HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-08-29, Page 122-714". PIWIti,IMPos)Tqa,,sa4AFORTH, ONT.,AIJG. 2% 1968 :CLASSIFIED ADS 23. Business Directory 'AUcijoneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates: Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone 482-3384 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUtereal R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton A. M .HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-'7562 RONALD G.cMcMANN Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Office; RattenburY St, Phone 482-9677. Rea; Rattenbtury St, phone 482-7313 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers,. Solicitors, Etc. P. D. MeCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME, Prompt and careful attention Ambitlance Service Phones: Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME G-oderich Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR ?light or Day Calls - 527-0510 SEAFORTH -VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., VA. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. H. Patterson, D.V.M., VS. P. S. Dwyer, M.V.B., 3LR.C.V.S. Phone 5274760 - Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m Sat. 9 to 12 noon For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010_ Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank Dr. Newel and Dr. Malkus, nurses, those who sent cards and treats and those who visited during my necent stay in Seaforth Commimity Hospital. - Mrs. E. Share' 2412x1 Students and Parents Will Enjoy Our "School Headquarters" It offersan unique advantagb: - TEXT BOOKS FOR GRADE 13 Books, Binders, Pens, Paper, Book Refills, Math Sets Clothes and many other items can be had at one stop BEST VALUE IN REFILLS Largest selection -of refills at as much as 20% less than usual prices today. . Check Our School Opening Special Values Ail supplies required by pupils of St. James' School, Seaforth, are available Check Our Children's Wearing Apparel LARONE " Seaforth's 5C to $1.00 Store Stationery - Gifts .50 THEY 'rpm( because he had forgotten to memorize the fact that wriceNrs is the b'esiplace for getting good advice and top satisfaction. „ Watch This Spot For News About the BIG NTERNATIONAL NIONSTRATION Corning Soon • ENT FARMEQUIPMI --.7.m„,„1,,,9ohil teach' ALT-SEAFORTH Photo 527-0120 wish to thank all my playmates and friendsfor cards:, treats and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. - Linda Goditm. 24-42zel. _ _ I wish to thank all my neigh- bors, relatives and friends for letters, carsis and visits, also the Canadian Legion 156 for the lovely box they sent while 1 was a patient in Westminster Hospital, London, It was _all very much appreciated.""-' Wil- liam 0. Kelley. TL -42-1 26. Personals Mrs. E. W. M. Twigt - &hook, Rotterdam, Holland, wishes to announce the engagement • of her daughter, 'Cornelia, to Ken neth George Eaton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton, Seaforth, the marriage to take place at Northside United) Church, Sat- urday, September 7; 1968 at. 2 o'clock. 26-42-1 • andMrs. Hem Montgomery, Ti. R. 4 Wiiraiham announce the engagement of their daughter, Jacquelbue Gail to Mr. Robert Kenneth. Chambers son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chambers It. R. 4 Wingham. The wedding will take place- September the 6th in Wingbam United Chureh at seven thirty o'clock. Mir. and Mrs. Loris Galli of Qlemenceau Blvd., Windsor, 0..nt- tario, announce the engagement of their daughter Marilyn Esther to Laurie Garnet Stockwell of Walker Road, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Stockwell of Lond- on. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Sept. 14th at St. Michael's. and All Angels Angli- can Church, Windsor with Rev. J. P. Gandon officiating. Marilyn . is a Registered nurse on the staff at Hotel Dieu Haispital, Windsor, and Laurie recently received his registry with the Canadian Society Of Medical Technolog- ists, 26-42-1 27. Births CARTER - At South Waterloo . Hospital on August '7th to Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Carter., nee Joyce Hood of Galt a daugh- ter, HEMINGWAY To tr. and Mats. Don Hemingway of Pilot Mou- Gemeral Hospital August 16, 1968 a daughter. • nd, Manitoba. in Wimmipeg, ROURKE Charles and Mary Len (nee Sills) are happy to anneim- ce. the birth of their daughter, LucseElinior, on August 23, 1968 at Toronto Western Hospital. KING - 111 Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital on August 23r4. to Mr. ,and Mrs. Frank King, R. R. 5, Seaforth a son. DALRYMPLE - In Seaforth,„ ,Oommunity Hosipital o n August 23rd. to Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold Dalrymple, Brumfield a daughter -HORAN - th Seaforth Com - inanity Hospital. on August 24th to (Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Horan, R. R. 1, Dublin a daughter. O'Connell - In "Seaforth Com- munity Hosipital on Aug - 25th to Mr. .and Mrs. Larry O'Connell, Mitchell a daugh- ter. _. Conference Meets in Dublin _ Members of the Stratford Deanery Conference were in Dublin last week attending a meeting to discuss matters of concern to the church. Lunch was served at noon at the Huron Hotel, Dublin. Seated at the head table were Rev,. NeieMcGills, assistant pastor of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Stratford, Bishop Emmett C. Cper of London Diocese and Rev. Remi Durand pastor of St. Patrick's Roman C athOlic Church, Dublin. Father Durand was chairman of the Deanery Conference which was attended by 23 area priests. (Staff photo): • NEWS: -of BRODHAGEN The. Memorial Day Service . was held at St. Peter's Luthern Church an Sunday, with Rev. John Arbuckle'of Maple, Ont., as guest speaker. The ladies chair sang under the dinection, of Mrs. Lorne Mueller, the organist, The Broclhagen Band played hymns before the ser- vice. Visitors with Wm. Diegel on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. °Joe Smith, Seaforth; Mn. and Mrs. John Oldfield and family, Sea - forth; Mr. .and Mrs. Irvin Swint, Milverton; Mr. tmd Mrs. Ronald Hinz, Rodney, Logan twp., Mr. and 'Mrs. George Young Strat- ford 'and Mr. Don McLaughlin and family,. Stratford. • Mrs. Lavern Wolfe visited with Mrs. Harry Tait in Mitch- ell on Friday afternoon. Mrs. August Hillebreeht and Les Wietersen visited Mrs Les Too Late THOROUGHBRED Herford bu- lls, George Lome Walton, Ont., TL -42-1 ONE peppy part Terrier ' and Spaniel, 8 weeks Old. Phone 527-0264. TL -42-1 Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost M+- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. SITUATIONS wanted. would like a job in a store. Have some typing arnd bookkeeping exper- ience. Box 1760 Huron Exposit- or. '• TL -42.-2 FOR,. sale. Fotr Landrace sec- ond litter Sows due soon, also orie, chanlois bull calf $ months old. Sam mepeeee 1Ue2 sea.. forth Ontario' . Phone 627-1668. TL -42-1 HELP wanted. Female sales clerk for local store, part-time, apply Box 1766, 'Huron Exposit- or. TL42.1 FOR sale. ,.Large building lot Egneortddlle, choice' locat- ion. Apply box 11766 The Hur- on_ Expositor. - '11024 FOR sale. Intentationa I ace- • 'bottom 3 farrow :: _John Moylan, R. R. 5 e " Ph- one 315-2630. TL -424 FOR sale. 1967 Rehel Ramber coneertible, black and white. Phew 5274126. TL -42-1 FOR sate'. Allis Chalmers Model B tractor, comPlebe with hydraulic bean puller attached a:ad two row bean windrower. Douglas Vpihall R.. R. 2 Kip - pen 5e7-0088., • TL -42-2 FOR sale. 1961 Pontiac, 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder standard. Phone 527.0016. '11,-42x1 School Desks - ,Wietersen at the Stratford Gen- eral Hospital on Sunday. She has been a patient thiere 'since early last week after having the misfortune to fall and hurt her back. Messer§ Clayton, Robert and Kenneth Ahrens returned home on -Thursday from a hol- iday to the East Coast. While there th,ey visited with Rev. and Mrs. Reheat Rock at Dart- mouth, Nova Scotia. Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Pfei- fer,e.Moncton were guests of Mir. and Mts. Lloyd Pfeifer, following the Merdorial Day Service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Visitors with Mr. and lVIrs. Lavern Wolfe onSaturclay Were Miss Susan Boyd and Mrs. Mickey McLoy both of Strat- ford. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Ahrens on Sunday were .1%/ln and Mrs. Narmart Rode, Detroit, Mrs.. Gordon Bach Marion ,and MT. and Mrs.' Wil- bert Bach of London Mr. ,and Mrs. John Mueller and 1Virs. Jim IVIneller and IVfrs. Jim Cakebread of Hamilton and 1VIrs. WM. Gibb, Stratford visit- ed with Mrs. August Hillebre- cht on Friday, Mr. .and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe attended the Decoration Serv- iceS, at Seehach's Hill Lutheran Church, on 'Sunday and were. later guests of Mr. and 1VIrs. Michael Comely at Wartburg. Mr. and. Mrs. William Brown spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'KettleWell' andt family at Strathroy rid Mr. and Mrs. News of WALTON Al Brown at Mabourn. Guests of Mr. 'and 'Elm. Ross Leonhardt fee the weekend were . Mr. and Mrs. George 'Rose, Debbie and Doug, Fort Erie, and Ida Se.herbarth and Miss. Lavine Mueller, both. af Stratford. Mr. and 1Vfrs. Chris W. Leon- hardt 'accompanied Ws. Ross' Le.on,hardt .a.aul Kathy. to, spend the afternoon 1 kitchener on Monday with Mr.. George Jacob While, there they visited 11,1ms. Irma' Murtagh and Mrs. ,Wm. Jacob who are patients at the Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital. News of, Cromarty 'Mr. and Mrs.'" Otto Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and family, Mrs. Tuffin, Seaforth, Mr -.and Mrs. Larry Gardiner, witother members of the fam- ily m6t at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Dorchester, to celebrate Mr. Walker's 65th birthday. Sunday visitors with Mrs. J. R. Jefferson were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jefferson and family, Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laid- - law and John, London. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace 'spent the weekend with Mrs. Shirley Elliott ana family, Es- sex. Debbie and Terry Wallace returned home after holidaying with the Elliatts. . Miss Lorrainne Laing is holi- daying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and,Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw, Lon- don. Miss Brenda Dow 'met with an accident while holidaying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dow and fam- ily, Staffa, fracturing a bone in her arm and injuring her el- bow. Members of the Hamilton clan from Cromarty and Staffa attended the family re -union at Lions Park, _Seaforth, on .Sur - day. ; MTS. Hames Clark and Bruce attended the Hutton Green- ° field wedding in London on. Saturday. FOR SALE - A number of school desks he eluding desk and seat, surplus at Seaforth Public School. Price 2.00. ,• Apply Jack Eisler at the seheol °oe phone 5274176. • • TL -42-1 FOR 'sale. International W.6 trader, good running. order. Contact Albert Vo IL IL 4 Seaforth, Phone 521-1465. 424 FUNERAL JAMES _HENDERSON , James Henderson died Thur- sday, in Stratford General Hos- pital following an illness of three months. He was married in 1911 to Saraha Jane Jarman. He was a member orNorthside United 'Church and the Odd - .:fellow's Lodge of Brussels. A farmer in his . early life, for many years he was area agent for Imperial oti before rethinge some 22 yeani ago. Besides his wife, he is sur- vived by two daughters, Eleanor at home and Laurene, Mts. Cl- arence Maloney of McKillop arid- four granddaughters. Two sisters, Lillian:, MTS. Alex Wri- ght 'and nlia, leIrs. Robert 1VecC- lure also survive. Funeral service conducted by Rev. D. 0. Fr', assisted by Rev. J. Ure Stewart, was held from the 0. A., Whitney Furter- ' al Home on Saturday? August ?Th3rIvlialen2dga.mnic with eitnitermrpt lbearnerts were Gordon Wright, Ross Gordon, Arnokl Lamont, George Henderson, Jim MeClp ure a'nd Donald Lamont. Flow- er:eaters 'were Barry Gordon, Larry Lamont, John Wright eand ,Mmiray Henderson "itemeinber! It takes but moment to place an Expositor Went Ad and be money -In pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seatorth 52'/4240. Euchre liNnrifir‘ "114+------. se h1:7414 J:17:gt F14:44 147:371:11. Act play. Winnere Wereqe*S.- high _ „, • w apnots to bands, Mew. B. Hilderinn4 IOW: • ' • S M. Wm Drs. Men'o- high, Joe Sinioer,thl;ewl,anit lesdsnath,T:aelcmisIre, ,mnal); Phone 521-0240 smith won the Ow for a Mee, .00-eseeeeee--0-.7-07:0.-e----0•00--0-- ening ir400:* STAFFA, mrs. W. Glanville and Mrs. S. NM:Ws were hostesses for the Tweedsmuir meeting of the Staffa WI in the Township hall. The president Mrs. Ed Chap- pel opened the meeting: There wore 12 members -end 12 visit - one present and the roll call was =owed by )4 curnent event of the year you were boht. Mrs. Carter Kerslalce repotted on the excuitive meeting and it was decided to hold the offie- ers, banquet on Nov. 12 in the Township hall. Mrs. Carter Kerslake presid- - ed for the- programme. Misses Joarine antd Fay Templeman sang ccompanied by Miss Bren da Kerslake. MPs. Ron Skinner, Safety' Council Repedentative for South Perth Destriet, gave a meet interepting and inform- ative address on "Safety". • The Past President of Them dale Institute, Mrs. Hoag e ins trodeced the guest speaker Mrs. Jones from Thorndale Who showed a film co:Meld:le with sound "This Our Heritage' which was hex Centenni$ pro- ieet for last year. Mrs. Tom Scott contributed solos, aecom- pianying herself on t.he auto- harp. Mrs: Kerslake conducted a quiz and) Mrs. - Charles ,Do-urglais read) an article on Dundurn Cattle. A letter was read from the Institute sponsored child, thanking everyone for a birth- day gift.' Thje Motto Wisdom is what to speak your mind and when to mind ° your speech P was given by . Mrs. ,Ceeil Bowman. lVtiss Janet and Edna Miller, London visited over the week- end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller. , Mr. David Kemp, left 1VDon- day for Broughton Island, North West l'erritories, 'where he will be teaching the Eskimos this term. IVIr. and 1Vhs. Ross Sm.ale and Douglas are holidaying this we'e,k at Manitoba. " Mr. ,and IVEr.s Cameron Viv- ian, Carol Ann and Judy Dill are enjoying a motor trip along the St. Lawrence River. Mrs. Ruby Reedsis at present a patient hi. Seaforth 001111111111i- tY Hosintal. MITCHELL MOBILE FEED SERVICE -SkIftS - DON'T SELL THAT GRAIN for maximum return balance your grain with SUPERSWEET • SUPPLEMENTS Finance contracts available for Hogs, Beef and Poultry Hog contracts available using your own grain and Supersweet Supplements.. Inquire about, prices on Beef and Dairy Supplements Mitchell Mobi1e Feed dd Doimago Wilton 1484507 Don ta,imillonborger 52/21091 • '54 HERE'S A CAR FOR YOU ATA PRICE YOU'LL LIKE 1967 FORD CUSTOM, 4 -door, V-8, auto., , radke new rubber. Lie. H48-156 1966 CHRYSLER WINDSOR, 2-doorg • Hardtop, V-8, auto, P.S. and RS., New 23 rubber, Radio. Lic. H48-650 Now Price 90 ,1966 FORD GALAXIE 500, 4 -door, V-8, 2 490 auto., P.B. and P.S. Lie. 46674. 4 -door, V-8, auto., radio, P.S. and PM. 4 1690 1965 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR "9" Lic. H53-571. ° 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne Convertible.$ V-8, A.T., Power Steering, Radio. Lic. 1695, 75-685. Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio- 1964 CHV. Betake 4 -door, V-8, A.T,$ 14ne zrQP Lie. H48 -42I. 1964 FORD Cuetom 4 -door, 6-cyl., Std,$ 11'50 Radio. Lic. H10457-. TRUCK .VALUES 1967 CHEV 1/2 -Ton Pick-up, Heavy dull $ rear springs "Fleetside". Lic. L93-921. 1695 ,. . s 1965 DODGE 3/4 -Ton 4 Pick-up, V-8, 3-gt - speed. Lic. C87-308. 1,395 SPECIAL 1967 BSA Motor, Lic. 22858MC. Bike, "A Big One". $ 7 75 TRACTORS FORD PRE -SEASON SAVE and TRADE PLANS TRACTORS -'No interest 'till March 31,1969 BALERS -HAY 1 e LS - FORAGE HAR- VESTERS - No interest Ill May 31, 1969 COMBINES - No interest June 30, 1969 • • • 1950 Oliver 77 IHC B-250 Diesel 1953 Ford Jubilee Ford Major Diesel Ford 850 and Loader 1965 Hie 414 Diesel 1964 Ford 6000 Diesel $600.00 $850.00 $975.00 $1,000.00 ,$1,750.00 $1,875.00 - $4,000.00 1965 Ford Super Major, 10 speed • • $4,025.00 196; Ford Super Major Tractor Loader -back hoe $4500.00 Sohn Deere 3a•section drag harrows • • • • $50.1)0 Cockshutt 4 -bar rake $65.00 Bissell g -section harrows $65.00 Ferguson 2 -furrow Plifiw $65.00 Ford 2 -row cultivator $100.00 Massey -Harris 81/2' stiff -tooth cultivator $100 Dearborn Mower $125.00 11 -foot Massey-Ilarris wheel cultivator $135 Cockshutt 7 -ft. Mower $135.00 I.11.C. A and 2 -row cultivator $300.00 Ford 501 Mower, 3 point hitch .12350.00 LARRY SNIDER' RS,' .1 -TD. Phone -2464640 •Exeter rr.r. *