HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-08-22, Page 11i. 4 USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Everitt! 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities . 6. Teaehers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farrn Stoek For Sale 9. Poultry) For Sale 10. Used Car S For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Pepperty Wanted 19. Notices 20Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages • Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and al* breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 minimum 65c. Classifica- tions 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2e per word, minimum $1.15. All other clasSifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. For cash payment or if paid within 10 days - following last insertion, 15 CENTS deducted from above !°- 1. Coming Events - LORA. euchre dates, Septearber 20th, . October 21st, November lath. 1.41-1 .LA Seaforth Fall Fair &nee, Saturday September, 21st, Re- serve your table, early. Seaforth Fall Fair, Septetiuberr 19th and 20th. 'IL -39-3 AMIDE bus to. CNE, Satur- day August 24th. Sit front and centre at the grandstand extra. vaganza. BUS fare„ grounds entrance, grandstan.d ticket, one low price. Phone Miller Motors 527-1410. 1475 $50,75 will take you to Mon- treal and return, give you two passes to Man and His World and three nights lodging down town. Reserve a seat now for Labor Day - week end.. Habkirk Transit Service Limited, phone 527-1222. 1-394 FIFTH- Mid -Western Rodeo, El -T- eter Community Park, Sature day Aligns': .31. at 8 pm. Sundlay, September 1st it 2 pea. Al Cheer- ney and the Rythm Pals. Garry Buck Show, brene riding, bull dogging,eaces, $2500 in prizes, Admission, adults $150, Kids .50c 1-414 2. Lost, Strayed wirrE. Kitten witt! eree snots, part Per•stan, Since Tuesday last. Please return to Yvonne Muegge, Phone. 527-0862. 2414 Help 'Wanted - MAN to work on tile ma hine. Reg Chappel, Staffa 87). 4-41x1 • _ YOUNG man mechanigally incl. ined to work on trench machine, W. ' G. Campbell, Seaforth 527- 0452 or W. B. Campbell. 527-1775. 4-41-1 DEPENDABLE lady wanted by elderly couple, foe housekeep- ing full or part time. Apply to box 1761. Huron Expositor. 4-414 • YOUNG men willing to learn all phases of a farm equipment bus- iness. Good working conditions Benefits and wages Marlen Vincent Vincent Farm Equipment, (for- merly John Bach). Phone 52/7- 0120. 4-41-1 WOMEN ° Christmas selling starts early with Avon Cosmetics, part or full tinie,valuable sales territory now available. Write or call: • Mrs: M. Millson AVON MANAGER 17 Hawkesbury Ave., Londini*Ontario phone 451-0541. 441-1 OUT OF WORK? Melb and women are required Boon for processing men and cartots. For further details look for the display adrvertisement in this isms or: Phone 519-235-2445 CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED PLANT NO. 51. EXETER ONTARIO 4-40-8 HELP WANTED Female Machine • Operators' Fringfe benefits - 2 weeks analtal ItolidayS, paid statttatory iholtdaya, grant bentrante, Pen- sion plan, time and a half for over time. HIGHLAND SHOES SEAFOR'171 , 440-2 4. Help Wanted . war= Wenien reqtteed for part time work id ottioe Of See,. forth Coineauelity Heenital. Pee). ferenee will be given to a per. Sall with elericel, experience and who has had experience in deal- ing with the public. Please apply in writing to the Adiroinistrator Seaforth Controunity: Hospital Seaforth Ontario. 441:2 HMV'S YOUR Y TO A BIG INCOME - MAIL TODAY THE W.. T. RAWL.EIGH CO. , LTD., DEPT. 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.Q. Gentlemen; Ir an interested the%.vorld famous Raveleigh Line on a ( ) part -time basis ( ) fulletbne basis ( ) Please send me FREE Cook Book andcatalog with full details. NAME Address CITY PROV 4-41-1 •4ituqtions Wanted WOULD like a job in a store. Have some typing and book- keeping experience. Box 1.760 Huron Expositor 741x1 WlLL-clet baby- Tailing in my home,. Phone Mrs. Sas eNairn 527-0428. 7-41-2 s. Farm Stock For Sale _ YORK hog, 6 months old, Jack Patrick, Phone 527-0047 8414 _ _ TWENTY three -started pigTs. mold Jamieson, 482-9828. 8-41x1 _ _ _ PLOUGH colter between Lot 7, eon 7 Tuckersinith and Eganond- ville. Jack Patrick Ph.one 527- 0047. • 8-414 YORKSHIRE boars ready for: service from dam with score of 78.8 - 151 days maturity,253 lbs. feed conversion, sire • qUalified, with parents classified excellent. Mac View Farms 638-2453 Dray- ton Ontario. 8-41-2 • 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Ohl and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY • FARMS. LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-38-ff 6 ”r4 ee,re For Sale 1959 Chrysler, New Water, 413 cu. inch new tires.. 900x14, best offer, iphorke 527-1944.• ! 10-41x1 1964 Rarnibler, model 550: good condition, Phone 527-0743. " •10-41x1 _ 1963-Clierviilet Impala 4 door hardtop, power sterering, power heeepe. expellent condition Ap ply Bruce Walters 544 Tenth St, Hanover. Phone 364E358. . 10-41x1 1.1 Articles For Sale Phone 527-1813. 11-41x1 PIANO, in good condition Phone 523-42V 'afterd 6 p.m. 1141-1 FOUR -Collie °pups. Phone 345- 2948. 11-41x1 CRUSHED gravel. delivered or lt the nit. john Thompson Phone 527-0238. • 11-38-tf 110 Volt, :Weed Chopper electric fencers, guaranteed. Alvin Beu- errnen, Phone 345-2306. 11-3941 •CRYSTAL • We have open stock of the following crystal patterns: Cross and 0/ive - $1.00 each Pinwheel $1.00 each Flair $1.50 each Exquisite $2.25- each Cornflower at Regular Prices 10% Discount on, Complete Sets Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-38-tf FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systems and • farm line needs. PHONE 482-9561 17 RattenburY Street, CLINTON .--nProttctly 'We Sereice Canadian" what we sell" RUSS ARCHER, Manager 11-3842 • COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter Size, 25e each. The Huron Expositor • 11-29-tf ENGLISH DINNERWARE 50 pieee sets of 8 Only $29.95 At Anstett Jewellers Ltd. OVer 40 patterns to chorosia tram 11-884f 11 Articles For Sale. 14. Property For Sale TIMEX WATCHES DRUG atcio Irtallog and or nerehandise in stock of MID AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-38-tf PIANOS and orgnns, new and reconditioned, largest va- riety to cheese frorn, We ser- vice evhat we pelt for our ens: tourers to the highest degree of accuracy. See yeur Sher- lock- Manning dtaler for this area and get a truly fine in- strument. Many makes and modelat Garnet Farrier's s:hoevr!ooras at Whitechurch. Phone 357-2068. 11-3441 , STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWARE . Sets. of 6 from $10.95 up Sets of 8 "from $13.95 up At Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-38-tf FOUR tires, and tubes 8251c20-, ten ply, Phillips ?3,ros, 1141e1 NEED COPIES?? . We will make) copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, "25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-294 TWO pups, part Terrier, part Spaniel, 7weeks old 527-0264. 11-41-1 INTERNATIONAL -trail type 3 furrow plow on rubber, in ex- cellent condition 345-2198 Ron Beemermart R.R.1 Dublin 11414 ONE wheel met:or-driven cult: Water with, lawnmower attach- ment. Two verY old scultivators with wheel. One girls C.C.M. bicycle with 28 inch wheelsk phone 5274082 after 5 p.m. e• 11414 TWO row Ford -Forage Harvester veth attachments, has harvested 70' acres, !also Sweet Com for sale 52774216. Andrew Crozier, R R.. 2 Seaforth. 1141xl1 FRESH picked green corn and other ' vegetables, call evening.' and week ends. Ambrose Addley, Kinburn. • 11-41x3 HEAVY -duty ,MiiTtiatt electric range. Can be seen from 1 p.m. to 5 pen. -Charles Stimore, 50 Goderich Street East upstairs. 11-41x1, the WO Woolk-13, 6;414 DP* 401 00041et 011atWterd Shepherd and Mill Solicitors for the FAA* nrusvois 129 or Ms R. SrniTh, razu0se1ta 146J, 14-441r1 SMALL BUSINESS LOCATION Searforth shopping aria- Eal- oellent for an Office or a Yaling man starting * business. BUM - 'lug is in good shape with plenty ef space for parking. WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN SEAFORTH .GEO. R. JOHNSTON • REAL EST ATE LTD - Broker 14414 , MODEL 40 .Oliv)er SP combine, 10 ft head with spike tooth Cylinder; RIC 3P11, 3 furrow plough; Oliver 3 furrow trail plough; Case 4 furrow ' trail •-! plough: •also slow movieeleehiele„ signs!. Jim Chalmers R. R. 2 Kip: pen. Phone Seaforth 527-0205. 1.141-2 ONE used Maurer -6 -row bean puller, -good shape; Innes 6 row bean winciroever, never used. Clarence McDougall R. R. 3 Mit- chell 345-2376 or Warren lIffeDeg- Igall 348-8259, 1141-1 NEW bean knives for all types • of bean pullers. Basil O'Rourke, 13race-field, Phew 482-9131. 1141-6 • NEED COPIES?? We will make copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c ea ch. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-204f See Our Large Selection Of Pierced Eaerings 140w at 1/2 price, Anstett Jewellers Ltd." 11-40-tf UCAED oil space heater. Phone 5274404. , 11414 KAI-IN piano, in -good condition, walnut frame, reasonably priced. 'Phone 5074762 11-42-2 12 Wqrlte(1 To . RuIT WATER SPantell puppie. 527-0884 1241-1 0NT-A,1110 feed barley, Phone 345-2318. • - 1241.-1 14. Property For S -ale FRAME house in Hensalt, 3 bed- rooms upstairs, built in eup boards, 8 piece bath, a modem oil furnace, new 100 Amp Ser- vice!. Phone 236-4611. Zurich. 14-40-2 TIMEE bedroom house in Seaforth, living room, dining room ocanbinationt Third bed- room being used as dining room. , Carport, remotion room storage laundry and fruit cellar and shop, new brondlorem Past six months, large lot, excellent loc- ation, weit landscaped. Existing mortgage -at 0e4%. for appoint - flint call George MaelLwaln 527- 08'771 , 14-41x2 - - NINVTY eight , aatieS balding 80 8,01MS,worksIge, balance bush, on the mperty n 50081e81e& grain bin! Ldnitted ha North Stanley TOWnishiP. Phone 482, 9260. 14400 15. Property For Rent' MODERN four bedrr000n oil furnace, poseeesion.Septemb- er list. Phone. 2625500 15-41i1 i1Eboomhouseni Sal; forth available beginning • cd September. Phone 527-0091. 15411 ONE blideciom-TaPanlident IP Sea - forth by October 1st. Phone 527-0224. • 114112 TRAVEL trailer, sleeps 6, com- plete kitchen, available by day week or month. Gerald's Super. test, phone 527-1010, Seaforth. 15-38-tf .19: Notices • - PAINTING, repairing, small odd jobs, phone 527-1994. 19-41x1 PIANO - and Theory lessons taught in my home Paul Horan, Phone 345-2073 19421e MARRIOTT BROS. PAINTING Phone 345-2063 Dublin,, • Ontario 1p414 • NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone Seaforth 527-0635 or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone "345-2549 Dublin call colt - etc. 19-384' IVAN 'RAPIEN ° BACKHOEING LOADING and LEVELLING Sand Grave] Topsoil flawling Phone 345-2557. RR1 Bornhelm, Ontario Township of Hiblert-r Notice of Meeting to Consider • ByrLaw Take Notice that a By -Law for raising $150,000.00 under the provision of the Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into consider - elan by the Council of the Town. ship of Hibbert, 'County of Perth, !at the, Hibbert Township Staffa, on Monday the 16th day of September, 1968 at the hour of 8.30 o'cloek in the evening. Anne Burchill, Clerk. •! 19-40-3 MALONEY BROS. _Concrete Work ATTENTION FARMERS Cement --barn, ,c) yards, place your order new reasonable rates All types of foundation and floors, For free esetimates phone Dublin 345-2964. 19-37-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED " Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2, Brussels, phone 442-W-6 or HAROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-384f SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work Write or call Har- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- 1406. • 19-3841 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE Alt , "'guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth 19-38-tf CONCRETE WORK No job ton big, no job too Alga post hole digging and fencing. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Phone LOUIS MALONEY 52'74351. 19 -38 -ft • DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Please Call Promptly MARLATT EROS. Phone 133 - )3eussels, Ont. 24 hour service -1 daYs a week LICENSE NO, 890-065 • 19-384f ID. Notices 20. Auction ' SAO(' ELEMEOLITX Canada, MA Xibriilleet** 'r ' Sales and Service, authorized ramp .mcgism dealer Alvin Riley; 153 Light, ' Anetkerreer lionse St., Goderich, phone 524- . 20404 6514. 19-384f .. ESTATE Jewellery Repairs • We do all types of jewellery repairs. ° Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 19-3841 INSURANCE Farm package, fire, _wthdr machinery and livestock floater. Opposite dwelling all. wit, Menial rates for new eonstruc- bon, farm personnel aeetdent, also your income protected should you be injured by car aecidient If your present inimranee is not complete, or contemplating oe rematching a home, or require additional coverage, give us a call, I will :gladly dismiss this with you. n, Representing Western Muthal Ins. Co., Woodstock, MeKiiop Mutual Fine his. Co., seeorth. Our rates are attractive. V. J. LANE GENERAL INSURANCE RR5, .Seaforth, phone $45-2716. 19-384f 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of househcild effects in the village of Egmondville on: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28th • at 1 p.m. • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 2 piece chesterfield suite; piano and bench (good „condition); 9 -piece .wahruit. dinhag room suite; occasional chair and !ottoman; 3 walnut living room • tables; book shelves; 4 mixeors; R, C. A. 21 inch, television; pictures; number of water colours; coffee table; 3 beds; springs; mattres- ses; maple chest ,of drawers with mirror; Pine Anticpie Bureau; washstand; dressing • table; scatter mats; rugs 9x12; fire screen , andirons; books orna- ments; antique cherry counter top desk; pine glass' cupboard; Victrola cabinet; violin; cherry. drop leaf table; kitchen chairs; library- table; captairVs chair; 2 antique chairs; day bed; porch furniture; 2 54 -inch venetian 'blinds; china cups and saucers; crystal; brass; vases; anitimie clock; electric clock; toilet set; wall plaques; silver -Ware; glasses; MeClarys Frigidaire; electric heaters; washing machine; elect. rical appliances; Sunbeam mix - master and juicer; ' ironing board; wash tub and stand; sea- lers; 'mocks; table linen; bed- ding. TERMS CASH . .. MRS. W. J. FINNIGAN , AUCTIOW SALE x.11 the te, sosforit Too, Street en: • ••• l ! . • • SATURDAY AUGUST Mit .art pen. , HOUSEHOLD E F F E.0 T - Chesterfield andtechair; 4 up- holstered oecps1on4 oat% foot stools; coffee table; 01.'inich Admiral!' . teltvielelx. • MirroXlsi eleetrieetaraps; twilight tamp; deesser lamps; Duncan PhYfe table; 2 chairs; -walnut buffet; ' studio couch .011re neve); Blonde Bedroom suite (new); deesser; chest drawers; Win/eh. bed with book ease • bead • board; schlep_ -br* boorrOnf: iron bed; walnut bedroom aul'2 vanitlee; beneh; mares war:limb% bed springs; mattresses; bedside tables; end tables; corner cab- inetedvalnut chest of ..draWers; aratiquP Orgen stool; ball, ma; 2 Card. tableS; hpll treeS; AO tables;' vacinine cleaner; nisei =TO fIv)eePer: kitchen table and chairs); frigiclaire; 4 burner electric. etov,e; utility table; kitelten utemOrls; di:Sties; mane - ends; bedding:, table linen; Easy washing machine; mules; copper boiler; scatter mats; rugs 9t12 and 6a8; garden tools; 1956 Plymouth Sedan car good tires, new 'battery. , TERMS - CASH prop. 'Estate of late Russel. Sproat. • e• HAROLD JACKSON • Auctioneer MEI, GRAHAM Olerk 20-40-2 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS S‘eal. ed tenders will be received by the Township of Stanley un- til August 30th, 1968 for several lake lots, also one block of land approximately 450 x 300 ft. in the Township of Stanley on the shore of Lake Huron. Highest or any tender not, necessarily ac- cepted. Tender forms and \in- formation may be obtained from the undersigned. TOWN -SHIP OF STANLEY Clerk MEL GRAHAM R. R. 1, Brucefield. • 21-40,2 TENDERS INVITED For supplies and services re- quired by Seaforth Community Hospital as follows: JASe DID YOU KNOW THOSE NEW PEOPLE OVER 'TAG. ROAD PIRST MET ON A COMPUT DATE ? YES.. AND IT'S. A , 'TERRIBLE MISMATCH: 21. Tenders ' 1. k-VgL OIL For the provision ef "edfuel: oil in Malt trhcic %91114.0e 004047 1,11:00 Ions, Ammoximiatel,y 0,00 ggiom requi40, Pco '#043.44n3, .500las lieatto4- fuel, gravmty API, At 69 degreee, 16.0. 4,0. Fliaat 10Q PiiMtnnone Vitseosite 40.0° - 000 SUat 1OQ - aegre*61.• - Sul* ea.11;*iiil 94414:1442.5''o.POW Pond maIdeaUva) 50 de - Mee FliT. Water :and Pediment .75% max. BTU178,000. Ash !content % maximent 0.19, , • 2. SNOW REMOVAL • For noceeeery MOW plOW1*, snow renewal, snow le:lowing!, and. sanding, n8a00., Pg9.1490 front titne ..1,4A0.,qA reacip.."fit Seeforlie.opoof#0.4.,ITOPIW ard enfietiit6nr ' . lendieets to indicate equip- ment to be veal and trate per mem jerehenee• neoess.ary oper- ation for each unit. 3. GARBAGE DISPOS-, AL For the removal en& dispos- al of accumulated web and dry garbage at intervals a not more than 24 hours • Further infeneation cencene ing any of the tender, eequire- meets maybe obtained from the u tidersigned. Individual sealed tenders Cov- ering each of the re!!quirements• and on whieh is to be indicated the particular requirement of the tender, ie. "No. 3 garbage disposal" may be submitted to the 'Undersigned on or before 12 o'clock noon September 7 1968. The lowest or ally tender not neeeeearily accepted., , GORDON McKENZIE , ADMINISTRATOR Seaforth Community - •Hospital • 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH COUNTY OF HURON TO 'WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and seal of the said emporation bearing date the 2nd day of. Jan- uary, 1968, sale of land in ar- rears pf taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Council Chambers at, the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on W-ednesday the 6th day of November, 1968, -Unless the tax- es and cost are sooner paid. Not- inc is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the Ont- ario Gazette on the 6th day of July 1968 and that copies of. the said list may be at my office. 7 of Ernest "Virfiliaras, Clerk, -- • - • • ' 23. Bilsjfiess nDirectory kaegoneer and Appraiser 4/ceased and esPei/0 1rt. tIos all types, of auction eaiest ° Reasonable Bates. Brile# TIrucefiel4 Phone 40=04 AUCtI0 •"NDii }ii gr,;°E.%. Plione 3i7-24ESr Mekton A.M iflARFER Chartered Accountant 55-57 69,otlA Street TeleOhon, • Goderick 524-7562,' RONALD G. McMi Public Accountant' Office; Ratten011.bury0WrsAllIt. pho000A, Res; RattenburYSt" Ph°1111 ,448s29 21763:' MeCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCOLINFILL, Q.C. , D. I. STEWART • Seaforth, Ont. Phone°527-0850 • G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME' Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds fo- r. rent.. - , FLOWERS FOR EVERY • OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth W: -J. CLEARY Seaforth, Otter* LICENSED EMBAIIMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR *right or Day Calls - 527-0510 SEAFORTII VETERINARY 'CLINIC , T. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S: W. R. Bryans, W. EL Patterson, D.V.M., VS. P. S. Dwyer, 31.V.B., M.R.C.V.S. - • Phone 527-1760 - Seafortb Additional Classified SEE PAGE 12 'T I -I AT'S AN OUTDATED STATUS SYMBOL'. STEAMBOAT SPR(465 15 DR1\1114 MY CAR TODA'i. HES NR1/414To RoAD-RACING ticIT EAVs WON ALL 14E."gIC D521 1i2qCK ‘iEt‘ITS wiss-r MODIFICATIONS LtKE QS TO MPgE ON CAR,STEAMQOAT? "NM& ALL C141 TAKET-tosE MIRI201).$ off. AH'N't NOT APT To CA'RE MtIckiwitds RAMAN' ZEIIIND ME! rr's 718JUMPING cOR FUN TIME • v v/ OCV Et4130", Ocoi,AN' It,1 VA RN lyousar:075,RA ;c„..TC:\ANEf.), l E IG\1 111,101!)7I Spols,ip,c073, 1.. • '1,90 6rr • 0: , >ELF COOT,;1'‘;:°1:1 THE MUSes BAD 5No0G14 BUT HOW CAN YOU GUN!) THAI At4N00NcER? HE's EVEN R2At\l'Itc ASoOT TIME IT IS , Zeeeete ezeee RINN1 Ho' i DAMN( CA14 "FIGA12,, %NOW:. 0 71-1AT BOT NeVER kARS A11 -11N16 TSAI 4,0 0.*