HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-17, Page 9• • USE THESE CLASS' F I CATIONS TO VDDR. ADVANTAGE 1. Oent6I8 4venti 2. 1,04, StreYegi • • 3. Found 4, Help Wanted 5. Business t9ortr.11litiee 6.* Teachers Wanted 7. Site atio ns Wanted 8: FarmStock For Bale " 9. Poultry For Sale ?10. Used CAM For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To BUY 18, Wanted 14. PropertY For Sale 15. • Property For Rent ' 16. For Sale Or Rent • • 17. Wanted To Tient 18. Property Wanted= 19. Notices , .28. Auctioo Sales. 2.1•• Tenders.Wanted 22. loniat Notines 23. -BriainessAlirectory Cards of Thanks 25, In Mentoriani 26. Personals BirAho ,;06. Deaths - -21). Marriages tiev • Classified ads are insteied at a rate of 3 cents per word. Vanik-A9*.e.r•,-,--iPitint4!1444N-, breiiation Coluitil'ail-ane word. Ads -are-subject' to thelolloW- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3; 7,8;1O,11, 12 ands12 imum 6.5c. Classifkations 2425 and 26, miniinUM 2e per word, minimum $1.15. All other clas- sifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auction "Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- . • quest. • • 1. Coming_ Events 'BAKE Sale and Rurnmage Sale, auspices of Legion Ladies Aux- iliary, in former Taylor Shoe Store, Saturday, October 26th at 2 o'clock. -1-48-2 RESERVED seats • n0,W avail- • , able for Reyal Home Show, Royal Winter Fain *Sunidlay Matinee Nov: 17th and Satuv day evening November 231# Miller Motors 527-1410: 14926 - HURON County Historical Soo, iety general meeting: will be held at .Brusisels• Public- Scheel oxtMondaY October, 21sit at 8 1-49x1 SYEP-Danclng Lessons 4-7. pin. starting Monday October 21 1968. at the Orange Hall, Con- tact Mrgi. Orvillo• Se,'557- i29 Or be at' the` hall.. 1-494 CABARET Darted, ,Brodhagen CornaninuiPv Centre Satiundav, October 19th, Royalaires °reit= estral. 1-49-1 On November 4th, Huron 1' AS- socrabon of Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario is: celebrating the 1 Golden Anniversary of its or- ganization at a banquetfir Blyth United Church at 6 p.m. Former teachers of this area are cord- ially Invit,ed.. Those wishing to attend please contact Mrs. Geo, • Mickie, Blyth Public School by October 29th, 149-1 3. Found ABERDEEN Aneus nill. Amok, omere 61 and several females. R. .11 Dole., N,oirth Main, St Seaton/it. plume 527-0761- -- - 1171T.34;,- • 4. Help Wanted - DO you. need money for the Halliday Season? -You can make ,it selling Rawleigh Cosmetics ' and other seasonable products... Sales easy to make, big profit. • Write Itawleigh, Dept. J -362-5C, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, 4 Montreal. • ' 449-1 Applications for 'Rood 'Superintendent Applications will be received 4.. Help Wanted PEAVIT .PettinseIjor COSMet7- tieS require repreSeetative fOr fail an CbristieleS, 411120, Mank tweets pcnition open, phone ool. lett at six_4224648, 4-494 8, Farm Stock for. Sole FORTY good weaner plgs, 100.0 five 'peteri •Chestitunt Mare, broke single and double: .Arnold' Campbell, B. R. 5 Seaforth. „8-49icl FOR SALE- One registe17,-ed Ileileford„, Bug two Urban Ducharme: RR 2-;Beu ssla.4.1).1104.1e -Th'484 L STOCKERS ALL chMS ale'rellloCertent cattle calmest, Anti* ',O)oilltible,' 4 Weele: CallAcen 'itermaile4t•BtraU fold Livestock Exehange 31,81.,, after 6 p.m. 271-3965. 8-48x4 9. Ponitry for Sale BER ‘LEGafill Day Old and Starte.Pull SCOW- POULTRY FARMS; LTD: • Seaforth Phone 527=0847 Box 160 947-tf 10. Used Cars for Sale 1951 Diodge Pickup truck, golod condition Ambrose Adidley Kinburn, Ontario. 10-49x1 11. Articles for Sale. • USED upright piano. Phone 527- 0892 SMALL steel desk, suitable for student. 527-1862. 1149x1 ANYONE wishing to purchase .greeting cardsplease call be- fore October 26. Mrs, E. Mflila 11-49x1 ONE Cub Milton* -size, 8, in good eandlitiOn.• Phone 527-0774. ,• • •,, . • 11-49-1 ONE row corn pirker in good condition. Aprly Ken Melellan, •Pitene, 11-49-1 POT/ATOM' eaktrnis, ca1bbage onions and all variables of ap. del i' call John Sheppard;, Seaforth 527-1676, 1114-9x2 PELLET, gun like new,. Moir be seen at Irwin's Ilaidware Eveitett 'Storey RR 1 1)ublin4 • . 11-49-1 H'EA'VY roositetns, oven read-ly, Mrs. Prank Ryon 30-2189. t. 11748-2 TIMEX WATCHES '666Y -AND Stavrenn '11113911911. •ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 1.1-474$ FOR SALE - Pioneer- clearance sale Of model 14-20 .and 14-50 Perfect -farm. sited, lightweight, saws at terrific savings. Oa Robert Glen Chain Saws. 4821 9292, 11L -47x4. PIANOS and organs, new and -reconditioned, largest va- riety. to choose from. We sec- - vieb"Neliat"Weliell-rdinitiVelia: tomers to the highest degree of accuracy. See your Sher- lock- Mannnag dealer for this area -and get • a truly line in-. strument. Many makes and:, models at Garnet Farrier' -showrooms • at Whitechurch; Phone 357-2068. or at WhitneY- Furniture; Selaforth. 11474f NEED COPIES?? We will make corples of your inmertamt papers or documents while yeu wait. Letter size, 25e each. by the undersigned for the pos- THE ition of Road Superintendent HURON. for the Township of MeKillop, EXPOSITOR State age ancrqualifications. AP- , 'plications to be in the hands of , 11-2941 the Clerk by 2 p.m. October 31, STAINLESS STEEL 1968. WILSON urrti cierwrreasprer • "riffs. EWARE) , .;,;„ 4162 sets if! - WANTED 11"5 uP Registered Nurse Ansytt ,T9vell,h,r4, 11. .Articles for Sale eguswo-gr,ravel. doliVered at the pit, hluto•ThompSon," 47-0Z30, 11.4'r11f ENGLISH DINNERWARE 50 piece sets of 8 Oniy $29.95 At - Anstett Jevtellers L Oet '464patterm '0.6 *Pt' 1L-47.1ti 14, PrOperty for Sal•e New, ttigr4 pedlom StylO bee in noixtloyes. Out" icor at •tOWIL Eleetrie heat, mer- 8a8le Oleney arttlangeill, AMMO- iate possession!. lleptlory on earner of Jelm sets,, 0,awlY 05aotriate0; h9tt, AttaPhact•Prage, WS- gessient NolvieiMhar 1st, „. :Joseph 1VIeCopnell. Reatot • • - 30 Victoria Street .. seotorto p.4.442e. 5;72iscr • . • Ifave:)7.eliiir. 4' IT'il um ' p.,r,.0t1as.a:.:rectocitex9 bath, 4gol;4:tt, 014 an .. a 1 „.. We,.*111 MakCcoplos of your nd.1 • snare ! ;'',•9 ...: importit* liSPOth*gOr-Cd0c1414st6 sp4ee displaylisrPP,fff. or EaK9k whileliray:waltirtli9K9r719196.11.2.X, -t . 9g9.30.0.: NA,,,•;, '• . . ' : • ' ' WILLIAM M. FL RT THE . . 'x"'. HURON:, GEO.:•••:,X , JOHNSTON ,sakinnan.., Senfortivi, EXPOSITOR REAL. ERTATEliTa'''- ,i ' . t Broker . .,. 14-4a-tf CRYSTAL We have open stock of the following crystal patterns: - Cross and Olive -41.00 each Pinwheel $1.00 each Flair $1.50 each Exquisite $2.25 each Cornflower at Regular Prices 10% -Discount on Complete Sets Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • 11,4•74f Five wooden • storm windolws, FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systems and farin line needs. P4ONE 4824561. yr natkinbtOr StreK CGINTON "Proudly • "We Se.rvice Canadian" what we sell" ROSS ARCHER., Manager FOUR- storm windows, 28." x 60".• large, coal or wood furnace use:1 two years; Iron Fireman coal stocker. Mr. George Wheatley Phore 527-0105, 11-49x1 HARDWOOD slabs, 6 cord lots, $24.00 Delivered to your door. Phone Craig's Saw Mill. 526- 7220. 11-49-3 HONEY _for sale. Enid of sew - son prices. Clover in your own containers .25c per lb, 70 lb pat $16.56, light amber 30 lb. Pails $10.00, buckwheat 30 lb. pails $11.00. All honey unpast- eurized. Wallace Ross, Sea4on:1i Ontario. 1149-2 12. Wanted to Buy ONE Scoitt-unitorin, size 12, phone 527-0777. „ 12-49-1 13. Wanted no-Z---saiiite4 slant* _boaie -for 'exP,ort. %Co Gotleh Clintiorn(Committuity 'Sales. Ph- one' 482-90a,,:- 1247x5 TWO piece Brownie uniform, size 8, 5274550. 12-484 APPROXREAU'ELY 40 head, of cattle -to feed or t.he Winter. Memel Cook, Blyth. 13-40x1 SOME one to take Mur cetnplete stock of greeting • cards and sniall gift items. Phone 527-01.75 12-49x1 14. Property for Sale FIVE room ,house, modem on N,orth Main with garage, olL heating, all conveniences. Ph- one 527-02341 1449-2 Alti•RACTIVE property for, sale SlieltiroOrri friable cottage, laetrile* IoCarteci. on large lot on Compo$te dwelling all peril, Goderich 'street • west, Seaforth special ratea for lie* Construe - Terms -may be arranged, apply lion, farm personnel accident, to Henry Mew, Clinton, phone also Your inieome protected 1-4112-9905, 1449-1 should, you he injured' by esr • ;" aceldiqpit. CHOICE IE YOur present insurance is not noMPlete, or centemPletIng FAR1111, . bung, or remodelling a home, or require additional coverage, give us a call, I will gladly discuss this with you. Representing Western Mutual Ins. to.'Wondstock, Melcill,PP lifutttal Fire rho. Co., S - Our rates are attractive 19. Notices CUSTOM- welding in stables and barns. Phond 527-0407 after six. 19-49x2 • ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 152 L& - house St, Goderich, phone 524 6514. 19474f ' SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2, Br uss el s, phone 442-W-6, or HA,ROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1404. • 194?-tf NOTICE WC are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone Setiferth 527035 or 'MICHAEL 1- DAIL% Phone 349519 Dublin''Otill coil - etc. ' 1047-0 Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery rep lThig Sizing Retip Claws Rebiiild Shanks Bead Restringing - Repair costume jewellery Anstett, Jewellers Ltd. 19-4744 HURON DEAVITOCK REMOVAL Clinton, antario. We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses We pickup calves and small pigs as a service. to you. Call collect 422-9811 after 8 p.m. call 356-2404. License No. 169-C-68 19-48-2 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE .AIiwork guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 Seaforth 19-47-tf DEADSTOCK Please Call Promptly MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24 hour service -7 daYs a week LICENSE NO. 390-065 ' • INSURANCrtf- Fermi package, fire, wind lia- billty,' machinery and m livestock floater. • IVIust be interested and pre- ferably experienced. in baby care. Duties to commence Jan- uary 2, 1969. Salary eommensur ate with experience and, qualif- ications. Pension,Plan and Lib- eral Fringe Benefits in effect. All applications will be kept in strict confidenee. Interested Applicants should , apply in -writing stating age, ex-, perience and qualifications to" the undersigned. The Huron Expositor Miss Clare McGowan, . ' 11-48x2 Local Director 'COPIES Children's Aid Society of Huron Copies ef year important pa- . County pers or documents while you Drawer 216 wait, Letter size, 250, each. Goderieh, Ontario The Huron, Expositor 4-49-2 , 11-29-0 The Clinton District Collegiate Inatitute Board iriviteswritten application§ for the position- of a, daily`part-tline instructoi FILING; CABINET 4 drawer with lock regular $102.50 Special to clear $89.95 IN REMEDIAL READING Qualifications and experiertft Mist be Stated. 'All enquiries and applicatiOns to- be addressed to the following: \ MIL 11.,. 3, HOMUTII, Printipal,• Central Ibiron Setondaiy School, Clinton, Ontario. I 4494 Hundred and Fifty acres et level dank day lioant House bat 3 piece bath upstairs and 2 piece droWn. Borns in: tit, top condition. Drilled well feeds 1 - to controlled bowls. A Meal Pie,' ure 04 farm. Priced right too. WILLIAM M. HAAT SALESMAN SEAFORTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER • 14-47-rtt V. J. LANE GENERAL INSURANCE R.R5, Seaforth, phone 345-2716. • 19-43411 SEPTIC TANKS • CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Nitrite or call Her - 18. Property Wanted vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- 1406.:, 19-4744 F ER 1 have a cash customer for a good farm (suitable for a large dairy herd) which' mutt be located within a nine mile radius of Seaforthif you are thinking of retiring don't delay because my client mutt buY this fall, 150 to 250 eats preferred with good huildingt. Whether you phone or Write, your reply will be in confidence, ' B. 1 LANSINX Representing Doi Real Estate Limited, 954 Wellington St., London, ph. 482-2211. 1940-1 19. IsTotiois BEFORE,' you oamider any type of security ar *WAWA wreotatgolp the adtvaatagas nisithig tax Sa34•409) offered by Ownership of Canada's most Oman* rautti4 flinch **oat Prod (Ted) SoMplogel, 0274522 Lor further 44E4 (no obligat- ion). 104174. 20: Auction Sales Stocker Fe/der AUCTION SALE Henson Sales, Arena. on Mon., Oct. 21st:, 0740....,.. sit 7:30 pan. ,•,..,10..!•,.*:- .,.' * , •• • 0 II e a (ICONS'S'," 4.-•:•,-;;;• • :G r n''IT i intiAta vas,' , et i-,1 , , ,;.., - ., ,.. s',..;^ • .1, ;;" r.,;,,r--, s' ' , OF:517a 4101;4s.SteAnt • For conskrimatepts contact Alm. management.' - Vietcxr Hargreaves at 482-7511 Jack Monrisey at 134-6200° Auctioneers - • ' HECTOR McNEIL and LARRY ,GARDENER 20-48-2 CLEARING " AUCTION SALE 20, Auction ',Sales xmourtri" c‘gp.k 444 Vino *Mr set; sruu pelt; oil lompo; antique picturern and frames; washstand6; assort- ment antigue%disbnP; beautiful slakkcilkP xcleboarcli pegod poodtitkom a Pe#00e4 maw a leather .pellar ova Irmos),4oiro, olo* sewing folia0k)e: ,o4)* • ZelYinal/flikl OaralAgealSOn =An tables; a late clIPPAY of other nitieles too ammo* to mentiou. 31.01)On8all in! giving flP farnang completely Lor reasons of ili health, TERM OF SALE 'CASH ' Wits 311CDODGAli ' 'ProPrietOr Cr099q70)1,14046i MCY, TAttlicti2M, 20464 • AUCTION, SALE , of Be an grade 'Hot- : stein cattle, machinery, boy, grain and household effeets at Jot 1,2; *On:cession 8 E.D. COI- • borne Township, two, miles west yxof Auburn on: ' Livestock, tract or, imple- ments, antiques, dishes and premises Lot 25, ton. 12 Hib- pretnises lot 25, :con' 12, Hib-- bed Twp. 1 mile south, 2 miles west ot Crornarty or 6 miles east of Hensel!! on: SATURDAY OCTOBER 19' • at 1:30 p.m. LIVESTOCK --, 3 good short- horn cows with ealVes by side; 2 polled Shorthorn , heifers; short yearIngs; '3 yearling Cat- tle; 1 ,white faced year •old heifer. All a thee cattle are sited by the 0D.C.13, Unit. TRACTOR - C.. A. Allis Chalmers ,adjustable front and power shift rear wheels live PTO; 2 mew smuttier, 2 furrow mounted plow, bean prtur; Premien manure loader; Fain - banks Morse hammer mill, short drive belt; 0Ockshutt bar siderake; ,small Oliver own - bine PTO M. H. binder; lever harrows; assortment of' invIe- ments ,and, scrap iron; cement . mixer; Viking cream separator; 'antique gas e.ngine; 1 cly. land roller, 40 ft. 3i inch steel shafting; rubber tired wagon; 300 hales hay; 2000 bales straw; electric ,thicken bropder, new condition.' 'ANTIQUES - 2 toilet sets; oxen yoke; pair. brass candle holders; apple peeler; -apple SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 at 12 Noon CATTLE - 16 cows; 11 bred heifers; 4 yearlings; 7 calves D.H.LA. tested, artificially sir - ea by Citation R., Reflection Duke, Butter boy, Skokie, Mile - 'stone, Stylemaster, A.B.C. flection, Citation, Romandale ," • MACHINERY •-•' Super 55 Oliver -tractor, live power T.O. hydraulic pulley. Rabin HD. loader; 1952 V8 Ford " over- hauled eight months; No. 268 New Holland ibaler, used three seasons1; New Idea rake; LH. 7 foot mower; 30 foot New Hol- land bale elevator;, Gicorge 'White wagon; 15 foot rack: two furronv, John Deere three, point hitch plow; 2 furrow Ferguson plough; 10 foot chain har- row; four section Diamond hor- n:Ms; Dearborn 3 'point cultiv- ator with scuffling attachment; M Moline disc haTrOW; °Mk - &MEW 13 run fertilizer. *bilk George White manure spreader; Massey Harris 7 foot binder; weed sprayer; post hole digger; cordwood saw, three point hit - Dearborn; two wheel trail- er; portable feed mark; 'Gehl. 10. inch hammier mill; 50 foot belt snow b 1 o w.e r; compressor pump; electric motors; small engines; ,electrie .fencers; fenc- ing equipment; cedar rails; quantity steel and wood posts, lumber, Y2 inch andi 7A16 chain, set heavy duty 10 x- 28 tractor chains, tarpaulin. Spring tooth cultivator, -two drum rol- ler grader; scraper; two water tanks, garden hose, 2,000 lb scales; feed cart; forks; shovels; two unit DeLaval milker, 6 can spray cooler. 1711)ED -- 2400 bales hay, 10 • THE. PUPILS APS HAVING A STRIKE tv‘E.ETING‘! 20. Auction Sales 74. 1-4001. Notiges ton"grain, ''.04**,'"14.'iogrga :notla not PravIntiax _4101- UOVSERRIP PIMP= gad ,ahOrtr (gooa nondillinia); rug 10 2E, 101, mek- ing 01.141,74'..raPlA chaira;. 4410a r.mafiitri (iktOtw- Ms; silefillY *VOW 0404 Of. 00** w411 404 Aaa tnonl. book Miggs;,,Colenuin *I Stork; mat iQwbae type ilange• Catalogues. DONALD umpp.A • PropUietter Elt 5, Gredetrich • HAROLD JACKSON MEG'10 Vti):KAN ' 20404 ' • 130' Tugs„ 90., 22nd BruSsektivestOck , Limited Brussels ontaris H. R. Pearson and J. W. Bryans Managers. 21. Tenders 'Waited Tenders Wanted Village of ,Hensall 'Fenders will be reeeiv,ed by the, undersigned) for the re- moval of the old sidewalk and laying a new cement 'sidewalk approximately 235 feet long, .4 ft. wide, 4 inches thick. Con; -tractorto supply all material. Tenders to be in the clerk's office by 5 o'clock pm. MONDAY OCTOBER 21 19314. Lowest or -any tender not nec- essarBy 'accepted: Work to be completedi by November 15th., 1968. EARL CAMPB-Fff clerk 21-48-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE Township of MeKillop Court of Revision The Council of the Town- ship of McKillop will meet as a _Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll of 1968-69 at: TOWNSHIP OFFICE on MONDAY. NOV. 4th, 1968 at 2 p.m. THIS NIOTRER (4A$ JUST HAD A STRIKE.. ME,FTING TOO NO' LESSONS,NO __FOOD!' • MEN PEASANTS BECOME FRIENDLY INITI4 DRAGONS 114E GOiERNMENT IS' IN TROU BLE TliEPS No BRAKES, SI -ICS 51iUCR IIN11110 &EAR, AND 6AS01.1NE -16 PoUtZiN6 0‘152 FOOT. :WO'S 1=0 DARIN6, NI\NINAN'? ThE elG¶ STAR wft's,S1)0Nsocz.ING US IN11-115 Q(*.c..E '041'00* intareSeS1 sbouid gov. ern IlemeeIves 4ecorclinglY, wilsox gram.: clerk Irewusbip qc1Cjl1op • 4494 ,NOTIOB' ,CREDITORS In he Estate 04 IfOWAIND' ,rMOT,1§01,1-:,00coMs Alt. Pe%vos*- againOt ibo*teite'et;11.010110_., magmlf.;f3colPs., ,44'w ;x4'1 glinoct47#4,,-,11/,t-he Co. village of •Huron, UV* drArag* deceed who , .Tuly, 1968 aroc6.1***Y-.04titigd; • to .;s0„0. in( ftill puOtke014007 740 their claises 40 the'liodeFort • or,Pe. ocOliett!"„: the, Apse. baviugPega then received', ' DATED at Sea.forth, thle'2nd day of MccONISTELL .S1.101fART Seaferth, Ontario Solicitors fpr Executors 22,47-2 TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND, FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTE COUNTY OF ITUROW--t.-..,„ TO By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand end seal of the said, corporatiolJi bearing date the 2nd day of Jaw. nary, 1968, sale of land in sr - rears of tares in the Town of • SeafOrth will be held in the Council Chambers at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forepoOri on Wednesday tho 6th, day otiv. NeveMber.196,9, ,ingest,the tax7 es and .,`t'Oe' sooner paid. Nett ice is hereby given that the ,lists_ of lands for sale for arrears of • taxes -Was published in the,Ont-i, ario Gazette on the 6th day of, July 1968 and that copies or the said lilt maybe at my offks.,; Treasurer's office, this 20th day of June 1968. Ernest Williains, Clerk. • / 22-3843 Classified Additional SEE PAGE 12 W6140.4 Acaocr1 PAINTING MY tonna oN.THE cAp AND " L.ETT1N6. HIM DIZNE kr•••" A MOTHER STRIKE IS FAR VI1ORSE, THAN A MINIM STAKE.Luts GO SACK TO SCHOOL. 4.1r.„.74, ( FEEDING TAX INSPECTORS "TO A A. DRAGON IS IMJCH CI4EAPER .T( -IAM Vb.- PAYING TAXES. (1••••.; OCID M0RNits1&, FON-SEEKERs! NoV4 WHOSE BRI&I•IT IDEA WAS VC LAST PERK:A) 'ro MAVe 'THIS DEPLoQABLE AbbrrtcaN otia • iotSPLAy 0; ALKALAIG EARTIis • Atsre IIRANSITtoN ME1ALs