HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-09-12, Page 7Mews iU Oro Visitors svith, Mr* awl ¥r0. • ROSS Leonhardt lad WeduesdaY were 'Mr. and ,M1Y.Aom Syracraule, NOW Yorki Mr. George Jacob, Ic.itehenerf, Mrs, EUa Rose, Bornholm and Mr. - and Mrs, Cha W LeOuhardt. Mr, and: 'A%ra,, newles had as their gnests on Sunder, Mr: ad Mr*, 'Carl Mk,' • el ef 2itpIe11,' Mr. and MrS., fAvern Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bode were guests of Mr. and Alm Mu' • • • a a • • • • tOu Bede A Wee!! ago OfinitaY fer nuPPer,- • , Mt and Airs, Cart 24111Illen, Windlsor, Spent Uthour:.-Day weekend With hIA•Mhtherp SftfS, -Lena, 'AllitiOnp • , , IV( 1 )3 tt ni_an Were11 „.6-eatli Of• Mr; *Ad Ws. WaY110 Beierman on ,SIM- da7 jn.Widen, .following the baptism Of their Want grand" son, *Bennie. James. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and Karl Visited recently with SEED WHEAT Why not:sow seed produced in North Huron? Our CERTIFIED TALBOT SEED WHEAT (94% and 99% germination) Is now sealed, -ready to sow Also available: Genesse and Commercial Talbot Wheat „ Clinton 482-7475 _ALEMNDER - Lendeibeto Phones 52S8 -aa FA Now Is the Time to put in that Concrete, Barnyard with High Quality CONCRETE Free Estimates Sidewalks, Walls Bridges, Etc. Be sure' of what you are getting by USING READY -MIXED CONCRETE •from HURON CONCRETE SUPPLY Ltd. Goderich 524-7361 Seaforth = 527-1206 SPECIALS 'Friday' and Saturda Salada Orange P4;koe TEA BAGS, pkg. of 60 Maxwell House . COFFEE, 1-1b. bag t..erge 38 -oz. Bonus Pak •:'; NESTLE'S QUICK, tin Be. Hive Golden CORN SYRUP, 2 -lb. tin Robin Hood OATS, 54 . . bag' •6• 4 • • • ' 75* York -Kam . - LUNCHEON MEAT, 12 -oz. tin • .. • , 49. Jolly Good• , PITTED DATES, 16-oi..pkg. . 250; Wizard ." AIR FRESHENERS, 6-6i. aersol • • • • 490 . PRODUCE , 690 710 79* 350 ° WEALTHY APPLES New Crop Waxed TURNIPS Home Grown TOMATOES • • . 3 lbs. 390 per lb. 70 basket 990 FOR, ADDITIONAL SPECIALS . SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 527.0990 Free 'Denver,', ..:60•77.7:00.....iii•assokftwoomomatogl"4,r0.0s0..7700,..00 • Mr. and No, 10.0104.140Aarry of Listowel and Zink Jean Nichol and aoteft,ot anniseu. • Mr..Gati showee plays with Plane Trlitter and her orches- tra, Sunday evening at the Hep- worth 'Vountri lkinsic Auditor- ium. Among the other tort ar- tists there, the SPeejal• guest was Billy 'Vitaliser from Nashville, Teliessee• Miss Cheryl Bennewies ipent Sunday with her sister and fam- ily, Mr. and PUS. 'Filfred Drag- er of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leon- hardt and Mrs, Ella Rose visit- ed- on Sunday with Mr. Charles lVfattheis at Tavistock. _ Mr; and Mrs.- Lavern Wolfe' were guests of. Mrs. Everett. Beuermann and family on Sun- day. They also called on Mrs. Joe Thornton and Mr. and 1MT. Ed. Regere, The first raietthitof lho-Olvd- hagen 4-0 IunnemattingClub was had at t4e. Ilopo iftai Ken numsen- • Tbils_„,.P;Pioct li etrititled-NeedleCramo. '• - -Officers .elected Are: presi. dent, ime Idee-Presidellif Wendy Wolfe; Seeretary,. Nettt Brink; treasurer, Mgrsareth Pridm; press' reporter, , 144 Wolfe; elePhOne Orb:, TIPSY Rose and Aileen Brink. The leiders istro. Mgren and Mrs. Brown held a discesSion on colour and colour schemes. The project is to introduce the J0311 Of embroidery as a decorative touch on an Article and as means of artistic expression, Mrs. Gary Sheldice attended a bridal . shower on Saturday evening for her. niece Feicia Leis Who is bride -elect later this month. The shower was held at Wellesley. • 411$0 jral1owingteleber0: OP St. csiilmIti*ripabOok. SWOP iMittrYt Pr14000• •2; Mrs; AiSePhlkittOtn .1111adeg 3. and *0, 4togoot,- . .14441gogiA1l, gmtio 0,44. co; gro...glet* UtirrsY Sondett 11,148.MISS 043#1.117 WO* *M. itovaling at StJnmV8na$ef ;Soho* Seaforth; Miss laITha Murray at Zurich; Miss jennidiollod5" at 13nOrte. • TWOS student* will Me. :P04141V this wee ls for MOAT 0040km at ilfe selacols; Anne Shea, Strafferd -WO/Ws College.; Karen Tcsle ; :and GOrdou Moylan, UniVergitY ,of Waterloo; Pani ranshawe College, Landen; Sharon Burke and Leonard Rebekah Lodge has Pot -luck Supper A pot -luck supper Convened by 1VIrs. Mae Hillebrecht and committee, Monday evening, opened the fall session of meet- ings of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge- and Sunshine Pall gifts were exchanged. ' • The noble grand, Miss Elean- or Henderson, presided for the meeting which followed. The new slate of officers will be installed at the last meeting in October by Mrs. 'Mary Lowe of Brussels, district deputy president for Huron and staff. The vice -grand, Mrs. Gordan Papple, reported on cards and gifts sent and visitations made during the summer recess. Cards of appreciation from sick and bereaved members were read by the secretary, Mrs. Peter Malcolm. Named to be in charge of the 1969 Iarch of Dimes campaign were general chairman, Miss El- eanor , Henderson; recruiting chairman, Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill; supply, Mrs. James Rose; Pub- licity, Miss Jean Scott; chief marching mother, Mrs. Joseph Grummett. The date set for the blitz is Monday, January 27. A euchre party is planned for Sept. 30 in the IOOF hall and the past noble)grands' club plan to entertain lodge members on Tuesday in the 100F hall with Mrs. Annie Harrison as conven- er. .....10,0......•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . • See Our Store -Wide Fair Week Specials on AMOMW • KROEHLER Chesterfield Suites - Rockers Swivel Rockers - Bedroom Suites VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE SE.A.FORTH FALL FAIR, SEPT. 19,20 WHITNEY • FURNITURE • Authorized Kroehler Dealer Phoz,e 527-1390 Seaforth Lean PeaMeal Cottage ROLLS. Ib. • Fresh Cut CHICKEN LEGS and BREASTSib. Small Link PURE 150,RK SAUSAGE 2 lbs. $1 SKINLESS WIENERS 2 lbs. $1 COLEMAN'S PURE LARD 5 lbs: $1 SLICED PEAMEAL BACK BACON-, lb.- 79c LEAN BEEF PATTIES WESTON'S IIREAD 10 for 99c 4 loaves 99c .cRomARiy MiSs. Barbara Gardiner 'hall' IMO° Homewood Sastifforhroto - Guelph for three. mon'ths...tn, 'fling* her sfursesc training' tottmel, after holidaing ,with her., parents M. And gm. ltW • Brenda d Robbie • Gard- ther. spent the week end with thster Mrs. Ken Bearrs and Mr. 'Beans R. IL 1 St. •Marys. Mit' add Mrs. Otto Walker vialted on Sunday with their 'daughter Mrs. Larry Gardiner .whoi is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London and also with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family. Miss Janice Wright, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Percy Wright, has entered Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital M begin training as a 'registered nurse. 1Vliss Linda Hackney, Kirkbon visited recently withher cousin Brenda Gardiner. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner on the arrival of their baby boy, . Mrs. C. M. Wilson, Detroit,. spent the weekend with Mr. and !Vim. T. L. Scott and Mrs. E. Moore. Mia C. McKaig was hostess for the September meeting Uis WMS of Croinarty Presby- terian Church. Mrs, Grace Scott presided and opened the meet- ing with a poem. Mrs. W. Harped had charge of the study lesson, "World Camp," the setting taken from a Refugee Camp iar Europe. It was- Presented in dialogue form With Mrs. M. Dow and Mrs. M. Lamond assisting. The Offering was dedicatedi by Mrs. R. Dodcit. The roll call "Hope" was answered by members, was visitors were present. •.Rmitine reports were given by the secretary arnd the treas. Mrs. McfCaig reksted 8 visits 19 cards and letters sent to 'gra and shut-ins. Prayer for missionaries was led by Mrs. K. McKellar, Mrs...Lam:mid rer viewed the work of the Bible Sodety. A film strip "Empty Shoes?' was shown, illustrating the life and work of William Caaw, Baptist missionary in In- dia. 'Miss Olive Spear conducted a Bible 'Quizz. 1Vfrs. Scott closed the meeting with prayer. lepach was served W the hostels as sisted by .aVriss Spear and Grace Scott • ,WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 • •UMIBAN SAO 0 Weetern Uni'Yertign toM" glom ilatrevat,itm Opmestoga 000' rAra 47" Or* and Mos; Acfn, atlfters WY. St. Tb.cm*, and Mx. Obeid Murray. MelKay, Detroit, * vlit.t400 **tree ' here, Miss. ThereSa Cronin Vicklett EITO. and Mra: •AlPhonse Creniuk tA4 Ifau Amma Woodall( and ftnneY, Brantford‘ VISted Mr. and Ms. Jamas Moloney: Miss Catharine Milani left for San Francisco last week Oe she will resume her Oodles, after ,spending the summer at the -home of her Parenfts, • Mr. ad Mrs. John, ?Saylor.. Miss Luella Moylan, has hda. OW * **ion In Stratford at the ptrettiord General' Hosidtal• The elativolie Wounnfs Leag- ue met in the Parish Tues- dsay evening, with the Preidd- eat, Mrs. Frank Ryan, presid- ing, • Tho memberifaip convener • reported -83 peal up Members' and 1. honorary Member, Thank you cards were read from the grade 8 graduates. Mrs. Peter McLaughlin said Mrs. Danittlik Murray will take care Of .the alters tom Septeniben Mrs. Frank Murray was appointed to v*it the sick. It was decided to .have a home baking sale in Seaforth •during this month. The mystery prize, donated by Ma ft Joseph Burke, was won by Mts. Edward Melady. WINCHELSEA Mrs. George Fraryne of Sun- shine Line and 1VIrs. WM, Wal- ters srpent the weekend at Gr- and Bend with MTS. W. J. Beer, Miss May Skinner. Mr. John Coward, Mrs. Gerry Grubb and. Mrs. 'Elson Lynn enjoyed a bus trip to God - ankh on Monday sponsored byMr. and Mrs. Wm. Bierling of Dashwood visited on Friday with Mr. and avfts. Doug Steph- ens, David •and Doris. Mr. Wm. Walters visited in Exeter on, Thursday- with Mrs. Ross When and Larry. Mr. and 1VIrs. Sanford Hut- ton Dennis and Dianne -attend- ed the Thrwhermen's Day at Blyth on Saturday, 1.6.•••••••••••••••••••=66.•••••••V..........• STORE HOURS Same as most' stores, closed for 1 hour lunch We pas no rent We pay no wages - We buy in volume • We sell for cash Result, loW prices. If you need service phone residence THOMPSON'S 'Family Shoes and THOWWW.OXPOsi ET -AS MAYA: "Tiiit4N YOH, l'AfE P B 0 iNAL LEA 414giVE •• $4.00 $5#90 SPORT Qur entire remaining ,stock of plain shades, neat stripes and checks goes into this huge final clearance. We are determined to clear out our final stock and this ridiculous price will do it. Buy them for work shirts, for play shirts, or just be smart and buy them for next year's wear - any way - you can't ko wrong. Regular $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Sizes X.S. S„ M., L., and OS. FINAL CLEARANCE • : 4.98 Final Clearance Boys' 8 to 18 Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Regular 1.95 to 2.95. Sport shirts and knitted shirts as sketched: Broken size range. Reduced $1,29 to clear at STEWART BROS. 1 Repair • -8 Main Street Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime - ZION Mr. Wm.. Balfour returned home from his trip to the west. Mr. and -Mrs. EarlEarker and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd• Bark- er and Russell, Mr. and Mrs4.,... Lawrence Barker and Wendy, Mrs. Vera Moore, Mrs. Myrtle Moore, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin WMiams, Burford, and celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper, • Mr. and Mrs, Glen Pepper, vis- ited Mrs. 'John Barbour and Arthur, • Sunday afternoon, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill, • Mr. and Mrs. It. E. ,Burchill, Mitchell, were holidaying for a few days:A* Week. • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • ACCISSoRIRts COME DI AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER - The Huron Expositor Seaforth Phone 527-0240Seaforth Products for the Home ... and for the Farm French Provincial Kitchen Cabinets * Golden Brown French • Provincial Vanity Units (White with Gold Trim PLYWOODS IN x 8' .SHEETS SPRUCE Std. Sh.- 5/16 $3.55 % $7.79 FIR BIRCH, Std. Sh. 5/16 $3.78 lA $8.75 3/4 $9.79 3/4 $13.98 MAHOGANY Lauan' $4•35 4 mm $3.35 % G.S. $13.95 Many, many more savings on Plywoods * Hardboards * Rexwood • * Abitibi Prefinished Plywoods * Masonite Styrospan * Ceiling Tiles * And X90 Lap Sidings Paint * Sanding Sealer *Laquers * Varnish * Paint and Varnish Remover * Thinner Ne•••.......0ftawromma miamiftwOmealagMaasermfiffillmlassOisamilisisaaseiNas01. /INSIDE ' AND OUTSIDE DOORS 13/8 Rota , ry Lauan Mahogany 1:4 x 6-8,.$5.30; 2-0 ic 6-8, $6.35; 2-6 x 6=8, $7.35 COME IN AND -SEE OUR SAMPLES AT 15 JOHN STREET LOUIS'. Furniture & Home ImproveMents PHONE 527-0430 RES. 527.1223 • OPEN DAILY AND EACH NIGHT