HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-10-10, Page 1:4 Whoie No, 5248 1004/ Veg. 400 Atte.0-4, FormArell:'Pfirity. For Dolig...Miles Over 400 people attended a presentation and fhrewell Party et the Seatorth District Mei Sehoet for DeitiesMiles,' Ag- ricultatrid - representative for Huron County •mn Friday eve- ning, The 'evening was organ- • ized bYt, The Huron Federation of 'Agriculture. Mr.,..Milen, has .served as rep- resentatiVe in Huron since Var. 195' Mr and Mrs, Miles left here on October 1, to take up residence in Toronto where he hap accepted a special assign- ment with the Ontario Depart-- ment of Agriculture and Food on the establishing of young farmers in Ontario and consoli- dation of farms as Well. Hugh Flynn, reeve of Ilellett and chairman of Huron County Agriculture committee, acted as -master of ceremonies for the evening. A prelude on the piano was played by Miss Cathy Pot- ter of the staff of the Agricul- ture office in Clinton. Mayor Frank Kling welcomed the guests to Seaforth. Other speakers included Warden Cal- vin Kreuter of Brussels; Mayor Donald Symons of Clinton; Hon. - Charles MacNaughton, Provire eial Treasurer; Robert McKin. ley, MPP; Steve Stothers 83, first agricultural representative in Huron who came here in 1918; Don. McArter, head of farm- business -management ision at Centralia College •of Ag- riculture and Tecknology; Lou Murray, representative of Pfiz- er Chemical' Company; Elmer • •Hunter, president Of Huron County Federation. of Agricul- ture.. Art Bennett Director of Extension Branch, Ont. Dept. of .Agriculture and Food, was key speaker. Robert Grasby, president of the Soil and Crop association, on behalf of agricultural organ- izations of Huron, Women's In- stitutes, and the people 44 Hur7 on County presented a lazy boy chair and a combination hero - meter, thermometer and humidi- ty indicator to. Mr. Miles. Barbara, Watkins, -queen of Huron County Junior Institutes, presented Mrs. Miles with - gift of a purse of money. Entertainment was provided by Donna and Patsy Storey, step dancers, • accompanied by Jack Storey; Junks'. Farmers and Junior Institute square dance set; Woody Lambe, gui- tarist; Roland and Ron Bennett, guitarist and violinist; the wigs.. tiers, Bill Campbell, Ken Canip-. bell and Larry Wheatley. - Lunch was served by - Sea - forth Women's Institute. Inquest In Fatal Accident No inquest will be held into the death Of John Vandei'llarr, a 20 -year old University of Wat- erloo student, whodied some- time Friday night when his car apparently went out of control and crashed into a tree on County Road 13 about three • miles east of Highway 21, near his home in Gederich Township. (Continued on Page 6) StA.FoliT11, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1968 New. Teachers in Seaforth Changes in the staffs of Seaforth Public School and St. James' Separate School this school term have resulted -in a number of new members. Inthe upper picture Are (left) Mrs. Neil' Bell; -Garry Jewitt and Miss Barbara Chesney who- have joined the staff of Seafo44* Public School, while below are (left) Miss M. Stapletonind Mrs. Paul Regier who now are on the St. Jarries'' School staff. (Staff photo). Tuckersmith to have First Deputy Reeve • For the first tie in the near- ly 130 years in which it has been in existence the Township of Tuckersmith will • have a Deputy -Reeve. Eligibility for a deputy -reeve is determined by the number of electors and Tuckersmith this • year aquired the necessary 1,000. Clerk J. I. McIntosh said the increase In electors refleeted an increase in -- co:owners, an in- crease of 50 in individual own- ers and.the addition of some 220 tenants at the PMQ at CFB Clinton. He added that while service personell are on the voters' list and eligible to vote at municipal elections, thit does not include a vote on school trustees since the CFB school is not part of the municipal system. Council at its October' meet- ing at Huron Centennial Scheel made necessary changes in the election by-law to provide for the new deputy. • The nominationmeeting is to be held in Huron Centennial school' on Nov. 18 from 7;30 to 9. •,Mertibers for .50.. Years • Jolinlitedejand (1. eft) receives a 50 year jeWel from Clare Reith, pasttliStrict deputy grand master of South Huron, at a ccrnirniy in Britannia Lodge, Monday evening. The Seine eVertint.fithintilertl Of the lodge liiited Thomas Gritste,. a Pat fent in.Uilharchati Nursing Home and presented hint with ri 50 year Jewel,. Or* Grieve who celebrated his 102nd birthday on Septeitibei"SOth is among the oldest masois bit :the order. (Photo bY.FIetitilgati)* Contribute 105 Pints of Blood Seaforth area citizens contri- buted 185 pints of blood — the largest quantity ever received here in peace time — when the Red Cross Society sponsored a blood donor clinic here Mon- day evening of last week. The previous clinic had been on December 13, 1966 when 99 pints were contributed, Mrs. W. E. Butt, president of the Sea - forth Red- Cross Society said. "flie- clinic was held in North -- side United schoolroom. 8:30 p.m. for reeve, deputy - reeve, three councillors and a separate school trustee for 1969 and 1970. Tuckersmith is the ini- tiating municipelitylor the elec- tion of a trustee to serve on the Huron and Perth .combined Ro- man Catholic Separate School board from the municipalities of Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Stanley and Bayfield.In the same man. ner, Stanley is the initiating municipilitY for the election of two trustees to serve on the 'Huron. board. If an election is necessary it will be Dee. 2. Council passed a by-law auth- orizing the tale of certain lands (four acres) in Tuckersmith Township as a result of a tax (Continued on Page 6) Named to Hospital Board Named Huron Ag. Rep. • Donald Pullen, associate ag. rep. in Herrin since 1963, has been named Agricultural Rep- resentative to succeed Douglas Miles. The appointment was an- nounced here Friday evening by Art Bennett, Director of the Extension Branch of the On- tario Department of Apiculture and Food at ,a farewell party for Mr. Miles. • Mr. 'Pullen, who was raised -in Perth County, came to Huron five and a half years ago on At a meeting ,,held Tuesday evening of the Women's Auxili- ary to the Seaforth Community Hospital, Mrs: W. D. Stephen- son was named to represent the auxiliary on the board of the hospital. She succeeds MrS. R. J. Boussey who had resigned. Mrs. Kenneth Etue, convener of the Ways and Menne commit- tee, brought in a report suggest- ing a rummage sale in October, • a Christmas turkey draw, a bridge party in January and a penny sale hi the spring. The program was approved by the Auxiliary._ Plang were finalized for the rummage sale to be held on Oct- ober 26 at the Library and the Scout Hall with Mrs. Leo Steph- enaon and Mrs. Orville Oke co - conveners. Members were urg- ed to save good, clean, used fall and winter clothing, children's clothing; shoes, children's toys, books, dishes, jewellery and fur- piture, for white elephant sec- tion. Pickup day is ,to be on Friday afternoon, October.25. Successful reports indicating successful operation of the Gift Shop and Tuck Cart were given by .Mrs. Lorne MacDonald and Mrs. W. D. Stephenson. ' .The Auxiliary approved pur- chase of a bassinet for the ma- ternity 'ware and there, furnish - of a four -bed Ward, subject to the approval of the hospital board. Mrs. limes MacDonald . was named to to responsible for tray favours for the Patients On special occasions. DON PULLEN Named , Ag. Rep. 12. PA.QE. Single .00Pleth at* •• $5,00 A Year:14 .4.10vgice r Sea:forth McKiIiop • Takes :Honors 'Inp honors at the 41st Hur- on Plowmen's Association Watch op Saturday mine to Mc- Eillop Township when three mernbers of the family . of Mr. and Mrs. William J. teeming, RR 4, Walton, captured three events. • Despite intermittent showers and wet ground which neces- sitate(' a change from stubble to sod ground the morning of the match, secretary R. T. Bol- ton said the mateh was most successful.' Entries were in- creased by fifty percent he said, over the previous year with a total of 24 plowmen taking part in the various events. The match provided a work- out for contestantS, most of whom will take part in the area county's day match at the International next week at ' Guelph. Mary Leeming was crowned Futrow Queen. Her broth'er, IM, 13, shared ,the title ' of ngest plowman with John , RR 4, Seaforth: Thomas teeming, 18, won'the- jurdor champion trophy and the right to compete October 16-19 at "'the International 'Plowing Match near Guelph, e match was held on the farn of Maurice Love in Us - borne Township. Rarry Gordon, RR 5, Seaforth and Paul Patrick, RR 3, Sea - forth, will compete at .the In- . ternational, representing Hur- on Jr. Farmers. Seaforth Dis- trict High School won both jun- ior and senior- high school divi- sions, Graeme Craig of McKil- lop, will compete at the Interna- tional also. , Oldest plowman on hand was T. P. O'Malley, 62, Teeswater. The association offered $800 in prize money to winners. May 1, 1962, as associate Ag- ricultural representative. He is a graduate of -the two- year diploma course in agricut ture at the University of Guelph in 1958. In 1993 he received a degree in seience 'of agriculture from that university. Mrs. Pullen, the former Flor- ence McCully of St. Marys, is also a graduate of Guelph Uni- versity. She taught science for two years at the Seaforth Dis- trict High School. • " Mr. and • Mrs. Pullen were both active in 4-H agricultural clubs in P.erth'. Mr. Pullen plays hockey in the Industrial League in Clin- ton. and is a counsellor along • with Mrs. Pullen for the High - C group at Wesley Willis Unit- ed Church 111 Clinton, 'they have one son, David, 17 months old. Increase Capacity At Manor Represented by its vice-presi- dent, 'John Root MPT, the On- tario Water Resources Com— mission held a further hearing In Seaforth Tuesday afterneen, in connection ° with: the location of it lagoon recialtaaas part of - a 140Posed new SeWage',dispeA- , al **M. ° The commission' had held (s, hefting'. iir-AngUst fon 4/* same in4tOr but 40410 the Senna' hearing wasneceSsary. when en- gineers considered that. a site north of that first considered was preferable to what had pre- • viously been recommended. Considered at the August hearing were sites of 50 acres each east of town owned by Dale. Nixon and John Willegns and weit of thwi, owned by Dr. M. W'Stapletoib and•Mrs, ,iTohn. Mc- Cowan -also involving Of) acres . .40 Testaof the earlier hear i, ttt.:was. agreed the .WeSt site w,AS /nest. deSitAble. "Tbe' aoll in the area was more suitable; it was :nearer the Bayfield ..River and would provide least ruption to owners. However, as . J. V. Morris of the. engineering consulting firm of J. A. MacLaren Co., London, told the hearing, when the prop- erties first,considered were ex- amined in greater detail it was Seaforth Manor has increased patient capacity to 56, with the recent •addition of new dining room facilities in a new wing on the east side of the building Mrs. • Jean Henderson, the ad- ministrator said. Coincident with the increase in capacity the manorhas re- ceived at nursing home license in addition to the special care license it held previously. The new license permits accepter -We of private and indigent patients as well as special care patients. Mrs. Henderson recalled that when Seaferth Manor -Opened in the former Scott Memorial Hos- pital building three years ago, accommodation was limited to the ground floor. When in the allowing year alterations had been completed to the second floor, capacity was increased to 36. New with rearrangements pos- sible as a result of the new ad- dition accommodation is avail- able for 56., patients including 38. residential and 20 nursing care. A continuing program is ,be- ing carried out to update facili- ties Mrs. HenderSon, said and added that a heat detection fire alert system had been installed recently: The Week At SDHS A popular feature in the Expositor each week is the story of activities at Seaforth District High School. Responsi- ble for tracking down what is happening to the several hun- dred students at the school are Sharon Dietz and Faye Munro. (Staff photo). Appointed Chairman For CNIB Board Larry Snider- of Exeter was named chairman of the Gode- rich-Huron Advisory Board to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind at the annual' meeting held in Goderich. He succeeds Mr. . James Kinkead who has retired after 29 ..years of service on the Board. New members named to the Board inclede Mrs. Clayton Ed- wards, Leonard Boyce, Earl Rawson all of Goderich, Harry Lear, Blyth, Mrs. Frank Madill and G. W. Tiffin of Wingham, Eric Luther of Hensall and Don- ald O'Brien of Zurich. Board Members attended from Wingham, Blyth, Brussels, Dungannon, Exeter, flensall and Goderich. Also in attendance were Jack Clements, District Field Secretary and Peter Cor- less, Assistant Field Secretary, both of -London. The guest speaker, Miss Mil- lie Umehara, • Supervisor of Home Teaching in Ontario, geld that home teaching is the key service in the rehabilitation of the newly blinded. Instruction is given in many types of handi- craft, and household skills are demonstrated. Proper use of the white cane is taught, thusgiv- ing the blind person a greater degree of mobility. Each of these is a psychological aid in the transfer from sight to touch. Reports from campaign chair- men in the several communities found a saving Could: feat* 11 the lagoon , was to. be ,moved north a short distance toinvol- 'ruee. maccQswmanalleprro.'p'eprotyrtimOna,,,,,.401 Abutting 50 ftereS Owned. by AT4. F. Scott as • Well as an .44.! tional 25 acres to the north owned by Mies Jean -.Scott. By ie:56111r tYhfestreamd117e rTrnh gi ce.1:thtehileoCress- wellnW ed through the ,Stapleton property would no longer be a require- ment and as well a substantial amount of bush would not be disturbed. Mr. Morris reviewed steps that had been taken by Sea - forth since the early 50's to provide improved sewer service. A ,plant to handle 56 gal. per capita per day plus 700 gals. - per day infiltration was now re- quired and design was proceed- , ing on the basis of providing for the needs of Seaforth and Eg- - mondville for the next 20 years. Inviting comments from those in attendance Mr. Root said the .eemmission was concerned that all aspects of the proposed site be considered. • Miss Jean Scott said she cfit there was some objection to locating the lagoon so near the up 'area in HarpurheY. In addition she was concerned that by taking 25 acres,' •their farm would be reduced to 45 acres of W'hich 25 acres would form a narrow strip south of the CNR, tracks and which would be dif- ficult to work The remaining ' 20 acres including the farm buildings were on the north of the CNR. She considered that - if any land was taken 'it should include the whole 50 . acres south of the railway, Mr. Morris pointed out that • the proposed site was a distance • of 1,200 feet from the nearest building — that of Arthur Nich- olson. When asked by the chairman, • that if any land was to be taken it would be her wish that it all be taken Miss Scott agreed: - James F. Scott who owns the other property involved indicat- ed- he did not object. • In summing up Mr. Root told the hearing that a properly op- erated lagoen created no prob- lem and referred to experiences in Mitchell where a residence • was located across the road from a lagoon. The hearing which adjourned after 25 minutes, was attended by J. R Marsh and H. Browne of the OWRC -engineering staff as well as by Mayer F. Kling, Reeve C. Dalten, 'Mp.-Reeve W. Cuthill and Clerk E. Williams of Seaforth. indicated that plans were well under way for the annual ap- eal for funds to be conducted P in the nomth of October. A Christmas party for the • registered blind of Huron Coun- • LARRY ,SNIDER- „ ty and their escorts to be held in Goderich was .discussed. The Goderieh representatives on the Board agreed to make the nec- essary arrangements. . Heads • -point Charge • St. Thomas' Anglican, Church, Seaforth, St Paul's, Clinton and St, Mary's, Dublin, are to be served by one minister, Rev. J. Stanley Sharpies who has beeri rector of St. Thomas. The change becomes effective November 1. • Mr. Sharpies, who came to Seaforth from Delhi in June, a year ago, is moving to Clinton the end of this month, to handle his new duties. Rev. R. W. Wenham, minit- ter at St Paul's, was moved to Wiarton a month ago. Under the new arrangement two schedules of Sunday ser- vices have been established. From Oct. 1 to March 31, early service will alternate between Seaforth and Clinton at 8 a.m. Clinton service will be at 10 a.m., Seaforth at 11:30 and Dublin 'at 1:30 p.m. During the summer months (Continued on Page 6) News of Walton Duff's United Church Women Plan Activities Duff's 'United Church IJCW met Wednesday evening in the church ' schoolroom. The McItil- lopunitwas in charge of the devotions with kits. Don Den. nis using as her theme "Count your blessings”. Hymn 577, "Come Ye Thankful People, Come" was sung with Mrs. Mar- tin Bean as pianist, Mrs. Mer- ton Rackwell read the scrip- ture taken from Psalm 103: 10-13;71(yinn 19, "Now Thank We All our God" was followed with meditation by Mrs: Don Mrs. Wm. 1106 led In prayer. ' VIsItittg. and friendship committee' showed it HIM on "Principles of Home Visits". Three general rules were given. (1) Preparing for visit; (2) Work- ing. from knowledge; (3) Per- sistence bi preparing for a visit a person should have; (1) prop- er attitude; (2) sufficient know- ledge; (3) Seek response, in working from knowledge you must consider; (1) • Practice Makes perfect; (2) Being friend- ly; (3) Discovering conimon in- terests in persistence you should (1) open doors; (2) arouse in - Weld; (3) understand commit- ment. Mrs. Martin Bean conduc- ted t tinestion and answer cutio Whieh was answered by Mrs. Norman Schade and Mrs. Wil- liam Coutts. ' • Mrs. Walter Bewley, vice- president, took over the busi- ness and read a verse taken from a plaque in a .hospital for the handicapped. Minutes were read by Mrs. Allan McCall Members who are resigning from office were asked to have their resignations in by Oct. 31. The nominating conimittee will include Mrs. Win Roe, lifts. Harbld. Smalldon and Mrs. Doug- las Fraser. , A discussion followed on the anntial 'turkey Supper on Nov- ember 6. Committees established are: doorkeepers 5 p.m. to 6 'p.m, Herb Traviss, Walter Bewley; 6 p.m. to 7 p.m Ronald Bennett, Jack Bosman; 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Torrance Derides, Gordon Mc - Gavin; calling, Campbell Wey, Douglas Fraser; tickets, Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Alvin McDon- ald. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald We. the financial statement. Mrs. W. C. Hackwell reported for the fin.ante comraittee. A dis- play of the new literature for the conunitig year Was present- ed' by Mrs. Walter Bewley. Walton Cotton Cuties met at the home Of the leader, Mrs. Gerald Watson. Mary teeming ' presided. Marie Nolan gave the secretary's . report. The group discussed fitting dresses, facings and sewing in sleeves. Joan Bennett, Sandre Watson and Cathy McDonald served lunch. Mrs. John McDonald and Mrs. Gordon Kerr of Toronto visited • this week with Mr. and Mrs. Al- yminon7McD:onald and attended the . funeral of their sister Mrs. Walton WI atterided the Huron George Carter last Monday. Minty WI rally at -Cranbrook A number of ladies from the Mr, and Mrs. Roy Bennett have returned home iftet itlett. ing a few day S litiOrIlllit.'