HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-09-19, Page 154 .e 1 a ACHOCI, 1- IndfiriesIan • tribesman 44Oropsy . 9..kridek 12.4arnentirill tool' 13.01trUS fruit 14-rernate sheen 15.Province In . India 17.Title 01 , resPeet 19.Arrow• • poison 21-Chinelie 111114 22.,Etetrlove (0010.1 25 -New Deal agency (abbr.) 27.Unit of weight in India 31•Youno boy $2.ri ,Rue away 6, panic 84.Pronoun 36-01d French coin 38, Distrese signal 37-Exclania• lion 39. Make merry • 42-ParadiSr 43.8410re 44. Baker's products 46 -Compass point 47 -Wood* Plant 49. Stick 53 -Put on. as clothes 57 -Simian 58- Pick out 60 -Devoured 61 -Male sheep. 62 -Shuts noisily 63-Prohibitien DOWN 1 -Snake 2 -Greek letter 3 -Board of grain 4 -Verve 6 -Certificate issued as • , evidence of debt 4 II. Orin mersur I-ParePt • (491100) 8.Dyfl plant e.seak 10.Reverence 13,Through 164rIeh dance 18.1.-ocations 20-PerloS1 91 time 22-Snyer 23-Deteited 24 -Paid notice 28 -City In The Netherland* 28. Hypothati- cal force 29 - Depart 30, Retildile 32.CrY 334knierican essayist 35 -Feeling 39. French article • 40.Skiii , 41•Three•toed *loth 631Zinuici�ri 1§31511:71111B MEM 11119M(0 OMEi 12111ELDEEI ill113 1E1121110 1110111 MOO DIU 812111( MEM HO 1:1111111 ONOB ODM IMMO .1N16111 COMMEM 00151MIEM WOO MOMMIE OMM OCEI OMUCEI 501.1.1T ON 44.writing 51 Dress border implement 52 cloth 46 -Units of energy 413:Yast ages 49 -Vehicle • 50 -New Deal agency (abbr.) • , • measure 54 Catch 55 Greek letter 56 Lair 59 Babylonran deity 12 13, • 14 16 19 17 18' 2 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 34 32 33 35 30 38 39_ 40 41 42 sAM,..N! X44,X0N• 49 60 51 45 ••••• 46 43 44 • rs 52 53 54 56 63 OFFICE' SUPPLIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-024Q Set lOternational The 1060 International new, Ing Match and Vara Machinery Demonstration, the largest an- nual agricultural event of its kind in Canada will be held near Guelph from October 16 to 19th. As Seaforth area residents will recall, the Illateb area farms. The location thl$ Year will be the farm of Jack Gilchrist and his neighbors; 6 miles north of Guelph on High- way 6. The Site for the 1968 Match will be °facially proclaimed by the 'i -on. W., A. Stewart, Minis- ter of Agriculture and Food at Classified Ads pay dividends. Beamit7Z.17;;r1 AGftirRONIC Slow • Moving Vehicle 'eiriblems Decal or Steei with co-mplata mounting brackets. Now at your local dealer. Uses 3M (S0/4311111 and (ScotOhcan. The Only SM unit mfd. In Canada which meets C.S.A. standards. The only decal unit that can be successfully ap- plied in cold weather. AG-TRONIC, Ltd. 1118 Sanford St. Winnipeg 21, Manitoba orld's Largest Manufacturer of Aoving Vehicle Warning Devices a Veda' ceremony In :qu'elP11 on .September nth, . The Match Will in.einde plow- ing competitions and machinery demonstrations and also events such as sheen Shearing, horse- shoe pitching, an antique power machinery display and an exhib- it on farm safety and various films.- A Tented City, eomplete with its own mayor, will octupy 60 .acres and will mantle exhibits items of interest at the Pio*. by farm machinery manufactar- ing Match. Arrangements have ers and suppliers of goods and 'ham completed for daily task seryfces to farming. ion shows, flower deinoOstra- The Match includes an active- tions, cooking schools, beauty and complete program for all demonstrations, and gardening Members of the family.k Besides exhibits. ‘1\.V1 11 or '68 at ch OD man' acres of eichibit• and demenatrations and the numer, 04s competitions, a miniatUre *show is scheduled, for Octob- er- igth and 19th. lt Will attract Me_del airplane flyers rePres- enting clubs throughout Ontario to try their hand in the flying of the radio controlled models 4r- -ie ladies will also find many Hensail Co-operative To improve Service Herman District Co-operative has this week entered. a new phase in its service to the peo- ple of So,uth Huron. The deeision to -purchase And operate the facilities formerly owned by E. L. Mickle & Sons was made after many months of study and consideration. The decision was made after receiv- ing very strong response from farmers of the district to the special loan offer required to help finance the new service. Now the year of work and worry by directors and mem- bers has reached fruition with the opening of these facilities to the bean growers of the dis- trict. Repairs and alterations have been made which should hell! le provide the kind of service which is required. - With the installation of a new drier and additional handling facilities for grain, corn, this elevator shoUld now provide year-round service to growers and feeders alike. s . The board of directors engag- ed a general manager td develop this part of the business and co- ordinate it with the rest of the Co-operatives' branches and ser- vices. Archie Cooper, who for the past five .years has been manager of Mitchell Co-opera- tive, and for 15 years prior to that was engaged in the feed, fertilizer and farm supply busi- ness, commenced these duties in Hensel at fhe end of August. 77,17,A1TMTM.33.0.artzeMAV owg, ISA GIVES YOU BOTH! LOW PRICES, PLUS FREE:".:STAMPS Libby's Fa Icy Tomato Juice..• 34.A: 990 Top Vale Choice Green Peas .... tr. 3g Chase & Sanborn All Purpose Fresh (Special Neck) Ground Coffee .. David's Plain or Salted Crackers Coffee Mate Coffee Creamer Mir Liquid (Twin Pack) Dag Ad 1-1b. Oast . Pkg. gar' Jar DETERGENT .2 • ...pias2ttolLs. 690 Vanity (Asst'cl. Wows) (2 -Doll Pack) Bathroom Tissue 6 Reap wff ASWiata. PLUMP! TENDER! TASTY! • Prices effecilve Sept. 18-21 inclusive. We reserve the right to limit ' quantities - (No Nicks, backs, or giblets) Best of Fryers Freshly Cut • ' Chicken Legs ,Fearman's PICNICS ... SMOKED b E50 417/t Ib. 590 - Government Inspected Canada Grade Predressed, Fresh Young FRYIN CHICKE (Asstid. Flavours) -TOP YALU SOUP 47,:•590 • Lomb ShOulder Duncan Hines (Asa%) ' ! CHOPS or 'CAKE MIXES ... 2 71-r; no, • :ROASTS U.S. HO. CLAMS TOKAY GRAPES 33 5•.• 21)2 fro 31/2 lb. Size Ow- Save 10c Liquid Bleach JAVEX lb. 1 II Top Valu (Assert.) COOKED6oz. ,MEATS Pkg. Save 30c - Top Vohs Powdered Blue' DETERGENT 33 Save Mc - Libby's Tomato CATSUP 64 -oz. 90 Plastic Jug 5-1b. 99. • Poly, Bag 18 -oz. 29 lbs. US. No. 1 Se•ablts GRAPES • • • ' Zs' 490 South, African ORANGE "Ace Grade AleXander APPLES . • 1154.4 Dos. 64t. • Doke, uip• Aster!. (3" pot) . GREEN PLANTS 9 - Crest Reg. or Mint, . Toothpaste Super Size 1 TOO A.19 Hostess 'Potato Chips 590 69c Bag Carnation Reg. or Crinkle Cut Fancy Frozen • • t 2-112. French Fries Bag 530 Golden Dew (Parch.) Margarine . • Shirley Gay Choc. 71. Cream Roll Weston's Soc. Chip COokies 490 4-16. Pkgs." WI-LKINSON'S .SEAFORTH Tim woo* fixtP910Tox wow)* Qtfr,. *Pt Hun* Coati y To Recieve $250,000 04e, Ontarin Dielre19P4OOt Ceiterlition 'Will Previde $1.10,094 IOrgivable loan to Huron Cetlett lino, Which is exPanding its Manufacture of window components for. Ontar jo's house conStriction 1rYS MUM T'rade- and Develop- ment Wipister charleS Mac. Wangbtein saki the CDC lean wui "support Dashwood JLdus- t,rle.s Limited In itsoonstruction of a 20,000 Square foot plant in Stetoben Township, near Cen- tralia. • "This company „has experien- ced several years of rapid grow- th in the, mannfacture and Sale of pre -fit wood sash and frames" said Mr. 1VlacNaughton. "It anti- nipates a further four -fold. In- crease in .saies as a result a new four-year expansion pro- gram. The new plant will create 20 new jobs initially,. with a furth- er increase Of 44 jobs by 1972. 'The expansion of Dashwood InduStries Limited Is: san out-- standing example of enterprise by a small-town industry in On- tario," Mr. MacNaughton stated. "By -a carefully -planned pro-, gram of specialization and mar- ket penetration, it has transfor- med what -once was a local lum- ber mill- eperation into a suc- cessful manufacturing company which is making a significant contribution toward the allevia- Crop Insurance Changes The Crop Insurance Commis- sion of Ontario announced re- cently three important changes in its Winter Wheat Insurance Plan. In addition to the 60, TO' and 80 per cent levels of coverage previously available; farmers may now insure for 50 per cent of their average farm yield. The low rates established for this latter coverage produce a prem- ium cost as low- as 62 cents ker acre in some area. "This lower level of 'covera said K. E. Lantz, Chairrna of the Commission, "was pro pied in response to considerable de- mand. for disaster -type protec- tion to cover out-of-pocket ex- penses at the lowest possible cost." The regulations have been a- mended to advance the final date for acceptance of applica- tions to October 1gt; or 10' days •after completion of seeding, Whichever occurs first. To encourage and promote good crop, husbandry, accept- able seeding dates have been established by regions. - Tri East, ern Ontario, the final date for seeding is September 15th, in Central and Southwestern On- tario it is SepteInber 30th, apd in Southern Ontario, October 20th. Later -seeded crops a're not insurable. -- NOTICE For Co-op Insurance . Call , W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone. 527-1464 - John St. , SEAFORTH • Complete Cdverag• for: • Auto and Truck • • Farm Liability • • Eniployer's Liability • Accident and Sickness fr ?ire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Lift Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance tion 04 Ontarle's Jr.gIng and, ' 0 constriction needs: . pleased, to assistita emitin___„____ned Wa'. "The 04440 cvsferlinient, 40' expansion thrOligh our Egoffiwzo fl- tion of Industrial oppornmnIty Program.. , Phone 527-0240 The new lgallt 14 alreadY, un- der construction and Is expect- ed to be GemPleted by Decem- ber. completely clean and adjust for quick res- ponse, economical op- eration. 6 cylinder - Reg. $6.10 only $4.90 - 8 cylinder - Reg. $7.86 only $6.10 Most Models - Parts Extra SEAFORTH MOTORS Seaforth, Ont. all===PliroCcallieleemenlerfT, Phone 527-1750 See Our StoreVide Fair Week Specials on KROEHLER Cheterfield Suites - ROckers Swivel Rockers - Bedroom Suites • VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE SEAFORTH FALL FAIR, SEPT. 19,20 WHITNEY FURNITURE Authorized Kroehler Dealer Phone 527-1390 Seaforth IT'S and we'll be there to meet our many friends with an outstanding exhibition of modern farm machinery ' We will look forward to seeing you at SEAFORTH FALL FAIR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th - MeGAVIN, .FARM s , EQUIPMENT. Phone 527-02.45 WALTOpi