1958. It has a total of six employees, serving the community with a capital investment of $368,272. in plant including in 1967 a fully automated aerial hoist with which to handle„ line main- -tenance. In 1961 the P. U. C. celebrat- ed its 50th anniversary and o n November 30 a plaque at the town hall was unveiled followed by a reception and dinner a t which the speaker was R. M. Laurie who, at that time, was manager of the western region • for the Ontario Hydro Electric Power .Commission. Not only have the number of consumers risen steadily hut the uses to which electricAL--is now put are manifold and serve • geeatly to enhance the conifort. rid wellbeing of the citiZenS.0 Streets are brilliantly litleverr, when the moon is full A flat rate for water ha1rs has been in existence sin e.3.941. In 1962 the town got its first electrically - heated home- that of Mr. John Muir whq started heating h i s newly - built house on Jarvis St, in November 1962. • I" ,11,1RON EXP9SITOK, ZgArOltrtl, ONX,„ ocr,, 110 Those Old Time Prices , It's always interesting to compare prices of some by-gbine era with those of to -day and the comparison Usually ends in a "Oh for the Good 01' Days" cry., See if you can match these prices, farmers. ' "Mr. J. P. Brine informs us that at Mr. John Dickson's sale on Tuesday last, he sold two cows which brought the handsome sum of $94. One was sold for $48. and the other for $46,. Although the cows were superior animals, yet this is a very large price for this season." -The Expositor, Feb. 16,1872. • Oh• for the ,Good. that is if you're buying. Mrs. Amy Horne, tokm. Dalrymple. (left) P. U. C. Secretary and her assistant, Mrs. BETITWASCOOKEDRECTRICALLY! It's not just because nine out of ten Seaforth cooks cook electrically that we are so glad to be identifiedwith your 100th Anniversary. Far from it. When you stop to think about it, electricity has had a hand in shaping just about everything Stip, you can list under "progress". . . in industry, com- merce and In. the home. That's why consumption of electricity in Seaforth has -More than doubled in the past. 1$ years alone. Power and progress• do go hand in hand. , • o 61 West Side of Main Street,- Early 1870 befOro Fire This is how the west side of Main Street looked before the disast- rous fire of 1876 struck Seaforth. The picture is taken from the intersection of Main and Goderich Streets' looking south. The large 'three storey brick dwelling on the right one of the few brick I ^ , - buildings in this town at that time - is the Mansion Hotel. Nem, - all the buildings visible h the picture, including the hotel, were •-• lost in the fire. Buildings Disappear en Fire Strikes The Seaforth fire of 1876' must have been one of t h e worst ever in Ontario. Ir. burn7., ed out 40 houses and stores, left over 30 families homeless • and did over' $100, 000. damage. The fire involved buildings occupying 12 acres on the east side of Main street from what today is Shinen's store north almost to George Street and on the west side from Goderich Street to Tohn Street. as well as a block on Goderich Street be- tween Main and Victoria Streets. The Expositor of September 8, 1876 describes it this way: "About 2 o'clock on Monday morning last, ,thecitizens o f Seaforth wer,e aroused from their slumbers by the dreaded alarrh"" of fire, and in a few minutes hundreds of people, men, women and children in all manner . of attire, were rushing to the scene of the fire. When first discover- ed, the fire was issuing from the rear portion of a small frame building in the centre of t h e wooden block on the east side of Main Street north of St. John Street. This building was occu- pied as a small grocery or candy shop by a wornhn named Mrs. Griffith. Before anything could be done to stay the progress o f the ames, the fire had attain- ed g d headway, and had sptead and enveloped build- ings on e er side of the one in which it had originated. In a short space of time hundreds•of people were on the street, and the fire engine and hook and ladder apparatus were brought into requisition. The fire eng- ine was stationed at the tank at the corner of Math and Goderich Streets and comtnenced playing on the Wining buildings on the east side of Main Street. These buildings were, however, of such inflammable material that the water had but little effect on the flames, and the fire spread rapidly both north and south. For a time it was hoped that the large frame store of Mt. William Campbell, to the north of where the fire started, and on the southeast corner of Main and Goderich streets, tould be taVed, Nit thit hoPe could not be long cherished,for a smart wind from thesouth- ' west sprung up. and while it ternporarily checked the progress of the flames southward, it increased their fury and drove them still more rapidly towards, the northeast, and, in a very short time Mr. Campbell's store was enveloped. The fire- men then directed their atten- • tion to the hotel. of Messrs. Stephens & McKinney, and the stables of Mr. T. A. Sharpe in the rear, and commenced pour- ing water on themInthe hope of stopping the north-easterly progress of the flames, but all in vain, a sharp current of wind carried a spark from the , rear of Campbell's store into the hay loft over Sharpe's livery stable, igniting the hay. The fire ran through the hay like lightning, and almost in a' moment the whole building was enveloped. So speedily did the fire,spread through these build- ings and the rear of the hotel', and so intense did the heat be-. both ways, and was, now burning in six Afferent directions at the same time. At last the Mansion Hotel building, the most costly ana beautiful edifice in t town, was on fire, and the en- tire town seemed destined to destruction. The residence of Mr. Grassie on George Street was also at this time discovered to be in flames,, the firel,rom, the burning, MOss 1;),4141,4 come between the burning rows pouring on to' ft in sueliater.r.elirts on either side of Goderich btreet, that it was impossible to do that it was with great difficulty and danger that the hose of the engine could be withdrawn. At this juncture the whole of the row of wooden buildings on the more than save a portion of its contents. Main and Goderich streets; behind the burning rows, were like heated furnaces. The entire front rciw of buildings On east side of Main Street and the west side of Main street, Goderith'street, and,. the W.hole.,block on the east side of Goderich street, between, Main and George streets, fro. rti Megarey's new brick store t o Goderich street, and therow of buildings along Goderich street east of Main street, were at this time burning with the most terrible fury. A mass of flames, covering an area of nearLy five acres is an appalling sight. The efforts of all were now directed towards preventing the fire ex- tending northwards and crossing Goderich street on die west side • of Main Street to, the stores of Mr. Lumsden and Mr. D. D. Wilson, and east and north to the residences of Mr., L. Murphy and Mr. James Walsh, and ' southward, on the east side of ' Main Street, past the new brick building of Mr. Megarey, and on the west side cif Main sfreet Across St, John street to the stote of Grey, Young and Sport- • eluding "Mr. GraSsie's wagon shop and Stephen's hotel, were a mass of flames, and just as the firemen were conveying the hose to play on the wooden buildings on the west side of Main Street, the water in the tank gave out, and the,engine had to be removed to the tank on thecorner at the Presbyterian ,Church. Before the engine . could be got into play at this tank, the intense heat from the east side of Main Street, aided by a sort of circular current of air, ignited the wooden build- ings sin the west side. The shop occupied by Mr: Coventry was the first to catch on this side, and the fire ran through the building as if it had been tinder. The engine was immediately got into play on the buildings between Mr. Coventry's shop and the Mansion Hotel, but the fire spread so rapidly and the heat became so fearfully in- , Ing and The Expositor office, tense, that the hose men were immediately in the rear. At forced to withdraw. On this these several points a most side also the fire spread almost dreadful struggle with the ••• seemed almost certain that those who were so bravely fight- ing the elements, in the hope of saving further destruction,. would be baffled. The struggle lasted for about three quarters' of an hour, during which time all the guardedAbuildings were on fire several tithes, but the fire was each time extinguished, and by determined effort,. and , • " • the ?,(alis,a,ble,, aid; of-lw,et.;-b1an1c- ets and a plentif,ul,supplr,Of salt, the buildings were saved and the fire was stayed. The window casings in Megarey's new building were all burned, and the frame building on the ' south side of it was in a blaze with the rapidity a lightning flames ensued, and at times it several times; the verandah in front of GI*, o' YoungASpar- ling,'s store ha caught fire and was torn' th}e frame buildings in the rear"' the large sparks Of fire for a time fell in showers. On the north side of the fire the danger was even more imminent. The wooden blinds on the inside o f Mr. Lumsden's drug store w ere blackened and charred with the heat, while the front of Mr. Wil- son's*store, to the north o f Lumsden's, was badly singed. Had the fire spread to either of these buildings the entire north- ern part of the town would have burned, while if it had crossed - John Soeet on the south. t h e part of town between the burn- ed district and the station would ,most assuredly been cleaned out; in fact, if it had not been f o r _the Stick building erected this summer by Mr. Megarey, t h e whole town, between the Huron Road and the railway track, would today be in ruins. It was this building, together with the almost superhuman efforts of the citizens, which saved this part of town". BEST WISHES to THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4,4 and The Town of SEAFORTH cammmo loF CANADA LIMITED .4