HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-10, Page 12, JR EXPOSOOK, SEAPORT 0..ktite9CT.t ,Auction Sales Stocker Feeder AUCTION SALE Ifensall Sallee Arena on Mon., Oct. 21st • Commencing at 7:30 p.m. 600 Head consist- ing of calves, heif- ers and steers. Foe consignments contact. the management. Victors, Hergreaves at 481.7511 Jack entreisey at 234-6200 AUCtiolliDeirS DIECTIOR MCNEIL and • LARRY GAIIDINEJi. 2048-2 22. Legal Notices Self-or-tr will be held in the Cotmcil Charabees at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forepoon OU Wednesday the 6th dayof November -1968, unless the tax- es and cost are sooner paid. Not- ice is hereby given that the Ust of lands for sale for arrears of taxes as published, in the Ont- ario Gazette on the 6th day of July 1968 and that copies of the said list may be at my office. Treasurer's office, this 20th day of June 1968. Ernest. WilliaMs, Clerk. 22-38-13 21. Tenders Wanted .Tenders Wanted '- Village of Hensall Tenders will be received by tip undersigned for th& ale- moval of the old sidewalk and laying a new cement sidewalk approximately 285 feet long, 4 ft. wide, 4 inches thick. Con- , tractor to supply all material. Tenders to be in the clerk's office by 5 cV. rick p.m. MONDAY OCTOBER 21. Lowest or any tender notnec- essarily aQcepted. Work, to be completed by November 15th., .1968. EARL CAMPBELL clerk 21-48-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of IDA • FLORENCE GALLOP persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Ida Florence Gallop, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Ocemrty of Hur- on, eceased, who died on the 18th day of September, 1968, are heeeby notified to send in full particulam of their claims to the uncleesigned on or be- fore the 18th day a 'October, 1968, after w'hich -date the as- -sets will be distributedy having (regard only to elders then re ceived. Dated at Seaforth, this 24th day of Septenlber, 1968. McCONNELL & orEwART Solicitors for the Executor Seaforth, Ontario 2246-3 NOTICE McKillop Mjinicipal telephone System Whereas the Melnillop Mun- icipal Telephone System was re- cently disposed of it now pro- poses to wind up its affairs and distribute the remaining easb surplus epually among subsecre bens of record on the date of completion ,of sale. Application, has, therefor, been made to the Ontario Tele- phone Service Commission, me der section 47 of "The Tele- phone Act", R.S.O. 1960, ehapt- ee 394, for an order approving this plan. . Any reere•ieneetion to •make to the Coneniesion u threspect to this appleation should be submittee on ar before October 24, 1968 and addressed to the Chairman, Ontario Teleqhone Service Commiesion, Depart - merit of Agriculture and) Food Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. Should • you desire ferther information with respect to this plan of distribution, ow if you willt to erepeat the lest audited Financial Statement or the list a subecelbees who, ac- cording to the systems recordis wile be entitled to share in the distributable surplus, you may aPPly to the undersigned, either personelle, by telephone, or by letter. COmmiseionees: Mr. George Carepbell, RR 1 •Seastarth, Ste. Illarcen Snell RR 1 , Landes- - bane Me. Kenn& Stew:eat RR, 5 See - forth. - Mr. James F. Keys RR 1 Sea - Loath Secretary - Treasuiee • ' ' 22-48-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iii „ the estate of allARLES JOHN DIETZ All persons having elating against the estate of CHARLES JOHN DIETZ late of the) Town- ship of McKelop, in the County ,of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 30th day of December, 1967, are heeebyt notified to send ib full part - 'cleans of their claims to the undersigned an or before the 18th day a October, 1968 after which diabe the assets will be distributed having regard way to elnimq then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day a September, 1968. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario S,Olicitors for the Executrix 22-46-3 23. Business Directory RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Office; Ratteebury Ste Phone 482-9677. Res; Rattenbury St., phone 482-7313 • 24. Cards of Thanks _ My thanks 'to Dr. E. Malkus, Dr. L Lindsay and M. Tichnan, Pastor. G. Reinhart, nurses and .staff of Seafflorth and Stratford General Hospital 4th floor South, all my friends, relatives and neighbors for rands, gifts and visits while a patient in the hospitals. - 1a2.e1 Dorsey. 24-48x1 23. Business Directory G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Too „Late an -LP W-Tein7-TED benteeliatelYI man ce woman to SUPPLY OOP, sumensi in part of atroal OQ1, with .Rawlagh Products,. Dan earn pi) weekly part titue.$100 and up full time. Waite Rae* leigh, D•ept. eee3-536, 404) Richellau St., St Henry, Meer treat. 74,484 FOR SALE - One megieterred Hereford Bull two yearn Uaban, Ducharme RR -2 'Peen valls. 'phone 343e7. 710-48,2 I would like to thank Dm. Brady, the doctors at West - minister, Careadiarb Legion and Ladies Auxiliary and all others, who sent me cards while I was a patient in Westminster Hess - peal, London. - Vera Hudson. 24-4Bel I Wish tio express my siticere thanks to all my friends, neigh - boys and relatives for their kindness, card' s and visite whle I was a patient in Seefornth Community Hospital. Thanks to Dr. '1Vta1kus, Dr. Brady, DUD- ses and staff of the neeforten hospital arid to the St Colurnb- an Parent Teacher's - Associat- ion. It has been gratrgully ap- preciated. - Dominic Murray. 24-48x1 I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my friends, neighbors and relatives for sending me cards and gifts while I was a patient at Seaforth' Community Hasiiital and London's St. Jo-,••- eph's Hospital. I wish to thank the Dr's and staff at both hos- pitals for enabling me to make a speedy recovery - Lynn Nix- on 24-48x1 I wish to thank my neighbors, friends and relatives for all the kindness and sympathy they have shown to me during my husbands illneseandat the time of his death. A special thanks to those who have taken me to the hospital, also to the nurses and staff at Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital, Dr. Malkus, 'Rev. D. Docken and Mr. Rann at the Brussels Funeral Home. Mrs. John Hislop, Walton. 24-48x1 Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth W. J. CLEARY ' Seaforth. Ontario LICENSED EMBAL1101111 • and FUNERAL DIRECTOR *light or Day Calls - 521-0510 McCONNELL . & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L S'a:WART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 521-0850 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC DVVS NOTICE W. IL Bryans, V.S. J. 0. Turnbull, .M . . . Wen. Patterson, D.V.M., V.S. TO CREDITORS P. J. Dwyer, M.V.B., Int the Estate of HOWARD An person, 'wenn einem JOHN 'E. LONGSTAFF One of the best this world could FERGUSON.COOMBS •• Too Late comma WENT - 4,01liets CWL 0=4 Wear 411•0 tel.% eaturnday, Noe -ember 36th, TL -4841) FOR SALE 60 Morrie Minnie rebuilt enigine, new pail* jeb.• 627-1280. TL,44.47 WANTED - Rooth and Weed by young man, '6 deys a • Week. Phone 527-0175. Tre4Satit FOR Sale - Two Holstein heif,- ers, freshened, Allan Steckle Phone 262-540. TL -48-1, MEV llas Week Al the Seaforth District 1Dith School „ By Faye Munro arid Sharon Dietz The flirst borne game wee played on Wecleeiday October 2 when the Goderich Vikings , Pleviiii'of • S*, ,00410114/0 #4:4 Forty Hours .Devotion WM.:begin fleet. Sirnday: at :tae 11 o'clock- ram. The services will be eeedectect by a priest of the Holy Ghost.. Fathers from WI:40400k. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wan and children, Windsor; WS, Don Brady and family, London, vis- ited week. Mr. Mts. James_Skim Affr. and Um John Williamson and children, London, Miss Bose Doyle, Cedar Springs, Jack Mrs. Michael Toronto, visited Mr. and • Jim Melady, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady.. The iVesident,, ' Mrs. .Freelr Ryan opened the meeting of the Catholic Women's League with prayer on Tuesday evening. The nmuutersrawy.erwe srearrd abnicy Mrs. T. 3. is visitor to the sick for Octo- ber. Mrs. Paul Vogels and John O'Leary' Were named to care for the alike during Oct- ober. , Members are asked to brbot in good, used clothing -44 the . hall by the end of this month. It was decided to have a card party in the Pteish. hall the last week of October. The first fall meeting of the Parent -Teachers Association of St. Columban was held in tbe -school auditorium on Wednes- clay evenind. Auburn. She is being coached) ainst 'amallemr ' milest'ant from President, 'Ioe Nolan, opened by her father and 'cal attend utes were read by Robert Duffy - the meeting with prayer. Min - challenged! the Golden Beam sday, October 17. She will cone' Minrgs.s.ecJoar;eaMdcItvhoarn, kco-yorruespeoarndds- the Ploughing Matah on Thine rained throughout most of the at the Match and the winner of and Francis Hicknell gave the at, Lions' Park. Even -though it . pete in the annual cameetition ' game, many fans turned out to this competition is the '1968 , tremasrusmecr'lsarreeppoortw. Queen of the Furrow. Geoid ed the guest speaker, Sister Downey intModuc-• chear on the home team The rain, lect the Cheering .on• the Sbccer • . Deborah, a Loretta Sister from Luck, Mary! • • cheerleaders, undaunted by the sidelines, and at half-time they • 1:1 Stratford who spoke on new moved onto the field t,o do trends in Religious Education. The Seaforth soccer team routines. Our boys held on un- She said a child's training comes hosted the Gaderich team in a from three sources, his family, game on Monday. Mr. Pelss '-his school and his parish. Par - til halt time when the Vikings, thought the game was thairs by ents should be constantly on the led 14-6. The lone tcntehdown , was , a score of 1-0. HoweVer, God- alert of the example they are of ,the game for Seafeeth erich mariagee to score a goal showing. Sister Deborah had at, scored, by Gary Nicholson but near the end of the game. -Once tended the "Divine Word Insti- the team was miable to %rendes- again the Sean:nth soccer teeters.- tete" :in London. Mrs. Gwen pite the effort. The Golden Bears tied,a gate& 1-1, ond half but the Goderich teat' O'Rcserke thanked the speaker. made a fine effort in the sec - went ahead to win by a score of 33-6. ' HEW PRP.SEP.WKILI, 43, jbax.. re-e4P* e-l.:eefeiny 005 fe • 16 4.; Camera Club Mr. Burgetss ealledi the filet meeting of the .03truete Club last week anti interest, in the club seems to be -very keen. lefee Burgess explained to the stud - 25. In Memoriam ents who joined, the purpose of the club and discussed some RACHO - In loving premorY of ebe plane for the club in tbies of a dear father and grandfather future. who passed away Oct...7 1955. Gone from us but leaving mem- TRUMPET BAND ories The band held the first pert - Death can never take awae 'se len Feeley angle prepare Memories that will always lin- ation for •thie. annual freeman ger ional Ploughing' Match in While von this earth we stay Guelph. This year. the match - Always remembered by his will be held on October 16, 17, family. 25e4Bel and 18. It is not certain on LEMON - loving memory which, day the gibes will attend of 1VIrs. David Lemon who pas- but it is likely they wile be said away twe years ago on Oct- asked to go on the opening clay ober, 12th. • of the event. Past her suffering, past her Patb4 School Rings Cease to weep Tor tears son A vete to decide whether the vain pew school rings would be ac - She who suffered is at nest, cepted was held on Thunsday; Gone to Heaven With the blest. October 3. A majority of the - ,eVer remembered by her students wanted. the new ridge, husband and family Orville, but a minority said they wad& Wilftred and . 25-4851 huy them. A'e yetethe student's -1O-vine meenore 'council has not decided whether of ,a dear daughter; and sister this fete makes it possible th- mary pewter, nee 'pewee away accept the rings. ., fifteen years ago October 10th, Magazine Campaign . 1953. - -A fray oe. remembrance sad to The students are 'selling mag.- aminies again, this year to raise recall, Without fatrewell she left us meetee for the G.A.A:, all and the Year Book. Various Precious memories treasured. prizes are awarded to the top salesmen) and the class which ever% GT happy days whe'rt we were hands in the highest amount of sales each day .gets he carry a all togethen - Sadly missed and) always mascot with them for that dare remembered by father, mother, This year the ma2seot is a liege Mabel' 31061eptil; and elnk-iTs7 Dor- stuffed) skunk. At the same time 25-48x1 the students- are selling sub- , ecu and Ann. HUBERT - In loving memory scriptions to The lemon Expos, of Norman (Archie) Hubert Hot. and the top salesmen will who wird/ away 00t; 12th receive transieter eadios. We hope the public will Ce -operate 1964. We earunot farget your smiling by ordering new or old sub- -sariptions from the students. face, YThemir. sraeharr thceatm,vilreinene swrinan, y QUEEN of the Furrow M.R. . . . Th Hume County represent-. Phone .527-1760 - Seaforth intends, '''' the Queen of the Fete kb those happy begone days. ,sta • row Contest at the internattemi. Ed_Planghitid 2tatch in ',Guelph. is Mists l'fary . Leaning. Mary oomPete.d t eampetition ag- - • against the Estate 'of HOWARD hold,. . OPrOVIET1Ufrr • rORGUSON COOMBS,, late of Seaforth Office: iteantl Your citerished smile and your E ill the. 0o. village Then., null, rrt., 9 top.m. woo goagoodd,. unselfish arid o Huron, truck driver, doceiszeleto 12 noon rIliiirc4' July, 1968 are heeeby notified) For APPOIntnent 0 left befilneli. who, died: on the 14th den of gm* Wed. ClintOn °Mee what 4 wondedol memory yOd to Send in full particulars a Phone .571-440 - or 0•2401 Dev aur heads year mem. their claims to the undersignedA. M :HARPER by his 0W kePt, ootow 1,968, after whet date 55.57ChartAccountant Wl ered Street e love you too dearly 40 ever' On or before the 24th day of the assets Wilt be 62 distributed,South d Telephone forget 47562 Ever reMemsbened. - having regard only to ;realms Goderloh 25-48,01 then received. - Auctioneer and wiee end family% DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd Appraiser 26. Personals dey a October, 1968. . Lieensed find capable in, selling /dr. and Mrs. Daniel Dines are celebrating their 50th wed. McCONNELL & S'TEWART all Wens of auction sales- dhito annivertiomy and wig ba, at Seaforth, Ontario ... Itereenable Rates. , . - home Oet. 26 1968 from 2 to 4 SOlicitors for the Brude Rathwell p.m. Reception in the evening Pacecutors at the Legion, Hall Everyone . emote ltrudefield Phone' 482-31184 weeeeme. . 2,648x1 TREASURER'S SALE OP' LAND FOR Tows Or ittAltitTEt • COUNTY Or HURON' TO WIft By of lima:Wood thei..:**tor eibsw'rem*so'or aeofthe tOrrOrMioor; ,besotofiteate ef le• tterfs SW i. S. BOX 27. Births FUNERAL HOME Prompt afelrearefut attention Ambulance Stroke ,quite Osty 5274600 Night 527-0063 Auctioneer trAtocalid FUWITOSE Mao CONDUCTto Roo G. GETITICZ pritim 00:0449, Senkten MIDDEGAAL Seaforth Oominttinity Hospital on Oen tab'ere 3rd to Mr. end Mes. Sohn ntiddegeal, R. R. 1 Sly% a daughter% Too LSO HO-SPITALAtimilfary Faib Rein. - mita Sale will be held on Sat. urdeq‘i Ottellier 20 at the Pub- lic LibtattlY PO the Went liakt at 2 p.m; Pick-up on Peden Octobar 2.11h, 111.048.1. STAFFA IfOrmanaking Club, Hib. beats Little Lassies, met at the honie Of Mrs. John Wallade when places to use the feather, Lazy Daisy arid chain stitch were discussed. Julie Anne Elliott was elect- ed preedeet and Many Cameron was put on the poster commit- tee. Mrs. Douglas discess,ed Material and, design foe a free choke article. Mrs, Wallace and Mrs. Dotig- las demonstrated the Roman and CtISYMI, Stitch. CROMARTY • But be threw hls weapons. down to come to VINCENT'S - whore he's stire of satisfaction. Now he's peacefully content. NOW' BEFORE THE NEW -1969 PRICES ARRIVE I I DE -AL. - • WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR SPECIALiCASH BONUS AND COLLECT YOUR I NOPAYMENTS 'TILL NEXT -YEAR. Your trade-in could be your down payment VINICENT • FARM EQUIPMENT • -3ivimiv4 Pito Rad? AYR- GALT-SEAFORTH PhAttiz 527“)120. • FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? •USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Plione 52770240 : Seaforth, FRESKRILLED GRADE "A", 6-9 lb. PLENTY OF FRESH VEGETABLES Fiturrs APPLES bushel 6 -quart baskets MACS for eating COURTLAND for cooking CALIFORNIA TOKAY GRAPES 21bs. for19 BASKETS HEAPING FULL AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES LEWIS OR RED AND WHITE - 24 -oz. loaves SAVE 19c BREAD 4 for 89c. EWZ'VMF 44 11 PRE SOAKS AWAY TOUGAISI DAT 510 STAIIS • r 7...4... • • 55151 OE TREMPAGE • 511051 LES RUES TERACIS only 39e lb. NEW FROM_COZGATSPALMOUVEI ATTACKS s'IMPOOIBLE" MAINS • AND eflowiD-IN 007 e IN COLORS AND Yarn . . . SAFgr 32 -oz. Size Reg. 99c 83 .'§PECIAL iinnek..W'en‘ 1z% _ ••••47•< DEVON OR SCHNEIDER'S SLICED BACON 70c COMPARE AT $1.75 -10-oz. Jar Maxwell House Instant $ 1 •49 GEMM COFFEE argarine 4 lbs. for 79 BICK'S 15.�z. Sweet Mixed, Baby Dills or Yum Yurns - PEAS 4 for - 87. PICKL. ES STOKELEY 14 -oz. HONEY POD FANCY 3 for $1 .00 POUCH PACK - SAVE i8c MONARCH---" SAVE 24 MA79141 FREEZE DRIED 4 -oz. COM ARO' AZ AC VORNIA G1NGERALE 30 -oz. Bottles far' PLUS DEPOSIT 'WE RESERYE THE RIGHT:TO LIMIT QUANTITIES .00 CAKE MIXES •, . 43cemi si$RA'it f‘oi.„tin CRANI3ERRY, SAUCE or 49 FANdv..41UALI,Ty - 0-02. tins TOMATO' JUICE p • • • ;1 3". ott • 0 IBEX BLANKETS 90" SPECIAL'PRICE $E.83 per pair • Sundays visitors with Ws Game Wallace add We, Veil, ilia Menke were Sins. Ethel Matryn and M40.TJ Ban White, St. Melee • Nit add Mu, Itobeit Oar& I MO, Brenda, Itenable and Rob- bie Waited on Sundae with (Mkt albs& Mrs, Zen Rearm R. P. Stt Mane