HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-09-12, Page 122.041iE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAPORTH, ONT., SEPT 12, 1968 e o Replace CLASSIFIED ADS 24. Cards of Thanks 26. Personals ,conica ,ambers at the hour The fazioy of th-ck—cate--i---h,a. the fifth at two 0,00e3c-, 26444 . step la Ibillett so that e00Straetion. rOuld. - A, further n , Ann Crawford wish Mr. and Mrs. Orville *nen. rcolgarF rePlace outdated he COMMene.9C1 ne4r, Year: Pre- . ridgeS Was taken at limina estimateS have -set`the I Cmle utpdated Bridge 817 to e mg 02. Legal Notices 0 9 , . R. R. 4 Walton, Ortarto the September meeting when cost of the bridge at $10,0,9 -% tlgene,,. D.'-'-'RegaM, District , on, WediresdaY the 6th daY. of to thank the Hteliital Staff, Dr. man November. 1968, Unless the tai- Malkus the Clinic and her nei- wish tO announce the engage' comicil hist:meted the. engineer- , , R ve Hugh Flynn Preside Super iso for •'40)1,0VAlf s Wit.... ' . _ , . es and cot are sooner paid. Not ,glibpars for the kindness shown ment of their daughter; )34le . ;,„ 44..,. ."g 'f144/4 of Pima Ttoss to cow- . „„ , that the list . ,., „ 22-44x1 Joan to Mr, RaYmon4 :GrOr,r....dlon plete surieY work On a bridge an all members of .0e74,94.rfor0 , teases welcomed 817 delegates of lands for sale for =rears of f wish to—apress—my sineerest PaYier, s'n' °f Mr' 34(it '''''''' On No. 15 Sicleroad, Con. 11 and es t" - • i., '..., 4;0.1 the open session of thelf. .. , _,,, thanks to all my, kind friends, John Taytor, Seaforth, „Ontario. , As on -------- oties,..._: fall convention held in Strati* taxes was miblished in the Ont - Wedding is to tare placer at • ' ario Gazette on the Eth' dAY vs• neighbors and relatives who North - with elections. -orrra two yeai;, • toil last Weekend in the narth, Jul,y 1968 and that copies of St. Peter's Lutheiut .Churct, WestOrn Secendaty SehOol with tim addreAa.24harlog FullY in basis but which do not coincide sent gifts, flowers and cards and witl) the newly intrOduced the said list may be at my office. visited me while a patient Brodhagen, Ontario at 3 o'clock LOC'AL. BRIEFS school trustee,election proposal Preaching tliGhOd New". 'Treasurer's office, this 20th Seaforth, CoMmunity Hospital Saturday, October 5, 1968. 26-44-1 Hunett is- faced With elee? -"Xf you were one of the epos- - day of June 1968. Also to Dr. Mioyo, Father Lar ilYtr3* Maw.' KA' tien ...for &cheek ArO.Stees, this tles, .0f Jesus would you not agh and the nurses for their 7 - Stewart, Mr& J•eaitie McGregor year., Council •'hIstraeted; clerk , cOnat. At a special PriVilege," Ernest Williams, kind attention. All was Inlich 4 • Births betrui left Clair Vincent to =make arrange- ",aShecl •Rosam, "to. ha able Clerk. appreciated, — Catherine A. DALRYMPLE - At Seaforth. lastand weekbybEarly rus°111431 Or P ents for noMinations o'n Nov- to,. say, as they did, ''',hve haye 22-38-13 LY"ell' 24-44x1 and Comniunity Hospital to Mr. the Jilsart coast, — - , • • , d Mrs. Douglas Dalrymnie, . • ember 18. The Denattment of found the Messiah! ? oid mot .• N'OTICE I would like to exPress mY Mensal September 7th, a son. Miss thrill of Ant' Educationfz.havset the election. ;All •other 'things he sele-031darY? loch, Oalifornials(the guest of day for Detembar,2,, , They prealed the special' TO CREDITORS CREDITORS sincere tha'nka to th w OWBERT At peafoith Com,. her consin..Mrs,Nir., C. Bennett -"."•-.4u*or Of: :(4 kingdeni, later „„ „ ose ho , visited roe. aind sent cards to „..iiitailty Htal to --------s R..1c;,-geradane and At a special.er meeting,s*" iddectle this basic prods. d r0 -council ha . °Iasi d Pro- /nation- death and .resurrec- hi the Estate of me win* '1. vnis el Patient at' _ wins, Robed Ofitterth Brad *I • loaotkeafatth 0 • Other 00•VeS ' and _ 9 RUSSELL HUGH SPROAT seaforth CoMmlinity geA inh, diangh- difstrtet -• • '.. • 0, • • • vosa or 0 es a , 0 . ha On Sept. th, . . . a stock prtkesang-...plant, • . • tion of, Q141'4. They kept' on to ATh Also speellil -Thanks to Pr- Mont - ter- ,••• . • ' Re",_arer,_ location on We'. fratow4i, PerSetbs having tailms. and nurAting staff and Ander way between, against the Estate a Rirttern FarMeraand friends who sent RAAB — "Rs .Tanres andr'PaM-.ssiu 3- -are wee'' 4014.441),:p-14, Sea. -,, • • 9, • - Seaforth, in the 'OmmttY'r of Townsend 24-44x1 St. .TosePh's Guel h Hugh Sproat, late of the Town boxes 'of fruit. —.George • ela Raab (nee, Huron, Retired Businessmen, we wish al/merely think- 'on SePten3ber a (1 .r., 1.iilr! ant 1V6' timid, j'aoksor /- In rother,b,ustnesar'emincil: . spent the wearierid illY Dre9d011. , ,_ ReceiVed the' report of the , ' Mrs; • Garriet„..Wahless, h --'r engineer on the Logue Drain ' son-lro-law 'Ind:: daufgater, Mr- and set ,the reading of the re - and Mrs. Orin Midblen of Viro- port for the 19th of September, qua, Wikonsill, !are Vests of at 8:30 p.m. in the Londesboro Miss Mae Slat 404 Eohert HAW ,, ,,, .: Smith and oth ''.2',Iticands in .—Granted:Seaforth AgricU1ttir7 town and vicinity. ''' •. al Society $100.00. Mr. mid Mrs. Russell Hodgerb NI .m.,„. —Instructed. the road superin- aj',UlarY,„,„n,f Mil,'TAilaw„,..kee, "'„,,,,,,' tendept to apply for the inter- V.I. "VII r "Wiltill4VeSt . ""U' JIM 'oad -subsidy, frimds in the area last week. —Accepted the tender of WeS- IVfr. and Mrs. Daniel Burns spent the weekend at Midland teel Rosco, for two culverts at and also with Mr. and Mrs. $3,300 and $1,54). blank O'Rourke of Detroit. —Accepted the tender of Ontar- Mrs. Wm. Beattie of Welland, io Culvert and Metal Products is visiting her ' sister-in-larw, for two culverts at $1,772.40 and Mrs. Stanley Garnham. $939.68. deceased, who died_on_ the ..11 ---each and-,---ou- of -the,--kindt ,,,ter, Jennifer Jeaner,,,,!!:4 daY' "15", 1968, are herebY friend.s neighbors and relatives" " • notified to send in full partieul- ens of their claims to. the -under- signed on or before t.he.1.9th day of September, 1968, after which date the assets will be distribut- ed, having regard only to darns then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 27th day of August, 1958. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth. Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator 22-42-3 NOTICE . TO CREDITORS' In The Estate Of DOLENA .McCUAIG All persons having claims ,against the Estate of Dolena IVIcCuaig, late of the Town of Seaforth, in. the County of Hur- on, housewife, deceased, who died on the 6th day of March 1968, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of and all who gave their sympro thy and services in any way during the recent death and funeral of Mr. James Hender- son Our thanks also to the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Rev. Douglas Fry and Rev Ure Stewart, also far the floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund, Gideon, Bibles, IVIemorial Chapel. — The Henderson Family 24-44x1 I would like to thank the ses and staff, Dr. Malkus and his associates, also those who called on mewhile I wa.s a pat- ient at Seaforth Commonity Hospital. — Harry Addicott .• 2444x1 Mr.. and Mrs. David 87Ryan wish to thank the friends that sent cards flowersand gifts and all who visited them in the hospital and thanks to Dr. Mayo and Dr. Stapleton and all the nurses, they were all so kind. 24-44x1 I wish to thank all my neigh. their claims to the audersagii,,_.: boors, relatwes and friends for ed on or befwe the 26th u‘o' letters, cards and flowers sent of september, 1968, aft e r • me while I was a ,patient. in which data the assets will be Victoria ilespital, modem distributed, having regard an,- was all very much arfmreetatedL ly to claims than reoei.ved. airs. j. x. ournish Bruce,. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario nem, 24 14 1 this 29th day of August, ms. —;-rhe family of the late um. McCONNELL & STEWART Eleanor McKenzie.' With, to , ex- Seaforth, Ontario posts their very ,sineere thanks Solicitors for the , and deepest . appreciation' to Executors rel. 'arms, friendand neigh - 22 -43-3 hours for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympa- &natio Marriages' Mi ancr Mrs, Win. MoMillan, •Godiaich Searforth, are pl- eased .to announce themarriage of their -eldest daughter, Anne Marie to Lt. Commander, Rod: ney H. Lovdal IJ.S. Navy on August 3rd. He is the son of MT. and Mrs. Carl Lorvdal Ty - California. The ceremony was perform- ed by Base Chaplain at St. Agnes Chapel North Island Naval Air Base Station, San. Diego California. Attended by L. Commander and Mrs. -Rick Sela. Anne a graduate of St. Joseph's Intspital school of nursing, London, 1.4°‘ on the staff at University Hospital, San Diego. The couple are. residing at 3803 Marquette Plaza San Diego California. ' 29-44x1 ' Too Late F011. RENT - Three bedroom apartment and 'garage, Range and refrigerator supplied,- ,heat- ed.. Canada Trust, box 1768 Huron Expositor, . TL-43-tf WANTED - Three or four old washstands. Seaforth Manor, phone 527-0031 TL -43-2 FOR SALE -. McBrine 4 -ply metal &Edon trunk, Excellent condition. Phone r527-1123. TIA4-1 WANTED • - Mover to Move summer cottage and fire place on, premises. Phorte 527-0134. thy • floral trbutes, ns .47 23. Business Directory ' iio • Ti.44_1 teld •- ' to the Heart Founda on, - eon Bibles hr the loss of their G. A.-WIIITNEY loved one. Our special thanks ' MALE .FUNERAL -HOME to Drs. Goddard, Wallace and a South Huron HosPital, Rev; HELP b'iliklITED .• Oh inan Gans and the nurses and staff Goderich St. W., Seaforth AmBiTa-NCE smatvICE John Boyne, Bonthron Funeral Adjustable hospital beds for Chapel, Mrs, Ross ap , rent. Mrs, Stuart Wilson and IVIrs.' FLOWERS FOR EVERY John Proa,dfoot. 24-44x1 occASION I Wish to express my appreciat- Phone 527-1390 - Seafortb ion to all those who were s° kind and who remembered me W. J. CLEARY with treats, cards and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Seaforth, Ontario Community Hospital and a LICENSED • EMBALMER special thanks to the nurses, and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Dr, Maims and Father Laragh.-- Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 TerrenciLHuss" 24441 SEAFORTH I wish—to thiiik my. friends, VETERINARY visits cards and treats hile a patient in Victoria HospitaL Thanks to the staff of the Sea - forth CO-OP and the Odd Fel- lows Lodge for the boxes they sent. I would also like to thank Rev. • and Mrs. Steven and family for their kindness and help. On behalf of my family and myself we wouldt ,like to thank everyone who helped out at our haying bee. Special thanks to Peter S,winkle who arganizd the bee. Also thank you to the ladies who seig: lunch and helped it Will al - way,/ be remembered and ap- preciated- — Doug Wallace U.-443cl neighbors and relationst far CLINIC j, 0. Turnbull; D.V.M., V.S. W,- R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. ' W. H. Patterson, D.V.M., VS. P. S. Dwyer; M.V.B., Phone 627-1760 - teaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tires., Thins., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m, Sat. 9 to 12 noon , Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office' For Appoint*ent Phone 527-1240 or 482-7010 Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable insefllng all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Drucellek/ Phone 482-3384 R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Prompt and careful- attention , Ambulate* Service Phones.: Day wow — Night 127•0888 , A. M .HARPER Chartered Accotmtant 5547 South Street Telephone Watch 624-7562 I wish to thank Dr. Moyo, nur- ses, all my friends and relat- ives for gifts and cards sent to me while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks: to brothers -in law Bob and -Wilson, nepheWs, Robed, Glen, for finishing up our harvest. — Peter Simpson -T1,44x1 25. In Memoriam THORNTON — Id fond! memory .of beloved: hatband' and fath- er, Who patted away two yearia ago September 10, 1006. The depths of , sorrow we can not teB Of tho loss of one we love so well And white he sleeps a peacefull sleep His memory we shall divas keen. —wIllet:DlratlY,, daughter, Ideal abnids Aucitioneer son- law Edward. 25-44 FARM and FURNITURE SALES CCINDUCTED R. G. GETHICE Phone 347-2465, Monkton RONALD G. MeMANN Public- Accountant criNtetx, ovrAmo Office; Itattenbury ,gt., phone 482-9817. Rea; Rattetibu13rY St., phone 40-73 ItteCONITELL • gTgWART nartutero, sollottore, Ete. P. D. McCONNELL, QC. 1),1, ftrOwlift geliteriti;PliChe ono* Knitting machine helPers, experienee necessary. Steady work. Please apply in writing giving summary of background, Transporbaion, from Seaforth available. Stratford Textiles Stratford Ontario. TL 4.4 1 ?A. Personals gh, Blyth wiSh to announce the rggene: a;iriafihter lyAttoBesJouiul ley son of Mr. and IVIrs. Melvin Seddiing will tlireIlliatecfb= urday September the 28th, at 4 o'clock 'in ltlYth United 2844x1 tatui M. Leon Ber-Tri—on, Wafer% wish to anavoutteethe ethmentettit of their danghter, Thema Mary te Robert Char - led Madan toff crf Mit mut Mit. Oates Meehan, of Blyth, Ned. ding tortake •plate.in St, lames Cbtirch SO -lateral, on (ictober FOR SALE - Cucumbers for pickling,"fresh from the field, any size, phone 527-0264. TL -44-1 Home And School School time means time for Home and School! All parents are invited to come to the Home and School meeting Tuesday evening, September 17th, Sea - forth Public School. "Up in the major leacues-this p "You're a very poor spoilt., Sews of end. IVIM,Alwrecee 'Berke.; „•'0.1v.i.4-11d Wendi111'. and -%MrS., Da1teri,4.11/falealui rettirned„honte:* .frott, their trip to the West on Friday and enjoyed their trip very: much. Mg. And Mrs. Ivan SPearin, of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralfeur on Sat- urday. Mrs. Mary Malcolm returned home on Friday after spending the last three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Seaforth: Miss Ethel Mae Mitchell is visiting a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell before returning to university in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Maleolm and Bruce attended the Lands- burger,and Adams Wedding in Mitchell United Church, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Macohn, Keith, friend, Bruce and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and 'Berry attended the Graham and Senlofoinski wedding in Sarnia -oil Saturday. Keith' was also an usher. - ..AltAligTRONG AIMING Two of the finest names in floor coverings ACRILAN ---NYLON.— WOOL . Rug or Wall to Wall Installation Call us for a Free.- Estimate — Live With Luxury — An Invesiment . in, Your Home QX FURNITURE PHONE 52/4680 SEAFORTH TA".. in the parts after he had been to VINCENT'S: His frame of mind was happy at our way of taking vire Of customers, A jl CENT 111NFARm EQu1PMENT -3,cantivd4 cgnhn teach AYR-GALT-SEAFORTH Phom2 527-0120 WEDDING INVITATIONS DIAL 527,T0240 SEAPORTH FRESH GROUND COFFEE 1113.69. MAXWELL HOWE NIBLET BRAND CORN ' 4 for 85c 12 -oz. Tin RED & WHITE ,k i4 .„,‘ JELLY POWDERS lu f" S L MU 24 -oz. LOAF LEWIS BREAD, kj DUTCH Mi'LL —1-11b. Tin — Reg. 39c .CHOCOLATE DRINK MAXWELL HOUSE 10-bz, Jar-,-- 24c Off Label —'Rog. $1.75 INSTANT COFFEE' CLUBHOUSE — 2 -lb, Jar PEANUT BUTTER LARGE SIZE CARNATION MILK RED & WHITE — Full 24-ot. , APPLE pigs DEVON OR SCHNEIDER'S 44P1i.,E LEAF SWEET PICKLED ' COTTAGE. ROLLS. „SATIN BRAND • MARGARINE , LADY VARY BRAND - BLANKETS Excellent Nalue' only $3.99 • WHILE THEY LAST! 4'54 69c 4733c 1 lb. pkg. Ib. tor THIS.WEEK-ONLY °OHS:01101de 'Etigish Diicnerviare, unlirititad quantities at till's special price for CUPS - 29c each One With Every $3.00 Purchase NO COUPONS — NO LIMIT 41.k..04' DUBLIN' Phone 8454420 •.