HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-08-29, Page 6N. L .--1,......-......,....,.-- - i 7 •• 1 , 1:111$ ilti*PtilIMOSITOR,, SEAFORTHi Mit. AUG** MS , 7,7 W11.ERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHt County Two & One In the Ladies' and Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing -A -Long with PEARL at the Hammond Organ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COLORED TV BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS Tasty Chicken Wings USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED THEY PAY YOU DIVIDENDS Phone 527-0240 MITCHELL FALL FAIR Friday and Saturday ugust 30 and 31 $10 000.00 in prizeS. Friday Night, 7:00 p.m. — Parade. of Mach- ery. Entertainment for young and old TEEN DANCE — Jimmy Dybold and the Proverbial Knee -Hi. Saturday, 12:00 Noon — Parade AWN \ "T HORSE RACES, 4-H Competitions, Livestock Judging "The Biggest Little Fair In Ontario" If you want to see it all in one day — come early! Seven gree Vere Plakr Tueriday n1ght. tor, the, teht_ doubles teltrilalPent 4.40, tropny, Captnring *St PliZet ana the trePhY Were'Fr011g SlUS and Thelma Pale with, Urea wins, plus 21,, aggregate second, Fifth Mid -Western ROPEO Exeter Community Park Sat., August 31 8:00 p.m. under the lights Sun., Sept. 1. 2:00 p,m. AL CHERNY , and the RHYTHM PALS from the Tommy Hunter Show will appear ATURDAY George Ili1dbrand.'4)01.14-Aie X*, Wee whis• plus 16,,T4g- Ogg* ,09;•4(11741,.. Brown and Mien. .C.04_0014: two wins, • Plus la, aggregate 29; fourth, Dr. Dr,, Brady entlgetty....Ttnert two wine, plus 16;,:,ngtregate:i fifth,. Viedi Tilley and Iazel • iiiitiehrenti, two wthq" RIns. 14, aggregate .32. - A pot -luck. limOb.was served between between the second and, third games. . In g, ladies "laitted• .4eb1es tournament at Wiogliant.....last week the winners were a rink skipped by EUa Munro With , Mae Hablcirk, vice and Janet 'Ford lead. Runners up were an- other Seaforth rift 441:M4v bY Katie Phillips with Marie• Muir and -Thelma Dale. Severalladies are taking part in .4 ladies doubles in Wingli4a again this week. A local tournament may be held on Monday, Laheur/Day if enough members ar0,lnterest- ed. Would • you, plOsSe your opinion Thursday evening, weather permitting.. The Garry Buck Show from acco.Tv will be presented SUNDAY See: Bull Dogging, Brenc Rid- ing, Calf Roping, Flag and Barrel Races FIRST TIME IN ONTARIO • BRAHMA BULL RIDING CONTEST $2,500 in Prizes GENERAL ADMISSION Adults $1.50 Kids 50c BLEACHERS Adults $1.75 " Kids 75c pCOVERED GRANDSTAND Adults 400 Kids $1.00 SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH 17 SCHOOL OPENS TUESDAY SEPT. 3rd, 1968 rw,• at 10-00 a.m. All School Buses will operate over the same routes • as were • in use at the end of the last school year. 0 0 All routes will be reviewed upon completion of registration and may be revised at that time to provide maximum service. 0 0 Buses will leave Seaforth at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 3rd, and subsequently at 7:40 a.m each school morning. 0 For further Information, contact: L. P. PLUMSTEEL Principal Girls Compete - (Continued from Page 1.) have been chosen to represent the County 4-11 Homemaking Clubs. at the Fair's Junior pro- gram are: Charlene Anderson, Box 147, Lucknow; Joan Brem- ner, RR 2, BlueVale; Judy Chan- dler, RR 3, Wingham; June Fal- coner, RR 5, Clinton; Mary Lynn. Forbes, 120 Ontario St., Clin- ton; Laurel ,Hemingway, RR 3, Brussels; Anne Hardman, RR 1, Centralia; Joanne Hodgert, RR 1, Kirkton; Nancy Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Debbie 'McKinley, RR 1; • Zurich; Gwen McLean, Hensel; Angela Mary Morrissey RR 2, Crediton; Donna Ritchie, RR 3, Lucknow; Marianrie Rob- erts, RR 2, 'Kippen; Karen ftiv- ett, , RR 1, Dungannon; •Brdnda Townsend, Wroxeter; Barbara Wilkins, RR 3, Lucknow. The Zion 4-11 Homemaking Club, under Mrs. Harvey Ritchie • and Mrs. Chas. Wilkins, will 'present an exhibit "Table' Cen- tres for Different Occasions" and Miss Barbara Wilkins will, be acting as the commentator. The exhibit was shown at the Achievement Day last spring. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. TO advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. BROWNIE'S DRIVE.IN •CLINTON" Box Office Opens M 8.00 p.m. First Show At Dusk, SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIES FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THURS., FRI., SAT. August 29-30-31 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE DEVIL'S BRIGADE" Showing at 8.30 p.m. WILLIAM HOLDEN CLIFF ROBERTSON and VINCE EDWARDS True story of World War II's, First Special Force, Forerunner of The Green Berets. ' In Color — PLUS "Track of thunder" • Showing at 10.30 p.m. Action Packed With Stock 'Col, Racing Color ••Cartoon SundayAight Sept. 1 Big 3 UnifShow (Starts at Dusk) 1 —COMEDY 2—ACTION . • 3—HORROR "FITZWILLY" Dick Van Dyke — Barbara Foldon "For A Few Dollars More" Clint Eistwood - tee Van Clod "Die, Monster, Die" 'An Shows ih Color — Cartoon After Sun,' Sept. I WeekendShows Only Active At Leaders Course Huron County's recently appointed Hom e Economist, Susan Heard, clears up a difficul- ty for Mrs. Wm. Strong (left), and Mrs. Carl V anderzon at a leaders course held in the school room of First Presbyterian Church on Thursd ay and Friday diof last week. The. course was at- tended by area leaders vo will be in charge of the 4-11 junior extension program for girls this fall and winter. Miss Heard who comes from Acton, is a recent graduate of MacDonald Institute in Guelph. She holds' a degree in Bachelor of Household Science and majored in home economics. (Photo by Haley). VOTE DECEMBER 29d (COntinued from Pag 1) the proposer- and seconder of a • candidate for election by public He stated that nomination day school electors shall be a pub - in all divlslons would be Mon- lic school elector and a candi- day, November 18, with elec• date for election by separate tion day set for Monday and school supporters shall be a each municipal council in' 1968 separate school supporter. pass a by-law before November mended that ,the County 'Clerk 1, 1968, naming the ,place and. notify all municipal clerks and time of the nomination meeting all school boards in the County for trustees. with regard to the results of the action taken by County Council at this special August session. • Everett McIlwain, Goderich Township, chairman of the spe- cial coramittee, guided the leg- islation tluvugh Council and ex- plained various features when requested. Next Weekend: "COOL HAND LUKE", (Adult Entertainment), • ,. and Frank' Slititra in "The Naked Runner" At the nomination' meeting, Make Final (Continued from Page 14 of Mass in the Imaculate Con- ception Chapel, Mount St. Jos- eph Mother 'House, London, on Sunday. Those attendini were her parentsr Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. -Maloney and family of Sea - forth, Miss Doris Oesch of Var- na, John Cronin of St. Colum - ban, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mal- oney and family, Mrs. Nora Maloney and Leonard of Sea - forth, Rev. Father. Gerald Mal- oney. of -Detroit and Mr:- and Mrs. Karl Sclunitt and daughter, Kristine of Kitchener. SOCIAL EVENING In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jas. Storey on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniver- sary Seaforth Legion Hall Thurs., Aug. 29th 9:00 p.m. Relatives and Friends cordially invited No gifts please Classified Ada pay dividends: • IVIERCHANTS/- EXHIBITS SEAFORTH FALLFAIR gEPTEMBER 19 and 20 Merchants interested in obtaining space for exhibits in the Arena for the Thursday evening and Friday afternoon. shows, please contact: • •ED TAYLOR At Taylor Shoes, Seaforth, Phone 527-1890 FINAL WEEK FOR THE BERNIE EARLY SHOW Starting Monday — Bob, and Lora Lee QUEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth IINPVVOiltil' aQIINTRY TO*. 14,117PITORWM ActvandeA4iciteti$,,„ and • IN:Varna All perfOrmalves •av4lable IHatikirk Transit . Service• ;Liyillted • 527.1222.' Classified Ads pay diviidenda. CASH 4 - BINGO Legion Rall; Seaforth . POI - Friday„ A09. 30th IS- Regular 9amers. for. $10.00 . Throe 1125.00• Gantes $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Pricel (Children under 16 not perrnittitd) ADSCPSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or '7, for.$1.00 Royal Canadian Legion Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Proceeds for Welfare Work Friday Night Music by The Harburns and the Howes Saturday Night The Desjardines, BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS }Lot Turkey Sandwiches, 9-11 p.m. " • HURON HOTEL • Dublin Canada's most dynamic ,MPTUAk. FUND AMERICAN GROWTH FUND a CANADIAN Mutual Fund investing in the dynamic "Growth through Research" Industries of the United States. )Abq 20% INCOME TAX' CREDIT ON DIVIDENDS • get the facts NOW! management limited Area Representative: FRED (TED) SAVAUGE 527-1522 sEiFoRpti Attention • The drawing date for our 1939 Chev1.- has been postponed until October, due to difficulties in obtaining parts so that the car will pass the Dept. of Transport Safety Check. • Please DO NOT destroy any tickets already purchased. • Tickets may be obtained from. any Optimist member. The draw will take place at a Hallo- we'en Frolic. • Watch this paper for further details. SPONSORED BY THE SEAFORTH OPTIMIST CLUB THURS., FRI., SAT. 11000175 itigo • Watle4i; eACHNICOLOR lanti UNIVERSAL PICTURE ^ TE' August 29-3O31 1- DORIS 13AY "IIrug in HE BALLO e (2PJOSiEl TECHNICOLORS A UNlyERSAL: PICTURE Thursday is "FAMILY N IGHT"--$ 'I .25 per Verlicle SUNDAY. September 1 at 10.00 p.m. . . . TRIPLE HORROR SHOW. "EYE OF THE DEVIL" "FEARLESS VAMPIRE" "THEM" (Adult Entertainment) (Adult Entertainment). MON., TUES.,' WED.. Sept. 2-3-4 "THE SAVAGE SEVEN" Admittance Restricted To Nirsons 18 Yeart of Agri or Older • — PLUS — "House of a Thousand Dolls" • (Adult Entertainment) "GIMMICK NIGHT" Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday oming Next: "THE' LOST CONTINENT" (Adult Entertainment) Plus "VENGEANCE OF SHE"