HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-09-12, Page 5• 44,1, F24; • • • USE THESO CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGIII 1. Grating Events 2. • Lest, Strayed . 3. Found • 4- Hein Wanted 5. Business OPpertunitio v. Toeclie0 Wanted ' 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 0.' Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale U. Articles For Sale • 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14- Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Beet 17. Wanted To Bent 18. Property 'Wanted 19. Noticres 20. Auction Sales • 21. Tenders Wanted 22; Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals ° 27. Births . 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified ads are Inserted at a rate of 3 cents per ward. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. 0 Ada are subject to the follow- ing raildmareal. Chissitissations 2, 3. 7, 8. 3. lel 11. 12; 13yand • 17 minimum 65c. -Classifica- eons 24,25 an 28, oninimum 2e Per word, minimum $1.15. All other classifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21), and) Legal Notiees (22), rates on application. • For cash payment or -if -paid within 10 days following last insertion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. • Coming Events SEE: milk -maids in action at Perth's ,Dairy Princess Cern- petition,, Coliseum, Stratand • Fall Fair, Monday, Sept 16,8.00 p.m., Door prizes,, lucky draw dairy produce baskets, flee 144-1 September 30. Sponsored by 'Edtweiss Rebekah -ledge. •1-44-1 ANNUAL Turkey Buffet din - • ° 4 4.ibJpWanted - HELP WANTED MALE andFEMALE Machine , . A -100 $p.ie 11, Arilgles rof Sale in SOW AND' alitiliCED" “ TAFIQUOCH ANSTETT W.VoLLERS LTI). 114-ackf Operators , 2ctvetantignerzestra. Fr.ing'6enefito - weeks annual holidays, paid stattlatery 11°11040i groins inotnetne, Pees stole plias, time and a halt for over time. , HIGULAND $1-10ES SEAFORPI • 442 - HOW TO.EARN MORE MONEY -MEN AND .WOMEN I need a fullinn,Pa*tiree Per- son to help meet tbe dems.nd for a much needed Service for motorists., Pleasant Woe& Sect good Ming work. No experience neceisearY but a ear For fen i.ntorMation contact Ed Hauer, Wingharn. Phone 357-3809 442-5 YOUNG man, mechanically in- clined to work on trench mob. - Me. W. G. Campbell Seaforth phone 5274452 or W. B. Camp- bell 5274775. 44a4f E DI'CID CM grocery° cleat weatted for evenhigo 6 te 19, pen. lid, week endi. AIy box. 1771 HuropeExpositon 4-444 7. Situations Wanted MARRIED man,Trecentli, located in Seaforth area. Re- quires position easperienced in tire aoceseory sale. What have you to offer? Anything conleice ered. Apply to Box 1767 Huron Exposittor. •' 743x2 WOMAN --v---vonid-Tlike to • do s housewatir part, time. Phone 5274644: •744-1 •R. Farm Stock For•Sale rweseVE pigs, eighr-Welis- kt, nineteen drunks. Robert:, ner, First Presbyterian Church• 6 Itegele, R. R. a • Dublin Me PUREBRED Lacombe hogs . Halls Thursday, Oeteber t, • 500 to 730 pans Achniseion 5 $1.75 in advaitce, $2.00 at door. 21-0715. , • 1 Childeons under 12 $125, Under S " auspices of Fireside g 1 ship group. • 1•444 • "Registered Nurses Association . 01 '00 Huron County Chapter • eansieeable 'age., Guacagateed, overnment premium available and scene ' commercial •Apply Geoage Tanana Phone 527- 0096. 8-444 TWO second litter sow.s -York bring your own .steala and Pot pi and Landrace due mid Octolbee, hone 52/7-0428. 844-1 Bar -B -Q 9. Poultry For Sale at Lions Club Park, eSeaforth Thum* 19th, September, at 6:30 p.nz..Speakee, Dr. G. P. A. Evams, for Huron Come ty. All registered nurses wel- come." 1-444 FIRM/Bina Ball, Friday (fet- ober 18e1968, Seeforth„ Anna. 144-1 i0OF are holding euchees the 4th Wednesday for the winter months starting in Oetober in the 100F Hail. • • 1-44-1 antique sale, ..held Mint ' Kenney's Ranch, Pine. Valley, Drive, Woodbridge Miles west of 400 just. north of 7, • October 6, from 10.00 ,am to 8:00 p.m. Twenty accredited dealers, Redreslnroents, • door prizes. All proceeds far Cerreb- . ral Palsy Parent,Council Reside eleatials Care Building Fund. - • 1-44-1 4. Help Wanted BE a Rawleigh Dealer in part of Hama county, Good .yean around earnings. Nd Capital necessary.' Write RawIeigh Dept • 1-363-870, 4005 Richegeli St., St. Henry, Montreal. 444-1 • KIMBER LEGHORN 'Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-3841 tlfitalEthousand ready to lay, E 137 Kimber Leghorn pullets, 26 weeks old. Will deliver after September 16th, R. J. Andrews and son R. R. 3 Seaforth. Ph.• one 527-1106. • 9-43-2 ITqed-Cars For Sale 1962 Dodge Dart 330 6 cylinder, autem,atie trensiniasion, 4 door sedan., ratlie, excellent gas mile- age. 'Phone 5274470. 10-444 1964 Chevrolet, 6 cylhider, • automatic 4 -door -"sedan, • radio, ,mccellene condition. Phone 527- 0954. 1044x1 1061 Chevrolet; Vs, .siaiNked, 2 door hardbop,eneway painted, Phone snotp. .1o44-1. figralitinbou as -Ts -dolor hard: tops 283 •(4 speed); Howse No. 1155995. In) _petted condition Phone 527-oges elm pm. • - 10444 INIMED1ATE EMPLOYMENT Workers are urgently required to fill positions in this area: MALE •Construction workers: various projects; good pay. WoodWorking machine operators: Expedenced or will train; steady employment. . Sawmill Workers: urgently needed. Bricklayers: excellent wages. Labourers: turnip processing plants/ and bean eleva- tors; perinanot or temporary. • Farmhands: dairy or mixed farms. FEMALE • Stitching machine operators; experienced or will train. Trimmers: turnip processing plants. Waitresses: full or parttime; various shifts available. For further information Telephone for appointment 524-8342 ) Canada Manpower-Ceoire e • ON, epattirsont di Manpower 4ndImmlitathm 35 East Street, Goderfiqh sesesees , • _ rietY to eboOse treni. We ser- vice Whet we sell for our cos - 'Writers to • the highest degree of accuracy. See your Sher- lock= Manning dealer for tide area, and get a truly tine in, strtment. Many makes nuct models, at Garnet Order's Ph011e-257208(1 showrooms a.t Whitechurch. 11.2441 COM4IF.--dio--F-V 1 Year_014,71141 trained with cattle. Mane 52iTs 0669 .4144-1 XL1967HiniolitTl'-elidat7inee ideal for college and far* nee. Phone 482-3825. 11444 cusTditt -oombizing of bone cons and also ostom plottgle Mg, NUMMI Eisler. Phone Dub- lin 345-2449. 19-4012 PRIVATE SALE 71 Diets For- age tracveeietr, wed 1 yr, 1 Dion Forage Hareestet used 3 years, grass head,,,corn head and Pick- up, like new; one 35 can buils milk cooler, Woe new; 4 Surge mins and 4 URA pump, COM - plebe with milk line_ . For furth- er information Phone Bruseels 153. If no pewee phone 231W. May be seen at William. Mc- Whirtens Maio Street larusels. 11-44-2 GIRT' Girdle priaform-witli cul- otte ekirt, slie 12. Viokie Mil- len Phone 527-1512. ' 11-44-1 INITERNATIONAL-gliod-Del• se]. recently treposseseed with 6 furrow' plow in excellent con- dition. 50 other used tractors to cho'ose from. Ydung's Farm Equipme.nt, aS mile -west of Clappison Cone ers on No. 5 Ilig„hway, Phone 1-413699-6668. 11r44-3 STAINLESS' STEEL_ TABLEWARE Sets of 6 froin. $10.95 up crotraFIEW'Qe0,040'SktIArlis eat, B. T. BO* Weep. 927 1429 A. S. Bolton, POMO: VP 0465. 11-43-i )014416 ti0:447glelenrell 315404 ' Box 013 girrs clothing 12 to 24 months eloe, includes Jack,. et sot, oloosea IOW and 1`. Shirts,a`*. .e. "47.11`4sfrai=, phone 5274356. ' 11-44-1 THREE piece bedroons- Suitet Phone 527-1094. 1144,-1 gu":6size`" 'tniquoiTe -at%Ltri, eiodkat piece coaxution, Mrs. Pristio11.1 Phone . 7sS35 14-111-1 • THREE Piece boir,s, iota latte and white size 24 Argyethe: wozo 1 season, Phone 5274517, , * • 4.14444:, 26 plate 'shoe $00:00, re .besb offen Call 4629265; • after fanta. 11-44x1 FRESH green Corn. geedri-Vintir cabbage,. beets cecina* and otbir garden produebe Arehreee Addlesie Kinbuoze Call evenings and weekends: 11444 GERUA-N-sher•herd C.E.C. 8 week old PuPs. Gaod natured, can be trained for watch dogs. Apply a , Oann Exeter 235-2625. . 11-44-1 FOUR Olivet) 'Miens in good Shane aud Allis Chalmers adjuetable wide' train end, all in good shone. Lavern HUI% R. R. 2, Sealer& 11-444 C-UNS for sale, 12 eind 416 garage shotgun) and .22 -rifle. Fasteo Bennett, phone 527-0263, 11.44* -1 • 1.9, Notices - I WAIL do. mattom P • Apply JOA Roaek AO - a 2319 4 , 10444 AM) beano, , Jenefee, imummona la R. 2 icippqk OD& 111014944 . 10-424 MALONEY BROS., Conerete,Work Ancarrzon FAIR/V,MO , . Oemota barn 'Ylarde plago • 11.-Noticea • ROM *V5110OI 7.740441E. .tWlfle. Box :pr.4.vat* Ar150t. . 1,0,4141. Lt.140 and altego Pei** Paul Horan Dubin; pliope..A4A40,1/11, . • 44070,2 • • ^,•.• • - •• CONCRETE. WORK No .jeli tee ne ato feneing. 'Etasenehle rata. Flee estimates, Plieite • 12. Wanted To tiny - Hogs, slaughter' boars for ex- port, centact .Toe Corey, Clinton Community Sales, Phone 482- 9553. • 12-42x4 lelaisdailATE cash foe good standing timber of ell kinds in- cluding good veneer walnut. Write Robert Eagleson; Ailsa Craig. 12-44-4 A esims., sizecit bicycle. phone 527-1994. •12-44x1 14.. Property For Sale Sets" of 8 from $13.95 up • At PROPERTY Anstett Jewellers Ltd. NEED .COTTAGE situated• % acre • • 114841 FOR SALE •DEAD STOCK Northern Stocker your order new reaeletable ilatee ifMall, **Post hole digging d Phone noun 30090. 1947-37 Loms, IviAzoisTy 19•83t1 • We 42'eartyefARtriviewatery All t'naes feesslatlon end floors. FM tree .e/Wetinnikei SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED CLEA:NED- wrife or phone TAMIS. 'BLAKE; rt.R2, pi -41;401 0, MALONEY.' phone 5274424. Phdtte 442-W-6 R.AROW looqu-tf • %WOE REPAIRS FAST SERVICE A4 wait Iumultoid JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 5274720 - Seaforth 19-3841 INSURANCE • Farm package, fire, wind Ise machhiery and livestock floater, • Composite dwelling all peril, special rates for new construe - tem, farm personnel- accident, also your income protected should you be injured by car accident. „If• your present ipsurance is not Complete, or contemplating building, or remodelling a home, or require additional coverage, ghre us a e w gladly discins this with you. Representing Western. Mutual Ins. Co., Woodstock, McKillop Mutual Fire Ins. Co, Seaforth. Our rates are attractive. V. J. LANE GENERAL INSURANCE R115, Seaforth, phone 345-2716. 19-3841 8214P51,. ' • renelra, RIVizing Rio ' • , nebuild. shanks Bead : Reekloging • !lett* cestam. e jewellery •20; Auction THICSOA40$ al -; Vnio104. pa, . starrommt_ 2,50o irburoday. wrangler 20th rook46 .00.0 be4 Sete paw 10;30 qug. weanavory, Ockehee 200 804 • Sale -Tiavo -100 pm, NEW • . • I.:111e • ' 1 IliPmsdaA Nteber Ord 400 Sale -Time. 130 p.rn.'vviarzoN Thurodayl .0oteber 1,0th 1400- . Peke Mane ,-13:09 fenn SOU= RWER (OUR 04i,E) VVedaeadev, October lfth MO • Sale Time - 1100 Pens '• • R. FURTHER INFORM& TION, Petite: , Sidney MacDonald, Advertisling Manager. Box 139, Huntsville, Outsells. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. , 19-33ff • ()TICE' . We are shipping cattle every Monday to ;United Co -Operatives of Ontario. 'Warrant) for pick, up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. • • , WILLIAM J. DALE Phone Seaforth 527-0635- or MICHAEL 3, DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin call coll. etc. • 19-384f Township of Tuckersmith Proclamation RE DOGS aeoerdance with a resolue lois passed by the lEmicipal Council me the T wnsia Tuckersmith, and by virtue of the provisions of By-law No. 8-1965, I hereby pooclaim that no dog shell be allowed te run at large in the Townshop Of Tuckersmath„ ELGIN THOMPSON, Reeve , Tuckersanith, Sept 10, 1968 •1944-2 20. Auction Sales COPIES?? We will Make copies- of your important papers or documents w you wait. Letter size, 25e each. •. • THE . HURON EXPOSITOR 11.294f NEW bean knives tor all types oi bean pullers. Basil O'Rourke, Brumfield, Phone 4029131. 11-41-6 CRUSHED gravel, delleered or at the pit. John Trompson. Phone 527-0238. • 11-3841 •COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter' size, 25c each. , • The Huron Expositor • 11-294f ENGLISH , DIIINERWAJE 50 piece sets Of 8 ,Oitly $29.95 At. Anstett Jewellers ltd. Over 40 *wide to,.,00se twin • • 1140-tf NEM • COPIES?? • We ;ill "Make coldest ofyour important *Meat or ,.decuments while you wait. Leiter size, 25c each. THE • HURON EXPOSITOR 11 294f CRYSTAL We have -open 'stock 'Of the following cryStal patterns:. - Cross and Olive --- $1.00 each • Pinwheel - :$1.007.each Flair - $1.50 •each Exquisite ---- $2.25 each Cornflower at Regular Prices 10% Discount on Complete Sets Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-3841 .BAEV TAU mina • CENTRE For all pressure sysiems and , • s• farm line nee& , • PHONV 482-9561 .117 Rattenbury Street, CLINTON "Proudly "We Servke Canadian" 7hativratnwau.segeLell" • • SI Ow 4444 " o an in village of Egmond ville an •Mairt Street. •Please Call Promptly • • TWO HUNDRaw and 'INVENTY MARLATT BROS. acre dairy farm equipped) for Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 5 0 cows, eacMllent buildings. 4.4 hour service -4 days a week Apply to: - en. ' . 19284f And Feeder Sales • N.0.. Expected Offering • HAROLD JACKSON Real . Estate Broker Seaforth o Phone 527-0640 1443-2 For Sale •By Tender PROPERTY SPRAY and Brushy Painting, houses, ,barn roofs; fences. Lave. le McKellar, P1107119 345-2879. Comedy. 19424 SEPTIC TANKS • CLEANED • Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Write or call Har - IN.' SEAFORTH mr6.Dale,Seaforth, phone 527- • 19-38-tf Sealed tendons .will be re- ceivecl bythe undersigned un til a pen. 'Monday, September 23, 1968 for the Purchase a • the property of Mr. and Man • Noble McCallum located on Louisa Street in the Town of Seafortle more partieularly des- cribed as parts of lots 26 and 36 plan 10 in the Town of Sea - forth on whieheis said to be er- ected a 7 town • frame res- idence. A ceotifled: cheque re- presenting a dem& of 10% of the tender. . amount anrust ac- • .company tender. • For further , particulars on - tact the •undreteIgned. Highest or Oily tender not necessairilY aceepted. B. G. HANLY, Deputy Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House, Goderich. 1444-2 15. Property For Rent TRAVEL trailer, sleeps 6, com- plete kitchen, available by day week or month. Gerald's Super - test, phone 5274610, Seaforth. • 15-3841 THREE bedroom farm home tn. Kippen area with modem kit- chen, bathroom, dieing room, living -room and den. Available October 1st. Phone Verse Ald 'erice, 262-5404. •15-43-2 _ LIVING quarters, small, mod- ern close to Seaforth. Possession immediately. Box- 1769, Huron Expositor. 15-44-1 17. Wanted To Rent SMALL garage or storage space, phone 527-1004. 17-44-1 19. Notices • PIANO and Theo* lessons taught in my home Paul= Phone $15-2073 MARRIOTT BROS. • PAINTING Phone 345-2063 Dnbth Ontatio 19-414 Canada Ltd. Sates and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Lights hettee St., Grolerieh, pleme 524- 8514, ' 193841 For 1968 WIARTON' ThursdaY, *September 12th 3500 Thursday, • September 19th 3500 Salo Time - 10:00 a. m. SOUTH RIVER Fridley, Septeanber -20th 1500 Sale Time : ,10: DRAGONS WANTEP-- t...v10 WING THE LAWN IG MORE THAN JUST WALKING A LAWN mom% DiMONS' • JILL BE,± mFOUGHT- _Jaen • --0-1.12see- Mg= 11/11coMmerwounimmom awaso.,.._•••••urgloamsoom -••••11.1111.01 I THISK MiagEM KADnal5 HIGII GitocNI,DoN't •s., %'' 1145.Ect•toot. 1WAS Al LAST NEAR WAS OLD AND DAM< Aelle HoT fraNt, REALLe' STINien "174,1-01011141,.'...4-L41,.; dry ;thiskt:: .„ 441Mtique 11.41*. Pa)p144. ow*, „.. *AocttOttrk An, w Pot: theproperty wili be..offeaed. for , ' roont-"eotIO01510- A Pleee,bitis; fuli baii!ejikr''. gar 4100,0;:, get** Cloalleie •easlas 'Property da'irfe'halanne;23 days. • EatOta' 'OO 1a40 Lewjs TOW* • • ' , . HAR;Q:lip. JACKSON ..Auotioaaar' 1. tX4X. MOM% Clerk - George Addialio, Seat** Sind. 20-4-32 1:7012e, Tebutts ,Clietan WOW& totem - 20444 21..,Te.nders -Wanted AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY SEPT. le, 1968 at 1:30 Pale At Lot coat 8 Legan 2 miles Tenders Wanted east: of Branham, 7 mil"- For Supplyingand northeast of Mitehell on CollutY . InStalki tjon Of it4;: . med. 'Offered for sale will be 40 springing Holstein hen= all of whieh axe bred to a Hayford bull end eine to_ foeshen in SePteenber and October,. NOTE: This is a good lot of beueng ande will be cheolced by a veterinarian. Anyone need ing repleeements should Plar.t to attend this sale. TERlyIS CASH Robert, Osborn., Glen and Doug Francis - Proprietors. R. G. Gethke • .e • WATER__ SirSTEM,_ • • • - - -- CROSS Hibbeat, Legal and • McKillop No. 1. epecificatioos may be had from blie undersigtnedl. Tenders to be in the hands of the sec- seta/7 by Septemlber 2011). Lowest or any tender not necessazily aoceptecL • Mts. Marie O'Rourke, Secretary -Treasurer R 1 Dublin, (hated Auctioneer • • P O. 2144-2 . 20_-444 22. J,..egal 1Vottees Dispersal-. Sale. - - - TREASURER'S SALE • AmElinhireayr Drispiarmemt , OF LTAAIDESF9R,. Tboinas Shorteeed Saturday, September 21, 1968 at 1 p.m. AT JACKSON'S BARN Highway 86, ListloweL 'Ontatio. Free Ansa 20. -44x2 AUCTION SALE Auction sale of property and household effects in the town of Seam:lie Jarvis street on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25 at 1 so m 'Chesterfield ,and 2 chairs; round dng' •room table; 6 chairs; sideboards antique pine g 1 as e • cupboard, occasional chairs; drop head sewing mech- PRAGONS • KEEP --.- OUTI TOWN OF SEAFORTH • COUNTY OF HURON TOWIT: • By virtue of a. warrant Issued by the Mayor of the Town of • Seaforth under his hand and seal ot the said cerporatixeso bearing date the 2nd day of jans nary,' 1968, sale 01. land in rears of taxes in the .Tosva of Seaforth will be held in the Additional Classified SEE PAGE 12 ens° •a•Y•••• , thAs1145te kaDOWS caa0L..„- SES YA! IMP4INE WINO% AM SCHOOL IS C.0314 „ WMGRT tvist bt4voFvo86 „ UNDE4PRNILE&Ete, OWPI-0 e100 HEAR AWAIT .7 nit 111.4 •Ntr,t.00K xt mazt puss! NOM Of 'am c.At4 ust.levelits ion.0 Att STOO40 SteCtMA To PULP, A RIa - 1400Se1leAlaea Wee 'OW LIP •HSI • iliellseol MAK! IV. 1:1*44‘ Ars 41% 447 Pt..X' ,