HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-09-19, Page 4'111,111:014 EXPOSIT SEARD*Ttis •oNT:s SEPT; 191 ISA OVEN READY TURKEYS 9-9 lbs. lb. 39c MAPLE LEAF - By the piece BOLOGNA lb. 39 MEATY PORK TENDERLOIN '11.09 PORK SWEET BONES 4 Tis. $1.00 COLEMAN'S PURE LARD • • • • 5 lbs. $1.00 WESTON'S BREAD 4 loaves 99c laTCHENER PACKERS SLICED BREAKFAST BACON • • • • lb. 69c WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime I NEWS •• bp 103 Anneivelinars" Ow* u4iti4Oro, WS held 'Stmday With,ReV. Douglas Fry ot'S Virst .BreSbYtentan Oligroshe spaortu a opst Mister at ,,bothe services. At thee morning service Rev. Fry chose "The Old and the New" for his serm.on and "Our Church" was his evening. subj- ect. Special .axithetns were sung by the, choir with Donald Mtac- Donald as soloist im the morn- ing and Miss Gail Traviss in the evening with Mrs. Ian Wilfbee as organis:b. The 11 and Boundary Unit met at the home .af Mrs. Wm. Murray. Sirs.• Murray presided for the Devotional section open- ing Psalm 148 was read in uni- son "Lord while for all man- kind we pray" was sung an a contest "Books of the Bible was conducted. - The topic "Familiar Favouns Forgotten" was given by Mts. Clifford Ritchie saying that we take for granted what we ought to take. for gratitude. 'Mrs. Wm. Munre'y read a paean "We would give thanks". Mrs. Martin Baan conducted the bustness peniod. A thank you card was reed from Mrs. John Baan. The unit will enter a craft ex- hibit -at the Brussels Fairs "Stand up, stand up for Jesus" was sung. The nest me•eting will he held at the home ,of Mrs. Clifford) Ritehie, Mrs. Sturray closed with pray- er: ,. Miss .0aro1iWilbee who is at- tending Stratford Teachers Col-, lege, • spent the weekend 'with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wi lbee. Mr. Brian Traviss left last 1A,eck for London,. where he is cornm,en.cing his third Year in medicine an.ci is at present in- terning at St. Joseph's •Hospital. FINNIGAN'S ALL CARDS DRAWN BY CLAIR HANEY, CALIFORNIA Blue Card Winner. For August .GAYLE HOFFMAN FACE S.,ALUE OF CARD, $30.20- - Contest Winners JACK FRAISER - GIRL'S CCM BICYCLE • BEV. BROWN - BOY'S CCM FIREB,IRD BICYCLE DIANNE SMITH - SUNBEAM STEAM SPRAY DRY IRON WESTON'S BREAD MAITLAND BUTTER REDPATH" SUGAR MAPLE LEAF CANNED PICNIC PORK SHOULDER 5 LOAVES si.19 s -ss lb. 65 5 lbs. 1/21b. tin s49 ELLMAR PEANUT BUTTER 3 16'oz. jars $ COUSINS,- 3 Qt. PLASTIC JUG HOMO MILK COUSINS - 3 Qt. PLASTIC JUG 0 M 0 2% E. 11 SMITH'S:- REG PRICE 1.17 00 • 85. 2 Qt. PAPER 63c soc 3 20 oz. jars .89 .... SiVlitsa -GuelPh. UniveraitY kr ber gosi year. Mias graiSt 4efte` Vans day for Lendon Where Sise; wili attend Western T,T3Aw4ittv Mr. Bruce Clark 'Wins is"at- bending Fa711424W0 DellegIs, Lon- don spent the weekend With* parents MA and MeSs..-IPMes Clark. Mo. Larry Weltens lett 'this week end to attend Waterligo University. Miss Jean Rae who is taking a nursing connee in London spent the weekend with her parents 14. and Stns. William Roe. , Miss -Glenna, Houston is at- tending the St. Clair Celleget -of Applied, Arts and Technology at Windsor. .• • - Toni- Love left for Elmira where he has been engaged on, staff of Elanira, •SecondarY school. • . Miss Eileen Wilitanason enni- menced • teaching at ()Wen Sound last week atter Spending a few years _teaching in the Brampton area. Miss , Arlene Williamson returned to .Londen where she resumed ...her teach- ing duties. Mr. and Mrs. Cleanens Stutz, G,olden Valley, Mr. ,and Mrs. W. Stutz and Woditam Stutz and friend of Waterloo pent Sunday with Mr. .and Ms. Tor- ance Dundas tOns. Harvey Traviss and Mrs. Hilda -Sellers of Seam% spent the weekend with alp. and 1VErts. • Herb Traviss. ' ,Miss Linda Johnston hag re- turned home atter vaoattioni ' with her Tarrother-inslasw sister 1VIr. and Mrs. Gary. C,oly- en Winnipeg. . Miss Pearl Thamer ,otf Stratf- ord was a weekend visitor at the .'hame of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tham,er. Mrs. Margaret Humphries has returned •home ,after spending the past two months with rel- atives in Rochester New .York • Miss Ruth •Ritchie registered nurse of London spent the week end with her parents Mr. an.ci ---Mass-Gliffent-Ritchie. Mns. David Watson Is at tine - Anniversary Services Services Chiselhurst United • Church Sun., Sept. 22nd, 2:30 p.m. - REV. HAROLD SNELL, London Guest Minister • Music by HIBBERT TOWNSHIP TRIO . Guest Soloist Gary Scholl sent visiting witliSher and daug.httert Mr, and les. ent Pritehardi, ,Torrontaie Miss -Corrie Rub/et of Strat- ford spent ess fem' daYs with Mr. and Mrs. An Van" Vliet. ar. and 'Mrs. Robert Flin":1- phries and Catherine, London visited over the 'weekend With Mr. and Mrs: 'Stew,alit Hutillphs ries. • Mr. jolinsflislop is at present oonfined to Seatforth 'COMMUri- itty Hospital. The Walton Public Library' will be closed Tuesday and Sat- urday of next week SePtember 24th and 28th; or holidays. Mrs. Ada Craig ot London, is at present visiting 'With her sister Mrs. W. R. Sholc.bice. ThiS McKillop Unit .of the U.CW met at the home of Mrs. Norman Schade, • Wednesday evening with 10 ladies present. Mrs. Stevvett Mee* opened with the verse "Our Two Nat- ures" after which "All Fled the power* of Jesus,,,,Jvamee" 'Was sung. The scripture from $t: John 4: 144 was read by Mrs. Gordon, ,Mocsonin. Mrs. Stewart IVfeaall gave a commentary '"OverconSing the Perils of Routine". Prayer was offetnedby Mrs. Merton. welL„ The topic "Publishers and Book Steller" from the book Japan. Profiles was given by Mrs. Donald. Dennis. Mrs, 1VIerbon Hgcltwell pre- sided for the business opening with a poem entitled "Life" Lunch was served by Mats. Neil McGavin, Mrs. Lyle Osb- orne, ,Mrs. George Love and the hostess. Walton UCW Unit met Wed- nesday evening in the church with Mrs. Ronald Bennet and Mos. Allan McCall conducting the 'worship service. Mrs. Emmett opened with the passage "The Earth dr: the Lon:1st and the ful,Iness thereof and they that dwell therein." after which, "For the beauty of the earth" was sung.. The hymn is known as the Universal hymn, of Pre ise Psalm 23 read responsively and- we's YollYtwed wit1 Conis- mients and, prayer by Mrs. Mc- Call__ "This is my Fathers Worlds was sung with IVIrs. W.0 Hackwell at the piano. 'Nob, poems were read ins eluding "Scheel -roam •ihtimour" and "What do we owe? F•ollow- ing the singing of "The Lords Shepherd,, 111 not want" pray- er was offered by Mrs. Bennett In place of the usual topic Mrs. Walter Bewley showed a film entitled "In the land of Fuji San„. This film which is simply told is suitable for both children and .adults and gives an, interesting oomparison of Japanese and Western eities describing their similarities and differences including ehurches and schools. , - . Mrs.. Herbert Traviss, presid- ent, opened, Aiiith_ the poem "Waste not, want not" ' Minutes.% were read .by ,Mrs. James. ,Clark, who alsocalled • (Continued on Page 8) UAEYOU ANY BROKEN WINDOWS Now is the time to bring you frames in to have new glass installed. We are equipped to replace glass in either ') aluminum or wood frames. Crown Hardware Phone 527-1429 Seaforth GOLDEN BROWN One -Halt .CH.ICKEN Complete with'French Fries and Cole Slaw only $1.25 GERAWS, $UPERTEST Phone 527-1010 .01.•••I • 1.11pog •W. O1ta.Odle, .eaer was a eat. of bor. ststvr, Vigo. 'Se*ov tlyg.! •wook, V0d4 Milse •Ak R, Wroiktilt Rnd tloogIvivIr Wow - „WINO oppot ..mpopec. YrAWaie Mends and ,PelatiVeS OS the vle- iz4ty returnod to .thett. -bow al WAtm,: anTit**. Sopley Ong14041. S a Rottordoot" from New Yotit.. 114. opit Mi, E G. Clegg have .retnassed to their home Largabs. re ist California atter Vigditinfi the letters parents, Mr. and Nos- H.-•Aquir at "Schaderview" Lake HUMS • Mrs. ll. C. Chamberlain of London palled on friends in town on Saturday. • Min.,and Mrs. Romer Hunt of Wiest Larne called on friends in Own. pavdt.Mtis. Jack Moore at Brighton Were g.uests of their friends in town over the week end, Mir. and Mrs. Herold Jack - 04 lot Bancroft, Michitgan, spent the weekend with Mr. ono Mrs. -George PDX 'in Megillop. Mea. and Mis. Xelith _Sharp have returnd foillewing a.,ptiottor tells to -Reel* • • Mr. 'and Mrs. Wi114in BYTIne of Allan Park, Mehigan; sister Agatha • of Easters, with their Aunt Mrs.- Jean Fortune last weekend. Mr. and Mts. Harold Jackson have • returned from Wiarton wheale he attended the stock sale: Mrs. Harold Thee rdf- Califor- nia fis visiting her many friendis here. Mrs Free is on a trip to Alaska. " Harvey Greer of Little Cur- rent spent the weekend' with ,hies parents Mr. and Masi Orval Greer. Ile WIVIonclay for City View in tile Ottawa area, where he ins been transferred) by the Bank of. Montreal. avrai. Bernard Hallam of Win- dsor speavb last week. vtsiting his grandmother Mrs. Mary A. Hotham and his aunt Miss Leone Hootham of 38 Wilson Street Robert Miller, Toronto; Mary Miller 'and] Robbie, Kirkton; SS.S4-4- censiviatted, 1Yf*WO: Oar fr aod M. Fred .11013M: Onllnall7 gaittfl, • .rIeaturtalotid IVIr0.6002,Williaam.thixeScot 400z weeataPEat Gertly, t°P't1*it 4.Fll abVillti Giser weal: Holland and of_ Rtiv mr. and Mrs. Steve Isipul at- tended the Cardiff-Lueldiardt wedding Saturday at ,Monkton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. James Etheridge of Lymington, Hants, England, are visiting her brother, Mr. Ed Andrews and Mrs. Andrews. omnelVlaTugreeasrnd,clasyeM.afrosrt. Rh. Mr. and Mrs. Maoy MurPhy ef Pontiac, Michigan, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stratford, visited riends here ice Dalton, EUCHRE Orange Hall Friday, Sept. 20th 8:30 p.m. LunchServed Admission 50e CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth 8:15 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20th 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes (Children under 16 not Permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Remember! It takes but n tra. Cards 25eor -7 /or $1.00 - moment to place an -Expositor Want Ad and be money In .pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. annislaslasssiralirissitsof!**Prisireil. .. • RECEPTION ,for And Mrs,, Richard 474 Mvitop.. (no* JoAtoo.-'01tOkb) ntiklr#046 on Fri.,. Sept.. 20, .168 9 Seaforth Community Centre Music by °TN, R.9Yalaires" Everyone Welcome et 1.adies Pleese Bring 1.unch Refreshments Served 'Dancing 10-1 Royal Canadian Legion Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Proceeds for Welfare. Work ANNUAL HARVEST DANCE Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Saturday, September 28th tan Wilbee's Orchestra . DANCING 9:00 sTi'LL ? Everyone Welcome Refreshments Restricted To Persons 21, years and over Draw For Beef to Take Place ADMISSION $2.00 Sa.Thrii-Vay Night Music by- The Harburns BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS ,HURON HOTEL Dublin Final Week For Pine Country and Western Music "THESE THREE" Entertailunent nightly -- New group starting Monday. • QUEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth -- "Floyd Silleto" Saturday - "pen Fischer" .Friday In the Ladies' and Escorts* Room Enjoy a Sin*A-Long with PEARL at the Hammond Organ FRIDAY AND -SATURDAY COLORED TV BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS Tasty Chicken Wings St. Columba* Soccer .1ream CABARET DANCE Brodhagen Commnity Centie Friday, Sept. 27th !an Wilbee's Orchestra $2.00 Per COuple Refreshments Phone 524-9981 - Opens at 8:00 THURS.,FRI., SAT. September 19720-21 Color by De Luxe A MIN ARTS•iiiiiiiERPRODUCTION (Adult Entertainment) PIUS - SHEwhe must be obeyed!. - SilEwho must be loved!. $11E who must be possessed METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER Presents A SEMI Alin HAMMER PRODUCTION H. RIDER HAGGARD'S „.„ ESULA ANDRESS CINEMASCOPE•TECHNICOLOR' COMING NEXT WEEKEND: "COUNTRY BOY" - Plus - "Swinging Summer" BROWNIE'S' CLiNTON WEEKEND SNOWS ONLY Fri., Sat., Sun. Sept. 20-21-22 - DOUBLE!, TEATIME, - 'The Glory, Stompers' OMIT/ANCO .1YI*0 trrAdi OA dall 1DENNIS HOPPER - JODY McCREA. In Color-thowing at 10 p.m. Only - PLUS "MARY JANE If (Adult Entertainment) Showin0 id 040 Onfir Starririb'FADIAN - Diane Mahan and Patty McCormick The ator'y of a small town and how it Is affected by marijuana. Color Cartoon "Coming Next: "UP THE DOWN STAIRCASE"