HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-09-26, Page 4„ HUPON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT, SEPT 26, MSS ANNUAL HARVEST DANCE Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Saturday, September 28th Ian Wilbee's Orchestra DANCING 9;00 'TILL? Everyone Welcome Refreshments Restricted To Persons 21 years and over Draw For Beef to Take Place ADMISSION $1.00 Per Person FUN ERALS MRS., GORDON KNIGHT - a. Gordon IS.ntoht, 64, Lis- towel. died TUeeday at a rroroin to hospital. She was the formen Elsie Smith, daughter of tb.e late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith. She was born in Grey Township. Following her marriage she and her husband farmed in Grey Township until his death, when she moved to Listowel. Surviving are seven sons, Rev. Kenneth, Eckville, Alta.; James, John and Leslie, all of Grey Township; Harold, Ottawa; Willis, Brussels; Murray, At- SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Re -Opens the Season with a SMASH . THE go, RAGGED EDGES SATURDAY SEPT. 28th AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE Dancing 9:00 12:00 Admission $1.00 DRESS: CASUAL Dances will be held each Saturday. Watch this space weekly for Coming Attractions. BIBLE EVANGELIS4 with ° Rev.. W. 11. Moody HAMILTON, ONT. - • at SEAFORTH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - OCTOBER 1 - 6 Rev. W. H. Moody is one of seven Executive Directors of Christian Education of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Directed from this department are some 600 Pentecostal Sunday Schools across the Dominion with a total enrolment of over 68,000. Boys' and girls' summer camps and weekday activity pro- grams for boys and girls and young teens, are also directed from this .department. Rev. Moody will be ministering in these special services as well as in the regular Sunday Services of Oct. 6, with topics of • vitalinterest and helpful features for all attending. - SClEIEDULE OF SERVICES: TUESDAY - FRIDAY, 4:15 p.m. "KIDS' KRUSADE” TUESDAY • THURSDAY 8:00 p.m. "EvAmeELisric SERVICE" • FRIDAY 8:00 p.m. "GOSPEL MUSICALE", SEAFORTH.PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM SUNDAY: 950 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY 11:00 e.m. MORNING WORSHIP 700 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 'Pastor B. Le Morrison, Phone 5274485 wood; 'Rye ditlghteiti;104-• DO4n ert (Berva) Caryl, Sliven Springs N.Y.! MI'S", Nan (Helen) Steele, New Sanclite Seotillud" Mrs. David (Marn1,111) POOPen, Wind - son Miss Dorothy,. Dawson Creel/. B.C.; a sister, Afre, John (Bessie) Jordan, Lucknew; a brother, Burnett, 045 Bruns_ wick St., Stratford. The body is at the D. A. Rann funeral home. Brussels, where service will be Friday at 3 p.m. Burial will be in Cran. brook cemetery, Grey Town- ship. MISS FLORENCE GALLOP Miss Florence Gallop, .East William street, Seafenth, died here -on September 18 'follow- ing a short illness She was 88. A native of Rueseldrde and for a time resided in afearitoba. She moved to 'Seater* with her brother, the late John Gallep_ in 1928. She is =rived. by a number of nieces and nephews. She was e member Of North side 'United Chun& and her minister Rev. J. C. Britton con- ducted a .funerni service from the G. A. Whitney funeral home on, triday. Interment fle1lowedip Kirkton .ceanetary. The pallbearers being Norm- an M. Gallop, Lorne Hodge, Ross Marshall"- Reg Raul and Leslie Barnes. . JOSEPH, P. DOWNEY ' The death oecurred in S.:ezi- forth Community Hospitalon Sunday of Joseph P. Downey • in his 92nd year, While be had not been in the best of health fon the pat year or two be had been in hospital onlyfora few days. 1%fr. Downey was a native of McKillop Township and farmed there 'until his retirement. M. Seaford?, 13 years ago. He is surived by his wife the fernier Mary Awies Doyle to horn he was 'married, in 1913. ' two daughters, May, 'airs. RL. Carter, Richmond Hilt and We: Anne Downey, Seaforth and two sons Richard, McKillop and Joseph. Seaforth and . by six grandchikdnen. The remailas-isested at, _the W. J. Cleary funer-A home 'un- til Wednesday When a service was eondected, by Rev, 17,1„ Laregh in St. , jerees Rem= Catholic Church. Interment followed in. SL Columban cem- etery. • Pallheaners Were W. M.c Quaid, be,wis Coyne. blamer -we alaioney, Joseph Nah,/te, John. Shen and ,Pan1 Merra1". Remember! It takes but .a ..raereent to place .an Expositor Want Ad and he money in pocket. • To advertise, lust Dial Seaforth 527.0M0. • EUCHRE • - In I.O.O.F. Hall Mon., ,Sept. 30th 8:30 p,m. GOOD PRIzgs — LUNCH Admission SOc pensored by Edelweiss Rebe- kah Lodge HEPWORTH COUNTRY MUSIC AUDITORIUM Advance tickets and programs All performances available at Habkirk Transit Service Limited • 527-1222 Autumn Fair -Northside United Church .0ct. 5th, 3 to 5 Bake Table Sewing Booth Produce & Delicatessen Touch and Take Table and Tea ables for everyone to Visit Welcome District Governor Seaforth Lions were hosts to District GoVernor Wm. Moody •of Mt. Forest on Monday, With the district governor (left) are C. A. Barber, only charter member, president Irvin Tre- wartha, vice-president Gordon Beuttenmiller and past president 0. G. O. (Staff photo). ".•%' For Alt Ages ' There is something to interest everybody at the fall fair even if your not very big. Here Brian Haley, 11, was. showing his brother, Paul, four, the details oft a snow mobile in one of the exhibits when their father Tom Haley happen- ed by with a camera. (Staff photo.) c. LOCAL BRIEFS ' Mr. and M. Bert O'Reilly and Mr. and Mas. Bob Masten of London spent the week end With Mr, and Mrs. Jelin Ruston. Mr. and Mrs..A. Gilliland of Saskatoon were guests. last week of ,11/Er. and Mrs. W. E. Mr. and WS. Don Giffin, of Sarnia visited her mother Mrs. Graee Hoggart. Miss Mary MacKenzie, Glas- gow, Scotland and Miss Kate Martrisson, Lie of Lewis visit- ed their 'cousin Oar. Try PhD - lips and relatives in Kitchener. While here they attended the MacLean Hamilton wedding. Mrs. Nan Young, M. Pete Bannon, 'Mire.' Wrn, Beg og and Mrs. Ken Doig were in Mont - seal over the weekend and vis- ited Mrs. James Pirie andl Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. James W'. eon who has been visiting here from Scotland flew back to Scotland on Satunday. Mrs. L., Shepherd, the foam:: er Eleanor Burrows of Burling- ton and her sister, Mrs. Per. ley Banbury of St, 004herines, called on friends hem Sear. "day. Mr, Glenn Stannard and Miss Madelyn Hallam of Windsor spent the weekend with Milks., IVIarry Hathani and 'Miss Ledate Hotharn of 39 Wean greet. Mr. and Mrs. avlik spent the Week end with Mr. and Ws. Joe Coyne, Port Dov- er. Mt and Mas. Andrew Mc- Nichol and Mts. Flora/nee Piped spent the weekend at the home Of MT. and Mrs. A. K Dunnville. Huron Plowmen's Association 410 Annual . PLOWINGJMATCH and Farm Mach*ery Demonstration, . Saturday, .0ctober Sth, 1968 et the Maurice Love Farm Lot 30, Con. 1,"Usborne Tewriship, Oft NO. 4 Highway, halfway hetwatta Hantisli and. eXotert , Everyone Welcome, No AdMission dbarge Matsrice Love, , 11.1f. Bolter RR 3, Exeter, President RR 1, Seaforth, Secretary, Mn. and 1Vfrts. George Johns. ten of Boston, • Mass. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reimer last week.' Mrs. Fred Hutchings of Cali- fornia is a guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley? and Mrs. C. Hawley. Mt and MM. Harold Barry of 'Grand Bend attended the Seaforth Fair on Friday. Among $11104.99 attending the Seaton% Fair were MX. mid Dover; also Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Watson of London.. Mr. Rosts Rennie of Tomato was guest of his mother, Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Ma., 'Daphne Wood,' York, England is enjoying a mmiths holiday with her sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and li!fri. Frank Sills and family, and is renew- ing many frientdshipts whicits she- made when staning here several yams ago. She neturnecir home On Saturday, • Phone 524-9981 - Opens et 8:00 • HENSALL The annual canvass for the Canadian National,Institute for the Blind will in ennduCted the area early in October. E. R. Luther, manager of the Bank of Montreal, Hensel, is cam- paign chairman and will be as- sisted by the Women's Institute, Arnold Circle, Rebekahs and the Legion Aindliary. Presi- dents ie the area not contacted by"Canvassers have been reques- ted to forward the donations direct to Mr. Luther. RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Tom Papple (nee Dawn Stephenson Seaforth. Community centre Friday, Sept. 27th 9:30 - 1:00 Music by "The Ramblers" . Everyone Welcome Ladies ,Please Bring Lunch • St. Columban Soccer Team CABARET DANCE • Brodhagen Community Centre 'Friday; Sept. '27th Ian Wilitee's Orchestra , $2.00 Per Couple Refreshments . • Legion no% SearoXth OM Omit Friday; Sept, 27th is Regular Ow.; for -$10.00' Three $25.00 eionvo $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prize; (ChlkInin under 16 not rutrapitalcassCyaraldsSPICalaMennrirtb°Ittedloira$8711-1.regafroolln$1.15"6 N .00 Procuds for Welfaro Work Remember! It tae s but a • -• moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, Just Seaford: 02t-0.240. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON • -PLEASE NOTEI * e"WAIT..UNTIL DARK" '• * has been cancelled for this • * date and will not bo • • shown elthis . season. * * .-* * * * FRI., SAT., SUN. Sept. 27-28-29 "'UP THE. DOWN •'STAIRCASE" - Starring SANDY DENNIS and PATRICK BEDFORD • A young teacher begins her career in a big city high ' - school, facing the problems M her students and beset by ridiculous administrative problems. In Color Shown at 10.00 p.m. Only PLUS.— "The Corrupt Ones" Roboit Stack Elko Sommer ,and Nancy Kwon • Shown at 8.30 p.m. Only • Color - Cartoon COMING NEXT: "Where Angels Go, • Trouble Follows" THE •COUNTRY FOLK All This Week and Next .QUEEN'S HOTEL • Seaforth THURS., FRI., SAT. Sept. 26-27-28 "COUNTRY • BOY": — PLUS — dondrie, Tlind Woaliendi Pentoe' Plus "TlieSpIrit Is Willittle" Inseens o s ens eans,,,,asause ao ore 'se Saturday Night THE TOP THREE Bill, Frank and Don HURON HOTEL Dublin COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Sahli', Friday — "The Lamplighters" Country and Western' Music Saturday — "Elgin Fischer" In the Ladies' and Escorts' Room, Enjoy a Sing -A -Long with PEARL at the Hammond Organ ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COLORED TV HEVERAOg ROOM SNACKS Ta€4 Chicken Wings a a .‘a *