HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-08-29, Page 8A Pfi-APRItYth--,9 90X-4,fiC. 'he Huliet Township School Area TI - concerning School Bus Routes All Ilullett Township School Area School Buses will follow the same route as last June. The buses will pick up the pupils in the morning of Tuesdw Sept. 3th and take them to the Central School in Lon- desboro. It will not be necessary for the pup- ils to take lunch as they will be out of school at noon to be taken to their homes. ORDER YOUR SEE WHEAT NOW ZMINMIIMINNIM THIS IS:THE TIME TO ROOK *FERTILIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR FALL PASTURE APPLICATION Ask us -for prices SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 527=0770- Seaforth .de sale dress with brocade jack. et and veering, a vide brimmed ,pb* bat .with accessories In white and a White roses corsage completed the enserable, She • was assisted by the groom's,. Mo- ther gowned IA blue ebitriM dress, white bet of "white Shasta -daisies, White ShOOS and 4We and a corsage of yellow. roses completing her ensemble. Fora-honeymoon to Spokane and northern: B.C. the bride wore a rose wool suit dress, hat of whitelace and rose ribbon, white purse, shoes and gloves • and a corsage of white roses. The newlyweds will reside at 4075 Dominion, St., North Bur- naby, B.C. ' Campbell Pryce. The wedding took place in South Burnaby United Church, at 5:45 p.m. August 3rd of Lin- da Elizabeth Pryce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen T. Pryce of 6991 Gray -Ave., South Burnaby, B.C., former residents of Sea - forth to David Gilmour Camp- bell son of Mr, and Mrs. Don - a14 B. Campbell of Westbank B.C., former residents of the Listowel area. The double ring ceremony was conducted hy Rev. Tan- nin with soloist Garry Pryce singing "Because" during sign- ing of the register. The bride was given. in mar- riage by her father, Glen Pryce, and was wearing a semi -fitted A-line gown of Peau Elegance with lace yolk and bell shaped lace sleeves, the lovely lace train falling gracefully from the back yolk. A shoulder length silk illusion veil held in place with three white satin roses, completed the ensemble. She carried a lovely boquet of 'white rosebuds and yellow roses in- terlaced with white ribbon. The • something old and something., borrowed was a pair of crystal earrings. The bride was attended by maid -of -honor, Miss 'Gail Aitken of Seaforth of South Burnaby and the bride's sister Elaine and groom's sister Ellen Camp. bel? as bridesmaids. All were gowned alike in tangerine . de soie made similar to the bride's gown and wearing short veils held in place by bows -of the peau de soie. Their bouq- uets were nosegays of yellow • roses, and pink snapdragons. The groom was attended by Mr. Daryl Hardwick of Kelow- na as best man and Mr. Fred Grey of Burnaby and Mr: John Wilds of Vancouver ushers. The reception was held at the Burnaby Winter Club, the bride's mother receiving the • guests gowned in a pink peau -- NOTICE – For Co-op Insurance. Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage for: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability ' • Accident andf Sickness' • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Comrmercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services, • Wind Insurance NEED A COPY? PHOTO • COPYING COPIES ANYTHIN LETTERS DOCUMENTS BIRTH CETIFICATES DEEDS IRREPLACEABLE PAPERS» PRICE LISTS. 'INVOICES- - BUSINESS FORMS • • Up To 81/2" Wide By Any Length TAKES ONLY A MINUTE • , • Letter Size Sheets, 81/2" x 11" —25 Cents Each Other Sizes At -Proportionate Prices Quick Service — Convenient .,Pbeine $2770g4 Seaforth 3 News of WALTON Sunday t5chooll end 'Church yfill be reditmed Dufrs United Church Sunday morn- ing. Mrs. Rolberit Pickering ox Oakville visited over the week- end with Mrs., George Dundas who returtuted with hert daugh- ter for a week's vacation. Mrs. Gerald Watson and' Mrs. Roy Williamson attended the leader's course for Cottbus' may he Smart" at Clinton last Monday and Tuesday. Miss Linda Leming has re- turned to Mitchell after spend- ing A week with her grand- parents IVfx. and Mrs. » Leonard Leeming. IVIrs. David Sholdice is at present confined to 'Seafonth Community Hospital. Mrs. Percy 'Holman of Barrie and is. Hilda Sellers, Seaforth visited with Mir. and) Mrs. Her - .bent Traviss last Wednesday,. Mrs. W. C. }Inkwell visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, and family of London. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson Landon spent Friday with 1VLr. and) Mrs. LI•oyd Porter and MT. and Mrs. Roy .Be•nnett. . Mr. and Mrs. 1VPartin Diegel of Shakespeare were guests of Mr. and MT& Leopard Leetaing last Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Fred Rutledge and family of Ottawa wene guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Benntett- this -we-ek. • Gail Traviss, Dianne Fraser and Mrs. Hilda Sellers are visit- ing with Mrs. Percy Holman at Barrie this week. Wee.kend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis included Mr. and Mrs. David Freethy, Donn Mills and Mr and •Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Steven and Leanne hibby. Mrs. Edward Miller ast--re- turned home from Seaforth Community Hospital. Douglas Mitchell spent a few days at Kincardine last week with the - Dicksons and Mitchells of Brussels. Mrs. Douglas Lawless and Dianne of Burlington are visit- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Women Teachers Meet Over 800- elementary public school women teachers from all over Ontario attended the recent Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Federation of Women Teachers' Association of Ontartio in -Tor- onto. The Fedieration in its • Golden Armiversarry year has a membership of 30,000. Presiding officer at the meeting was Miss Anmabell McN.aughtton of Leam- ington, provincial president of the Federation. Attending from this area were: Mrs. Eyelyn Merrill a Blyth Public school and Mary 'Nether of Brussels Public scheol. • AN 9011 • RP/STATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS 9 ACCESSORIES ;OMEN AND ASK FOR YOUR MEE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER The Huron , Expositor Seaforth Phone 527-0240 Seaforth ONIIIIIMOINNIimemere* • • . Mr. and Mr% ATolln' Maim of Goderich visited , Irene Grimoldby. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverlgunp attended • the DYk picnic. in Woodstock on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray COO of Sarnia spent, Saturday With 4r. andMrs. Jack Medd, David, Jim and Kerri. ,Mr. and Mrs: Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth visited Mr. and Mrs. E. F., Warren; Lynda and Helen of Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop visited Mrs. "Irene Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hart of Goderich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buch- anan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator attended the 44th wedding an- niversary of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill in; the Clinton Hotel Sunday eve- ning. David Medd visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Johnston and Bruce of Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin MODon- ald, Kim and Colin of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona. Mr. and WS. William Dale, Kathy and Cheryl, Elaine Car- ter and Wayne Hoegy of Dub- lin, spent Sunday with Mrs. Thelma Bromley of Kitchener. Cheryl Dale and Elaine Carter remained in Kitchener for a few days. Sally Webb of Clinton, Elaine Pfaff of Crediton are spending a few clays with their 'aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Presz- cator, Dianne and Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley vis- ited on,Sunday with Mrs. Lucy Johnston who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Miss Nancy Preszcator is spending a- few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill of Crediton. Shirley McClure returned home on Saturday from St. Jos- AN E eph's. Hospital in London. Xr. :and 'lira. Ke4 TheMPSen otaild ipent - -the- veek their cottage at Port Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn °Thompson and' family visited Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hunter of Colborne Township. • Mrs. Jim Jamieson, Susan and Bobby are holidaying at the Pinery with Mrs. Jack Donald and family. Kathy and David Jewitt of Clinton are spending a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Preszcator visited Ur. and Mrs. Gary Preszcator arid Steven of Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan, Paul, Mark and Margie of Oakville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Breitbarth and family of 1VIatawan, New Jersey are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son and fatally. Mr sL HoWell Partridge of 33ar• • rie ,is spending a few days, with ° Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whytound family.. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dale, Debbie Don- na and Chris of London. Miss Ddreen Howden of Hali- fax i$ visiting with Mr. and lgrs. Nick Whyte and David. ,ULTRY and ROOS • For Pick -Up Phone • POULTRY EGGS EXPORT PACKERS EAST HURON LIMITED • - PRODUCE 345-2270 PHONE 66 DUBLIN BRUSSELS Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. Td advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Stannah For TV Service 527-0703 ARNOLD STINN1SEN GROUP - LIFE , ACCIDENT and" SICKNESS - MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada • • TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH Town, of Seaforth .SEAFORTH COMAAUNITY CENTRE' • STATEME114T.OF1LIEVENUE ,AND gXVVENDITUltE • For The Year Ended December 31, 1967 REVENUE: -Hockey games $3,497,00 Town grant • 2,778.00 Booth receipts , ,4 , 2,754.00 Skating 1;804.00 Arena rentals 1,362.00 Curling 918.00 ' Figure skating club 158.00 Practice games 105.00 Sundry • 175.00 l3,45600 Surplus at December 31, 1966 1,358.00 ' EXPENDITURES: Wages $3,765.00 Water, lights, gas 2 801 00 Debenture — principal 2,500.00 — interest 273.00 Booth 1,528.00 Repairs 1,467.00 Supplies 804.00 Hall 372.00 Advertising .and telephone 86.00 Employee deductions 62.00 Sundry- 218..00 $14,814.00 • 13,876.00 Surplus at December 31, 1967 938.00 $14;814.00 - 101st year„of the.Western Fair • Association • --011 Latzflort,Septeniber 6 to14 %Om- . WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET Spectacular Freeoniening Grandstand 'Show .• Two Shows Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. SEPT. 8„:7, 8 SEPT. 9, 10,11 Britain's Own 1 KIDS • RICH NEXT GIBSON DOOR & RICH IN PERSON Singing Sensation ANITA BRYANT FREE -AFTERNOON GRANDSTAND SHOWS Saturday, Sept. 7 at 2 p.m.: Warriors Day Pa- rade. Saturday at 3 p.m.:. RCMP Musical Ride, Kids Next Door, Rich Gibson & Rich, Steiner Bros., M.C. Sunday, Sept. 8 at 3 p.m.: "Swingspiration" In co-operation with Youth for Christ, Murk Family, The spokesmen, Men of Accord • Monday, 'Sept, 9 at 2 p.m.: Fashions '69, Anita dryant, RCMP Musical Ride, Steiner Bros., ACC, New Vaudeville Band Continuous Free Entertainment at Silver Dome ADULTS $1.00 CHILDREN 250 Gate Admission Covers the Whole Show • Westend NEW VAUDEVILLE BAND Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 10 & 11 at 3 p.m.: TV's Littlest Hobo, RCMP Musical Ride, Dell Family, New Vaudeville Band,' Steiner Bros., M.C. Thursday, 'Friday & Saturday, Sept. 12, 13 & 14 at 8:15 p.m.: RCSAP,Musical Ride Hubert Castle's INTERNATIONA., CIRCUS: Evening Grandstand Shows, Sew, 12, 13 and 14"- Two Shows Nightly at 7 & p.m.; After- noon Grandstand Shows, Sept. 12, 13 and 14 ai 3' p.m. Stage • Marco Polo Fair -Mart and Theatre Ristaiirant • Patio Cafe • Horse Arena DAILY CAR AWARDS! )011141.10X11110.. - 'CHEVROLETS! • 4s• 1 • a, • • • • •