HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-09-26, Page 8I Itr-.THE 1/SIPPISIAXPOSITOR*,SEAFORTH, ONT* SEPT. 26, 1068 _ • I Auction Sales CLEAlltNG AUCTION SALE Household Effects and Antiques will be held for Mrs. Roderick McLean John St. Brussels Saturday October 5th at 1 p.m. Furniture and 'Appliances Dishes and Inseam Garden tools and 'Antiques. See bills. TERMS - CASH BRIAN BRINTOUL Auctionew Whitechurch 20-46-2 AUCTION SALE 1 p.m. Saturday October 5th Western Fair Grounds, London, ' Ontatto 20 registered servicable age HAMPSHIRE % boars, registered HAMPSHIRE saws and gilts bred, all impart- ed from the U.S. 70 second and third litter HAMPSHIRE x YORK SOWS some, due sale date. Sales Manager Tom Shoebot- tom. phone 6664289. 8-46-1 AUCTION SALE Of ,praperty and housebold , effects of Charles, Glew from his. former residence, 4 God: erich Street Seaforth on: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28th • at 1:30 Pme• . TIOUSEHOLD EFFE'CTS - 3 pieee chesterfield gait dining Lowest or any tender not room .table, 6 dining room necessarily accepted. cheers, Duncan Phvfe -round Janie. sideboard. Wilton rite 0' x 91, love sett cherry see -eine " table. lamp table. 2 oak dress- e,rs. 2. oak .commodes, 2 wooden, •!vela. ellen* of drawers. daven- port. mantel nadio. bake table, coffee table. sewing machine. writing desk, hail tree. end table. wall mirror, platforro incken 6 matching, kitten - chairs. -bar chair. wicker Min- ton. rangette, rafrieeratoe hot- plate, utility table, step ladder washing mai-nine. power lawn, • mower. 2 ninths ernets.. cannel. fibre. dishes and -cooking uteri, - s PROPEPTV . 'A merlons lot on on which is situated a 6 room frame cottage insulated, o-ak 20. Auction Sales date of sale and balance in 30 days, Property sold subject to neserve Henry Glew, executor of the estate. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 2045-2 CAME SALE 1,200 Head stockers and feeders Tues., Oct.. ist 1968 at 1 p.m. Brussels Livestock Limited , Arose%o. Jack Aryans and Hugh Pearson Propnbetors 20452 • .. 21. Tenders Wanted Township of McKillop Tenders for SNOW REMOVAL Sealed Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned us. til 6 p.m. Friday October 4th, 1958 for snow removal on Township roads durin' g the win- ter ef 1968 and 1969. • Tenders- must state full spec- ifications of equipment, price Per hour and proof of Work- men's Compensation and Public Liability . Insurance. . Wilson Little Clerk Treasurer Metrillop Twp. .Seaforth R. R. I Ontario 2145-2 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE - OF LAND„FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH COUNTY On' HURON TO teir: By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and hardwood floors. 3 bedroome. 3 s5a1 °f • the sai-d 43°1*Pccatlua piece bath and }amen verandah. bearing date the 2nd day of Jase, ua0, 1968, sale of land in air- . - Terms on household effectsrears of taxes in the -Town of cash on nroverte..10% down, on Seaforth will be held In the OPITAlit0 Department of Highways, Ontario AUCTION SALE OF BUILDING FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION Property Sale L-01617. Combined -service station and snack bar, situated at Pt. Lot 21, Concession 1, ToWnship of Hay, Village of Hensel), County of Huron, locatrd in the "Village of Reuse% in the north-west quadrant at the junction of Highways 4 and 84. Sale will take place on the premises at: 2:00 p.m., Local Time FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1968 • - 0,-,tyq*:06:omakklostez TERMS: Cash at time of sale together with $200.00 Certified i Cheque (payable, to the Treasurer of Ontario) as Perforznan.ce Bond to guarantee that work win be completed according to HILO, requirement& ; NOTICE: A permit is required to move 'a building aiong,'across or over. a Provincial Highway and/or a Municipal Road or Street. Persons who may be interested in purchasing this • building for the purpose of moving it intact or in section to another location must obtain information regarding permits from the District Office noted below PRIOR TO THE SALE. - Further infortnation inay be obtained from:' THE AUCTIONEER Mr. Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Ontario. Telephone: 527-0640 *OR • Department of Mghways,. District Office, 581 Huron Street, Box 8, Stratford, •Ontatio. Telephone: 271,-3550 -bespartment of MghwaYa, RikhNg-Way 335 Saskatoon Street, London, Ontario. Telephone: 451-5400 (Ext. 241) • DEPARTMENT OF tileilifit ONTARIO 14,46.2 22. Legal Notices Cou—i-ten-Chambers at the hnter of 10:00 o'ciocit in tbe forepoort on Wednesday: the 6th day ef Nov•ent1er, 1968 toeless the tax- es and cost are SOQW paid. Not- iceIs berry given tb$ Gee list of lands or sale for arrears of taxes was published in the Ont- ario Gazette on the 6th day of July 1968 and that copies of the said list may be at my office. Treasurer's office, this 20th day of June 1960. Ernest Williams, Clerk. • 22-3843 NOTICE TQ CREDITORS In the Estate of John M. Eckert. All Persons having claims ag- aiust the Estate -of John M. Eck- ert, late of the Township of Mcifillop„ in the Oomzir of Hurl - on, Mum:mind Om*, deceased, who died an •tne 17 day of July) 1668, ire hereby notified to sendj *fun Partieulans of 'then • to the undensigned on or 'the 10th diay o October, 1068,fber whalch date the asses will be distributed, having Lon gand only to claims •then re- ceived. • Dated at Seaforth, this 16th day• of Sept:mile:4 1968. McCONNELL & STreve ART Solicitors far the Executors Seaforth, Ontario 2245-3 • NOTICE • TO CREDITORS In the estate of CHARLES JOHN DIETZ ' All persons • having claims against the estate of • CHARLES JOHN DIETZ' lite of the Town- ship of McKillop; in the Count' of Hurore Farmer, deceased, who died ory the 30th day of December,, 1967, are hereby notified • to sendin full part- iculans of their elanns, to the undenstigned on oe before the 18th day of October, 1968 after which date the assets will he distributed having regard only to claims then teceined. • DATED at Seefortn, tbis 20th , day of Septembee, 1968. - McCONNELL & STE'WART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the , EXeCtibliX 22-46-3 NOTICE . TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of IDA FLORENCE GALLOP • All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate, of Ida Flo'rence Gallop, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the COunty of Hun - on, dieceaed, who died an the 181h day ...of September, 1968, • are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 18th day of Oatobe.r, 1868, after which date the as- -sets will be distributed., having regard- only to claims then re- ceivect Dated at Seaforth, this 24th, day of Septet/10er, 1968. McCONNELL & STEWART • Solieitoes for the Executor .Seaforth. Ontario 22-46-3 • ' 23. liminess Directory , G. A. WHITNEY • FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for • rent. 'FLOWERS FOR gym OCCASION " Phone 527-1390 • Seafortb W. J. CLEARY Seaforti4 Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and or Day CallFUNERAL !)- 527: 1Pli510 SEAFORTH , VETERINARY CLINIC .r. o. Tuinbull, D.V.M., V.S. • W. B. Brms, D.V3t. V.S. W. H. Psttmon, D.V v.s, P. Thom KVA, star.v.s. Phone 5274780 •Seaforth- JOHN E. LORGSTA?F OPTOMETRLST • Seeforth Office: Tnes., Thum,. Fri., 9 to 5:39 pm/. Sat.!) to I2 noon • Iton,„ Wed. - Clinton Office For Appoint:amit • Phone 5274210 - or 482-7010 M .HARPElt ' Chartered Accountant 5557 South Street Telephone 'G-oderich 5244562 Auctioneer and , Appraiser, Licensed and eapabli in selling all types of auction sales. Reasonable' Rates.- Biuce Rathwell Itrucefield Phone 482-2384 R. S. BOX rtmettAt, HOME Prompt am) earefui-attention Atabidance &Mt. Phones: Day 5274180 Night 627410/4 DS 23. Business DiXeCtOrY Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES C0MMTC=1) R. G. GETHIM Phone 347-2165, Moncton RONALD G. IVIcC.ANN Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Office; Rattenbury St., phone 482-0877. • Res; RattenburY St, Phone 4824313 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. a. McCONNELL, D. L'ErrEWART • - Seaforth, Ont, ' Phone 527-0850 24. Cards of Thank; Bill and Lena Boyd wish to sin- cerely thank their ineighbors, -relatives, friends and the Cham- ber of Commercejor the beauti- ful gifts presented to them prior to their removal to Seafortii. Their thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 24.464 I would like to express „My 61146, eere ksi ;in friends end elves who sent cards, lettet:rs and treats and vatted Mei while a 'patient in Settforth Community Hospital. A &paned thanks to Dr. Mee and the nursing staff. - Bill Harburre 2446x1 We wish to sincerely thank eachand all the kind friends, neighb•ars, and relatives ,vvho gave their sympathy and ser- vices in any way during the re- cent death and funeral of Me. Harold Dietz. sOur thanks also to Dr. tlYloyo, Nurses and stiff at Seaforth Community Hospite -al, Box Funeral Home, Pastor Lossing and LOW, also for the floral _tributes, donations to the Heart Fund, and Missions. It was all, deeply appreciated. - The Dietz Family. 24-46x1 Sincere thanks to neighbors, friends, Mrs.. Cardno,. Health muse and all who remembered Miss I. F. Gallop, Seafonth during het. long lifetime and at the time of her death. - Sister-finttaw, cousins, nieces and nephews. 2446d We wish to thank...the Dulilfn Business• Men for the lovely flowern sent at the One of my mothers death, also to friends and neighbours who sent flow- ers, eardIS and helpedi. in any way. - Mona and Russell Kramp. • 24-40-1 I would like to thank friendi andeneighbours for .treats, and cards while a patient in See - Orth Community Hospital. Spec- ial •2thanks to Dr. Malkus, Thomas Church, the nurses, kitclien staff, new, technician and Box's Ambulance Every- thing was greatly appreciated, - Mrs. Lillian Jones. 2446x1 I wiishic7-thank•-m-i--, friesidi,-TreT atives and neighbors for visits, cards •and gifts I received: while • was a patient in Seaforth: Community Stepan_ - Eva Kerr, T L -46x 1 Ini-rsinC-ere thenke- to Dr. innyo, nurses and staff Of Seger -nil Clonanrunity Hospital, for their knelt:Less t� me while I was a 24. Cards of Thanks Patient therm aft; wright Hawley, ra484 26. Personals. - Mr. and Mns: Zahn D. Dawson of Stoney Om* are Pleased tn announce the engagement of their daughter Iudith Ann to Mr. Warliei Edward Oolemazt Of London son of Me andi Urn. Clarence Coleman of orAl?alfdY. The wedding will' take place Saturday October 26th at g o'clock at Stoney Creek Unit- ed Church* 26-46x1 Mr. and Inns, Angus Kennedn R. R. 4 Seaforth, "Ontario 'wish to announce thin forthentinine marriage of their daughter, into ntizabetin te Mtn Mead jenniah Monlan, Son . and Mei 'John Moylan, IL R. 5 SeaMorth. Vile wedding wia take plaee at two, o'clock sabot:kik October 10th 1968 at St. Col - umber:, Roman 'Catholic Church, St. Columbim, Ontario. 2046x1 Mr. andMrs. Estinaah 'HMV, bye, Clinton axe pleased to an- nounce the, Q.agement of their daughter' oiln, enindoeun to Garry Warne Roberta= son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robinson Godericla Wedding to take place October 26th at 3 o'clock, at North Street United °hunch, Clinton. 26-46-1 27. Births BRITTON -- In Stratford Gen- eral Hospital on September the 20th to Bin. and Atka. Ken Britton,. R. R. 2, Dublin, a daughter, Pamela Ann. • GARDINER - To Mr. and Inks. Larry Gardiner, °remedy, on Seitember 8 th, 1968 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lond- on, a son, Steven Robert . , JEFFREY - In. GoderiCh''Alex- an#dra Marine Hospital, to Mr. and Mfrs. Law Jeffrey, Gocierieh, OM: on Sept. 16th 1968, a some Tod Lawrence. UHLER Vic and. Limb* are pleased ta announce the ar- rival of a son, Bruce Andrew; ..borni September, 6th, 1968 at. the Sioux Lookout General Hospital A brother for Step- hen. - • hen. • •, • 27-46x1 28. Deaths: MoLYNEAUX ' Edward Jamas. Born Dee. 8, 1880, died September 71h, 1968, in St Petersburg, Florida. Bur- led ' from St. Winne Roimast Catholic 'Church, St. Peters- burg, Elowida • to Calvary Cemetery, Surviving are two brothers Jack ,Malytnema of Thorold and Dan Moylneaux, Chicagn, • ne, 2846-1 Too Late ABOUT six- acres of silo, conn, $75.00 an acre. Alvin Beuer- man, phone 345-2306. TL -46-1 'ABERDEEN Angus bull and .sevenal female. R J. Dolg, Nosth Main St Seaforth. ph- one 527-0'763. 8-46-1 FOR SALE - Thirty seven prgs, William Poppe, R. R. 1, Dabble. Phone 345-2437. TL -46-1 FOR SALE Boy's black suit, size 14, like new. 1Virs. Lloyd Hanen, Phone 527-0197. TL46-1 ISCILTIHIEY-SAY THE WORLD IS HIS OYSTER. because he feels in the mood to get the most out of it after he's been to VINCENT'S, where the sernici Is fully sat- isfying. • "TEAM UP FOg CA.PAeITY" 1H No. 56 ItidlifER With the Exclusive 45 degee*Feaing • Built for 100',Silos IH No. 550 HARVESTER •• Over 65 tons per hour. Giant of the Industry, •cuts shorter than 1/4 inch. • • GROVE WAGONS with right and left delivery. Hydraulic drive also available. CALI. FOR A DEMONSTRATION Assowt) AlOs Fair Oates Too Late TOO Lath bb roa ateli,vort.00go $O eloo.410.41,00 02; 1n041, lug bted ITO; *Otto inhcer $12; electrie Socir polisher 04); eleetric fry inn $49, almolst new. Mope 027-1712- Call het - ween 5: and -7 o'cloelt. 174-40a1 FOR 'WA Vitt WI' Cab*, ricgotleta. Peten Ven DrancA R.a. 5, Seafmth.Phone 345.- 2897. •TL -46-1 .04LOAX4wntQom), mt. aboai Anzon.--$4,00 peir liel, Whig own CPUtainCrom Ply izzlie 527-0278, Heith T1:40,1 volt' sav oaa spaeo It88.081r, 20,o0 ARAL and one oil space beater . 30,000 ottent, Louise Delcert Awe+ 345-2194• az-4.04./ ..s.,e,t4' Qct. 4:25 Merton • Sept 27, 20 icirkton . . . Sept. 26, 27 Teeawater . . .. Sept; 27; ga Walkerton..............-. oat 23,, 24 International mowing mat* we4„ Oct. 1.01.11 to sat., 00, 190! omitted 448 »ay dividends, The Ilistriet Collegiate Institute Board Requires - instructorsssfee:: Night ia to be held at CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL, CLINTON as advertised in this isSue Applications to be forwarded to the undersigned not later thaii 7th OCTOCBER, 1968 Mr. R. J, Philips, B.A. Acting -Principal, Night Classes • Central ,Huron Secondary School, Clinton, Ontario. • The Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board and its ADVISORY VOCATIONAL COMMITTEE. • Offers Adult NIGHT., CLASSES • Each week, commencing 800 p.m., 15 Octob- er,,for a period of twenty evenings in Business, Recreational and Technical subjects ad thirty evenings in Academicsubjects. Academic Sub- jects will -be at the five-year course level. An enrolment of fifteen (15) is required for any course and an instructor must be available. * Registration will be by coupon below and fees collected on the first evening of each class. Fees shall be $5.00 for each Business and Recreational course; $10.00 for each Academic courae, and $15.00 for each Tech- nical course. Materials -will be provided for Business/Technical subjects. An additional $1.00 will be -charged ea t+ person for in- surance coverage while on Board premises, in -accordance with ,Board policy. Shorthand Monday Typewriting Tuesda.y Bookkeeping Tuesday • - Sewing -basic Tuesday Sewing -advanced Monday - Sewing -advanced Wednesday Oil Painting -beginner Tuesday Oil Painting -advanced Monday Millinery. Tuesday Welding 2 Monday Welding 1 Tuesday Drafting -basic Tuesday - Drafting -advanced Tuesday General Carpentry Tuesday Auto Servicing Tuesday Physics XI Tuesday English XII Tuesday. Liquid Embroidery Tuesday Bridge Tuesday English XIII Tuesday Mathematics XI Tuesday Mathematics XII Wednesday History XIII Vednesday ' Other courses may be made available should there be suf- ficient demand, Sewing and Teehnical subjects will be limited to 20 in a class. ' ' • In order that the Board May have an indication • of interest andiliat c1asse May t.pe:tormea, , iri- terested persons are requOited. 'la register 64**i%; ttiiiiittached•osi000:Pleasebe'sUre t� show Our mailing address and 'phone nitm. ber. nen. TO: Central Huron Secondary School, Evening Classes, I Wish to register in the following subject(s) ist choice 2nd choice 3rd. 01010 • ADDRESS: Clinton, Ontario. ISLOPHONE: 1 • a • • a 1 •