HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-08-29, Page 10• "IttlTh wiibiltAttO0) 11-34011010rfir 12 -City in • Texas 14-eatyluelan deity 1541ertodit01 time 117,Man'• s nickna1116' • lik-SOuthern blackbird 20,1-tibrieatot. _ .23,ArnerIcan essayiSt' 24-ice,-h4cley disk 36440t now g3-1-1YPotheti- cal force 29 -Retail establish - Ment 31 -.Manages 33 -Catches 35 -Without clothes 35-1gneous rock (pl.) 39 -King of birds 42 -For example (abbr.) 43 -King of animals (131-) 45 -Metal fastener 48 -Staff 48 -Gaiters 50 -Conducted 51 -Exact 63 -Ample 55. Earth goddess 55. Hurry 59- Devastator 61 -Babylonian hero 62 -Sea eagles DOWN 1 -Legume 2 -Cooled lava 3 -Suffix: •like 4. Roan tyrant 5 -Spoor 6 -Paid notice ''7.1**r4flt I (C61100 1111.44ricat'w vestment it -Under, Garment 10 -Tavern 11-Jurnps 13 -Winter vehicles 16-wasto metal 19-saereci images 21 -Short jacket 22-Song•and- dance performance 25 -South African village 27.Part of fortification 30 -Prince of apostate angels 32 -Royal 34. Cease 36 -Pullman compart- ment MIME =MEM MEMOmemo ! mm I1 mm COM MMINOM M M WEMM @MOM GE1 EMOOM OMMOOMM HORN MOM OMOOM02 =OHM OU OEMUM COMM MUM IMMO MMU SUMO ODOM UM MOUE= MUMMER' MMOMM OMEMM, 37 -Greek market- places 33 - Projecting tooth 40-Faudal subjects 41 -Church official 44 -Pack away SOVTION 47 -Fine powder 49 -Acid 52.Greels letter 54.Nose 57.Printer's measure 58-A continent (abbr.) 60 -Cory pass point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 it 14 18 24, 29 19 15 25 30 26 *V* 16 31 10:* 33 34 36 42 37 43 38 12 17 21 -22 23 35 39 44 27 32 28 13 45 40 41 46 51 47 • • • 52 56 61 48 53 57 58 49 50 55- 59 62 60 Farm Safeti'Sign Now Compulsory Most Ontario motorists are al- ready familiar with the bright - colored triangular warning sign —thatethe vehicle ahead is a slow- moving vehicle. Motorists who are not already familiar with the slow-moving vehicle sign soon will be. Up to now, the sign has been affixed 'yolunarily to many farm tractors and other imple- ments by farmers concerned a- bout their own safety 'and the safety of ofher users of the , roads. Effective September 1, 1968, Ontario law will require all farm tractors and self-pro- pelled farm implements,. and any vehicle drawn by them, to Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jabs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor 17Vant Ads. Dial 527-0240. ALL TYPES INSITRANCE Donald G... Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seeforth carry the slow-moving vehicle sign when operating on a high- way. A regulation specifying the official sign and its position on the vehicle has now been ap- proved, the Ontario Department of Transport reports. The sign is in the shape of a base -down, equilateral trian- gle, with a 12% -inch base. gle, with a 12% -inch base, a 14 - inch height. Dimensions may be larger as long as ratios of the various sides are in the same proportion as the sign with the 12% -inch base. The sign is fluorescent yel- low-orange in color, with a dark red retro -reflective border, of a specified brightness. It must be bonded to a durable rigid water- proof -base surface. It must be mounted base down in a plane perpendicular to the direction of travel of the vehicle and, where practicable, on the rear of the vehicle or combination of vehicles at the centre of mass of the vehi- cle or vehicles. It must be -no' less than three feet or more than five feet above the road- way, and it must be clearly vis- ible for a. distance of not less than 500 feet from the rear of the vehicle or combination of vehicles. dmimmonimmis .1111.1•01m. 111••••••=11•4=1. IMOOMOIMOM, advice from Doris Clark DEAR DORIS —M,y tusband is an only child just 10. MY Per- sonal opinion is that my mother- in-law is terribly jealous. of me. She walks the floor saying how he could get killed, or catch .pneumonia. She goes on like this until L am at the .end of my nerves. One time she Said to Tom, "I love you,Tommy, even if you are married" She is continually kissing my husband and loving up to him. He hates it and it ma,kes me sick. Doris, .do you think she is jeal- ous? We are living in Blanktown now, in a suiteof our owin. mow* out ofmy in4p.ws' place in three weeks. That was enough for. me. r just told them Tom was coming home and we should have a place of our own, wish we eould be 1,000 mileo away -from them. Maybe you will think it is me who is jealous. Maybe I am, but I -think they, should turn loose a little and let Torn alone. But I think he must enjoy their waning; he can't see my side of it. Going nuts DEAR GOING — A bad erase of smother love. Treatment? Large doses of 'affection. and confidence to Tom from, you. Tom vvill grow up in spite of a hovering Mom and Dad, as he shoulders faraily responsibilit- • Main -law will get used to doing without him. Let her see, gently, that you are managing nicely alone. You are his Num- ber Ona Girl now; you cau af- ford to be gracious. DEAR DORIS — My oldest girl is nine. She is careless, un- tidy. Where things- fall, there they sit. When asked to tidy up, it takes ber a long time to get there .She fools around till it's time to go to school, does a lot of talking, especially after being asked to do 'something; whet asked why nothing has been done, she says she forgot She never offers to help and whenever there's little jobs in sight she's gone. My other two girls who are eight and seven, keep their things in older and get things., done- when asked. And it will -.amaze you how much they can help if they want to. What amazes me is my oldest daughter will come and say, "Moinrhy, you sure 'keep things nice, your clothes are sure nice, your drawers are sure tidy!" Yet she can't seem to let sink into her head that her things could be just ais nice if each time she Put things where they belong. We don% favor any of the children. I hate to keep harping at her all 04;1. time. will she ever change? Ready to give, up DEAR READY — Oh, dent give up. You are her 'best hope. This stalling may have started as an attentioagetter, way back when the two little..sitens were takhig you away from Number One. Then it kieffit oat as a habit. itsis yow !attention $1.11e iS after, try following up On her a spoken adastratiou by letting her he with Wit while you thly Yotir di1ewel:s.,.114 e moe some of the decisions when it comes to straighten things, .promise liter a, PrI3t7 dtrt*wbn - she learns to heng UP her 460041.• A syetean of rewaed and eonap, anionship can be miracle -work DEAR DORIS Our .dalagh• - ter is having a ring bearer (four years old) at her wed- ding. Could .you please tell Us how the ring is attaehed to the' cushion? -Where is he 'in the procession? Wants Things Right DEAR WANTS — If he bear?' the aettial 'ring, fasteit it to the cushion with a few •Sillten threa- ds. He marches ..up the aisle just ahead of the bride and her father. Sometimes the real ring is safely in the 'custody of the best man, with the ring bearer just here for effect. If so, he may leave the progession as it reaches the mother's pew.. He does not join the reces- sion*. Labor Day Feature The fifth annual Midevest- ern Rodeo scheduled for Exeter on Labor - Day weekend will have several new features to provide top entertainment for , young and old. • The show; which "attracted over 8,000 people last year, gets underway at 8: p.m. on Sat- urday, August 31 under the new floodlights at the rodieo ring in the comammity park and the second -packed performance will 'be Sunday afternoon, SePtemlber 1. SUMMER SAFETY CONTEST AI Cherney and the Rhythm PaLe from the popular Tommy . Hunter Show will heedline the Saturday night program and the Sunday afternoon show will see entertaiment provided by the Garry Buck show from CKCO TV in Kitchener featuring, The BitalCOS' and Dorm Rainsey. ocm RAMBLER SCRAMBLER BIKES 4' bkg BOY'S ONE ,GIRL'S I'LYTE ACCESSORY -KITS Each Kit contains mirror, bell Pad streamers, HOW TO ENTER 1. COLOR THIS PICTURE . . . or draw ri pictura like if and color that. 2. On a -separate sheet of aper list the SEVEN things wrong in this picture. Do NOT list more than seven, . or you will disqualify your entry. 3. Cut out the, contest form along the dotted lines and fill in your FULL name and 'address. • • 4. Mail this form with your LIST of seven errors to the coupon address shown below. 5. Any Ontario child of elementary school *An may enter. 6. All entries become the property of Elmer the Safety Elephant and cannot be returned. 7. Judges' decision is final. MAIL BEFORE -SEPTA TO: ELMER BOX 4072 , TERMINAL A, • TORONTO I, ONT. NAME ADVIIESS (Town or City) TELEPHONE — riro.• Orthiri6 Safely::Lettgue. Aa 0114044 016W.M6 ./iirmairrou• *re.* mribrona • •••.,•011•• Wa4.2°C41-::e* NM 11$3111 PR ..-igavtirigf WI , MZVAI4eaw •N, .0",,M0,,,l'eikW444440.1:**M,W0.4? 440 M<" - Drive 'Extra Carefully around schools and , playgrounds! Be on the lookout for children when they walk to and from school! Your vaca- tion from school children, is over now! Be On the Alert when you%are near g school bus. Of course, they have t� obey all traffic rules! But give school buses a break anyway . . . they carry a priceless cargo. Parents! Never Stop Telling Children About the many traffic dangers! Only then can we Remember... hope to help reduce traffic fatalities! One out of seven fatalities involves, a: school child! One out of ten fatal accidents is caused by a teen- - age driver! Drivers! Don't Hurry When You Drive! We may as well face it. We cannot reduce -traffic casualties unless -We slow down.! The lives of others are in the hands holding your steering, wheel. The minute you may save isn't worth the life of a school child! AFETY IS No ACCIDENT BE SURE TO DRIVE SAFELY . to protect our children This message has been made possible by the co-operation of these Seaforth Firms Miller Motors Read's Shoes & Luggage Russ' Recreation The Huron Expositor Seaforth Coin Laundry Whitney Furniture Seaforth Motors Frank- Kling Lid. 'Canadian Tire 1" Donald G. Eaton Smith's Superior Keating's Pharmacy John A. CardncL Hildebrand Paint & Paper Trapnellli Pastry Shop Anstett Jewellers Vincent's Farm Equipment Bill O'Shea Wilkinson's IGA Gravels Wallpaper & Paint Stewart Bros. Rowcliffe Motors waideh & Broadfoot Ball - Macaulay Ltd. Gingerich's Habkirk Transit vr,