HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-10, Page 11• • • THE HURON USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR A DVANTAGR 1. Corning Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Fotind • 4. 'Tap wanted 5. Business Opportunities • O. Teachers. Wanted ' 7. Situations Wanted 8. f.'arm Stock For Sale O. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale . 12. Wanted To' Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property Per Sale 15- ProPertY For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17, Wanted To Rent 18. PrePerty Wanted /O. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24;. C,ards of Thanks 25, In Memoriam 28, Personals 22, Births 704- Deeths 29,- Marriages Classified ads are instered at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 min- imum 65c. Classifications 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2e per' word, Minim= $1.15. All other clas- sifications irdnimum $1.15 per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- quest. For .cash payment or if paid within 10 days following last Insertion, 15 CENTS deducted from abeve rates. 1. Coining Events • TURKEY Bingo St. Patrick's Heal, Dublin, Nov. 22, at 8:30 p.m, Auspices Durblin PTA 1-484 SEAFORTH Legion Ladies Aux- iliary, Turkey Bingo, on Tues- day, December 3rd, Legion Hall • 830 o'clock. 1484 BAKE Sale -and Rummage Sale, auspices of Legion 'Ladies Aux - filmy., in former Taylor Shoe Store, Saturday, October 26th at 2 o'clock. 148-2 flENSALL Kiruette FaiU Rutin- ageSale: • • Friday Night October 18t1, et 8 phn Aiwa Audatormm :1484 FONM- supper, Duff's , c2eiach, Walton, Week:mistake; Noiember 6th. Supper sterved 5:30 to 8:00. Adults $1.50, children 12 and under 75c.PrograM following by the Huron Centennial Choir. 1484 4. Help Wanted Reillatened Mime -for part-time nursing duties. Apply Seaford* Manor.• Phone 527-0030. 4-47-tf 8. Farm Stock for Sale TEN pigs, nine weeks old. Apply Leon. Wont* Rat 5- Seafertlt Phone 315-277.8 Dublin. 8401 Tvvio Vsarlirigsk APPIY Rivers Ncatbe•Marine St. Phone 527-1930. • - 8-4141 REGisTiilliED, HOlaterin heifer due to fres/men tWo ovreels. Lew CoYne R. R. 5 Seaforlth, Phone Dublin 345-2618. 848x1 HERD of 200 3Ptitung, cholera -qual- ity grade Holstein cows in, good 'flow of mitiik, Re„bred to fresh- en- miderwinter tb early swine. Apply: Dearing Farms, Staffa. Phone 345-2276. 8-48-1 TWO second litter soves, due soon; one pure bred Tam hog, 2 years old; Twenty pigs 10 weeks old; 10 pigs 8 weeks old; one pony mare 2 years old. Ar- COPIES?? - nold Scott. Phone 527-1357. _ 848x1 We will make copies of your important papers or documents 10. Used:Ciro for Sale 59 Chrysler, *A Offer, 869-41 ;bur and 4 almost new *WM 99044 polyestra. Phone 527- 1994. 16-484 1957 VanWatli 'Crest -4.'4 door sled an, 6 cylinder with standard transmission. Body in fair shape. $50.00. Call Leong(' lfteggg; Seaforth, 10484 11. Articles for Sale UPIttiGHT Inane, 482-3202. 11,-484 ° ONE complete "Utervi One Cub uniform. "5274822 evenings. 11-484 INTEIRNAITC&_ ALtlitiii:Tifture mew drag Dielw en rubber. Har- old Hugill 4824518, 3.1.45_1_4 pumatous . western Pdeloot novel. Ming to trade or ea Phone 52/74994. 1148* USED eheSterfield end; FON- daire; both inegood condition. - Phone ' 527-0333. 11471-2 Jf1IAVY misters, oven roadie Fraek Ryan! 345-2189i 1148-2 ROOSTERS readr:the oven, Mrs. John VanBakel, Du.blitra Phone 345-27115. 11,40-1 51. inch Television, Rogers Maj- estic, with antenna. 527-0547. 11-40201 BED springs, used only one! year, for double bed. Box 1777 .Huron Expositor. ' 114930 FULL,...length winter eoat. lie* to fit girl 10 to 12 years. Phone 527-0984. Mary Oke, 11-48x1 COB come to pick up at -the time of picking,. A. Peters, R. R. 2 Brussele. Phone 497w4. 1147-2 ONE small Oil stove with small tank. One! 200 gallon tank. John Pryce 527-1055 Seaforth 11;, Articles for 'Sale 17, Airanted.to'Rrtt. CR(tJ5HED gaye1 fionvesd or .aunte,N• bedireeel the pit. .Tohn Tboinpson, to Se' 1-14 Phone 527,15* phone 527.0200. 11-47-11f 17484 EN.6LISH DINNERWARE \' 50 pjece, sets of 8 Only $29.95 19, Notices SVOTROILT/C' -.Canada' 77.0, Sales Onit StrviC4,:-Intigni*O4 dealer- Alvin Riley, Oa Light- house' St., Qodetich, plione124- 8514. • 1647,4f At .NALONEY BROS. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Concrete Work AITENTION PARSERS Cement barn, - yards place Yd order OVer 40 pattomo to chime 1.14741 NEED COPIES?? SEPTIC CLEANED tin at* rellsonableirateo An tyres of foupicwon.,Ind floor& Poi boo *shoo* PTV* OntorM 345:29844047,1* - We wilt make copies of year , Write dr Phone LOUIS inspurtaut spew m, documents BLAKE, RR2, Ern e la, while Yon watt. Letter sue,. 250 phone 442M-8 or HAROLD each. THE - HURON We are shipping cattleeveq MALONEY, phone 5274,424 19474 NOTICE • EXPOSITOR Monday to United Co-Operitives 11,29..tf of Ontarie. To arrange for pick4 up at your farm, phone by Sat - CRYSTAL urday night. • WILLIAM J. DALE Phone Seaforth 527-0633 or We have open stock of the following crystal patterns: Cross and Olive - $1.00 each Pinwheel $1.00 each Flair $1.50 each. Exquisite . $2,25 each MICHAEL .1. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin call coll- etc. 19-474f jewelle.ry Repairs We do all types of Jewellery repairs. Cornflower at Regular Prices Ring Sizing 10% Discount on ComPlete Sets -Retie Claws Rebuild Shanks Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Bead Restringing Repair costume je 11-47-tf well.e 11-47x2 ' Five wooden storm indO Anstett Jewellers Ltd. APPLES, special on Macintosh, Grade A and windfalls. All of choice qudi*. Fruit id ,scarce so -bring containers, pick your own. and save. $1.00 a bushel -and up. -Ross Middleton's Or. -chard,' .one mile east . of- Bay - 'field north of river. 11-4P7-2 FORD 1 renk cern :picker shel- ler mounted on !tractor in A 1 condition, also -Ford 3 firavier plow and 9 farrowing' orates. .Phone 3452918. 11-48mI ONE propane gas heater, NOW BTU, Onet Seaglier--70;500 BTU, one kitchen wood. etove All like TheW.• Phone 527-0098 1148-1 LOW vacuum two _unit !Oman on pump and ptipe tave for 16 eavvs, geed working con- dition: Also 8 Poled Angus x Holstein steers and bailers, epproxiMately 605 -lbs. Apply Fla% Nay Jr. lot 22, con. 4 - Hibberit Phorne. 345-2197. 11418-1 • w ws, size 63x30 cinches, also some 19 -47 -ti WATCH REPAIRS FAT SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS _LTD. FARM SERVICE Phone 5274720 - Seaforth • 19-47etif rY screens. Call 345-2694: 11-46x3 CENTRE DEAD STOCK For all pressure systems and ' farm line needs. PHONE 482-9561 rr Rattenbury Street, CLINTON "Proudly "We Service Canadian" what we sell" RUSS • • DI Manager Briki-10110MaSicY .flarris ...Tractor Please- Call Promptly MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 Brussels, Ont. 24 hour service -7 days a week umnsE No. 890-065 „ 19-474 ini ' good cendiril tilen erfipTownOhrp. of ped eidth , loader., 6. .ft snow Tuckeromith bucket 'and hearvy chains. Apply to Carl Lenharcit Box 651, Seaforilth or phone 527-0626. 11-48x1 TIMEX WATCHES CROSLEY'Refrigerator with fie - SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH „ ANstort. JEWELLERS LTD. 1147-51 FOR SALE. Pioneer clearanot sale of model 14-20 and 14-50. -Perfect- farm- 'sized, lightweight saws at terrific savings:Calil Robert Pico Chain .$030, Clinton. PIANOS and orgentia rae* and reconditioned, largest' eta; Met** to cheese from. We ser- vice Wiiatifive:i011 for our MI* tomerir•tik tliet. highest 4400 of acceraeir. .See. Your 1014- toca- NeFirtizig dealer for pis Area and get a trulk-flhe;.112- Ertrument. Many mikes and models at Garnet " Farrier's showrooms at Whitechurch. Phone 357-2068. or at Whitney' FurnitUr, Seaforth. 11-484f NEED STOCKERS each. while you wait. Letter size, 25c . to Henry "Glew, Clinton, phone 482-9895. 14-48x1 ezer, McClary 4 btuner electric range, Admiral 21" TV, 4 pair of drapes 48" x 84" with hooks and rods, bath tub with taps, flush toilet, stainla4s steel sink with taps, 4-30 amp, fuse boxes, Ken Moore, Phone 527-0508 of 527-1337. 1148-1 13. Wanteds-:! HOGS wanted Slatighter boars feet " , COnita Clinton Community Sales. Ph: one .482-9656. 13-47x5 TWO piece Brownie uniform,. size 8, -5274552. 12484 BOY Scout uniform ' in good ccoditioni, size 14. Phone 527- 1240orl 0.171t. 14. Property for Sale FOUR bedroom house, gas furnace, bath Egmontiville. Phone 527-0458. 14-4772 FIVE room house, modern, on North , Main with garage, oil heating, all coinivenienc,es, Ph- one 527-0234. • 1448-2 ATTRACTIVE property for sale. 3 bedroom frame cottage, cent- rally located on large lot on Goderich street Seaforth. Apply ALL classes replacement Cattle calves, yearlings, .available all week Call Ken Ramon*, Strat- ford lavestock Exchange 271,- 3181, after 6 p.m. 271-3965. 8-48x4 PRIVATE SALE Top QUallity ,Herfords 10 co due in -March, 9 calves, (No PetligreeS) 5 bulls 4 heifers, Herd Sire,. 5. years old, very re- liable; has size and quality,. Will sell all or .arry part, For appointment call 345-2716 Lob 13 eon. 3 MeRillop Vincent:3. Lane RR. 5 Seaf,orth 8-48:01 9. Poultry' for Sale APPROXIMATELY 150 stone Leghorn hens, Apply Wm. Nur- *r.aryr,---Phorne 337J5-Britge1S:" 0-40-1 KIMBER LEGI,IORN DaY Old and Started Pullets, SCOTT POULTRY nunws, vitto. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 /lox 160 9474f id. Used Cars for gale POR - SALE 59 Rainhler lean antosnatie-$75 or 'beet Oath, oft etn.attettl?,•, POR one ton thick With 91 b. pick up body ,La-VerVIOCiedredeldritiOn.,' Mimics 0484101 MitehelL TIA7-2 THE HURON EXPo$rEoR 41.294f STAINLESS 'STEEL TABLEWARE Sets of 6 from $10.95 tip Sets of 8 from $13.95 up At Anstett Jewellers Ltd. THREE bedroom far.m home in the Hensel KaPp.ene area with all modern oonveruirences, October 15511. Apply. Wee rue Aldierdice. 262-5494. 14-48-1 150 acre's. MeRillop Township Lot,7 eoncession 8 Huron Claims. ty Rd. 17 large barn, good soil, drilled' well, 'IPA. miles from patviettnerut., brick house. Priced reasonabley owner deceased. Mrs,. Charles Dietz Dublin, Pile' one 345,2008. • 14-48x1 Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Votirsi List NOTICE is hereby „given that ' I have' complied with section 9 of theeVetietts!oLiat Act and that " I have posited up at my office at ,Tuekersinith °nettle 3rd. day of Oetobeaq,:-'iosa, . • persona entitled! bo vote it said Municipality at :Municipal Elec- tions and that such list remains there for inspection.. . And 1 hereby call • upon aR voters to take immediate pro-, ...ceedings torhave any errors or ommisSiOnts corrected award- tolaw, tbe last day far aP• - peal being the 16th day of Oct- ober, 1968. Dated this 2nd; day of ' Octob- er, 1068. James I. .McInteah, • Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersinith. 19-47tf 19. Notiegli BEFORE you ' consadet; any type of seCUritY investigate the advantages (in - eluding tax Wings> offered by ownership of OanadaPe.MOst dynamic mutual fund. Contact Reed Med) Savage, 5274522, for further details (no ion), 194741 CUSTOM corn Pleking,'..kusking and shelling. Ryan BX08, lin. Phone 345-2579 or 345-2357,, 1847x1 ATIENTION ladies you can now have that wamdmobe you have always dreamed of. All you need are the, seriviees , of a profess:10ml diessinaker ex- perienced lzb all types- Of mat- erial and design. HautCoutUr, tailoring and formal wear. Re- asonable prices. Phone 527- 0108. ' 19-47-2 gO, Auction „ Soles . derts;ItelMblie'lkft selreP PUMP, 2 Ravel take *aim 10 fold- ing chairs, studio colteX WaY bed, 2 hall trees, 2 coaloil lannes, Weetelex electric Will clock, Eleetrellionle 10" fans, Eureka vactinr4 cleaner, Eureka floevpolisber, 1954 G,U.C. % ton truck, 2 Wheel Pole trailer. REAL ESTATE: eConsisting of the lot Olit frontage by loz It. deep mil which there is locat- ed a frame building Mif ft. by -19 ft: equiped with forced alr oil furnace, 2 Pfece.bitra, Real Es1- tate will he offered for sale at 3:00 o'clock. Anytime wishing to inspect real estate prior to sale, contact Matthew A. Murray at Dublin 345-2515. TERMS on real estate ore 10% don% day Of sale with hal:- days. Sold subject to 20. AuCtiOu ance in 30 reserve bid. =MS on chattels - Cash w..4.krx • AUCTION _SAL (:)! Pr*eirtY alIct h°1398111°Id Sales tax in effect. East William Street, on: at 1 Bela unright pianeithe; cylbel- er trim Yietrola and weaves; organ; 2 radios; Grandfarthelee clock; (An u ) • Picture No reserve effects m the town of Sieaforth. SATURDAY OCTOBER 12th frames; chest drawers; swiv- eal chair; 2 toilet sets 2 day bed sewing machine; ;much; odd 'chairs; ;Clipboard; 2 sideboards; smell tables; bamboo what -not; bedsf; . springs; kitchen.* clock; Washstand.s; cherry antique dressers; coal •oil lamps; Que- bee cook stove; secretary, wooden filing cabinet; trunks; gardlen tools; kitchen utensils; dishes; some aRtiques PROPERTY: Par.cell No. 1, In the town of Seafforth, County of IIunon, composed. of lot 44 in George .Sparlings Stirvey. fraine Parcel No.. "2.,, In the Village of Hayfield! in County of Hur- on being composed of lots No. 175 and 176 1Viain Street. Terrnd: chattels' CASH Peoperty 10% down, balance 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. • HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk R. D. McConnell - Executor For the teppate of 'the late ' Ida Flikence Gallop Seaforth Ontario . 2047-2 ClicKillop, L og an , Hibbert Telephone Crimpany Proradetor R. G. GETHKE Auctioneer 2047-2 AUCTION SALE Of valuable household effects, electrical appliances, antiques and misc. items, on the premises first house north of Presbyter- ia Church liensall. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 1:30 p.m.-- Frigidaime med. size reertigera tpr, new condition; , Frigidaire 4 -burner electric stove, recent- ly purchased;. chesterfield and chair; centre and end tables; dining 'room table and chaps; arnL chair; chrome table and chairs; captain chair; antique sideboard; Admiral 21;" tele- vision; Bell upright piano' in perfect condition; antique chest - of drawers; oak rockers; leath- er and wicker rockers; antique centre table; Boston rockers; combination hall bench and mir- antique desk; electric lamps; mirrors; whatnot; Man- tel clock; utility table; daybed; vacuum cleaner; assortment of glassware; sets of dishes; an- tique dishes; china; silverware; sealers; crocks; linens; mats; quilts!, bedspreads, bedstead; AUCTION SALE springs and matress; modem! bedstead, box springs and Mat- tress; dressers; commode; an- tique wash stand; electric heat- er; ,teasler; iron; alarm clock; fhathroom scalds; copper boiler; bench; garden tools; step lad- der etc. eto. TERMS - CASH . ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM SHEPHERD ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20-48-1 Of Real ,Eitate„, truck, antique tielephomm.,. teals and miseellan. eons items on Main Streete-in - Village of Dublin : SA'llUBDAY OCTOBER 12th .at lp.m. 'sharp - TILE FOLLOWING: Approcre imately 200 antique telephonds, 2 motiotype switch beards, 1 small type switch board, quant- ity a 'telephone tads and eq- uipment; '4 treated Poles, 3 lad- _ INSURANCE Farm package fire, wind lire • bility, machinery and livestock floater, • Composite drivelling all peril, special rates for new construe - tion, farm personnel accident, also your income protected should you be injured by ear accident. • If your present insurance is not complete, or contemplating buildingicor remodelling • home, or ,reqtdre additional coverage, gite' U9 a malt / will gladly (Mews this udth you. Representing Western Mutual Ins. Co., Woodstock, McKillop MLtual Fbie Seaforth. Oat -fates M. attractive,' 114746 CHOICE STEP on garbage bin, electittit loon, ironing board, electric niixer, 'electric floor polisher electric fry. pan, abilost new, electric tea Kettle.. Phone 527- 1712. Call between 5 and 8 o'clock!. 11-48x1 FILING , CABINET 4 drawer with lock regular $102.50 Special to dear $89.95 The Hurim Exp' ositor . iltdalta COPIES cow tif your lintiOttint pers or dkuntenta IWO,' You wait.. ',ewe elZes 25e_ tech. leheihreon [nponft- upiliktr FARM Hundred and Fifty acres, of level dark clay loam. House has 3 piece bath upstairs • and 2 pima "deft,: 'Bath's) m toP teondition. Dieted Well fee& in. :to iocntrolled bowls. A real Oct- ure of a fann. . Priced •right SALESMAN SEAPORTS GEO. R. JOHNSTON HEAL ESTATE LTD. • Intoitga 14474 15., Property for Rent stit rideini hong% gas heatedc all corventences. Mend' 627-0032 15-48-tf , APAATMEN'T for rent, two, lberktiontx liteetedt thetas- ypieee- bath., Available 18.404 V. J. LANE ERAL GENINSURANCE ER5, -Seaforth, phone so-vria. 194841 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL melee% iebtario. c011eCit 482-9811 6' aen. to 8 p.m. after hems 3562404 We paY for fresh dead or° dis- abled etywe and horses ,over 500 lbs. Smell.' Stock picked UP friee of charge Lieeirre No, 189-C-68. 19-48-2 SEprIc TANKS CLEANED Modern eilliipinefit. We guaran, tee all WOrki Vitae or *1 Ifar, ver Dale; tettlortk- phone- 527 14% , • 10474 1- 1i4OUGHT *:11.1; OBJECTED TO PROTEST 1 .F0LK-:S1NGERS! THIS ONE IS WITH- tr. Wes PROT ESTING AG MST CAFETERIA COFFEE... 20; AuctIon:7$4100 AUCTION SA. 004440, Auction ,Sate sp, pitances,. aaskixtnet '4310 0140 hold furniture at !Pt 22 eine, •S Hibbe4rt-- Township lx4 miles - north Of fitaffa 14 miles voe%t on; WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16th at I ,p4n, Beaty Automatic electric OtiOve nearly new; QM. refrigerator; WOots 21 ft deep freeze like new; glare Jewel cook stove; 4 oceaskmal hairs; (IV bed, =mid dining mom table; Odd chairs; china cabinet; antiqUe spool bed; antique chest 01 drawers; bed and springs; odd tables; end tAlA%; mirrors; dresser; wash sibill; toilet sets; bed springs and mattress; cbnn- ry chest of drawers;'. g antique cloekee rocking •• chews; 2 an- tique telephones; pictures; met, al teasb;leoloirageerealls;raniclit;. bet, thyad ravon ,234: rack new; Ebersol bmillnier Mill with 3 hp. Motor; shovels; tools etc. NO Reserve. TERMS CASH TOM COYNE Proprietor W.E. NAIRN AND SON Auetion Service 20-48-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Livestock, tract or, imple. mmttst, antiques, dishes- and premises Lot 25, con. 12 Hib- prenlises Iot- 25, eon. 12, Hib, bent Twp. 1 mile south, 2 miles west of Cromarty or 6 miles east oif Bewail on: SATURDAY •OCTOBER 19 ,2 at 1:30 p.m. LIVESTOCK - 3 good short- horn cows with calves by side; 2 polled shorthorn , heifer& short yearings; 3 yearling cat - tile; 1 white faced year old SEE PAGE 12 20. Adetton, Wes. woeir. ',Az:. Owe cattle alle ,ained by 00 cl,PA* Up.* ;.TRIACTOR C.!;.•• Aff4a. 01141Inerste_afAstillW fliOtet ancb ls live PTO; 2 IOW Aiodaer.,, forte* pownliatotovr. s7vir;:orre,7110071bee, Freillima luanitte loader; banks Oforser'': bammen ' Shoe _drive 'belt CO -4h bar Odeteakelf egnialleOliver o(Sn, bine PTO M. 11._ Mullet lever porwe'r, TA490.0#11101). ;Of '4;MPlek. Mellta And scrap iron; votlegt: ,• eptuctiliallattTerfie:;''llogia:14,.:31i4C1C1:101":.;•,thich:ift744Da,7'"'4 . , 200:baWbai; *99.balea. ,eleetrie ChiCiten broodiec;:new alkabrikingf; "1114bbeit' lined:: Wagon; . ANTIQuEs - 2 itiono- 144- , oxfti .yolo.,; pair brass .eandle4.;, holders; apple 'peeler; apple ewer; 2 nirOltaiebe. eld time Omer set. min; rack,. 2. oil lamps; antinUd'. PleturerS and frames; washstands; assert' ment antique dishes; beautiful antique sideboard IR Perke".4 condition; a bedroom suites; a -- leather' collar Dope- brass Weir; rne4ir sewing machine; cook ; _ stove;- Reautnator, foortoigepoon. email tables; a largo vanity Of other articles too numerous to mentioin. Mat IVIeDougall is giving up faltering completely for reasons of ill health. TERMS OF SALE CASH JAMS MCDOUGALL Proprietor Oromarty Ontario • PERCY WRIGHT Auctioneer Tel. 262-5482. 2048-2 - Classified Additional • COMPLETE DISPERSAL of 90 Registered' and High Grade Holsteins and Equipment• ' at the farm of PETER W. BERENDSEN, KIRKTON, eight miles east of Exeter on No. 83 Highway or 3% miles west of Russeldale, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, at 12:30 p.m. 10 REGISTERED, 80 GRADE - 50 cows, several fresh or springing, balance in good milk flow; several rebred. • Herd average over 13,000 lbs. milk; ten bred heifers due from November to January; 30 open heifers and calves; one registered bull. These are real good dairy cattle with lots of size and good udders. . • DAIRY EQUIPMENT - Sells first, -Patz stable clear. er, 432 ft. chain, three years old; Solar bulk tank, 45 can, four years old; Surge - 30 plus pump with 1½" piping for 51 cows, one year old, 4 units; Stamlesd steel sink; racks and small utensils; Cascade "40" "heater; automatic heater e for milk house; 21/2" single head rail for 80 head; 38 Star - line water bowls and pipe; 80 neck straps and tags; water trough and float; 2 hp. Letz grinder; 20" 2 -speed fan; new Sunbeam clippers; 150 steel fence posts; John Deere 32 - plate double disc; feed cart; 32 new free stall dividersffi-col- ony house. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for abcidents on, day of sale. • Terms -Cash. No reserve - Peter W. Berendsen, owner. Bob Shore, Auctioneer. -PARKING METERS, INCOME TAXES, POLITICIANS SALARIES, EXPENSE ACCOUNTS, FREE TRANSPORT FOR MAYORS. 114ANKSGIVING. CHRISTMAS! 20-48x1 ..AND WIVES WHO WON'T SUPPORT HUSBANDS. . • . .. YOU NW AS WELL 6ET USED To 11-116 TONE, DADDV .... 1 PbicT% A , ' I / / 7. (I WILL BE / THE WT PARADE roR igE•oKs iINCt2'iri •/ NOWEIECNE o R0W AW WEEKS! .-, ID azFRAteppb:, \ Itirre794 I I / '. • .,.• CI 4'..., .t.i I i , , •, .."\\\ . . / ‘ • 11 / ' \ •LC1tlx. iAllita A 'towel. ,fou cawto-usTLE IT, HUM IT OR Sini6 IT ALA. YOU CAN DO iS WONT THE NUMSER OF TIMES `1'9U'R.S Uk11-11c1N t4004(1O HEAQ rT ." ,e6e, • I, ga/Vli , tsstaLlist' st.t5tr; I CAN'T READ AMR SPEMING FOal YEN:ZS. THE NAME ON ANb -n-Harl•FNE 1-IUNDQ5D 'ME HUBCAP.... StJcKS QES1-01:046-Rus‘THING 6E1 aosER I . rivrv-) -c-N- rPe.elr''• • .... r. ce %,A Vl'N :.-... \ fl?.......... 4 --AIN tiesz*k. ...... , --c II-% s:, s .... -'' ----r.:.---- - ---- - ,n,‘ 1 - ---- cz ,4,2,..1..., „, ... - 'lb. • 71' Ill ‘tiSh1111111111 14 1 4tall'At. , .4%.,Ftlkti1 0 ',..ortolg, - vot1101 ^ ...1ws-r PE NUTS TO TAKE IT OUT OK 1145 sveET W4G1 A\1511A6s Dal \im. CAN GET AT (T! ,