The Huron Expositor, 1968-08-29, Page 1Whoe No, 5242-
109th Year
ide Planning
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Score Board. Records ` Perfect Shooting
Shooting against 3,185 entries from acro ss the United States and Canada, Johi Ander-
son, KipPen, was tied with three other shooters and won the shoot off with 99 out of a 100
in the Class Championship event at .Vandalia, Ohio, last week. The lower pieture shows the '
score board with one of the perfect scores — 100 out of 100 — which Mr. Anderson chalked
up during the 3.0 -day Omit
Tender for $X34,378
Huron Assessment Building
Is $44,000: Aboife...EM:imate
Huron County Council„ at a
special .session in Goderich
4 Tuesday afternoon, authorized
the Warden and Clerk to sign
, a general building contract
with Monteith -McGrath Limited,
Waterloo, to erect a' new coun-
ty assessment building at a stip-
ulated sum of 4115,365, plus ex- •
tra costs of $19,013 for a total
of $134,378.
• The two-storey structure will
be built on county -owned prop-
erty adjacent to the County
Gaol in Goderich. Work will
start this fall.
Originally, four- general con-
tractors submitted the follow-
ing bids: Montheith-McGrath,
Waterloo, $139,501;- B.effling-
hand Construction' Co. Limited,
Goderich, $151,798; Dietrieh and
Koehler; Waterloo, $157,'765;
Logan Construction, Stratford,
The Property committee met
and authozized the architect,
Don Snider, of Huget and Snid-
er, Waterloo, to interview the
low bidder in . connection With
the building to try and arrive
-at a lower' contract figure. As a
result, the conamittee agreed to
certain ,changes .in foundation
and exterior trim 'which mould
result in a decrease of, $7,986.
The "extras" totalling 419,-
013 'comprise: air conditioning,
$6,800; paving, $2,850; -landscap-
ing $500; architeet fees, J8463;
audit and iegEd fees, OW
The property committee re-
port carried on a recorded div-
ision of 31.8, • tlibte Voting
against being Carl Dalton and
W. I., Cuthill,' Seatirth; James
Armstrong and Gordon Lawson,
Clinton; j. P. Alexander, Wing
ham; Borden Cook, Myth; Mg,
Flynn, Ilullett; and Xenneth
Stewart, MelelloP.
The new building will provide
space for the County Assess-
ment Department and future ex -
, Margaret Van IVI0e, R. It. .3
Seaforth ban been 'successful-
- WintIng. a second Ptize
opted; a fly* seeesseor kit; in
the find Of the,.iSerties ef Blo-
m SUMMMI Wet, 061#04.'
She IS the daUghtet, o .
and Mrs, Ted Van Dyke.
A „Anther second pritie
norbii the first • contest *Ile
*Self Dols 851 Carling. St.
pension "Of, other county depart-
Harry Worsell, Goderich, eom-
mittee clairman, presented the
Elgin Thompson, Tucke,rsmith
, Who acted as chairman for dis-
cussion in committee of the
whole council, asked Clerk -
Treasurer J. G. Berry What the
building might be used for.
Mr. Berry replied that the
new County Planning Board
would need space in the Coun-
ty House proper, then other of-
fices might be moved there The
entire ground floor will be oc-
cupied by the Assessment De-,
partment making • the secand
floor available for the above
Carl Dalton, Seaforth, recal-
led that when council decided
at the June session to go ahead
with the new building, the esti-
mated cost provided was about
$90,000 whereas the present
figure was about 50 percent
Kenneth Stewart, 1VIcKtillop,
also stressed this great •clibari-
ty between eitimated cost and
actual cost, and as far as could
be seen the. ultimate cost might
reach $175,000 or over, with ex-
tras that might crop up . from
time t� time.
"Aren't we entitled to some
firm answer for this increase of
$40,000," he asked.
Den Snider, the architect,
fielded this quIstion by stating
that the only answer was that
the sub -trade prices on..the con-
tract were higher than the gen-
eral contractor thought they
would be. "I think the building
will he just Tight .for the p r -
„..poses for which it is intended,"
he added.
Wilmer Hardy, 'Colborne, ask-
ed if the time of year might
make some differenee in con-
tract prices. In the busiest con-
struction season; prices seem-
ed to be higher.
Mr .Snider replied that if the
contract was re -tendered later
In the year, the price might
change, but he felt that the fall
was a good time to start as the
building could be completely
enclosed before ,bad Weather ar-
Boy V. Pattison, East Wawan-
osh, thought the longer you
waited, the mOre eXpensive it
-would be. ..
Clarence Boyle, Exeter, point-
ed ant that the new building
would provide for extra expert -
Sion. _
Clifford Duahafrareyi stated
that in 1982, When a new build -
WO was ProPOSed, at an eatlinat.
ed cost of $200,000, it Wah turn.
down. Construction costs
Were not thistle get any cheap-
er. •
The Property committee re-
ported awarding the contract for
installing two new boilers in
the Court House to Percy Clark,
Winghara, at $8,650 after re-
vised tenders were called when
the first were too high.
Work- on the Court House
walls will be deferred until
1969. In both cases, the Depart-
ment of Public Works feels'
that this does not come under
its .jurisdiction.
The Department of Public
Works las reported rentals to
be received by Huron County
for administration of justice:
County Jail, $14,000 per year
plus 86 percent of maintenance
costs for jail and Children's Aid
offices combined; our House
$13;000 per year plus 49 per-
cent of maintenance costs; Reg-
istry Office,' approximately $3,-
000 per y'ear plus 100 ,'percent„
maintenance costs, to be In-
creased later to $3,900-pgr,,an-
num phis 100 percent rnaintenr-
mice cost. if the Province de-
cides to take over the building.
f New Schopl Unifs
Huron County Council, at a - sented by the Ontario govern.
special session ,Goderich „meat.
. Tuesday afternoon, reeeivedAer, Council adopted the report of.:a .special Moimnitteoi.,4ind passed a by-law setting un
appointed at the arch session': a County School Board which
to study and report on the*. will consist of 14 representatives
tablishing of school' divisions made up of 13 public school
for county PurpeSeS:in accord- supporters and one separate
ance with new legislature pre- - school supporter.
• • • -6n the basis of this repre-
sentation, the committee recom-
mended he following school
diviaions with total equalized
assessment for each division,
number of representatives and
the.municipality responsible for
, the nomination meeting: '
1. Stephen, Exeter, Usborne;
$3093,233; one representative;
Stephen responsible;
2. Hay, Zurich, Hensall; $15,-
864,641; one representative;
Hay responsible;
3. Tuckersmith, Seaforth,
Stanley, Bayfield; $29,680,547;
two representatives; Stanley re-
4. Town of Goderich; $18,070,-
729; one representative; Gode-
rich responsible;
5. Brussels, Morris, Grey; 0.8,-
811,629; one representative;
Grey responsible;
6. Turnberry, Howick; $17,-
254,515; one representative;
HoWick responsible;
7. Ashfield, West Wawanosh;
$14,856,751; one representative;
Ashfield responsible;
8. Wingham, East Wawanosh;
$14,709,321; one representative;
Wingham responsible;
9. Goderich Township, Col-
borne; $16,992,807; one repre-
sentative; p•oderich Township
10. Clinton, Hullett, McKillop,
Blyth; $26,135,088; two repre-
sentatives; Hullett responsible;
1.4. Separate Schools; one rep-
resentative; Hay Township res-
Total equalized assessment of
the County of Huron is $206,-
367,161, according to the com-
mittee report.
The committee further reCom-
(Continued) an Page ,6)
Meeting •
Plans for fall activities of .
the Seaforth Chamber of Com- .
pierce were advanced at a meet- •
ing of the executive Tuesday
The president, Mrs. Jean Hen-
'derson, said the next dinner
meeting was scheduled for Tues-
day, September 24 in the Leg-
ion Hall when Dr. J. W. Church,
the president of Conestoga Col-
lege would speak. Details for
the event are being worked out
by a committee of Clair Camp- -
bell and D. Sills. •,
Reporting for the civic im-
provement committee, Cliff
Broadfoot said that nine bas.
kets of flowers of the 16 plac-
ed on Main Street light stan-
dards had been stolen. Of this
number five had been rec. over -
ed leaving four still missing.
Most of the thefts occurred dur-
ing the July 1 Centennial ceIe.
bration although one basket on
a standard at the south end of
the street disappeared last
' The meeting agreed the cam-
mittee should encourage the re-
moval of Centennial banners
along the street since they were
becoming badly frayed. Prelim-
inary planning for a -Christmas
program Was discussed and it
was agreed to review the need
• for additional decorative street
lighting and to sponsor a con-
test for best decorated homes.
Mrs. Henderson said the or-
ganization would sponsor a
booth at Seaforth Fall Fair as
well as co-ordinate the merch-
ants display area in the arena.
Rev. Sister M. Ann Clare_
(Margaret Maloney) of Holy Res-
ary Convent, Windsor, Ontario,
made her final vows at a cere-
mony of Religious Professidig at
the offertory of Iloly Sacrifice
(Continued on Page 6)
Richard Shantz, 18, RR 3,
Zurich, was the driver of a
dump -truck involved in a
000 accident on Highway 8
about four miles west of Sea -
forth Thursday morning.
The truck owned by E. ,W.
Shanti- and 'Soils was carrying
nine tons of asphalt when a
wheel fell off. The vehicle
crashed through a guard rail
nd rolled down an enibank-
%Ire -Shantz was treated for a
broken nose and released ,
Seaforth Corinnunity
Goderich OPP investigated
the accident. •
By a recorded vote of 34-5,
Huron", ,County Council, at a
special • session in Goderich
• Tuesday . afternoon, decided to
request the Minister of
pal AffairS to dettua,the Conn.
ty of I'Inron as A, planning area
and 'set up a Planning Board to
consist of eleven • members
comptising the Wardett, or ap-
- pointeei five other members of
County Council and five per,
.00 AlrePiL Mran'
sons who are not cotzEtelllora.
Regarding cost, in reply to a
query by J. P. Alexander, Wing -
ham, Clerk -Treasurer J G. Ben
ry stated that the initial expen-
would be in 'engaging
consultants, 00.000, let the ini-
tial survey over a period' of
two years, or $30,000 per year.
The major expenditure VW in
engaging consultants, he point-
ed out.
Good Enough To Eat
The beef was roasted to perfection as Harold Pryee (left)
and Ken Moore watched over the detail Involved in prepar-
ing for the Seaforth Agricultural Society beef barbeque on
'Saturday. Hot weather cut down attendance at 4he event.
(Staff photo).
Plans Underway
For 123rd Fall Fair
As a preliminary to Seaforth's
123rd annual fall fair, directors
last week sponsored a beef bar-
beque at the arena.
Despite the attraction of deli-
cious beef cooked to precision
by members of the committee,
the event just couldn't compete
with the nearly 100 degree heat
that existed throughout Satur- '
day and as a result the attend-
ance was less than had been ex-
pected. .
When all proceeds are in
there will be a smell profit dir-
ectors said:
With the fair set for Septem-
ber .3,9 and 20, less than three
weeks away, detailed planning
' for the event is well advanced
acebrding to officials. The fair '
this year- will be opened by
Steve Strothers, Huron's first
•- agricultural representative.
('• Changes in arrangements ,in
• the - arena will result in the
stage being centredalong the
Narrow Escape For Dublin Young' People
Whdh a car and a large truck trailer were involved in
an accident on No. 8 Highway, east of town, Friday at noon,
seven Dublin young people had a narrow egeilpe from Serious
injury. The acoldent occurred behtteett the entrance to the
Lions Park and Silver Creek bridge. The badly damaged ear
• came to rest' on, the ,highway at the ,east side of the bridge
" While the truck, leaded with an asphalt paving machine, stop-
ped on, the liridge, Seaforth Polite Chief Gordon Miley, go-
. trig into the hospital as the accident occurredl directed traffic
until arrival of the Goderich OPP who investigated. Driver of
the ear Was Jeanne Coettler, 18. With her were her brothers;
Thothas, 14, and Sttven, 9; a sister, Pauline, 12; and cousins
Donald and Gary Looby, both 14 and Cynthia Looby, 8. The
truck; driven by William MacGinnis, 25, of Ingersoll, was own-
ed by T. G. IlaMmond Ltd., St. Marys. The children were on
their .way for a swimming Maim
south side. Ed Taylor, who is
handling space rentals for mer-
chants and manufacturers .dis-
plays in the arena, on behalf of
the Chamber of Commerce, said
there is a ready demand for
space has been the case
in recent years a number of
late corners may likely find
there is no accompuidation left
for them.
Work of -replacing -the arena
roof which was authorized by
the arena committee some time
ago is to get underway next
week so that ' all will be in
readiness for the fair. The new
roof will eliminate complaint
• of exhibitors resulting from
• water damage should there be
rain on fair days.
This year the fair board will
spotisor a cabaret style dance
• on Saturday night, September
21, rather than the usual dance
on Friday night. Reservations
Or tables are now being ac-
cepted by the conunittee.
B. A. 00.ouon of the Otario
Departinent ot'.-MunielPal;
fairs who has advised. Ur- In-
dustrial and Tourism -Commit-
tee over a, oeriodof several
months, expressed his opinion
that linren C094W'S approach
to planning was reasonable pm,
pared to other places. He stres-
sed that the Planning Board
would not be taking over the
function of Councils but would
be an advis' ory body only.
He form/ that , after 00 or
three years, a permanent offic-
ial would be necessary to • dir-
ect the Planning Board's activi-
Those who voted against the
committee's recommendation*
were: Clifford R. Dunbar, Grey;
William J. Elston, Morris;- Hugh
Flynn, Hullett; Harold Robin-
son, liowick; Borden Cook, of
H. B. Such, Goderich, chair-
man of the Industrial and Toile
ism committee, outlined the
steps which had been taken
prier to presentation of the re-
• port. He pointed out that the
following planning areas and
boards would continue as .sub-
sidiaries within the County of
Huron Planning Area: Clinton,
Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth and
Huron County Library Board
will be permitted to contact
each of the municipalities con-
cerned with the suggestion that
as of, January 1, 1969, a rental
arrangement be made in lieu
of the present maintenance pro-
gram of local libraries.
-Frank McFadden, Bayfield,
• chairman of the County Library
Board, submitted this proposal
at a special session of Huron
County Council inGoderich
Tuesday afternoon. -
The Board enunciated that
the main function of the COun-
tY Library Board is the distri-
bution of boas and the increase
of circulation throughout the
Mr. McFadden pointed out
that the Board finds itself be-
chming more involved in the
matters of the maintenance of
library buildings in local mun-
icipalities with less time to
spend on books. Not only is the
Board in the position of not
being fully familiar with the
buildings but has no one to in-
spect and report the conditions
relative thereto.
"The Board, therefore, has
• come to the conclusion that a
more logical approach to the
situation would be for each of
the local municipalities concern-
ed to retain the perrogative of
maintaining their own build-
ings, and in lieu of this, charg-
ing the County Library Board
a straight rental fee." he said.
"This change would retain the
interest at the local level in
their own library and would
permit the county library board
to establish a more rigid bud-
get relative to actual operations
at the county level.
Shot in Seaforth,
Skunk Is Rabid
A skunk shot on Goderich
Street West early last week has
been found to have been rabid
Girls to
At Fair
Fall time is, fair time. This
year, Western Pair is to be
held in London from Septem-
ber 6th to September 14th.
Huron County will be repre-
sented in the 4-H Homemaking
Club program which takes
place on Friday, September 13th
in the Theatre, Confederation
Building. The program will in-
clude quizzes related to cloth-
ing co-ordination and foods and
,nutrition as well as discusSions
on money management. The
guest speaker for the morning
program will be Meg Daniels,
a fashion model front London.
The afternoon session will fea-
ture exhibits skits and demon-
strations chosen from .Western
Ontario Aehieveinent bays.
* Girls from Iluton County who
(dontinued on Page 6)
according to Dr. M. K. Clugs-
ton, acting sub -district veterin-
arian at the health of animals
office here.
The skunk was shot by Sea -
forth Police Chief Gordon Hul-
ley after a resident had report-
ed an unfortunate encounter
with the animal. Fortunately
the only contact during the en-
counter was by way of smell
Dr. Clugston said and as a re-
sult there will be no need of
anti -rabies injections.
Dr. Clugston said the fact a
rabid animal had been fond in
the midst of town pointed up
the netessity of citizens in
.lown taking particular care to
warn children to avoid strange
animals and, report' , any ant,
mals which appear to be acting
Smile of the Week
The young man was obvious-
ly embarrassed. Ile explainell
haltingly, "I'm supposed to bring
hone either a casserole or a
camisole. 1 - can't reatereher
"Weft," said the sterekieper,
"that deperidi' On Whether the
chicken ie dead or !alive,"